Forestry and woodworking industry. Production of main types of products from the forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries Directions in which the forestry industry needs to be developed

Concept, composition and factors of location of the woodworking industry

The wood processing industry is a branch of the forest industry. It includes:

  1. logging;
  2. primary wood processing;
  3. sawmill production (production of sleepers, lumber);
  4. production of standard wooden houses;
  5. production of building parts from wood and wood-based panels (doors, parquet, chipboard and other wooden structures);
  6. plywood production;
  7. production of matches;
  8. furniture manufacture.

Conventionally, the woodworking industry is divided into two large groups:

  • creation of lumber and furniture (mechanical processing);
  • wood chemical industry and the creation of pulp and paper products (chemical processing method).

The main task of the woodworking industry is deep processing of wood, as well as the maximum use of waste from logging and wood processing, the search for additional reserves of wood and its savings in all sectors of the economy.

Woodworking enterprises usually specialize in the production of a certain type of wood products and products. Therefore, they distinguish: - woodworking. or furniture assembly plant, furniture factory, house-building plant or factory, ski factory, factory musical instruments etc.

Note 1

The woodworking industry is considered the most labor-intensive industry. The use of high-quality diverse raw materials and the implementation of high-quality wood processing are factors that influence the location of the industry.

To locate enterprises in this industry, other conditions are taken into account:

  • close location of the raw material base;
  • availability of water and energy sources;
  • availability of transport infrastructure;
  • proximity to potential and actual consumers;
  • creation of jobs.

Development of the woodworking industry in Russia

One of the aging sectors of the Russian economy is the wood processing industry. The most common areas of this industry are:

  1. lumber production;
  2. production of slabs and furniture.

The history of the development of the woodworking industry began at the beginning of the 18th century, but reached intensity only in mid-19th century. Combines and factories were created that were engaged not only in cutting material, but also in the production of furniture, matches and plywood. Production volumes were growing, but the industry was at a low level of technical development compared to foreign countries. Before the 1917 revolution, the main product of this industry was lumber. Before the First World War, large and equipped wood processing factories began to open in Arkhangelsk and Onega.

In the period from 1929 to 1940, there was an increase in capital construction, furniture and other production. Enterprises began to produce products for the mass consumer (windows, doors, etc.). Many mills and factories have automated their production processes.

Second World War, financial and economic crises in the country had a negative impact on the development of the industry. Many businesses closed due to losses. Workers became unemployed and were forced to look for a new job, even outside their specialty. There was also a reduction in product exports, a decrease in production volumes and the accumulation of stocks of unclaimed products in warehouses.

Note 2

Currently, the woodworking industry is actively developing. Russia's share in the world's forest reserves is ¼. Special attention the state attaches importance to the implementation innovative technologies, the use of the latest equipment, which allows for an integrated approach to the production process and minimizes costs.

The territory of Russia is rich in coniferous trees, which are more valuable for the wood processing industry than deciduous trees. Such forests are found in the Northern, Ural, Volga-Vyatka, Far Eastern and Siberian regions. The main enterprises of the industry are located in these areas.

Wood industry of the world

Note 3

Not all countries in the world are able to provide themselves with raw materials for the development of the wood processing industry. In this case, they import wood and manufacture various types of products from it.

Finland, which has significant forest reserves, uses its own resources to create lumber. This production does not require large financial investments, the output is quality product, which can be used for various purposes. Finland exports most of its products to the UK and Japan.

Wood mined in Finland has the following properties:

  • low cost of raw materials, which attracts most countries;
  • good quality wood;
  • the possibility of subsequent wood processing;
  • initial readiness natural resource for use;
  • no production waste.

Other countries focus on the production of furniture, right up to the production of absolutely ready-made structures. Such production already requires significant investments, which pay off fairly quickly after successful implementation finished products.

The majority of all production in other countries is occupied by furniture production, since it does not include primary wood processing. The manufacturer purchases processed material on the domestic or foreign market and manufactures its products.

Unlike many countries in the world, Russia has a full production cycle, starting from wood extraction and ending with its processing and production finished products. In the USA, as well as in the Russian Federation, the production of wood materials is very developed, but it is inferior to Russia in terms of territory.

China has good forest areas, but the country's government is not able to establish full-fledged wood processing activities due to natural factors. Germany prefers to purchase wood in order to preserve the integrity of its own forests. It cooperates mainly with Finland.

The current state and prospects for the development of forestry, timber, woodworking and pulp and paper industries

The Republic of Belarus has a developed forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industry. The structure of the timber industry complex is represented by the following industries: logging (13.5% of total output), wood processing (69.5%), pulp and paper (16.4%) and wood chemical industry (0.6%). It creates 3.8% of the value of manufactured industrial products and employs 11.6% of the total number of industrial production personnel in the country (2007). The industry is managed by the Ministry of Forestry.

The logging industry produces approximately 13.5% of the gross output of the timber industry. More than 7.5 million m3 of wood is harvested in the republic annually. The main timber harvesting areas are located in Vitebsk, Gomel, Minsk and Brest regions.

The total area of ​​the forest fund of the Republic of Belarus is 9.4 million hectares, 8.04 million hectares of which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Forestry.

As a result of a targeted policy of reforestation and afforestation, the area of ​​forested land increases, the formational structure and species diversity of forests is preserved, and their sustainability and productivity increases.

Over the past 20 years, the forest fund of Belarus has undergone significant quantitative and qualitative changes in better side. They are determined both by the economic activities of organizations involved in forestry, and natural processes forest growth.

Due to the creation of new forests on unproductive agricultural lands, the total area of ​​the republic's forest fund during this period increased by 1 million 350 thousand hectares.

