NPC plan for elementary school. Preparation for the NPC (guidelines). Preparing a draft version

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school in the village. Ust-Omchug" XIV SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE "WE AND THE WORLD OF BIG PROBLEMS" Title of work (type creative work)

6 Contents (table of contents) Includes an introduction, titles of all sections, subsections, paragraphs and a conclusion indicating the numbers of the initial pages. The wording of the table of contents should exactly repeat the headings of chapters and subchapters, paragraphs in the text, be concise and understandable. Pages should be arranged in the following order: Title page (page 1) Table of contents (page 2) Introduction (justification of the chosen topic) Main body Conclusion (conclusions) List of information resources used Applications (if any)

The table of contents (work plan) is placed on page 2, where all the headings of the work are indicated and the pages from which they begin The plan can be simple or complex The plan must contain paragraphs - introduction, main body, conclusion and bibliographic list Each paragraph of the plan has its own page Sheet with the plan is not numbered, but is considered page 2

Research work: (design-research, abstract-research) I. Introduction 1. Relevance and research problem 2. Hypothesis. Target. Tasks 3. Object and subject of research. Novelty 4. Research methods and sources of information used II. Main part. Title of work 1. (Stages and course of research ………). 2. ………………………………………..: a). ……………………. ; b). ……………………..; V). ……………………... III. Conclusion 1. The results of the study, their significance 2. Conclusions. Perspectives IV. List of Information Resources Used V. Applications

Project work I. The main idea and design of the project II. Relevance (you can specify the problem, hypothesis - if any) III. Stages of project development, types of work at each stage (you can specify the purpose and objectives of the stages - if any) 1.……….. 2.……….. IV. Distribution of roles and positions in the project V. Resources VI. Results of the project implementation VII. List of used information resources (if any) VIII. Annexes (if any) The type of work has its own work plan

Author's work: 1. The main idea of ​​this work 2. Stages of work on the implementation of the creative idea: a). ………..; b). …………. 1. Results of the work 2. Application (creative developments can be attached to the text: video materials, drawings, sketches, working materials, etc.)

11 Introduction The section should contain a statement of the problem within the framework of the chosen topic and justification for the choice of the problem and topic. The introduction gives a brief description of the topic under study, substantiates its relevance, the author's personal interest in its study, notes the practical significance of studying this issue, where it can be used. It also lists the specific tasks to be solved in accordance with the goal. The volume of the introduction is approximately 1/10 of the total volume of work. The introduction is a crucial part of the work, a kind of business card. But it is better to write the full text of the introduction after the completion of work on the main part, when the results of the work will be clearly visible.

Theme is the definition of the essence. In order to formulate a topic, it is necessary, first of all, to identify the problem, to determine the object and subject of research. A problem is a statement of a question that needs to be solved, to study what has not been studied. Problems (example) usually consist in identifying new or unknown persons, relatives, the facts of their biographies, creating (restoring) the pedigree of one's own or another person, etc.

The object of study is a process or phenomenon that generates problem situation and favorites for study. The subject of research is within the boundaries of the object, is its side, aspect or point of view. The subject of research can be the study of the fate of a real person, a specific pedigree, a genealogical tree of the genus.

The purpose of the study is its final result, the solution of a scientific problem, which should eventually be reached (noun) The formulation of the research objectives is necessary to specify the purpose of the study (verbs) common problem, the solution of which leads to the solution of the problem itself

Written (printed and handwritten: books, magazines, newspapers, memoirs, personal and public documents, etc.), - pictorial (photographs, drawings, posters, geographic Maps and others), - material (household items, handicrafts, family relics, etc.), - oral (conversations, interviews, etc.), - technotronic (audiovisual, video-visual, multimedia or computer), - complex (items containing elements of sources different types). Research sources

Research methods are the methods, techniques by which research is carried out. They consist in the possibility of applying old knowledge to obtain new knowledge. 1. Accumulation of scientific material: study of literature and sources; familiarization with the history and theory of the issue, achievements in related fields; consultation; observation. 2. Understanding the collected material: comparison; measurement; analysis and synthesis; generalization; analogy; modeling. 3. Verification and clarification of facts: criticism; clarification of the conclusions drawn, adjustment; the discussion of the results; experiment, test in practice.

17 Language clichés used in the introduction: Topic The work (research, project, abstract) is devoted to the topic, problem, current issue ... The work (...) is devoted to the characteristics of the problem ... The topic of the work (...) is ... In the work (...) ... is considered (what? ), it is said (about what?), An assessment is given, analysis (of what?), Generalized (what?), A point of view is presented (on what?), etc. And also, for example, such verbs are used: study ... identify ... install… etc.

19 The relevance of the topic (problem) to which the work (research, project, abstract) is devoted This topic (problem) is of particular relevance, since ... This topic (problem) is extremely relevant in last years(on present stage) ... This topic (problem) attracts the attention of many scientists (critics, teachers, etc.) In modern science, the topic (what?) is especially acute ...

21 Main part B this section topic should be covered. In the main part, usually divided into chapters, it is necessary to disclose all the points of the drawn up plan, to coherently present the accumulated and analyzed material. The essence of the problem, different points of view on it, the own position of the author of the study are stated. It is important to ensure that the main idea put forward in the introduction permeates the entire work, and all material is aimed at revealing the main tasks. Each section of the main part should open with a specific task and end with brief conclusions.

23 Footnotes are inline, sublinear and beyond text. Intratext Intratext footnotes are an inseparable part of the main text. For example, "In a famous book ...". Footnotes Footnotes are placed under the line at the bottom of the page indicating the number of the footnote or some icon. Out-of-text Out-of-text footnotes are placed outside the text of the entire abstract or part of it, in which case they should be numbered through (through the entire work). An abbreviated version of the footnote is allowed, for example: . This means that the quote is taken from page 15 of the source, which is number 7 in the list of sources and references.

24 Conclusion In the conclusion, the results of the entire work are summed up, conclusions are summarized that contain clear answers to the questions posed for the purpose of the study, own generalizations are made (sometimes taking into account different points of view on the problem presented), new things that have been obtained as a result of work on this topic are noted . The conclusion should not exceed the length of the introduction. Should be avoided common mistakes: passion for secondary material, avoidance of the problem, categorical and variegated presentation, poor or too scientific language, inaccurate citation, lack of references to the source.

