Lesson summary and presentation lowercase letter e. Lowercase vowel letter e. Discovery of new knowledge

Summary and presentation for the lesson on the topic "The letter of the lowercase letter e" UMK "School of Russia" 1st grade

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

    Learn to write the lowercase letter "e"

    Develop fine motor skills, eye, speech, phonemic hearing, memory, attention, mental activity, correct posture.

    Cultivate neatness, love of nature, respect for each other.

Equipment: copybook edited by V.G. Goretsky, multimedia projector, presentation for the lesson

During the classes

slide number 1

    Organizational moment

The bell rang
The lesson begins.
Is everything in place?
Is everything all right?
Books, pens
And notebooks.
Is everyone sitting correctly?

Is everyone looking at me?

slide number 2

    Lesson topic message

Let's remember what letter we met in the reading lesson, what sounds does it represent?

You will always find her in the forest -
Let's go for a walk and meet
Stands prickly like a hedgehog
In winter in a summer dress.

slide number 3

Let's remember words starting with the letter E

(Special attention addressed to the first syllable, where e forms two sounds)

slide number 4

    Preparing to write

I’ll put the notebook on a slant,
I hold my hand correctly
I will sit up straight and not bend over.
I'll get to work.

slide number 5

    Working in a notebook

Students look at a notebook page.

slide number 6

    Introducing the writing of the lowercase letter e.

Tracing along the contour of patterns.

slide number 7

    Show the writing of the lowercase letter e on a slide.

Students construct a letter using wire and thread. Trace the letter along the letter at the top of the page.

slide number 8

    Exercise for the eyes.

slide number 9

    Reading words and comparing their spellings.

Writing words in a notebook.

Work in the notebook is carried out under the guidance of the teacher. All words with e are written after preliminary work.

slide number 10

slide number 11

    Physical education minute

In the morning the Christmas tree woke up.
She stretched and stretched.
Once she washed herself with dew,
Two - she spun gracefully,
Three - bent down and sat down,
And four - she sat down again.

slide number 12

    Compilation and recording of sentences is carried out under the guidance of the teacher.

What and who do we see on the slide?

Read the interrogative sentence.

Students answer the question and write down the sentence they have composed. : There was a fox near the spruce tree. The teacher draws attention to the word fox.

slide number 13

    Lesson summary


The children have red and yellow balls for the garland.

For those who understood everything during the lesson and completed all the tasks easily and confidently, take the red ball.

If you had difficulty completing any tasks, or something didn’t work out, take a yellow ball

    Let's hang all the balls on the Christmas tree. You worked hard in the lesson, well done!

slide number 14

“Letter sound Y” - 4 min Physical exercise 1 min. How many vowel sounds do you know? 1 min. Work on the “Sounds” table. During the classes. 1) Organizational moment. The lesson begins. What sign is at the end of the sentence? Where does iodine come from? Attention, check my friend, are you ready to start the lesson? 6 min Capital letter rule Card on the board. 2) Repetition of what has been covered.

“The letter and sound F” - What are we going to do today? 2 words, 6 points, 5 stars. V. Stepanov. The pop-eyed one aims his gaze, like a camera. 2 words, 5 points, 5 stars. But, sighing heavily, the Owl hides in the hollow. Flashlight. [Owl]. [Fa-nar"]. Where are the sounds [f], [f"] hidden: in the middle, at the end or at the beginning of the word? *** Eagle owl - two huge eyes - immediately reminded me of the letter F.

“Letter A” - Who is attentive? Tasks. Tomsk Regional Center for Internet Education. Author: Mokronosova E.V., teacher primary classes Municipal educational institution of Novoarkhangelsk secondary school. In front of you is the letter A. -A - a - a! Vowel letter A. Letter A Vowel letter Vowel sound [a]. Warm up. Introduce the vowel letter A. Consider the role of letters in words.

"Letter E" - Festival pedagogical ideas"Open lesson" 2009/2010. O.S.K.A.U.I.N. Section: Teaching in primary school. Y.

“Alphabet” - “The ABC is a stepping stone to wisdom.” Subject areas. Project on the topic: “Alphabet”. Development of the ability to use the alphabet. Formation of the ability to correctly analyze the sound composition of a word. Integrated lessons. Why do we need an alphabet? Themes independent work. Primary school teacher Elena Nikolaevna Mamasheva.

“The letter yat” - A. A. Shakhmatova on the issue of simplifying Russian spelling, adopted on May 11, 1917. Meaning: it’s not supposed to be a star, but one sinful man should eat buckwheat bread. Compare: 1) The peasant Andrei was ill: he was amazed all day and shook. Answer. Question. What does “prophetic Oleg” mean? Indicate the modern and etymological (historical) composition of the morphemes in the word form amazed.

