Application for opening a summer cafe. How to open a summer cafe, business for the season. Description of products sold

  • Recruitment
  • Cuisine and assortment
  • How much can you earn
  • Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering a summer cafe?
  • Which taxation system to choose for business registration
  • Sales technology

A summer cafe is a business that will always exist. In hot weather, many people do not want to visit indoor spaces and prefer to spend more time outdoors. It’s not without reason that many restaurants set up outdoor tables next to their establishments in order to attract additional visitors and save themselves from seasonal losses.

Step-by-step plan for opening a summer cafe

You need to start preparing for the new summer season in advance, preferably from February. You should not delay preparing documents until May, otherwise the most profitable days will be left behind.

The most important thing when opening a summer cafe is the choice of location. The most profitable places are considered to be parks, embankments, tourist areas, central city streets and high-traffic areas.

To install a summer cafe, you will first need to resolve the issue of renting a plot of land. If we are talking about renting a private territory, then everything is extremely simple. After successful negotiations with the owner of the land plot, a lease agreement is concluded and all that remains is to install a cafe. But if the land plot for installing a summer cafe is state (municipal) property, then you will have to visit the local administration more than once to obtain permission to install a cafe. You must contact the city (municipal) property management committee.

The success of any summer cafe depends on the following factors:

  1. Cafe location;
  2. The range of dishes offered and their taste;
  3. Weather. Cloudy weather is the main enemy of outdoor cafes;
  4. The proposed service of the establishment is polite staff, cozy atmosphere, live music.

What documents are needed to open a summer cafe?

As a rule, the following list of documents is required from an entrepreneur:

  • Application for the provision of a land plot;
  • Characteristics of the trade object (area, layout);
  • Sanitary permit from Rosspotrebnadzor;
  • A detailed assortment list of products to be sold, a license for the right to trade in strong alcoholic beverages (if planned) and all shipping documents.

Do I need permission to open a summer cafe?

The provision of land plots for summer cafes is carried out on a competitive basis according to the layout of temporary (non-capital) facilities (kiosks, tents, pavilions, etc.). The results of the competition are approved by the protocol of the competition commission. Permission to install a summer cafe is issued by a resolution of the head of the city (district) administration.

If the land plot for installing a summer cafe is state (municipal) property, then you will have to visit the local administration more than once to obtain permission to install a cafe. You must contact the city (municipal) property management committee.

How much money do you need to open a summer cafe?

Today, to open a summer cafe you will need from 15 to 20 thousand $. The first thing you will need to do is purchase a tent - a pavilion for a summer cafe. And there are several options here. The first way is to get it for free from brewing companies, thereby advertising their brand. But in this case, you will have to put up with the rules that this company dictates to you (location, sales volume, etc.), which is not always beneficial for the entrepreneur. The second way is to purchase a tent, which costs from $1000. In this case, no one will dictate terms to you; work at your own discretion.

Also, as required by law, it is necessary to ensure that there is a toilet near the summer cafe. The costs of its construction are borne by the business organizer.

What equipment to choose for a summer cafe

Another not cheap item in the costs of a summer cafe. The purchase of equipment will cost another $5-10 thousand, depending on the scale and layout of the cafe. You can, of course, save money by buying a used one, but it depends on your luck. The main equipment should include: equipment for draft beer (beer kegs), a barbecue grill for shish kebab, refrigeration units for drinks, a convection oven for heating baked goods, an electric stove, a machine for cotton candy and pokorna (for children).

After purchasing equipment, the last significant item of initial investment remains - replenishment of inventory. The cost of purchasing products at the start ranges from $3 thousand.


To organize even a small summer cafe you will need to attract at least 6 people. Key personnel include cooks, bartenders and security guards. The wage fund for such a cafe is about 100 thousand rubles per month. More serious cafes attract waiters, musicians and DJs.

Cuisine and assortment

It is important that the food in your cafe is delicious. Shish kebab and other meat delicacies are the favorite food of many vacationers. Of course, often starting cafes are limited to such an assortment as draft beer, chips, crackers, ice cream and baked goods. Such a variety of dishes can only attract young people, who will rarely leave a large amount of money in your cafe. To attract more respectable people to the cafe, it is necessary to diversify the menu and include salads, main courses, kebabs, and so on.

Documents for opening a cafe: list + organizational aspects + 5 factors when choosing a premises + necessary approvals and permits + procedure for obtaining an alcohol license + features of state registration of individual entrepreneurs + 9 post-registration stages + papers required by the SES + 3 companies for the preparation of documentation.

