Everything will be fine for your loved one in prose. The main thing is to have a dream: a selection of quotes from the film Everything will be fine. You have many amazing options.

Everything will be fine, the main thing is to believe!

Stop wasting time worrying!

Smile! Everything will be alright, I've asked.

Everything will be fine, because it cannot be any other way!

Everything will be fine wherever you go!

Everything will be not just good, but much better! Necessarily! Don `t doubt!

Just as spring comes after winter, so joy will follow sadness. Everything will be fine!

A person is a product of his thoughts. For it becomes what he thinks about most of the time!

Everything will be fine! Believe in yourself and you will make it!

Wherever you are, tell yourself: Since I am here, everything will be fine!

Sometimes, in some strange way in life, everything works out on its own!

Everything will be fine: theoretically... logically... deductively... whatever!

It may be bad now, but then everything will be fine. You just need to survive, wait, and then everything will work out. Necessarily!

Everything will be fine! Live actively, think positively!

If you wake up thinking that something good will happen today, it will happen.

And you know, it will still be there. The south wind will still blow and conjure spring and turn over the memory.

Never regret anything - everything is for the better!

When it seems to a person that everything is going wrong, something wonderful tries to enter his life.

Believe, everything will come true! Everything will be awesome!

There is always the sun behind the clouds. Yes! Everything will be fine!!! Despite everything...

To see a rainbow you have to survive the rain! Everything will be fine!

If you feel really bad, find someone who is worse off and help him. You will feel much better!

If you have been offended, use the magic rule of the three Ps: understand, forgive, bury.

Never take revenge on anyone. All will be! It’s good for us, but for them it’s just as they deserve!

Believe me, all troubles will go away... Misfortunes also get tired, and tomorrow will be a happy day!

The train goes to the final station “Success” with all stops: Failure, Apathy, Betrayal, Mistakes, Actions... Success.

Everything will be as it should! Everything passes... this too will pass... everything will be fine!

Happiness is when you don’t have to lie that you feel good.

A strong person is not one who is doing well. This is the one who is doing well no matter what. You are stronger than you think!

Everything that happens happens on time. This is the best it could be!

The end of something bad is always the beginning of something good.

Don't be sad... everything will be fine, life is full of pleasant moments!

Don't worry and don't be sad! The best is yet to come!

Everything will be fine in the end. If it's still not good, it's not the end.

Everything will be as you dream, just wait. Remember, sugar is at the bottom.

No eclipse lasts forever. Don't lose heart, everything will be fine!

The sun in the sky is good, but the sun in the soul is more important. Take care of your sun!

Look at your problems from a different angle! Relax, everything will be fine!

Everything will be fine! And even yesterday’s mistakes will benefit you!

I found the mood to be lucky. Yesterday everything was fine, but today it’s better!

Things to do for today: stand in front of the mirror, straighten your shoulders, raise your head, smile and tell yourself: “Everything will be fine!”

Go to the “Settings” of your soul, open the “Status” folder, check the “Happy” box and forget the password!

Everything will be fine, because bad doesn’t suit me!

Everything will be fine, because I want it that way and that’s the way it should be!

It is important to have a person next to you who will hug you and say: everything will be fine. And it's you!

No one will feel good around you while you feel bad alone with yourself.