Technological map for the Russian language lesson in grade 1 “A” on the topic:

"Letter of a small letter e"

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge

Lesson topic

Letter of small letter "e"

Lesson type

Discovery of new knowledge (DK)


To help schoolchildren develop a clear image of the lowercase letter “e”



Subject Skills

Universal learning activities (UAL)

To develop knowledge about connecting letters when writing;

Learn correct spelling lowercase letter "e";

Its connection with other letters;

learn to compose sentences and text based on drawings.

Develop speech and thinking.

Improve calligraphy skills; spelling skill.


will learn:

- write lowercase letter "e"

Analyze lowercase letter elements;

Determine the number of syllables in a word;

Classify words by the number of syllables in them;

Independently select examples of words with a given number of syllables;

get the opportunity to learn:

Observe syllable structure different words;

Analyze word patterns;

Compare them by the number of syllables;



Maintaining the goal of an activity until its result is obtained;

Planning for solving an educational problem: building a sequence of necessary operations (algorithm of actions);

Conducting an analysis of your own work: finding errors, establishing their causes;

Assessing the level of proficiency in one or another educational activity (answering the question “what do I not know and cannot do?”).


Reproduction from memory of information necessary to solve a learning task;

Using tables, diagrams, models to obtain information;

Comparison of different objects: comparison;

Carrying out characterization of objects according to one (several) characteristics; identifying similarities and differences between objects;

Identification of the general and the particular (essential and non-essential);

Providing examples as evidence of the proposed provisions;

Discussion of problematic issues;

Transformation of the model in accordance with the content of the educational material (building a model).


Carrying out characteristics of the qualities and characteristics of the object;

Composing small oral monologue statements, convincing evidence.


Acceptance and mastery of the social role of the student;

Development of motivational learning activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning;

Development of cooperation skills with adults and peers in different social situations.

Basic Concepts

Small letter "e"

Interdisciplinary connections

Russian language - speech development.


- basic


Goretsky V.G. Copybooks Part 2

Multimedia support Russian language lesson “Spelling the lowercase letter e.”

Organization of space

Partially – search, collective, individual work.


Getting into the business rhythm.

Oral communication from the teacher.

-Hello guys! Sit down. My name is Margarita Eduardovna, and today I will teach you a literacy lesson. (Children: Hello)

- Guys, look, is everything ready for the lesson? (Children: check if everything is ready for the lesson)

- Book, notebook, pencil case?

- Be diligent in class

Be calm and attentive.

Write everything without falling behind,

Listen without interrupting.

Speak clearly, clearly,

To make everything clear.

If a friend began to answer,

Don't rush to interrupt.


Assess situations from the point of view of rules of conduct and ethics;

Express a positive attitude towards the learning process: show attention, desire to learn more.


Evaluate the weight of the evidence and reasoning presented.

2. Updating knowledge and identifying individual difficulties

Reveals the level of knowledge. Identifies typical deficiencies.

Look at the board, there are letters written on it (a, o, y, s, t, e) Let's read them. What letters have you already become familiar with? (Children's answers)

I remove one letter at a time. What letter do we have left? (Children: e)

Which letter is it, uppercase or lowercase? This is, of course, a lowercase letter "e".

So who can tell me which letter we will learn to write with today? (Children: Lowercase letter “e”)

Right! Guys, now look at the slide, let’s read the words. (Children: Chalk, spruce)

We read the first word “chalk”. How many syllables? (Children: One syllable). What sound do we hear in the middle of the word? Let's say it again. (Children: We hear the sound “e”)

We read the next word “spruce”. How many syllables? (Children: One syllable in this word). What are the first two sounds we pronounce? (Children: “th” and “e”). What letter are they denoted by? (Children: With the letter “e”).

How many sounds can the letter “e” represent? (Children: one or two)


Perceive the teacher’s speech that is not directly addressed to the student;

Evaluate your own educational activities, your achievements, reasons for failures;


Evaluate (compare with a standard) the results of your activities.


Identify the known and the unknown.


Characterize the qualities and characteristics of an object that relate it to a certain class (type).

3. Setting a learning task

Look which letter is printed or written, what about this one? Right. How are these letters different? How are they similar?

What elements does a letter consist of? That's right from one. This element is called a loop with a curve at the bottom.

Open your copybook on page 31. Look, I’ll write the lowercase letter “e” on the board, pay attention to the letter that you have in an enlarged view from above. Where is the arrow pointing? (Children: From bottom to top). Correctly, this arrow shows us that the lowercase letter “e” should be written from bottom to top. Now trace the enlarged letter.

You have pictures below, circle them.

