Business plan for investing in opening a bakery and confectionery shop. Business plan for the production of confectionery products (workshop) of sweets and cookies Ready-made business plan for a confectionery cafe

Almost everyone loves to enjoy delicious baked goods. Pastries, buns, puff pastries, cookies, cakes, sweets... All this is very tasty and very profitable! Many experts in this business believe that even a beginner can easily handle the confectionery business. Competition in this business is quite high, however, the sympathy and loyalty of consumers can be quickly won thanks to delicious baked goods and a competent marketing strategy. Within a few months after the confectionery shop begins active work, you can count on a profit of approximately 30% of the initial investment amount.

Download a ready-made confectionery business plan

Writing a business plan for a confectionery is a rather difficult process for beginners, since it is necessary to provide for two important aspects of the business: the organization of a production workshop (manufacture of products) and the organization of a cafe (sales of products). Here you can download an example of a confectionery business plan, which will serve as a template for you to write your own business plan, taking into account the specifics of your capabilities and wishes.

How to open a pastry shop

Business registration

Choice of concept

Most often, confectionery shops are set up in the form of small cafes, where you can buy delicious pastries and drinks, sit at a table and immediately enjoy these delicacies, or purchase products to take away. Such cafes and pastry shops are not designed for long gatherings, so they do not require a large room, since the flow of people will change quickly. All you need is space for a display case and a few small tables and chairs. The production workshop is usually located in an adjacent room, and it requires a slightly larger territorial area.

If you do not have the opportunity to place a production workshop and a cafe in the same room, you can separate them geographically, however, consider whether you can profitably deliver finished products to the place of sale without losing their presentation and taste.

The “highlight” of a café-confectionery can be its original name, original recipes for cakes or sweets, or its specialization in one type of baked goods. For example, include in your assortment a large number of different puff pastries with different fillings, and then your confectionery shop will be associated with the place where you can try a lot of delicious unusual puff pastries.

People are attracted to everything unusual, so don't limit yourself to standard baked goods. Offer customers products that they have not tried anywhere else, and this “unusuality” can be expressed in anything - from the shape of the baked goods to combinations of fillings.


If your main focus is on selling branded cakes, sweets, pies, etc., as well as making custom cakes, then choose a place to locate your confectionery shop on the busy streets of the city, closer to the center. If you plan to produce and sell cookies, buns, and other “everyday” baked goods to a greater extent, then you can open a confectionery shop in a residential area. People will be glad that there is an establishment near their homes where they can always buy fresh bread and pastries for tea.

However, a confectionery shop with a wide variety of different pastries is unlikely to be successful in parts of the city remote from the center - the opening of such establishments should only be considered in the center. A good solution would be to place a confectionery shop near educational institutions, shopping malls, business centers, and metro stations. If there are a lot of tourists in your city, then consider placing a confectionery shop in those places that are most often visited by city guests.

It would be a good idea if you provide some free space outside next to the bakery so that you can place tables and create an open area for customers during the summer months. Indeed, in the warm season, many people prefer to sit outside with a cold drink than indoors.


As already mentioned, the cafe itself does not need a large area. It is better to make a small but cozy cafe. A large area can spoil the entire atmosphere of home comfort, which many associate with aromatic coffee and sweet pastries. Therefore, for a cafe where products will be sold, you will need no more than 30-40 square meters. The production workshop will be larger in size, since all the necessary equipment needs to be placed there, and there is a lot of it. The workshop needs to be divided into several production zones (for example, for working with dough, for working with semi-finished products, for baking, etc.). In particular, there should be an area for washing dishes and storing finished products.

The premises of the cafe, as well as the premises of the production workshop, must comply with all the norms and requirements of the sanitary-epidemiological and fire service. These services place particularly stringent requirements on establishments that deal with food. The room must be ventilated and fireproof, have running water and a bathroom. When drawing up a business plan, entrepreneurs often miss these points. But in order to equip a room with all the necessary communications, certain costs are also required, so immediately include them in the cost calculation.


The biggest expense item when opening a confectionery shop is the purchase of necessary equipment. If you do not have the financial ability to purchase all the equipment and accessories, consider the option of lending or leasing.

A standard set of equipment for a confectionery will look like this:

  • Convection pastry oven;
  • Flour sifter;
  • Dough mixer;
  • Beating apparatus (for preparing biscuit dough);
  • Proofing cabinet;
  • Electric stove;
  • Shredding machine;
  • Mixer;
  • Apparatus for cooking creams;
  • Refrigerators and freezers;
  • Production tables.

Also, as additional equipment, you will need scales, various pastry molds, kitchen utensils and dishes. The utensils will be divided into those that are used in the kitchen for cooking, and those in which the products will be served to customers.

Also consider what kind of container you will use to pack cakes and other baked goods that will be purchased for takeaway. These may seem like small things, but they are very important. For example, hot drinks to take away must be in a glass with a lid, and cakes and pies must be packaged in such containers that the product does not wrinkle or crumble during transportation.

The visitors' hall will require the following equipment:

  • Furniture (tables and chairs);
  • Showcases (refrigerated and non-refrigerated - for different types of products);
  • Shelves and racks with sectors (for loose cookies and sweets);
  • Refrigerators for drinks;
  • Coffee makers (usually coffee is prepared right at the counter).


The products offered by confectionery shops are approximately as follows:

  • Cakes;
  • Cookie;
  • Puff pastries;
  • Candies;
  • Gingerbread;
  • Pies;
  • Cakes;
  • Buns/loaves;
  • Croissants;
  • Sweet and savory pies;
  • Hot and cold drinks.

Each pastry shop should have its own signature dish - it could be a pie, cake or any other product. This will add originality and unusualness to the establishment. The recipe for a signature dish should be developed specifically for your confectionery and have some special feature (for example, an unusual filling, a baked product shaped like the confectionery logo).

Each product must be given a name. It is not necessary to come up with a “poetic” name for absolutely every product item - this is more the prerogative for cakes, cookies and gourmet pastries. For puff pastries, buns, pies, croissants, it will be sufficient to indicate the type of product and filling (bun with dried apricots, croissant with chocolate, pie with cheese, etc.).

Raw materials

The basis of any baking is dough, and for a pastry shop you will need completely different types of dough (regular, puff pastry, shortbread, biscuit). The ingredients are practically the same, but the process and technology of preparation are different for different types of dough. Therefore, you can’t do it without an experienced pastry chef.

In addition to dough, a variety of fillings are needed for all types of baked goods: fruits, berries, nuts, chocolate, raisins, prunes, cream, and so on. For savory products - cheese, ham, meat, mushrooms. All these ingredients cannot be stored for a long time, so you need to purchase them in such a way as to have time to consume and sell the finished product.


The confectionery will require direct confectioners, as well as technologists. Even a medium-sized pastry shop will need two pastry chefs for each shift. Such establishments usually work from about 10 am to 10 pm, so employees will go to work in shifts (the most convenient work schedule is “two after two”). One technologist is enough - he will develop recipes for dishes and optimize technological processes. Confectioners and technologists must have specialized education, preferably with work experience.

To work in a cafe, you will need cashier salespeople who must know all the products and their composition well. Their duties will include selling baked goods and cold drinks, preparing hot drinks, and packaging take-out products. Accounting is possible, since hiring an accountant to permanently staff a small confectionery is impractical.