25 Linguistic clichés used in the conclusion: The author comes to the conclusion, the conclusion that ... In conclusion, we can say ... Summarizing what has been said, we can conclude that ... Analysis of the literature allowed us to identify the most reasonable point of view (which one?) From all that has been said, it follows that the most conclusive is the opinion (whose?). On the basis of these data, we accept the point of view (what?), etc.

26 List of information resources The list of used information resources is being completed. It records only those sources with which the author of the work (research, project, abstract) worked. The list is compiled in alphabetical order by the names of authors or titles of books. If there are several works by the same author, their titles are arranged according to the year of publication. If separate pages from the book were involved, they are indicated. Foreign sources (published in foreign language) are listed at the end of the entire list.

27 The list of literature used to write the work (...) is compiled according to the following rule: - The serial number of the literary source. - Surname, initials of the author. - The full title of the book (without quotes, except if the title is a quote). - Type of publication (Text, art production, electronic edition, etc.). - Place (city) of publication. - Publisher. - Year of publication - a number without the letter "g." - The number of pages (or other information about the volume of the publication, corresponding to its type).

28 An article from the collection is written as follows: - Serial number of the source. - Surname, initials of the author. - Title of the article [Type of publication] // Title of the collection: Subtitle / Editor. Compiled. - Place (city) of publication. - The year of publishing. An article from a magazine or newspaper: - The serial number of the source. - Surname, initials of the author. - Title of the article [Type of publication] // Name of the journal. -Year of issue. - Issue number. - Article pages.

29 For example: Books: 1.Vorontsov, G.A. Fundamentals of library science and work with the book [Text]: Uchebn. guide for teachers and students cf. specialist. uch. establishments. -M.: Higher school, p. 2. Lvov, Yu.A. Fundamentals of economics and business organization [Text]. SPb.: GMP "Formika", p. 3. Organization and methodology of business meetings: Tutorial. [Text]. Kyiv: MAUP, From the encyclopedia: Gvozdetsky, N.A. Elbrus [Text] // TSB 3rd ed. - -M: T.30. P.151.

30 Journal: 1. Alexandrova, Z. Legal regulation labor of civil servants [Text] // Russian language and literature in secondary educational institutions of the Ukrainian SSR P. 16 - Semenov, Yu. 21. P.24 - 32; 22, pp. 24–31; 23. P.24–31; 24. P.24–32.

32 For example: For example: 1. Web document: Smolnikova I.A. Working abstract for introducing information technologies at school. Center "Informatics". [ Electronic resource] 2. Teleconference: Rozina I.N. Questions for teachers exercising distance learning using computer telecommunications in Russia and the USA. January 7 GROUP issue.offline, ART 629 (18 atdhfkz 1999). 3. Electronic resource on CD: Art Encyclopedia of Foreign Classical Art [Electronic resource]. Electron. text, graphic, sound Dan. and applied prog. (546 MB). Moscow: Bolshaya Ros. encycle. [and others], electron. opt. disk (CD-ROM): sound, color, 12 cm + hands. user (1 sheet) + postcard (1 sheet).

33 Appendices Appendices to the abstract allow you to raise the level of work, more fully reveal the topic. Applications may include: copies of documents (with the indication "photocopied from ..." or "redrawn from ..."), graphics, tables, photographs, charts, diagrams, etc. Applications are located at the end of the abstract. The application must have a title or an explanatory caption and the type of attached information - diagram, list, table, etc. The source is also reported, from where the materials that served as the basis for compiling the appendix were taken (the literary source must be included in the list of references). Each appendix begins on a new sheet, numbered so that it can be referred to in the text using parentheses, for example: (Appendix 5). The pages on which the appendices are given continue the general numbering of the text, but are not included in the total volume of the abstract.

34 Systematization of material in tabular form A table is used if it is necessary to systematize digital or textual material in the form of columns (columns), or to highlight various parameters. Basic elements of a table A table can have a title. It is performed lower case(except for the first capital) and placed above the table. The title should fully reflect the content of the table. Headings of the columns of the table begin with capital letters, subheadings - with lowercase letters, if they make up one sentence with the heading of the column. Subheadings that have independent meaning are capitalized. Do not put dots at the end of headings and subheadings. The main word of the heading is put in the singular. Headings and subheadings of the graph are performed at one interval.

35 Design of illustrations Illustrations include graphs, diagrams, diagrams, drawings, photographs, etc. Each type of illustration must have a title consisting of following parts, placed under the illustration: 1. Conventional abbreviated name "Fig.". 2. Serial number within the work, denoted Arabic numerals no sign. 3. The name of the illustration, reflecting its main content. For example, Fig.3. Scheme of the management structure of Berkut OJSC. If necessary, illustrations are provided with explanatory data (figure text). If only one illustration is given, then it is not numbered and the word "Fig." do not write. Usually illustrations are placed after their first mention in the text.

36 Requirements for the design of the work Pages of the text and applications of the abstract must comply with the A4 format (210x297). The volume of work should not exceed 20 - 25 pages of printed text (without attachments). If there are applications, the volume of the abstract can be extended to pages. For computer-generated text, font size 12-14, Times New Roman, normal; line spacing 1.5-2; margins: left 30 mm, right 10 mm, top 20 mm, bottom 20 mm. Text is printed on one side of the page; footnotes and notes are printed on the same page they refer to (with 1 spacing, in a smaller font than the text).

37 All pages are numbered starting from the title page; the digit of the page number is often placed at the top center of the page; The title page and the table of contents do not have a page number. Each new section (introduction, chapters, paragraphs, conclusion, list of sources, applications) starts on a new page. The distance between the section title (chapter and paragraph headings) and the following text should be equal to three intervals. The heading is located in the middle of the line, do not put a dot at the end of the heading. Heading hyphens are not allowed.

1. The texts of the works must be verified in terms of lexical and stylistic literacy. 2. It is necessary to check the historical dates and facts mentioned in the text in reference books and encyclopedias; surnames, names and patronymics, dates of life of individuals; use complex scientific words and expressions correctly. 3. When using special terms and concepts, it is not necessary to provide a dictionary at the end of the work, but it is necessary to use professional vocabulary only if the author of the work fully understands it. 4. Applications to work must be annotated. (captions for photographs, diagrams, maps, memoirs, interviews, reproductions, illustrations, etc.) Text requirements

5. When quoting individual statements, different points of view, memoirs, records of conversations, etc. it is necessary to correctly and accurately draw up footnotes to the source. 6. When using any other information carrier (video recording, audio cassette, letter, picture, copy, certificate, etc.), it is necessary to indicate where this primary source is stored (museum, archive indicating the fund and other output data). 7. Be sure to indicate full list sources on which this work is based. 8. Be sure to indicate the list of local history and scientific literature used in this work. At the same time, it is important to correctly, according to the currently accepted bibliographic rules (GOSTs).

