How to arrange supplies of goods from China. How to organize direct deliveries from China. Review of products sold from China

Finding a reliable supplier is the most important stage of the organization retail business. At first, all entrepreneurs in the field of trade face this problem. Buy goods abroad or look for suppliers in Russia? How not to lose your money when concluding contracts with foreign suppliers on the Internet? Read about this, as well as about the most common mistakes made when choosing suppliers, in our article.

“How to find a supplier?” - this question torments hundreds of novice businessmen, since arranging the supply of goods at a low price for sale at a higher price is a serious task. Many entrepreneurs, in a rush to launch their business as quickly as possible, make the wrong choice of suppliers, enter into contracts with unreliable companies, which subsequently leads to disruption of the trading process, loss of profit, and sometimes even closure of the store. Where to find a supplier? How to eliminate errors when ordering goods? What requirements must a supplier of products for a retail store meet? We present to your attention several useful tips– how to find a supplier.

How to find suppliers: visit specialized exhibitions of goods

In large cities of each region of our country there is a large number of exhibitions in which manufacturers of a wide variety of goods participate. This could be clothes, shoes, food, Appliances, gifts, souvenirs, cosmetics, furniture, industrial and other goods. Large suppliers and manufacturers participate in exhibitions and fairs in pursuit of two goals - to sell goods at retail to end consumers and to find large resellers to sell batches of products through retail stores. The exhibition is thousands of products grouped by type, price, quality, manufacturers, where every visitor can find their supplier.

Entrepreneurs also need to attend exhibitions, especially international ones, in order to track modern tendencies in one area or another. Specialized exhibitions are great way establish contacts with several suppliers of goods at once, enter into preliminary agreements and familiarize yourself with the range of products presented. Often companies from other regions of the country or countries also participate in exhibitions - by cooperating with them, you will be able to purchase goods that differ from the range of competing companies in your region. By visiting exhibitions, you have an excellent chance to compare the quality and prices of goods from different manufacturers, the terms of delivery of goods, without wasting time searching for the necessary information.

By visiting specialized exhibitions and communicating directly with company representatives, you immediately establish yourself as a businessman with serious intentions, which means that specialists from the supplier or manufacturer will be more willing to cooperate with you - they are also interested in expanding the channels for selling their goods.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a supplier company participating in a specialized exhibition, check the information with which retail stores she cooperates in your region or in a neighboring one. Then, information about the reliability of the supplier can be clarified directly from colleagues or competitors - if there were any problems with this company, they will certainly tell you about it.

Many businessmen note that it is really easy to find reliable suppliers at specialized exhibitions throughout the country. When communicating with employees of a supplier company, it is important to immediately build partnerships so that your company or store is perceived not as a one-time buyer, but as an associate and business comrade. By establishing mutually beneficial cooperation, in the future you can count on receiving discounts from the supplier or priority delivery of the best goods at competitive prices.

We are looking for the right suppliers: we are studying Russian wholesale online stores

Today, the most popular “place” for searching for suppliers of goods is, of course, the Internet. And an excellent option for entrepreneurs who at first are afraid to take risks by ordering large quantities of certain products from abroad on the Internet is cooperation with the largest Russian wholesale online stores of consumer goods. They, as a rule, work with dozens of countries around the world and have a wide range of products. Finding a supplier among such companies is easy.

For example, Russian company"Sima-land". On the website of this company, any retailer will be able to find hundreds and thousands of necessary products, including exclusive ones, which can be purchased for further resale. These include household goods, clothing, children's goods, electrical goods, souvenirs, games, jewelry, tools for construction and repair, and many other things. Regular customers similar wholesale online stores in our country are retail chains and small retail specialized stores, as well as educational establishments– schools, colleges, kindergartens and other various organizations.

Such a supplier company has several advantages. Firstly, there is no need to order delivery of goods from abroad - this eliminates the risk of losing money. The extensive network for organizing transportation of such wholesale online stores allows resellers to save on delivery - often it is free. This is profitable and convenient for retail store owners, since cargo is delivered to as soon as possible safe and sound.

