The results of the implementation of the ERP BAAN system at industrial enterprises in Russia and the CIS countries. Expertise system for the implementation of ERP at machine-building enterprises Implementation of erp at a machine-building enterprise

System implementation resultsERP BAANon industrial enterprises Russia and CIS countries



This article continues the series of articles on the implementation of ERP class systems on Russian enterprises and enterprises of the CIS countries as the core of technologies information support product life cycle (FDI-technologies). According to the results of the implementation of the BaanERP system of the company "ALFA-INTEGRATOR" - "BAAN Eurasia", data are given on the economic and production effect that the enterprise achieved when implementing this system.

During the period of presence in the information technology market in Russia and the CIS countries, Alfa-Integrator Group - Baan Eurasia has implemented projects to introduce the BaanERP system at many defense industry and mechanical engineering enterprises, some of them are shown in the table:

Company name



mechanical engineering

"Baltic Plant"


"Almetyevsk Pumping Plant"

mechanical engineering

"Ufa motor-building software"

mechanical engineering

NPK Irkut

aircraft industry

"Komsomolsk-on-Amur aviation software"

aircraft industry





PNRPP "Elara"


"Krasnoyarsk combine plant"

Agricultural engineering

Radio factory "Polyot"


Representatives of these enterprises note a significant advantage of these solutions compared to other options for ERP systems, and first of all, in terms of production. As a result of the implementation of these projects, an industry solution was created for enterprises in the engineering industry. Due to the use of industry reference models, and approbation of the system at the largest world and domestic enterprises of the machine-building industry, the cost and timing of the system implementation are reduced.

In 2003, the list of clients of Alfa-Integrator Group of Companies - Baan Eurasia was replenished with new enterprises: mining and chemical plant, them. Degtyarev" etc. The choice of these enterprises is due to the fact that the localized Russian version of the BaanERP system, localized by Alfa-Integrator Group - Baan Eurasia, effectively works at enterprises in the machine-building industry, offering them easily adaptable solutions.

The introduction of ERP-systems really allows you to reduce the costs of the enterprise, but only if these systems and solutions are used to solve the problems of planning and managing production in the enterprise.

The main source of reducing the production costs of an enterprise from the introduction of ERP systems is a drastic reduction in stocks in warehouses and in work in progress, a reduction in production cycles, because it was not in vain that the thesis “stocks are costs” was proclaimed in Japan in the early 70s. And this can be achieved only by transferring the enterprise through the introduction of an ERP system to modern methods of planning and managing production, primarily to order production.

Unfortunately, we have very few examples in Russia when an ERP system works to fulfill production management tasks. Basically, all implementation projects are focused on the tasks of financial and inventory management, calling it the "implementation" or "productive installation" of the ERP system. And then consumers rightly wonder why there is no visible cost reduction from the implementation of the ERP-system.

When an enterprise uses an ERP system to plan and manage production, there is a significant reduction in inventory levels and the associated working capital requirements.

To date, a number of leading enterprises in Russia and the CIS countries that have implemented BaanERP have achieved significant success both in terms of managing enterprise resources at individual stages of production, and as part of improving the activities of the entire enterprise. Below are the results of the implementation and operation of the BaanERP system at leading enterprises in Russia and the CIS countries. The results achieved show that the BaanERP system is an ideal resource management solution for both large machine-building enterprises () and medium-sized ones ().

plant "Ural"

Number of employees :people

Industry: Automotive.

Main products : all-wheel drive vehicles "Ural".

About the enterprise : Automobile plant "Ural" was founded in 2001 as a result of the restructuring of the production complex "UralAZ" and is the receiver of its history and traditions. The new enterprise became part of the Russian holding RusPromAvto.

Currently, the Ural Automobile Plant occupies a leading position among manufacturers of all-wheel drive trucks with wheel arrangement 4x4, 6x6, 8x8.

Enterprise website: www. *****

Number of users: about 1200 users. A qualified implementation group and three support groups have been created at the plant to support and develop the functionality of the system. Work is underway to create a Competence Center - a structure that unites BaanERP users and guarantees high-quality operation and further development systems after implementation.

Implemented blocks:

§ Financial and economic block;

§ Sales, supply, warehouses;

§ Planning of the main production;

§ Fully automated work of the Procurement Directorate, warehouse accounting of purchased materials and components;

§ Personnel Management;

At the moment, the work of accounting (general ledger), settlements with suppliers and buyers, fixed assets accounting, cash accounting, financial planning are automated.

During the implementation BaanERP at UralAZ, the following results were achieved:

§ Logistics operations that are in industrial operation are automatically reflected in accounting data, ensuring the reliability and transparency of accounting.