The procedure for opening a cafe is very labor-intensive and brings a lot of difficulties to the future business owner. This is especially true for the preparation of the required documentation. Often, novice entrepreneurs do not even know what documents are needed to open a cafe, where they are issued.

We will try to answer these questions and provide guidance to those who are attracted to the catering industry.

Organizational aspects in opening a cafe

If you have decided to become an entrepreneur, the most pressing question that begins to worry you is: “What documents are needed to open a cafe?” However, first of all, you must decide on the shape of your small restaurant.

GOST R 50762-95 defines a cafe as a catering enterprise, which is characterized not only by the organization of the production of branded culinary products, baked goods, and custom-made dishes. A distinctive feature of the cafe is the sale of catering products, alcoholic/non-alcoholic drinks.

The cafe also serves customers on site, providing the opportunity to relax, and can deliver products to their homes.

According to the mentioned standard, cafes can be divided according to the following criteria:

  • Interests of visitors(for children, youth, students, office workers, internet cafes, etc.)
  • Menu (ice cream parlour, pizzeria, pastry shop).
  • Location (cafes in recreation areas, hotels, station cafes, establishments in shopping and entertainment centers).
  • Opening hours (a café that is seasonal or provides services on an ongoing basis).
  • Service format(establishments with waiters, cafes with a self-service concept).
  • Purpose, composition of the premises(mobile, non-mobile, cafes on ships, yachts, on trains, etc.)

We recommend that you study GOST R 50762-95 in more detail (, where you will also find the requirements for organizing a cafe. The above information will make you think about what concept your establishment will adhere to and in which building to locate it.

Studying the needs of society, analyzing competitors and the market will help you decide in what format to work. You can get ideas from foreign colleagues. At the same time, your cafe will be successful if the idea is original and meets the needs of visitors.

It will be necessary to carefully consider not only the menu, but also the arrangement, design, what kind of music and dishes there will be. In addition, it is necessary to arrange supplies of products from which culinary masterpieces will be created.

In addition, a cafe needs not only a harmonious combination of these components, but also qualified personnel. These are the chefs, the manager or manager, the waiters and head waiter, the bartender, and the cleaning lady. They are the ones who create the right atmosphere.

What should the premises be like to open a cafe?

When choosing a room, consider:

  1. Passability of persons living in the region where the cafe is supposed to open. It is preferable to choose walking places, central parks, streets with large crowds of people.

    But airports, bus stations and railway stations are not the best option. Although there is a high percentage of traffic there, there are essentially few clients.

  2. The mood of citizens (conversion of possible customers into real ones).
  3. Availability of analogues and a competitive environment nearby.
  4. Indoor/outdoor space. In closed establishments, the number of audiences is limited, but they prefer to spend a lot of time here.

    The advantage of open areas is a large flow of visitors, but their stay is usually fleeting.

  5. Are residential areas suitable? Yes, if the emphasis is on those who like to have breakfast or dinner close to home, and also if the entrepreneur wants to save on renting premises for a cafe.

It will be ideal if you have your own premises. Otherwise, you will have to buy or rent it. People who purchase real estate are usually those who already have a sufficient amount of money for it. It is not advisable to take out a loan for this purpose.

But sometimes rent is also expensive, reaching half the cost of opening a cafe + assignment of rights costs a lot if the site you choose already has a tenant. The owners of the premises are individuals or municipal authorities. If the building is government owned, you will be able to rent it through an auction.

When entering into a lease, you need to be careful. If the opening of a cafe is successful, clientele will flock to you, the tenant may raise the rent, transfer the site to another person, or even put it up for sale.

At the same time, many entrepreneurs enter into a document for no more than 11 months. They explain this by saying that they do not want to take on the red tape of state registration of a long-term agreement. This procedure involves the payment of a state fee, which for individuals is 2 thousand rubles, for legal entities - 22 thousand rubles.

At the same time, individuals are already burdened by the need to collect the required package of documents.

Another difficulty is the restoration of the premises for a cafe, because it rarely happens that a rented building matches the plans of the entrepreneur. You have to spend money on repairs, installing the necessary equipment (refrigerators, stoves, air conditioners), signage, changing the facade, etc.

To carry out these actions, you should obtain a document indicating that the landlord gives you the right to improve the premises.

Buying a site directly for a cafe is an equally risky decision, because... you need to evaluate its real profitability, technical characteristics, and attractiveness for future clients.

You should not seriously rely on the fact that the cafe will bring you the expected income. In reality, things may not turn out the way you would like. Only in practice will you see how things are.