Secondly, thanks to the wide assortment of such a supplier, you can immediately and in one place order various types of goods in minimum quantities. For example, bed linen or children's clothing. That is, there is no need to enter into agreements with several suppliers at once, since all the necessary goods can be purchased from one. The development of the assortment of large Russian wholesale online stores is carried out by employees of these enterprises, who are guided by the needs of customers and the demand for certain goods. As for prices, in such enterprises they are really affordable and not much more expensive than when buying goods from abroad. Wholesale online stores work directly with manufacturers of goods, while avoiding markups, and delivery of goods in large quantities and well-thought-out logistics help reduce the company’s transportation costs. According to retail businessmen, finding suppliers from among similar firms is one of the best options for retail trade.

An undeniable advantage for a supplier from among wholesale Russian online stores of goods is the quality control that is carried out by employees of these companies. Companies such as Sima-land, for example, have their own warehouses and offices in other countries. The company's local employees have the opportunity to carefully select manufacturers, control the quality of products purchased in bulk and control the purchasing process.

Some large Russian wholesale online stores have their own “real” retail analogue stores - in the huge areas of hypermarkets of the same name, anyone (including a novice businessman who is looking for a supplier) has the opportunity to personally evaluate the quality of goods.

By collaborating with such suppliers, you no longer need to purchase goods abroad, there is no need to risk money by pre-paying for goods from an unknown foreign supplier, whose products you have not even seen or “held in your hands”, as well as worry about the delivery methods of the purchased goods and its “customs clearance” and the availability of quality certificates. All of the above tasks are solved by employees of the largest Russian wholesale online stores of consumer goods. Finding a supplier among such companies today is not difficult.

Foreign suppliers: we order goods from abroad

Working with foreign suppliers is considered among Russian businessmen to be quite complex and costly, but the most common “scheme”. Most often, the choice of entrepreneurs who own retail stores falls on China. As you know, the vast majority of things and goods around us are made in China. The prices for the products purchased there are really low, and the choice of goods is unlimited, which means you can earn significant amounts of money from the resale of goods. Chinese manufacturers are true “experts” in creating and selling consumer goods. But Russian entrepreneurs You should be wary of fraud and deception from Chinese suppliers.

The easiest option for finding a foreign supplier is on the Internet. On the World Wide Web you can find both a one-time supplier of goods and a long-term partner. For example, everyone knows trading platform from China - the site “” brings together dozens and hundreds of sellers of Chinese goods on one portal. Here, in a huge range of products, you can find the most suitable offer for yourself - in terms of price and quality. Here you can buy phones, accessories, tools, clothes, jewelry, both wholesale and individually.

In order to protect buyers of goods on large sites, there are protection methods - a refund if the product was not received, was not received on time or did not correspond to the description. You can return goods to the seller to a warehouse in Russia without giving any reasons. Now the company has representative offices in our country in almost every region; you can pay for goods and choose a delivery method (pickup or delivery directly to your store) yourself.

One of the disadvantages of working with such suppliers is that you can only buy consumer goods on the websites of Chinese manufacturers, but you are unlikely to find exclusive items or highly specialized goods here. It is also not uncommon for the ordered product to arrive of poor quality or the wrong type or size. The process of returning money or goods is quite lengthy. Another disadvantage of such suppliers is the inability to “touch” the product and evaluate its quality. The buyer (especially of wholesale quantities of goods for resale in a retail store) acts “blindly”, purchasing a “pig in a poke” with an advance payment.

“We look for suppliers on the Internet by entering the name of a certain type of product in English into a search engine. This is the simplest option. After that, go to various websites of suppliers of Chinese goods and ask questions, businessmen advise. “Communicate with representatives of companies via Skype, always agree on delivery times, methods of payment and return of goods.”

Today you can search for a supplier of goods virtually in simple ways. For example, many online companies offer special services for selecting reliable suppliers. You discuss with the company manager the types of goods that you would like to order on the Internet, and they, in turn, look for a supplier for your store or check the reliability of the companies with which you plan to cooperate. They will compare prices for you, check the availability of quality certificates, photographs of goods, and find all the contacts of the supplier you are interested in. Also, such companies undertake customs clearance of goods, money transfers, and intermediary services. All this can make the work of a novice entrepreneur easier, but these services, of course, are paid.