§ During the implementation process, many business processes of planning and accounting at the plant were revised, a transition was made from the formation of monthly reporting to operational registration and use of information. The mechanism for integrating logistics with the financial module eliminates double entry of information and discrepancies between accounting and management accounting.

§ As obvious advantages from the introduction of the system already received by the plant, it should be noted: a single repository of regulatory and reference information (all plant services and calculations use the same data), reducing the number of accounting departments, reducing the time for preparing and submitting financial statements, the availability of operational, reliable data on material stocks in warehouses in physical and monetary terms.

§ The following indicators were achieved in 2004:

Decrease in stocks of inventory items (inventory and materials) - 65,000 thousand rubles.

Reduced property tax - 2,500 thousand rubles.

§ Cost accounting and budgeting;

§ Technical preparation of production;

§ Financial management, tax accounting;

§ Accounting.

During the implementation BaanERP on, the following results were achieved:

§ In production: accounting for the performance of intra-shop operations and inter-shop movement has been established, which allows you to control the status of work in progress (WIP), data on completed operations are transferred to the calculation subsystem wages, accounting and automatic pricing of defects is carried out, shift-daily tasks are formed for sections.

§ There was a decrease in the WIP (current - about 1.4 billion rubles) due to the optimal calculation of the batch size, compliance with the condition of matching the launch batch with the production batch, launch planning is always on demand, refinement of the WIP estimate - by operation (now we take about half of the cost of passing the part through workshop).

Type of production - "production to order", "production to stock", "serial, small-scale and single production".

Enterprise website: www. *****

Number of users in the system: about 1000 users.

Implemented blocks: The implementation of the localized Alfa-Integrator Group of Companies - Baan Eurasia of the Russian version of the BaanERP management and planning system was carried out in the following areas:

§ Maintenance of the regulatory framework. The planning basis has been formed - normative base by products

The total number of purchased items (66000);

The total number of manufactured products (50500);

Product specifications (45207);

Technological routes for the manufacture of products (33678).

§ Manufacturing control. Production orders are processed according to the nomenclature of all products of the main production shops, the following is carried out:

Formation and management of production orders (planning and dispatching department (PDO), workshops and firms of the main production);

Documentation of orders;

Release of components and materials under orders;

Collection of actual material costs;

Report on the operations of the technological route for the manufacture of products;

Formation of summary reports on the launch - release of products.

§ Planning. Planning the manufacture of products based on the main production schedule (formation of production orders, purchase orders for materials and components):

The number of marketable products planned in the system -% of all products of the production budget);

The total number of production orders for which planning is carried out reaches;

The number of production orders per month brought to shops and firms - up to 5000;

Depth of planning on products reaches 16 levels;

§ Inventory Management. Inventory management of materials and components is carried out to ensure production through purchase orders - the average number of processed orders per month is up to 4000.

§ Sales management. Organized sales management through the formation of contracts and sales orders, the shipment of marketable products from the warehouses of the enterprise, the formation of statistical data on sales in the context of the range and activities marketing services enterprises.

§ Financial management. Receiving and analysis financial results activities of the enterprise through integration with modules sales, supply, production.

During the implementation BaanERP at Elara PNRPP, the following results were achieved:

§ Speeding up the launch of new products

§ Timely fulfillment of orders

§ Due to the increase in the reliability of accounting and planning, with an increase in production volumes, there was a decrease in inventories of goods and materials for the main production in warehouses. The balance decreased in 2002 from 140 million rubles. to 100 million rubles, and at the moment it has decreased to 80 million rubles.

§ According to financial department the use of the BaanERP system for calculating the volume of purchases made it possible to reduce the amount of financing by almost 2 times with a significant increase in the volume of marketable products.

§ The Russian version of the BaanERP system, by order of the plant, was introduced into the rank of a corporate resource management system for an enterprise.

Further development of the project:

§ Management Accounting. Development of management accounting methods at the enterprise (budgeting, controlling);

§ CRM. Acquisition and implementation of the module Baan - CRM "Marketing and sales";

§ Bar coding. Implementation of an automatic identification system (bar coding) in the production of printed circuit boards;

§ Auxiliary production. Distribution of BaanERP technologies to the production preparation system (tool production);

§ Management of geographically distributed objects. Inclusion in the unified management system of the regional subdivisions of the joint-stock company (“Kanash branch”, Moscow representative office).


Number of employees : 2 800 people

Industry: Engineering.

Main products: hydraulic units for hydraulic systems of tractors, cars, agricultural and road machines.