40 Criteria for evaluating work Criteria for evaluating work can be both general and particular. The general criteria include the following: correspondence of the work to the topic, depth and completeness of the disclosure of the topic, adequacy of the transmission of the primary source, consistency, coherence, evidence, structural order (presence of an introduction, main part, conclusion, their optimal ratio), design (presence of a plan, a list of information sources, citation culture, footnotes, etc.); linguistic correctness.

41 Particular criteria Refer to specific structural parts of the work: introduction, main part, conclusion. Criteria for assessing the introduction: 1. Criteria for assessing the introduction: the existence of a justification for the choice of topic, its relevance; the presence of formulated problems, hypotheses, goals and objectives of the work, the object and subject of research, novelty. Availability brief description primary sources.

42 Criteria for evaluating the main part: structuring the material into sections, paragraphs, paragraphs; the presence of headings to parts of the text and their successful wording; problematic and versatility in the presentation of the material, highlighting the main concepts and terms in the text, their interpretation, the presence of examples illustrating theoretical positions.

44 Information resources 1. Vorontsov, G.A. Abstract work. [Text]. Rostov n/a: Publishing Center "Mart", p. 2. GOST "Abstract and Abstract" 3. Kalmykova, I.R. Abstract as a form of oral final assessment of students in grades 9 and 11 [Text]. // Education in a modern school C Interstate standard “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and drafting rules” [Text] Abstract (preparation, execution and defense procedure) [Text]. // Practice of administrative work at school Rozina, I.N. Registration of bibliographic references to electronic informational resources. Rostov State Pedagogical University. [Electronic resource]. 7. Shilova, O.N., Lebedeva, M.B. How to develop an effective teaching and learning package using information technologies. [Text]. Moscow:, p.


to the design and content research work

Title page

The title page is the first page of the work, but the figure is not put on it, drawings and other illustrations are also unacceptable.

Top center

Name educational institution.

(The top field indicates the full name of the institution.)


Title of the work (in capital letters).

(The topic is not enclosed in quotation marks and the word “topic” itself is not written. When formulating a topic, one should adhere to the rule: the narrower it is, the more words are contained in the formulation of the topic. A small number of words in the formulation of the topic indicates its vagueness, lack of specificity in the content of the work .

Below is the type of work and the academic subject, for example, teaching and research work in history.)

(Even lower, closer to the right edge of the title page, the surname, name, patronymic are indicated)

Leader information.

Down center

The name of the locality.

Year of writing.

The lower field indicates the city and year of work (without the word “year”).

The choice of the size and type of font of the title page is not of fundamental importance.

Table of contents

Title of all chapters, sections with page numbers.

Introduction (no more than 2 pages)

The relevance of the problem under study.

Goals and objectives of the study.

Research hypothesis.

Research methods.

Short description work structures.

(The introduction contains a statement of the problem, briefly substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic, formulates the goal and objectives, indicates the object and subject of the study, the chosen method (or methods) of the study. The volume of the introduction should not exceed 2-3 pages.)

Main part (no more than 10 pages)

Consists of theoretical and practical parts. The author makes references to the authors and sources of the materials used.

Conclusions are drawn at the end of each chapter. The conclusions repeat what was said in the chapter.

(In the main part of the work, the methodology and technique of the study are given, the concepts considered in the work are revealed, information is given on the scope of the study and a description of practical work, the results obtained are presented and discussed. The content of the main part must exactly correspond to the topic of the work and fully disclose it. The chapters are numbered in order. Each chapter begins with a new leaf and is followed by conclusions. The main text may be accompanied by illustrated material: drawings, photographs, diagrams, diagrams, tables.)


Conclusions should consist of several points summarizing the work performed. The author indicates his personal contribution.

(The conclusion should not verbatim repeat the conclusions of the chapters, but formulate conclusions based on the results of the study and the degree of achievement of the goal of the work, indicates prospects. The most important requirement for the conclusion is its brevity (1-3 pages) and thoroughness..)


In alphabetical order indicate publications, editions and sources, publisher, city, total number of pages.

(At the end of the work, a list of used sources and literature is given (a bibliographic list, at least 3-5). The text of the work should contain references to one or another scientific source. The list includes all sources used by the author (archival materials, newspaper publications, editions), monographs, scientific papers, regardless of where they are published, and also whether the text contains references to works not included in the list or the last ones have not been cited. author in the course of work. When making a list of sources, literature is listed first, and then other sources, sites. The information about the book consistently indicates its author or authors, title, city in which the book was published, publisher, year and number of pages in the text.)


Contains data on the basis of which the study was conducted, tables, diagrams, drawings, photographs.

(Auxiliary or Additional materials if they help to better understand the results obtained.

All quotations, facts, evidence, figures given in the work should have references in the form of footnotes to the materials from which they are borrowed. Two ways to format footnotes:

Method 1 - page by page (all quotations from each page are indicated by numbers, starting with 1, and at the end of the page after the line - last name, initials, title, place of publication, year, page. For example: Montaigne M. Experiments. M., 1991. P.122.

Registration of work

The text of the work must be neatly typed. Handwritten works will not be accepted. The volume of student research work usually ranges from 5 to 30 pages (excluding applications) of printed text, the report - from 1 to 5 pages. The font of the main text of the work should be 14 points, not italic. Line spacing - 1.5-2. Headings are allowed to use fonts up to 28 points. The typeface is of the Times New Roman family. Abstract papers are not accepted. Margin size: left - 30mm, right - 10mm, top - 20mm, bottom - 20mm. When resizing, it must be taken into account that the right and left, as well as the top and bottom margins must be 40mm in total.

With the right parameters, the page should fit an average of 30 lines, and an average of 60 printed characters per line, including punctuation marks and spaces between words. The text is printed on one side of the page. Footnotes and notes are printed on the same page to which they refer, one-spaced, in a smaller font than the text.

All pages are numbered starting from the title page; the number of the page number is placed at the top center of the page; The title page does not have a page number.

Each new section (introduction, chapters, paragraphs, conclusion, list of sources, applications) should be started from a new page.

The distance between the section title, chapter or paragraph headings and the following text should be equal to three intervals. The heading is located in the middle of the line, do not put a dot at the end of the heading.

The purpose of the research activity is formulated briefly, in one sentence, and then detailed in tasks.