Where else to find a supplier: product catalogs

If you need a supplier, consult product catalogs. They come in two types - online catalogs and traditional printed publications. Thanks to online catalogues, systems for searching wholesale suppliers, anyone can find both a distributor and a manufacturer of goods. Wholesale companies in our country post information about themselves on these services, talking about the range of products, prices and publishing all contact information. Thanks to this, you can directly contact the organization you are interested in and negotiate the conditions for purchasing products.

A good example in this vein is the wholesale supplier search system “”. Here you can find products of various categories from companies from different cities of the country for free, and also leave your request for the supply of a particular product - and the supplier will find you. Here you can find both a reliable supplier of tires for cars, mobile phones, and potato producers - you will find any necessary product in the right quantity thanks to such services.

Printed catalogs or magazines of goods in the century modern technologies less popular. But it is not uncommon for manufacturers of highly specialized products to publish information about their enterprises on the pages of various catalogues.

How to find a reliable supplier: we work directly with product manufacturers

Working directly with product manufacturers is certainly beneficial. Primarily due to the ability to purchase goods for resale at their purchase price. But, as you know, manufacturers prefer to work with wholesalers, and retail businesses they are less interested in trade.

Good option for owners grocery stores– cooperation directly with agricultural producers, farmers, small firms that produce quality goods under their own trademarks. For example, semi-finished meat products, dairy products. Manufacturers in the regions are always interested in new partners, including representatives of the retail trade.

When considering working directly with manufacturers, look for items or products that are made directly in your area. You can purchase them at the most low prices, do not spend money on delivery and resell at a higher price. The only negative is the large number of competing stores that sell identical products.

Don’t be intimidated by the opportunity to work directly with one or another product manufacturer from any city in the country as a supplier for your retail store. They are interested in selling their products, just as you are interested in buying them for resale. You can also buy goods directly from a manufacturer from another region of the country together with several retail stores in your region. In this case, you can carry out periodic delivery of the range of goods you need, saving money on cargo transportation.

Today, you can look for a reliable supplier of goods for your store in different ways, but this is a truly important stage that requires a competent approach and an objective long-term assessment of the supply market.

Many people who already have their own stable business, as well as those who are just starting their own business, already know that purchasing goods directly from China is one of the most interesting and very profitable ways to make money today. Mainly because the cost of goods produced in China is quite low, which means that a businessman can safely inflate the trade margin and, accordingly, his profit and earn much more money.

As for the quality of products manufactured in China, it is only growing every year, since today China is the largest industrial country in the world, and it’s hard to argue with that. Industrial production Chinese goods are in no way inferior in quality to analogues from other countries.

Until recently, few businessmen could boast of organizing direct deliveries of goods from China; it seemed that it was very difficult and accessible only to a few, so there was practically no competition. But today the situation has changed radically, Russian-Chinese economic cooperation has acquired a new status, has significantly strengthened and is constantly developing. In this regard, more and more Russian companies have the opportunity to work with Chinese suppliers directly, bypassing all kinds of intermediaries, and every day there is an inevitable increase in competition.

Businessmen understand that if they do not make any attempts to establish direct cooperation with China now, then they can irrevocably lose time, the opportunity to make quick money, and their market share. But despite this understanding, many still have questions, and establishing contacts with Chinese partners is accompanied by difficulties at almost every stage. The purpose of this article is to help businessmen understand how to properly organize work with China and answer their most pressing questions.

How to find the right manufacturer?

China is the second largest country in the world, but judging by the number industrial enterprises and the factories located on its territory, China can safely be called the leading industrial country in the world. The Chinese economy is unique and today is beyond competition. Everyone knows that almost everything is produced in China, from complex, high-tech production equipment to clothing and souvenirs.

Russian companies have room to roam, because in China you can buy absolutely any product at a profit. But how can you choose a truly reliable supplier among this variety of enterprises, successful cooperation with which will form the basis of your future business?


Here you can find detailed information about Chinese manufacturers, as well as view their current offers with prices and descriptions of all necessary conditions supplies. In addition, you can communicate with each of the manufacturers online right there on the website by sending messages in English. This will allow us to more quickly discuss further cooperation and come to an agreement.

