Guide to RTB advertising: everything you were embarrassed to ask about. A real example of making money on RTB advertising. RTB Marketplace

RTB (real-time-bidding) is a modern Internet advertising technology that allows you to organize an auction between sellers and buyers in real time.

Here's the gist: you get access to multiple sites to place your ad, with the most precise targeting of the visitors to whom it will be shown.

Programmatic buying of advertising is much more convenient and efficient than classical advertising methods. All necessary operations and targeting settings are carried out through the platform interface (which has already appeared in all media giants: Group, Google, Yandex, etc.). This is very convenient because the entire Internet space is on one platform.

RTB technology covers every stage of the sales funnel

  • Informing the audience. Increase your reach to potential customers and reduce your cost per 1,000 ad impressions (CPM).
  • Fueling interest in your services or products. Set criteria for an advertising campaign based on the socio-demographic data of the population and their behavioral factors. If you already have a fully functioning client base, find similar ones, using the same specific criteria and twice as many! The Look Alike algorithm will help you with this. Or there is always the opportunity to buy an already formed audience.
  • Inducement to action or assistance in choosing the appropriate option. Remind the client of his intentions using classic retargeting. Or suggest an alternative and related product thanks to Dynamic Creative.
  • Placing an order. Using preparatory retargeting tools.
  • Formation of customer loyalty. Surround the visitor with your offers on all channels: email, contextual, social networks or mobile devices.

How it works?

Large successful sites that offer their territory for advertising place their traffic for auction. The RTB format media operates according to auction rules: while the page is loading, the system “reads” the visitor’s profile and ultimately displays advertising, most suitable his interests.

Everything is automated: the system sends all connected buyers of advertising space a detailed description of the page, the visitor on the site, and the ad format. Buyers compare the received data with their settings, and if the person and the presentation suit them, they offer the already configured price. The system collects bids, holds an auction and gives the place to the highest bidder. The process seems long and complicated, but in fact all this happens within 100-120 ms.

All an internet marketer needs to do is set and combine targeting settings, select sites, set a price and track performance.

Types of RTB advertising

Don't limit yourself to classic banners, be creative so that your brand is noticed and remembered. For example, the Yandex platform offers non-fixed “rubber” RTB advertising areas.

Motion block designed for demonstration on smartphones. The animated image slowly dissolves as it enters the visual field, and the ad text comes to the foreground.

  • Pages with a list of articles, news feeds, or the space between adjacent paragraphs of text. The movable block will fit organically into any structure: advertising automatically adjusts to the size of the free container.
  • Vertical or horizontal poster. The advertisement is placed to the right or left of the main information on the page (if you select a vertical position), above or below.
  • If the ad contains an image, the text appears on top of it only when you hover the mouse over it.
  • Smart banners. Advertisements with moving content tailored to the preferences of resource visitors.
  • Inside a moving carousel of this type of banner, each ad.
  • Video inside a banner or in a stream.
  • A completed questionnaire with answer options (thoughtful content can interest visitors who don’t mind an easy choice of line).

These and other types of designs can help you create a variety of ways to showcase your products or services without boring your site visitors, but still remain visible and interesting.

Why programmatic buying? effective investment?

Today, RTB is the most targeted, and therefore the most thoughtful option for an advertising campaign on the Internet. Developing algorithms and technologies, a wide selection of different design options make programmatic purchasing the future of all media advertising.

  • The more carefully configured audience segmentation according to parameters convenient for you - the more effective the return will be. RTB allows you to use more selection criteria for targeting than classic Direct.
  • All statistics are publicly available to you, which allows you to control your budget and track efficiency.
  • The ability to disconnect from ineffective platforms or those that you simply didn’t like and connect others.
  • Improves conversion from other promotion channels, for example, contextual advertising.
  • High speed of obtaining results with all the variety of targeting options.
  • For different tasks, you can and should select different setting criteria and programmatic buying elements. If the goal is to increase awareness and reach a larger audience, then we choose socio-demographic segmentation, describe basic interests, and adjust the visibility of the advertising space. If you need to bring your target audience to the site, then we combine settings based on behavioral indicators and use the look alike algorithm. When tasked with increasing targeted actions, it would be more advisable to use retargeting.
  • Each type of task must have its own performance indicators; this is the only way to evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing tool as a whole. For example, if we are pursuing an increase in conversions, we will evaluate it by the price per action and the cost of a confirmed order.
  • Advanced targeting strategies allow you to target ads to users within a specific radius of a given location.
  • Using accumulated data from the advertiser’s CRM system.
  • Using portraits of real clients, you can use the look alike algorithm to find similar users.
  • Native advertising, shown on a suitable website and organically fitting into the surrounding content, is well received by users despite banner blindness.

