Work program of the academic discipline “Management. Work program in management Training program for managers in education

Management theory

The main discipline of the program, which includes the study of such issues as modern management and management, modern theory and management tools, key performance indicators of a manager. Students develop a systematic understanding of the managerial profession.

Business communications

This discipline teaches you how to achieve your goals. To do this, students understand the communicative features and needs of both their own and their opponents, master various techniques and communication formats.

Management decisions

The result of a manager's work is a management decision. The success of the department and the organization as a whole depends on how well and timely the decision is made. Therefore, students master the process of developing solutions in full, starting with setting goals and ending with assessing the risks and consequences of their implementation.

Leadership and team building

Before modern manager he faces a difficult task: on the one hand, he is expected to demonstrate leadership qualities, and on the other, he is expected to have the skills of a team player who knows how to collaborate with his colleagues and partners. Students learn to find the balance necessary to effectively achieve individual, team and organizational goals.

Project management

Project management is an integral part of the work modern organization. Students not only learn the theoretical foundations of project management, such as the content of design standards, but also work as part of a team to develop educational projects, starting from the initiation of the project and ending with the preparation of project documentation.

Design of the internal environment of the organization

Beginning with this course, students learn to work at an organizational level. They develop knowledge about organizational laws and principles, diagnostics of the organization and organizational changes. In practice, training teams examine the structure and culture of a real organization, its external environment and propose options for change.

Strategic management

This course develops strategic thinking and provides the theoretical foundations for strategic management of an organization, which is important for increasing efficiency. During practical classes, training teams develop strategy options for a real company. The result is a business report.

Business planning

A final discipline that allows you to use almost all previously acquired knowledge and skills. Students learn to develop and use a business plan. To do this, student teams develop a business plan and business model for a real organization, prepare and conduct their presentation for representatives of this organization. Our students have experience in developing individual business plans, which they have already successfully implemented upon graduation.



Working programm academic discipline developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard) for secondary specialties vocational education(hereinafter referred to as SPO) 080114 “Economics and accounting (by industry)”

Developer organization: Blagoveshchensk Polytechnic College


Nikolaeva Anna Artyomovna, teacher of economic disciplines


Full name, academic degree, title, position

Conclusion of the Expert Council No.____________ dated “____”__________20__





    conditions for the implementation of the sample program of the academic discipline

    Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline



1.1. Scope of application

The work program of the academic discipline is part of the approximate basic professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialty (specialties) SPO 080114 “Economics and Accounting (by Industry)”.

1.2. The place of the discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program:

The academic discipline “Management” belongs to the group of general professional disciplines of the professional cycle.

1.3. Goals and objectives of the discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

The main goal of the “Management” discipline is to give students a systematic holistic view O basic principles, patterns and mechanism of functioning of the organization (enterprise). Provide an appropriate theoretical level and practical orientation in the educational system and future activities.

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student should be able to:

Organize the work of subordinates;

Find necessary information for the management process;

Use modern technologies management;

Motivate performers to improve the quality of work;

- provide conditions for professional and personal

improving performers;

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student should know:

Functions, types and psychology of management;

Basics of organizing the work of a team of performers;

Principles business communication a team;

Information Technology in the field of production management;

Organization of production and technological processes;

Features of management in the field professional activity;

maximum student workload: 56 hours, including:

for full-time study:

the student's mandatory classroom teaching load is 42 hours;

independent work of the student - 14 hours;

for distance learning:

mandatory classroom teaching load – 10 hours;

student’s independent work – 46 hours.


2.1. Scope of academic discipline and types of academic work (for full-time study)

laboratory classes


practical lessons


test papers


course work (project) (not provided)




independent work on coursework (project)(if provided)




Other types of independent work, if available, are indicated (abstract, calculation and graphic work, homework, etc.).



Final certification in the form of differentiated credit

Scope of academic discipline and types of academic work (for correspondence courses)

laboratory classes


practical lessons


test papers


course work (project) (not provided)

Independent work of the student (total)



Home test


Final certification in the form of a test

2.2. Approximate thematic plan and content of the academic discipline "Management"

Section 1.