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We are all strong, but we are far from made of iron... It happens that we cannot cope even with small things and we fall into panic. Feeling alternately tired and powerless, it seems like you’ve been driven into a dead end and there’s no way out…. Everything is going wrong, everything is difficult, for someone, everything is bad, although if you ask, what exactly is bad now? They won’t give you a clear answer, they’ll come up with a global catastrophe in their head... Because it’s tired, loneliness is possible and you want attention, care and warmth, just to be reassured, like small child who is afraid of thunderstorms... No matter how bad we ourselves or our loved ones feel, we must remember that while you are alive there is a way out of everything, there is no way out of the grave. There is no need to think about the bad, you need to think more about the good and it will come if you are more or less healthy and your loved ones too, you have a roof over your head, there is some food and work in the refrigerator, and there is no war outside the windows, it’s autumn there, yellow leaves, rain... You see it, you feel it, you should already rejoice.... When you say everything is bad, you will make it look bad to yourself and those around you. The universe is responsive... If you feel bad now for no apparent reason, then compare what is really bad... And a complex of rake went over the head... Maybe it’s not necessary? Listen to the advice of your loved ones, family and friends... They wish you well, no need to argue with them. It will be easier this way, for everyone, and you won’t stumble upon a rake again. If any difficulties happen, they are temporary, any trouble is not a problem and it is not forever, if there is someone with whom you can wait and survive the storm…. When someone tells me, you know something like this, I don’t know where to call: “Either 02 so that they take me to the Police, or dial 03 so that they take me to a hospital or a mental hospital...” I usually I joke in response: “Why complicate everything so much...? You can call me or write and we will definitely come up with something, a plan to save you, each other, the whole world... Nothing is impossible.” While we are in a flock, we stick together like sparrows because this is the only way to come up with instructions for survival.. Everything will be fine, I’m not GOD, at times I’m really very sorry, and no damn, I a common person, at times, wildly unbearable…. But even in the sun there are spots. And I know one thing, that even if I don’t find a way out of some problem right away, I will find it later, I can and will cope. Because any darkness disappears with dawn, and I can still get out and drag someone out of this darkness. Because while I am breathing for me, perhaps everything is for me and for each individual person too. You don’t have to feel sorry for yourself, you just have to believe in yourself and everything will work out this way….

Everything will be fine
I learned.
Good luck to all prizes
After all, she was giving it away.

Is love still on the way?
A little bit of patience...
And if you fall in love, fly!
No regrets.

If your soul hurts
Forgive the insult.
Breathing painfully
You live for show.

Behind the bustle of all things
Do not get lost.
Life is a plus, not a gap.
Stay yourself.

When the essence is gone
Come up with a better idea.
And for a happy journey
You have some punch.

Everything will be fine
There is a place for faith.
There are enough gifts for everyone
In the Celestial Spheres

Everything will be fine,
Even if it rains,
Everything will be fine,
At least there are tears in my eyes!
Everything will be fine,
After all, happiness is not far away...
Everything will be fine,
Fate is in my and your hands...
Everything will be fine,
I won't freeze with the snow
Everything will be fine,
All the cold will pass!
Everything will be fine...
One hope for two
Separation is not forever
It won't be long to wait!
Everything will be fine,
The troubles will end!
Everything will be fine-
We will cope with the disaster!!
Everything will be fine-
I will wash away sorrows and separation for two...

There are no empty emotions
Are you enjoying yourself or are you screaming?
All our lives something stresses us out,
Whatever topic you take.

Some people beat a pear out of dope,
Others get involved in crime.
Who vents his soul in writing,
And someone simply cursed.

There is a balance for everything,
Every thought has a day and an hour.
But we are all against obscurantism,
Pulling the specks out of my eyes.

The wonderful portal is next to us,
Keeps a strong connection with the future.
Here every syllable flies like a projectile,
That rubbish and dirt fly away...

P.S. What I said, I’ll say again...

Everything will smoothly take its shape,
Fear has big eyes.
Politics will return to normal
The age of dashing ideas will end.

The ruble will return home,
And the dollar will have a place.
And Vasil and Vasya will live,
Create goodness together.

They will learn the morality of politicians,
Forgive all the bad accents.
The beginning was a simple conflict,
The king gains his percentage.

A set of rules of old stories,
Orders are coming down from the old world.
The treasury no longer feels pain,
The foundation is solid for many years.

And like in a mirror...

Autumn depression, winter depression,
Melancholy messiah, grayness beast.
Like a cloud of smoke above your head,
In a cloud of smoke I howl and howl.

The gloominess of the picture, the bitterness of the tears,
The disk of the shaky record is spinning.
Who will quickly rearrange it for us,
Who will leave warmth in our hearts?

Yes, there is nothing that makes you not want to live,
There was something there, but it was just spinning.
Winter's tale, dream with joy,
Just friends, don’t fall into a dark world.

There is no clear answer in the world,
What, if you believe it, does it mean hello?

No, it's not life that I'm crushed by
And fate has nothing to do with it.
I am placed with indifference,
Fight with a rag sword.
I was not set up by enemies
And chance is not to blame.
But it creaks under boots
Heartbreaking pain.
There will be a time I'm in the dawns
I will take ablutions.
Barefoot in the world,
I'll run and jump.
And there will be no more fights,
Wars and all sorts of nonsense.
And the children will not cry,
Gardens will bloom all around.
Be people you are involved
And a better day will come.
May God give you great happiness
And roads without losses.

