Business based on environmental impact assessment. Business idea: opening an environmental laboratory Business related to nature

“Having bought a new apartment in a prestigious monolithic brick building, our family began to feel unwell,” says Anna Ivanovna Kostomarova from the Moscow region. - Gradually, a strong understanding emerged that we breathe dangerous air. For example, my husband’s blood pressure stabilizes only at work or at the dacha. How can we determine what is poisoning us?

We addressed this question to Andrey Shmelev, security expert building materials. His answer was shocking. It turns out that many materials emit real poisons, which, moreover, have a carcinogenic effect. In general, according to the expert, only an examination can answer the question of whether the habitat is safe. However, this requires specialized environmental laboratories, the creation and operation of which can be an excellent business idea.

Main directions

In order for a newly created laboratory to be in demand, it must high accuracy determine the nature of any negative impacts environment per person. This is about the following factors that need to be identified in the apartment, in the yard, at work for health safety:

  • chemical composition air;
  • radiation level;
  • dangerous thresholds of electromagnetic radiation;
  • harmful noise boundaries;
  • bacteriological composition of air.

According to many experts, the greatest income can come from drawing up an environmental passport for an apartment. A number of existing laboratories of this profile provide similar services at prices from 10 to 20 thousand rubles for an object with an area of ​​40 to 150 square meters. m. “A specialist comes out and takes measurements of radiation, noise and electromagnetic radiation, and also takes samples of air and water in taps,” says Andrey Shmelev. - Depending on the depth of the investigation, a date is set for receiving the housing safety passport, for example the next day. We record numerous cases of refusal to purchase apartments after environmental assessments.”

In other words, when opening an environmental assessment, startups are required to determine the depth of research. For example, the chemical composition of air can be determined by eleven parameters, or by twenty-two. Depending on this, a business plan is built.

Towards clients

In new houses, the concrete frame itself poses a certain danger. The fact is that to accelerate setting, plasticizers are used, which, according to existing GOST standards, belong to the third hazard class. Meanwhile, we can talk about naphthalene-formaldehyde superplasticizers. It is believed that they are in a bound state and cause virtually no harm. “All this is true if technology is followed,” notes Andrei Shmelev. - The question is whether they are observed. Sometimes we record multiple levels of formaldehyde in unfinished apartments, in the so-called construction projects.”

As a result, according to experts, the easiest way to start your business in this industry is to use indicator tubes for gas analysis. For example, a kit for determining air quality “NHS-Air” can be purchased for 42 thousand rubles. At the same time, with its help you can easily and simply identify styrene, which is emitted by low-quality plastic windows, and, of course, the above-mentioned formaldehyde. To do this, you will need indicator tubes TI-[styrene-0.2] and TI-[HCNO-0.1], respectively.

To assess the level of radiation can be purchased for 16,400 rubles. You will also need a sound level meter Sh-63 or Sh-70, a spectrometer S34, and a climate chamber. “Equipping a laboratory with high-quality instruments is, of course, expensive: about 50 thousand dollars,” says Irina Mikhailovna, an analytical chemist. - But you can start with small amounts, for example 100 thousand rubles. This will be enough to give an acceptable environmental assessment, while the level of profitability can reach 50%.”

Good advice

Those who have already gone from idea to implementation advise: “Start with accreditation of a new laboratory in the SAAL organization, which is a subsidiary system of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology,” advises Georgy Tsvetkov, developer regulatory documents. - Buy PFDF later, when you have the money. And one more thing: buy PNDF only from the developer, they are expensive, but updating is free.”

There are nuances here: in particular, the examination can be carried out without accreditation in SAAL. This is how many people start, realizing the fragility of their business. “Results obtained in non-accredited laboratories are not recognized by the court,” writes Georgy Tsvetkov.

By the way, you can specialize in one thing, for example, water quality. Those who decided to make the environmental laboratory mobile will probably have to resolve issues with the traffic police with registering the vehicle, since traffic cops will consider the installation of devices to be changes to the design.

To summarize, let’s say that this business idea is certainly interesting from the point of view of prospects and profitability. Significant disadvantages include the purchase of PNDF regulatory documents, and advantages include fast start at relatively low costs. According to surveys of businessmen, the break-even point can be considered a three-month period, after which entrepreneurs believe that the business begins to bring not only income, but also pleasure.