Management. Basic concepts of the discipline

Topic 1.1.

The essence and characteristic features of modern management


The concept of management, its content. Prerequisites for occurrence. The role of management in the development of modern production. Management as an art. The evolution of management thought.

Classical school of scientific management. School " human relations” and behavioral sciences.


Modern approaches in management: quantitative, process, systemic and situational. Their essence and main differences.


National characteristics of management. Problems of management in Russia. Foreign management schools.


Test papers

Independent work of students

Abstract preparation ( computer presentation) on the topic: “History of management development”

Topic 1.2. External and internal environment of the organization


Organization as an object of management. Types of organizations.

External environment of the organization.


Internal environment of the organization


Test papers

Drawing up a plan for the abstract of the answer;

Drawing up a table “Features of the internal and external environment of the organization” for systematization educational material.

Section 2. Control Functions

Topic 2.1. Management cycle

The management cycle (planning, organization, motivation and control) is the basis of management activities. The main components of the management cycle. Characteristics of cycle functions. Interrelation and interdependence of the functions of the management cycle.

Independent work of students:

Studying lesson notes and educational literature on questions compiled by the teacher.

Topic 2.2. Organization and types of its structures

Organization as the main function of management. Approaches to the formation of management structures. The process of forming an organizational structure.

Types of management structures: linear, functional, linear-functional; characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Basic control schemes: “tape”, “wheel”, “star”, “hierarchical”; distribution of linear and functional connections.

Independent work of students:

Preparation of an abstract on the topic: “Problems of management in Russia”

Topic 2.3 Planning and control

Strategic planning. Process strategic planning: mission and goals, analysis of the external environment, analysis of strengths and weaknesses, analysis of alternatives and choice of strategy, management of strategy implementation, strategy evaluation. Tactical planning. Main stages tactical planning. Implementation of current plans.

Concept of control. Three stages of control: selection of standards and criteria, comparison of real results with them, correction. Rules of control: “Managerial fives”. Types of control: preliminary, current and final. Planning forms. Types of plans. Main stages of planning.

Independent work of students:

Studying the lesson notes, educational literature on questions compiled by the teacher;

Topic 2.4 Motivation and needs

Motivation and criteria for work motivation. Individual and group motivation. Rules for working with the group. Primary and secondary needs. Motivation and hierarchy of needs.

Practical lesson:

Studying the needs and motivation of employees (testing)


Independent work of students: preparing messages for the seminar “Motives and needs as the driving force of behavior”;

Making a thematic crossword puzzle.

Section 3. Connecting processes

Topic 3.1 Decision Making

Types of solutions and requirements for them. Decision-making process: formulation of problems, identification of factors and conditions, development of solutions, assessment and decision-making, implementation and monitoring of execution.

Decision making methods. Levels of decision making.

Practical lesson:

Business game “Making an effective decision”


Independent work of students:

Creative work on the topic: “Methods of making management decisions based on creative thinking”;

Studying lesson notes and educational literature

Independent work of students on coursework (project)(if provided)




(must correspond to the specified number of hours in paragraph 1.4 of the program passport)

Within each section, relevant topics are indicated. For each topic, the content of the educational material is described (in didactic units), names of necessary laboratory work And practical classes(separately for each type), tests, as well as approximate topics for independent work. If coursework (projects) in the discipline is provided, an approximate topic is described. The volume of hours is determined by each position in column 3 (marked with an asterisk *). The level of mastery is indicated opposite the didactic units in column 4 (marked with two asterisks **).

To characterize the level of mastery of educational material, the following designations are used:

1. – familiarization (recognition of previously studied objects, properties);

2. – reproductive (performing activities according to a model, instructions or under guidance)

3. – productive (planning and independent execution of activities, solving problematic problems)

3. conditions for implementing the discipline program

3.1. Minimum logistics requirements

The implementation of the discipline program requires the presence of a classroom for “general education disciplines”.

Classroom equipment:

Seating according to the number of students;

Workplace teacher;

Set of legislative and regulatory documents;

Set of educational and methodological materials

Technical means training:


Multimedia projector.