About the enterprise: The leading enterprise in the CIS with a closed production cycle, including all stages of product manufacturing, from foundry production to assembly and testing of finished products. The plant is a developer of its own products. The company supplies its products to the largest enterprises in Russia and abroad.

Enterprise website: www.

Number of users: over 200 users.

Implemented blocks: The implementation of the localized Alfa-Integrator Group of Companies - Baan Eurasia of the Russian version of the BaanERP management and planning system was carried out in the following areas:

§ technical support of production,

§ planning of sales, production, stocks and purchases,

§ sales management,

§ procurement management,

§ accounting for production costs,

§ management of material flows,

§ foundry management,

§ the introduction of the subsystem "Service" for planning, accounting and management of preventive maintenance of equipment and the subsystem "Finance" has begun.

During the implementation BaanERP on, the following results have been achieved:

§ The production regulatory and reference information has been verified, which is very important for the reliability of accounting, support for the quality management system, for the planning base, cost accounting;

§ The structure of production management has been optimized in order to increase the level of manageability and optimize the number and storage facilities of workshops (a large number of intermediate storerooms have been eliminated);

§ An integral and reliable real-time accounting system for inventories has been created, excluding losses from theft;

§ Optimized logistics flows of movement of inventory items;

§ A system for optimal planning of enterprise resources (capacities and labor resources, purchases of materials and semi-finished products, work in progress and stocks) has been created;

§ The activities of all departments of the enterprise involved in the process of production and sale of products are balanced, their activities are directed in one direction to achieve a common result;

§ Managers of the enterprise received real-time access to a single reliable information for making management decisions;

§ Decreased balances in production warehouses by 29.3% and the level of work in progress by 26%;

§ The level of customer service has been significantly improved due to a clear planning of the timing of order fulfillment.

Further development of the project:

§ introduction of the Baan-Controlling block;

§ full-scale implementation of CAD at the enterprise, integration of CAD and BaanERP systems through the PDM (PLM) system;

§ introduction of the Baan-Project block for planning, accounting and managing the manufacture of non-standard equipment and design work;

§ introduction of the "Baan-Quality" block;

§ introduction of an electronic trading system with distributors, a Baan CRM system (customer relationship management).

The main conclusions that have been made by enterprises after implementing BaanERP and obtaining the results listed above are as follows:

1. The use of an information management system (MIS) of the ERP class at enterprises seeking to expand their business, increase the profitability of production is an objective necessity.

2. Costs for the acquisition, implementation, maintenance of IMS should be considered as investment projects. There are mechanisms for optimizing direct costs, as well as reducing the risks of owning IMS.

3. The success of implementation and minimization of risks with all equal components (sufficient funding, the will of the "first" person to achieve the goals, the right implementation strategy, etc.) depends on the availability of the implementation team and experience practical work from consulting structures.

4. What is needed is not consulting on implementation, but elaborate solutions for reorganizing the business processes of a particular enterprise using the functionality of the ERP systems used.

5. Reduce costs, minimize risks and increase the efficiency of using the MIS - the goal achieved by improving the production management system, which should be directly related to quantitative indicators measured and controlled by the MIS.

To begin with, about the project itself: the implementation of 1C: ERP at an industrial enterprise. When we came to the client (in 2015), the number of the plant was 5 thousand people. During the project, the plant has grown significantly and increased production volumes, now it employs about 6.5 thousand employees. 1C is installed on 1.2 thousand jobs. Actively working users now (June 2017) are about 350, it is planned to increase to 450.

The enterprise is part of the military-industrial complex of Russia, and, therefore, has its own specifics.

Before this project, I started medium-sized enterprises (1000-1500 employees, 50-150 jobs). We have already learned how to do them, having developed a clear methodology (now my team and I have an average time for transferring a project to commercial operation 7-10 months, depending on its complexity.)

But, as it turned out, with more than 2.5 thousand employees, there is a qualitative leap in the complexity of the project, which requires a revision of the technology.

So, in order. We arrived at the plant at the end of 2015. Initially, the task was to launch regulated accounting. In the course of functional modeling, the Customer's management (at the suggestion of the chief accountant) decided to transfer the function of entering primary documents "on the spot". The scope of the project has been revised to include central warehouses, storerooms, shop floor accounting, contract management and BDDS. The deadlines for the introduction of regulated accounting were shifted to 2017, and during 2016 the “primary” was automated.

The decision that the functional blocks will be launched into pilot operation (hereinafter referred to as the “PE”) in stages, although it brought us a lot of headaches, globally turned out to be correct: by launching all at once, we would simply drown in a shaft of problems, oh which I will tell later.

