Presentation “Virtual or real communication? My choice-…. Pros and cons of Internet communication. Will it replace real contacts Only real communication

Nowadays, most people communicate using the Internet that they stop thinking about real communication with those people with whom they spend days and nights on social networks. The answer to the question of which is better: real communication or communication on a social network is not difficult. From my point of view, real communication is valued much higher than virtual.
After all, you must admit that with live communication it is much more pleasant to spend time with a person. When communicating in reality, it is possible not only to catch the gaze of the interlocutor, but you can also notice some other qualities, such as the warmth or coldness of a person. You can feel a person physically, for example, by shaking hands, hugging or touching him. Such contacts simplify communication and help to better understand the interlocutor.
Many different situations can be analyzed on this topic. For example, you do not know a person very well and communicate with him through social networks much more than live. Accordingly, communication on the Internet allows you to form some general idea about this person, but when you meet him face to face, you can be disappointed. This may be due to the fact that the interlocutor could pretend not to be who he really is and give you a false impression of him. Or this person feels much more liberated in the virtual world than in the living one. Also, you may not catch some of his messages, because you do not understand with what emotions they are written. And you sometimes ask a person again "Is this sarcasm? Did you just say that seriously?" Etc. If you only communicate with him more virtually, then you may not understand some phrases by intonations and emotions.
Another situation. You know a person for a very long time, but due to the fact that you are, for example, in different cities, you cannot see each other often and therefore communicate virtually. You will not have enough time with him on social networks, even if you correspond every second. Have you noticed how quickly time flies when communicating with a loved one and the right person?! We talk for 3 hours, but it seems like 15 minutes have passed. We part for 2 days, but it seems that a year has passed. With a loved one, you always want to communicate live, since it is important for you to see his emotions during your conversation. Even speaking about social networks, if you have known a person for a long time, you know with what intonation and emotion he will write this or that phrase.
Based on everything, my conclusion is that face-to-face communication is more lively and interesting. You can talk heart to heart with a person and see his real emotions. Therefore, real communication will always have an advantage over virtual. After all, with live communication, you see the eyes of the interlocutor, and they say, sometimes, more than words.

2. Porshnev BF Countersuggestion and history / BF Porshnev // History and psychology. - M.: Nauka, 1971. - S. 7-35.

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Received 05/11/11.


E. V. Arsent'eva, Yu. M. Chukmarova

Communication is the basis of our life, through it we realize our thoughts, feelings, desires, attitudes towards people and much more. A person lives in the real world, is dependent on the real world, he cannot fit all the fullness of communication into a separate part of the world, called virtual * Knowledge of the real world, its undisclosed patterns requires the real presence of a person.

Mankind has come a long way from the dark times of the Stone Age to the last information technologies. We must not forget that humanity has never stood still. That is why everything in the world has been modernized and changed. Etb concerns not only the conditions of life, but also its integral attributes. The twenty-first century has brought us a number of new discoveries. And today we can no longer imagine our life without them. Among them = Internet. The network has become the most real landmark event. It opened up very wide possibilities for each of the users. The instant messaging service has helped millions of people communicate with each other over vast distances. Today, the important role of Internet technologies is used not only by computer scientists, specialists, teachers, but also by students and schoolchildren. Every Internet user knows what email is. The name speaks for itself. By using Email the letter will reach the addressee, who is

going, say, on the other side of the globe, for a maximum of an hour. Of course, many people are drawn in and lured by such communication. No need to go, go somewhere, no need to put off your business, no need to think about how to behave when you meet. And people begin to immerse themselves in it entirely. Thus, moving away from the real world of communication.

So what exactly is pushing young people to flee into virtual computer worlds? What troubles act on dj£ depressingly in the real world? What is a computer addict hiding from? What can be done to help break out of the captivity of harmful illusions?

The relevance of the study lies in the fact that most young people have a lot of problems in realizing themselves. And the more problems, the more serious the internal and interpersonal conflicts, the more attractive the world of computer dreams becomes. After all, virtual worlds are a special psychological "space" in which young people subjectively achieve goals,

Series "Psychological Sciences"

With E. V. Arsentieva, Yu. M. Chukmarova, 2011

not implemented in the real world. For example, people who are not too happy with their lives or appearance. They are happy to take the opportunity to impersonate a completely different person. In addition, virtual communication is much easier than real communication. In this case, there is no shyness and shyness. The person feels confident and relaxed.