3.2. Information Support training

Main sources:

1. E.L. Dracheva, L.I. Yulikov "Management"

2. Knyshova E.N. Management: Tutorial for students of secondary vocational education institutions. -M.: Publishing House Forum - INFRA-M, 2006.

3. Salimzhanov I.Kh. Management: educational for students of secondary vocational institutions - M.: Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2003

4. Reichenko A.V., Khokhlova I.V. Management: textbook. -M.: Forum. 2007 – 368с – (Vocational education).‎

4. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the Discipline

Control and evaluation the results of mastering the discipline are carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting practical classes and laboratory work, testing, as well as students completing individual assignments, projects, and research.

Learning outcomes

(mastered skills, acquired knowledge)

Forms and methods of monitoring and assessing learning outcomes


Use in practice methods of planning and organizing the work of the unit

Analyze organizational management structures

Written test in the form of a dictation;

Defense of an abstract (computer presentation);

Work on motivation labor activity personnel

Oral survey in the form of an interview

Apply business and management communication techniques in professional activities

Evaluation of the results of a business game;

Make effective decisions using a system of management methods

Written test in the form of a test dictation;

Expert verification of practical work;

Take into account the features of management in the field of professional activity

Expert assessment of the defense of practical work;

Defense of an abstract (computer presentation)


The essence and characteristic features of modern management

Test control


State Budgetary Educational Institution "Toropets College"

“Agreed” “I approve”
deputy director for management and development director of the college

Samuilova Z.N. __________ Yu.S. Gapanenok


Specialty 02/38/03 Operating activities in logistics

The work program of the academic discipline was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Vocational Education in the specialty 38.02.03 Operational activities in logistics

Development organization: state budgetary professional educational institution"Toropetsk College".

Developers: Petreneva A.A., teacher.


Passport of the work program of the academic discipline

Structure and content of the work program of the academic discipline

Conditions for the implementation of the work program of the academic discipline

Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the work program of the academic discipline

passport of the working PROGRAM OF THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE Management

1.1. Scope of application
The work program of the academic discipline is part of the PPSSZ in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education in the specialty 38.02.03 Operational activities in logistics.
The work program of the academic discipline “Management” can be used in additional vocational education as part of the implementation of personnel retraining programs in vocational education institutions
The place of the academic discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program: the discipline is included in the professional cycle and belongs to general professional disciplines.
1.3. Goals and objectives of the academic discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the academic discipline
As a result of mastering the academic discipline, the student must
be able to:
apply management knowledge when studying professional modules and in professional activities;
functions, essence and characteristic features of modern management;
the process of making and implementing management decisions;
essence strategic management: basic concepts, functions and principles;
methods of conflict management;
functions of strategic planning and methods of implementing the strategic plan;
stages, types and rules of control;
ethics of business communication;

1.4. Requirements for the results of mastering the mandatory part of the OPOP in terms of general competencies (GC) and/or professional competencies(PC)
OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in her.
OK 2. Organize your own activities, choose typical methods and ways of performing professional tasks, assessing their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and take responsibility for them.
OK 4. Search and use information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.
OK 6. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers.
OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of completing tasks.
OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development.
OK 9. To navigate the conditions of frequent changes in technology in professional activities.
PC 1.1. Participate in the development of strategic and operational logistics plans at the unit (site) level logistics system taking into account the goals and objectives of the organization as a whole. Organize the work of logistics system elements.
PC 1.2. Plan and organize document flow within the logistics system area. Receive, sort and independently compile the required documentation.
PC 1.3. Select suppliers, carriers, determine the type of intermediaries and distribution channels.
PC 2.1. Participate in the development of the infrastructure of the supply organization process and the organizational structure of supply management at the level of a unit (section) of the logistics system, taking into account the goals and objectives of the organization as a whole.
PC 2.2. Apply the methodology for designing intra-industrial logistics systems when solving practical problems.
PC 2.4. Manage orders, inventory, transportation, warehousing, cargo handling, packaging, and service.
PC 3.2. Draw up a program and monitor performance indicators at the level of a unit (section) of the logistics system (suppliers, intermediaries, carriers and the efficiency of warehousing and distribution channels).
PC 4.1. Monitor the execution and forwarding of orders.
1.5. Recommended number of hours to master the academic discipline program:
The maximum academic load for a student is 150 hours, including:
the student's mandatory classroom teaching load is 100 hours;
independent work of the student 50 hours2. STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF THE ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE

