Plywood cutting machine: features of straight cutting, shape sawing, the use of a jigsaw machine and an engraver with a laser head. Curly cutting equipment - wood laser machine

Progress does not stand still, and today, thanks to new technologies, many products that could previously be made exclusively by hand can already be made by machines. This also applies to processes such as metal forging, stone or wood carving.

In this publication, we will consider in more detail 3D automatic machines CNC for woodcarving.

1 Why do you need a 3D automatic machine?

Do-it-yourself wood carving is a very long and laborious process. Therefore, the products of such labor cost a lot of money. A 3D automatic CNC machine does the same job many times faster, with virtually no loss in quality.

After the machine is running, you may need to process the product with your own hands, but the improvements will be very minor and will not take much time.

Thanks to 3D technology in production, carved interior elements became available to almost everyone since replacement manual labor machine significantly reduced the cost finished product.

With the help of a 3D CNC milling machine for wood, you can make:

  • carved furniture elements: byltsa, handrails, legs, etc.;
  • carved elements of wooden stairs, arbors, roofs, fences, etc.;
  • various baguettes, overlays, brackets;
  • frames for pictures or icons;
  • frames of watches and mirrors;
  • carved statues and icons;
  • other household items, interior, decor.

1.1 Benefits of 3D hardware

3D automatic machines are equipped with CNC (numerical program management). Human participation is required only at the modeling stage. All you need to do with your own hands is to sit down at the computer, run a special program which, as a rule, comes with the unit and make a 3d model of the future product.

After that, a memory card with a 3D model is inserted into the port of the machine. The rest of the work, regarding wood carving, the machine performs without the participation of the operator. At the end of the machine transferring the model to the workpiece, it must be carefully studied and, if necessary, polished with your own hands.

3D automatic machines, like any equipment, are domestic and industrial. Household units have relatively small dimensions and weight, less functionality and are used for processing small workpieces. The possibilities of industrial units are almost limitless.

Household units can weigh several centners, while industrial 3D automatic machines weigh up to 100 tons.

Application of 3D CNC equipment has the following advantages:

  1. The speed of the machine is many times greater than do-it-yourself woodcarving.
  2. 3D automatic CNC machines are indispensable in serial production carved wooden elements. By hand, it is practically impossible to achieve the absolute identity of the carved pattern, say, on four legs of one chair, not to mention if several chairs need to be made. A CNC machine can “stamp” a given model almost indefinitely, until the operator changes the task for him. And it will be almost impossible to find differences between the details.
  3. 3D automatic wood carving machines can easily process plastics and soft metals as well. However, if you want the machine to serve for a long time, when processing more hard materials set the minimum speed and chip size.
  4. By saving time and labor resources, the cost of finished products is significantly reduced, compared with hand-made carved elements.

There are practically no significant shortcomings in this unit.

But there are nuances that cannot be ignored:

  1. The rather high cost of the 3D CNC machine for wood carving. However, if you take this work seriously, then the unit pays for itself very quickly.
  2. You have to do the grinding of the finished product after the machine thread with your own hands. Machine grinding can clog the threads and render the part unusable. But this requires much less time and effort than doing the whole process of woodcarving with your own hands.
  3. Cheaper 3-axis CNC units leave blind marks on the product, which you have to cut with your own hands. 3D automatic machines with a 4.5 axis machine all sides of the part, but their price is many times more expensive.

2 Types of 3D machines

3D automatic CNC carving machines are very complex equipment. In addition to the usual mechanical components, it is equipped with an electronic unit, which, by the way, is better not to touch it once again without a specialist. That's why there will be several classifications of equipment.

2.1 Level of versatility

  • special. This equipment designed for narrow profile work. For example, they can cut only figurines, or only frames, or the same legs for chairs. They are used, as a rule, in the serial production of the same type of products;
  • specialized. They do not differ much from the first type, but they can work with different more or less the same type of products;
  • universal. Designed for woodcarving in the production of any products that do not exceed the technical capabilities of the unit in size.

2.2 Degree of accuracy

All 3D automatic CNC carving machines are marked with letter combinations indicating the accuracy of the carving relative to the layout. The marking begins with the letter "H" - normal and ends with the letters "UP" - ultra-precision.

The process of woodcarving does not require extra precision. Therefore, in woodworking shops, as a rule, they use machines "N" - normal or "P" - increased accuracy. More precise equipment is needed only for the production of parts of complex mechanisms, when a deviation of hundredths of a millimeter is of great importance.

2.3 Processing method

According to the processing method, machines can be divided into two types:

  • with moving table. Of course, this is possible only in household models that work with small workpieces;
  • with a moving module with a cutter. These machines are much more common. and have higher functionality.

2.4 How it works

As mentioned earlier, to work on 3D CNC units, the skills of not a milling machine, but a computer engineer are required, since you practically don’t have to work with wood with your own hands.