I will say to the Light: - Good Morning!
I greet the early dawn.
With fresh breath, with a cheerful spirit,
I'm happy in the sunny land.

Live music at tide,
And the mood will sing along.
And the sun keeps rising higher,
I open my palms towards him.

And the joy of the chirping of eternal birds,
I hear the eternal voice of life.
I see my relatives nearby,
Their voice is kind, their voice is gentle.

I hug and love them,
I'll kiss you one by one.
Together we enter into a great life,
And everything is fine with me!

How good it is that there are more of those
That they sincerely believe in victory.
Great joy for everyone,
For the benefit of life throughout the world.

Who doesn't count his days,
What we lost in failure.
Don't bare your teeth at strangers,
That they don’t take change from purchases.

How good it is that there are more of those
Who accepts the hand of friendship.
Who understands ringing laughter,
Who believes in the meaning of the word "need".

Who walks side by side with the truth,
And they hear the requests of the poor.
Who doesn't sweep away from the apartment,
On the door of those living nearby.

Who said hello more than once,
And will be...

Everything will be fine - this is another good old movie from the past. The film directed by D. Astrakhan was shot in 1995. The film depicts the love affairs of the characters, their reflections on happiness, dreams and their future. In the presented selection of quotes you will find the most striking phrases and dialogues of the characters. Their main idea is that no matter what happens, everything will be fine!

One of the provincial hostels did not stand out in any way and lived an ordinary life. That was until the millionaire Smirnov came there. He came not alone, but with his son Petya, Nobel laureate. At that time, a wedding was planned in the hostel - Olya was waiting for her fiancé Nikolai from the army and they had grandiose plans for the future. Petya liked the provincial girl, it is worth noting, not without reciprocity. This is how a love triangle between Olya, Petya and Kolya arose in a provincial hostel.


Money does not bring happiness unless it is earned.

Moreover, other people's money brings nothing but trouble.

Come with me wherever you want!
- It’s too late for me, it’s all too late...
- Why is it late?
- Yes, and I didn’t deserve the Canary Islands, I didn’t deserve you!

Since they invite you, it means you deserve it)

Understand, Petya, the world consists of smart and stupid, strong and weak, those who can turn their fate around, and those who go with the flow. I could do it, you could do it, but this Kolya, he has no dreams! He didn’t earn this girl, he didn’t deserve it!
- Is it really possible to earn happiness?
- Yes you can! And it is necessary!

They earn not only money in this life, but also happiness and love.

Raise your hand like this high, high... Now lower it sharply down and say: “Well, to hell with it!”

Do you think this is a solution to the problem?))

“You probably shouldn’t hit your head, right?”
- Why?
- Well, because you are a scientist.

Head injuries can be dangerous for science...

- Comrade Commandant, this is the mafia, right?
- Yes, you eat, eat.

First the meal, then the details)

The guy has no dreams - you wouldn't wish that on your enemy.

Every person should have a dream.

“By the way, I’m getting married tomorrow.” Your daddy tried his best.
- Tomorrow. Aren't you going out today?
- I’m not going out today.
- Well then... take off your clothes!

Otherwise you will be busy tomorrow...)

- Who is this?
- This is a Nobel laureate.
- How old is he? Twenty?!
— His father is a millionaire, Konstantin Smirnov. I sent my son to America to study at Princeton. And the guy for two years is a genius.

Geniuses are born, not made at Princeton.

Dude, you found someone to marry! You need to look for a city one, with an apartment. What's wrong with her?

If I were a cudgel, I wouldn’t find anyone...)

— A prominent representative of Japanese business circles, billionaire Nakayama Ohira, has arrived in our country. At the meeting between Mr. Ohira and the President of Russia, prospects were discussed further development and strengthening economic ties between both countries. We will have it tomorrow.
- And why does he need this Disneyland?
- This is for acquaintance.
- I think he will ask for oil.
- But I won’t give it to him.
- Actually, he wanted tanks.
- Well, I have plenty of tanks, so please.

That's right, natural resources need to be protected!

- We will have children.
- No. Not yet.
- Don’t you want to?
- Well, just if we... In three days this is the same thing, well, you know? Then they will. But today they won't.