Of course, you can personally go to China in search of a reliable business partner, and this will be the most the right way establish truly worthwhile and beneficial cooperation. But before that, you should carefully study the information about what specialized exhibitions are planned in China in the near future, and also find a good translator. Many Chinese companies are happy to invite foreign partners to their offices, stores and production facilities so that they can personally see the quality of the goods offered.

Those who want to save time, as a rule, involve a specialized intermediary organization in the search for a supplier, which already has the necessary supplier base, and for a certain fee will quickly and gladly help in choosing a Chinese business partner, negotiate with him and formalize everything Required documents according to the deal. At the first stage of cooperation with China, the assistance of an intermediary in choosing a future supplier is the most optimal solution.

How to become a participant in foreign economic activity?

All goods that are imported into Russia from abroad undergo a very thorough check at customs. If supplies from China are constant, then the businessman will first need to register with customs service as a participant foreign economic activity. To do this, you need to prepare a special package of documents (including constituent, banking and other documents, as well as an application for in the prescribed form) and receive a foreign economic activity participant card. The card will greatly simplify everything customs procedures in relation to a businessman and his goods.

All monetary payments will be made in foreign currency, therefore, to make payments with a Chinese company for goods, you should open a special foreign currency account at your bank. It will be used to pay for the purchase of goods in China, and rubles will be converted into foreign currency at the current rate.

However, it should be remembered that the bank will transfer money only if the contract is with foreign company will be properly executed and the amount to be paid for the goods will be clearly stated in this contract. In addition, for each transaction the bank will issue a special document - a transaction passport, which will then be required at customs.

How to bring goods and speed up the customs inspection process?

Fortunately, today, both in Russia and China, there are quite a lot of transport companies ready to transport a wide variety of cargo. A businessman can only choose the company that offers the best price and delivery time. It is important to find the optimal balance between price and delivery time, since very often a too low price is a guarantee of missed deadlines.

Choice transport company for transporting goods from China

The standard package of documents for releasing goods from customs includes:

  • Invoice (a document indicating the quantity of imported goods, its characteristics and price, it is made and provided by the Chinese selling company);
  • Transaction passport;
  • Certificate for imported goods (issued by a specialized Russian organization for most consumer goods imported into Russia from other countries).

Depending on the selected product, this list may be supplemented.

Today there are professional intermediaries who know all the nuances customs clearance of certain goods, advise and help businessmen to correctly prepare all documents, significantly speeding up the release of goods from under the customs regime. When importing goods from China for the first time, in order to save time and money, it is strongly recommended to use the services of such intermediaries.

Olga Dmitrieva - about how to find reliable suppliers and intermediaries in the Middle Kingdom

IT tools used by Olga Dmitrieva

  • WeChat
  • Baidu
  • Google Translate

Many entrepreneurs would like to buy goods in China at low prices and then sell them in Russia at a favorable margin. But most of them are stopped by difficulties with quality control of goods, the unreliability of Chinese suppliers and the language barrier. About how you can profitably purchase goods from home without leaving your home Chinese online stores, on wholesale markets and in factories, Olga Dmitrieva, an expert on wholesale purchases in China, told the site portal.

Olga Dmitrieva (Dmi), entrepreneur from Moscow, owner of three wholesale companies, founder of a business school "Chinaberry", organizer of the All-Russian Wholesale Conference. Education: Russian State Social University. In business since 2010, before that she worked as a television journalist.

Connections are everything

There are several main ways to profitably purchase goods in China, but how successful these purchases will be is determined by the main factor - the presence of reliable contacts in China. The good news is that they are not difficult to obtain. At the same time, going to China is not only not necessary, but also, in my opinion, pointless - you will not get any benefit from your personal presence, even if you have an interpreter. Moreover, if you are going to buy goods from a factory, your presence can be harmful - the Chinese by default raise the price when they see a foreigner. What contacts we need and where to get them depends on how we will make purchases.

Domestic Chinese sites

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to purchasing in China is the well-known site and the slightly less well-known I do not recommend buying there because these sites are aimed at foreigners and their prices for goods are greatly inflated.

Few people know that China has great amount thematic Internet sites where prices for goods are several times lower. For example, a bag that costs 1000 rubles on and 600 rubles on will cost 100 rubles on the internal website.