2.1. Scope of academic discipline and types of academic work
Type of educational work
Hours volume

Mandatory classroom teaching load (total)


Practical lessons

Independent work of the student (total)



Doing homework

design and research activities

Final certification in the form of a comprehensive exam

2.2. Thematic plan and content of the academic discipline MANAGEMENT

Name of sections and topics
Contents of educational material, practical exercises, independent work of students
Hours volume
Mastery level


Topic 1 The essence and characteristic features of modern management
OK 1, 9 PCs 3.1-3.3

Introduction. Subject, method and content of the discipline.
Basic concepts used in management. Control system elements. Control functions. Management principles. Management methods. Requirements for the personality of a manager.

Modern approaches to management. The evolution of management thought. The essence of the characteristic features of perfect management.
Schools of Management. Process approach. Situational approach. Systems approach.

Control function. Managment structure.
Production management function. Organizational structures. Organizational processes. Laws of the organization.
Practical work№1 Basic concepts of management
Practical work No. 2 Theoretical basis management

Doing homework on topic 1 (working through class notes, educational literature)
Preparation for practical classes

Topic 2. External and internal environment of the organization
PC 3.1-3.3

Characteristics of the external and internal environment of the organization.
The concept " environment organizations." External environmental factors, their composition and influence on the organization’s activities. Factors of the internal environment, their composition and influence on the activities of the organization.

Analysis of the external and internal environment of the organization.
Methods for analyzing the external and internal environment. SWOT analysis, methodology for its implementation.

Practical work No. 3 Analysis of the internal and external environment of the organization Practical work No. 4 Analysis of the internal and external environment of the organization

Extracurricular independent work:
Doing homework on topic 2 (working through class notes, educational literature)
Preparation for practical classes
Implementation of the project “Outstanding Managers of History and Modernity”

Topic 3. Management functions

OK 4
PC 1.1-1.3

Management cycle.
The concept of management cycle. The concept of management function. a brief description of management functions: planning, organizing, motivation, control.

Planning in the management system.
Planning purpose. Types of planning: tactical, strategic, business planning. Technology of strategic planning.

Organizational structures of enterprise management.
Concept and elements of organizational management structures. Types of organizational management structures: hierarchical and organic management structures, their characteristics.

Concept of motivation. Elements of motivation. The evolution of motivation theories. Content theories of motivation. Process theories of motivation.

Control and its types.
Concept and purpose of control. Types of control: preliminary, current, final.

Practical work No. 5 Comparative analysis of the main management structures
Practical work No. 6 Construction and analysis of organizational management structures
Practical work No. 7 Implementation of the functions of motivation and control in management

Extracurricular independent work:
completing homework on topic 3 (working through class notes, educational literature, preparing for practical classes).
Implementation of the project “Outstanding Managers of History and Modernity”

Topic 4. System of management methods
OK 2.8 PC 3.1-3.3

Characteristics of management methods.
The concept of management method. System of management methods: administrative, economic, socio-psychological, their characteristics. Features of the application of certain management methods.

Practical work No. 8 Comparative analysis of management methods.
Practical work No. 9 Analysis of the preference of management methods
Practical work No. 10 Self-management

Extracurricular independent work:
doing homework on topic 4 (


OP. 03. "Management"


02/38/03 “Operational activities in logistics”

Rylsk 2015

Work program of the academic discipline of the EP. 03. “Management” was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard) for the specialty of secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as SPO) 02/38/03 “Operational Activities in Logistics”, enlarged group 38.00.00 “Economics and Management”.

Organization - developer: Regional budgetary vocational educational institution "Rylsky Agrarian College".

Developer: Natalya Ivanovna Shatilina, teacher at the Rylsky Agrarian College.

