Inappropriate bosses. An outburst of irritation is the cry of a small frightened child

» Bad Bosses 2

Dealing with a “difficult” manager
(Methods of confronting tyrant bosses)

Knowledge different types Difficult managers, learning to identify and deal with them can help you build healthier, more productive relationships with your supervisors. Below we describe the types of “difficult bosses”, as well as some recommendations for correctly building a behavior strategy for their subordinates.

First of all, difficult leaders share several common characteristics. Firstly: even if you personally do not have a good relationship with your boss, this does not mean that your boss is in the “difficult” category. Perhaps you just don't get along. Not only you, but also the majority of his subordinate employees should be firmly convinced that “the boss is an asshole.” Secondly: such bosses are very constant in their “difficult” behavior. They have a rigidly fixed style - this is their original "set of quirks", unique distinctive features that they use to control others. Such bosses are literally fixated on their style of behavior. Therefore, their subordinates know in advance what they are going to do - even before they do it. Thirdly: communication with such managers takes a lot of energy and nerves from their employees. Fourth: the energy expended by employees when contacting them is usually not commensurate with the importance of the problem being addressed. And finally, any of these bosses can be either male or female.

Types of “difficult” leaders .

1. "Mafia" ("bull")- a classic character in jokes and gangster television series. Looks like a boxer, wrestler or criminal. A shaved head or a short haircut, a “bull neck”, “a golden chain on that oak tree...” Not tortured by education - vocational school or technical school. Loves simple types businesses that do not require large quantity brain convolutions (market, gas station, car service, parking lot). Specific primitive speech with a large number of words that cannot be translated into foreign languages. He drinks a lot (expensive cognac, whiskey, vodka), smokes, and sometimes uses drugs. He drives a jeep, lives in a mansion or cottage, and loves gambling. Likes to “relax” on vacation abroad or “with the girls” in an expensive nightclub. He likes to talk loudly on his cell phone on the beach: “Well, I have everything covered there, I have three companies, I installed young guys with diplomas as directors, the tax office was bought...”. Usually not obligatory in negotiations and business contacts, he deceives when he is confident in the “roof”. There is complete chaos and low wages when working with personnel. Divides people into those who are stronger and weaker than him. He is afraid of the former and despises the latter. Disdain for everyone who is weaker than him, who agrees with him and is inferior to him is a characteristic feature of such a person. Often feels the desire to publicly humiliate and suppress his subordinates. Feels the greater anger and desire to humiliate, the more helpless and weak the victim looks.

2. "New Russian"- V last years he greatly displaced the previous type of bosses. Most often young, about 30 years old, educated, very rich. The origin of the fortune is not advertised, most often financial fraud with the bank or the use of budget funds. Higher education - economic, legal, sometimes technical. He does not suffer from deep mental anguish. No problems with public morals or corporate ethics. Ready to “walk over corpses” without hesitation. He deeply despises everyone who is below him on the social ladder, but outwardly observes the limits of decency. An introvert (closed personality), usually does not show emotions when communicating with subordinates. Looks to the side or through a person in a conversation. If the topic or the interlocutors are not interesting to him, then he is ready to end the conversation in 3-5 minutes (“hard style”). Always dressed well, maintains excellent physical shape, does not drink alcohol or in small quantities, interest in women (men) is moderate. Prefers to hire highly qualified personnel (lawyer, accountant, manager) for the organization. He pays very well for his work, but if there are any mistakes, he kicks you out without a second thought.

3. "Authority"- domineering, strong leader authoritarian style, does not tolerate objections. This is the image of the “red director,” a traditional Soviet leader: strict, respectable, experienced, responsible and knowledgeable of the “real economy of the country.” His development as a leader was associated with party and economic work. Therefore, I got used to honoring rank and hierarchy. Subordinates who do not want to look up to him cause an aggressive reaction because they break his ideas about what is proper. Lives by the proverb “the boss is always right.” He can quickly fire a disobedient person, even his closest assistant. In general, he is reluctant to let people who are not part of his inner circle get close to him.

Outwardly, he seems to be a simple-minded and even masculine person, not prone to reflection. But it is not always the case. He drinks a lot, enjoys good food and the company of women after work. He has an extraordinary will and powerful energy. The need for power and control over people is extremely developed. Addressing subordinates as “you” (an old habit of Soviet and party leaders) Expects from subordinates not so much approval and admiration for their person, but unquestioning execution of orders

In dealing with subordinates, he is cruel, but open and ready to listen to arguments expressed in the proper form. He quickly makes decisions, which are not always justified and fair, and “cuts from the shoulder.” IN modern business poorly mastered - this is a disappearing type of leader. Sooner or later it loses in competition to the “new Russians”. With his departure from the enterprise, an entire era ends, and it is always painful, but the team remembers him as a good “red director.”