Sooner or later, all media advertising will switch to the programmatic buying format simply because it is more convenient to use and much more effective in terms of impact. The growth dynamics of this segment in the United States suggests that these trends are beginning to conquer the Russian marketing market. Don't waste your time and money, develop your business and ways to advertise it

The main participants of such an online exchange are:

  • advertisers
  • sites - those resources where the user will see advertising
  • users - site visitors who are directly affected by RTB advertising

First, let's identify the remaining participants in the RTB.

SSP (Sell Side Platforms)– these are online advertising systems that engage in auction purchase of advertising in various networks (for example, Yandex, Google, Begun).

DSP (Demand Side Platform)- these are brokers, i.e. intermediaries, who act in the interests of the advertiser, interact with SSP systems and data providers, determining the optimal advertising rate.

Data providers (DMP, Data Management Platform)– organizations and systems that collect and sell anonymous information about Internet users, their interests, consumer experience and demand.

The user loads a web page, and at this time, in a matter of seconds, the RTB system manages to conduct bidding and determine the winner with the highest bid, whose advertising will be shown to this user.

Trading takes place as follows:

RTB sites send a request to DSP systems, which decide how attractive this request is for their advertisers (i.e., whether this user fits the target advertising audience) and send their bid to the RTB system. DSP systems can purchase additional user information from data providers.

  • RTB platforms allow you to optimize advertising costs, since rates change in 1-cent increments, even if the difference between the closest competitors is 5-10 cents
  • RTB systems allow you to increase CTR to 10% or higher, compared to traditional media advertising – 0.1–2%
  • RTB advertising brings the most targeted potential customers
  • get the most targeted client, and not just advertising space
  • optimize the cost of advertising, which is determined on a competitive basis and changes in 1-cent increments. Even if the winning bidder is 5 -10 cents higher than the nearest competitor, the final ad display bid will be the bid of the closest competitor + 1 step
  • increase the number of clients, the amount of advertising that is rotated on RTB sites and reaches colossal proportions
  • gain control over advertising campaigns
  • receive impressions of the most interesting advertising for site visitors, which allows you to make targeted not only contextual, but also media advertising.

But you need to remember that launching a campaign on RTB platforms, like playing on any exchange, is associated with great risks. The greater the desired profit, the more pitfalls. Not everyone wins on online exchanges - don’t take unnecessary risks, turn to professionals!

They are certified SSP systems specialists.

Good afternoon, dear readers, today we continue to look into the issues of how you can monetize your website without harming it, and thereby increase your family budget. Earlier, I already told you about making money on google adsense, when on your resource the great and terrible Google broadcast contextual advertising from its networks, as well as about making money on youtube videos, where the same Google showed advertising in videos and thereby gave you the opportunity to make jokes . All this is good, but there they pay people for clicks, and there is also a type of advertising where they give money for views and it’s called rtb platform.

RTB advertising networks

In this note, I will share with you my real numbers that I managed to raise on RTB advertising; there will be no water, of which there is already so much on the Internet.

RTB (Real Time Bidding) advertising is a technology for purchasing advertising space through an auction. The only difference from contextual advertising is that the webmaster is paid for ad views, not for clicks. The auction is a game of advertisers for renting advertising space, whoever gave the most gets the kings, all this happens in a fraction of seconds. The webmaster ultimately receives the best price of all offers. I won’t burden you with all sorts of terms about how this whole process is organized, this is not necessary, all you need is for your RTB banner to be seen by as many people as possible, the amount of the payment depends on this.

Examples of RTB advertising

Let me show you what ads look like on rtb advertising so you can understand. that there is little difference from Google contextual advertising banners. As you can see, everything is decent; on my websites I often have advertisements from Sberbank or the GAZ automobile plant.