Reviewed and approved at a meeting of the PCC of the professional educational cycle of the specialty “Operational Activities in Logistics”

Chairman of the PCC _____________ Shatilina N.I.


Work program of the academic discipline OP.03. “Management”

Reviewed and approved at a meeting of the methodological council of the technical school

Chairman of the Methodological Council __________ Dobrynina I.N.


Deputy Director for Academic Affairs _________ Dobrynina I.N.


Methodologist __________ Kuzmenko I.V.













1.1. Scope of application

The work program of the academic discipline is part of the PPSSZ in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialty of secondary vocational education 38.02.03. “Operational activities in logistics”, enlarged group 38.00.00 “Economics and management”.

1.2. The place of the academic discipline in the structure of the training program for mid-level specialists:The discipline belongs to the group of professional disciplines of the professional educational cycle.

1.3. Goals and objectives of the discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must

Be able to:


Management cycle;

Decision-making methodology;

1.4. Number of hours for mastering the program of the academic discipline:


The student's mandatory classroom teaching load is 60 hours.

Independent work of the student 30 hours.


2.1. Scope of academic discipline and types of academic work

Type of educational work



Mandatory classroom teaching load (total)


laboratory classes

practical lessons

test papers

Independent work of the student (total)


individual task

extracurricular independent work

Final certification in the form of differentiated credit

2.2. Thematic plan and content of the academic discipline “Management”


sections and topics






The concept of management, its content and place in the system of socio-economic categories. Goals, objectives and content of the discipline “Management”. The essence and characteristic features of modern management.

Section 1. Theoretical foundations of management.

Topic 1.1. Evolution


Historical periods of management development. School of Scientific Management (1885 – 1920). Administrative School of Management (1920 – 1950). School of Human Relations and Behavioral Sciences. (1930 – 1950).

Topic 1.2. Features of management in professional activities.

The essence of a manager's activity.

Model of a modern manager.

Types and types of management.

Practical lesson.Taking into account the characteristics of management by (industry).

Topic 1.3. Organization as an object of management.

External environment of the organization.

The concept of the environment of direct and indirect influence. Organization building.

Independent work of students.

Studying and taking notes of educational material on the following topics:

1.Organization as an object of management.

2. Internal environment of the organization.

3.Scientific approaches to management.

Writing reports on topics:

1.Japanese management model.

2.American management model.

Completing an individual task.Definition of organizational structures.

Section 2. Management functions.

Topic 2.1. Management cycle.

Planning is a function of management.

The essence and types of planning.

Model of strategic planning.

Options for strategies.

Practical lesson.Planning and organizing the work of the unit.

Independent work of students.

Writing essays on Topics :

1. “Planning and forecasting.”

2. “Types of forecasts, forecasting methods”

Topic 2.2. Organization of interaction.

The concept of organizational function.

Organization structure.

Delegation of powers.

Topic 2.3. Organization management structure

Organizational management structure. Types of organizational management structures: linear, linear-functional (staff), project and matrix.

Practical lesson.Formation of organizational management structure.

Independent work of students.

Preparation of reports on the topic:

1. “Types of forecasts, forecasting methods”

2. “Different types of organizational structures.”

Topic 2.4. Motivation.

Determination of motivation and its growth in achieving the goals of the organization.

Process theories of motivation.

The use of motivation in management practice.

Practical lesson.Motivational policy of the enterprise.

Independent work of students

Preparation of abstracts on topics:

1. “Evolution, understanding the problem of motivation.”

2. “Internal rejection and ways to overcome it.”

3. “The origin of motivation for the activities of enterprise personnel”

Topic 2.5. Control.

The essence and types of management control.

Behavioral aspects of control.

Stages of the control process.

Effectiveness of control.

Practical lesson.Determination of control methods that exclude a negative impact on personnel behavior.

Independent work of students.

Preparation of reports on the topic:

1. “Behavioral aspects of control.”

2. “Operational and strategic controlling.”

Section 3. Principles and methods of management.

social; psychological.

Section 4. Decision making.