You can find these internal sites in the following way: use Google Translate to translate the name of the desired product into Chinese and search for it in the Chinese search engine The search engine will give you many sites where, again using Google Translate, you can make a purchase. Payment is made through the platform. Ordering on internal platforms is optimal for retail or small wholesale.

But in order to receive what we ordered, we will need an intermediary partner, since domestic Chinese sites do not deliver abroad. The same intermediary will be able to check the goods for us before sending them to Russia. For example, a Chinese woman with whom I worked, when I ordered goods on internal sites, photographed all the things, and only after my approval did she buy and send them to Russia. If the item was of poor quality, she returned it to the store.

Where to find an intermediary partner

There are two ways to find an intermediary in China. The easiest way is to contact intermediary companies, which can easily be found on the Internet. It is enough to send a link to the product page on the Chinese website - the company will place and receive the order, check it and send it to Russia. Delivery will take about 10 days, the service fee is usually about 10% of the purchase price.

The second option is to find a person who will become your permanent intermediary. This can be done on the Internet forums “Chinese Compote” and “Eastern Hemisphere”. Russians who have moved to live in China communicate there and are ready to provide intermediary services.

Another advantage of searching for contacts on forums is that the intermediary will be able to not only receive and check the goods in China, but also personally bring it to Russia in luggage, if the volume is not too large. This is a very common practice, and can be convenient if the product is needed urgently. In addition, contacts will be needed if we decide to purchase goods on Chinese wholesale markets.

Chinese wholesale markets

If we need small or medium wholesale, then in China there are markets with a good assortment and prices, for example, Hui Mei and Jun Shan Ba ​​Lu. When you hear the word “market”, many people imagine rows of goods not best quality, but in reality they also sell good quality goods, which again an intermediary can help you select.

A huge number of our former compatriots trade in Chinese markets. In addition to the “points” on the market, they have pages on the Chinese social network messenger WeChat. It's a free app similar to WhatsApp, but with the ability to post photos. It is through the application that suppliers from Chinese markets trade. An intermediary will help you find them; we instruct you to go to the market and collect contacts of sellers of the necessary goods. One contact will cost about $10.

Trading through WeChat is so mature that most sellers on the market have cards from Russian banks, so paying for goods is very easy. If the desired seller does not have such a card, through the same forums you can find a person who will accept payment in rubles on his card and make a transfer to the seller in yuan.

Chinese factories

The best prices for goods from China are always at the factory. But there is a limitation - the factory sells only large wholesale, usually at least 1000 units of goods or 100 kg of weight. To purchase from a factory, a representative is required to conduct negotiations, who must be Chinese. It is difficult for a small business to work independently with a factory - starting from the fact that in order to conclude a contract it is necessary to draw up documents of a foreign trade participant, and ending with the fact that in order to efficient work with a factory you need to have your own employee in China as a representative.

It is believed that representatives of factories are on, but in most cases this is not the case. Mostly resellers sell there, there are frequent cases of fraud, I do not recommend buying there.

To work with a factory, I would definitely recommend using the services of intermediary companies that will select reliable suppliers, undertake the conclusion of the contract and transfer of funds. Their services will cost about 4% of the cost of goods, but they will agree on best price and will take on many risks.

How to reduce risks

Taking into account the human factor when working with China, it is impossible to completely eliminate risks; there is no need to harbor any illusions. If you are looking for contacts of intermediaries and suppliers on your own, then you should always start working with a new person carefully, increasing the volume of orders gradually. It is much better to buy contacts of already verified suppliers (they are sold by intermediary companies), in this case the risk is much lower. Three contacts with trusted suppliers of the required product will cost about $50, but will help you save much more.

When working with the Chinese, I would recommend not sharply increasing the volume of orders from one supplier or through one intermediary. That is, if you order a product for a thousand dollars, and now you want to place an order for five thousand, it is better to find another trusted supplier who works with that volume.

The only way to protect yourself as much as possible when working with China is to work through a Russian intermediary company under an agreement that states that if the goods do not arrive or are of poor quality, the intermediary will reimburse its cost in full. When working with factories, when the price and volume of purchases are large, I would advise working only this way.

In any case, given that the markup on goods from China can be hundreds of percent, working through intermediaries will be profitable.