Simultaneously with the increase in the total area of ​​the forest fund, thanks to the targeted activities of foresters, there is a qualitative improvement in the state of the forest fund of the republic. The area of ​​forested land increased by 927 thousand hectares. The forest cover of the republic's territory increased from 33.9% to 38.3%.

In addition, in the Republic of Belarus there is a steady increase in the areas of ripening, mature and overmature plantings. Over a twenty-year period, the area of ​​mature forest stands has more than doubled.

As a result of planned regulation of forest cutting volumes, primarily final felling, the total stock of plantings increased 1.6 times and, as of January 1, 2010, already exceeded 1.5 billion cubic meters. m, and reserves of mature wood amounted to 188 million cubic meters. m.

As a result economic activity and natural growth of forests, forest productivity increased significantly: the average stock of plantings per 1 hectare of forested land during this period increased from 135 to 193 cubic meters. m, including mature and overmature stands - from 216 to 242.8 cubic meters. m. The average age of plantings increased by 12 years and reached 51 years.

The area of ​​specially protected natural areas and specially protected areas is almost 2.3 million hectares or 24.2% of the total forest area.

Enterprises in the industry are engaged in primary processing and removal of timber. The main types of products of timber industry enterprises are lumber, particle boards and fiberboards, plywood and furniture.

Starting from 2008, it is planned to sell standing timber through exchange trading. The exchange trading mechanism will make it possible to balance the price of such raw materials for consumers based on supply and demand.

The efficiency of forest resource development depends on the transport accessibility of the logging fund and the availability of forestry roads.

The main indicator of meeting transport needs in forestry is the density of the road network, expressed by the linear length of roads per 100 hectares of forest area.

In 2006, the Program for the transport development of the forest fund and the construction of forestry roads in the forests of the Republic of Belarus for the period until 2010 was approved.

In accordance with the instructions of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Industry, together with the Ministry of Forestry and the Bellesbumprom concern, developed a “Program for the production of logging and forestry machinery and equipment for 2006 - 2010”.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated January 12, 2007. No. 22 "On approval of the Program for the production of forestry and logging equipment for 2006 - 2010" and Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 29, 2006 No. 1760 "On approval of the Forestry Development Program of the Republic of Belarus for 2007 - 2011" provides for an increase in the current level technical equipment of the industry, implementation modern methods thinning and final felling in forests based on advanced technologies that will allow comprehensive mechanization of logging operations through maximum replacement manual labor cars.

Exports of forest products and services in 2006 were carried out to 25 countries of the world, of which 13.6% accounted for the CIS countries (mainly to Russia - 13.5%) and 86.4% - to non-CIS countries (of which Poland accounted for - 29%, Latvia - 18.8%, Germany - 10.6%) of the export volume according to the Ministry of Forestry. Based on the results of work in January-August 2010, organizations of the Ministry of Forestry exported forest products and provided services in the amount of 65.5 million US dollars. The export growth rate compared to the same period last year was 264.5%.

The woodworking industry is divided into sawmills, the production of standard houses and building parts made of wood, plywood, furniture, and the production of matches. Its share in the structure of the complex is 65%. The woodworking industry is engaged in the processing and processing of wood, mainly specializing in the production of sawmill materials, furniture, fiberboard (fibreboard) and particleboard (chipboard), matches, door and window blocks, parquet, plywood, sports equipment, etc.

The furniture industry accounts for almost 70% of the industry. There are 11 furniture production associations in Belarus. The largest ones - "Bobruiskdrev", "Minskmebel", "Gomeldrev", "Vitebskdrev", "Mostovdrev", "Pinskdrev" - produce furniture of various designs. In structure export goods industry share of the furniture industry today is about 45 - 50%. Belarus also has a large plywood industry, which began to develop at the beginning of the 20th century.

An important part of the timber industry is plywood production. Currently in Belarus there are six plywood production facilities with a total capacity of 183.5 thousand m3 of plywood per year. They are part of woodworking associations and enterprises in Borisov, Mostov, Pinsk, Rechitsa, Gomel and Bobruisk.

The production of particleboard and fiberboard (chipboard and fibreboard) is concentrated at enterprises located in Bobruisk, Vitebsk, Borisov, Pinsk, Mosty, Rechitsa, Ivatsevichi. About 55% of chipboard and 26% of fiberboard are used in the domestic market, the rest is exported (to Russia, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, etc.).

The production of matches is carried out at three enterprises: PA "Borisovdrev", PA "Gomeldrev" and PA "Pinskdrev".

The Republic of Belarus has a developed packaging production. Up to 100 thousand m3 of box sets are produced annually, of which up to 60% are produced by forestry enterprises.

The pulp and paper industry produces approximately 20% of the gross output of the timber industry. There are 12 specialized enterprises in the Republic of Belarus that produce mass and special types of paper and cardboard. The leading industry enterprises in the Republic of Belarus include: Svetlogorsk Pulp and Cardboard Mill OJSC, Belarusian Wallpaper OJSC, Gomeloboi OJSC, Dobrush Paper Mill Hero of Labor OJSC, Slonim Cardboard and Paper Plant Albertin OJSC, OJSC "Paper Mill "Krasnaya Zvezda", Unitary Enterprise "Paper Mill" of Goznak of the Republic of Belarus, OJSC "Paper Mill "Spartak", OJSC "Molodechno Cardboard Factory "Raevka", OJSC "Cardboard Factory "Olkhovka", OJSC "Krovlya" and others.

Taking into account the fact that in the republic the imbalance in the production of paper and cardboard is 5:1, it is planned to build the second stage of the association with specialization in the production of bleached cellulose. Thinning wood, wood waste and deciduous wood can be used as raw materials.

