Is it possible to do business at 16 years old? Current trends in business ideas for teenagers. Private kindergarten

For kids, starting their own business is about more than just making money. This is an interesting job, perhaps a hobby, and earning money is a pleasant additional bonus here.

From a pedagogical point of view, encouraging a child’s entrepreneurial spirit is useful, since he develops vital skills such as the ability to communicate with people, negotiate, independence, the ability to organize himself, and so on.

The task of parents, at the initial stage, is to help their children with advice, money and moral support. They should also be helped to formulate a simple business plan and algorithm of actions.

They should include the following items:

  1. The initial minimum of finance that needs to be invested in the business.
  2. How many goods can be made and sold (or services provided) with initial funds?
  3. How can you sell goods?
  4. Possible income and profit taking into account costs.
  5. How much money should be invested in the business from income?

So how can teenagers earn money?

1. Homemade meals and baked goods.

If a child is good at cooking, then he can bake buns, cookies, cakes for sale, prepare sandwiches, hamburgers, salads and pack it all in transparent plastic containers and sell it to retail grocery stores. However, prepared food products must comply with sanitary standards, and parents should take care of this.

2. Souvenirs.

The child can also make souvenirs - candles, jewelry, soft toys, photo frames, postcards. It is worth noting that handmade souvenirs are very much appreciated by buyers.

3. Services for animals.

During the holidays, children can walk dogs and look after pets for a fee.

4. Computer and printing services.

Most children know how to use a computer much better than adults. They can write essays and reports, print texts, create simple flyers and brochures, some can even program, create websites and earn good money from it.

5. Seamstress services.

If a child is interested in fashion, design, construction and tailoring, then he can safely make money from it. You can also offer clothing repair services.

6. Sale of knitted products

Beautiful knitted products are always in trend and by creating fashionable clothes with knitting and crochet, a talented teenager can dress not only himself, but also his customers for a fee.

7. Home greenhouse.

If a child loves to care for plants and knows how to grow them, then this activity can also earn money. Houseplants are needed in every home, as they are useful and beautiful, so people will be happy to buy them.

8. Nanny services.

Older teenagers can also work as a nanny, they can accompany small children to school and meet them, sit with kids while their parents are not at home, and walk with them on the street.

9. Purchasing services.

It costs nothing for a teenager to run to the store and buy food or medicine. However, there are busy people who don’t have time to do this and will gladly entrust someone to buy the products for a fee.

10. Posting advertisements, distributing flyers.

Teenagers are often hired for this job and paid by the hour, which is very convenient for schoolchildren. This is a great opportunity to make money.

In general, there are many more opportunities for a child to earn money than it seems at first glance. The main thing is that parents help at first.

Schoolchildren at the age of 16 are already sufficiently developed physically and intellectually to be trusted to do this or that work. They are ready and eager to earn money, and there is no need to limit these impulses. Teenagers and their parents first need to study the legislative framework, assess their capabilities and desires, and draw up an optimal work schedule that does not interfere with their studies. Today's millionaires, for the most part, are people who started their careers and businesses in their teenage years, who have studied all the possibilities and limitations from the inside and thoroughly. And, with youthful maximalism, they believed in the impossible and achieved their goal.

Here are some examples of such success:

  1. F. Doherty, who at the age of 14 began producing jam according to his grandmother’s recipe and selling it to neighbors and acquaintances. Already at 16, he registered the SuperJam brand, under which he not only produced a sweet product, but also published collections of recipes (the SuperJam cookbook, a popular publication of Internet auctions).
  2. K. Johnson. It all started with the design of an invitation card that the parents asked the boy to make. The design impressed the guests and their acquaintances so much that within a few years the child was able to open his own line of cards under the Cheers And Tears brand, and even before graduating from high school, generate a capital of $1 million.
  3. David And Catherine Cook, the brother and sister who created the popular online school planner at

What does it take to replicate and exceed their experience? Work hard, have an interesting idea and come up with ways to implement it. And – help and support from loved ones. For example, David and Catherine Cook were able to accelerate their success because their older brother Jason believed in them and their idea, and loaned $250,000 to start the business.

It is important to know! Not everyone in the family has the opportunity to help financially, but every parent can provide moral support and deal with the legal aspects of earnings for sixteen-year-old schoolchildren.

What does the Labor Code of the Russian Federation say about the employment of 16-year-olds?

The law does not prohibit working and doing business at this age. There are some restrictions that you should know and follow.