When formulating a goal, verbs can be used




When formulating tasks -






(Research tasks should not be too many (3-5).)

The objectives of the study determine its methods and techniques, i.e. techniques and methods used by the researcher. These include:

 observation

 measurement

 comparison

 experiment

 Simulation

 testing

 Questionnaire interviews, etc.

In the conclusion of the study, the author lists the results obtained during the study, formulates conclusions. Moreover, the results should be in a logical connection with the objectives of the study, and the conclusions - with the goal. For example, if the research objectives are formulated with the words “analyze”, “describe”, “identify”, “establish”, then the results are given in the following form: “In the course of this study analysis was carried out ..., identified ..., determined ..., established ...”






Conduct an analysis






Experiment, etc.


During this study





Based on the results of this study



  • Today we can observe rapid changes throughout society that require new qualities from a person. First of all, of course, we are talking about the ability for creative thinking, independence in decision-making, initiative. Naturally, the tasks of developing these qualities are assigned to education, and primarily to the secondary school. Over the past decade, the Olympiad movement has been gaining strength at a rapid pace, the work on conducting the NPC
  • Research work should not be just an interesting story about what was read and testify only to the student's erudition, the task of research is the ability to analyze, compare facts and, based on them, draw their own conclusions and conclusions.
 replacement of the research paper with an abstract, i.е. review of various scientific works;
  •  replacement of the research paper with an abstract, i.е. review of various scientific works;
  •  replacement of research by work of a compiling nature, i.e. connecting segments logically arranged into one whole from different scientific texts;
  •  lack of completeness in the work, which is due to the lack of a systematic approach to research activities. Instead of long-term work, a text created in as soon as possible by the method of "storming";
  •  the inability of the student to competently lead a discussion to defend the results of their research and answer questions from the audience, which is often a sign of the absence of a preliminary discussion stage at the school level.
  • Shortcomings in the design of the study
Speaking about the etymology of the word "research", we note that this concept contains an indication of extracting something "from the trace", i.e. restore a certain order of things by indirect signs, random objects. Consequently, the concept of a person's ability to compare, analyze facts and predict the situation is already here. the concept of the basic skills required of the researcher. The essence of the research work is to compare the data of primary sources, their creative analysis and new conclusions based on it.
  • Speaking about the etymology of the word "research", we note that this concept contains an indication of extracting something "from the trace", i.e. restore a certain order of things by indirect signs, random objects. Consequently, the concept of a person's ability to compare, analyze facts and predict the situation is already here. the concept of the basic skills required of the researcher. The essence of the research work is to compare the data of primary sources, their creative analysis and new conclusions based on it.
  • Research activity as a whole is understood as such a form of organization of work that is associated with the solution by students of a research problem with a solution unknown in advance.
  • The elements of research activities include:
  • 1. Research methods.
  • 2. Available experimental material.
  • 3. Interpretation of data and conclusions arising from them.
  • Educational and research activities require a certain preparation of both the student and the teacher. In this joint work, success depends on the preparedness of each of its participants. It is quite natural that the main share of responsibility falls on the leader of the work, who in this case plays the role of a leading, more experienced participant.
  • The object area of ​​research is the area of ​​science and practice in which the object of study is located. In school practice, it may correspond to one or another academic discipline such as mathematics, biology, literature, physics, etc.
  • The object of study is a certain process or phenomenon that generates a problem situation. The object is a kind of carrier of the problem - what the research activity is aimed at. The concept of the subject of research is closely connected with the concept of an object.
  • The subject of research is a specific part of the object within which the search is conducted. The subject of research can be phenomena as a whole, their individual aspects, aspects and relationships between individual parties and the whole (a set of elements, connections, relations in a specific area of ​​the object). It is the subject of research that determines the topic of the work.
A topic is an even narrower area of ​​study within a subject. Choosing a topic for many is a very difficult stage. Students often choose topics that are too broad or complex.
  • A topic is an even narrower area of ​​study within a subject. Choosing a topic for many is a very difficult stage. Students often choose topics that are too broad or complex.
  • The topic is the perspective from which the problem is considered. It represents the object of study in a certain aspect, characteristic of this work.
  • It is equally important to formulate the topic correctly from the very beginning. After all, the topic is a kind of visiting card of the study.
  • The formulation of the topic reflects the coexistence in science of the already known and not yet explored
a very important stage in preparation for the NPC
  • a very important stage in preparation for the NPC
  • To substantiate the relevance means to explain the need to study this topic.
  • Justifying the relevance of the chosen topic, one should indicate why exactly it and exactly at the moment is relevant (important, requiring research). IT IS OBLIGATORY TO INDICATE THE CONTRADICTION OF THE PROPOSED IDEAS, FACTS
  • The resolution of this contradiction is most directly connected with practical necessity. This means that when addressing a particular problem, the researcher needs to clearly understand what practical questions the results of his work can answer.
2. Working with the literature on the topic, the student must master different types of reading, suggesting a different degree of penetration into the material.
  • 2. Working with the literature on the topic, the student must master different types of reading, suggesting a different degree of penetration into the material.
  • A) Viewing reading is desirable to use in cases where you want to get acquainted with the general content of the book, its chapters or paragraphs, the author of the work. In this case, the title page, table of contents, abstract, separate paragraphs and sentences are usually read.
  • B) Introductory (selective) reading will help in finding answers to certain questions from several sources and for comparing and contrasting the information found, developing your own point of view.
  • C) Study reading is an active form of detailed reading. It suggests that you read carefully, stopping and thinking about the information.
  • It is important to make notes of everything that may be useful to you in your scientific work: interesting thoughts, facts, figures, different points of view. This can be done either in the form of cards or in a separate notebook.
  • There is no need to try to include all the available material in the study, no matter how sonorous other names and quotations are - this can only damage the integrity and consistency of the study.
The hypothesis must satisfy a number of requirements:
  • The hypothesis must satisfy a number of requirements:
  •  be verifiable;
  •  contain an assumption;
  •  be logically consistent;
  •  Conform to the facts.