Paper and cardboard are produced in small factories in Dobrush, Shklov, Chashniki, Slonim, Pukhovichi, Borisov and other cities and towns. Expanding the production of paper and cardboard at domestic enterprises will make it possible in the future to reduce import volumes. For this purpose, technical re-equipment of the industry is being carried out.

The wood chemical industry produces about 1% of the gross output of the timber industry. It is based on chemical processing of wood. This includes: dry distillation of wood, charcoaling and various types of rosin and turpentine production.

It is presented open joint stock company"Lesohimik" - manufacturer of turpentine and rosin.

There are two hydrolysis plants in the republic in Bobruisk and Rechitsa, which produce feed yeast, ethyl alcohol, furfural and tanning extract from wood raw materials.

There are 12 resin factories in Belarus that are focused on the production of charcoal.

Further development of the forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries in the Republic of Belarus will be carried out in accordance with the Government-approved Program for the Rational and Integrated Use of Wood Resources for 2002 - 2010.



2. Ecology and life. - 2010. No. 1. P.72

3. Economics. Finance. Control. - 2010. No. 4. P.34

4. Bektobekov, G.V. Improving the technogenic risk management system at furniture and woodworking enterprises / G.V. Bektobekov, N.E. Garnagina, A.S.Verbitsky // Woodworking industry.- 2010.-No.3.-P.25-26

5. Gubanau, Ya. Instead of problems - a solution / Yagen Gubanau // Belarus.Belarus. - 2010.- No. 7. - P. 26

Forestry and woodworking industry - a set of industrial production facilities of the national economy, specializing in procurement and processing wood material, production of furniture structures, various wood semi-finished products, paper, cardboard and cellulose products, various chemicals based on wood waste. All these industries are combined into larger inter-industry complexes, such as forestry, forestry and forestry.

Forestry industries

The main branches of the forest industry are:

Logging industry

Is largest industry, includes the direct process of harvesting wood raw materials and its removal (or rafting) for further processing, as well as the disposal of logging waste, carried out by special forestry enterprises: forest districts or forestry enterprises. Thanks to the presence of large taiga tracts of Siberia and the Far East on the territory of the former Soviet Union, it occupied one of the leading positions in the state economy; by 1972, the USSR came out on top in world timber exports, in other countries of the socialist camp (Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Romania) also exported wood abroad, but in much smaller quantities. The leading positions in the countries of the capitalist world were occupied by the USA, Canada, Sweden, Finland, France, Germany, and Japan. Today, the major producing countries of wood raw materials are the USA, Canada, Russia, Ukraine, Sweden, Brazil, India, Indonesia, China and Nigeria.

Wood industry

Carries out mechanical and chemical-mechanical processing of incoming wood raw materials and its further processing. Products of this industry - plywood, sleepers, various wood sheets and slabs, beams, wooden blanks, finished wooden elements that are used in various types mechanical engineering (production of carriages, ships, cars, aircraft, etc.), spare parts for furniture structures, matches, wooden containers, etc. During the post-war period of development in the USSR, almost all industries National economy The Soviet woodworking industry experienced an unprecedented rise; since 1957, the country ranked first in the world in terms of lumber production. Also, other socialist countries had a developed woodworking industry at that time - Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and even Mongolia, and capitalist countries did not lag behind them: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Canada, etc. Today, the largest manufacturers of wood processing products are the USA, Russia, Canada, Japan, Brazil, India, France, Sweden, Finland, Germany;

Pulp and paper industry

The most complex branch of the forest industry. The basis of the activities of enterprises in this industry is the production of paper, cardboard and cellulose products from the remains of wood raw materials, using mechanical and chemical processing. In the USSR, pulp and paper mills were located on the territory of the Belarusian and Russian socialist republics. Soviet Union was among the top ten leading countries in terms of output of paper and cardboard products; traditional competitors are the USA, Canada, Sweden and Finland. Now the production of cellulose has been established on a large scale in developed countries of the northern hemisphere: the USA, Canada, Sweden, Finland, Japan and in one single country in the southern hemisphere, Brazil. Countries that produce paper in large volumes for export are Canada, the USA, and Japan. The production of paper and cardboard products in Asia (China, Thailand, Korea, etc.) is growing rapidly;

Wood chemical industry

It is based on the chemical processing of wood waste: production of rosin, phenol, alcohol (both ethyl and methyl), production of glue, acetone, camphor, etc. Since 1932, the USSR occupied second place in the world (1st place USA) in the production of camphor and rosin; many forest chemical enterprises producing charcoal, camphor, rosin and turpentine were located in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Yugoslavia. Capitalist competitors are the USA, Canada, Sweden, Finland, Spain, Mexico, Portugal, France and Greece. Currently, the leading positions in the export of forest chemical products are occupied by the USA, Great Britain, Russia, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, Hungary, etc.

Russian forest industry

It plays one of the main roles in the economy of the state, on whose territory ¼ of all forest resources of our planet are located. The structure of the forestry complex of the Russian Federation includes about 20 industries, the main ones:

  • Forestry complex. It is the basic direction of the entire timber industry complex of the Russian Federation. Previously, the USSR was second in wood exports, now Russia is sixth or seventh, supplying wood raw materials to Europe and Asia. Geographically, logging is carried out in the Far East, the European North of the Russian Federation, the Urals, and in the regions of Eastern Siberia;

  • Woodworking. It is the most labor-intensive industry, the range of products is wide and varied. Plywood is made mainly from birch; enterprises in this industry are located in the Northern (Arkhangelsk region), Northwestern and Ural (Perm and Sverdlovsk region) regions. Most of the sawmilling enterprises operate in the European part of Russia, producing sheets and boards from wood chip waste - near logging sites and sawmills, furniture manufacturing in large cities, matches (from aspen) - in places where the raw material base is located.

