What date is Doctor's Day in Belarus? Day of workers of the pharmaceutical and microbiological industry in Belarus. How to celebrate Doctor's Day

This professional holiday of Belarus is dedicated to all those people who work for the benefit of humanity and create pharmaceutical and microbiological products.

Russia stands in solidarity with its Belarusian colleagues regarding the celebration of Microbiological Industry Day. But Pharmaceutical Industry Day is usually celebrated on May 19th.

Who's celebrating

The Day of Workers in the Pharmaceutical and Microbiological Industry in 2020 is celebrated by bacteriologists, biophysicists, biochemists, pharmacologists, epidemiologists and everyone related to this field of activity.

About the profession

Pharmaceutical industry workers are involved in the study, creation, development, market research, and distribution of pharmaceutical drugs intended to prevent, alleviate, and treat human and animal diseases.

Microbiological industry is a section of the industry in which the production of products is based on the microbiological combination of certain products from different types non-food material (oil and gas hydrocarbons, wood hydrolysates). In addition, residues from industrial processing of sugar beets, corn, oilseeds and other agricultural crops are used. Workers in this industry are engaged in the production of protein-vitamin concentrated solutions, amino acids, vitamins, fermentation preparations, antibiotics, enterobacterial and viral agents, bacterial fertilizers, as well as products of complex processing of plant raw materials - furfural, xylitol, etc.

In August 2011, during the reform government controlled The pharmaceutical industry liquidated the Belbiopharm production association, which then included eighteen enterprises, factories and plants. The concern's responsibilities were transferred to the Department of Pharmaceutical Industry in the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

May 19, 1581 Russian Federation(Apartment Rus') Prince Ivan IV (the Terrible) promulgated a decree on the opening of the first “royal” pharmacy. The list of goods on display was available only to persons close to the king. And only one hundred and twenty years later, in 1701, thanks to Tsar Peter I the Great, on November 22, a decree appeared allowing private individuals to open pharmacies, but prohibiting the sale medicines in green shops and other similar establishments.

Every person at different periods of his life has to go to medical institutions, deal with doctors and medical staff. Some of them are remembered with a feeling of deep gratitude for the health given or the life saved. In a day medical worker Each former patient has the opportunity to demonstrate their personal gratitude and respect for this noble profession. How and when is Doctor's Day celebrated in 2016, on what date is it celebrated in Russia, as well as in other former Soviet republics?

What date is Doctor's Day in 2016 in Russia?

The question of what date is Medical Day in 2016 is relevant for everyone who would like to express gratitude to the people of this difficult profession. At the time when we were in the Union, it was a common professional holiday for the republics, which since 1980, at the legislative level, it was customary to celebrate in the first month of summer. The ceremonial events were attended by everyone who took the Hippocratic Oath, scientists, nurses, orderlies and support staff working in the medical field. For their merits in difficult and noble work, they were awarded diplomas, valuable gifts and cash bonuses. IN modern Russia Doctor's Day, as in times Soviet Union, celebrated on the third Sunday of the first summer month, in 2016 it will be the 19th.

What date is Doctor's Day in 2016 in Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan?

In countries that were republics of the Soviet Union, the tradition of celebrating professional holidays has also been preserved. There is no need to look for information about what date is Medical Day in 2016 in other countries of the former Union. Because it is celebrated the same way as in Russia, in the old fashioned way, on the third Sunday in June. On Doctor's Day, June 19, 2016, be sure to congratulate your loved ones and relatives living in neighboring countries.

Medical professionals surround us from birth. Thanks to their hands and professionalism, we come into this world, overcome illnesses, and emerge victorious in a difficult struggle. Knowing what date is Medical Day in 2016, you can congratulate health workers living in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and other post-Soviet countries. This is a good reason to thank the doctors and staff for your or your loved ones' recovery. Congratulate your friends and neighbors who work in the medical field on the holiday, expressing respect for the profession, personal sympathy and gratitude.

Medical Worker's Day is a professional holiday of medical personnel. Doctors, nurses, orderlies, researchers, support staff of medical institutions, their relatives and friends take part in the celebration. They are joined by teachers, students, interns and graduates of specialized educational institutions.

In Russia, the holiday is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of June. In 2020, Medical Worker's Day falls on June 21 and is celebrated for the 40th time.

The essence of the holiday is to pay tribute and express gratitude to people who devote their lives to medical activities.

Medical workers hold corporate events for the holiday. The administration of medical institutions and top officials of the country officially congratulate doctors and present insignia and prizes. Conferences and meetings of scientific communities coincide with the celebration.