A person needs to be assessed from the outside, getting confirmation of whether he is following the right path in life, comparing himself with others. In the social network, the user starts his personal page - beautiful picture- self-presentation. Children, husbands, rest are paraded, wishes, congratulations, poems are written to each other, assessments are collected, evidence of their beauty and happy life. Thus, the need for confirmation of one's own significance is satisfied. However, communication in social networks is symbolic. Few people respond to the offer of a real meeting, and if the meeting does take place, it | often turns out to be not as bright and beautiful as in the virtual world.

In virtual worlds, illusions are created to make up for the lack of communication, proximity with significant people, dissatisfaction with one's abilities is subjectively compensated. With the help of a computer, this soulless "piece of iron", people are trying to achieve those goals that require the participation of people who are significant to them (parents, teachers, peers), trying to replace the lack of | joy, dissatisfaction from life. As a result, the suffering person places a significant part of his relationships and ways of obtaining joy in virtual reality and exacerbates his failures in the outside world. The more comfortable a person feels in virtuality, the more he "dissolves in it", the more significant becomes | the computer turns for him as a kind of drug.

Computer drug is usually implemented in two forms - computer game and communication on the Internet. We are now interested in the second.

| Communication using a computer is much easier. The virtual world and communication on the Internet has become so popular that many people sometimes forget about real communication. A real meeting puts people in a certain framework, obliges them to direct emotional contact, and the Network is always at hand.

Why does dependence on the virtual world of communication arise? This world, as a practicing psychotherapist points out

A. V. Kotlyarov, has a number of specific characteristics:

1. Virtual world global computer network It has common features with reality, which contributes to the "blurring" and elimination of the boundaries between them. The mysteriousness and unpredictability of the Internet resembles the uncertainty and variability of the world. The insincerity, disguise of a person on the Web is similar to the masks that he puts on real life.

2. The virtual world of the Internet promotes supposedly available advantages over reality. A person can take on any role, remaining anonymous and invisible, and also change it at any time. The virtual world is always available for use, creating the illusion of power over relationships with other people.

3. In the virtual world, the possibility of any behavior is provided without responsibility for it, without fear of rejection or condemnation. This is achieved through anonymity and inaccessibility.

4. A virtual reality global network allows you to create the illusion of protection from loneliness, get emotional support and recognition on the Internet. It subjectively compensates for the causes of difficulties in real communication without understanding them and taking real steps to eliminate them.

5. The virtual world allows you to get away from interactions with real people at any time, not to take into account their features, goals, which is impossible in real life. The Internet makes it easy to “endow” an imaginary interlocutor with any abilities that are beneficial to their false goals.

Meanwhile, the Internet is a space inhabited by people, and it is impossible to imagine it in isolation from people. The virtual world was created by a person and for a person, and if in the real world a person is only a part of the world, then in virtuality there is nothing but people. People are the main measure of this world and its main wealth. It is no coincidence that it is almost impossible to imagine a website without a hit counter. The value of a resource in the mind is inextricably linked with its demand by people.

Can real communication completely move into an alluring virtual world? Moreover, developments are underway that make virtual communication more and more close to real, allowing you not to be tied to a computer place. Communicators are developing - pocket computers

BULLETIN of the Mordovian University) 2011 | No. 2

teres with mobile phone functions and smartphones - mobile phones with PDA functions. Soon a person sitting under a palm tree will be able to communicate with the whole world.

Communication is the basis of our life, through it we realize our thoughts, feelings, desires, attitude towards people and much more. A person lives in the real world, is dependent on the real world, he cannot fit the fullness of communication into a separate part of the world, called the virtual one. Knowledge of the real world, its unrevealed patterns, requires the real presence of a person in this world, so as not to lose control over what is really happening (the film "The Matrix", etc. - not a single work of science fiction has found a completely positive effect from the implementation of artificial intelligence).

Considering leisure communication, it can be assumed that with the growth of virtual communications, there will most likely be a shortage of “simple” communication. Consequently, structures containing the function of real creative communication will be in demand. It is no coincidence that a feature of the Russian Internet is the growth of “interest” in sources

associated with humor, hobbies and leisure activities.

The virtual world has many similarities with reality. Its mysteriousness and unpredictability are similar to the uncertainty and variability of the world. On the Web, a person can play the roles he chooses, similar to the masks people put on in everyday life.

At the same time, the virtual world declares easily accessible advantages over the real world. Here you can easily succeed through creativity, hiding shortcomings and the ability to take on any role that can just as easily be replaced by another.