  • Pulp and paper industry. The raw materials for it are coniferous trees, the leading production areas are Karelian, Volgo-Vyatka and Ural;
  • Timber chemical complex. It consists of two main areas: the hydrolysis industry (production of alcohol, glycerin, turpentine, rosin, etc.), the main raw material is waste from the woodworking industry, and the production of various plastics, synthetic fiber, linoleum, cellophane, etc., raw materials - waste from pulp and paper mills.

World development trends

Depending on the places of concentration of forests on our planet, the following zones are distinguished:

  • Northern. This is the territory of taiga forests on the Eurasian and North American continents, where coniferous timber is harvested. A number of developed countries of the Eurasian and North American continents (USA, Russia, Finland, Canada, Sweden) specialize in the supply of wood raw materials on an international scale.
  • Southern. Hardwood timber is harvested in three main regions of the globe - the forests of Brazil, tropical Africa and southeast Asia. Huge reserves of wood raw materials are concentrated on the South American continent, from where it is exported to Europe and Japan for further processing, or used as fuel for heating homes. In countries located in the southern hemisphere, alternative raw materials (not wood) are widely used for the production of paper products: bamboo branches are processed in India, sisal in Brazil and Tanzania, jute in Bangladesh, and sugar cane pulp in Peru.

The uneven distribution of forest resources, which are classified as renewable, poses the threat of their excessive use, which can lead to total deforestation of territories. For example, uncontrolled deforestation of equatorial rainforests has already led to large-scale environmental problems in Brazil and Mexico.

The developing countries of Asia, Africa and South America are increasing the procurement of wood raw materials every year, and China and India have already appeared among the traditional developed countries (USA, Canada, Finland, etc.), which were previously among the top ten procurement countries , Brazil and Indonesia, Nigeria and Congo. However, in developed countries, the percentage of industrial (high-quality) wood exceeds the share of firewood (used for fuel) several times, and in countries Latin America And in Asia this picture is completely opposite. In the USA, Sweden, Finland, Canada, etc. In the structure of fuel consumption, firewood takes up from 3 to 12%, while in African countries - up to 78%, in China - up to 65%, in South America, about 57% of all harvested wood raw materials is used for firewood.

Types of products


Wood removal

thousand dense m 3

incl. business


Particle boards

thousand conventional units m 3


million conventional units m 2



million conventional units pieces

School notebooks

Source: Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Belarus, 2002, p. 361.

With the improvement of the economic situation in the republic and the planned accelerated development of the pulp and paper industry, the demand for low-value and small-sized wood will increase, which will make it possible to more fully and rationally use the country's logging fund and intermediate felling wood. Further development of the logging sub-industry is associated with the need to build logging roads, produce and update logging equipment and the transition from clear logging to more environmentally friendly selective and gradual felling.

The organization and management of the logging sub-sector has been changing (since 2004). The entire volume of logging will be carried out by enterprises of the recreated Ministry of Forestry. The harvested wood will be sold through the Forest Exchange.

The basis of the modern timber industry complex of the country is woodworking , represented by an almost complete set of technologically interrelated sub-sectors of mechanical and chemical-mechanical wood processing (see the above industry structure).

The technological chain of wood processing production begins with sawmilling. The share of sawmill production in pre-revolutionary Belarus accounted for 60% of woodworking products, currently it accounts for just over 9%. Nevertheless, almost half of the harvested wood is used for the production of lumber (see Table 8).

Sawmill production, like logging, has a departmentally and geographically dispersed nature - in total there are 2,716 sawmill enterprises and production facilities in the country, and there are several dozen sawmills in each administrative region of the country. A large number of technically poorly equipped small sawmills reduce the efficiency of the sub-sector and the possibility of industrial use of sawmill waste. However, the main volumes of sawmilling are concentrated in large centers - Bobruisk, Mozyr, Rechitsa, Gomel, Borisov and some others, which have an advantageous transport and geographical location at the intersection of river routes with railways and a traditionally developed combination of various woodworking and microbiological industries.

The most developed sub-sector of wood processing in Belarus is the furniture industry. This was facilitated by the existing raw material base, traditions and established qualified personnel, high demand for furniture by the growing urban population and the favorable transport and geographical position of the republic for the export of furniture products. There are 326 furniture enterprises and production facilities in Belarus. The largest of them are located in the centers of product consumption as part of woodworking associations - “Pinskdrev”, “Gomeldrev”, “Bobruiskmebel”, “Molodechnomebel”, “Minskmebel”, “Mozyrdrev”, etc. Large furniture enterprises are characterized by the production of furniture of various design groups , but there is a subject specialization in the production of sets - offices, living rooms, dining rooms, etc. Until recently, up to 80% of the furniture produced by individual enterprises was exported, mainly to Russia. But in recent years, the price competitiveness of Belarusian furniture on the foreign market has decreased due to rising energy costs. Therefore, it is planned to expand the production of highly sought-after highly artistic furniture sets with facade elements made of solid wood and other types that meet the requirements of the European market, as well as the use of new resource-saving technologies.

Among the enterprises producing building parts from wood and boards, the largest are Bobruisk FanDok, Vitebskdrev, Baranovichidrev, Minskdrev. For the production of chipboards (chipboards) and fibreboards (fibreboards), whose properties are not inferior to lumber and plywood, mainly wood waste is used. Therefore, the production of fiberboard and chipboard is located for more efficient use of wood in combination with other woodworking industries in large forestry centers - Rechitsa, Pinsk, Mozyr, Ivatsevichi, Vitebsk, Bobruisk, Mosty, Borisov, Gomel.

Traditionally, significant volumes of plywood and matches are produced in Belarus, the production of which uses wood from less valuable soft-leaved trees. The production of plywood is concentrated in Bobruisk, Mosty, Borisov, Gomel, Pinsk, Rechitsa, and matches - in Gomel, Borisov and Pinsk at plywood-woodworking and plywood-match factories.