What documents are needed to open a cafe: we obtain approvals and permits

Each stage that brings you closer to opening a cafe is accompanied by the collection of certain documents. In certain structures it is necessary to obtain permits, which in itself is long and nervous.

If you decide to open a cafe where a similar establishment has previously operated, and the premises you have chosen are suitable, you will only need to re-register the documents in your name.

Obtaining permission to open a cafe in a premises not suitable for this will not be easy. For this reason, it makes sense to turn to specialized organizations for help in preparing the necessary documents.

The main departments with which the opening of the cafe is coordinated are:

  • SES (Sanitary and Epidemiological Service).
  • Fire Department.
  • Local government bodies (local administration), which allow or deny the opening of a cafe on the basis of an application and documents giving the opportunity to use the premises.

Before signing a lease agreement, you need to develop a technology plan, which should include:

The technology plan looks something like this:

Be sure to show the specialized design firm the site where you plan to open the cafe. It may turn out that the premises will not suit your purposes, which means that the lease document should not be signed.

As a rule, it takes at least 5 thousand rubles to develop a technological plan for a cafe. When the project is drawn up, you need to contact the local authorities and obtain from them a document allowing the opening of a cafe.

Then you need to go to Pozhnadzor and the SES. They will also issue their findings. In addition, the opening of the cafe must be coordinated with law enforcement agencies. This is done to install a panic button.

Only after this is it possible, or rather necessary, to notify Rospotrebnadzor. The civil service agrees on a production plan program, an example of which you can find at the link:

1. The procedure for obtaining a license to sell alcohol in a cafe.

Also, when preparing documents for opening a cafe, you should take care of if you will be selling them.

It looks like this:

To obtain a document granting the right to store and distribute alcohol, you must contact the regional department of the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market (hereinafter referred to as FSRAR). You will find the necessary addresses here:

Licensing of retail trade in alcoholic products is regulated by Law No. 171-FZ and Administrative Regulations. The documents provided in this case differ from those submitted for obtaining permission for other types of activities.

To obtain a license, a person must:

  • Be registered as a legal entity.
  • Have a premises where alcohol will be stored (be it your own warehouse, or a retail facility rented for at least a year). Moreover, its area can be 50 square meters, but no less (if the opening of a cafe is planned in the city).

    When you want to open a cafe in a rural area, the size of the site cannot be less than 25 sq.m.

  • Install a cash register.
  • Have an authorized capital not exceeding 1 million rubles. (size is determined by licensing authorities at the regional level)

Before you start collecting documents, consult the district office of the FSRAR, as they may have additional requirements for opening a cafe.

A license is usually issued for a year or 5 years.

All documents submitted to the service undergo expert verification and are necessarily registered. Approval or refusal to issue a license is made within 30 days from the date of application.

So, you must collect the following package of documents:

The mentioned list of documents for opening a cafe is provided in electronic/paper form. The state duty varies depending on the type of activity and the period for which the license is issued.

As you can see, in order to have permission to sell alcohol-containing products, you need to work hard. Isn't it better to abandon this idea and sell healthy drinks instead?!

2. List of documents for opening a cafe - state registration.

Having made preliminary calculations on the costs of opening a cafe and the profit that the establishment can bring, you need to officially become a business entity. At this point, you should already decide on the premises.

To decide which legal form to choose, the following is given:

If you are planning to open a small cafe and it will not sell alcohol, it is recommended to choose an individual entrepreneur. In order to sell alcoholic beverages, in any case, you will have to register an LLC, since a license will only be issued to a legal entity.

Detailed instructions on how registration occurs for both individual entrepreneurs and LLCs can be found on the Federal Tax Service website:

Please note that registering an individual entrepreneur involves a more simplified procedure than an LLC. Therefore, you will need half as many documents: an application, passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a receipt confirming payment of the state duty.

If a person personally applies to the tax office, there is no need for notarization of documents. When registering an LLC, a legal address is required, which must coincide with the actual one.

When registering an individual entrepreneur, an individual assumes the status of an individual entrepreneur exclusively at the place of residence. This is confirmed by documents such as a passport and similar identification documents.

There are two ways to complete this procedure if you have all the necessary documents:

  • through our own efforts,
  • using registrars.

In the first case, you must appear at the territorial office of the Federal Tax Service. You can find out which one exactly here:

The procedure is quite simple, but it gives you the experience of interacting with the tax department for the first time.

If you use the services of specialists, they will not only prepare all registration documents for you, but will also provide the necessary advice. Also, registrars can submit documents without your presence and take on the responsibilities of opening an account.