Seasonality of business

The business of manufacturing and selling confectionery products is traditionally considered seasonal: during the hot season, sales volume decreases somewhat. However, as many owners of pastry shops note, they do not feel a particularly strong change in sales volume. It all depends on the quality of the products and the good location of the confectionery shop.

Before major holidays, there is some excitement around confectionery shops - on these days people are especially inclined to treat themselves to delicious things.

Development prospects

In big cities, chains of cafes and pastry shops are very popular, and can be found literally at every step. They all started with one or several points, and over time grew to entire “confectionery corporations” on a city or regional scale.

Also, in the future, you can organize a home delivery service. Providing such a service immediately at the start of a business is unprofitable: firstly, these are additional financial costs (paying for the work of the courier and organizing the acceptance of applications), and secondly, in the first stages of the business there will be practically no home orders, since first you need to be in good health to establish and gain a foothold in the market.

It would be useful to open a confectionery website, where a menu of products will be posted indicating the composition and other features, and news of the confectionery (for example, the opening of a new branch or the appearance of a new product item). Give site visitors the opportunity to leave their reviews about the confectionery, and answer all questions asked in a timely manner.

What does it take to open a bakery?

We talked about the stages of organizing a business in a confectionery shop, now let’s focus on the financial side of the business. When writing a business plan, carefully write down the following expense items: registering an enterprise and obtaining the necessary permits, purchasing equipment, renovating premises and design, purchasing raw materials.

You will have to invest at least 15-19 thousand dollars in the purchase of equipment. The cost of repairs will depend, of course, on the original condition of the room. On average, this will cost from 5 thousand dollars. For the initial purchase of raw materials, prepare about 1 thousand dollars, but this amount can also be completely different, depending on the quantity and variety of products manufactured.

Trade in sweets and baked goods and their production have long traditions in Russia. It is always profitable to engage in this business, and therefore a business plan for a confectionery shop will be of interest to many entrepreneurs.

The advantages of this business idea are obvious:

  1. constant demand for products;
  2. relatively low equipment costs.

Forms of confectionery business

Business in the sweet market can be done in various formats. A special feature of organizing a confectionery business is the ability to:

  • combining the production of products with their sale in their own retail chains (along with partner stores);
  • creating mini-productions in combination with mini-cafeterias;
  • organizing separate production enterprises, retail establishments, cafeterias.

Cafe pastry shop

The business format is also divided by type of product.

Confectionery products are classified into flour and sugar. The first include pastries, cakes and other similar delicacies. Sugary products include candies, chocolate, marshmallows, marmalade, soufflé, caramel, etc. The production of sugar requires the purchase of conveyor equipment, which is more expensive than baking mechanisms.

Let's look at how to draw up a business plan for the production of confectionery products. For an entrepreneur, the main goal of a business plan is to get an answer to the question of whether it makes sense to invest money in a given project and to correctly plan your actions and efforts.

Let's start with what awaits an entrepreneur in the Russian “sweet” market and what details he needs to study in his region.

Features of the confectionery market in Russia

Statistics show that the Russian market is gradually overcoming the crisis of 2014-2015. Production of all types of sweets at the end of 2017 increased to 3.63 million tons, which is 2.5% higher than the volumes of 2016. Chocolate and flour confectionery products demonstrate excellent growth dynamics. The largest producer and at the same time consumer of sweets are Moscow and the Moscow region, which account for a fifth of all confectionery products in Russia.

Consumption of sweet products last year hit a record high - 24.5 kg per person per year, and chocolate consumption turned out to be higher than expected - up to 5 kg per person per year.

Gingerbread, cookies, and waffles still remain in first place - 9.6 kg per resident of the country. Consumption of sugary products amounted to 7.9 kg per person. The volume of exports of Russian sweets exceeded last year's record of 407 thousand tons.

During 2017, the rate of price growth decreased noticeably, which was facilitated by the adjustment of the ruble exchange rate and a decrease in prices for sugar, flour, cocoa products and other types of confectionery raw materials. Experts predict that in the coming years the volume will no longer grow so quickly, and demand will shift to more expensive and high-quality types of products.

What nuances need to be taken into account

Sales of confectionery products have seasonal fluctuations, increasing maximally in December, which is explained by the purchase of numerous gifts for the New Year, a significant part of which are corporate purchases.

The Russian confectionery market has its own characteristics:

  1. the popularity of home baking;
  2. availability of a large assortment of domestic raw materials;
  3. high concentration of confectionery manufacturers in the low price segment;
  4. low competition among entrepreneurs in the premium segment;
  5. a large share of small businesses in the flour segment of confectionery production.

The competition awaits the newcomer is very serious. In every big city there are large factories and bakeries with powerful equipment, specialists, and well-functioning technology. Many successfully continue the traditions of the Soviet, and now Russian confectionery market. To compete with them, it is necessary to offer consumers new types of products, focus on natural ingredients, fashion trends, and respond flexibly to changes in consumer taste.

It is necessary to study your closest competitors, their product range, prices, and customer audience in order to understand in which niche you can get ahead of them.

In competition with stores, the winning option would be the exclusivity of the products of a private entrepreneur and work on orders.

Cafes and coffee shops have high prices; not all people can visit them often. The original delicious cakes and pastries you make at more affordable prices, including those with toys for children, will attract your part of the customers.

Children's cake to order

In competition with other entrepreneurial manufacturers, it is important to develop your customer base. Custom-made cakes, updated product types, high quality sweets will make people come to you regularly and recommend your establishment to neighbors and relatives. In this case, word of mouth will become the most reliable and most effective form of your advertising.


A business plan for confectionery production necessarily requires the ownership or rental of specially prepared premises. It must meet sanitary standards, which is confirmed by permission from Rospotrebnadzor authorities. All communications are connected to it, and an exhaust hood is equipped. The surfaces of the walls and floors are finished with matching tiles. Rooms cannot be located in the basement.

Confectionery shop premises

The area of ​​the room must be designed to accommodate a set of equipment in accordance with sanitary standards, a warehouse, a staff room, and a bathroom. It is recommended to conclude a lease agreement for a long term, clearly stipulating the terms of payment and its increase.

Organizational and legal side of business

To open a confectionery shop legally and not have problems with the tax service, an entrepreneur must:

  1. register either as an individual entrepreneur (with the tax office at your place of residence) or as an LLC (with the tax office at the location of the confectionery). Select the appropriate tax regime (USN recommended). Registration will cost 2,300 rubles (fee, stamp, bank account).
  2. obtain permits from the SES and firefighters. This can cost up to 50 thousand rubles, depending on the arrangement of the premises. For the entire range of products produced by your company, you need to obtain a SEZ (hygienic certificate).
  3. then undergo mandatory product certification by state standards bodies, following which you will be issued a declaration of compliance with GOST. For each product, technical specifications or a product passport must be developed. The equipment must also be certified. All this costs some money (from 3,500 rubles).
  4. For work on disinfection, disinfestation and deratization, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with a specialized organization.

When you hire staff, people must be registered with the pension and social funds within a month, and insurance premiums must be paid for them in the future. If you do not do this on time, you will be fined no less than 5 thousand rubles.

Working with assortment

You must already submit ready-made developments of your products to the SES and state standards bodies. Confectioners have the opportunity to produce pastries, cakes, puff pastries and other delicacies according to their own recipes. However, in this case, it is necessary to develop technical specifications for the copyrighted product and register them. This process is not simple, it is carried out in accordance with the standards of the relevant GOSTs, and most entrepreneurs prefer to use the services of specialists. Typically, conditions are developed within 3 days, and then they need to be registered. From the moment of registration, the specifications become the property of the applicant, and he can produce products using them.