The priority direction in the further development of woodworking in the country is the production of highly artistic furniture, new structural materials competitive in the foreign market - large-format plywood, medium-density fiberboard, joinery and construction products that meet the requirements of European standards. New resource-saving technologies will be introduced in these industries using the achievements of computerization, automation, and microelectronics.

Pulp and paper industry, Less developed in Belarus than woodworking, it has great development prospects. They are due to: firstly, the need for more efficient use of available forest resources; secondly, the greater efficiency of exporting final products of deep wood processing than unprocessed timber and semi-finished timber; thirdly, the need of Belarus for cellulose for operating paper mills and for paper for the developed printing industry.

In Belarus, the first paper mills were built at the beginning of the last century in Dobrush and Shklov, and pulp production began only in the 1980s. at the Svetlogorsk pulp and cardboard mill. Currently, there are 105 enterprises and production facilities of the pulp and paper industry in the country, with a predominance of production of paper products. The largest enterprise in the industry is OJSC Svetlogorsk Pulp and Cardboard Mill, which has its own production of unbleached pulp (50 thousand tons per year) and specializes in the production of corrugated container board and packaging paper. The largest producers of paper and products made from it are OJSC Slonim Cardboard and Paper Plant "Albertin" and Dobrush Paper Mill "Hero of Labor". There are also paper mills in Borisov, Shklov, Chashniki, and small cardboard factories in Molodechno (“Raevka”), Ostrovetsky (“Olkhovka”), Pukhovichsky (“Svetly Bor”) districts. Imported cellulose and waste paper are used as feedstock. Two large wallpaper factories operate using imported paper - in Minsk and Gomel.

Due to the fact that the composition of the forest resources of Belarus contains a high proportion of low-value soft-leaved wood and fine wood, which are not in demand in the domestic market, and also that logging and wood processing waste is not fully used, it was considered expedient to accelerate the development of the country’s own pulp and paper production. Especially considering the fact that Belarus is currently exporting low-value wood and importing pulp produced from it, as well as importing paper in large quantities. Therefore, a decision was made to commission already in the current five-year period the second stage of an unbleached pulp mill and to begin construction of a new bleached pulp enterprise as part of the Svetlogorsk pulp and cardboard mill, as well as to build a newsprint plant with an annual capacity of 100 thousand tons in Shklov. This will significantly increase the export potential of the country's timber industry, given that (according to the Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy) on the world market 1 ton of round timber costs 26 US dollars, 1 ton of lumber costs 115, 1 ton of uncoated paper and cardboard costs 640, 1 ton of wallpaper – 1500 US dollars.

Currently, the export of wood in raw and processed forms gives Belarus about $500 million a year. By comparison, Austria, which has fewer forest resources, sells $3 billion worth of forest products.

One of the oldest industries of the complex in Belarus is wood chemical industry . However, at present its role is small. Turpentine, rosin, charcoal and other forest chemical products are produced at the forest chemical sites of industrial forestry associations and at two large forest chemical enterprises in Borisov and Gomel. The raw materials are resin and stump resin, procured in the country's forestry enterprises.

Hydrolysis plants in Bobruisk and Rechitsa, related to the microbiological industry and included in the chemical complex, are directly related to the rational, integrated use of wood raw materials (see lecture 11).

The problem of more efficient, complete, integrated use and reproduction of forest resources, which are renewable national wealth and the basis for the effective functioning of the timber industry complex, has been and remains relevant. The main directions for its solution in modern conditions are set out in documents developed by Belarusian scientists and approved by the government - “Concept of sustainable development of forestry until 2015” and “Republican program for the rational and integrated use of wood resources for 2002-2010”:

    security sustainable development forestry, scientifically based optimization of the forest cover of the country's territory, species composition and age structure of forests, sustainable multi-purpose forest management;

    changing the intra-industry structure of the timber industry complex through the priority development of production for deep chemical (cellulose production) and chemical-mechanical (chipboard, fiberboard production) processing of wood raw materials (primarily small-sized and low-value wood) with an increase in the share of final high-value products (paper, cardboard and products from them);

    introduction of resource-saving technologies: laser cutting of sheet materials (fibreboard, chipboard, plywood) according to optimal schemes based on automated complexes, cladding of furniture panels using new technologies, volumetric milling, use of film materials with a “finish effect”, development of an electronic system for developing wallpaper design and etc.;

    rational territorial organization of the entire complex, in particular: bringing production closer to sources of raw materials, overcoming the discrepancy between the volumes and structure of production and the characteristics of the local raw material base (see Table 7), making full use of the advantages of combining, combining production, ensuring the full use of all components of wood, processing of the resulting waste with obtaining additional products and reducing transport and energy costs.

When starting to consider the forestry and wood processing industry, we must first of all remember everything that we already know about the forest resources of the world - about the total wood reserves, indicators of forest cover in countries, the northern and southern forest belts of the Earth, etc. It is these resources that serve as the natural basis to form a whole complex of forestry and woodworking industries. The composition of this complex is quite complex and includes several successive production and technological stages. Firstly, this is the harvesting (removal) of wood. Secondly, this is its mechanical processing into lumber, plywood, chipboard (chipboard) and fibreboard (fibreboard), etc. Thirdly, this is its chemical (and chemical-mechanical) processing, including the production of cellulose, and then paper and cardboard. We will consider all these three stages further.
Almost all countries of the world carry out timber harvesting to one degree or another, so its total volume is gradually increasing and in 2005 already exceeded 3.4 billion cubic meters (Fig. 58). But, as usual, we are primarily interested in the leading countries, which you can get acquainted with in the table. thirty.
Table 30
Top five countries by timber harvesting volume, 2005