4. "Napoleon"- usually (but not always) vertically challenged, nondescript appearance, a lot of complexes. The level of intelligence is most often average (“there are not enough stars in the sky”). Strive for power to heal your psychological traumas. Since childhood, I felt inferior: girls didn’t pay attention, guys beat me, adults humiliated me, I had to constantly catch up with the “lucky ones.” Over time, the desire to overcome his shortcomings acquired the character of overcompensation, encouraging him to develop and improve himself. He took it with diligence, diligence and hard work (“butt”). Very vain, he barely made it to the top. More than anything else, he is afraid of losing his position and status. Disciplined, smart, an organizer by nature, an introvert. Behavior in a team is “from rags to riches.” Loves himself and his achievements. He is vindictive until the end of his life, touchy, does not forgive jokes and criticism, prefers flattery, loves when his merits, office, works and achievements are praised.

5. « Important bird» or “cheek puffer” is a fairly common type of middle-level manager who has recently become a boss. Likes to pretend to be a “high-flying bird.” He puts on a mysterious air, making it clear to those around him and his subordinates that he knows and can do a lot, that he has “his hand everywhere” (the mayor, the governor, the president himself). In fact, this leader became a boss solely by chance. Mediocre abilities: intuitive personality type, low or average level of intelligence, poor memory and analytical skills, arrogant. Focused on personal and family needs, he never forgets himself, but he does not steal on a large scale, does not take large bribes - he is afraid of losing his position forever. In the work team, he prefers weak subordinates, conflicts, “slanders” and flattery. Such a hero was perfectly played by Igor Ilyinsky in the film “Volga-Volga”.

6. "Organizer" ("Enthusiast"). Constantly on the move, extremely sociable (choleric), prefers to decide quickly operational tasks to the detriment of strategic ones, he is distinguished by a high level of intelligence. More often he is chubby, bald, and overweight. The external image of a friendly, lively, enthusiastic interlocutor can quickly organize the implementation of any task and mobilize the work team to achieve the goal. However, he is capable of driving his subordinates to quiet madness with his idiotic undertakings and “valuable” initiatives. Therefore, the first managers rarely emerge from the “organizer” - most often he gets to the chief engineer, deputy for economics or personnel. The office and desk are always littered with papers, documents, newspapers, the secretary does not trust to sort them out, he navigates thanks to his excellent memory and “social acumen.”

7. "Cunning fox"- outwardly always smiling, pleasant person. Received a good education, a comprehensively developed personality, definitely has a hobby (drawing, writing poetry, numismatist, plays music), a creative type of personality, choleric or phlegmatic, focused on the surrounding reality, quickly reacts to changes in the environment, usually has no problems with morality, moves away from conflicts. Has solid authority important person from a senior leader, they come to him for advice. These managers make up the main specialists (chief accountant, chief legal adviser, chief technologist, HR assistant). IN operational work With him, it is important to document the progress of negotiations, endorse documents (he doesn’t like this), draw up minutes of meetings and reach agreement. Without this, he may refuse the agreement. In a team, he prefers silence and minor conflicts, does not like authoritarianism, but is forced to obey his superior.

8. "Eminence grise"- a very strong personality in a team, prefers to be “in the shadows” and in supporting roles with a young or old leader, usually aged 50 years or older, suffered a serious illness that is always in him. He has an excellent education, very high intelligence, excellent memory and vast production or personnel experience. Outwardly ascetic in appearance, thin, gloomy, introvert, nothing can be read from his face, widower or unhappy family life. He does not accept gifts or bribes, he does not make decisions himself, he likes to prepare decisions and implement them through top management (“Your idea”), he is a good diplomat, and he respects the interests of the enterprise or organization. Historical images: Cardinal Richelieu and member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee M. A. Suslov.

9. "Bully" loud, persistent, firm, menacing, aggressive, and it is said that he has influential friends in high places (often the “bully” does this himself). Bullies have a strong desire to control others; For them, life is an ongoing struggle for power.

Bullies are afraid of two things: their own imperfections and any form of intimacy. When dealing with this type of leader, stand up straight, look and speak openly, call him by name to get his attention without taking a fighting stance, and try to solve your problem with him. Try to control own fear, since fear only incites (“turns on”) a leader of this type. Don't show your anxiety and give the bully time to vent his anger.