It provides the opportunity for any behavior without responsibility, without fear of consequences, rejection or condemnation. On the Web, a person feels protected and inaccessible, he can easily express his opinion, which he could hardly express in real life.

The virtual world gives the illusion of protection from loneliness. At the same time, it provides an opportunity to get away from communicating with real people, whose opinion would have to be taken into account.

Network reality allows you to simulate a creative state through limitless possibilities for searching and making discoveries. And most importantly - surfing the Web gives a feeling of being in the "stream" - complete immersion in action with a shutdown from external reality with a feeling of being in another world, another time, another dimension.

Where is the exit? By and large, in the same place as the entrance. The main goal is that the addict needs to return to real life. For this, everything that you like, captivates, evokes positive feelings is suitable. For some, this is a sport, for others - creativity, exciting work, hobbies, love. In this difficult process, the support of loved ones is important, and, if necessary, psychological assistance.

Escape from reality, in our opinion, is a negative process. Young people sometimes do not distinguish what “world” they are in. Based on this, we have developed tests and questionnaires aimed at identifying preferences in communication, and in the future, based on the results of the data obtained, we plan to create a program that would contribute to the choice of active real communication and was aimed at the socialization of people of adolescence and youth.

virtual communication is an integral part of our pastime. For many, a computer is not just a kind of technology, but rather an interlocutor. Virtual communication itself has a number of positive aspects: the ability to exchange information with people who are thousands of kilometers away from us, the search for like-minded people, a way to find remote work to become financially independent.

True, virtual communication can also cause some problems, namely:

The problem of self-identification and identification. In real life, each of us plays a certain role, which affects the appearance, communication, behavior. In virtual communication, the appearance factor does not matter, because you can write any information about yourself. In the online world, age, gender, sexual orientation, social status we choose ourselves. For example, a 15-year-old guy can write about himself that he is a 25-year-old girl. Trying to communicate in such a way that no one suspects a discrepancy, such a guy will involuntarily develop in himself not quite adequate skills, instead of developing a behavior pattern characteristic of his gender and age. As a result, he is unlikely to be successful in the real world. In addition, with virtual communication, in most cases you do not know with whom you are communicating, thereby making it difficult to build adequate relationships. In the real world, there is a model of communication between a subordinate and a boss, a teacher and a student, parents and children. In the virtual world, this line is erased, respect and self-respect are lost.

The problem of developing dependence on virtual communication. A successful and popular person is unlikely to look for virtual interlocutors when he already has enough friends and buddies. If in the real world there are difficulties in communication, then many people begin to compensate for this lack in the network, spending time on all kinds of forums, in chats. Stuttering in life, you can type quickly, thereby hiding your flaw. Gradually, the desire to communicate more and more online develops, developing into addiction, a need.

The problem of addiction to lies. Many people, communicating virtually, "decorate" their biography in order to seem more significant. Gradually, the lie becomes a habit, spreading even to real life.

The problem of irresponsibility. This problem may be a consequence of the previous problem. When a virtual interlocutor does not see you, is thousands of kilometers away from you, the responsibility to him disappears. You can promise anything, take on any job and not fulfill it, because the promise was given to the keyboard and monitor, and not to a living person, and in many cases it is not so easy to punish for not doing something on the Internet.

The problem of information distortion. With the help of words, a person conveys about 7% information, sound and intonation - 38% , for the transfer of the remaining 55% information is answered by facial expressions, posture, gestures, that is, non-verbal communication means. With virtual communication, to make up for the missing 93% transmitted information, all kinds of emoticons, punctuation marks, abbreviations began to be used in text messages. Are they able to convey the full range of emotions? You can feel tenderness, rage, fear, hatred, while typing the same words on the keyboard. Sometimes just a smile completely changes the meaning of what we say. How, then, to perceive what is displayed on the monitor screen? Like a cold text or the way we want it?

The problem of the use of specific vocabulary. In order to print some information faster, to convey it to the interlocutor, they use all kinds of abbreviations. It will be difficult for an uninitiated person to understand the meaning of such a message. And in real communication, all kinds of abbreviations and other features characteristic of virtual correspondence give the impression of illiteracy.

The problem of hostility towards "strangers" who do not belong to any communities. People who spend a lot of time on certain forums, in chats, gradually get to know each other, unite in communities, unspoken rules appear. When an uninitiated newcomer gets on such a forum and tries to start a conversation, he can be rudely ridiculed, offended by the permanent "inhabitants" of the forum. Minor mistakes, blunders of the uninitiated are inflated to universal proportions. Such a newcomer will either try to earn the favor of the old-timers and will himself be rude to new users in the future, or he will leave this forum forever.