The success of an enterprise depends on a well-thought-out assortment

Example of business plan calculation

There are different types of confectionery formats:

  • factory;
  • bakery;
  • mini pastry shop;
  • home bakery.

For the most part, entrepreneurs focus on working in the field of flour products and create bakeries. Therefore, let’s first consider a business plan for a mini bakery.

Declared assortment:

  • cupcakes;
  • bagels;
  • bagels;
  • cottage cheese;
  • buns (6 types).

Approximate range of confectionery products

Equipment costs

The production plan is an important section. First of all, it determines the list of necessary equipment and calculates the acquisition costs.

Name Qty Price per one. (rub.) Cost, rub.)
Baking oven HPE-500/3 1 43 900 43 900
Bakery oven with timer, door material - glass 1 65 000 65 000
Proofing cabinet ShRE 2.1 1 21 850 21 850
Flour sifter PVG-600M 1 21 708 21 800
Dough mixer MTM-65MNA 1 51 110 51 110
Hearth sheet for HPE 700x460 20 580 11 600
Exhaust umbrella 10×8 1 7 695 7 700
Two-section washing bathtub VM-2/4 e 1 5 800 5 800
Single-section washing bath 1 2 900 2 900
Refrigerated cabinet R700M 1 24 500 24 500
Pastry table SP-311/2008 1 13 800 13 800
Food table SPP 15/6 1 4 000 4 000
Portion scales CAS SW-1-5 1 2 500 2 500
Portion scales CAS SW-1-20 1 2 500 2 500
SK rack 1 6 700 6 700
Trolley-stud for HPE TS-R-16 1 17 200 17 200
Hob 1 12 000 12 000
Mixer (bowl volume 10 l) 1 40 000 40 000
Mixer (4.8 l) 1 60 000 60 000
Chest freezer 1 14 000 14 000
Total: 428860

For this equipment you need a room of 40 square meters. meters. Productivity will be:

  • confectionery products – 20kg/hour;
  • bakery products – 50 kg/hour.

This means that it is possible to produce from 4 to 8 tons of products per month when working in one shift. This set of equipment allows you to produce up to 10-12 types of products.

In addition to this equipment, you will need to purchase a cash register (30 thousand), furniture for the staff room (15 thousand), and household equipment (5 thousand).

Raw material costs

To start, you need to purchase raw materials. The following amounts will be required for the first purchase of raw materials:

You will need other consumables (salt, vegetable oil, baking powder), as well as packaging materials, amounting to approximately 17 thousand rubles. The list and quantity will depend on the types of bakery products. So, according to GOST requirements, for one ton of white bread you need:

  • flour – 740 kg;
  • pressed yeast – 7.5 kg;
  • salt – 9.6 kg;
  • sunflower oil – 1.2 kg.


The number of bakery employees dictates the volume of product sales.

The optimal staffing schedule looks like this:

An accountant is hired through outsourcing – 6,000 rubles/month.

This personnel selection option assumes that bakers and their assistants work night shifts (every two days), and the manager and sales representative are engaged in product sales. The driver delivers finished products.

Financial plan

Let's calculate how much money will be spent on opening a confectionery bakery.

Expense item Amount, rub. Notes
State registration with the Federal Tax Service 2 300
Rent for the first and last months of the lease 52 000 650 rub./month. per sq. meter
Repair and bringing the premises into compliance with the requirements of the SES and firefighters 100 000
Certification 3 500
Purchase of professional equipment 428 860
Cash register, staff room furniture, household equipment 50 000
Purchase of raw materials, packaging material 34 300
Monthly salary 193 000
Insurance premiums 48 250
Advertising 30 000
Total: 942 210

Thus, the amount of starting capital for opening a mini bakery and confectionery shop amounted to 942,210 rubles.

Sales of products

The most important thing in business is to sell the finished product. The bakery can sell its products in three ways:

  1. supply of products to stores;
  2. sell products through your own retail outlet;
  3. supply to restaurants and catering companies.

A sales representative should handle contracts with stores.

If you sell yourself, place advertisements near the bakery.

Conduct promotions with discounts and presentations of new products.

Organize baking tastings.

Tasting of baked goods at the place of sale of products

Place advertising material on the vehicle that delivers your products with the address and telephone number of your bakery.

We calculate income

We calculate the revenue side of a mini confectionery. In our case, the bakery’s business plan involves selling bakery products at 60 rubles per 1 kilogram. It is planned to sell from 200 to 400 kg of products daily, depending on seasonal fluctuations. This represents 35-75 percent of bakery equipment capacity utilization. Accordingly, monthly revenue will range from 200 thousand to 720 thousand rubles. Calculations show that the average monthly income will be equal to 470 thousand rubles.

The following items represent the expense portion of the monthly activities of a mini-bakery confectionery:

Using financial calculations, we determine the average monthly profit of a small confectionery shop:

  • Income: 470,000
  • Expenses: 354,250
  • Net profit: 115,750 rubles

Thus, calculations show that capital investments in the project will pay off in the 9th month (942,210/115,750). Taking into account a certain period for the enterprise to reach its design capacity (5-6 months), the actual payback will occur in 14-15 months. The profitability of a confectionery bakery is 12%. From a financial point of view, these are good indicators.

Manufacturing and retail store

The profitability of the establishment will increase significantly if the production and retail trade of confectionery products are combined. You will have the opportunity to independently sell your exclusive products, reduce or completely eliminate the costs of transporting goods to retail outlets. It is necessary to rent additional space for a confectionery store.

How to open a candy store. If you want to attract as many customers as possible to your store, take care of a spacious sales area and high-quality retail equipment. We present a sample business plan for a candy store with specific calculations.

Candy store

The plan for opening a candy store is not much different from organizing a bakery. If you open a shop at a bakery or confectionery shop, then you no longer need to register with the tax office; you just need to make additions to the OKVED codes.

The cost structure for a candy store will look like this:

The store's average daily revenue from the sale of bakery products is 15 thousand rubles. A month turns out to be 15,000 x 30 days = 450,000 rubles. Considering that the markup varies from 20 to 30%, the profit at the end of the month will be at least 100 thousand rubles.

Thus, investments in the amount of 305 thousand will be returned to the owner in the fourth month of the store’s operation.

A business plan for a candy store with a coffee shop looks more expensive. Combining your own production, store and coffee shop requires large expenses for organizing the cafe itself. The initial investment in a confectionery cafe alone exceeds two million rubles. Along with equipment, it is necessary to purchase furniture for the hall and carry out major renovation and design work. The room must be spacious enough to accommodate a kitchen, living room, wardrobe, staff rooms, bathroom, etc. To make a profit, a cafe must earn more than 780 thousand rubles per month.

Confectionery shop with coffee shop

You can take the materials presented in the article as a basis and independently draw up a business plan for opening a company store or a confectionery shop from scratch, or organize a cafe-patisserie. “Sweet business” is still popular and has good development prospects, so we wish entrepreneurs success in this area.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia

RUB 3,142,000

Starting investments

2,300,000 - 5,500,000 ₽

1,000,000 - 3,400,000 ₽

Net profit

Payback period

There is virtually no competition in the premium confectionery industry in Russia, which makes it promising to organize a business aimed at a high-income audience. To open a cafe-confectionery in this format, you will need 3.14 million rubles, which can be repaid within six months.