If you chose the first option and want to go through this one yourself, follow the instructions:

If registration is successful, you will still have a lot of actions necessary to open a cafe:

  • Registration with the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to obtain the status of “Employer”.
  • Obtaining information from the State Statistics Service's Statregister.
  • Making a seal.
  • Opening a bank account.
  • Registration of employees for hire.
  • Obtaining a license (if necessary).
  • Purchase and installation of a cash register.
  • Ensuring accounting.
  • Signing contracts with organizations providing services. At this stage, you need to receive a whole package of documents: for the removal and disposal of waste, disinfection of the premises, ventilation systems, periodic medical examinations of cafe employees, washing of work uniforms, etc.

3. What documents are submitted to the SES to open a cafe?

When you visit the SES to get a conclusion, have the following documents with you:

  • passport;
  • certificate of state registration;
  • statement from the owner of the premises;
  • certificate issued by the BTI.

In addition, the entrepreneur must provide:

  • technological plan showing the diagram of the ventilation and air conditioning system;
  • a copy of the charter (when registering an LLC);
  • agreement for the lease or purchase of an object intended for opening a cafe.

You will also need to obtain approval from the district permitting center to put the premises into operation.

Additional documents to be submitted:

Companies involved in preparing documents for opening a cafe

There are a lot of companies on the Internet that specialize in preparing documents, without which opening a cafe is impossible. Before trusting them with this important task and paying for this service, make sure of their reliability.

The following companies are trusted to collect documents:


This organization offers a wide range of services for routine/urgent preparation of a full set of documents, provision of consultations, sanitary audit, etc.

SES-DOK takes an individual approach to each client and guarantees the preparation of documents based on your requests and needs, and in accordance with the sanitary standards in force in the Russian Federation.


The national restaurant holding helps in organizing corporate/catering enterprises, including cafes. Since the opening of the company under its auspices, 53 restaurants have begun to operate, and 3.5 thousand jobs have appeared.

Gagarin group services are in demand daily among 500 thousand citizens. Thanks to the company, opening a cafe occurs without extra costs and in the shortest possible time. The holding also leases problem establishments and manages restaurants.

Due to its impeccable reputation, Gagarin group has a rich list of clients:

The following video will show you how to choose a place
to open a cafe, bar, restaurant or coffee shop.


The ROCKA law firm can take on the costly and time-consuming task of collecting documents for opening a cafe. Its employees help with the correct paperwork and inspection of warehouse/trade facilities.

By collaborating with the company, an entrepreneur can count on legal support throughout all stages of the opening and operation of a cafe. ROCKA offers to collect and prepare documents at a flexible price.

A complete answer to the question of what documents are needed to open a cafe can be given to you by the relevant inspections, where, in order to avoid problems in further work, you should study the legislative norms. In general, the cost of collecting documents yourself will be 200-250 thousand rubles.

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With the arrival of hot summer days, the need for special summer establishments increases. A mug of cold beer in the fresh air, in the coolness of a summer cafe, is much more pleasant than a similar mug drunk in a familiar stuffy room. You still don’t know how to open a summer cafe and what you need for this? We will analyze this topic for you using the example of a business plan.

When opening a summer project, it is necessary to take into account its seasonality; the cafe operates from May until the end of September. The costs of starting a business are low, and the profit received can help you start a new type of activity - a stationary establishment, a club, a restaurant.

How to open a summer cafe - business plan

So, let’s look at a free ready-made example of a business plan for a summer cafe for opening this establishment.

Description of the enterprise

The form of organization for a summer cafe is an individual entrepreneur (IP), taxation is UTII. Preparing permits is the most difficult part of the process when opening such a business. Collecting documents is a long process and begins by entrepreneurs long before the start of the season - from November.

It is necessary to perform a number of actions in a certain sequence:

  • choice of location;
  • approval of the location of the summer cafe in the district administration (in the land department);
  • creating a sketch of a project for a future summer cafe;
  • approval of the project in the commodity market committee of the city administration;
  • approval by the Main Department of Urban Planning and Architecture;
  • approval by the improvement committee;
  • in some cases, coordination with the traffic police will be required;
  • submitting an application to the district administration (land department) for use of the site;
  • submitting an application to the mayor.

After consideration of the application by the administration commission, it will be transferred to the city authorities. When the signatures of four departments are collected, the right to receive the plot will appear and a land lease agreement can be concluded. And finally, at the same time you will need to approve the assortment with Rospotrebnadzor and obtain its permission to trade.