To be honest, I thought that the main difficulty would be sabotage by users. Before the introduction of 1C, they did not enter anything centrally anywhere: someone worked in Excel, someone worked in self-written systems. The basis of the workflow was "papers", which were then handed over to the automated control system for input by operators into the accounting program. Here, the project team on the part of the Customer competently approached the issue - a number of orders were issued, signed CEO that closed the issue. The orders were not drawn up in the usual style “a system is being launched at our enterprise ...”, but were quite specific “from such and such a date, the accounting department accepts only documents issued from 1C from warehouses.” To remove a possible misunderstanding, we immediately turned on the bar-coding of documents and distributed scanners to the accounting department (in fact, there were attempts to hand over documents “drawn” by people in Word).

The launch sequence was determined as follows: central warehouses, contracts, BDDS, workshop storerooms, workshop accounting, and as a result, already regulated accounting, which was also divided into separate functional sections.

The first (although not the main) problem was quite predictable - these are data volumes. However, I initially underestimated the scale of it. For example, just loading (without any processing) the balances for the “low estimate” takes about 4 days. And if the results suddenly reveal discrepancies, then another four days, and then another ... That is, this stage of work must be carefully worked out together with the customer during planning, literally by the day. For example, here we went the usual way: we downloaded only directories and put users on the “primary account” so that after the download of the balances was completed, everything would be done, checked and entered into operational records. As a result, we physically did not have time to reduce the accounting and accrue the repayment of the cost by the end of the month, and in order to submit management reports, we had to manually transfer the cost amounts from the old system, and then adjust them due to different accounting methods.

Also, the customer does not have many of the necessary data in the normal form, and, accordingly, it is necessary to ask for them to be prepared much in advance: for example, a list open orders we began to collect for three (!!!) months. It would seem, what is easier? The enterprise must have information about what to whom and when it should produce and ship. But, as it turned out, in a formalized form, they only had order numbers (the requirement to organize separate accounting for the State Defense Order), and the name of the product, quantity, timing, etc. were stored either somewhere in Excel or in paper contracts.

In subsequent projects, we begin preparations for data migration with clients immediately after the first stage of the project - functional modeling.

And scale self made should always be kept in mind when designing: for example, initially, when designing mutual settlements, the client wanted to break down the debt into stages of contracts, but after analyzing the labor costs of the preparatory work together with us, this idea was abandoned.

Also, a large number of “primaries” increases the cost of mistakes: if you suddenly forgot about filling in some props or taught to fill it out incorrectly (which, unfortunately, happens), then you won’t be able to “quickly go through everything with your hands”. In the best case, you will receive correctly filled data from the next month. That is, on such projects, only a very experienced project team can be used - the "jambs" of beginners can simply not be able to be corrected.

In addition, such a scale imposes specific requirements for pilot operation: I usually provide one and a half to two months of support for simple areas (for example, central warehouses), which is quite enough to work out the unit. And here, some storekeepers began to seriously analyze the data in the program only after 3 months. That is, before that they just learned to enter documents into the system. It turned out that in the course of work on the launch of other sections, it was necessary to divert resources to support closed functional blocks. This must be taken into account when planning people and budget.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the organization of informing users of the program. It is necessary to build modules into the configuration in advance to display mandatory messages: calling 350 people and saying that the instruction has been updated or that the cost calculation will be launched today is unrealistic. Here a patch from the BSP (library of standard subsystems) helped us a lot.

In addition to the problem of scale described above, the second and main problem of the project was that the enterprise did not have people who fully own the work of some accounting area. At first I thought that these were the features of only this plant, but now I understand that for large organizations this situation is rather the norm. There are several key users who lead their own "piece" and there is a department head who has his own idea of ​​​​how they work. And between them - the abyss.

How I worked before: for each process, its Owner was determined, who formed requirements for it, we developed a work scheme, went through it with key users, and then approved it with the owner. Typically, this technique closes 80% of operations well, and the remaining 20% ​​are "tightened" at the stage of pilot operation. We have followed this path here as well. The difference between reality and the perceptions of department heads emerged almost immediately. But the bosses said “it can’t be!”, And the subordinates, due to the corporate culture, did not object to them. As a result, the approved scheme of work contained a part of too laborious operations, a lot of redundant controls and did not contain a certain amount of “what they definitely don’t have”. All this had to be redone during the pilot operation. As a result, the already implemented and submitted improvements were radically rewritten, and the OPE itself required the constant presence of programmers.