When the bully's offensive impulse begins to wane, it's your turn to take the initiative. Avoid "any collision." Be friendly but firm. Smile if it seems appropriate, but don't be intimidated. Focus on the problem and your needs. If you show respect rather than fear, the bully will look for another “victim.”

10. "Bear" usually friendly, nice and well-wishing. However, such managers have two main drawbacks: they postpone decisions at all costs and make do with approvals. general, avoiding being specific. Slow managers are actually victims of demanding, meticulous parenting; They put off tasks to avoid trouble, beat around the bush, avoid being honest, and are afraid of hurting someone's feelings.

Slow managers are afraid of making a mistake that could expose their professional inadequacy and failures. If your manager is slow, try to detect this in a “hidden barrier” situation. Be confident and let him know that it's easy to make mistakes when you're learning something. Ask what he means when he uses vague or ambiguous words, and agree on a precise and realistic time frame for completing the work. Be flexible, but stick to the facts. Use positive techniques and avoid pressure: a slow leader is already insecure enough. Try to solve problems using alternatives arranged in a row. Provide support to the manager after he has made a decision. When he makes a decision, increase your vigilance; When accepting instructions and orders from him, do not rush things.

11. "Fighter"(for women “Amazon”). “Fighter” is a “walking bomb” with a ticking mechanism. His (or her) anger is not on the surface. The “fighter” explodes unexpectedly: he screams a lot, attacks and splashes out his sarcasm. He likes to “shoot” indiscriminately, quickly and often. When his outburst of irritation ends, he “crawls” back into his sullen silence. For the “fighter,” restoration of justice (real or imaginary) is the goal, revenge is the weapon.

The “fighter” is afraid of his own anger and the manifestation of his emotions, as well as insincerity in any form. When you approach this type of leader, try to confront him constructively. You can even tell him how difficult it is to deal with his full-on anger. Ask for a personal meeting with him; Do not allow deviations or failures. Then show your serious intent by focusing on the question; try to direct his energy towards solving the problem. Make it a challenge for him, because he likes challenges.

12. "Flatterer" constantly smiling, friendly, obsequious, with a sense of humor. “Flatterers” tell people what they want to hear; trying to “pin them to the wall” is as fruitless as trying to collect mercury with a fork. “Flatterers” believe more in form and influence than in substance and competence. The need for approval makes them specialists in subterfuge.

The “flatterer” is afraid of direct conversation and direct action, which sometimes leads to the spawning of enemies. He needs approval - so give it to him, laugh at his jokes and enjoy his stories. But don't let him make unrealistic commitments. Keep him accountable and demand facts: names, location, specific task and confirmation of truth. Let him know that honesty is the best policy.

13. "Know-It-All" knows a lot, but his problem is that he acts as if he knows everything. He (or she) is very impatient, which manifests itself in an inability to listen. If a “know-it-all” encounters negative phenomena, he criticizes what he himself does not know, blames others, since he himself needs little help and does not like to work in groups. The “know-it-all” thinks that his personal intelligence and knowledge is the only way to evaluate other people’s work performance.

The “know-it-all” is afraid of not pleasing others, afraid of a sharp drop in his own standards of excellence. Don't fight the know-it-all, don't blame him, and avoid confrontation with him; Don’t try to be a “counter-expert” (challenge him about something he considers himself an expert on). On the contrary, lead him to solving the problem. Ask the know-it-all, listen to him and express gratitude to him; then provide feedback and suggest alternatives.

14. "Lazy" (slob). The personal habits (inclinations) of a “lazy person” can be annoying and even disgusting; disorder and chaos manifests itself in both his (or her) work and personal life. “Lazy people” cannot navigate the order of things and prioritize tasks; their clothes are constantly wrinkled, stained or torn. They may eat too much, smoke, smell of alcohol, or leave half their lunch on their mustache.

The “lazy guy” does not want to admit that he must take responsibility for his actions, showing childishness and carelessness. If you work with a lazy person, support him when he accidentally acts neatly and help him achieve greater order in his personal and professional life. Point to by example that if you behave the same way as him, then the matter will stop. Try to instill a minimum knowledge of NOTES in the manager. “Lazy” needs a hardworking and clear secretary who can solve problems.