Range of services

Our summer cafe business plan provides the following range of services:

  • non-alcoholic, low-alcohol drinks;
  • cold snacks, salads;
  • bakery;
  • nuts, chips, fish for beer;
  • tobacco products.

You can organize daily karaoke and small concerts of musicians on certain days.

Market analysis

An analysis is necessary to find the optimal location for a summer cafe. When opening a business, the key factor is not prices and assortment, but a convenient location for visitors. Places for people to relax and walk are the best for summer cafes. They can be parks, squares, embankments, and various places of interest.

Production plan

Criteria for choosing a location:

  • viewability;
  • parking;
  • presence of busy roads.

The ideal location for a summer cafe is train stations and crowded places on central streets. Here, the return on investment for a summer cafe is much higher than in quiet residential areas.

The design sketch must be carried out taking into account the recommendations given by the city administration. The wishes of the authorities may also concern the assortment, interior, landscaping of the adjacent territory, form of service, and facade design.

Designs used: standard or custom-made. The cheapest furniture is plastic. A trailer can be installed for hot food. A summer cafe must have a mandatory set: refrigerators, a bar counter, a refrigerated tabletop display case, a stand for pouring beer, etc.

Financial plan

Expenses, thousand rubles: 400-500.

The income of a summer cafe depends on many factors, and if used successfully, the profit can amount to one million rubles. The investment is thus recouped in one season of operation, and a significant amount of net profit remains.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 13 minutes


The business activity of seasonal cafes is characterized by a short period of operation, low costs, and quick payback. A serious restaurant business can very well start from a small summer cafe. What do you need to know about opening a summer cafe from scratch? Where to organize a summer cafe? Business plan with calculations: costs and payback periods.

What kind of summer cafe can be organized: design options for summer cafes

Variations of summer cafes are very diverse in design.

They can have the following types:

  • A veranda attached to a stationary cafe or restaurant, furnished in the same style with different roofing (awnings, canopies, umbrellas). This is perhaps the most expensive thing.
  • A temporary free-standing structure in the form of a real restaurant (also not cheap in terms of costs).
  • A small pavilion in which the seller and equipment are located, and tables are installed nearby on the platform under umbrellas.
  • You can cover the entire area of ​​the cafe with one awning (tent).
  • There are also more budget-friendly types of seasonal cafes - toners selling from wheels. Several tables nearby (possibly without awnings) will complement a simple food outlet.

As you can see, an entrepreneur has plenty to choose from. The range of costs for one or another design is 80,000-1,000,000 rubles.

List of documents required for registration of a summer cafe

The documentary preparatory process for the new season begins immediately after the end of the old one. This is what experienced entrepreneurs working in the seasonal catering sector do. For a beginner, it is important to start by becoming a businessman legally.

What package of documents ensures the legal operation of a summer cafe:

  1. A permit from the municipal authorities allowing the temporary placement of a public catering facility.
  2. Land lease agreement.
  3. A paper confirming the registration of the cash register (applicable to pavilions and kiosks).
  4. Documentary approval from the fire inspectorate. It is issued after submitting the architectural plan of the cafe.
  5. It is also impossible to do without permission from the SES.

The list of documents does not end there.

A catering establishment must have not only permits, it must also acquire:

  • A book for complaints.
  • Tests of laws protecting consumer rights.
  • A technological map that explains the cooking sequence of each dish.
  • Certificates of conformity from suppliers.
  • An agreement with a waste removal company.
  • To sell alcoholic products, you will need an appropriate license (separate for each type of alcohol).
  • It is unnecessary to mention that the staff have medical books.

The assortment is approved by Rospotrebnadzor. It is this structure that issues a document authorizing trade.

Features of locating a summer cafe: where is the best place to open a business?

A favorably located facility is a key point for success. Profit awaits a businessman in crowded places for recreation, walks or long stays.

What additional factors are important to consider when choosing a meta:

  1. Good visibility of the cafe from a long distance and from different points.
  2. Availability of parking spaces.
  3. Proximity to highways with busy traffic flow.

Cafes located on embankments and beaches, in parks or squares, near local attractions, on central streets and near train stations always generate income.

Approximate project for the construction of a summer cafe: what needs to be taken into account when designing?

As with any other type of construction, it all starts with choosing the location of the seasonal cafe. If it has already been selected and all permits have been obtained, you can erect a temporary structure and start laying communications.

The catering facility will require:

  • Lighting.
  • Water supply (cold and hot).
  • Sewerage.
  • Ventilation (at least a kitchen hood).
  • Heating system (if the point starts operating in the off-season).