  • When formulating a hypothesis, verbal constructions of the type are usually used: “if ..., then ...”; "because..."; "provided that ...", i.e. those that direct the attention of the researcher to the disclosure of the essence of the phenomenon, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships.
The goal of the study is the end result that the researcher would like to achieve when completing his work.
  • The goal of the study is the end result that the researcher would like to achieve when completing his work.
  •  reveal...;
  •  install...;
  •  substantiate...;
  •  clarify...;
  •  Develop...
  • The task of the study is the choice of ways and means to achieve the goal in accordance with the hypothesis put forward.
  • Objectives are best formulated as a statement of what needs to be done in order for the goal to be achieved.
  • The setting of tasks is based on the division of the research goal into subgoals. The enumeration of tasks is based on the principle from the least complex to the most complex, time-consuming, and their number is determined by the depth of the study.
Method is a way to achieve the goal of the study
  • Method is a way to achieve the goal of the study
  • A) Theoretical methods: analysis, synthesis, modeling, abstraction
  • B) Empirical: comparison, experiment
  • C) mathematical: data visualization (functions, graphs, etc.).
Conducting a study includes two successive stages: the actual conduct (the so-called technological stage) and the analytical, reflective stage.
  • Conducting a study includes two successive stages: the actual conduct (the so-called technological stage) and the analytical, reflective stage.
  • In the work plan, it is necessary to indicate the purpose of the planned experiments; list the inventory necessary for their implementation; forms of entries in draft notebooks. The work plan also includes the primary processing and analysis of the results of practical actions, the stage of their verification.
1 block - theory and conceptual apparatus
  • 1 block - theory and conceptual apparatus
  • 2 block - description of the experimental part of the work
  • Block 3 includes the presentation of the results of the study (think about how to present the results of your research at the city conference, work out the presentation forms)
basic design requirements:
  • basic design requirements:
  • by content:
  • - substantiation of the relevance of the topic;
  • - the main thesis;
  • - argumentation, evidence and facts confirming the thesis put forward;
  • - main conclusions;
At the beginning of the article, its main thesis is put forward,
  • At the beginning of the article, its main thesis is put forward,
  • which is then subjected to a reasoned proof in the main part.
  • At the end of the article, conclusions are placed that confirm or refute all of the above.
  • Introduction 3
  • Chapter 1 4
  • 1.1 8
  • 1.2 11
  • Chapter 2 16
  • 2.1 20
  • 2..2 23
  • Conclusion 25
  • References 27
  • Applications
  • Appendix 1 28
  • Appendix 2 30
  • The introduction should include: a statement of the topic; The relevance of research; research problem; object, subject; purpose, tasks; hypotheses; research methods; research stages; study structure; its practical significance
The main (substantive) part of the work may contain 2-3 chapters. (The name of this part as the main one is rather connected with its greater volume than the other parts, rather than with the value, since, for example, the introduction is no less significant part of the work).
  • The main (substantive) part of the work may contain 2-3 chapters. (The name of this part as the main one is rather connected with its greater volume than the other parts, rather than with the value, since, for example, the introduction is no less significant part of the work).
  • Chapter 1 usually contains the results of the analysis of special literature, the theoretical substantiation of the research topic;
  • chapters 2-3 describe the practical stages of work, interpretation of data, identification of certain patterns in the phenomena under study during the experiment. Each chapter ends with conclusions.
A book by one or more authors:
  • A book by one or more authors:
  • 1. Mayorov A.N. Theory and practice of creating tests for the education system. - M.: Intellecttsentr, 2001. - 296 p.
  • 2. Shishov S.E., Kalney V.A. Monitoring the quality of education in school. - M.: Russian Pedagogical Society, 1998. - 354 p.
  • 3. Goss B.C., Semenyuk E.P., Ursul A.D. Categories modern science In: Formation and development. - M.: Thought, 1984. - 268 p.
  • Collection with a collective author:
  • Theoretical problems and technologies of innovative management in education: Sat. scientific articles / Comp. O.S. Orlov. - Veliky Novgorod: RIS, 2000.-180 p.
  • Newspaper and magazine article:
  • Mikhailov G.S. Psychology of decision making // Journal of Applied Psychology. - 2001. - No. 5. - P.2-19.
  • Encyclopedia and dictionary entry:
  • Biryukov B.V., Gastev Yu.A., Geller E.S. Modeling // TSB. - 3rd ed. - M., 1974. - T. 16. - S. 393-395.
  • Innovation // Dictionary-reference book on scientific and technical creativity. -Minsk, 1995.-S. 50-51
According to the content, among the applications, copies of documents, statistical materials, etc. are distinguished. In form, they are texts, graphs, maps, tables, etc.
  • According to the content, among the applications, copies of documents, statistical materials, etc. are distinguished. In form, they are texts, graphs, maps, tables, etc.
  • Application is a piece of text scientific research, which has an additional (usually reference) value necessary for a more complete coverage of the topic. It is placed after the main text.
It should be remembered that the entire performance is given no more than 5-7 minutes. According to the regulations, you can count on an additional 1-2 minutes, but no more. Neither the topic (it has already been announced), nor what was read (the list of references) should be discussed. Protection in no case should be reduced to a retelling of the entire content of the work. If you failed to interest the audience in the time allotted according to the regulations, its extension will only increase misunderstanding and irritation of the listeners.
  • It should be remembered that the entire performance is given no more than 5-7 minutes. According to the regulations, you can count on an additional 1-2 minutes, but no more. Neither the topic (it has already been announced), nor what was read (the list of references) should be discussed. Protection in no case should be reduced to a retelling of the entire content of the work. If you failed to interest the audience in the time allotted according to the regulations, its extension will only increase misunderstanding and irritation of the listeners.
Special attention pay attention to the speech of the speaker. It should be clear, grammatically accurate, confident, expressive. If the speaker tries to speak quickly, swallowing the endings of words, quietly, indistinctly, then the quality of his speech is reduced. A calm, consistent and well-reasoned presentation of the material impresses the listeners.
  • Pay special attention to the speech of the speaker. It should be clear, grammatically accurate, confident, expressive. If the speaker tries to speak quickly, swallowing the endings of words, quietly, indistinctly, then the quality of his speech is reduced. A calm, consistent and well-reasoned presentation of the material impresses the listeners.
When answering questions, do not forget about simple rules.
  • When answering questions, do not forget about simple rules.
  • If the question asked is outside the scope of your research, you should not come up with an answer on the go that is not supported by the result of the research. It is perfectly acceptable to say that this was not the subject of your research or that it is planned to be investigated in the next stage.
  • logic;
  • accuracy;
  • clarity;
  • availability;
  • persuasiveness;
  • interestingness;
  • expressiveness;
  • confidence;
  • contact with listeners;
  • appropriateness of gestures;
  • facial expression, etc.
  • To make the report interesting and convincing, one should provide theoretical provisions and conclusions with examples from texts, try to use simple sentences, as precise formulations as possible.