15. "Abnormal" ("Concerned"). Such a leader exhibits abnormal (deviating from the norm) behavior. Abnormality manifests itself either in sexual harassment, or in frequent absenteeism, or in constant lies. “Abnormal” managers try to escape responsibility and hope that people will “cover” for them. They are overly anxious, ineffective, and it is difficult to understand whether this excitement and restless whims are the cause or effect of their own problems. His behavior quickly manifests itself on business trips, because... He gets drunk more often, is rude, pesters women, and makes scandals.

An “abnormal” leader is afraid of responsibility and, perhaps, even when achieving success, behaves inappropriately. It is advisable to carefully document his anomalies in order to provide "credible evidence" to prevail in the event that he tries to lie to protect himself. Some employees should have their own records of abnormal behavior by a supervisor; such documents can provide convincing evidence of one's case in the event of a confrontation.

Technology for dealing with a “difficult” leader

When dealing with a difficult manager, you have several acceptable options. Most effective strategy determined by the type of difficult leader you have and your own specific personality and management skills. Below are the behavior options from which you can choose the best ones.

Don't do anything. Just keep doing what you've been doing all along. Of course, this has already led to the current situation and does not promise anything good. But if your fear of trying your luck is greater than your level of dissatisfaction, perhaps the best thing to do is to let things play out as they take their course, since any other course may simply add fuel to the fire.

Reevaluate your manager. Individual leaders are not really “difficult.” Some employees think they have "difficult" managers; in reality, they simply have different ideas about their roles, goals, or values. Or it may turn out that the matter is a contradiction (incompatibility) of individuals - such as, for example, an extrovert (a person interested only in external objects) and an introvert (a person focused on his experiences); or the problem is in conflicting perspectives - such as the detail-oriented and the opposite "big picture" perspective. The meaning of these differences depends on how you look at them and how you use them; a combination of people with a "big picture" perspective and a detailed perspective can make for an excellent team, but can also lead to confrontation. Reconsider and reevaluate your manager.

Improve your style. Sometimes the most best approach- forget about the desire to change the leader and improve your own behavior. Of course, you must have the desire to change, otherwise the attempt will fail. If you decide to change, try to make just one or two conscious and important changes in your approach to work. Change what is directly hindering the effectiveness of your relationship with your boss.

Talk to your supervisor. First, you need to evaluate whether your manager is a good candidate for a one-on-one conversation. Some managers simply don't practice this type of interpersonal communication, in which case you might want to give up the attempt. Is your manager able to take criticism? Is he (or she) a caring person? Can he (or she) listen? If your manager is a good candidate for dialogue, then ask him for a meeting, prepare carefully for it; ask meaningful questions and observe his reactions; At the same time, use feedback, expressing your approval in those cases where you consider it necessary. Remember that most leaders crave genuine caring feedback to ease the burden that their difficult behavior creates. If your difficult manager has a difficult manager, then your boss may need this support even more than you do. Give him a good example.

"Talk anonymously". If you're afraid to tell your boss what you think directly, you can try communicating your thoughts to him through a tactful, attentive, but still honest letter. Posting a "difficult manager of the month" award on a notice board may have some effect, but don't try this approach in a small firm! Sometimes an anonymous message is the only acceptable way to get attention. However, don't get caught red-handed.

Select transfer (by service). If you like your organization but don't like your manager, getting a transfer may be the best alternative for you. Find the type of manager you would like to have and decide what type of work you would like to do for him. Make a list of a few executives you would like to work with and, directly or indirectly, cast the bait. the best candidate. Your current manager should only know what you are doing if you are confident that you can successfully complete the transfer attempt.

Approach your superior. This strategy is risky, but it can be effective. Remember that there is a high probability that the "big boss" may side with your boss. As you know, a raven will not peck out a crow's eye. Try to determine how close they are, and beware if your leader belongs to his (or her) clan. If you do choose this approach, be sure to have a solid argument ready. Be objective and helpful, but don't "sell" your manager.

Be able to cope with a “difficult” leader. If none of the listed strategies appeals to you, there can only be one way out - you must be able to “tame” your manager! If you meet some of his or her needs, he or she will usually try not to lose you. But whatever you do, don't sacrifice your own values ​​- it's not worth losing your self-respect. Look at the people who get along with this manager and learn from how they do it. For example, they take on responsibilities that the manager does not like to deal with, or do not require his approval when it is not required, or remain silent when the manager is indignant.

Change organization. A change of environment can often work wonders. But there is no guarantee that a manager in another organization will be better than your current one. However, if you are associated with a bad manager in a small organization, it may be time to look around and think about changing jobs. Evaluate your chosen new organization and new leader very carefully before you leave your current job.