The above nuances are taken into account when drawing up the project and provide comfortable conditions for clients. On average, the area of ​​summer cafes is 80-100 square meters. This area contains a hall for visitors, a bar counter, a kitchen (if provided) and other premises for staff.

How to decorate a summer cafe beautifully: interior design ideas

What attracts visitors to summer coffee shops in the first place? Of course, with a design that plays the role of a kind of business card. Meals and drinks are priced later. Owners of seasonal cafes “enliven” the interior with flowers, high-quality textiles, and original accessories. In small interior details, unobtrusiveness and memorability are important. For example, ashtrays, tablecloths, napkins with an unusual pattern.

Special attention should be paid to creating a style. Consultation with a professional designer may be required.

The room is decorated in accordance with the chosen concept - theme:

  1. Theater or music.
  2. Marine or national and so on.

Soft music is the final touch to creating a comfortable and cozy atmosphere.

What furniture should you buy for an outdoor cafe?

When choosing furniture, we are guided by the target audience and immediate prospects.

Of course, the plastic option is the most attractive at first glance:

  • Plastic is easy to wash and fold.
  • Financial costs are minimal.

However, its obvious disadvantage is its fragility - such furniture breaks down too quickly.

More sophisticated materials for furniture in outdoor cafes include:

  1. Metal or wood.
  2. Rattan (artificial or natural).

Without soft seats, it is difficult for visitors to sit in one place for a long time. That is why this detail must be taken into account.

Arrangement of a summer cafe: what equipment will be needed for operation?

Furniture was mentioned above. The number of tables depends on the size of the open area - on average 5-10 sets.

Approximate cost of one set:

  • Plastic - from 2,000 rubles.
  • Metal - from 5,300 rubles.
  • Rattan is much more expensive, but looks more sophisticated.

Often, the functioning of a cafe is ensured by a trailer equipped with the necessary kitchen appliances. Its price is from 200,000 rubles or more.

If another option is chosen - without a trailer, then the businessman needs to purchase the following list of equipment:

Don’t forget about the cash register (20,000 rubles) and the ballot box (from 800 rubles). You will also need a microwave and a kettle (cooler).

Note to entrepreneurs. To minimize costs, most equipment can be rented or leased. Ice cream suppliers provide products along with a refrigerator.

Attention . The absence of a toilet in the cafe or nearby entails the mandatory purchase of a dry toilet. The cost of one cabin is from $800.

What is the best name for a summer cafe: interesting name options

The name is usually selected based on three parameters:

  • Locations.
  • Suggested menu.
  • Target audience.

Here are some examples:

  1. “Grandma’s pancakes” and it’s immediately clear what they serve to guests.
  2. “Picnic in the Woods” involves an assortment of meats.
  3. “Molodezhnoe” is appropriate for youth beer gatherings with fast food.
  4. “Kebab” doesn’t need any explanation at all and so on.

How long is the season for a summer cafe? Operating mode

The season for outdoor cafes lasts from May to September or October. The optimal operating hours for such establishments are from 9-10 am to 21-23 pm. Much depends on where the cafe is located. For example, on the beach there is no point in working until night - for most people, a beach holiday ends at 19.30. The embankment or the historical center, where there are many people walking until late in the evening, is a completely different matter. Working around the clock is not practical, although weekends may be an exception.

Attention . Residents of nearby houses may complain about a “noisy” cafe that is open after 11 p.m. This fact must be taken into account.

We select the assortment and create a menu for a summer cafe

As practice shows, in the fresh air, customers prefer beer, meat (mainly barbecue or grilled chicken), soft drinks (juices and water), ice cream, nuts, chips, and fish snacks. This assortment is in high demand.

How you can diversify the menu:

  • Various salads with greens (preferably fresh seasonal vegetables).
  • Sandwiches with cheese or sausage, cheese plate.
  • Pies and pancakes with various fillings. They are mainly prepared from semi-finished products.
  • Of course, tea and coffee.

By the way, the supply of beer is negotiated with a specific manufacturer of this drink. It is better to choose a brand that is not available in neighboring cafes (tents), and offer bottled and draft beer.

Personnel required for the operation of a summer cafe

At first glance, all seasonal cafes are the same, and yet each operates in its own format. Based on this, personnel are selected.

In general terms, its composition is as follows:

  1. A chef is required for your own kitchen.
  2. In the hall, general management is carried out by the administrator.
  3. The number of waiters depends on the number of tables. One person is able to serve 10 tables. If you take into account shift work, then you will need 2 employees performing the functions of waiters.
  4. At least two bartenders are also required.
  5. Additional personnel include cleaners, dishwashers, and security guards. They all also work in shifts.