The machine operator must create a layout of the future part and draw the trajectory of the cutter, its speed, chip thickness, type of cut, etc.

To program the machine, the operator will need two computer programs.

One of them should create a model of the product, the other, based on the model, draw the trajectory of the cutter and other technical points:

  1. In the CAD program for 3D modeling, a three-dimensional model of the product is created.
  2. The model is transferred to a technical program, such as Artkam, where the trajectory of the cutter will be drawn. The operator must be able to break the whole model into separate trajectories.
  3. Next, you need to set all the technical parameters: the depth of cut, the speed of movement, the thickness of the chips, the height of the cutting tool, so that it does not cling to the workpiece when moving to a new point, etc.
  4. After the operator has set all the parameters with his own hands, it is worth visualizing the process. At this stage, you can see by the movement of the cutter on the monitor whether everything is set correctly.
  5. We save all the parameters and the program issues a G-code, which must be loaded into the machine itself.
  6. We fix the workpiece on the working surface.
  7. We check the readiness of the machine for work, run it and watch the process. The intervention of the operator in the very work of the machine on the workpiece is not required.
  8. After the unit has finished executing the program code, the workpiece must be removed from the working surface and carefully examined. If the machine has left free zones, they must be cut manually.
  9. The finished product must be sanded by hand so as not to damage the relief.
  10. After that, you can send the workpiece for painting and varnishing.

Thus, 3D automatic CNC machines can turn wood carving hobby into a serious profitable business.

Plywood is one of the best decor materials. Apart from their operational qualities it is easy to process. However, mechanical curly cutting does not always give the desired result. Therefore, plywood laser cutting machines have been developed. This is innovative technology, allowing you to make complex three-dimensional drawings and patterns.

Plywood laser cutting technology

Point thermal effect on the decorative natural material partially destroys it. This is due to the formation of plasma, similar to arc welding. However, the plywood does not melt, but burns out.

The main component of the machine is a laser machine. It forms a concentrated radiation that affects the material. CO2 lasers are used for this. Semiconductor models do not have sufficient power and can only be used for artistic burning.

The procedure for performing figured laser cutting of plywood.

  1. Creating a drawing. Depending on the capabilities of the equipment, this can be done in in electronic format or independently apply a pattern to the surface.
  2. Choice of cutting mode. The determining parameter is the laser power. It depends on the thickness and structure of the plywood. If the degree of heating is exceeded, the width of the cut will increase.
  3. Drawing formation. Its speed is affected by the power of the laser. The higher it is, the faster the process runs. However, this increases the area of ​​darkening at the edges.

This general description technology, which can be changed depending on the parameters and functionality of the equipment. The average power of the laser machine is about 20 watts. It directly depends on the thickness of the plywood and the complexity of the pattern.

For work, it is best to use automated CNC processing centers for wood. This will increase accuracy and improve performance.

Features of cutting plywood with a laser

The main disadvantage of this type of equipment is its high cost. A number of advantages that are impossible for mechanical processing make wood laser centers very popular. They are used to complete production, are used to perform a small amount of work at home.

The defining advantage of laser cutting is the thin seam on the wood. It may be slightly larger than the beam diameter. Thus, maximum detail and exact correspondence of the result to the original layout is achieved.

This technology has the following features:

  • a slight darkening is formed in the area affected by the beam. This is unavoidable but can be corrected by painting or varnishing;
  • cutting requires no mechanical force. The process does not cause surface deformation, which is typical for classical ways processing;
  • The quality of work is affected by the composition of the wood. It is not recommended to use sheets made of softwood. They contain a large number of resins that, when evaporated, affect the appearance.

For large volumes of production, it is necessary to provide a system for extracting fumes. This is done using local ventilation. The absence of chips significantly softens the requirements for working conditions when cutting plywood with a laser machine.

The surface of the processed material is preliminarily cleaned of dust and dirt. The presence of varnish, paint or similar decorative and protective compositions is not allowed.

List of cutting equipment

To complete a professional production line, it is recommended to purchase specialized equipment. But in addition to the laser installation, other components must be present in it.

To ensure maximum automation of work, the laser head must move freely along the length and width of the wooden surface. To do this, install a special carriage that moves along the guides.

In addition, the following components are required for normal operation:

  • electronic control unit. He controls the operation of the laser, gives commands to move it relative to the sheet;
  • exhaust system for combustion products. Despite their small amount, without forced ventilation, the concentration of harmful substances will quickly increase;
  • interface for entering information - drawing, machine operating modes, etc.

To perform a small amount of work, it will not be advisable to purchase expensive equipment. The best option- use the services of specialized manufacturing companies. In this case, you only need to draw up the drawing correctly and select the material on which it will be applied.