RTB, also known as Real Time Bidding, is a technology for purchasing online media advertising, which is an auction in real time. To put it very simply, a person visits the site, and while his web page is loading, advertisers place their bids on the lot, which includes information about the advertising platform and its current user. In total, bidding takes a fraction of a second: whoever wins, the advertisement is shown to this visitor.

The main difference between RTB and classic banners and teasers is that we do not buy a certain number of impressions or clicks, but specific personalized messages to specific people, using in the process cookies, social network accounts, pixel tags, accumulated statistics, self-learning codes, etc. d. Similarly, RTB allows you to pay not only for standard display clicks, but also for audience actions, be it registering on the site or placing an order.

Nowadays, when people talk about RTB, they most often remember:

  • audience retargeting, when retargeting cookies are used to catch up and return already interested traffic - hence the famous joke about Yarovaya’s panties from Lamoda, reminders of abandoned carts with a buy button, lists of viewed products, recommendations, etc. Retargeting campaigns are effective when there are 50k unique hits per day and work best for consumer goods and FMCG;
  • targeting target audience segments that are most likely to generate good conversions. For example, DMPs, as data providers, collect segments from multiple sources and may have information down to credit card purchases. But the users of certain sites and applications, their orientation towards the resources they visit and their current interests have not been canceled either.
Some people believe that RTB is as important an area of ​​business as CPA. But the trick is that many RTB tools can be really useful in arbitration. Another thing is that at one time they expected a lot from RTB and thought that, they say, this is the next big thing. But it never became something serious in our circles, it didn’t make a revolution, and it remained just another source of traffic. And this raises the question...

ReallyIs RTB not suitable for arbitrage?

The internal arbitrage departments of various ActionPays have their own RTB technologies and use/have used them extensively for their clients. So why is anything stopping you? If you have direct hands and invest some effort, this source can give you a high-quality audience that is well monetized, or bring already lukewarm users to purchase.

Today, arbitrage traders need data. Where can I get them? Those who work directly with clients do not have such problems, but the rest have to assemble themselves, recruit a team, and turn to the same partner networks and data sellers. In addition, as usual, you will need an understanding of your target audience, knowledge of targeting, the ability to work with black lists and cut off unnecessary traffic.

However, as you know, in arbitration everything is decided by practice and experience. So just try to take one RTB platform, allocate a certain budget and study it inside and out. Soon you will find what you need and dial in the first whites and blacks. It’s even more convenient that you no longer have to deal with a million ad networks separately, so the time spent now will result in savings in the near future.

And if you have your own website and don’t want to bother, there is another interesting topic - dynamic advertising units a la LeadSale, which, at the same time as the page loads, automatically select which of the connected offers is best shown to this particular user, and which advertiser is more likely to convert in this case. Of course, not RTB in the full sense of the word, but it deserves attention.

RTB is not that expensive

Let's start with the fact that the concept of “expensive” in itself is relative, so let’s say this: adequate RTB campaigns start on average from 200k rubles. But if you understand your goals, set a strategy and set everything up correctly, then in the future the system itself determines how best to achieve the required indicators and dances based on the budgets you set. Thus, it is possible to practically automate most of the arbitration routine.
In addition, you need to understand that RTB does not bring to the site all people who are more or less similar to the target audience. Here you can also enable targeting by geo, ip, gender, age, marital status, education, connect your databases and data pixels, set events for retargeting, etc. Google, Yandex, Group, even the same Avito have their own RTB systems and each of them has a wealth of information about their users, what they do, what they are interested in, where they go, etc.

Another advantage of RTB is that you have every chance to get on large, highly rated sites with huge traffic at a relatively affordable price. Of course, someone will remember the inveterate statistics that in the USA, normal portals sell ~60% of places directly and/or through private auctions, throwing out the remaining places for auction below market value. But the topic is quite developed, so you can launch good campaigns at 40%. Moreover, you can see where you are located, and no one has canceled manual checks.

In general, in the case of RTB, some are afraid that they will receive low-quality traffic from second-rate sites, while others, on the contrary, are sure that there will be no bots or other evil spirits. But in fact, a huge variety of resources are connected to RTB, so the same bots are and will be everywhere. This means that we come back to the same point: when working, it is very important to know exactly what resources you need. If you don’t know, take the geo tests and find out. Whites and highlights are our everything.