Topic 4.1. Making decisions.

Concept management decision, their classification. Approaches to management decision making. The process of making and implementing management decisions.

Topic 4.2. Decision-making methodology.

Efficiency of management decision making. Principles of decision making.

Practical lesson.Making effective management decisions.

Section 5. Leadership, Power and Partnership.

Topic 5.1. Management styles.

The concept of leadership style and its role in managing people.

Classification of leadership styles.

Practical lesson.Determination of management style.

Topic 5.2. Leadership and Guidance Theory

Concept of leadership and management. Types of managers and leaders. Leadership theories. The concept of power. Balance of power in the organization. Forms of power and influence. Leader's image.

Section 6. Communications.

Topic 6.1.

Communication process.

Communication process. Elements and stages of the communication process.

Interpersonal communications. Organizational communications. Barriers to organizational communications.

Independent work of students.

Preparation of abstracts on the topic of:

1. “Communications as the connective tissue of the management process.”

2. “Types of communications.”

3. “Encoding and channel selection.”

Information support for management. Formal and informal communications.

Section 7. Business communication.

Topic 7.1. Business conversation.

Business communication concept. Communication as an exchange of information.

Psychological patterns of business communication.

Ethics of business communication.

Business Etiquette.

Topic 7.2. Business communication tactics.

Business communication tactics.

Rules of negotiations.

Procedure for preparing a speech.

Telephone conversation technique.

Practical lesson.Techniques of business and management communication.

Topic 7.3. Conflict Management.

“Conflict”, classification of conflicts. Causes and consequences of conflicts. Conflict management methods.

Practical lesson.Permission conflict situations at the enterprise

Completing individual tasks.

Preparation of abstracts on the topic:

1. Formation of a team, its types and functions.

2. Stages of team development.

Topic 7.4. Stress management.

Concept of stress, minor and excessive. Organizational and personal stress factors.

Section 8. Management effectiveness.

Topic 8.1. Self-management

Planning and achieving personal goals, achieving and making decisions. Optimal use of working time. Health as a factor in the success of a manager’s professional activity.

Topic 8.2. Management efficiency.

The concept of management efficiency, its types and indicators. Factors of management efficiency.

Differentiated credit




3.1. Logistics support

To implement the academic discipline, there is a classroom “Management”.

Classroom equipment:

Seating according to the number of students;

Teacher's workplace;

A set of educational visual aids.

Technical training aids:

Interactive whiteboard with license software and a multimedia projector.

3.2. Information support for training

Main sources:

  1. Basovsky L.E. “Management”: Textbook.-M.: INFRA – M, 2010.-216 p.
  2. Vesnin V.R. “Fundamentals of Management”: Textbook: 2nd ed., additional. And corrected, -M: TD LLC, -2010.-560s.
  3. Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. “Management”: Textbook-3rd ed.-M.: Gardariki, 2011.-528 p.
  4. Gerchikova I.N. "Management": Textbook. – 3rd ed., revised. And additional - M.: Banks and exchanges, UNITY, 2011.-501 p.
  5. Glukhov V.V. “Fundamentals of Management” - St. Petersburg: special. literature, 2010.
  6. Dracheva E.L. “Management” M.: Publishing center “Academy”, 2004.-2011.-288 p.

7. Zaitseva O.A. and others. “Fundamentals of Management”: - M.: Center, 2012.-432 p.

8. Korolev Yu.B. and others “Management in the agro-industrial complex” M.: Kolos, 2010.-304p.

9. Meskon M. Albert M. “Fundamentals of Management” (translated from English / Academy National economy under the Government of the Russian Federation., M.: Delo, 2012. -704 s.

10.Management. (Modern Russian management): Textbook. (Edited by F.M. Rusinov. – M.: FBK – PRESS. 2012.-504 p.

11. “Fundamentals of Management” Textbook for Universities / ed. A.A. Radugina. M.: Center. 2012.-432 p.