Schoolchildren 16 years oldDuring the academic yearDuring school holidays
Allowed to work a dayno more than 4 hoursno more than 7 hours
Allowed to work a weekno more than 17.5 hoursno more than 35 hours
Working with harmful and dangerous substancesforbiddenforbidden
Work involving significant physical and psychological stressforbiddenforbidden
Work related to making responsible decisionsforbiddenforbidden

A sixteen-year-old schoolboy from the UK said he will not rest until he earns £100 million. His first million Christian Own ( Christian Owen) has already earned money by launching two Internet projects: the Mac Box Bundle website in 2008 and the Branchr advertising service a year later.

The first project, which he created with pocket money at the age of 14, brought Christian £700,000. in two years. The young Internet entrepreneur spent all his free time on it, since he really liked the job. Christian Own became interested in computers at the age of seven; at ten he had already studied web design, and in the same year he was given a Mac computer. The student was inspired to create his own business by the success of Apple owner Steve Jobs ( Steve Jobs). He set himself the ambitious goal of also becoming a significant figure in the Internet world.

“I wanted to create something truly revolutionary and at the same time simple, something that would change the way advertising works,” says Christian Own. And he came up with Branchr, a platform for selling and buying advertising for website owners and business owners. Branchr uses behavioral, contextual, international targeting. It sells advertising not only for web platforms, but also for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, WAP, etc.

Just a year after its launch, Branchr brought in £500,000 for the enterprising schoolboy. and a famous client - bookmaker William Hill.

Now the advertising service, which was created by a 16-year-old British schoolboy, sells more than 250 million advertisements to 11,000 sites per month. The young entrepreneur has 8 adult employees who provide technical support and sales. And the business owner himself is thinking about the third Atomplan project, which will become a platform for selling software to companies. He plans to open two offices next year.

Sixteen-year-old Christian Own approaches business very wisely; he invests most of his income in his projects. But at the same time, the young businessman assures that business does not interfere with his personal life at all - Christian still finds time for his hobbies of photography and playing the guitar. Business does not interfere with his communication with peers; the millions that a student earns are not an obstacle to friendly communication.

In general, the young entrepreneur is not yet making long-term plans, he does not know what he will do in 10 years, but he knows one thing for sure: until he earns 100 million, he will not give up his business. According to the young businessman, the formula for success in any business is the same and simple - hard work, desire for greatness and determination.

29.09.2010 10:33:55

If you are the owner of a coffee shop or takeaway coffee, but your Instagram page is boring, mediocre and does not attract customers, then get acquainted with the most interesting accounts about coffee on the Internet.

Do you know what would happen if you injected a few... hmm... rather specific organic drops of creativity into a business producing goods or providing services? Now you'll find out...

The era of cleaning: how to become part of one of the most popular types of business

Cleaning is a business with huge prospects and low competition. To enter it as quickly as possible and start earning money right away, it is best to take advantage of the experience of large companies.

Starting a small business is a huge undertaking that requires courage, determination, ingenuity and motivation. Many teenagers have great ideas and are highly motivated, but just don't know where to start when it comes to starting their own business. With a little time, research and help from others, any teenager can turn their great ideas into a successful business.


Part 1

Business ideas

    Turn housework into paid services. One of the easiest ways for teens to start a business is to turn housework into services that can be offered to others. Chances are, if your parents appreciate your efforts for doing a certain job, then others will appreciate it too.

    • Offer a pet walking service. There are many people who do not have the opportunity to walk their pets during the day. If you offer a dog (or other pet) walking service for a small fee, you'll not only be providing a valuable service, but you'll also be getting exercise while doing it.
    • Start cleaning houses. You're probably already a pro at keeping your room tidy, so why not help others get their home in order. Start small by offering to clean one room before moving on to the entire house.
    • Take on some yard work. Every season provides an opportunity to work outside. Whether it's planting flowers in the spring, clearing snow in the winter or clearing leaves in the fall, there is no shortage of work of this kind, so you can always make some extra money.
  1. Do some manual work. Turn your artistic talent or sewing skill into a venture that can interest people on a larger scale. With sites like Etsy, starting an online business is easy for anyone with a computer and internet access.

  2. Name your business. Keep in mind that your business name will serve as the first impression to your customers. The name should reflect the practical benefits of your products or services, convey your difference from your competitors, and embody your business philosophy.

    Part 2

    1. Study the market. Find out who your competitors are and what the need is for your chosen product/service. Be specific in your research. Even if your product or service fills a unique niche in the market, there are always other companies offering something similar, or there are other ways to satisfy a customer's need for that service. Think about your competitiveness: why your product/service should be preferred.