To the problem of “smearing” knowledge about each process between dozens of people, a large number of seemingly the same type of departments was added (they only have about 30 central warehouses), which, despite the similarity of functions, had their own specifics and their own accounting features - which means that even the same operations can be performed in several ways. The slogan "unification of processes", declared at the start of the project, died during the first combat launch.

Analyzing the results of the project, I still don’t see a way to particularly reduce the risk of a significant discrepancy between the described processes and reality: in order to work out the scheme in detail with each department, and then with their leaders, the budget for Functional Modeling will have to be increased by 5-7 times, and it is usually difficult for customers to understand the value of this stage and pay 25% of the project cost just for a “piece of paper”. There was an idea about a test run of the system on several divisions, which I tried on another project, but it did not fully justify itself.

At the moment, I have determined for myself that on projects of similar scale, I will have to put up with iterative refinement - just organize it correctly, and immediately include in the assessment the work of programmers for the entire pilot operation, and increase the terms of user support at least twice.

The third problem of the project follows from the first two: a large number of users (for which many consultants are needed) and a large number of design decisions that are made right at the stage of the OPE. And since in ERP the same task can be solved in different ways, different consultants use different methods, and as a result, the system begins to “spread”. No “end of the day meetings” help here, because due to the volume different issues consultants simply forget a lot by the evening.

In the future, I will introduce a separate architect into such projects, who will be isolated from users for the duration of the OPE, and through whom all design decisions will be made. He will also update user instructions daily (they are really needed for a large number of users).

What is the result? Despite the bumps, tears and gray hair, the client's management unit was launched. Now we have moved to regulation. I hope that the experience gained at the first stages will help in its launch.

Implementation of the SSA ERP (Baan) system on a modern machine-building enterprise: Ufa Motor-Building Production Association Olga Alexandrovna Tretyakova, Head of SSA ERP (Baan) in the North-West Branch of GMCS GMCS "The art of managing large projects is akin to the talent of a conductor, each wave of which combines the variety of sounds into great symphonies."

General Management Consulting Services About GMCS GMCS – General Management Consulting Services – was founded in 1997 and has been part of the Compulink group of companies since 2005 Why do customers choose GMCS? GMCS is a multi-product company, a partner of 4 leading global ERP system providers More than 200 successful completed projects in Russia and abroad /Greece, Italy, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Estonia, Romania, Poland/ More than 270 highly qualified specialists Employee experience in IT consulting from 5 to 8 years Expertise in more than 15 industries

GMCS services About GMCS Key aspects of IT-based management: Management and IT consulting Selection of a software solution for enterprise management Supply of information systems licenses Implementation of leading ERP / CRM systems Audit of information systems implementation projects Training of users of systems Adaptation of software to the requirements of enterprises, development of solutions Technical support information systems

Microsoft: Microsoft Dynamics AX (Microsoft Axapta), Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Microsoft Office Accelerator for Sarbanes-Oxley (MOSASO) Oracle: Oracle E-Business Suite, Oracle Financial Analyzer/Oracle Enterprise Planning & Budgeting, Oracle CRM SAP CIS: mySAP Business Suite , mySAP All-in-One, SAP NetWeaver, SAP Business One SSA Global: SSA ERP (Baan), SSA ERP LN (Baan 6.1) Boss. HR systems»: «BOSS-Kadrovik» About company GMCS Product line

Clients Nuclear industry Distribution Logistics and transport Engineering and equipment manufacturing Oil and gas industry food industry and agriculture Printing and packaging Consumer goods FMCG Communications and telecommunications Construction industry Retail And catering pharmaceutical industry Chemical industry etc. About GMCS

Year of foundation d. Number of employees - more than 19 thousand people. Number of independent subdivisions in the association Industry - mechanical engineering Types of products: aircraft engines and components gas power plants snowmobiles motoblocks and other civil products Ufa Motor-Building Production Association

The association has a license for the production of aviation equipment The quality system meets the requirements of ISO-9001 UMPO has a quality certificate issued by the certification body TUV CERT (1997 Germany), as well as a certificate of conformity in the Oboroncertifica system issued by the Soyuzsert body Unique technologies such as "Vacuum casting complex-profile blades”, “Ion implantation, precision casting of titanium alloys with gas-stated castings”, “Forging blanks in the superplasticity mode”, etc. Ufa Motor-Building Production Association has all types of production. types and modifications of military and civil aircraft of the MiG, Su and Tu series UMPO brand engines are operated in 49 countries of the world More than 50 major customers in Russia and abroad - in India, China, Vietnam, South Korea