12. Smolkin A.M. “Management: basics of organization: Textbook for universities. – M.: INFRA – M, 2011. – 248 p.

13. Utkin E.A. “History of Management” - M.: EKMOS Publishing House, 2010.-224 p.

14. Fatkhutdinov R.A. " Production management": Textbook for Universities M.: Exchanges and banks, UNITY, 2010. - 235 p.

Additional sources:

  1. Vasiliev Yu.P. "Management of production development." US experience. – M.: Economics, 2012. – 310 p.
  2. “Is it possible to manage an enterprise together? Ed. Faminsky G.P. and Naumova A.I. – M.: Vneshtorgizdat. 2010. – 198 p.
  3. Hoyer Wolfgang. “How to do business in Europe” - M.: Progress, 2010. – 205 p.
  4. Ansoff I. " Strategic management» / Per. from English – M.: Economics, 2012. – 212 p.
  5. Vodachek L., Vodachkova O. “Strategies for managing innovation in an enterprise”/Trans. from Slovak. – M.: Economics, 2011. – 235 p.
  6. Internet resource. Tsarenko Yu. Power and labor discipline. Concept and understanding of the essence.
  7. Indentation form:



Control and evaluationthe results of mastering the discipline are carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting practical classes, testing, as well as students completing individual assignments and research.

Learning outcomes

(mastered skills, acquired knowledge)

Forms and methods of monitoring and assessing learning outcomes


Plan and organize the work of the department;

Form organizational management structures;

Develop the organization's motivational policy;

Apply business and managerial communication techniques in professional activities;

Make effective decisions using a system of management methods;

Take into account the features of management (by industry).


The essence and characteristic features of modern management, the history of its development;

Features of management in the field of professional activity (by industry);

External and internal environment organizations;

Management cycle;

The process of making and implementing management decisions;

Management functions in market economy: organization, planning, motivation and control of the activities of an economic entity;

System of management methods;

Decision-making methodology;

Management styles, communications, business communication.

current control:

assessment of group task performance;

assessment of the implementation of a practical task;

assessment of the performance of a group practical task.

assessment of testing performance;

assessment of didactic dictation performance;

assessment of the performance of an oral frontal survey;

assessment of individual task performance;

assessment of testing performance;

assessment of group written work;

assessment of the performance of an oral frontal survey;

assessment of individual task performance.

The Management program is suitable for those who want to build a career in various departments of Russian and international companies. At GSOM SPbU you can choose an individual set of courses for yourself, choosing academic disciplines with an emphasis on different functional areas of management: marketing, financial management, information management, logistics or management by human resourses.

Lectures, seminars and master classes will be conducted not only by teachers - experts in their field, but also by practitioners - top managers of leading companies and startup owners. Through a combination of lectures and practical classes, you will develop the necessary knowledge base and develop analytical and communication skills. In addition, studying in the Management program at GSOM SPbU will allow you to become a member of a friendly community of successful students, alumni, partners and friends of the School.

Individual course sets

First you will learn the general management disciplines, and in the third year, delve deeper into one of the functional areas of management. Depending on your preferences, you can select courses in the area of ​​management that interests you most.

Basic items

Financial management


Human Resource Management

Information management


Block of courses “Financial Management”

If you're interested in how companies make financing decisions, choose projects to invest in, and interact with shareholders, then financial management is for you. You will study risk management in financing, methods for evaluating companies and their activities in international financial markets.

You will learn:

  • Corporate finance
  • Banking management
  • Econometrics
  • Financial modeling
  • Corporate governance
  • Management Accounting
  • Risk management
  • Valuation of companies
  • Insurance
  • Taxes and taxation
  • International financial management
  • Audit and Internal Control - in English

Block of courses "Marketing"

How are the most famous brands? Why do some consumers choose Apple and others choose Android? How to determine the price of a product or service? These and many other questions will be discussed in your marketing classes. At the end of the courses you will learn how to create marketing campaigns, study consumer behavior, develop pricing strategies and manage sales.