    Happy Doctor's Day, I congratulate you!
    I wish you warmth and well-being.
    Let the time be joyful, and sorrows forgotten.
    And may all your wishes come true this holiday!

    Happy Medical Worker's Day!
    We wish you health from the bottom of our hearts.
    To help patients as best I could,
    I found a recipe for any disease.

    Good luck in everything, salary growth,
    May you live in abundance: luxuriously, richly.
    And the house sounded loud, joyful laughter,
    May honor and success await you everywhere!

What date is Medical Worker Day in 2021, 2022, 2023

2021 2022 2023
20 June Sun19 June Sun18 June Sun

A doctor is a responsible, risky and unpredictable profession, vital and irreplaceable for any society. This is probably why, even on their professional holiday, doctors cannot afford a full day off.

In Russia, traditionally, Doctor's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June: in 2018, the holiday falls on June 17.

Medical Worker Day was first established in the Soviet Union according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council “On Holidays and Memorial Days.” Subsequently, the idea was picked up all over the world, and now doctors are honored in dozens of CIS countries, Europe, Africa and America.

Vladimir Voronov

Other dates in honor of doctors

By the way, Doctor's Day is not at all the only holiday medical workers. Thus, in some countries, May 12 is celebrated as International Nurses Day. The date of the celebration was not chosen by chance: on May 12, 1820, Florence Nightingall, one of the founders of the Sisters of Charity movement, was born. But nurses don’t have their own day off.

However, the servants of Aesculapius (the ancient Roman god of healing), regardless of gender, have more than enough reasons to celebrate: the Day of the Surgeon, Paramedic, Resuscitator, Therapist and dozens of other professional holidays are celebrated in Russia annually and on a large scale.

© Sputnik / Alexander Polegenko

What is the Hippocratic Oath

Everyone who has even a vague understanding of doctors and medicine has heard about the Hippocratic Oath, but few people other than doctors know about its meaning. In fact, the Hippocratic oath is a kind of “code of honor” for doctors, which contains moral and ethical standards behavior of a medical worker.

The original text says:

“I will not give anyone the deadly medicine they ask me for and will not show the way for such a plan... Whatever I see or hear during treatment, I will keep silent about it, considering such things a secret. I will conduct my life and my art purely and immaculately ".

The medical profession is changing rapidly, and the Hippocratic Oath has also changed. Modern doctors recite legally approved versions of the “Hippocratic Oath,” and in some countries the Hippocratic version is not used at all for historical reasons. Nevertheless, the Hippocratic Oath remains of interest to historians and many medical professionals who appreciate ancient history healing.

© Sputnik / B. Loginov

Why do doctors wear white coats?

Every person who has ever been to a hospital has wondered: why do doctors wear white coats? The reason for this is as justified as it is banal. The medical uniform appeared back in the 19th century, and in those days doctors wore ordinary aprons and gloves.

Once, the English doctor Joseph Lister noticed that blood and dirt were clearly visible on a white apron, and suggested that all doctors, for the purposes of hygiene and sanitation, should wear only snow-white coats. The idea caught on, and in the future the skill of a doctor was judged by how much he soiled his robe during an operation.

© Sputnik / Konstantin Chalabov

How to celebrate Doctor's Day

Doctor's Day in Russia is not an official day off. in every sense: firstly, the medical profession knows no rest, and secondly, the holiday itself always falls on Sunday. And yet, in many cities of Russia, concerts, conferences and festive tables are held on Doctor’s Day. Doctors and their relatives congratulate each other, give gifts and set festive tables.

National Doctors Day in India is celebrated on the first of July, on the birthday of the legendary physician, chief minister of West Bengal, prominent political and statesman, and activist of the resistance movement in India, Bidhan Chandra Roy. On their professional holiday, Indian doctors provide free tests, X-rays and ultrasounds to everyone, and do tests for HIV and other dangerous diseases.

The medical profession is one of the oldest in the world, and nowadays it is in demand literally everywhere. Each of us at least once in our lives turned to a doctor for help and treatment. After all, even at the very beginning of a person’s life - at the birth of a baby - doctors are directly involved. And modern healthcare and the efforts of doctors are aimed not only at treating diseases and maintaining human health, but also at its development.

This professional celebration is usually celebrated at the state level. Medical workers are congratulated not only by their immediate management, but also by the Minister of Health. The most outstanding and active hospital employees are awarded honorary titles. Awards are given for professionalism, long term work, and publication of works on medicine.

Award ceremonies are also held at the local level. Employees attend a meeting where they are congratulated and given awards. Traditionally, monetary rewards are awarded. Grateful patients, who willingly bring various gifts to the people who helped them, do not forget about the work of doctors. Students have a tradition of filling their glasses with alcohol on this day.