2. Design and engineering analysis of products - CAD / CAE CAD designs of main products 5. Development of technological processes for products and NC for CNC machines - CAM CAD TP 7. Testing of products APCS - testing 8. Operation of products Monitoring of operation 6. Production of products SSA ERP (Baan) Implementation of CALS technology at JSC UMPO CAD/CAM CAE Baan ERP PDM Maintenance of product life cycle 1. Marketing research and strategic planning Technical task per product 3. Logistics SSA ERP (Baan) 4. Design and engineering analysis of tech. tooling CAD designs of production tooling and NSO

Reasons for choosing the SSA ERP (Baan) system Implementation experience at other military-industrial enterprises in Russia and abroad Availability of a reference model for the SSA ERP (Baan) system that describes the business processes of the enterprise Use of a smooth reengineering methodology in SSA ERP (Baan) that does not require one-time changes business processes enterprises

Managers of the functional areas of the CCI Procurement Production Sales Budgeting and controlling Financial calculations Accounting Head planning economic department Deputy director of the main production Head of the supply service Head of the financial department Chief Accountant Sales Director Chief Technologist

Progress of work Period Scope of work 2001 June-December Preparation of a design solution, testing 2002 January-June Procurement management, inventory movement accounting, production accounting 2002 July-December Transition from Baan IV to Baan V 2003 January-December Sales management, Management of settlements with counterparties, Material accounting 2004 January-December Project management for the preparation of new products, tool accounting 2005 January-December January-December Cost management, Planning

Communication between SSA ERP (Baan) and ACS UMPO Production planning Maintenance of NSI UMPO Production planning Maintenance of NSI SSA ERP (Baan) ERP Procurement management Inventory movement Shop management SSA ERP (Baan) ERP Procurement management Inventory movement Shop management

Implementation problems solved in the years. Non-compliance of part of the business processes of the enterprise with the standard processes of the "western" aerospace industry. Low performance of the association's computer network (speed of about 2 megabits/sec). Limit loading and lack of computing power of the working server "BAAN" (at the same time no more than 170 sessions).

Results as of the beginning of 2005 Control of contract fulfillment Control of deliveries by range, terms, taking into account permitted replacements Planning of purchase prices Automatic reconciliation of invoices with delivery Control of debt repayment terms taking into account the terms and schedules of payment Automatic generation of postings Purchases, Finance

Results at the beginning of 2005 DSE normative costing Accounting for the launch of production batches, formation of accompanying documents Accounting for write-offs for production orders Operational accounting for the fulfillment of orders Accounting for output, formation of accompanying documents Accounting for defects Accounting for technological waste and surplus Control of work in progress Production

Results as of the beginning of 2005 Monitoring the fulfillment of contracts Controlling shipments taking into account the terms of payment and customer debt Controlling shipments according to the range of contracts Controlling the maturity of debts taking into account the terms and schedules of payment Automatic generation of invoices and shipping documents Sales, Finance

Results at the beginning of 2005 Quality control of deliveries Control of storage Control of standard stocks, revaluation Control of the movement of stocks in the context of batches of quality Control of illiquid assets Automatic generation of postings Conducting inventories Inventory, Finance

Results at the beginning of 2005 Accounting, tax, management accounting of fixed assets Settlements with banks Settlements through the cash register, maintenance of accountants Integration with the NSI maintenance subsystem Integration with the planning subsystem Integration with the payroll subsystem Other results

Launch batch in SSA ERP (Baan) = Release batches. Planning takes place on the basis of the times of operations in the technological route. The start date and release date are planned, they are controlled by the same. No shortage operational meetings. From options selection of batch sizes, it is proposed to choose planning from the need. The presence of inter-sectional and inter-shop shifts - in SSA ERP (Baan) is determined in the route based on technology or in the movement parameters - for finished parts. Differences in planning SSA ERP (Baan) and OCAM

Our coordinates GMCS , Moscow, Michurinsky pr., d URL: Tel./Fax: : +7 (495) , Saint-Petersburg Bolshoy pr. V.O., 80 Senator business center Tel.: + 7 (812) , Fax: +7 (812) Thank you for your attention!

Initial problem and tasks

The company used a system developed on Clipper (for entering production data), "1C: Accounting 7.7" (for maintaining regulated accounting) and "1C.8 ZUP" (for payroll). The management considered the transition to the integrated application solution "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" (or "1C: ERP 2.0").

Suggested solution

According to the requirements of the Customer, 2 implementation options were proposed:

1) Automation based on software products "1C: UPP 8" + "PiterSoft: Process Management"

2) Automation based on software products "1C: ERP 2.0".