Rice. 58. World timber harvesting

It turns out that only the five leading countries account for 45.6% of all timber harvested in the world. As for the set of these countries itself, in general it is quite expected, since it more or less corresponds to the ranking of countries in terms of the size of forest area. Some exception is only Russia, which, as you already know, ranks first in the world in terms of forest (and forest-covered) area, but nevertheless remained “overboard” in Table 30. In terms of timber harvesting, it ranks sixth in the world ( 105 million cubic meters).Of course, this is also a very high figure, but still it is 4.4 times lower than the US indicator and 3.1 times lower than the Indian indicator.
You have probably already noticed that in the table. 30 presents countries belonging to both the northern and southern forest belts of the Earth. But the data in this table do not yet provide a complete picture of the relationship between these two belts in global timber harvesting. The fact is that in the last two or three decades the share of the southern belt has been increasing all the time. Quite large logging countries included India, China, Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Pakistan, Thailand - in foreign Asia; Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, South Africa, Tanzania - in Africa; Mexi-

Textile industry mira kai Chile -in Latin America. As for the main logging countries in the northern belt, this group has remained virtually unchanged. It still includes the USA, Canada, Russia, Sweden, Finland, and Germany.
But this is only the most general view of timber harvesting. The fact is that it is usually divided into industrial wood, which goes into further mechanical and chemical processing, and firewood, which is used as fuel. The ratio between them is approximately 50:50. But it is precisely in this matter that there is a large qualitative difference between the countries of the two forest belts. In the countries of the northern forest belt, industrial timber harvesting sharply predominates, and in most countries of the southern belt, wood harvesting predominates.
To prove this thesis, we will give several examples. Thus, in Canada, the share of firewood in logging is only 1.5%, in Sweden, Finland and Germany - 8-9%, in the USA - 10%, in Russia - 22%. In the countries of the southern forest belt, this indicator looks completely different. For example, in Brazil the share of firewood is 58%, in China - 67%, in Indonesia and Thailand - 71%. Moreover, in Nigeria and Myanmar it rises to 88%, in Pakistan to 90%, in Uganda to 92%, in India to 94%, in the DRC to 96%, and in Ethiopia to 97%. The indicators of the last two countries are generally typical for most countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
Mechanical wood processing is most often judged by the production of sawn timber, which has already reached a level of 410 million cubic meters worldwide. The leading countries in this case include the USA (110 million cubic meters), Canada (65), China, Japan, Russia (22), Brazil, India, Germany, Sweden. Basically, these same countries stand out for the production of plywood and chipboard.
Now let's turn to the chemical (chemical-mechanical) processing of wood, which is needed for the production of pulp, paper and cardboard. Pulp is produced mainly in the countries of the northern forest belt, where coniferous wood predominates, and half of all world production comes from just two countries - the USA and Canada. However, the top ten pulp-producing countries already include China and Brazil. Even more important for us is data on paper products, 30% of which is writing and printing paper, 13 - newspaper and 57% other

Topic 3. Geography of sectors of the world economy. Industry of the world (lectures 39-50)
varieties of paper and cardboard used for packaging, technical, sanitary needs, etc. Note that global production of paper and cardboard increased from 130 million tons in 1970 to 360 million tons in 2005, and approximately 1/2 of it is obtained from waste paper. (According to forecasts, by 2015 this production should increase to 440 million tons.) And you can get acquainted with the main manufacturers of paper products in the table. 31.
Table 31
Top five countries in the world by paper and cardboard production, 2005

In addition to them, the top ten countries in the world also include Finland, Sweden, the Republic of Korea, France and Italy. As for Russia, its positions look greatly weakened. In 2006, the country produced 7.5 million tons of paper and cardboard (2% of the world), being approximately at the level of Indonesia. If we compare large regions world, the leap made by the countries of foreign Asia is striking. Back in 1980, this region provided less than 4% of global paper and cardboard production, but now (with 30%) it has taken second place, ahead of foreign Europe and second only to North America.
In the literature, along with data on paper production, you will find information on its consumption. In the context of the globalization of the world economy, they are probably even more indicative. In addition, they to some extent reflect not only the level of economic development, but also the level of civilization. This is especially clearly demonstrated by the data not so much on the total, but on the per capita consumption of paper and cardboard (Fig. 59). Its analysis shows that the deepest differences between the countries of the North and the South still remain. Thus, a resident of the United States consumes 7.4 times more paper than a resident of China and almost 45 times more than a resident of India.

Rice. 59. Consumption of paper and cardboard per capita,

In conclusion, we note that forestry and wood processing products occupy an important place in world trade. Among the countries located in the northern forest belt, forest paper products are an important export item for Canada, Sweden, Finland, Russia, as well as for the United States, which ranks first in exports of rough wood and lumber, but is also the largest importer of round wood. paper and plywood. Within the southern forest belt, Brazil, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Indonesia specialize in exporting forest products. You can see how the main “forest bridges” pass in Fig. 60.
As a large-scale example of a country where the forestry and wood processing industry is an industry of international specialization, it is best to cite Canada.