Children will be in 9 months)

You will rot in this damned dorm all your life. And do not argue.

The dorm is interesting while you're a student. The life of adults there resembles a nightmare.

- Where is Kolya?
- I'm a fool, 2 years is not...

Where else could he be after the army...)

Everything will be fine, you'll see! Everything will be fine.

And it can’t be any other way!

They probably gave you the Nobel Prize for arrogance?

And what do they give for this?))

Don't yell at the child, rather take him in your arms.

It's easier to yell.

Wait, guys. Stop. And a box of vodka...

He won't let you break up.

Well, let's go celebrate? Are we living a single life?

Just don't overdo it!

Why do you think she loves you? For beautiful eyes, or what? Not only that. And not for daddy's money. Otherwise I wouldn’t have left you in the morning. But because it’s more interesting with you.

They love those with whom they are interested...

The great composer Dmitry Shostakovich, hearing my playing, told me: “Semyon, we are two musicians - you and me.”

You have no use for modesty.

Let's go see how millionaires relax.

I haven't liked the circus since childhood...

It’s inconvenient, the person invited you, bought a dress, but you’re not going. Again they will pour it for free.

Is pouring water your main argument?)

Come to the party tomorrow at 20:00. There is plenty here, enough for everyone. Call your friends.

And coming so late is it so they can eat less?)

Don't worry about me. Everything will be fine. I'll go to the factory. In the morning to work, in the evening home. I'll marry someone. On weekends, go fishing or, perhaps, pick mushrooms.

In general, everything will be like everyone else...

The film not only shows life in a hostel, but also tells a love story. The main character is faced with a dilemma - to marry the guy she was expecting from the army, or to give preference to an interesting young man with money. Whatever choice the heroine makes, everything will be fine!

If you are sad and your mood is not improving, and your loved one simply comes up to you and hugs you with the words: “Everything will be fine, I’m with you” - this is true happiness. If his smile and warm words make you feel better, cherish this person.

Happiness will come... It will only timidly knock and quietly cross the threshold. And with his arrival everything will get better.

For some, happiness is when there is no time to take care of the farm in the VKontakte application, because you still need to have time to respond to numerous messages.

Happiness cannot come tomorrow; it does not know about yesterday. It does not look into the future and does not return to the past. It can only come now, only at this moment, so it is so important not to miss it.

Best status:
Your soul becomes lighter when you see someone’s smile, but you can’t describe the feeling when a smile is meant for you.

How good it is to wake up early in the morning out of habit, but a little later realize that you don’t need to get up early today, and, wrapped up warmly, continue to sleep. What happiness!

For happiness, one thing is enough, but something different every day.

There will be happiness, I believe... it will be... just a little more and everything will be fine...

Happiness is when you don’t have time to water the garden at the “Farm” because you are bombarded with messages =)

Happiness is when, if you are in a bad mood, he will come up, hug you and say: “Everything will be fine.” And then he smiles, and your soul becomes warmer.

Happiness has no tomorrow; he doesn’t even have yesterday; it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has a present...and that is not a day, but a moment.

What a joy it is to wake up and, without opening your eyes, understand that you don’t need to go anywhere, calmly roll over to the other side and fall asleep again.

Today I was brushing my teeth and touched a glass with toothbrushes and a razor, but I caught it all) isn’t this a little happiness..)

Just because you're different from others doesn't mean you're worse

Want to cry. Cry with happiness!

Happiness is waking up on Monday, grabbing the alarm clock and realizing that there are still two hours before getting up.

It's nice to see a person smile with happiness. It’s doubly nice when you are the reason for his smile.

Most happy man, this is the one who, having got into the past, would not change anything there.

You must be able to be happy every moment, and not wait for happiness to come someday later. What if today is actually the best thing that was, is and will be in your life...

Happy eyes give away...

Happy eyes give away...

To be happy you need only one thing, just something new every day.

He is happiness... that's all... I love him... even if not in catchphrases... I just love him... even if from a distance...

It's complicated in places, but it doesn't need anything else.

Happiness is when they say good things about you, and you are still alive.

And sometimes you really want to cuddle up to your loved one when it’s so bad, cuddle up just so she can say “Everything will be fine!” Let this phrase bring more tears, but then everything will definitely be fine, only because there is someone to cuddle with