Comparative characteristics solutions are proposed in Table 1.

Table 1. Comparative characteristics of correlating the goals of the Customer and the capabilities of the functionality of 1C software products

The customer made a decision on automation based on "1C: ERP 2.0".


1. Accounting for the production of products manufactured for individual orders of buyers from their technical. documentation

2. Monitoring the fulfillment of the buyer's specification at all stages (production - quantity, sale - quantity, price), including the deadlines

3. Automatic formation of a production task

Blocks "Treasury" (planning of income and expenses), "BDDS" (plan-fact analysis of the company's cash flows) were launched. Block "BDR" (plan-fact analysis of income and expenses of the enterprise) was partially launched (the project was suspended due to lack of funding from the Customer)

1. The maintenance of regulated (both accounting and tax accounting in system)

2. Serial (batch) accounting of materials and finished products

3. Organized receipt production cost in the context of orders

4. Set up to receive the necessary regulated Accounting and Tax reporting (including consolidated)

1. Automated accounting of buyers' specifications, calculation of planned cost estimates according to specifications

2. Implemented control over the fulfillment of the buyer's specification at all stages (production - quantity, sale - quantity, price), including the deadlines

3. Mutual settlements with buyers in the context of specification / specification line.

4. A mechanism for automatic generation of documents and price calculation between own legal entities has been set up.

During the implementation of the project, the following areas of production activities were automated.

Implementation of an ERP system at a machine-building enterprise: goals, strategy, experience

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Implementation of an ERP system at a machine-building enterprise: goals, strategy, experience. PromIT '13 Minsk May 21, 2013. Contents. 1. About EPAM Systems. 2. Goals of the ERP system implementation project. 3. Strategy for the implementation of the ERP system. 4 . Experience in implementing SAP ERP implementation projects.

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Implementation of an ERP system at a machine-building enterprise: goals, strategy, experience

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    Enterprises Influence ERP systems Impact Metrics Produce what the market needs Meet and reduce lead times Produce quality products Provide quality service Introduce new products on time Revenue Optimize stock of finished goods Optimize WIP Optimize material inventory Shorten production cycle (reduce delays in production) Demand for working capital ax Optimize purchasing costs Optimize manufacturing costs Reduce inventory holding costs Costs

    Qualitative planning Principles of planning Objectives To comply with and reduce the terms of orders The schedule for the release of GP should correspond to the shipment schedule, reduce the intervals between deliveries (break large deliveries into several smaller ones). The schedule for the production of batches of DSE should correspond to the schedule for the release of GP (to prevent premature production of DSE), to produce in smaller batches. The schedule for the release of materials into production must correspond to the schedule for the manufacture of DSE (to prevent premature release of materials), release in smaller batches. The schedule for the purchase of materials should correspond to the schedule for their release into production (to prevent premature purchases), purchase in smaller batches. Optimize finished goods inventory Optimize WIP volumes Optimize material inventories Shorten production cycles (reduce delays in production) Optimize purchasing costs Optimize production costs Reduce inventory holding costs

    Flow Sales Supply Production Warehouses SOEs Warehouses MTO Suppliers Buyers Machining production Assembly production Preparing production Follow the shipment schedule with minimum stocks of SOEs. Follow the schedule for the release of GP (uniformly) with the minimum amount of work in progress and stocks of materials. Do not allow the formation of premature reserves - do not divert resources, do not work to create "blood clots".

    Qualitative planning Enterprise management with the help of an ERP system - Efficient Management based on resource planning By linking sales planning, production, purchasing and financial flows, you can increase production with the same or even less working capital. Quality operational scheduling production tasks, capacities and logistics, will allow you to reduce the lead time for customer orders, while reducing inventory and WIP, and ultimately reduce costs in production, procurement, warehouses. Result Increasing profits Increasing the market value of the enterprise

    1. About EPAM Systems 2. Goals of the ERP system implementation project 3. ERP system implementation strategy 4. Experience in implementing SAP ERP implementation projects 5. RDS-EPAM solution

    The management of the enterprise wants to increase the viability of the business and understands the need to improve business processes. Business processes are changed based on progressive methodologies and the potential of IT systems that implement these methodologies. Option 1 Option 2 The company has a strategy to improve efficiency. A new methodology for planning and managing production is being developed, business processes are being reengineered with the maximum use of the best world practices. Automation is performed on the basis of the standard functionality of the ERP system that implements these practices. The company does not have a clear strategy for improving efficiency. The existing methodology for planning and managing production, as well as the current organization of business processes, is automated. The standard functionality of an ERP system is significantly changed and/or non-standard functionality is developed. Successful completion Business project IT project Return on investment