In the video you can see an example of the operation of a machine for forming a pattern on the surface of a plywood sheet:

Overview of finished machine models

If you want to purchase a laser cutting machine for plywood, then pay attention to their difference in power:

  • desktop. Designed for work at home or a small workshop with small workpieces. Power up to 80 W, price from 50,000 rubles;
  • professional. It is used in small business in the production of designer jewelry, engraving, cutting materials to size. Power up to 195 W, price from 150,000 rubles;
  • industrial. Used on high power production lines and bandwidth with increased requirements for quality and accuracy of work. Power from 3000 W, price from 450,000 rubles.

Consider machines from different price categories.

  1. Principle of operation
  2. Possibilities
  3. Manufacturers and service

The industry is responsive to the needs of the consumer and offers many options for functional processing and cutting equipment. different materials: wood, metal. Moreover, the devices often combine many necessary and not very functions that save space by combining several machines into one. Modern woodworking shops are now almost always armed with a machine for laser cutting plywood and wood.

Principle of operation

The main working tool of the apparatus is a laser, a beam of high power light. When directed to a wooden product, the contact area is very hot and the fibers of the material simply burn out. Thus, non-contact laser carving takes place. For different models, the beam power may fluctuate. The scope of the device depends on this parameter:

  • Low power laser machines are used for woodworking;
  • More intense radiation is used to cut harder materials - metals, natural and artificial stones.

Advantages of this processing method:

  1. The edges are perfectly smooth, do not require additional processing;
  2. It is possible to process products of any size and shape;
  3. The devices are simple in manual and automatic control;
  4. Precise work down to small details and strokes.

The disadvantage of laser cutting and wood engraving is that the processing sites remain scorched, dark brown and black. For a natural material of a natural shade, this is not critical, often manufacturers do not process the ends because of their finished appearance, combined with the main background. Another nuance not in favor of the equipment is its high cost, although it depends on the configuration, functionality, size and power of the machine.


What can be done using a laser machine:

Depending on the filling of the equipment, the functions are present in different quantities, which, accordingly, is reflected in the cost.

Which machine to choose: we study the varieties

Laser cutting machines are divided into varieties according to several principles.

By functional load:

  1. The laser engraving machine produces a weak beam of light, which is enough for engraving and burning. With an increase in the wavelength, the installation can cut a plywood sheet.
  2. A laser-cutting machine for cutting plywood with an increased power of a light beam can cut wood, create grooves on products. Often with its help, you can engrave by simply setting the laser to this function.

By type of management:

  1. Manual woodworking machine is the cheapest and easiest to use. With its help, unique products of their kind are created.
  2. CNC significantly increases the cost of equipment, but also improves the quality of manufacturing absolutely accurate patterns and shapes. It is enough to set the program and the machine will do everything by itself. For the most part, such installations include both methods of control.

Power and size:

  1. The laser engraving desktop device with low power up to 80 W is compact, it can be placed in a small workshop or at home. The installation is suitable for creating small souvenirs, the machine can engrave and cut thin plywood.
  2. Professional machine laser engraving and cutting produces power of 80-195 watts. It has increased dimensions and is used in the woodworking and furniture industry for the production of serial products and cutting out precise parts. The cost of such a device starts from 150 thousand rubles.
  3. Industrial wood laser cutting machine can cut, sharpen, engrave and much more. It has an impressive size and serves in large workshops for woodworking.

Manufacturers pack equipment with features that drive up installation costs and replace the use of additional tools that make processing easier:

  • Chiller - a device for cooling the laser tube. It is necessary for prolonged operation of the machine to normalize the temperature of the working parts of the equipment. It works on the principle of a secondary shell with circulating water connected to a pump. If the machine is not equipped with such a device, it is bought separately. Cost from 30 thousand rubles.
  • The torch and engraver blower system is needed to reduce the temperature of the cut and burn in order to avoid excessive charring of the seam. In addition, dust and debris are constantly blown away from the workplace, which increases the comfort of work and the quality of production.

The choice of a laser machine is determined by the needs for its power and functionality. For large-scale production, it is not advisable to purchase a small desktop unit, as well as to install a professional or industrial unit for a home.

There are universal installations that can work with metal, wood, PVC and perform various operations: engraving, cutting, milling. The cost of such installations is high and it is advisable to purchase them only for large-scale production.

We present a table with three popular models of machine tools of different configurations and capacities:

As you can see, increasing the laser power for a machine tool affects the cost of equipment and its functionality. Manufacturers offer modifications of similar units with a different set of functions, the price and quality of products may differ significantly from those presented.

Manufacturers and service

Engraving machines for laser cutting wood and processing products are offered by manufacturers different countries: Russia, Japan, European countries. It cannot be said that they differ significantly from each other, but representatives have their own characteristics.