      • Search the Internet for background information about your competitors' market, as well as study the market as a whole. For example, do a quick Google search for “dog walking” (without the quotes) and see what the search engine brings up. Thanks to the search results, you will get a good idea of ​​how popular this idea is.
      • Once you've identified your competitors, don't hesitate to reach out to them as they can be a valuable resource for better understanding what to expect and what the real demand is in the market.
    2. Determine your target audience. Finding out who can benefit the most from your product or service is important to the success of your business. The better you understand your customer, the faster your business will grow. When defining your target audience, you need to consider demographics such as age, gender, race, and so on.

      • Create an initial list of potential clients, including as many details as possible. For example, your clients will be local two-income families who own a dog and have a full-time job. There is no such thing as too much detail, especially when it comes to defining your audience!
      • Research your target audience to understand whether your product or service will be in demand. Be sure to ask a lot of questions to determine the usefulness of your product with your target audience.
    3. Consider financing. If you don't have enough money saved up to start your business, you need to find someone who can help you with financing. Before you ask your parents, guardians, or other adults for help, be sure to include a brief description of how much money you need, how it will be spent, and how you plan to repay the debts. In other words, make a business plan.

      • Create a simple but detailed budget for your business.
      • Estimate how much money you have available and what additional funds you will need based on your budget.
      • Describe in detail how you plan to make a profit and reimburse investors.
      • Present your business plan and budget to potential investors.

    Part 3

    Implementation of the plan
    1. Purchase the necessary tools. This could be anything from basic equipment to personnel that may need to be hired. For starters, less is more, especially if you're on a budget, but make sure you have the essentials.

      • Feel free to purchase used equipment if it is in good condition and use existing equipment whenever possible.
      • Reach out to friends and family for help as a temporary staffing solution. This may not be a long-term option, especially if your business is successful, but volunteering initially can be a great way to afford to profitably grow your business.
    2. Launch your product or service. If you have successfully launched a new business, then after many hours of planning and hard work, you deserve a celebration. If you're introducing a new product in a physical location, throw a small party. Additionally, you can introduce special offers or promotions around new business openings that offer lower rates for any services you provide.

      • Contact your neighbors. One of the easiest ways to start a new business is to reach out to the people in your neighborhood (literally). Provide your neighbors with a list of your services, a flyer or business card and ask them to spread the word.
      • Relax and have fun! You have successfully started a business despite being a teenager. You deserve to enjoy the moment and be proud of what you have created.

    Part 4

    Business development
    1. Develop a business plan. If you plan to take your business to the next level, you'll need a plan. Using what you learned during the research phase, create a business plan, which is a written description of the future of your business, a document that outlines your next steps. Having a business plan will not only help you stay focused on the task at hand, but it will also serve as a valuable tool for growing your business.

      • Gather all your materials from the research stage, including information about your target audience and market.
      • Numerous online resources can help you learn how to write a plan and what to include.
    • You can use your website as a source of income by running banner ads for larger companies. This is a great way to raise additional capital.
    • Don't be afraid to tell people about your business. This will help when you are trying to gain recognition from your peers as an independent business owner.
    • Make your business as professional and formal as possible (try using a design documentation package, which will make your clients and competitors take you more seriously).
    • Always strive to make a profit, but friendly service and quality products should be your top priorities.
    • Make sure you don't spend more than you earn.
    • Make sure your business has something that sets it apart from other similar businesses.
    • Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you start your own business, and don’t shy away from it when your business takes off.
    • Create a separate bank account for your business. It doesn't have to be a business account—a simple savings account will do just fine to separate your business income from your personal funds.


    • Consider competing businesses in your area and, based on this information, change your business model slightly, add elements, change items, sell at better prices, or make a better product to make your business stand out from others.
    • There's always a risk that you could lose every penny, so be sure to start small and don't borrow more than you can pay back.

VKontakte and Instagram are at the peak of popularity now. It is necessary to create and promote a community, gain at least 5-10 thousand subscribers and earn money by placing advertising posts. By filling the group with interesting content and publishing viral materials, you will be able to attract thousands of readers. To speed up this process, you should first order advertising in another community. After spending about $30-40 on promotion, you can receive from $15 monthly on advertising.

Large publics with a hundred thousand subscribers or more have from 180-300 $ per month.

2. Copywriting and rewriting

By writing texts you can earn from $1.5 per article. But to turn copywriting into a profitable business, large orders are needed. Having recruited a team of 3-4 copywriters, you can offer your services on content exchanges and directly to companies that have a website on the Internet (commercial advertising texts). Many customers find it convenient to receive a large volume of materials from one contractor. As a manager, you seek orders and delegate tasks to others, receiving a percentage of the cost of completed work. Monthly income – from $40.