This section uses materials from the book by G.V. Shchekina “How to effectively manage people. Psychology HR management" - Kyiv: 1996. - P. 334-346.

This section uses materials from the book by A.P. Egorshina "Personnel Management". - Novgorod, 2001. - P. 400-410.

Continuing the topic:

Unfortunately, the boss does not come with instructions. But often it depends on him whether work will bring joy or turn into a constant nightmare. What to do if your boss is rude, rude, aggressive, or simply lazy and not professional enough?

Jill Walker, who worked as a headhunter for many years and has seen many managers, in her book “The Crazy Boss: A Technique for Taming,” suggests not to despair, but to develop and apply a strategy for dealing with such a boss, at least in order to leave when it is convenient for you .

What is your boss like?

“On certain personality characteristics, successful business managers are almost exactly the same as people who have been formally diagnosed with mental illness or mental illness,” Jill begins her book with an “optimistic” statement based on a small study by scientists at the University of Surrey. Walker.

Yes, many know how to hide their weaknesses and fears while making a career, but at some point they will definitely appear in all their glory in relationships with subordinates, the author believes. And based on his experience and the experience of his colleagues and acquaintances, he identifies 9 characteristic types of nightmare bosses, emphasizing that “few people correspond to “pure types”, the majority are “mixed types”.

Friend, enemy, and then friend again;
- Work longer;
- Lover of power;
- Weakling;
- I hired you, but now I hate you;
- Sales Manager;
- Merchant of Fear;
- Owner of a small business;
- Boss in love.

General rules

Regardless of the type of boss, there are three rules that you should try to follow.

The first thing Jill Walker strongly advises doing is to take a closer look at your future boss during the interview and don’t be shy (don’t be afraid) to ask questions. “Conduct your own interview with your future boss,” the author writes, “and when collecting information about the company, be sure to try to find out as much as possible about your future boss’s background.”

Another rule for interacting with any inadequate bosses: if you feel trapped, take a time out. For example, you can apply for sick leave. This will allow you to physically distance yourself from the current situation and understand how it can be turned in your favor.

And third, remain confident. “At the core of most strategies is your self-confidence, which is like a muscle: the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes,” the author says. - Therefore, be patient and treat yourself carefully. Most strategies start with small actions or adjustments that produce positive results and thus increase your confidence in your own abilities.”

Why is this necessary?

“Crazy bosses will always be a part of our lives, so we just need to learn to recognize them in time and deal with them accordingly. Because this is the only way to ensure that your work will give you as much pleasure as you want,” writes Jill Walker.

And we suggest you read about how to recognize and defeat a boss who is of the “Work longer!” type.

Alexander Savkin, director and co-founder of the Institute of Coaching in St. Petersburg

Material prepared by Antonina Asanova

Feeling of power, stress, freedom... Owners Russian companies often commit offensive behavior. And the subordinates in response are lost and suffer, being in a very dependent position. What to answer to an angry boss and how to maintain both your job and a healthy psyche, said Alexander Savkin, director and co-founder of the Institute of Coaching in St. Petersburg.

There is no remedy against scrap

How to behave with inadequate leaders? How to respond to your boss’s aggressive behavior and insults? For example, if a glass of juice is poured on your head...

- Go to the shower, wash your hair, fall to your knees, repent, kiss the boss’s feet and humbly continue to work. I'm being sarcastic.

No matter how bad it is, a person must value himself. 100 percent. People begin to respect us only when we respect ourselves. We are loved only when we love ourselves. We are valued when we value ourselves. If this is not the case, then no one will ever love, appreciate, or respect. Pretend, pretend, play - yes. But for real - no! Neither at work nor in the family!

I communicate a lot with people who are called oligarchs, billionaires, millionaires. I see how they treat their interlocutor. Many of them do not look at age, not at position and experience, not at money, diamonds and rings, but look: who you are, what you are made of. If you are a Human, if you have energy, if your eyes sparkle, then you belong.

And even if you are still very young, it’s not scary, everything is ahead of you, and you will have everything, you will achieve it, you will achieve it. And if you are old, but YOU ARE, they TALK to you, they listen to you, they take you into account. But if you yourself don’t know who you are, considering yourself to be nobody and nothing, then know your place.