Good reputation and customer loyalty...

Sustainable profit...

A close-knit and efficient team...

Minimal environmental impact...

All these signs are inherent environmentally friendly or “green” business. In Russia, this direction is only gaining momentum, while in the West it has long been used in all spheres of human activity.

What is green business and how does it work?

Green business strives to have a positive impact on the environment by using principles, strategies and practices that improve the quality of life of society and the planet as a whole.

At the same time, small businesses have a big advantage over large ones: it is much easier for small businesses to start green changes and get the first results.

But an environmentally friendly business does not necessarily mean recycling waste or working on an organic farm. It can be anything, the main thing is to adhere to the following principles:

  • suitability of the business to your purpose and interests
  • offering the consumer a truly useful and necessary product or service
  • mutually beneficial and trusting cooperation with partners
  • providing employees with comfortable working conditions
  • honesty, openness and respect in relations with clients, employees, partners, competitors
  • rational use of resources
  • socially active position: participation in public initiatives aimed at developing the environmental consciousness of society

Basic rules for greening business

1. Avoid the misconception that running an eco-business is only charity. Business is, first of all, making a profit, even if it is socially oriented.

2. Always keep abreast of changes in legislation and consumer needs.

3. Remember Japanese principle"kaizen": gradual improvement of all processes and tracking of working strategies.

4. Ask more questions. How will these changes improve your business? How will the products and services you offer help people? Carefully vet your suppliers: your company's moral values ​​must be upheld throughout the product lifecycle.

5. Build your green reputation. Green companies gain the approval and loyalty of more consumers. Communicate your eco-friendly achievements through media, website, packaging and advertising to attract potential clients and earn their trust.

6 . If you are just starting your business, then conduct research on green principles as carefully as the question “how to start your own business.” Apply advice from other green startups.

7. Make sure your business plan is logical and reliable. People won't support you just because your company claims to be green: they want proof that your business is truly green.

8. Develop a green strategy for your business. Calculate your environmental and carbon footprint. To do this, use special online calculators or the services of specialists. Decide where you are now and where you want to be in the near and distant future, what resources, tools and methods you will use to move in the chosen direction.

9. Reduce resource consumption.

  • Conduct an audit of resource consumption. Make a list of areas where you can reduce energy and materials consumption. This is perhaps the most careful and effective way. For example, to save paper, go to electronic system payments, contracts scan and send via e-mail. Encourage employees to read documents electronically, print on paper double-sided, and use email instead of fax.
  • Train employees in the correct use of equipment to avoid mistakes and wasted resources.
  • Repair leaking faucets and toilets.
  • Make sure your employees turn off equipment and lights at the end of the workday. It is helpful to post reminders about this and assign someone to be responsible for enforcing this rule. After six months, show your employees charts showing energy savings, this can be a very good motivator.
  • Switch to energy-saving devices. Everyone knows that fluorescent lamps consume less energy than incandescent lamps, but produce more light and last longer.

10. Reuse

  • Think about what items you can reuse. For example, have special trays for used paper and clean scraps that can be used for notes instead of notepads.
  • Replace plastic cups and plates in the employee break room with glass ones. Remove plastic cups near water coolers and have employees pour water into their own mugs.
  • Make sure that all equipment is powered by mains power or batteries, not batteries.
  • Organize separate waste collection for your employees and reward them for this.

11. Engage employees. Tell them about your plans and make sure everyone understands their responsibilities. Encourage and stimulate teamwork, brainstorming, mark best ideas. Arrange for pickup feedback from employees in order to track what really works and what doesn’t.

Very often, the issue of greening is raised by employees, not management. Companies can support their environmentally conscious employees by creating dedicated bike racks, purchasing passes for those who use public transport etc.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Making stamps is not difficult, but profitable business, which requires a small investment to get started. But the payback in this business is no more than two months! And this is understandable, because a print, the cost of which is 10 rubles, is sold for about 100–600.

After the licensing of this activity was cancelled, entry into the market became easy. All you need to do is register as individual entrepreneur, rent a small room, buy a computer, a laser printer and special equipment, advertise and that’s it, you can work!