That makes 12 people. This figure can easily be reduced to 8 if there is no need for a cook and an administrator, and the duties of a cleaner and a dishwasher are combined by one person working on a shift.

Marketing and advertising of a summer cafe: how to promote your business?

  • Excellent cuisine.
  • High quality and fast service.
  • Nice atmosphere.

A cafe with a noticeable sign and an unusual design will definitely attract people, and then it all depends on the level of service. This is the main advertisement. It is important to remember the axiom: dissatisfied customers share information much more willingly (with more people) than satisfied ones.

How much does it cost to open a summer cafe: a sample business plan with calculations

Initial data:

  1. The structure of the establishment is made in the form of a tent.
  2. The size of the cafe is 80 square meters.
  3. The number of tables is 8, with four seats each.
  4. There are no hot dishes on the menu.
  5. The equipment is rented.

Start-up costs:

Amount of fixed costs – monthly:

For beginning entrepreneurs who are thinking about starting a business without significant costs and with a quick payback period, opening a summer cafe can be a promising option. The operating period of such an establishment is short - from May to September, but the investment is small. Knowing the peculiarities of organizing such a business and having a competent plan is already half the success. If you have such advantages, feel free to open your own business and get ready to make a good profit.

How to open a summer cafe: general questions

Opening a summer cafe is the simplest option for creating a catering business that does not require significant initial costs or extensive entrepreneurial experience. The main thing is to study all the requirements for locating such establishments, prepare the necessary package of documents in a timely manner and select a place with a large customer flow.

The operating period of summer cafes in Russia is short - from May to September, but even this time is enough for, in a successful situation, not only to recoup all investments, but also to make an acceptable profit.

Not every businessman manages to open a summer cafe that brings a stable profit during the season

Documents and permits for opening an establishment

The most difficult stage in organizing a summer cafe is the preparation and approval of the necessary documents. You should start dealing with this issue in November, then by May you will have time to complete the preparatory activities and already during the May holidays you will begin to earn money.

First, you need to decide on the form of the legal entity and the taxation procedure. Most entrepreneurs recommend registering as an individual entrepreneur, and in terms of the form of taxation, choosing UTII (single tax on imputed income). The amount of tax paid in this case will depend on the area of ​​the establishment.

Secondly, it is necessary to resolve issues related to the registration of the establishment’s location itself. Almost any public place where the sale of alcohol is allowed is suitable as a platform.

If the land plot belongs to a private individual or company, then after reaching an agreement with the owner, you need to conclude a lease agreement and begin organizing the activities of the facility.

When the site is under the jurisdiction of government authorities, you should contact the city (municipal) property management committee with an application for the provision of a land plot. The decision to allocate a site is made on a competitive basis.

Then you have to do the following:

  1. Prepare documents characterizing the trade object (area, layout, list of products sold, etc.).
  2. Obtain licenses for the right to sell alcoholic beverages.
  3. Coordinate the project with the city improvement committee and the traffic police.
  4. Receive an order for the allocation of a land plot (if the property is under state or municipal jurisdiction), on the basis of which you can conclude a lease agreement.
  5. Obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor to comply with all requirements for a public catering facility.

Main aspects of a cafe business plan in the park

To calculate the business plan, the following assumptions were used:

  • the summer cafe is located in a public area in a medium-sized city;
  • from May to September the weather is favorable for full customer service on the street;
  • The occupied area is about 70 square meters. m., cafe capacity - 50 people.

Choosing a room and location

The choice of location is a matter of principle. It is the correct placement of the facility that ultimately determines how efficiently your business will operate. The most successful options for locating summer cafes are considered to be parks and recreation areas, walking areas of the city (center, near train stations, etc.).

The general criteria for choosing a cafe location are:

  • permeability of the place;
  • availability of parking and busy roads;
  • being near objects that are used by the population for recreation.

You cannot place a summer cafe if you plan to sell alcohol-containing products and beer near schools, kindergartens, children's camps, or in residential buildings.

Analysis of the market and main competitors

Statistics show that despite negative economic trends, people still actively visit public catering establishments. According to research, Russians’ spending on eating out increased by 3% in 2016. At the same time, a tendency was noted for some clients to move from an expensive price segment to a cheaper one.

During the warm season, many city residents happily prefer outdoor cafes. However, in case of bad weather conditions, which is not uncommon in Russia, the client is more likely to choose the option of a closed facility - a cafe or snack bar. Therefore, the main competitors of summer cafes can be called other similar establishments located nearby, especially if they have any competitive advantages over you, as well as stationary cafes, restaurants, snack bars, etc. If you make the right choice of cafe location and weather conditions conditions will be favorable most of the time, then competition will not affect the performance of your business too much.