A prominent representative of Russian developers is NPF "Lasers and Equipment", Zelenograd. The company produces machines of different functionality, the products are relatively affordable.

The Japanese brands Koike and Mazak manufacture equipment that is easy to operate both manually and automatically.

European brands Trumpf, ESAB, Bystronic provide the most diverse equipment with a long service life. Installations are designed for processing wood, metals, acrylic and other materials, both specialized and universal.

Reliable manufacturers give a guarantee for their products. High-quality devices serve without interruption for years, the alignment of the laser device is rarely performed if necessary.

High-precision processing of wood surfaces for assembly or decorative purposes is realized only with the help of specialized equipment. Today, machines for cutting and engraving operations are presented in a wide range. Moreover, these are not only units operating on the principles of traditional mechanical and thermal effects, but also high-tech laser technology. In addition, manufacturers endow equipment with the latest software tools control and management functions that facilitate the tasks of the operator. At the same time, a wood laser machine differs from similar mechanical units in high cost, so its choice should be approached with more responsibility.

Where is the wood laser machine used?

Mostly such equipment is used for decorative design of wood surfaces. It is achieved through two main operations - cutting and engraving. For this, different capacities can be used, and, accordingly, each machine will provide certain processing capabilities. Use machine tools and home craftsmen on amateur level, and professional operators on production lines. For example, a wood laser machine is used in the furniture industry to apply artistic patterns to surfaces. In this case, it is assumed that in-line work, therefore, the machines have high productivity. At home and in small workshops, users are guided by piece production - as a rule, releasing author's products.

Types of machines

The main feature of the separation of machines of this type is the power potential, which is also reflected in the design. Compact devices usually have a power of no more than 80 watts. Such models are suitable for use in small businesses, in the manufacture of the same piece of author's souvenirs and for amateur work. The middle class represents more productive installations, the power potential of which can reach 200 watts. Such models can already be applied in production lines in small processing factories. wood materials and pieces of furniture. And the most powerful laser machine belongs to the industrial field of application. Conveyors of large factory enterprises are supplied with such equipment. Again, they are characterized not only increased power, but also with a design that often allows them to be integrated into workshops through building installation.


Modern laser machines are distinguished by a wide range of optional features - this is one of the main areas, working on which, developers are striving to attract an increasing number of customers. In particular, for professional machine tools, it has long been mandatory to have a cooling system. This function is responsible for the timely repayment of the temperature of the working body, which increases the reliability of the installation. An electric nozzle drive is also becoming an increasingly common technical element that is equipped with wood laser machines. The capabilities of models with such equipment are increased due to more accurate positioning and overall control of the working component. In more advanced devices, laser focusing is also provided.

Features of CNC Models

A separate category is represented by units with the ability to program the workflow, which is implemented automatically. The presence of the system practically saves the user from performing mechanical operations. However, in some machines, operators can still be assigned indirect and auxiliary actions. One way or another, a CNC wood laser machine provides extensive opportunities in terms of workflow control. Typically, such models are interfaced with computer stations and controllers. This makes it possible to develop tasks for the machine in a graphical computer form without applying special physical settings for different processing parameters. On the basis of the programmed program, the equipment independently calibrates the working bodies for the performance of specific tasks.

How to make a laser machine for wood with your own hands?

You can independently make a compact device that, in a small area, will perform the function of an automated engraver. This will require materials for the body of the device, a controller, work equipment that provides movement of the laser device, and auxiliary systems responsible for power and cooling. The complexity of this task is due to the fact that it is impossible to purchase a wide range of components on the conventional radio market. For example, a programmable controller with cutters is most often purchased from Chinese online stores. In practice, it is possible to make a laser machine for woodcarving only if you have the appropriate knowledge of electronics - at least you should have a wiring diagram for the components on hand. However, this will not be difficult if you set the goal of manufacturing a hand-held engraver of modest power without an automatic positioning system.

Machine operation

Work begins with connecting the equipment to a power source and preparing the material. Depending on the type of machine, the processing process will be controlled either automatically or manually. In the first case, the initial loading of the final model in computer form will be required. Also, devices of this type often provide for mechanical adjustment of equipment for specific characteristics of the operation. Without automation, a wood laser machine is controlled manually. The initial parameters of the workflow are also set, after which direct cutting or engraving is performed.


Finding a truly high-quality and reliable laser machine on the market is not easy. The segment is represented mainly by Chinese manufacturers, a considerable part of which assembles equipment in artisanal conditions. And this is not to mention the rather average quality of the components themselves. But there are also conscientious companies in whose families you can find quite a worthy laser woodcutting machine for any need. Such models, in particular, are produced by Wattsan micro, KAMACH and RABBIT. Another thing is that the cost of this product is high. Even small in size and modest in power devices cost at least 100 thousand rubles.