Vorontsov, G.A. Abstract work. [Text]. Rostov n / a: Publishing Center "Mart", 2012. 64 p. GOST 7.9-77 "Abstract and abstract" Kalmykova, I.R. Abstract as a form of oral final assessment of students in grades 9 and 11 [Text]. // Education in modern school. 2011. No. 11. pp. 57-61. Interstate standard “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for drafting” [Text]. 2008. Abstract (preparation, execution and defense procedure) [Text]. //Practice of administrative work at school. 2012. No. 1. Rozina, I.N. Registration of bibliographic references to electronic information resources. Rostov State Pedagogical University. [Electronic resource]. Shilova, O.N., Lebedeva, M.B. How to develop an effective educational and methodological package by means of information technology. [Text]. M.:, 2006. 144p.

Municipal educational institution

Gymnasium No. 80



Sevastyanov Gleb Evgenievich

Class 1 1 .

Scientific adviser:

Repina Tatyana Vasilievna

Chelyabinsk. 2010

Introduction 3


1.1.Liquid 4

1.2. Solid. 5

1.3. gaseous. 7

1.4. Useful chemical discoveries for all mankind. 8



References 14


Every day we use in our life objects and products that are not born by nature, but made by man in chemical plants and factories. I noticed that every day I carry out chemical reactions myself: for example, when my mother cooks an egg for me for breakfast (when heated, the protein from a liquid state turns into a solid one - a raw egg becomes steep); when mom washes using detergents; when I, gluing the plastic parts of the ship model, lubricate them with acetone and the surface of the part becomes sticky. By burning firewood in a stove, mixing sand and cement with water, or slaking lime with water, we carry out real, and sometimes quite complex chemical reactions.

As soon as a person began to cook his own food, so he, albeit unconsciously, became a chemist. In frying pans and braziers, in barrels and earthenware biochemical processes. Cooking is a chemical process. In any living organism, various chemical reactions are carried out. Processes heat treatment food, animal and human respiration are based on chemical reactions. With the help of chemicals, selected in a certain proportion and converted into drugs in a certain way, man has learned to treat terrible diseases that killed entire nations.

It took many years and even centuries for a person to use chemical processes: most of the chemical discoveries were made by artisans, perfumers, pharmacists and pharmacists. Some of these secrets have come down to us in old books, and some have been irretrievably lost.

Many, using chemicals, become victims of burns, suffer from explosions, etc. Knowing the conditions and features of the course of certain chemical reactions, this could have been avoided. You can, for example, dissolve a limescale deposit on a water tap with a drop of lemon juice, and use ordinary potassium permanganate to clean the pan to a shine. But for this it is necessary, firstly, to know the properties of substances and, secondly, to be able to use these properties. Understanding the essence of the chemical processes that we use every day, without thinking about it, will only benefit a person.

Purpose of my research - understand the essence and variety of chemical reactions, show the role of chemistry in everyday life.

To achieve this goal, I have decided the following tasks:

1. Conduct a literature review on the topic.

2. Conduct experiments and record results.

3. Analyze and fix the state of the substance after the experiments: liquid, solid, gaseous.

4. Investigate the effect of chemical reactions carried out on human life.

5. Assess the impact of the chemical reactions carried out on the environment.

Main Methodwhich we will use: system analysis, observation.

Imagine for a moment that your eyes have become so keen that they can see individual atoms or molecules. Now, wherever you look, everywhere you will notice atoms or molecules that behave differently depending on the state of aggregation of the substance. Looking at gas, you will see the random movement of many particles (atoms, molecules): individual particles, constantly moving, collide with each other, bounce off to the sides, again run into other particles - a fast, chaotic dance of atoms and molecules is constantly, continuously going on. Particles move randomly liquids, although here they are already placed more closely, each of them, as it were, tends to stay closer to its neighbors.

Build particles in crystalline substance it looks like a honeycomb or scaffolding: right and left, forward and backward, up and down, even, regular, endless rows of them stretch. But these particles do not stand still, but oscillate, as if shifting from one foot to the other, impatiently waiting for the command “Disperse!”.

However, they cannot disperse, only if the crystal is heated so that it begins to melt. Under the warm rays of the spring sun, the ice heats up and melts; it destroys the structure of particles in the ice crystal, the forces that hold the particles in their places are weakened. The sun disappeared, it froze again: snowflakes swirled in the air, drops froze with icicles.


Ø Water.Mankind has long paid great attention to water, because it was well known that where there is no water, there is no life. In dry soil, grain can lie for many years and germinate only in the presence of moisture. Despite the fact that water is the most common substance, it is distributed very unevenly on Earth. On the African continent and in Asia there are vast expanses devoid of water - deserts. A whole country - Algeria - lives on imported water. Water is delivered by ship to some coastal areas and to the islands of Greece. Sometimes there water costs more than wine.

The surface of the globe is 3/4 covered with water - these are oceans, seas; lakes, glaciers. In fairly large quantities, water is found in the atmosphere, as well as in the earth's crust.

It is not very easy to imagine that a person is approximately 65% ​​water. With age, the water content in the human body decreases. In a healthy body of an adult, a state of water balance or water balance is observed. It lies in the fact that the amount of water consumed by a person is equal to the amount of water excreted from the body. Water exchange is important integral part general metabolism of living organisms, including humans. Water metabolism includes the processes of absorption of water that enters the stomach when drinking and with food, its distribution in the body, excretion through the kidneys, urinary tract, lungs, skin and intestines.

A person can live without food for about a month, and without water - only a few days. The body's response to lack of water is thirst. In this case, the feeling of thirst is explained by irritation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx due to a large decrease in humidity. There is another point of view on the mechanism of formation of this feeling. In accordance with it, a signal about a decrease in the concentration of water in the blood is sent to the cells of the cerebral cortex by nerve centers embedded in the blood vessels.

The main reserves of fresh water on Earth are concentrated in glaciers.

A crystal is a solid state of matter. It has a specific shape and a certain amount of faces due to the arrangement of their atoms. All crystals of the same substance have the same shape, although they may differ in size. In nature, there are hundreds of substances that form crystals.

Mineral crystals are also formed during certain rock-forming processes. Huge quantities hot and melted rocks deep underground are actually solutions of minerals. When masses of these liquid or molten rocks are pushed to the surface of the earth, they begin to cool.