The problem of the emergence of online diaries. Paper diaries are started in order to express their thoughts, share their emotions, problems with paper, knowing that the diary is unlikely to be read by anyone else. An online diary is the exact opposite of a paper diary. Starting an online diary, its owner understands that everything printed on its pages will be available to any Internet user. Unstructured snatches of thoughts, all kinds of phrases "for show", lies, vulgarities - the result of such virtual diaries.

According to the site

More and more people in our country, especially young and middle-aged, are becoming part of this invaluable blessing of civilization.

Less and less we began to go to the good old post office, buy postal envelopes, send telegrams... Even money can be sent through the postal services of the Web.

What is not in virtual?

Now let's compare real communication and what we have in the virtual, that is, on the Internet. When talking with a person, we, either on a subconscious level or with the help of the acquired knowledge, catch and interpret non-verbal signs coming from the interlocutor.

Of great importance is the expression of his face, look, intonation. For example, the phrase "I want to give you this" can be pronounced with a logical emphasis on the first word: "I want to give you this", on the second: "I WANT to give you this", on the third: "I want to GIVE you this", and on the fourth, and on the fifth. Depending on this, the information will carry a different meaning.

When talking on the phone, we cannot see the interlocutor, therefore, we do not perceive his posture, gestures, and eye expression. But in most cases, we “see” a smile and take note of intonation, which is a big plus.

But what about the Internet? If we don't talk about Skype, we are not only unable to hear a live voice with all its modulations and shades of intonations, but we don't even know with whom we are communicating. That is, we do not even have that minimum of information that the phone gives. Well, except that we can have an idea about the degree of knowledge of the Russian language - and nothing more!

Then why is it that about half of the population of our country prefers to click on the keyboard, instead of taking an ordinary pen and a piece of paper?

Reasons for virtual communication

One of the most important reasons is insufficient social circle in real life, that is, in ordinary life. A person, for example, works at home, goes out a little and suffers from loneliness. We will not talk about those who, due to their physical condition, find it difficult to speak or are confined to a wheelchair - it is clear that for them this is practically the only window into the big world.

... Emma Fedorovna, in former employee culture, had a severe stroke a few years ago. Through the efforts of doctors, it was possible to restore her gift of speech and clarity of thought, but, alas, she cannot leave the apartment to this day. Here is her story: “It was as if the whole world had turned upside down for me. There are no children, my husband left me a long time ago, my friends are busy with their own affairs ... I simply lost the meaning of life - who needs me, old and sick? Meanwhile, my head works fine, I feel young mentally, but decrepit physically. The only outlet I saw was the acquisition of a computer, since my fingers and eyesight were normal. I thought and thought where to get money for such an expensive pleasure and found a way out! I exchanged my two-room apartment for a one-room apartment with an additional payment - and now I can communicate with anyone, about anything and as much as my heart desires! I was reborn to life, I made many friends, and not only among Russians, I received a lot of advice about my health and I am happy to talk with new acquaintances “for life”.

Also important reasons include the opportunity to realize dormant acting abilities. It seems that many users of the “world wide web” are familiar with the feeling of some euphoria when, as if by magic, they turn into either a young coquette, or a daring macho, or a “young man thinking about life”, or a bored lady ... In real life, it’s just it is impossible to play so many roles in a few hours or even days, except to buy a bunch of wigs and hire a make-up artist. But on the Internet, such miracles are commonplace! Putting on a virtual mask, a person changes internally, and sometimes externally, he is full of self-confidence: of course - he is both a director and an actor himself!

On the Web, there are often ads for free legal, medical and other types of assistance. To you no need, embarrassed and nervous, to contact a specialist: after all, a virtual consultation is usually anonymous, and you can talk about your problems openly, without hiding. To be honest, it is unlikely that the most exhaustive, qualified help will come to you in a virtual order, but still, at least talk about the problems and get the most general recommendations and advice on who to contact - and that's not bad! Do not be offended if the answer seems to you only a formal reply: when it comes to health, then indeed, correspondence consultation is impossible in most cases. Treat this with understanding and take note of what the specialist advises.

If you are interested in any question, for example, “who is Leonardo da Vinci?”, you can, without leaving your home, without scouring libraries and reference books, just turn to a search engine. And that's it! You will receive not only comprehensive information about this Renaissance genius, but also, by reading a lot of articles, and get acquainted with his life and work.