Textile industry of the world The main natural prerequisite for the development of this industry in Canada is its vast forest resources. The belt of coniferous forests stretches here for several thousand kilometers from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean and covers an area of ​​450 million hectares; Its timber reserves reach 22 billion cubic meters. m. Although these figures are very impressive in themselves, the specific indicators for sparsely populated Canada look even more convincing: both in terms of forest area (10 hectares) and timber reserves (more than 700 cubic meters) per capita it ranks first place in the world. On this basis, Canada has created a powerful forestry and woodworking industry, which employs more than 800 thousand people. Canada ranks second in the world in industrial timber production after the United States, and in terms of per capita (6.2 cubic meters) it ranks first. Today we already talked about the fact that Canada is one of the top five countries in the production of lumber, pulp, paper and cardboard, and on a per capita basis it ranks first in the world for both lumber and pulp, and is second in paper only Finland and Sweden. We especially note that Canada accounts for 1/4 of the world's total production of newsprint, which also serves as an important export item. In the USA, many newspapers are printed on Canadian paper, and they often have up to 100 pages.
For Russia, the forestry and wood processing industry also serves as one of the branches of its international specialization. For a long time, Russia, which has the world's largest timber resource base, was one of the main producers and suppliers of various timber and paper products. However, in the 90s, this industry experienced a strong decline: in 2000, compared to 1988, timber harvesting decreased by almost 4 times, lumber production - by 4.3 times, cellulose - by 2.6, paper - by 2 ,4 times. As a result, Russia's rating has noticeably decreased: according to some indicators, it has dropped out not only from the top five, but from the top ten countries. The main problems of the domestic timber and paper industry today include: 1) the discrepancy between wood processing and the capabilities of the timber resource base; 2) territorial disproportion between the areas of main forest resources (Siberia, Far East) and the main areas of consumption of wood products; 3) export of round timber, not wood products.
Now let's move on to consider the textile industry - as the main branch of light industry, which provides approximately half of its products, and also ranks first in it in terms of the number of employees. The development of the textile industry is determined by the entire economic development, on which the consumer demand of the population depends.

Topic 8. Geography of sectors of the world economy. Industry of the world (lectures 39-50)
The main products of this industry - fabrics and knitwear - belong to the category of mass-produced and relatively inexpensive products that can be produced by medium- and low-skilled workers. As B.N. noted. Zimin, the textile industry is characterized by a rapid turnover of assortments associated with changes in fashion. So I don’t remember whose aphorism comes to mind: “In all languages ​​of the world, the word “fashion” is feminine, so it has its own whims...”
The textile industry is a typical old industry. Back in high school, in history and geography, you were taught that the industrial revolution in England in the 18th century. started with her. Although since then basically production process This industry retained spinning and weaving; scientific and technological revolution, of course, greatly influenced it. Spinning equipment was enriched with spindleless spinning machines. And in weaving production, traditional shuttle looms began to be replaced by more productive shuttleless ones. In addition, knitting production arose, in Lately switching to electronically controlled equipment. Nonwoven materials appeared. All this means expanding the range and widespread use of labor-saving technologies. And yet, the pace of development of the textile industry in the second half of the 20th - early 21st centuries. turn out to be significantly lower than in other industries. As a result, recently global production of all types of fabrics has remained at a stable level of approximately 100-110 billion square meters.
But in the raw material balance of the textile industry and, accordingly, the structure of fabric production over the past decades there have been very large changes. The main one is the constant increase in the consumption of chemical fibers, the share of which in total consumption in 1950 was 16%, and in 2005 rose to 62% (Fig. 61). In addition, the predominance of synthetic fibers (the most common of them are polyester) over cellulose fibers has sharply increased in the composition of chemical fibers. As we already noted in the last lecture, now the ratio between them is 93:7. Each of us clearly feels these structural shifts.

Rice. 61. Changing the world structure textile fibers, %

I remember how in the post-war period, when synthetic fabrics began to become widespread, men tried to acquire nylon shirts, and women nylon stockings; Both of them wore bologna raincoats - it was very fashionable then. Then the fashion for natural fibers returned again and now, when buying underwear or clothes, you probably ask how much cotton or wool is in this fabric. But answering this question for the most part can be quite difficult, since natural fabrics without the admixture of chemical fiber are now almost never produced. Such fabrics are usually called mixed fabrics. Or, as N.V. noted. Alisov, statistics unites them into the category “cotton fabrics and cotton-type fabrics.”
We should be even more interested in the shifts taking place in the location of the global textile industry.
You know well that in the 19th century. and in the first half of the 20th century. Europe (in a broad sense, i.e. including the European part of Russia) occupied the leading position in the world’s textile industry. Capitalist industrialization led to the fact that it was here that such large ones developed (lectures 39-50)
and world-famous regions of this industry, such as Lancashire and Yorkshire in the UK, Alsace in France, Flanders in Belgium, Saxony in Germany, Tuscany and Lombardy in Italy, and the Central region in Russia. And this is not to mention such centers as Lyon, Lille, Lodz, Ivanovo, etc. If we keep in mind the countries of the North, then a large textile industry also arose in the USA and Japan. Already in the 20th century. it has experienced crises and production declines more than once. Currently, the main task is to increase labor efficiency and product quality, which allows for higher sales prices and, consequently, an increase in turnover per employee.
Unlike the countries of the North, among the countries of the South, perhaps only China and India had a large textile industry. No wonder the first Prime Minister of independent India, Jawaharlal Nehru, called his country the “Lancashire of Asia.” But after the collapse of the colonial system, many liberated countries embarked on the path of industrialization, starting with the textile industry.
Availability of raw materials and cheap labor force led to the fact that in the countries of the South this industry began to develop at a very high pace. As a result, at the beginning of the 21st century. their share in global fabric production reached 2/3. And the main center for the production of textile fibers and fabrics moved from Europe and the USA to Asia.
More specifically, this territorial shift from developed to developing countries can be illustrated by the example of the main textile industry - cotton, which produces 75 billion square meters. m per year. Back in the middle of the 20th century. The top ten countries for the production of cotton fabrics included five countries Western Europe, USA, Japan, USSR, China and India. It now includes the United States, Russia, the Republic of Korea and seven developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. In more detail you can get acquainted with the placement of the world cotton industry using fig. 62. It follows from this that there are now 21 countries in the world producing more than 100 million square meters. m and incl. 6 - more than 1 billion sq. m of cotton fabrics per year. Please also note that the non-competitive position in the production of such fabrics is occupied by two developing countries - China and India. Moreover, both of them are already significantly