1. Summary of the project "Cafe-confectionery"

The goal of the project is to open a café-confectionery in the premium price segment in St. Petersburg. The project involves the production and sale of a fairly wide range of confectionery products. The confectionery is located on a rented area in the central part of the city, in close proximity to tourist routes. The project is positioned in the segment of environmentally friendly handmade products. The maximum capacity of the cafe is 30 people, the total area is 100 m2.

The main factors for the success of the project are:

    wide original range and carefully developed recipes

    using only natural ingredients

    handmade, full production cycle without semi-finished products

    good location of the cafe

    active cooperation with online services providing tourist guides to the city

Investment costs are aimed at the acquisition of fixed assets, the implementation of a launch advertising campaign, as well as the formation of a working capital fund, funds from which are used to cover losses until the project reaches payback.

Table 1. Key project performance indicators

2. Description of the company and confectionery industry

Confectionery products are high-calorie and easily digestible food products with a high sugar content and characterized by a pleasant taste and aroma. Typically produced using the following ingredients: flour, sugar, honey, fruits and berries, milk and cream, fats, eggs, yeast, starch, cocoa, nuts and so on. A distinctive feature of the confectionery market in Russia is the high quality of the theoretical and practical base, which is a direct legacy of the USSR. Even taking into account the trend towards cheaper mass products, the quality of Russian products is significantly higher than the quality of Western analogues.

The features of the Russian confectionery market include:

    Short lead time for products

    Complex logistics due to long distances and quality of transport infrastructure

    The complete dependence of manufacturers on the quality of the raw materials used (however, this is typical not only for Russia)

    Tradition of homemade baked goods

    A wide selection of local raw materials for fillers, and in each region these can be unique berries, fruits, etc.

    High level of competition in low price segments and almost complete absence in the premium segment

    In the baking segment, the main players are small businesses

The main business models used today by market players:

  1. Production of confectionery products and their sale through our own retail chains (or through contractors) - the revenue is maximum, but the costs and financial risks are high
  2. Production of products to order (“white label”) - due to this, sales costs are reduced, but there is no direct communication with the consumer, which makes it difficult to respond to the end client’s requests

    Manufacturing products and selling them through a franchise network is a plus here in minimizing sales costs, but there are reputational risks associated with the actions of franchisees

Increase sales without investment!

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The Russian confectionery market was one of the leading in terms of growth until 2015. Macroeconomic factors, the weakening of the ruble exchange rate, and a decrease in real incomes of the population, as well as other sectors of the economy, had a negative impact. All this led to a decrease in demand for confectionery products. When food costs account for more than 50% of household income, the demand for non-essential goods is significantly reduced. First of all, this concerns imported products - chocolate and flour, the cost of which has increased several times due to the weakening of the ruble. The volume of imports of all types of confectionery products fell by at least half. Imports of chocolate and cocoa-containing products fell by 27.6%.

Export volumes in physical terms remained at the level of previous years, but at the same time decreased in monetary terms, again due to the weakening of the national currency. The limiting factor, including for exports, was the increase in prices for basic raw materials - sugar, cocoa beans, additives and other ingredients. Some segments, however, are seeing an increase in export volumes. For example, exports of flour products increased by 11.2% to 9.9 thousand tons in volume terms and by 4.1% in monetary terms; chocolate products - by 14.1% to 8.1 thousand tons and by 6.5% in monetary terms. China has become a major export market; until 2016, it was in seventh place in the purchase of Russian chocolate products and in tenth place in the purchase of flour products; in 2016, he came in second place in all positions.

The consequence of changes in the market was a decrease in the consumption of plain chocolate, various cakes and pastries; production volumes of flour confectionery products with a long shelf life, caramel and chocolates increased. One of the drivers of growth in this segment was the increase in export volumes of these types of products. The growth of the segment was also influenced by a shift in demand towards cheaper products - cookies, muffins, waffles, rolls, gingerbread. Their sales grew in volume terms in 2015 as follows: cookies – by 6%, gingerbread – by 7%, waffles – by 9%; in monetary terms: cookies - by 21%, gingerbread by 24%, waffles - by 25%. The increase in prices for confectionery products of all types averaged 24% in 2015. The leaders in price growth were sugary confectionery products – chocolate (+38%) and caramel (+35%). This caused a shift in demand towards cheaper products. According to Rosstat, a kilogram of cookies in 2016 cost on average 140 rubles, a kilogram of gingerbread - 118 rubles, and chocolate and chocolate candies - 752 rubles and 570 rubles, respectively.

The increase in prices for sugar, one of the main components of confectionery products, amounted to 9% (futures price) only in the first months of 2016 and amounted to $0.14 per pound. This growth was a record for the last 23 years. The reason for this increase was the statement of the International Sugar Organization about the predicted shortage of sugar due to negative climatic conditions. A logical consequence of rising prices for ingredients is the search for cheaper substitutes and economical formulations. Manufacturers cannot fully translate the increase in prices for raw materials into sales prices, shifting rising costs to the consumer. Thus, the profitability of production decreases. It is noteworthy that, according to the forecast of the Confectionery Market Research Center, in a number of today’s stable segments (cakes and pastries, certain segments of the markets for marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, cookies, waffles) the situation is expected to worsen. At the same time, segments that are currently in decline (chocolate, chocolate candies) will recover in the near future.

The formation of demand for chocolate products is largely influenced by the level of well-being of the population. Accordingly, the reduction in real disposable income had a negative impact on this segment of the Russian confectionery market. According to experts, sales in this segment from 2014 to 2016 decreased by 12% in volume terms; per capita consumption decreased from 5.1 to 4.5 kg per person.

Figure 1. Consumption of confectionery products by category in 2012-2016, kg/person.

In 2015, the retail price for sugary confectionery products increased by 11%, and for cookies and wafers - 15%, while the price increase for chocolate was 26%. An important factor is the presence of a large number of brands in the economy segment in the segment of cookies and sugary products and their almost complete absence in the chocolate segment. Manufacturers began to use packaging reduction in size and weight as measures to stimulate demand. The weight of the piece products themselves has also decreased. Some manufacturers have begun to develop new formats, for example, chocolate bars instead of bars. The positioning of chocolates as a gift with appropriate packaging design has also become typical. Thanks to such marketing activities, market leaders managed to maintain their positions.

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The only category in the chocolate segment that continues to grow is chocolate products with toys for children. This format is being mastered by more and more new manufacturers who have not previously worked in it. The increase in demand is due to the fact that even with a decrease in solvency, parents are not ready to save on their children. The market for chocolate eggs with toys grew by 8-10% per year until 2015, in 2015 the increase was 1.1%, in 2016 – 0.3%. Looking ahead, until 2020, experts predict growth in the chocolate segment at 1% per year in volume terms. It is expected that the main driver of growth will be the stabilization of the country's economic condition. Price growth in this segment is expected mainly due to inflation, which means there will be no sharp jumps. In addition, the Russian chocolate market has not yet reached saturation, which in the long term creates the preconditions for its active growth.