You will learn:

  • Marketing Research - in English
  • Pricing Strategies
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Marketing Communication - in English
  • Sales management
  • Quantitative methods in marketing
  • Industrial Marketing
  • Marketing Management
  • Brand management
  • SMM (Social Media Marketing) - in English

Block of courses “Human Resource Management”

Human resource management in a company is the selection of people for the team, training and motivation of personnel, development corporate culture. In the courses in this block, you will understand what needs to be done to ensure that people work as efficiently as possible, how to motivate employees, determine the level of salaries and bonuses, and why HR specialists should be good psychologists. Negotiation and conflict management skills will help you build relationships between members of any team.

You will learn:

  • Technologies for personnel assessment and recruitment
  • Economics of labor and personnel
  • Motivation and remuneration of personnel
  • Personnel training and development
  • Leadership
  • Economic psychology
  • Coaching as a management style
  • Information technologies in human resource management
  • Research in Human Resource Management - in English
  • Theory and practice of negotiations
  • HR audit and consulting
  • Organizational psychology
  • Conflict Management

Block of courses “Information management”

The ability to analyze data sets and use the information obtained to develop the business is the main thing competitive advantage companies in the future. In courses on information management you will learn to manage information flows in the company and lead digital transformation processes.

You will learn:

  • Business Process Modeling
  • Data Governance - in English
  • Digital Commerce - in English
  • Artificial Intelligence - in English
  • Corporate information systems
  • Business Intelligence - in English
  • Information technology project management
  • Technology Innovation Management - in English
  • Knowledge Management - in English
  • Digital Marketing - in English
  • Information Security
  • Enterprise Architecture - in English
  • Information systems development technology

Block of courses “Logistics”

If you like to optimize everything around you, you will love logistics. This is the science of how to properly distribute flows. For example, warehouse logistics studies how to most efficiently use space to store goods and manage inventory. Transport logistics deals with issues of transportation of goods - what is the best way to transport goods from point A to point B, so that it reaches the buyer quickly and economically. In these classes, students use augmented reality glasses to immerse themselves in production processes at leading factories in Russia and Europe.

You will learn:

Program structure

Why is it cool to study with us?

Exchange semester

You will be able to spend one semester in the 3rd or 4th year. Studying at GSOM SPbU partner universities is free, you will only need to pay personal expenses (transport, accommodation, visa). There are 78 business schools to choose from in 36 countries, from Australia to Japan.

Preparing for a successful career

Without internships - nowhere. After the 2nd and 3rd courses, you will go on a summer internship at one of our partner companies. You will have a chance to work at Sberbank PJSC, MegaFon, L’Oreal,, P&G or a startup of one of our graduates.

Second foreign language

English is a necessity for an effective manager, and a second language is an undeniable competitive advantage. Therefore, both English and a second language are part of the GSOM SPbU program. You can study German, Spanish or French. For students of the program “ international Management” Chinese, Korean or Japanese are also available.

Lots of practice in class

Management is, first of all, a practice. Therefore most of your coursework will be dedicated to business projects. For example, in your first year you will do your first SWOT analysis of a real company and defend it in front of a committee of top managers. And in your second year, write a full-fledged business plan.

Where do our graduates work?

  • In large Russian and international companies

According to a survey of bachelor's degree graduates, six months after graduation, about 30% of graduates work in large companies, such as Procter&Gamble, Gazprom Neft PJSC, Bayer AG, Sberbank PJSC, Google and others. About 80% of them remain in Russia, the rest go abroad. Very often, graduates’ careers begin with leadership programs, where the trainee tries himself in all areas of the company’s activities and grows to become a manager in a few years. Here is the story of graduate Alesya Trepasheva, who became an Unilever ambassador in her third year of undergraduate studies.

  • In startups and own business

Often graduates of GSOM SPbU decide towards startups or own business projects. Here are the stories of our graduates about how to attract $250 thousand investments into your business a year and a half after university, how to open your own restaurant or create a business that sells itself.

  • In non-profit, creative and other projects

A competent manager is a person with developed soft skills, that is, someone who knows how to be flexible, learn, communicate and think critically. Such a person is in demand in many professions, so no matter how the world around changes, the skills acquired help graduates to be successful in almost any activity. Here are stories about how our graduates create time travel with Konstantin Khabensky, launch their own clothing line, open a museum and produce documentaries in the USA.