Topic 8. Geography of sectors of the world economy. Industry of the world (lectures 39-50)
exceeded the world average production of cotton fabrics per capita (11-12 sq. m). And now, in order to preserve the tradition, I will introduce you to the top five countries (Table 32).
Table 32
Top five countries in the world for the production of cotton fabrics, 2005

Next, we will briefly consider other sectors (sub-sectors) of the textile industry. Firstly, there is the wool industry, which produces much more expensive wool fabrics. These fabrics are produced many times less than cotton fabrics - 9.5 billion square meters. m per year. Traditionally, their main producers are countries of foreign Europe, Russia, Japan, but recently some countries of East Asia have been added to them. So the top five countries for the production of such fabrics now include China, Italy, Japan, India and France. And Russia (together with Turkey, Germany, Spain and Great Britain) is only in the second five.
Secondly, this is the silk industry, which for centuries was based on expensive natural silk and had a relatively small scale. But after the invention of artificial silk, the pace of its development began to increase rapidly and now, in terms of annual production of fabrics, it exceeds the wool industry by about 10 times. The geography of this industry is also not entirely usual: almost 1/2 of the world production of silk fabrics comes from the USA, and the rest comes from Asian countries, especially China and Japan, India, and the Republic of Korea.
Thirdly, this is the flax industry, which has received the greatest development in Russia, Belarus, and some countries of foreign Europe.

Textile industry of the world
Fourthly, this is the hemp-jute industry, which processes jute stems into technical and furniture fabrics, carpets, and ropes. The world's main production area is located in the delta of the Ganges and Brahmaputra, in India and Bangladesh.
As a special sub-sector of the textile industry, we can name the production of knitwear, which has acquired paramount importance in Western countries. Suffice it to say that the cost of producing knitwear has already exceeded the production of fabrics themselves. This is largely due to the fact that labor productivity in the knitting industry is several times higher than, for example, in weaving production. But production is developing at an even faster pace nonwovens, which are increasingly used for technical purposes.
It remains to add that textiles are one of the most traditional goods of international trade. Until relatively recently, the main exporters and importers of fabrics were economically the developed countries Western Europe, USA, Japan. But then developing countries, most of which have a heavily export-oriented textile industry, actively intervened in this trade. Nowadays, in the export of textiles, China occupies the uncompetitive first place (especially together with Hong Kong), followed by Italy, Germany, the USA, the Republic of Korea, Fr. Taiwan, France. And the main importers of textile goods are the USA, Japan and the European countries of the G7.
For Russia, the textile industry has always been one of the most traditional industries, which played an important role in both the gross domestic product and the international geographical division of labor. Back in 1991, Russia produced 7.5 billion square meters. m of fabrics, which put it in one of the leading places in the world. But with the beginning of economic reform and its transfer to a market basis, the Russian textile industry experienced an unprecedented drop in production volumes.
As a result of the collapse in 1991 - 1996. the total volume of fabric production decreased by more than 5 times. Accordingly, Russia's share in world production has sharply decreased: for cotton fabrics from 5.2 to 1.4%, for woolen fabrics from 12.2 to 2.2%. In 1997, in the magazine “Textile Industry” you could read an article entitled “The Death of the Oldest Industry in Russia.” As for the reasons for such a deep crisis, you must understand that they include:
(lectures 39-50)
1) severe technological backwardness of production and, as a consequence, low quality of products; 2) absence working capital; 3) intense competition from imported goods; 4) loss of domestic sources of cotton and wool; 5) decrease in the solvency of the country's population.
At the beginning of the 21st century. The situation in the Russian textile industry has improved, and the decline in production has stopped. But it has not yet reached the level of 1991: for example, the Russian Federation’s share in the world production of cotton fabrics is 3.5-4%, woolen fabrics - 2-2.5%.
Control questions Describe the main components forest complex of the world. Describe the main features of the location of the global timber and paper industry. Explain the dynamics of the global textile industry and changes in its industry structure. Describe the main shifts in the location of the world's textile industry.
Main Maksakovsky V.P. Geographical picture of the world. Tutorial for universities. Book 1. general characteristics peace. Ed. 4th - M.: Bustard, 2008. Topic 5. Maksakovsky V.P. Economic and social geography of the world. Textbook for 10th grade. Ed. 16th. - M.: Education, 2008. Rodionova I.A. World economy: industrial sphere. Textbook for universities. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. Section 2.
Additional Alisov N.V., Khorev B.S. Economic and social geography of the world (general overview). Textbook for universities. - M.: Gardariki, 2000. Section VIII. Geography. Textbook / Ed. E.V. Baranchikova. - M.: Academia, 2005. Chapter 5.

Textile industry of the world Lyubimov I.M. General political, economic and social geography. Textbook for universities. - M.: Helios ARV, 2001. Chapters 5,6,7. Rodionova I.A. Macrogeography of world industry. Textbook for universities. - M.: Moscow Lyceum, 2000. Rodionova I.A. Industry of the world: territorial shifts in the second half of the 20th century. - M.: Moscow Lyceum, 2002. Russia and the countries of the world. Official publication. - M.: Rosstat, 2008. Section “ Industrial production" Smirnov E.N. Introduction to the course of world economics (economic geography of foreign countries). Textbook for universities. - M.: KNORIS, 2008. Chapter 5. Socio-economic geography of the world. Textbook for universities / Ed. V.V. Volsky. - M.: Bustard, 2001. Part II, chapter 3. Kholina V.N., Naumov A.S., Rodionova I.A. Socio-economic geography of the world. Reference manual. - M.: Drofa-DiK, 2006.