On the other hand, pressure on the market is expected from the health food market, to which chocolate usually does not belong (with rare exceptions - for example, dark chocolate without additives). This means a slight shift in demand towards various cereal bars, cookies enriched with fiber and vitamins and other similar products. Among the market trends, the stable state of the premium segment of the confectionery market is noted. In particular, this is confirmed by the emergence of new products in the segment. For example, against the backdrop of a significant part of the population's passion for healthy and environmentally friendly food made from natural ingredients, new products appear such as chocolate using honey instead of sugar, which, according to manufacturers, makes it a “healthy” food. Such products also do not contain preservatives, cocoa butter substitutes or other additives. Nuts, berries, fruits, various seeds, spices and essential oils are used as fillers. The global craze for unusual chocolate flavors has reached Russia. Some niche manufacturers have begun to offer chocolate with chili pepper, lime, sea salt, coffee and other non-standard additives.

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The confectionery market has a pronounced seasonality, which is reflected in sales volumes and financial results. For example, the maximum level of demand is observed in December, which is caused by preparations for the New Year and the purchase of corporate gifts. If we take the December indicators as one, then the first half of the year shows a reduced demand for products - at the level of 0.60-0.65, in July-September demand increases to 0.80-0.85, and in October-November it decreases to 0. 78-0.80.

Current market trends include, first of all, a course towards creating environmentally friendly and high-quality products. Environmentally friendly products mean products made from natural, environmentally friendly ingredients that meet international standards and quality requirements. A fashionable trend that experts note is the interest of consumers in traditional locally produced sweets and, at the same time, the desire to know the place of origin of the main ingredients - for example, cocoa in chocolate products. The demand for premium products is growing even in times of crisis. This may be explained by the fact that the discerning tastes of consumers are growing, and in this price segment there are the largest number of new products and simply unusual products that are interesting to the consumer.

In the context of a healthy diet, the popularity of dark chocolate is growing, which, according to the advertising campaigns of its manufacturers, is a powerful antioxidant, relieves stress, prolongs the life of cells, and is a supplier of endorphins. The trend in this segment is the production of products under the slogan “healthy nutrition”. A new global trend, which has not yet shown itself well on the Russian market, is the production of confectionery products for older customers. They can also be classified as healthy food, but their composition differs significantly from other products in this category.

Legislative regulations also affect market growth. In particular, an analysis of world markets shows that a serious impetus to the development of production was given by bans on products using trans fats, which are harmful to human health. The second favorable legislative factor was the permission to use stevia in the European Union - a natural sweetener for diabetics. According to analytics, the demand for energy products with a high content of vegetable protein is increasing.

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It must also be said that the public catering market in Russia is in a difficult state in the context of a reduction in public spending on entertainment and non-essential goods. However, as in many other industries, the premium segment in public catering remains quite stable, and the population’s interest in unusual, non-traditional products is growing.

The project provides for the organization of a cafe-confectionery in St. Petersburg, in close proximity to popular tourist routes. The rented area houses a production facility and a cafe with a capacity of 30 people (15 tables). The cafe is aimed at both residents and guests of the city. The company is organized from scratch and has no financial history. Detailed organizational information is provided in Section 6.

St. Petersburg is the second largest city in Russia, a city of federal significance. Administrative center of the Northwestern Federal District and Leningrad Region. The most important economic, scientific and cultural center of Russia, a major transport hub. The city center and associated monuments are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The city's population is 5.3 million people. Tourism plays a major role in the development and economy of the city, associated with the reception of guests from Russia and foreign countries. The city is in 7th place in terms of tourist attendance in Europe and 10th in the world. The greatest tourist activity occurs during the white nights season. Every year, about 3.0 million Russian tourists and about 2.0 million foreign tourists visit St. Petersburg. This seasonality is taken into account in the sales and financial plan of the project, since the cafe’s services are focused largely on city guests.

3. Description of goods and services of the confectionery

The cafe-confectionery produces a fairly wide range of confectionery products. All production is carried out in-house using only natural, high-quality ingredients. Semi-finished products, flavoring and aromatic additives are not used in production. The bakery's assortment is quite wide and can change over time within certain price ranges in accordance with the taste preferences of visitors. The assortment is shown in Table. 2 grouped by main categories.

Table 2. Bakery assortment


Price, rub./piece

Assorted meringues

Light cake made from whipped egg whites with berries

Simple cakes

Sponge cakes “poppy seed”, “honey cake”, “sour cream” and others

Premium cakes

Cakes with fruit, berry or nut filling (for example, fruit baskets)

Assorted cakes

Sponge-cream cakes with butter or sour cream, cheesecakes

Assorted desserts

Strudels, jelly desserts, ice cream

Assorted drinks

Non-alcoholic drinks and cocktails: tea, coffee, freshly squeezed juices, non-alcoholic cocktails

4. Sales and marketing of a cafe-patisserie

The bakery cafe is positioned in the premium segment. Target audience – men and women (mainly) aged 25 – 50 years with an income level above 60,000 rubles; city ​​guests (60-65%) and city residents (35-40%). Despite the fact that the majority of cafe visitors are city guests who do not visit the same establishment repeatedly, developing the brand makes sense from the point of view of forming a pool of loyal customers from residents. cities. This will ensure the necessary occupancy even during the low tourist season. To do this, it is necessary to conduct image events and increase brand awareness.

Various tools are used for promotion. A bakery website is created, which contains a menu with prices, contacts, photos of the interior and team, photos and videos of the production process, news and special offers. Advertising pages are created on social networks on which announcements of articles from the website are posted, and competitions and sweepstakes are held to maximize audience involvement. Social networks also collect feedback from visitors.

The main online tool is contextual advertising for keywords such as “cafe”, “bakery”, “bakery cafe” in combination with the location query “Petersburg”, “St. Petersburg”, “Peter” and so on. In addition, information about the bakery is marked on the Yandex and Google map services. It is also expected to collaborate with a number of mobile applications that act as a city guide and mark attractions and useful places. To attract potential visitors from tourist traffic, a sign is used indicating the route to the cafe, located on an avenue with a large number of tourists.

Competition in the confectionery industry is quite high, but it is in the premium segment that the market is freest. In the area where the cafe is located, two main competitors can be identified, operating in a similar price segment and having approximately the same assortment. However, none of them position themselves as producers of environmentally friendly products; both competitors in some cases use frozen dough, semi-finished products, and food additives. This can provide significant benefits if the project's positioning is properly declared. In addition, competitors are located in places less accessible to tourists and are aimed primarily at city residents.

Demand for the project's products has a pronounced seasonality. In the market as a whole, the lowest level of demand is observed in the first half of the year, then in the summer demand increases, with a slight decrease occurring in October-November. In December the level of demand is maximum. However, in the case of a project, the seasonality coefficients are slightly different. The maximum level of demand is predicted in the summer months, due to massive tourist traffic, the greatest decline will occur in the beginning of spring and end of autumn. The seasonality factor is taken into account in the formation of the annual sales plan and financial plan.

The cafe's capacity is 30 people or 15 tables. The average check per table is 1,600 rubles. The planned sales volume is calculated based on a table turnover of 1.5 hours and a maximum occupancy of the hall of 80%. With a 12-hour working day and daily work for a month, it turns out: 12/1.5 * 15 * 30 * 1,600 * 80% = 4,608,000 rubles per month.

5. Cafe-patisserie production plan

The cafe-bakery is located on rented space, which was previously also used as a catering establishment. It meets all the requirements of supervisory authorities and has all the necessary communications. The total area of ​​the premises is 100 m2, of which 60 m2 is allocated for the cafe.

Equipment, utensils and furniture are purchased from a supplier that provides comprehensive solutions in the field of catering. The equipment is new, Russian and Italian production. In addition, the supplier, for a fee, develops a project of engineering communications, a design project of the premises, technological maps and recipes for dishes. The supplier carries out delivery, installation and commissioning of equipment, and conducts personnel training.

