1s 8.3 zup external printing form. Adding an external printing form to the database. Writing a request for a printed handicap

External printed forms for a regular application (for the configuration Enterprise Accounting 2.0, Salary and Human Resources Management 2.5, Trade Management 10.3, etc.) are created quite simply compared to external printed forms for a managed application.

Why create external printing forms?

Advantage of external printed form compared to the usual one in that it allows you to avoid changing the configuration of the infobase. This means that the process of subsequent configuration updates will not be complicated. In addition, external printed forms, along with external processing, are the only option for expanding the functionality of basic versions of 1C configurations, which cannot be changed at all.

And one last thing: external printed forms are easier to replicate, because they are a separate file that can be quickly connected to information base.

How to create an external printing form

Let's look at the process of creating an external 1C printed form step by step:

  1. We create external processing. To do this, select the menu item in the configurator File - New... And in the dialog box that opens - External processing.
  2. Create an external processing attribute with the name Object Reference. Attribute type is a link to a directory or document for which an external printed form is being created. The same form can be used for several types of objects, in this case the attribute data type Object Reference must be composite.
  3. In the object module we create an export function with the name Seal, which should return a ready-made printed spreadsheet document.

It often happens that you need to slightly adjust the layout of an existing printed form and make it external. For example, add the organization’s seal and the manager’s signature to the layout.

Creating an external printing form based on a standard one with minor changes

Let's consider this procedure using the example of creating an external printed form of a universal transfer document for a document Sales of goods and services 1C: Accounting. It will differ from the standard printed form by the presence of the organization's seal.

  1. Creating external processing with props Object Reference, data type - DocumentLink. Sales of Goods and Services.
  2. We find the layout of the standard UPD printed form (it is located in the general layouts) and copy (drag) it into the external processing window. Layouts of other printed forms may be located in the documents or reference books themselves.
  3. We make the necessary changes to the copied layout of the printed form.
  4. We find the function responsible for generating the printed form. This function should return the generated spreadsheet document. Copy its contents to the export function Seal() in the external processing object module.
    In our case this is the function PrintUniversalTransferDocument() Export from document object module Sales of goods and services.
    If the layout changes were significant (areas and/or parameters changed), then appropriate adjustments must be made to the print function.
  5. We are trying to save external processing. However, you will likely receive error messages that indicate that some of the procedures and functions called by the print function are missing. These functions and procedures must be found in the source document and also copied into the external processing object module. Or adjust the link if the original function or procedure is exported.
  6. (not necessary). To test an external printing form, it is convenient to make a form on which to place the props Object Reference. Button Execute must call a procedure Seal() from the object module. To do this, the button click event is given a procedure:

A wonderful opportunity has appeared in 1C: Accounting 8.3 (edition 3.0). Now a user in 1C:Enterprise mode can easily edit printed form layouts.

When might this be useful? Well, for example, there is some printed form, say, “Demand-invoice”, in which you make some changes every time you print it. Change the font, reprint the fields, remove unnecessary things.

So why do this every time?! If we can make these changes to the layout of the printed form once, the program will always output the printed form as we need.

Below, step by step, I will show you how to change the layout of the “Demand-invoice” printed form. We will add a new field there: “Responsible”.

1. Create a printable form (click the “Print” button) and click the “More” -> “Change Layout” button in the form that opens (on the right):

2. The printable layout will open. Make the necessary changes to it, but be careful that it doesn't work out like this. I’ll say right away that fonts and field sizes can be changed absolutely, but deleting existing fields (especially those in<угловых скобках>) not worth it. If you want to hide a field in<угловых скобках>, just make it invisible (color or size), but it should remain on the form, since it is required by the 1C program code.

3. We will add the "Responsible" field and click the "Record and close" button.

4. The printing form was reshaped in a new form as we wanted.

If, after changing the printing form, it stops working, then you.

Sincerely, Vladimir Milkin(teacher and developer).

Let's go to Service->Additional reports and processing->Optional external printing plates.

The directory list form with external printed forms opens. In the top menu of the list, click Add. The form for creating a directory item appears.

Click the Open button and select the file with the desired printing form. After this, if necessary, set the desired name (Name field).

If the printed form contains auto-registration parameters, a message about this will pop up. Click Yes.If this does not happen, then you need to indicate which document this form will be linked to. To do this, you need to add a line to the tabular part “Affiliation of the printed form”, where in the “Object representation” field select the type of document to which we link the form . Since in our example this is an act of writing off materials, we select the Request-invoice document.

After that, go to any document Request-invoice, click Print, and select the newly added form.

For BP 3.0, ZUP 3.0, UT 11, KA 2.0, ERP 2.0.

To demonstrate adding a printed form in a managed interface, I will show adding an external form of an invoice for payment to a document of the same name in Accounting 3.0.

We go to the corresponding section of the program:

It is necessary that the flag for using external reports and processing is turned on; follow the hyperlink to the list of external objects:

In the list that opens, click Create:

In the dialog box, select the desired file:

The external object card is filled in: in the layout we see the type of base object to which the form will be attached and just below its name:

Let's write and close the form of the created external object.

Now let's go to any document Invoice for payment to the buyer and display the print menu:

This article describes how to connect an external printed form to a 1C database using the example of the “Trade Management 11.2” configuration

The “Trade Management 11.2” configuration is a configuration on “MANAGED” forms!

Our instructions “show” how to connect an external printed form in the 1C information base with configuration on “MANAGED” forms, namely:

  • "Accounting 3.0"
  • "Trade Management 11.2"
  • "Salary and personnel management 3.1"
  • "Comprehensive automation 2.0"
  • "Control small company 1.6"
  • "Retail 2.2"
  • and other similar configurations.

In order to connect an external printing form in 1C we will need to go through 11 steps.

1 — Menu “Master data and administration” (In other configurations, such as in Enterprise Accounting 3.0, it may be called simply “Administration”). 2 — Select “Printed forms, reports and processing” (see figure below ↓)

3 — Expand the “Reports and Processing” submenu (In other configurations, such as Enterprise Accounting 3.0, there may not be such a submenu, so we immediately move on to the next step). 4 — Check the “Use of additional reports and processing” box. 5 — Go to the section: Additional reports and processing. (see figure below ↓) ()

6 — Click the “Create” button. (see figure below ↓)

In new versions of 1C (starting from August 2016), the program has a built-in warning mechanism about the danger of using unknown external treatments, which may contain “viruses”, the warning will not appear in earlier versions of the program! If this occurs, then to connect an external printing form it will be necessary - 7 — click the “Continue” button. (see figure below ↓)

8 — Select the directory in which the processing is located. 9 — Select it (the processing we need). 10 — Click the “Open” button. Or, instead of steps 9 and 10, you can simply double-click on the external printed form we need in the selection window. (see figure below ↓)

If we need to add placement for the added processing (For example, this is a Universal Contract Form from our website and we need the command to print this form to be displayed in some object in which it is not initially displayed) - 11 — click on the placement line (“Place in:”, maybe “Placement:”) and select the necessary directories and documents. 12 — We complete the steps to connect an external printing form by clicking the “Record and close” button. (see figure below ↓)

That's all! Congratulations! External printing plate is connected! Did we do everything right? Let's check...

Before Recording and closing, we noticed that this external printed form is located in the document Sales of goods and services, which means that we can open printing options for any document of the type: “Sales of goods and services.” press the “Print” button and see that a window for selecting printed forms has appeared, among them there is - 13 — external printing form connected by us (see figure below ↓)

Now that’s it for sure. We hope that this article was useful to you.