Not everyone has the desire and ability to adapt to external conditions, but it is possible to fully manage them, where? Of course, on the web!

Who is on this side of the screen?

Well, frequent guests on the Internet - lonely or "unloved" individuals of both sexes. However, don't be too hopeful: these may just be seekers of easy, non-committal virtual flirting.

A certain Alexander, a design engineer, could not find support in his team, moreover, almost no one was interested in his invention at all. But he could not leave the idea: too much effort and skill was invested in it. “Maybe I did something wrong? Where can I find a more qualified specialist? – the man was tormented by questions. The decision to look for colleagues on the Internet was crowned with success: a long and interesting, and most importantly, useful discussion for Alexander unfolded!

So, there are benefits in the virtual! However, live communication- much more constructive. You should not think that only beautiful, smart, professional, honest, kind, accomplished and happy people are sitting in the network and waiting for you.

The new term is virtual communication, a feature of which is that people can contact interlocutors from anywhere in the world. The development of the Internet and its availability in every home allowed people to solve many problems, which is a plus. However, the minus is reflected in the fact that people are so deep in their virtual communication that they forget about real contacts.

Virtual communication is often carried out in writing, when people exchange messages on social networks or on dating sites. Also, virtual communication can be understood as talking on a microphone or on Skype. This method contact allows a person anywhere and at any time to contact the right interlocutor. However, often virtual communication replaces the real one. A person gets used to all the advantages of communication through the monitor screen, which replaces his natural need for real contact.

Internet magazine site does not make a problem of what people use computer technology. However, consideration of this issue should not be left without the participation of the reader, who must decide for himself how useful this technological opportunity is for him.

What is virtual communication?

Consider the concept of virtual communication. What it is? This is a method of communication that is carried out through a computer by providing users with telecommunication links. Virtual communication takes place far from the interlocutor. People do not see each other in the real world, but are presented in the form of images, symbols, signs and other tools.

Virtual communication is the exchange of messages that are sent by people over the Internet. Popular this species communication is in social networks, on forums, dating sites, partnerships, etc. It is quite difficult to define virtual communication as leaving a comment or review on some resource. However, the appearance of a dialogue between two or more users becomes .

Virtual communication is the ability of a person to express his thoughts in writing. Also, the communication environment determines the culture of dialogue. It creates its own slang, which is presented in the form of abbreviations that are understandable to users, or emoticons that convey this or that emotion.

The availability of the Internet has allowed many people to solve their problems, especially those related to the inability to make an acquaintance or contact a person who is thousands of kilometers away from the country. Now out different countries people can connect and maintain contacts, which is very convenient.

At the same time, various kinds of dependences arise, for example, dependence on social networks or from virtual communication. A person can get so used to communicating with others through emoticons and some messages that they lose the skill of real communication.

Convenient communication, when a person does not need to put himself in order, take care of the culture of his language, bother traveling to a meeting place, leads a person to choose virtual contacts instead of real ones. This leads to degradation, because in addition to losing social skills, a person is still changing in his culture of speech.

Features of virtual communication

Computer technology has firmly entered the life of every person. Now, not only at work, but also at home, a person can surf the Internet. Virtual communication differs significantly in its features from the real one. Here are the following:

  • The ability to contact a person who is located anywhere in the world. In real communication, it is impossible to communicate with an interlocutor from another country. The Internet has eliminated this boundary.
  • Familiar environment for interlocutors. A person does not leave home, does not get into an uncomfortable environment. He chooses the place where he is comfortable and uses those methods of information transfer that are familiar to him.
  • Written transmission of information. Usually virtual communication consists in the exchange of messages in writing. This is done through letters, chats, messages, etc. In this case, a person is able to improve his skills.
  • Exchange of any information. As they say, everything is allowed on the Internet, especially if the participants in the conversation do not see each other and do not even know what their interlocutors look like. Here you can say everything, as well as receive any information about another person.
  • Improving writing skills. This aspect becomes important if the interlocutors are studying foreign languages. With virtual communication, a person actively hones his writing skills. Here we are not always talking about improving the rules of grammar, spelling, etc. A person simply develops his own individual style of written communication. Moreover, a person learns to quickly sort through the keys to write a message.

Problems of virtual communication

Despite its positive opportunities that the Internet provides, virtual communication has many problems that distort the normal life of its users.