The service for producing stamps is in demand everywhere, throughout the country, in all cities without exception. And the demand for these products is unlikely to disappear.

Competition in this market is high, but not everywhere. This is especially true for the capital market. In the regions it affects the volume of orders more than pricing policy, because the regional market is still far from saturation in the capital.

The printing process includes the following steps:

Search for a customer;
- receiving an order, including wishes for what the seal should be ( standard samples approved by the registration authorities), company registration documents, finished sketch. If there is no sketch of the future seal, you need to draw it (and do not forget to charge 3–10 USD for this);
- outputting a sketch onto negative or positive film laser printer(this stage is skipped if we are dealing with a “machine” StampCreator PRO from Brother, which is connected directly to the computer via a printer or mouse port. The cost of such an installation is 1,800 USD. The layout designer draws a sketch of the future print, presses the button... more makes a smart device. Thanks to drivers, the computer reads the device like a printer;
- materialization of clichés (in all technologies - in different ways), which includes a number of operations;
- installation of cliches into equipment using glue or tape.

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The selling price of printing consists not only of the cost of the cliche, but also the cost of the equipment. The equipment is where the cliche of the finished seal is inserted. Equipment can be manual (plastic, wood, metal) and automatic with a built-in stamp pad, made in Russia and abroad.

This article may be out of date. More relevant articles on this topic:

Business plan for an enterprise for the production of seals and stamps

Ink-filled stamps made using flash technology require special equipment, since the stamp is impregnated with ink.

Most companies not only in Moscow, but also in the regions have switched to remote production of stamps. Customers must email seal and stamp sketch files to in the required format and select the material and equipment. When the print is ready (and this can be done within one hour), you can courier it directly to the client's office or by mail.

Technology selection

At the moment, there are four common technologies for producing stamp products: photopolymer, raw rubber vulcanization, flash method and laser engraving.

Photopolymer technology is cheap, high quality and therefore very popular. Experienced entrepreneurs advise starting at this level: low organization costs. The main advantages of photopolymer technology: relatively fast technological process, low cost of the cliche (0.3 dollars, or 10 rubles), harmless production. Disadvantages - you need running water, or you will have to buy an automatic car wash (from 250 USD). In addition, the production of polymer prints is largely handmade. Plus the rapid wear of polymers.

Minimum set Supplies for this technology includes 1 kg of polymer, 1 roll of border tape, 25 sheets of matte and transparent film. At the same time, one pack of film is enough for 300-1,500 stamps, one roll of border - for 150, one can of spray - for 1,000 and one kilogram of polymer worth 500-700 rubles - for 100-150 stamps.

Making stamps from rubber using the vulcanization method is also an inexpensive technology, but the stamps are of better quality. However, the manufacturing process is long and labor-intensive, again without “ manual labor"You can't get by. The main thing to remember right away is that rubber smells very strongly during vulcanization.

The flash method is almost completely automated and is so simple that a ten-year-old child can easily master it. To produce an impression on a printing block, special equipment is used - flash installations. They are compact, lightweight, easy to handle and will easily fit on the edge of an office desk.

Ready ideas for your business

Seals made using flash technology do not have a relief, unlike polymer and rubber ones. Flash requires special fine-pored rubber with high resolution. However, only one seal can be produced per cycle. And photopolymer technology allows you to simultaneously “illuminate” several cliches in the camera.

To vulcanize raw rubber you will need sheet raw rubber(250 rubles per kilogram), matrix cardboard (650x650mm, 1,550 rubles per sheet), solid photopolymer on a metal base (sheet A4, 600 rubles). For flash technology - special rubber blanks with a thermally conductive coating.

Laser engraving is a very modern and technological thing. However, it has one big drawback - the price of the equipment. Minimum amount for starters - 8 thousand dollars. Average price of quality laser engraver- 15–20 thousand. Typically, such “sophisticated” installations are purchased by companies that are well established in the market and expand their range of services. A beginner cannot use such equipment. The main advantage of this method remains its ultra-high resolution.