3. Reselling things on Avito

You should start by selling your own unnecessary things. This way you will learn to formulate adequate prices, write a sales ad, and negotiate a sale. And then you will look for not very successful advertisements or products with a reduced price (for example, the owner wants to sell something urgently). You buy something and sell it for more. The markup can reach 50-200%! Popular products: furniture, appliances, clothing.

By the way, you can also look for things to sell offline. For example, clothing store chains regularly hold sales with price reductions of 50-70%. When you buy a product at a huge discount, you sell it at the regular price. For example, at the end of the summer season, it is realistic to buy shoes on sale for 3-4 dollars, and sell them for 15 $. The same goes for other shoes, handbags, accessories, hats, etc.

4. Business on YouTube

On your hobby. A YouTube channel with interesting videos can generate income from 7-8 dollars a month to several thousand. Earning options:

  • Make your own videos on any topic;
  • Conduct a video blog;
  • . Make interesting selections and reviews, re-voices, etc. to avoid a ban.

The resource receives profit from video views, advertising placement, and transitions to the advertiser’s website from your channel. The most common option for monetizing a channel is concluding a partnership agreement with Youtube (embedded Google AdSense advertising) or other partner media networks (Air, YUDK, Vsp Group, Xmedia digital). A thousand views brings the channel owner approximately $3-3.5.

Direct advertising of a company or product in a video is best suited for video bloggers. The blogger dresses in clothes from the company, uses its products or directly talks about the brand, leaves links to the advertiser in the video or in its description.

Less common is C.P.A. marketing. In this case, you get paid for certain consumer actions as a result of watching a video and going to the advertiser’s website. For example, for registering on a website, in an advertised game, etc.

5. Custom photo and video processing

The best ideas come from your skills. The simplest photomontage and retouching, video splicing can bring even a child $70-80 per month.

Look for the first orders on freelance exchanges (for example, or services like

Create a thematic community on social media. networks, place your portfolio there and add potential customers. The low price for decent quality will attract many customers.

6. Sale of vegetables, fruits, berries from your own plot

Seasonal work that does not require investment or special skills. Collect what grows on your, grandmother's, and neighbors' property and sell it. Most fruit trees do not require care, and without much effort you can harvest a decent harvest of cherries, sweet cherries, grapes, nuts, etc. It is profitable to offer products on the market, near supermarkets in your area, even on the Internet (on a pickup basis). Set the price 20-30% below the market price, and in a day or two the harvest will be taken by the bucketful.

This is a way for children to earn money from 60-100 $ per month. By collecting fruits from other areas, the profit margin can realistically increase to $200-250.

7. Selling pets

Breeding small domestic animals. Hamsters, rats, and guinea pigs do not require much care and reproduce quickly. By purchasing two hamsters (the most popular are Djungarian) for 2-3 $ and a cage for them (used - for 4 $), in a month you will receive your first offspring. From the sale of 5-6 hamsters, the proceeds will be $20-22. They reproduce every month. Guinea pigs are more expensive. For example, one Abyssinian guinea pig costs about $13-15. The American Teddy breed is also common.

8. Handmade products

This method is suitable for a girl doing needlework. You can make bracelets and baubles (from threads and beads), homemade earrings and pendants (chokers around the neck are very popular now), knit gloves and scarves, paint pictures, etc. The cost of purchasing consumables is minimal: to get started, $6-10 is enough. .

It’s worth offering your crafts in busy places, the type of city parks where vacationers are most likely to buy trinkets.

With a more serious approach, you should create a selling group on VKontakte, register on Etsy and sell products through an online store. You can realistically earn between $20-40 a month.

9. Posting advertisements and distributing leaflets

This part-time job is suitable for both boys and girls. But to turn your side hustle into a business, you will need regular customers and your own team of promoter friends. Look for vacancies on the Internet, visit local stores (construction stores, companies that sell windows and doors, clothing stores, etc.) and offer your services for distributing flyers and advertisements. Your task is to ensure high-quality and prompt execution of the assignment, distribute tasks among promoters, and check the results. This is a real mini-BTL agency.

10. Doing homework to order

If you do well in certain school subjects, do so for a reward. Essays, abstracts, laboratory work, problem solving in mathematics, chemistry, physics, and drawings are in demand.

For example, an essay on literature is estimated at 2-3 $, an abstract - about 3-5 $, a laboratory paper in chemistry or physics - around 4 $.

It is possible to complete several dozen homework assignments per month for classmates and younger children.

Open your own business without investment and get good money not only for pocket expenses, but also for larger acquisitions.