  1. Great flow of information. Real communication is devalued, which requires more effort and time than the ability of a person to go online and quickly get all the necessary information in a sufficiently large amount.
  2. virtual speech. On the Internet, people use a slightly different structure of speech than in the real world. Some words have their own abbreviations. Emotions are expressed through emoticons. The main meaning of the entire message is highlighted in bold or dashed lines. A person loses the skills of live communication.
  3. Communication with several people at once, which devalues ​​real meetings when communication takes place face-to-face. The person is incomplete. His personality is expressed situationally. We can say that a person loses his self-identification, begins to represent someone from himself or play certain roles.
  4. Lack of real understanding of the person. In the real world, people draw information about others not only through their words, but also through intonation, voice, phrase construction, stress, etc. Moreover, facial expressions, gestures, body posture, even the appearance of a person take part here. Information is collected comprehensively on all sensory channels, which allows you to create a more complete image of the interlocutor. With virtual communication, the channels are very limited, which forces people to invent images of those with whom they communicate. In fact, a person does not know with whom he communicates, even if he spent many months on correspondence.

As a result of the fact that people create images of those with whom they communicate, and not really know them, there is disappointment and the destruction of expectations. The longer the interlocutors communicate virtually, the more their images do not coincide with real personalities. That is why you can spend a month getting to know a person through messages and then, in one meeting, make a 100% decision not to communicate with him or see him anymore.

Advantages of virtual communication

People are increasingly resorting to virtual communication.

Here it is impossible to note the advantages that make these contacts attractive:

  • You can be anyone. While the interlocutor does not see the person, he can behave as he wants. You can imagine yourself as successful person, or you can just try yourself in a new role. Everything will be accepted.
  • You can say whatever you like. This is where your mannerisms and communication styles often become unimportant. Everything is accepted. Moreover, such communication can drag on for as long as you need it.
  • Helps shy, modest, lonely people, as well as people with physical disabilities. Often, people who do not have the opportunity to communicate live get used to virtual communication. In society, they can not calmly contact. They experience various fears and complexes. People are fenced off from them due to the presence of various physical disabilities during appearance. A person can realize his potential through a monitor when no one sees him, hears him, cannot laugh, humiliate him, etc.
  • You can find like-minded people. There are many communities on the Internet where people unite according to their interests.
  • You can interrupt communication at any time, especially if the interlocutor does not like it. And there is no need to make excuses and apologize to the interlocutor. You can just disappear, an abyss without explanation.

Disadvantages of virtual communication

Virtual communication has many disadvantages, despite the opportunities given. They are:

  1. Degradation of communication skills. A person gets used to thinking and communicating in a stereotyped, short way. This is inconsistent with real communication.
  2. Changing interests. There are many interesting things on the Internet. Soon, it becomes the only way to relax and indulge in something.
  3. Destruction of relationships in real life. The more people get used to sitting at the computer, the more they lose real contacts with friends, relatives, spouses. People stop communicating live with each other, which destroys their unions.
  4. Emotional and mental degradation. Many feelings and emotions cannot be experienced through virtual communication. A person becomes bored due to the scarcity of his emotional life, which affects the change in character.
  5. Thinking up images. People are not able to get to know each other well through correspondence. Often they create images to which non-existent qualities and traits are attributed. If suddenly such people meet in real life, then they may note that their images and real people are completely different concepts.
  6. Getting used to lies and irresponsibility. On the Internet, you can be anyone, anonymously write various nasty things, say all the best and embellished about yourself. No one will be punished for this. The interlocutors do not even know the real state of affairs.

The main disadvantage is the appearance of dependence, when a person gets so used to virtual communication that he can no longer refuse it.

Virtual chat with a girl

Dating is popular in virtual communication. A guy is interested in how to communicate with a girl to please her.

The following tips will come in handy here:

  • Be playful, humorous and optimistic. You can embellish your image a little, making it more successful than it actually is.
  • Do not bombard the girl with messages so that she does not think that she has already conquered you.
  • Show interest in. The girl should feel that you are interested in communicating with her.
  • Visit her page.
  • Start a conversation on any topic.
  • Maintain communication.
  • Say goodbye to her quickly, but culturally, so that she feels your respect for her.


Without virtual communication, modern man will no longer live. There will be nothing wrong here if it is reasonable and purposeful, and not an attempt to kill time and decorate your leisure time. The result of virtual communication can be both networking and a solution life problems, and the development of dependence, from which it will be impossible to get rid of. It all depends on the person and his conscious approach to business.