See how to write the letter “e” on the work line. I'll show you on the board first. In the middle of the working line we put a dot, draw a smooth line to the right, round it at the top to the left, write a loop to the top line of the working line, touch this line and write a semi-oval down to the bottom line, make a curve to the right to the middle of the working line.

I write on the board again. And you repeat after me in the air. We took our hands in our hands. We write a lowercase letter "e"



Maintain the goal of an activity until its result is achieved.

4. Building a project for getting out of difficulties

Organizes student activities to investigate a problem situation.

Now, on the first working line, trace the letter along thin lines.

Now continue writing the letters on this working line yourself. You need to write five times (I watch how the children sit)

I turn it on electronic application“How to spell the letter “e”

On the second working line, circle the lowercase letter e three times, underline the letter that most closely matches the sample, and write the same letter to the end of the line.


Perceive the speech of the teacher (classmates) not directly addressed to the student;

Apply the rules of business cooperation: compare different points of view.

5. Implementation of the constructed project for getting out of the difficulty

Organizes the implementation of the constructed project in accordance with the plan.

Read the first word (Children: El) What is the connection between the letters “e” and “l” (Children: lower connection). What does this word mean? How long do you write down this word? We read the next word (Children: Ela). We write down this word next to it. Read the next word (Children: Ate). We write this word.

Let's look at the second column. We read the first word (Children: Sel) What is the connection between the letters “c” and “e” (Children: middle connection), and between the letters “e” and “l” (Children: bottom connection). Let's write this word down. Let's read the next word (Children: sat down). We write this word. What's our next word? (Children: Seli). Let's write it down.

Who performs the action in the first word, in the second, in the third? (Children: me, she, he)


Perceive the teacher’s speech not directly addressed to the student.


Use diagrams to obtain information.

6. Generalization of new knowledge

Establishes awareness of perception. Primary generalization.

Let's look at the next line, what is written on it? (Children: Here they ate). What is this? (Children: Proposal). How did you determine that this was an offer? (Children: the first word is written with capital letters, and there is a period at the end) Underline the capital letter at the beginning of the sentence. Have we ever seen this word “ate” before? (Children: Yes, we met above), what did this word mean? (Children: Eating) What does this word mean in a sentence? (Children: Tree)

Guys, two identical words in spelling with different meanings are called polysemantic.

How many words does this sentence consist of? (Children: Two words). We read the first word (Children: Here). Name the vowels, and now the consonants (Children: Vowels - “o”, consonants - “v”, “t”). We read the second word (Children: Ate). Name the vowels, and now the consonants (Children: Vowels - “e”, “i”. Consonant - “l”). Girls will highlight the vowels in this sentence in red. Take a red pencil and underline it. Boys, underline all the consonants in blue in this sentence. Take a blue pencil and underline it. Now let's check. Which letters did the girls underline? (Children: o, e, i), and which boys emphasized? (Children: v, t, l). Write this sentence down.

Look at the next working line. What is written down (Children: Who is near the spruce?). What is this? (Children: Proposal). What sign is at the end of the sentence? (Children: Interrogative).

We were asked a question, look at the screen to answer it. So who's around? (Children: Fox). We fully answer that there was a fox near the spruce tree. That's right, look at the screen, this sentence is written on it in block letters. You need to write in capital letters on the working line.


Evaluate the weight of evidence and reasoning “false, true”


Give examples as evidence of the proposed provisions.


7. Inclusion in the knowledge system

Let's solve the riddles with you. Listen carefully.

Very bright and welcoming

A hot air balloon rolls in the sky.

Slowly he

Turns winter into summer.

What is this? (Children: Sun). Let's make a word on the board. They read it in chorus. Now write down this word.

I am long and green, I am delicious when salty,

Delicious and raw. Who am I? (Children: Cucumber). Let's make a word on the board. We read the word. Let's write it down in our notebooks.

I'll let you into anyone's house,

If you knock, I'm glad to knock.

But I won’t forgive one thing -

If you don't give me your hand. (Children: Door). Let's write this word down.


Perceive the teacher's speech.


Build a model taking into account their artistic specifics.

Analyze and correct deformed text: find errors, restore the logic of presentation.


Perceive the text taking into account the assigned educational task, find in the text the information necessary to solve it.

8. Reflection of activity

Our lesson is coming to an end. What do you remember? (Children: Children's answers)

What letter did we learn about in class? (Children: Lowercase letter "e")

How many sounds can this word make? (Children: One or two)

What kind of words are “Eli” (Children: Multiple meanings)

The lesson is over. Goodbye! (Children: Goodbye)


Analyze own work: find errors, establish their causes.

Assess the level of proficiency in one or another educational activity (answer the question “what do I not know and cannot do?”).