Ready ideas for your business

There are no problems with suppliers in Russia. The market for equipment for stamp production is quite saturated. Thus, there are several large suppliers in Moscow: “Graphics-M”, “Trodat XXI”, “New Stamps”, “”. If desired, you can find any equipment for any technology. Its cost is approximately the same from different suppliers.

Cameras for photopolymer prints- Soligor from 380 USD, PLC from 320 USD

exposure cameras from VitStamp non-certified from 230 USD

heat presses for rubber vulcanization about 500–700 USD

Japanese TAIYO flash installations for ink-filled stamps - from 1,500 USD

unique Brother flash system - 1,800 USD

laser engravers - Lazer Pro Venus V12 - from 8,000 USD,

All products from major suppliers are guaranteed. In addition, the cost of equipment from supplier companies includes training - two hours for a beginner to master how to operate the equipment.

List of services of the company that manufactures stamp products

1. Making new seals

Seals of legal entities
Your main clients are legal entities and private entrepreneurs who need a seal for their activities, according to Russian legislation. Government bodies, state and regional, also need stamps. Some companies successfully manage to cooperate with law firms that provide services for registering ready-made enterprises. They supply a stream of clients and take their commission.

Official seals
Government agencies The authorities need special seals - official seals, with a clear image of the Russian coat of arms. At the moment, the production of official stamps accounts for about 5% of the market in Russia and 10% of the market in Moscow.

Other stamp products
Stamps for internal use, these include various types of accounting stamps “received”, “paid”, daters that indicate the date, and numerators (stamps with numbers).

facsimile - a seal with an imprint of your signature.

2. Restoration of used seals using clichés or impressions
This service costs around 10–30 USD.

3. Become a dealer of a company supplying equipment and consumables

Based on an article by Ekaterina Chinarova for the magazine "Business Magazine"

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Our planet is becoming more and more polluted every day, thanks to this, environmental business ideas in Russia are becoming more and more relevant. But how can you make money on eco ideas? The main options need to be considered. Today, environmentally friendly vehicles are beginning to spread. It's time to open a salon like this Vehicle? Let's look at the situation of such cars on the market.

IN Lately The demand for such cars is growing more and more, because They are not only environmentally friendly, but also economical. What will need to be done? Sell ​​cars that do not pollute the environment and save fuel. We will need knowledge about automotive technology and sales and start-up capital in the region of 800,000 USD. The business will be launched from several months to several years, it all depends on you.

Now there are already many similar solutions on the market, there is a lot of competition, many manufacturers already produce similar environmentally friendly vehicles, for example, the Toyota Prius car. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the demand for environmentally friendly cars is growing as oil prices rise. Therefore, it is worth remembering that oil is an exhaustible resource, and it will someday disappear.

In addition to selling environmentally friendly cars, you can carry out other eco ideas. For example, trade in products that are produced in environmentally friendly ways. People will start to think about how the things they buy affect the world around them and will start buying things that are produced using environmentally friendly methods. So, it will be necessary to produce products in environmentally friendly ways and clearly inform customers about this so that they understand how their items were made.

One of best options– is the cultivation of organic food: raising animals, plants and Agriculture. Well, or the production of environmentally friendly paper bags that quickly decompose and do not pollute the environment.

To start your business, 10 thousand USD is enough for you. You can launch your business in about a couple of months. But it is worth considering some difficulties: you will need to find a niche that meets the demand criteria. For example, store owners will be happy to order reusable shopping bags from you with their personalized logos. In order for the buyer to be interested in the product, you will need to come up with an original design and think through all the convenience of its use.

You can also engage in green building certification. People love to buy apartments in environmentally friendly places. A lot of construction companies tries to comply with all environmental conditions. In order to engage in certification, you will need to undergo accreditation and obtain the necessary permits.

Scientists warn: if consumption natural resources will remain at the current level - a crisis will begin in the world in 2030. The economic recession does not delay, but only brings this hour closer.