Inexpensive cafeterias and stationary snack bars are the main competitors of summer street cafes

Equipment for the point and other initial investments

To open an outdoor catering facility, you will need to purchase refrigeration equipment, microwaves, ovens, a barbecue for cooking over an open fire, cooling display cases, a bar counter, a beer dispensing counter, furniture for clients (tables and chairs - wooden or plastic) , fences for cafes and umbrellas or any other canopies.

Table: costs of purchasing equipment for a beach cafe

For a small summer cafe with a capacity of 40–50 people, the cost of equipment and furniture will be 350–400 thousand rubles.

The final list of equipment depends on what kind of cafe and menu concept you develop.

In addition, a significant part of the costs will be the costs associated with communications (sewage, water supply, electricity, etc.), construction of a stationary closed facility for the preliminary preparation of products and dishes (if necessary).

Table: initial investment in business

Thus, the total amount of initial investment will be about 1–1.5 million rubles.

Tables and chairs are not the biggest expense item, but you will still have to spend money on comfortable and beautiful furniture for clients

Selecting the right personnel

For the full operation of a summer cafe (in the case of a full cycle of food production and shift work), you will need:

  • cafe manager or manager;
  • cooks - 2–4 people;
  • waiters - minimum 4 people,
  • security guards (if necessary);
  • a delivery driver who will purchase products for the cafe. In order to save money, this function can be taken over by the manager.

Table: calculation of personnel costs

For a small establishment with a maximum capacity of 50 people, monthly staff costs, taking into account social contributions, will be about 300 thousand rubles.

In addition to staff costs, you will have to pay other fixed costs: land rent, utilities, taxes.

Hire only professionals to work in a summer cafe, then your business will certainly be profitable

Cafe concept development

The most popular and profitable option for opening a summer cafe may be an establishment that offers its customers dishes cooked over an open fire, as well as beer and alcohol-containing products.

Main client audience: persons from 18 to 45 years old, 50/50% - men and women, mostly single, single or in a couple, with an average income or below average.

Menu and assortment of kebab shop

For this concept, the following menu option would be optimal:

  • dishes cooked over an open fire: shish kebab from different types of meat, grilled meat, fish and vegetables;
  • a variety of side dishes: French fries, vegetables, salads;
  • snacks for beer: nuts, chips, meat snacks, cheese, crackers, etc.;
  • beer and other alcohol.

When developing a pricing policy, keep in mind that the target audience will consist primarily of people with an average or low income, so the average check per client should not exceed an average of 500–600 rubles.

Maximum attendance at the cafe is expected in the evenings and on weekends. For an establishment with 50 seats and an approximate occupancy rate of 70% in the evening, the average number of visitors per day will be about 130 people, or 3,900 people per month.

With an average bill of 500 rubles per client, monthly revenue will be about 1,950 thousand rubles.

Townspeople with average incomes and poor tourists are the main visitors to summer cafes

Drawing up a financial plan

If you have calculated the approximate level of income and estimated costs, then it is not difficult to calculate the amount of profit.

Table: calculation of monthly profit of a summer cafe

Considering that the facility will operate for about 5 months a year, the calculation of business efficiency will be carried out during this time.

Table: point operating efficiency

Calculations show that by opening a small summer cafe, you can recoup all investments within 2 months after starting work.

Video: business plan for opening a summer cafe

Main risks and nuances of seasonal business

The main disadvantage of the business associated with organizing a summer cafe is its seasonality. The establishment will operate for about 5 months a year. Additional risk factors are potentially unfavorable weather conditions, as well as the wrong location of the cafe.

A design that allows you to protect your customers from wind and rain will help you not to lose income even on days when the weather is unfavorable

Accordingly, if you choose a location wisely, you can significantly reduce risks. To reduce the negative impact of unfavorable weather conditions, special umbrellas from rain and sun, enclosing structures from the wind, and prefabricated temporary structures that allow you to form an enclosed cafe space, protecting visitors from rain, wind or cold, will help.

If you decide to open a summer cafe, remember that you do not have much time to work off your investments and receive the required profit. So start preparing in advance to make the most of all the opportunities. The main factor in business success will be the correct choice of location, as well as the quality of the food and service provided. In the future, the experience of organizing a summer cafe will help you organize a more serious project in the field of public catering, for example, opening a restaurant or cafe.