    Business reorganization as part of the ERP implementation Design Development Implementation Operation Corporate strategy Functional strategy IT strategy Analysis of the current business performance Business consulting Evaluation of economic efficiency from implementation Target model of business processes Organizational structure System of performance indicators Functioning of the Competence Center Formation of the Central Committee Conceptual design of the IT system Development NSI Creation of a prototype IT consulting Prototype integration Development of a solution Testing and stabilization Replication Integration and other IT initiatives Carrying out changes in business processes, organizational structure and User Training Program Management Risk Management and Quality Assurance Program Control Center

    Example: Functional area - Production management and logistics Prerequisites The enterprise strategy contains the task of developing production management A production top manager has been appointed as the head of the production management development program Measures Define performance indicators whose value does not suit the company's management Define target values ​​for these indicators. Identify negative situations in the current planning and production and supply management processes that need to be eliminated. Develop a target methodology for planning and managing production and supply, based on the "best world practices" (international experience) Develop a set of performance indicators for the new methodology. Develop an IT system development strategy to provide information support for the target methodology for planning and managing production. Approve the decision on the transition to the new methodology at the board of directors. Train managers and specialists on the new methodology. Develop target business process models. Develop and approve a migration plan for new business process models, including the implementation of appropriate SAP ERP functionality for these business processes.

    ERP systems Reference data Registration of purchase contracts Registration of sales contracts Production and supply planning Sales orders Purchase orders Warehouse stocks GP release plan Production orders Deployment by workshops/plants? Transfer requisitions Purchase requisitions Planned production orders

    Solutions Service maintenance Production KTPP Procurement Supply Sales Continuous production Discrete production Production to stock Assembly to order Production to order Single order production Project-based production …

    1. About EPAM Systems 2. Goals of the ERP system implementation project 3. ERP system implementation strategy 4. Experience in implementing SAP ERP implementation projects 5. RDS-EPAM solution

    Organizational scale Controlling area - 1 Company codes - 24 Plants - 27 Warehouses >500 Workshops involved in main production (MRP areas) >50

    Costs Settlements with suppliers Settlements with buyers Financial resources Income Expenses Results Auxiliary processes: Quality management Personnel management Maintenance management Project management Implementation of SAP at Gomselmash Software Functional scope Included in the scope of the project ENTERPRISE Project development Strategic planning and analysis of the enterprise's activity Technical preparation of production Long-term (for a year) planning of production, purchases and costs Purchases (performance and accounting) Sales (performance and accounting) Stocks of mater. GP reserves operational planning production and supply Supply of materials (raw materials, services) Supply of products (products, services) SUPPLIERS Production (implementation and accounting) CONSUMERS WIP semi-finished products

    Product costing Sales - Production - Costs - Results Start of the planning procedure Analysis of planned costs and revenues Planning of results Planning of sales Planned cost of production and sales Plan for the sale of products Manufacturing option Technical map Specification Planning of production Plan of production Planned scope of work Planned scope of purchases Planned rates of work Cost planning (cost center, activity types)

    1. About EPAM Systems 2. Goals of the ERP system implementation project 3. ERP system implementation strategy 4. Experience in implementing SAP ERP implementation projects 5. RDS-EPAM solution

    Manufacturing Enterprise Challenges SAP RDS Business Benefits Effective use of standard business processes pre-configured for a manufacturing enterprise Ensuring transparency and efficiency of business processes Unification of business processes Management and control of production processes Doing business in a single flexible corporate information system Quick adaptation of users and increasing their productivity, minimizing staff training costs Reducing overall investment risks associated with the RDS project - Rapid Deployment Solutions - Rapid Deployment Solutions

    RDS solution Quick results with standard business processes with pre-configured system functionality containing everything you need to run a manufacturing plant SAP credibility Stable technology Powerful solution Seamless integration Advanced support system Fast and cost-effective Well-defined scope Pre-configured business processes and knowledge transfer documents Predefined implementation methodology with tools and accelerators Production launch in up to 19 weeks Cost-effective Affordable pricing model Attractive services at fixed prices Reduced implementation time, costs and risks Reduced resource requirements for business and IT departments

    SAP combines software and services into a new offering that gives you the business functionality you need quickly and affordably Software SAP RDS Implementation Software: SAP Solution Manager 7.0 EHP1 SPS03 RDS Operational Software: SAP ERP 6.0 EHP5 SPS04 SAP Standard Methodology for RDS Implementation Preconfigured Business Processes SAP Best Practices Package of Documents, Instructions, Accelerators