INRTB there is no magic

There is no need to look at RTB as magic and a distant miraculous technology that is available only to large brands, is incredibly expensive, but gives cosmic results. Despite the fact that this tool is very complicated, from the advertiser’s point of view, everything is very, very simple. Despite the fact that in itself it has enormous potential, to achieve great results, you will have to work a lot. And of course, they didn’t put in the magic loot button again.

Another thing is that many still do not understand what RTB is, so there are terrible myths around it that have nothing to do with reality, and, accordingly, there are a lot of shady people with black RTB and low-quality traffic who came to make money -fast. Therefore, here is the simplest advice for you: choose your partners carefully, because this is the basis of the basics. See what the platform is, how long it has been on the market, what technology it offers, study IAB ratings and Google listings.

RTB technology has become a new milestone in the development of this business on the Internet. The revolution came in 2008, when previously “wholesale” purchases of advertising platforms began to be replaced by a “retail” system. Each advertising space began to be bought and sold in real time using an auction. RTB - Real Time Bidding is the name of such a buying and selling system.

RTB advertising - concept

RTB advertising is a new online advertising technology that works on the principle of an ad auction for advertising in real time. The difference is that such advertising is aimed at the target visitor, and not at the purchase of advertising space on websites. When a user visits the selected resource, the rtb system conducts an instant auction. Each impression of RTB advertising is redeemed in a fraction of a second. After which the customer’s most advantageous offer appears before the user’s eyes. Advertising network platforms act as sellers at the auction. They must have RTB displays enabled.

User identification

Browsers, social network accounts, mobile platforms, etc. are used to identify the user. A user is called a target user if he fully satisfies the advertiser's requirements. Personal information about him remains completely confidential. The selection of the target audience (targeting) occurs on the basis of anonymous user profiles provided by DMP. From the advertiser's point of view, RTB advertising has increased efficiency. What the auction process looks like will be discussed below.

How RTB works

RTB advertising is a system that allows sellers and buyers to communicate more comfortably. The user receives the advertising they really need, and the seller increases the effectiveness of his advertising. While the user is loading the Internet page, the RTB system conducts an auction in real time. DSP systems (they represent the interests of advertisers) determine the value of an impression and place a bid. After the end of the auction, an advertiser is selected, and the site visitor will be shown his RTB advertisement. Yandex, for example, provides its advertising network for this type

Start of auction

The auction begins when the user loads the web page in their browser. Such a page contains Further, the rtb exchange sends information to potential buyers about the advertising space. It also tells you the size, placement of the ad unit and ad format. Next, it is transmitted whose Internet page will be loaded. DSP buyers check this information and evaluate the resource. Bidding for this place begins. The winner is determined based on the size. The auction lasts approximately 100 milliseconds. The maximum bid gets space for the banner, and it appears on the user’s page.

Benefits of the new technology

For advertisers

  1. Targeting is more accurate due to the ability to use your own criteria. This reduces “idle” impressions.
  2. The advertiser determines the value of each impression instead of buying in bulk at one cost.
  3. The technology helps show the user a unique banner based on his interests and characteristics.
  4. RTB complements traditional advertising. It is possible to set a minimum bid; below it the display will not be sold. In this case, advertising will be shown in traditional form.

For the user

  1. Fewer ads.
  2. Advertising more accurately matches the user's interests, becomes more interesting and less irritating.

For rtb platforms

  1. The use of innovation increases the advertising income of sites.
  2. RTB does not completely replace traditional advertising; if the auction is unsuccessful, users see the most common banners. As mentioned above, an impression is not sold unless a price is offered for it above the minimum established.

RTB system

  1. Demand Side Platfrom (DSP) is a platform with which advertisers work. The platform itself does not have an interface; it appears when using add-ons over the DSP.
  2. Sell-Side Platform (SSP) are companies that sell places on advertising platforms.
  3. Ad Exchanges and Ad Networks are exchanges or advertising networks; they ensure interaction between platforms and advertisers.
  4. Data Management Platform (DMP or Data Partners) - providers of web profiles of Internet users that are used for targeting accuracy.
  5. Trading Desk is a DSP add-on that allows you to manage advertising buyouts automatically.
  6. DCOP are creative platforms that help in banner creation.
  7. Ad Verification & Brand Protection - a system for post-verification of advertising blocks, as well as brand protection.
  8. Analytics are statistical tools that help track user activity on the Internet.