Raw materials are purchased from local suppliers who cooperate with manufacturers. It is mandatory to carry out strict incoming control of raw materials for compliance with the requirements of the project in order to ensure the highest possible quality of products. All products during the working day are made from blanks made at the beginning of the day. Unused workpieces at the end of a shift are written off and are not used during subsequent shifts.

6. Organizational plan for a confectionery shop

Individual entrepreneur was chosen as the legal form. A business entity is registered with all supervisory authorities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The form of taxation is UTII, the physical indicator is the area of ​​the visitor service hall (60 m2), regional coefficient k2 = 1.

The entire project implementation process can be divided into three main stages: the preparatory stage, the growth stage and the maturity stage. During the preparatory stage, equipment is purchased, its installation is carried out, and the developed recipes are tested. At the same time, personnel selection and training takes place. The highest demands are placed on bakers and confectioners. The approximate duration of the preparatory stage is three months.

At the growth stage, the project’s services are actively promoted, a pool of loyal customers is formed from among city residents, recipes are developed, and the taste preferences of visitors are studied. The duration of the stage is six months. At the maturity stage, operating activities are carried out within the planned financial indicators. Ongoing monitoring of results is carried out and necessary adjustments are made.

The organizational structure of the enterprise is quite simple. All major management functions are performed by the project initiator. To do this, he has all the necessary knowledge and skills, and has experience in the catering industry. The organizational structure is shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 2. Organizational chart of the enterprise

Table 3. Staffing and wage fund

Job title

Salary, rub.

Number, persons

Payroll, rub.






Pastry baker

Kitchen worker



Social Security contributions:

Total with deductions:

7. Financial plan for a cafe-patisserie

The financial plan is drawn up for a five-year period and takes into account all income and expenses of the project. Revenue refers to revenue from operating activities. The project does not provide for any other income. Revenue from the first year of project implementation is 37.3 million rubles; net profit (after taxes) – 19.6 million rubles. Revenue for the second year and subsequent years is 47.5 million rubles, net profit is 27.0 million rubles.

Investment costs amount to 3,143,142 rubles and include costs for the acquisition of fixed assets, preparation of premises, purchase of raw materials, as well as the formation of a working capital fund, from which losses of the initial periods are covered until the project reaches payback. The project initiator’s own funds are 1.7 million rubles. The lack of funds is planned to be raised in the form of a bank loan for a period of 36 months at 18% per annum. The loan is repaid monthly in annuity payments, with a credit holiday of three months.

Table 4. Investment costs


AMOUNT, rub.

Real estate

Room decoration


Equipment set

Intangible assets


Design project

Website development

Working capital

Working capital

Purchase of raw materials

Own funds:

1 700 000

Required borrowings:

1 443 142


Duration, months:

Variable costs include the costs of ingredients used in the preparation of products, as well as water, gas and electricity used in the production process. To simplify financial calculations, variable costs are calculated on the amount of the average bill with a fixed trade margin of 300%.

Fixed costs include rent, utility bills, advertising, commission to agents (mobile applications, online guide services), as well as depreciation charges. The amount of depreciation is determined by the straight-line method, based on the useful life of fixed assets and intangible assets of five years.

Table 5. Fixed costs

A detailed financial plan is given in Appendix. 1.

8. Evaluating the effectiveness of the Cafe-Confectionery project

Assessment of the effectiveness and investment attractiveness of the project is based on a detailed analysis of the financial plan, cash flows, as well as simple and integral performance indicators (Table 1). To account for changes in the value of money over time, the discounted cash flow method is used. Discount rate – 20%.

The simple payback period of the project (PP) is 5 months, the discounted payback period (DPP) is 6 months. Net present value (NPV) – 3.3 million rubles. Internal rate of return (IRR) – 31.5%. Profitability index (PI) – 1.06. All these indicators at a fairly high discount rate indicate the prospects of the project, its efficiency and investment attractiveness.

9. Warranties and risks

To assess all risks associated with the implementation of the project, a detailed analysis of all internal and external factors is carried out. Internal factors include problems associated with the quality of the recipe and the quality of work of production personnel, as well as with the operation of equipment. In the first case, constant monitoring of product quality, receiving feedback from visitors and carrying out corrective measures is necessary. In the second, routine maintenance of equipment is carried out in order to maintain its maximum performance, since its initial quality is beyond doubt.

Premium confectionery shop

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We present to you a business plan for a confectionery shop, an establishment that can not only produce cakes, donuts, sweets, chocolate, but also sell them directly on site. In addition, a good confectionery can produce an assortment of cookies and offer them for sale to city shops and cafes. Thus, such a small confectionery factory will operate with a constant income.

Use a business plan to organize a candy store and immediately begin to think through the range of products. It is this that is the basis for the large profits of any confectionery store, as well as the quality and freshness of the goods offered. A lot will depend on what kind of specialists will work in such a confectionery or store. This is exactly what you should think about right away, even at the planning stage.

We suggest using a business plan to create a confectionery shop, which can be formed within any restaurant or supermarket. Here you can set up the production of cakes, pastries, and rolls. With high quality products, any production of confectionery products will be profitable, since the demand for this product is constantly growing, and will continue to do so.

Study the presented business plan and also open a pastry cafe - for children and adults, where it will be so pleasant to spend weekends and holidays. In addition to an assortment of baked goods, a mini pastry shop can also offer ice cream, juices, and delicious desserts. Here you can sell confectionery products simply “to take away”. All this will work for profit and meeting the needs of the population.

Fast food has firmly entered our lives, despite all the hype surrounding the discussion of how harmful the abuse of such food can be. But against the backdrop of hamburgers, shawarma and hot dogs, one product stands out favorably, loved by both adults and children - delicious and satisfying donuts. Opening a donut shop is a great chance to start at low cost, recouping your investment in the shortest possible time.

According to experts, the donut baking business is characterized by high profitability, which in some cases reaches 100%! Such profitability and relevance of this turnkey business is due to the fact that the fast food market is not yet saturated with donuts. This means that budding entrepreneurs have every chance to conquer this territory. In order to open a donut bakery, a businessman only needs to invest 10-15 thousand dollars.

The main charm of a donut is its freshness, so for maximum success it is recommended to open a mini-production and a donut shop at the same time, because the aroma of baked goods has an attractive force that is almost impossible to resist. If you decide to open a coffee shop and pastry shop at the store, you will never run out of customers, of course, if your products can satisfy the most demanding tastes.

How to start a business producing and selling donuts? From determining the volume of initial investment. If you only produce donuts, selling them to nearby stores, the costs will be small. The main expense item is the purchase of a machine for the production of donuts, the price of which averages 30-40 thousand rubles. The productivity of the donut baking machine is 300-400 donuts per hour. The payback period for donut production equipment, depending on the price, usually does not exceed 2-3 months.

If you are planning to sell donuts, you can purchase a mobile stand and install a donut making machine in it. By choosing a busy place to sell, you can be sure that your products will be a success. Donuts can have a variety of fillings - chocolate, fruit, caramel. Provide your clients with a wide range of products, and they will thank you with their attention.