They cool very slowly. Minerals turn into crystals when they change from a hot liquid state to a cold solid state. For example, mountain granite contains crystals of minerals such as quartz, feldspar, and mica. Millions of years ago, granite was a molten mass of minerals in a liquid state. At present, there are masses of molten rocks in the earth's crust, which are slowly cooling and forming crystals of various types.

Crystals can have all sorts of shapes. All known crystals in the world can be divided into 32 types, which in turn can be grouped into six types. Crystals can have different sizes. Some minerals form crystals that can only be seen with a microscope. Others form crystals weighing several hundred pounds.

Salt. Salt starvation can lead to the death of the body. The daily need for salt in an adult is 10-15 g. In a hot climate, the need for salt increases to 25-30 g.

The human body quickly reacts to the violation of the salt balance by the appearance of muscle weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, the appearance of unquenchable thirst.

Table salt has albeit weak, but antiseptic properties. The development of putrefactive bacteria stops only when its content is 10-45 %. This property is widely used in the food industry and in food preservation at home.

Evaporation sea ​​water at temperatures of 20–35 °C, the least soluble salts are first released—calcium and magnesium carbonates and calcium sulfate. Then more soluble salts precipitate - sodium and magnesium sulfates, sodium, potassium, magnesium chlorides, and after them potassium and magnesium sulfates. The order of crystallization of salts and the composition of the precipitates formed may vary somewhat depending on temperature, evaporation rate, and other conditions.

In the earth's crust, layers of rock salt are quite common. Salt is the most important raw material chemical industry. Soda, chlorine, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, metallic sodium are obtained from it.

When studying the properties of soils, scientists found that, being impregnated with sodium chloride, they do not let water through. This discovery was used in the construction of irrigation canals and reservoirs. If the bottom of the reservoir is covered with a layer of earth soakedNaCl, no water leakage occurs. For this purpose, of course, technical salt is used. Builders use sodium chloride to remove the freezing of the earth in winter and turn it into hard stone. To do this, the areas of soil that are planned to be removed are densely sprinkled in autumn.NaCl. In this case, in severe frosts, these areas of the earth remain soft.

Chemists are well aware that by mixing finely ground ice with table salt, an effective cooling mixture can be obtained. For example, a mixture of composition 30 gNaClper 100 g of ice is cooled to a temperature of -20 C 0 occurs because an aqueous solution of salt freezes at low temperatures. Therefore, ice having a temperature of about 0°C will melt in such a solution, taking away heat from the environment. This property of a mixture of ice and table salt can also be successfully used by housewives.

Even under normal air pressure, many substances boil at very low temperatures. We usually call them gases. So, air consists mainly of two gases - nitrogen and oxygen. Their usual gaseous state is explained by the fact that they boil at temperatures well below zero: -196 ° C (nitrogen) and -183 ° C (oxygen). Therefore, even in the coldest corners of the Earth, the temperature is above their boiling points, and therefore they remain gases. For a gas, neither volume nor shape are constant. The gas expands or contracts to fill the volume or shape of the vessel it occupies. People use gas (propane) in their kitchens to cook food and heat their homes. Gas fields in Russia are concentrated mainly in the North of the country . Natural gas is found in the ground at depths ranging from 1,000 meters to several kilometers. An ultra-deep well near the city of Novy Urengoy received gas inflow from a depth of more than 6,000 meters. In the bowels of the gas is in microscopic voids (pores). The pores are interconnected by microscopic channels - cracks, through these channels the gas flows from the pores with high pressure to the pores with lower pressure until it reaches the well. Gas is extracted from the bowels of the earth using wells. There are 24 storage facilities in Russia natural gas. The length of Russia's main gas pipelines is 155,000 km.

Ø Matches .

Sparking when a stone strikes a piece of pyriteFeS 2and setting fire to charred pieces of wood or plant fibers was a way for humans to produce fire.

Since the methods of obtaining fire were imperfect and laborious, a person had to constantly maintain a burning source of fire. To bring the fire to Ancient Rome used wooden sticks dipped in molten sulfur.

Devices for making fire, based on chemical reactions, began to be made at the end XVIII V. At first, these were wood splinter, on the tip of which potassium chlorate (Bertolet's salt) was fixed in the form of a head. KS1Oz) and sulfur. The head was immersed in sulfuric acid, a flash occurred and the splinter caught fire. Man was forced to store and handle unsafe sulfuric acid, which was extremely inconvenient. Nevertheless, this chemical "tinderbox" can be considered as the progenitor of modern matches.

At the beginning of XIX V. the German chemist Debereiner invented a more perfect, but also more complex steel. He found that a jet of hydrogen directed at spongy platinum ignites in air.

In a modern lighter, the fuel is ignited by the action of a spark resulting from the combustion of the smallest particle of “flint” cut off by a gear wheel. "Flint" is a mixture of rare earth metals (lanthanides). In a finely divided state, this mixture is pyrophoric, that is, it ignites spontaneously in air, forming a spark.

There are several varieties of modern matches. According to their purpose, matches are distinguished that are lit under normal conditions, moisture-resistant (designed for ignition after storage in humid conditions, for example, in the tropics), wind (lighted in the wind), etc.

Since the last century, mainly aspen and less often linden have been used as the main raw material for the manufacture of match straws. To do this, a tape is removed from a round churak, peeled from the bark, with a special knife in a spiral, which is then chopped into match straws. When a match is burned, it is necessary to obtain a non-smoldering ember from the straw and keep the red-hot slag from the burnt head on it. The need for the latter is determined by the desire to protect the consumer from burns through clothes when hot slag enters. A smoldering ember from a straw naturally poses a fire hazard. To eliminate the smoldering of the straw and fix the slag from the head, the straw is impregnated with substances that form a film on its surface during combustion. Thanks to this film, the combustion of coal stops. She also fixes the slag from the head. Phosphoric acid and its salt are used as anti-smoldering agents. (NH 4) 2HPO 4.

Ø Paper and pencils .

Documents have been preserved indicating that in 105 AD. e. the minister of the Chinese emperor organized the production of paper from plants with the addition of rags. About 800. such paper has become widespread in China, as well as in the Middle East. The acquaintance with paper of Europeans is associated with the crusades to the Middle East - to Syria, Palestine, North Africa, organized by Western European feudal lords and the Catholic Church (the first campaign took place in 1096-1099). In the early Middle Ages (before the start of the Crusades), papyrus was mainly used for writing in Europe. In Italy it was used in 12th century

Writing was known in Egypt and Mesopotamia from the end IV and early III millennium BC. e., i.e., long before the invention of paper. As already noted, the main predecessors of paper as a material on which a letter was applied were papyrus and parchment.

papyrus plant (Cyperuspapyrus) grows in Egypt in a swampy area near the Nile River. The stem of the plant was stripped of bark and bast, and thin strips were cut from the snow-white material. They were laid in layers along and across, and then the vegetable juice was squeezed out of them by mechanical pressure. This juice itself has the ability to stick papyrus strips together. Later, glue made from raw hides or flour was used to fasten the strips. After drying in the sun, the resulting sheets were polished with stone or leather. Papyrus for writing began to be made about 4000 years ago. It is believed that the name of the paper (papiera) comes from the word papyrus.