It will come as no surprise to anyone that many of the things we use every day are made in China. By price Chinese goods accessible even to the poorest people, and such price policy is formed thanks to cheap labor in this country. However, Chinese-made goods are in high demand among our population. Even taking them into account not very much high quality, Chinese people buy things - from equipment to clothing and various small items.

For an entrepreneur engaged in trade, it’s time to think about establishing ties with China. Organize a profitable delivery of goods from China, and you will always be able to offer your customers a product that is interesting to them. There are several ways to do this.

How to arrange the supply of goods from China

Direct purchases from manufacturers

The easiest way to establish direct contacts with Chinese manufacturers is by visiting exhibitions where various companies and factories present their goods. Such exhibitions are held both in the cities of China and in the cities of the CIS countries (naturally, we are talking about state capitals and other large cities).

Don’t rush to sign a contract with the first manufacturer you like. First, you need to make sure of the reliability and integrity of this manufacturer, and also find out whether its product has the optimal quality for you. Try to collect any information and reviews about this factory or company. It is also necessary to independently study the rules and nuances of drawing up a foreign trade contract before directly concluding it. Monitor every stage of drawing up and signing documentation, otherwise there is a risk of being deceived.

The methodology of business negotiations with the Chinese deserves special attention. The majority of Chinese do not accept business communication via telephone or Internet. For them business conversation- This is personal communication. Therefore, when aiming for long-term cooperation with a Chinese manufacturer, prepare for the fact that you will have to visit China quite often to negotiate and monitor the fulfillment of all conditions by your partner. If you don't know Chinese language, then think about how you will communicate with your partner. Most likely, you will need to hire a translator (preferably one who speaks both Chinese and English languages) to the staff of your company. A translator will help you not only in personal communication with the Chinese, but also with documentation, translations of product characteristics, and so on.

Interaction with Chinese resellers

The scheme of working with resellers is clear to everyone: the intermediary interacts with the manufacturer, you (the seller) interact with the intermediary, and as a result, everyone is happy. There are now a lot of intermediary trading companies working with Chinese manufacturers and finding them is not a problem at all. However, before establishing business contacts, weigh all the pros and cons of such cooperation.

The advantages of supplying goods through intermediaries are that: 1) you will have a huge selection of goods from different manufacturers; 2) you will not encounter the problem of a language barrier or lack of business ethics– after all, employees of such companies most often possess all the necessary skills; 3) you will be able to order small quantities of goods if you want (and you can only purchase large quantities directly from the manufacturer).

And now about the shortcomings. The most obvious one is the price of the product. Naturally, it will be greater than that of the manufacturing company, since the intermediary takes a certain percentage for himself. You are unlikely to be provided with any information about the manufacturer ( trade margins, quality of goods, etc.), since intermediaries most often leave this a secret. Problems may also arise with defective goods. If one is discovered, you will not be able to return the product to the intermediary or exchange it for a similar one without defects. Intermediaries most often do not check the quality of the goods, and in every possible way avoid possible returns. Maybe this situation doesn’t apply to everyone. trading companies, but be prepared for such developments.

Be careful: Very often, resellers pose as manufacturers. To expose them, ask for the most comprehensive information about production and even ask to visit the plant or factory where the product is made. As a potential partner, you are well within your rights to do this. If the company refuses to provide you with this opportunity, then it is most likely an intermediary.

Cooperation with a domestic company

A domestic company can also be used as an intermediary. For example, if you live in Russia, then you enter into a contract with a Russian company that works directly with Chinese manufacturers. If such a company has been on the market for a long time, then it has experience of cooperation with Chinese partners, all the nuances of negotiations have already been studied, optimal supply schemes have been established, etc.

You won't need to do all this yourself. The intermediary company will organize everything for you - it will find a manufacturer that suits you, and if necessary, go to the production site, control the quality of the goods, and settle all legal issues regarding customs clearance. And you, of course, will need to pay for all these intermediary services. For example, to search for a manufacturer and provide information about him, including product prices, you will have to pay up to one thousand dollars. Product quality control will cost $300-400.