With the development of the donut business, it makes sense to think about opening a small confectionery department, which, in addition to donuts, will sell other products - cakes, muffins, buns. In order to open a full-fledged confectionery store, you will need additional financial investments. But this step will allow you to attract new customers, which is important in an increasingly competitive environment. Over time, you can open a whole network of confectionery departments, the main products of which, of course, will be fluffy and aromatic donuts. A competent example of a business plan for opening a confectionery shop from scratch with ready-made calculations will help you speed up this process and avoid annoying mistakes. Based on it, it will not be difficult for you to comprehend all the basics of this type of business.

When planning to open a business such as selling confectionery products, you should be prepared for some specific problems to arise. The first and most serious difficulty is associated with finding a suitable premises that must comply with all the standards and requirements of Rospotrebnadzor. Finding this is not easy, since some of the requirements are, to put it mildly, difficult to meet. The package of documents required to open a confectionery shop will be quite impressive, and difficulties may also arise at this stage.

The organization of confectionery production as a business begins with the selection of qualified specialists. And here we should take into account such a factor as constant staff turnover, as the main players in this market segment confidently say. Judging by the reviews, people who do not have sufficient experience often go into the confectionery production business. And the businessman is forced to spend money on their training. At the same time, there is no guarantee that, once trained, the specialist will stay in this company for a long time.

When planning the opening of a new mini-confectionery workshop and store, pay attention to such a component of work organization as the timely receipt of raw materials, which requires an agreement with reliable suppliers. If you do not want to lose some customers, never allow interruptions in the supply of flour, margarine and other ingredients necessary for the production of quality confectionery products.

In a business like a confectionery, much depends on the quality of raw materials. And, as practice shows, it is often uneven. As a result, entrepreneurs are forced to adapt to these fluctuations, constantly adjusting product recipes in order to prevent deterioration in the quality of the finished product. When planning to open your own business - a confectionery shop - be prepared for the fact that prices for raw materials will constantly rise. As a rule, when opening his own confectionery store, a businessman focuses on a certain category of customers. In the face of rising prices for raw materials, he has to make a difficult choice: either increase the cost of finished products, knowing that some customers will be lost, or switch to less expensive products in order to retain his client.

As experience shows, the second option often also causes a drop in consumer demand, and at the same time leads to a loss of the company’s reputation. This factor must be taken into account when opening a confectionery store; the business will require constant investments and only competent calculation will not allow you to fall out of the loop. Most of the costs will go towards purchasing equipment. The final figures depend on the scale of production, as well as the specialization of the workshop. If you plan to focus on French bakeries and confectioneries when creating a business, then you should give preference to fully automated equipment, which, by the way, makes it easier to control the execution of work.

Opening a cafe-confectionery will not cause you serious difficulties if, in the process of creating your business, you follow the advice of professionals, which are given in a competent sample business plan for a mini-confectionery with a store and production with ready-made calculations. It also provides a detailed description of the confectionery business, with special emphasis placed on its features. By neglecting your confectionery business project, you are putting your business in serious danger, putting quite a lot of financial resources at stake.

What's a celebration without cake? And if this is an exclusive confectionery product made to order, the delight of the guests will know no bounds. A business such as baking cakes to order will invariably be in demand, since in modern life we ​​always want a little celebration. Opening your own business - a confectionery business - presents you with many difficulties, but they will all pay off, especially if you do what you love.

There are two options for entering the cake baking and making business: you can start working alone, taking orders for making cakes at home, or you can immediately open your own small pastry shop, the costs of which will certainly be higher. But a corresponding return is expected, since you cannot cope with a large influx of orders alone, and unnecessary problems with sanitary inspection may arise. Opening an individual entrepreneur to produce cakes at home will simplify the situation, but will not increase the amount of income.

In order to open your own business - a confectionery shop, and make custom-made cakes on a larger scale, you will need at least 200 thousand rubles at a time. Subsequently, if the business actively develops, the business can be expanded by opening a full-fledged confectionery factory or a large cake production workshop.

Organizing a small business producing cakes and pastries begins with finding ways to sell sweet products. Making cakes to order can be one of the areas of business, but not the only one, since this will greatly limit the scope, reducing the likely profit. At first, you can negotiate with large supermarkets, which are usually willing to sell high-quality baked goods. But it is necessary to take into account that the lead time for selling cakes is very short, and clearly calculate the volume of products produced.

Subsequently, it would be advisable to open your own confectionery shop, which will allow you to sell your own products without any problems. The cake sales business is highly profitable, which also attracts novice entrepreneurs. The main thing is to attract clients, which requires competent advertising of your services. Be sure to make a colorful catalog with samples of cakes that you can make to order, indicating the cost.

Even if you are an experienced pastry chef, opening your own cake production shop is not so easy. And for a beginner, facing the realities of this business for the first time, it is incredibly difficult to overcome existing problems. How to open a small mini-confectionery shop, where to start, how to calculate the cost of the necessary equipment for producing cakes, and will the business be successful? If you have such questions, this indicates a lack of sufficient experience in this type of business. In this case, the most reliable assistant for you will be a professional example of a business plan for a confectionery shop for the production of cakes with ready-made calculations. Using it, you will be able to competently open your own cake baking business without risking your financial resources.

Paying attention to how shops with different assortments of confectionery products are opening en masse, you notice one fact - the products are of the same type, often do not correspond to the desired taste and quality, and the prices are not always pleasing. I want to receive a tasty, original and fresh product. Therefore, there is always a demand for confectionery products (cakes, pastries, filled cookies, muffins, sweets, marmalade) not made for the mass consumer. There is, of course, a lot of competition, but with a new offer you can always have success and your audience. To do this, you need to write a correct business plan for a confectionery shop, which will contain convincing information for potential lenders or investors if you do not have your own funds.

We offer our own example for study, in which we present a business plan for a confectionery shop with calculations. You can adapt it to your business idea, substituting your own material costs and suggesting possible profitability from the project.


It is planned to launch not a large sweets factory, but a small confectionery shop with an adjacent store (confectionery shop), in which products will be sold and individual requests from customers will be accepted.

A factory requires large investments in premises, equipment and staff. The purpose of this production is the wholesale distribution of sweets prepared according to a standard recipe. This won’t surprise anyone today, and even the shelves of ordinary grocery stores are littered with similar products.

A confectionery shop can be quickly repurposed without investing serious funds if some sweets are not in demand. There is no need for an overstaffed staff. Some products can only be made to order, without losing the freshness of the products and without spending extra money on raw materials. This will make it possible to compete with some confectionery production.

The confectionery will combine two types of activities – production and trade. Using the OKVED code, we select the appropriate numbers to indicate them in the application when registering a business:

  • Numbers 10.71 and 10.72 are applicable for confectionery production.
  • Number 47.24 indicates the retail sale of confectionery products in specialized stores (in our case, a confectionery shop).

You can select a subgroup with a narrower specificity of the confectionery establishment by studying the information in the classifier.

Organizational aspects

The company is planning to rent premises in the central part of the city. The cost of rent in the center is higher than in other areas, but the flow of clients is also greater. A bright sign on the facade will create additional advertising and reduce recruitment costs.

For production and a shop, a small room of no more than 50 square meters is required. m. This space will include a workshop, warehouse, utility room and retail area. The shop will be located on 15 square meters. m, for the workshop we will allocate 20 sq. m, the warehouse will occupy no more than 7 sq. m, the rest of the area is used for staff.

The premises have been selected and meet sanitary and fire safety requirements. This is the 1st floor of a residential building with 2 entrances - from the street and the yard. Investments in repairs and improvement of the ventilation system will be required. Water supply, sewerage, electricity meet the requirements for an enterprise of this type.