Parchment is undressed, but freed from hair and treated with lime, animal, sheep or goat skin. Just like papyrus, parchment is a strong and durable material. Although paper is less strong and durable, it is cheaper and therefore more widely available.

To make the working part of a graphite pencil, a mixture of graphite and clay is prepared with the addition of a small amount of hydrogenated sunflower oil. Depending on the ratio of graphite and clay, a stylus of different softness is obtained - the more graphite, the softer the stylus. The mixture is stirred in a ball mill in the presence of water for 100 hours. The prepared mass is passed through filter presses and plates are obtained. They are dried, and then a rod is squeezed out of them on a syringe press, which is cut into pieces of a certain length. The rods in special devices are dried and the curvature that has arisen is corrected. Then they are fired at a temperature of 1000-1100°C in shaft crucibles.

The composition of colored pencil leads includes kaolin, talc, stearin (it is known to a wide range of people as a material for making candles) and calcium stearate (calcium soap). Stearin and calcium stearate are plasticizers. Carboxymethylcellulose is used as a binding material. This is the glue used for wallpapering. Here it is also pre-filled with water for swelling. In addition, appropriate dyes are introduced into the leads, as a rule, these are organic substances. Such a mixture is stirred (rolled on special machines) and obtained in the form of a thin foil. It is crushed and the gun is stuffed with the resulting powder, from which the mixture is injected in the form of rods, which are cut into pieces of a certain length and then dried. To color the surface of colored pencils, the same pigments and varnishes are used, which are usually used to paint children's toys. The preparation of wooden equipment and its processing is carried out in the same way as for graphite pencils.

I conducted experiments in order to understand the features of the course of chemical reactions. The results of the experiments and the features of their course, as well as the initial substances are shown in table 1.

Table 1

Summary table of results

Experience number

starting materials

Way of influence



Sugar, ashes

We set fire

Sugar is burning

Ash serves as a catalyst for combustion (redox reaction)

Sand, ethyl alcohol, soda, sugar

We set fire

3 Mixture foams

Violent neutralization reaction

1) Sucrose C 12 H 22 O 11 does not burn under normal conditions: if you bring a lit match to a piece of sugar, it will melt, partially char, but not burn. If, on the other hand, just a little ash is poured onto a piece of sugar and the fire is brought up again, the sugar will light up with a bluish-yellow flame with a slight crackle. I tried it and I'm convinced!

The essence of the changes in the behavior of sugar is that the ash containing alkali metal carbonates serves as a catalyst for the combustion of this substance. It is believed that the main role is played by lithium carbonate Li 2 CO 3 . Sugar burns, turning into carbon dioxide and water.

2) Sweet sugar can turn into a "black viper" if you pour 3-4 tablespoons of dry sifted river sand into a plate and make a slide out of it with a recess at the top, soak the sand ethyl alcohol, and then lay in the recess of the slide a mixture of 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar and 1 teaspoon, well ground in a mortar drinking soda and set fire to this mixture. After 2-3 minutes, black balls appeared on the surface of the mixture, and a black liquid appeared at the base. When almost all the alcohol has burned down, the mixture turns black, and a thick black snake with a "collar" of burning alcohol slowly crawls out of the sand. In the flame of burning alcohol, sugar melts and chars, and carbon dioxide released from soda swells and moves the burning mass. The residue after burning is sodium carbonate mixed with tiny particles of coal.

3) This experience has been known to me for a long time, this is what my mother did when she baked cakes and cookies: she extinguished soda with vinegar. The neutralization reaction proceeds very rapidly!


The protection of nature is the task of our age. Human impact on environment assumed alarming proportions. Even according to moderate models of the global warming process, small glaciers (and they make up the vast majority) have no chance of recovery. The melting of glaciers is one of the most important aspects of the problem of climate change. It will jeopardize the quality drinking water for nearly 2 billion people. In addition, sea levels will also rise. Thus, according to forecasts provided by the UN, over the next 30 years, up to 80% of the Himalayan glaciers may melt.

The relevance of environmental issues is no longer in doubt. Within the framework of environmental problems, chemical processes are considered in the gas phase (atmospheric chemistry) and in aqueous solutions (hydrosphere chemistry), crystallization (lithosphere chemistry), as well as mutual transformations of compounds of some chemical elements with the transition from one state of aggregation to another (circulation of elements in nature).

Despite the apparent diversity, almost all inorganic materials (except metals) are oxygen compounds of silicon or calcium salts. This is not surprising when you consider that oxygen and silicon make up three-quarters of the earth's crust, and calcium is the most abundant of the active metals. Therefore, it is imperative to pay attention to the composition, structure, properties and areas of application of these substances used not only in construction and in everyday life, but also in the creation of works of art.

The number of household chemicals is constantly increasing. Proper use of chemicals in the household requires an understanding of their properties.

Conclusion: understanding the essence of chemical processes that we encounter in everyday life brings only benefits to a person.

1. Brief chemical encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1961 - 1967. T. I-V.

2. Betekhtin A.G. Mineralogy. - M .: State. Publishing House of Geological Literature, 1950.

3.Butt Yu.M., Duderov G.N., Matveev M.A.General Technologysilicates. – M.: Gosstroyizdat, 1962.

4. Fast G.P. Match production technology. – M.–L.: Goslesbumizdat, 1961.

5. Kozmal F. Paper production in theory and practice. – M.: timber industry, 1964.

6. Kukushkin Yu.N. Compounds of the highest order. - L .: Chemistry, 1991.

7. Kulsky L.A., Dal V.V.Problem pure water. - Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1974.

8. Losev K.S. Water, - L .: Gidrometeoizdat, 1989.

9. Tedder J., Nehvatal A., Jubb A. Industrial organicchemistry. — M.: Mir, 1977.

10.Chalmers L. Chemical means in everyday life and industry - L .: Chemistry, 1969.

11. News Internet publications. (2010)