This supply chain also has its pitfalls. For example, a Russian company may have a “special” relationship with one Chinese manufacturer. And without looking for other options, only it will be promoted everywhere. But for you specifically, this option may not be the best. Yes and various disadvantages In this case, the manufacturer will be intensively hidden by the intermediary if he receives a kickback for this. Therefore, be vigilant and check all the information within your capabilities!

Most often, business in Russia is associated with the purchase of goods, equipment and raw materials abroad. There is a business for which production is created in the countries of Southeast Asia, after which the goods are delivered to other countries. This is done for one simple reason: cheap work force And production capacity. In addition, these countries (most often China) have ready-made industrial base, which significantly reduces costs. And so, you buy goods in the same China or have created production in another country, a bright future is just around the corner, workers are working, goods are being manufactured, but something is missing. How will you deliver the goods? Beginning businessmen mistakenly think that the main thing is to find a supplier, and the rest is not important. But that's not true. Without properly structured logistics, any business will lose the trust of partners and clients in a very short time, since in the market the main thing is that whoever sells faster makes a profit. Naturally, delivery around the world differs from delivery within Russia due to many features, such as geography, infrastructure and equipment.

The logistics operator must be reliable and proven in order to know for sure that he will not “screw” at the most crucial moment. We found such an operator - the company. The company takes care of all the logistics issues of a businessman. Understanding all the intricacies of international delivery, especially from China, which Logicom has emphasized, guarantees professional completion of the assigned tasks. The operator reliably builds all elements of the supply chain and, what is important, builds the correct logistics. The company delivers to all accessible ways: road, air, sea and rail transportation.

Why choose Logicom as your logistics operator

1. The main advantage is the benefit. We are talking not only about low tariffs, but also about the fact that the cost of the company’s services never changes after the conclusion of the contract. In addition, Logicom has established relationships with many partners who are the best in their field, which has allowed them to reduce costs. The company’s employees initially calculate all options and choose the optimal one for the client’s business. He pays only for the final result.

2. Openness, communication skills, accessibility and honesty. The company does not have fixed operating hours, which allows you to find out information about the condition of the cargo at any time of the day. Constant communication is available not only by phone, but also on the website and in instant messengers. The company has staff in different time zones and requests are processed instantly and offers are received within 6 hours. Each customer is assigned an individual manager or specialist.

3. Fast delivery. And it is not just words. At the end of 2017, the average delivery time was 2.5 days ahead of those specified in the contract. It also happened that delivery could be completed 20 days faster than specified in the contract.

4. Help in making the right decision. At the customer's request, Logicom negotiates with the manufacturer regarding production, shipping, and the adequacy of production costs and associated costs. And this is done for free. This saves the client money and time if he decides to order a trial batch of goods. By the way, if the customer decides to independently organize the movement of cargo on a separate part of the route, then the company’s employees will advise free of charge how to do this more efficiently and profitably.

5. Detailed report. The client will know the condition of his cargo, how it is packed and where it is located, and the system will automatically send the information to the customer’s email. Logicom employees also make photo reports on the condition of the cargo at the main stages of transportation.

6. Extensive experience in delivery. Logicom has been shipping products from China since 1998. The company's managers have been working in logistics since 1995 and know their business well. The company's development director is one of the experts from Russia in the EU Commission on Transport and Logistics. That is, these are not yesterday’s students who decided to create a startup, but a time-tested company.

7. They know all the subtleties of the East. Logicom employees have written three books on working with China and know everything about Chinese business. This means no surprises from China for the businessman. The company's development director is not only an expert in the EU Commission on Transport and Logistics, but also a member of the board of the Russian Club in Shanghai and the Coordination Council of Chinese Compatriots.

8. Packages for any business. The company has developed service packages for different businesses, among which you can choose the optimal one in terms of speed, cost, additional services and other parameters.

Who is suitable for Logicom services?

The operator service is suitable for a businessman who does not want to understand the jungle of logistics, customs and other intricacies of delivering goods from other countries.
- For those who want to focus on business development without worrying about cargo delivery.
- A businessman supplying non-standard or specific cargo who needs personal service.
- For those who plan to develop the company’s logistics competence and want to understand how to do it correctly.

Logicom works with any type of business: from individual entrepreneurs before large corporations. Even if the client just opened his first startup yesterday and wants to supply goods from another country, he will be treated the same as if he were a representative of a well-known company.