Bakery opening hours:

Mon-Fri: from 09:00 to 20:00.

Sat-Sun: from 10:00 to 18:00.

The staff will work on a rotating schedule, which will be approved before the opening of the confectionery.

Service list:

  • Production and sale of unique confectionery products in a wide range.
  • Production of confectionery products (themed cakes) to order.
  • Delivery of individual orders.

Product range:

  • Puff pastry pies.
  • Pies made from yeast dough.
  • Baking.
  • Cakes in assortment for free sale and to order.
  • Assorted cookies (5 types).
  • Assorted sweets according to unique recipes.
  • Muffins with various fillings.
  • Cakes based on unique recipes (10 types).
  • Marshmallow, marshmallow.

This is a preliminary list of confectionery products for the initial stage of the confectionery operation. It can be gradually expanded or adjusted if customer demand changes. Every day you can change the product map by setting the days of any model of cake, pies, or sweets. Improvements will occur as the workshop and shop work.


To open a confectionery shop, you need to go through certain authorities and collect an impressive package of documents.

At the stage of writing a business plan, it is necessary to study the legal requirements for premises for a workshop and shop and the list of certificates for finished products and equipment. Sometimes aspiring entrepreneurs choose to turn to lawyers who will help speed up the process of starting a business.

  • To produce confectionery products, you will need a recipe, which must be developed for the entire range and approved by Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Products must undergo laboratory testing to obtain a certificate of compliance with food law requirements.
  • You do not need to obtain a license for production and trade.
  • The relevant documents for the premises must be collected: lease agreement; technical certificate; design documents for communications and engineering networks; conclusion of the SES and fire service for compliance with the requirements; contract for disinfection, disinfestation and deratization services with a schedule of activities.
  • Certificates of quality for purchased raw materials and equipment that will be used in confectionery production will be required.
  • All personnel must have current health records.

Business activity will be registered in the LLC form. It is assumed that the family business will be the spouses who will be the founders with the contribution of certain shares. The husband and wife have specialized education and will manufacture the products themselves.

We use the simplified tax system as a taxation system (15% of the “income minus expenses” base).

Workshop equipment

The main costs of a confectionery shop include finishing work and the purchase of equipment. No significant redevelopment is expected. Communications are connected to the premises, so you only need to replace the plumbing and equip a staff room and a warehouse. We list the total values ​​and expense items in the table:

Material investment item Amount of funds, rub.
Maximum power hood 30 thousand
Refrigerator for raw materials 45 thousand
Freezer for raw materials and blast freezing of semi-finished products 56 thousand
Industrial sifter 23 thousand
Dough mixers for different types of dough 80 thousand
Electric stove (5 burners) 50 thousand
Proofing cabinet 25 thousand
Induction oven with good power and performance 150 thousand
Container for preparing creams 45 thousand
Professional mixer 35 thousand
Biscuit machine 70 thousand
Forms, containers, baking sheets, frying pans, pots in assortment 100 thousand
Industrial grater 27 thousand
Scales 10 thousand
Nozzles for creams, liquid dough. 38 thousand
Dough sheeter 46 thousand
Cutting tables 35 thousand
Product and hand washes 20 thousand
General expenses 885 thousand

The cost and list of equipment is preliminary, because there are many manufacturers of equipment for confectionery shops, some offer good discounts to new customers.

In the following table we reflect investments in redecorating the workshop and retail area, equipping it with furniture, counters and other items.

Type of expenses Amount of funds, rub.
Finishing materials (ceiling paint, tiles for walls and floors in the workshop area, decorative plaster for the sales area, plasterboard, consumables), plumbing, lighting 250 thousand
Services of designers and finishers 70 thousand
Trade racks for products 55 thousand
Equipment of the cashier's place with cash register, scales, packaging containers 50 thousand
Uniforms for employees, small expenses 50 thousand
Registration of certificates, recipes, projects, permits, business registration 40 thousand
Purchase and installation of air conditioners, fire and security systems, video surveillance 200 thousand
Total consumption 715 thousand

It is possible that costs will be higher or lower. It depends on the condition of the premises and the design concept in the confectionery shop. So far, according to preliminary calculations, to prepare the facility for opening it is necessary to invest at least 1 million 600 thousand rubles.

But that's not all the costs. You will need to purchase the raw materials needed to produce the products specified in the assortment list. You can budget 50 thousand rubles for this and gradually make supplies as needed. It is possible that the first salary payments will have to be made from personal funds if the confectionery shop does not reach the required level of revenue at the initial stage. The wage fund will be reflected in a separate section of the business plan.

Estimated launch dates

There is no need to prepare for the opening of an establishment, focusing on seasonality. The products are in demand among those with a sweet tooth at any time of the year. Therefore, we draw up an action plan based on personal circumstances. We offer a scenario of actions to prepare for the opening in the table:

It is expected that preparations for the opening will take 4-5 months. It is possible that the process will go faster. This depends on obtaining product certificates and permission from government regulatory agencies. If a room is found that does not require renovation and design work from scratch, this stage may take two to three weeks or less.

We are staffing

To ensure that the buyer is satisfied with the quality and taste of the confectionery product, experienced confectioners and technologists are needed. The functions of a confectioner will be taken over by the business owners, because they have specialized education, experience and their own map of unique sweets. An apprentice's assistance will be required in preparing ingredients or preparing simple items.

The establishment is open daily, requiring the formation of two teams that go out on schedule. At the initial stage, we are opening the following vacancies with salaries:

The cost of a pastry chef's salary can be excluded from the list if the owners of the pastry shop prepare their own sweets. At the initial stage, all employees are given a salary, because the profitability of the shop is still small. With an increase in sales volume and acceptance of individual orders, a bonus or bonus payment may be assigned.

Income indicators for a confectionery shop

To understand whether there is profitability from a business, you need to make calculations of monthly revenue, costs of raw materials, wages and other points. Based on the fact that the assortment of the confectionery shop is varied and it is possible to make sweets to order, prices for products may vary. Therefore, daily revenue may fluctuate. The shop should sell products worth 20-30 thousand per day. This is possible if the average bill is from 500 to 2000 rubles. The capacity will be 30 people or more.

Monthly revenue is expected to be 750 thousand rubles in the first months. The maximum income can be within 950 thousand or 1 million rubles.

To determine profitability and payback periods, it is necessary to determine how much the enterprise’s net profit will be for the month and year.

So, the net profit will be 196 thousand rubles per month. Initially, investments were made in the amount of 1 million 900 thousand rubles. The enterprise can achieve self-sufficiency in 10-12 months, unless force majeure circumstances arise.

Marketing strategy

To get maximum revenue, you need to run the right advertising campaign:

  • The main tool will be the confectionery website, where a portfolio of unique confectionery products will be posted. We will promote it through social networks and contextual advertising.
  • The confectionery will be located in the city center. Therefore, you need a bright sign and pillar with attractive information for passers-by.
  • The delicious aroma will also attract those with a sweet tooth and not only.
  • Otherwise, it is necessary to monitor the freshness of the products and the assortment that satisfies the needs of the target audience.
  • Discounts, bonuses and promotions will be pleasant for customers who will appreciate your skills and tell their friends about it.


We proposed a business plan for a confectionery shop with a small retail space, so as not to look for wholesale customers, but to focus on passers-by and people living or working nearby. If the sweets are unique, have a good taste and are not overpriced, there is every chance of success and possible expansion.