In this regard, the UN has developed an environmental protection program - UNEP. According to the latter, business should develop according to the principle: produce more, using fewer resources, minimizing Negative influence on nature. Ecological business is not only humane, but also profitable. And we will tell you about the most interesting projects in the field of eco-business:

1. Wrapping paper impregnated with herbs and spices, keeping food fresh for much longer

We are talking about eco-friendly packaging napkins such as Fenugreen Fresh Paper, designed to combat the problem of perishable products. Napkins prevent mold, fungi and the proliferation of bacteria - for this, napkin sheets are immersed in a solution of exclusively natural antiseptics: herbs and spices (domestic startups can experiment with developing the composition themselves). And the first who guessed to impregnate cellulose with a special composition of spices was twenty-seven-year-old American Kavita Shukla - at the age of seventeen, the girl became the owner of a patent that brought in millions in income (after all, suppliers of fruits and other food began to purchase this product en masse).

Such an invention not only helps save suppliers money by extending the “life” of products, but also, ideally, will completely replace the use of plastic bags, which will improve the world’s eco-system.

2. Charity project: production of toilet paper, half of the proceeds from which are spent on building modern toilets

Don’t rush to think that this is unprofitable. If we talk about profits, then in six months of existence, an Australian-African project of this type managed to earn over a million dollars in net profit - most buyers show special purchasing attention to this particular brand, knowing the noble goal of the project. And this leaves all competitors virtually “out of business.”

It must be said that the incidence of gastrointestinal and other infections directly depends on the unsanitary conditions of street and rural toilets - and therefore this idea leads to overall national savings on medicines, and indirectly to the extension of many lives.

3. Automatic water purification machines

The idea was implemented by the Indian brand Sarvajal. The initiative group invented its own system of high-quality and reliable water purification from local reservoirs (and even sea ​​water) and turning it into drinking water. The machine allows you to pour untreated water into it and after a few minutes you will receive it in a purified version.

It would be appropriate and profitable to install your own cleaning machine in many provincial cities, towns, and suburbs of megacities in Ukraine and Russia, where delivery is not established clean water. For example, in dacha cooperatives with well water containing excess lime and sand (ordinary home filters will quickly fail if there is serious suspended matter in the water).

Note that in India, many local entrepreneurs have installed machines in their stores and pay for the rental of H2O machines. We wish the same for you.

4. Recycling waste immediately after it appears

And again let's go back to... toilets. Graduates of the University of California have designed a dry toilet that is not connected to the sewer system, which, using solar energy, converts waste into hydrogen and fertilizer (immediately after it appears, which dramatically reduces odors and bacteria in the air). Fertilizers are collected in a separate tank, from which they can be conveniently removed and used for their intended purpose.

Domestic inventors can start by at least recycling this waste using a connected electrical energy, and then begin to generate the latter using solar and wind installations.

5. Shoes and bags in exchange for design

Interesting business story: Spanish firm El Naturalista set out to produce shoes and accessories for poor street artists, many of whom have no means of subsistence. Artists act as designers of shoes and accessories, using their talent and drawing techniques. Businessmen, in turn, give them ready-made shoes, made according to the sketch of the tramps. After the shoe line received good reviews from critics, the street artists became full-time employees of the company. In addition, El Naturalista makes shoes and bags exclusively from natural materials: vegetable dyes, recycled and biodegradable fabrics. It must be said that the cost of designer sandals (for non-hobos) starts at 100 euros per pair, and they sell rapidly among Spanish and Latin American hipsters. A portion of the profits also goes to charity, helping children in Peru and Tanzania.

6. Packaging materials and containers for rent

What are you doing with cardboard packages, foam plastic, plastic film, after using them? Throw it away. After observing this behavior of buyers, one of the US designers implemented a startup - a service that makes it possible to exchange used packaging materials. For example, you bought a TV and instead of throwing away the box, you place an ad on a service (which takes the packages away from you, without paying you anything: you should use it “for the idea”, out of environmental consciousness). If you need to transport things, you can contact the service and choose the appropriate one packaging material, having paid small “pennies” for it - much cheaper than the same boxes if you wanted to purchase them new. This service is indispensable during the renovation process, as well as when moving. Of course, it is convenient for those who own large warehouse volumes somewhere in a distant suburb of a metropolis.

Among the eco-projects that are gradually becoming more and more significant, one more can be noted. This Russian project“Save the Tree”: the initiative group collects waste paper from city offices (most often, printer printouts that have become unnecessary) and gives it for recycling. Now more than 150 Moscow companies are working in this project.