A subordinate who was publicly insulted, had a glass of juice poured on his head, has a lot of options for behavior, a response, except patience. But how often do I hear: “Oh, to do the same thing is beneath my dignity!” What dignity are you talking about? You have just been shown its complete absence. It was trampled into the dirt, even if it existed. So what are you talking about?! About some fictitious dignity! Where is it alive, real? What would you do if you saw someone do the same to your child? ABOUT! In this case, the majority turn into tigresses. Stand up for the child - yes! For another loved one- almost always. For myself... No. Scary! "What's next? What will they think of me? And we begin to feed our “fear” so that it would not be so painful and offensive to live on, we begin to hide it behind the right words and clever explanations, telling each other over a “cup of tea” about how terrible the world, boss, husband, etc. Further.

Once upon a time large company I participated in the selection of candidates for very high positions. Huge budgets, multi-stage process, we were looking for “diamonds” on Russian market. A group of worthy managers was selected and began work. And so, about two weeks after the appointment, one of them, a 45-year-old man, runs down the corridor, red. To my question: “What happened?” - I heard the answer, spoken in a voice trembling with indignation: “I can no longer work in this company. My immediate boss swears at me in front of everyone, using “you”, it’s beneath my dignity!” This outraged me: “How long will you run from life? After all, you like the company and what you do here. You dreamed about this. And now you are betraying yourself, once again “bending under the changing world.” - "But what can I do?" - asked the man.

“You can go back,” I said, “go up to your boss and, looking him in the eyes, say: “Listen to me carefully: maybe some of your subordinates like it when you swear at them... But if you call me again use “you” or use obscenities, I’ll punch you in the face in front of everyone. You understood me?" “And it’s very important to speak up and be willing to do it.” He did just that. There was no more swearing in his presence at all. Not out of fear. Out of respect for this man.

That is, you are offering such a direct and tough rebuff. What if this is an assistant manager who every day faces not humiliation, but an outburst of negativity addressed to him?

— There are situations when a stream of insults pours out directly on a subordinate, and there are times when negativity is spewed out in the abstract, simply because the boss is irritated. In the latter case, you need to be understanding and be able to separate the wheat from the chaff. These are psychological things that need to be known and trained, and they are trained.

And if I understand that an outburst of irritation is a cry of loneliness, the cry of a small frightened child, then it’s easier for me not to take the negativity personally.

In such cases, you can always apologize for something somewhere, without even feeling guilty. Taking half a step back in order to then move forward and gently dot the i's is wisdom. If you are an assistant to a person who periodically lashes out at his subordinates, be wise, otherwise it won’t work.

The subordinate and immediate manager must have the same chemistry. If this is not the case, then such work for a subordinate resembles life next to a nuclear reactor. A month, two, six months, a year - you can endure it, but what will happen to the person afterwards? If a subordinate does not know how to react correctly to the outbursts of his boss’s emotions, irreversible processes begin: either physical illness, or mental disorders, a decrease in self-esteem. The subordinate is in the zone of “psychological radiation.” The boss must be selected on the principle of “friend or foe.”

Of course, anything can happen; sometimes a manager can lash out at his subordinates. But even if he starts shouting, there is no need to talk to him or sort things out at the same moment. It’s like in a family: you shouldn’t deal with a drunk husband; when he’s drunk, you have to wait until the morning, but when he sobers up, say: “Excuse me, do you remember what happened yesterday? No? So I’ll remind you.” And point by point: one... two... three... “Do you know what I felt? Let’s make sure you don’t be like that again in the future, otherwise... this and that will happen!” And usually people who have already left their discomfort zone realize that they were wrong.

Raskolnikov as an example

Does the assistant manager have the right to say this?

— Confusion often occurs: there is a person, and there is a position. Unfortunately, we often look at the position. But treating a person as an individual is, to put it mildly, more difficult. If the girl is a secretary, then who is she? I have met companies in which, when asked by senior management: “What is the attitude towards female employees in your company?” - I heard the answer: “Women should be used for their intended purpose.” So, dear girls, you have a choice. If you like this attitude, that you are being “used for its intended purpose,” there is no need to complain. Thank God, these are different times, there is somewhere to go, especially in big cities. And if I am a “trembling creature,” then you shouldn’t be surprised that they treat me like that.

Read the full text in the printed version of the Secretarial Affairs magazine

There are situations when a person sincerely loves his job, but is completely tired of the constant reproaches of his boss. And it’s difficult to get along with him, especially if the boss is a tyrant. If you constantly find fault with every little thing, sooner or later it will drive any person away, and then he will definitely not want to go to work in the morning. And in order to prevent another meeting with the offender, the only desire is not to leave the house, huddled in the far corner.

And there are only two ways. The simplest one is to change jobs, the more difficult one is to approach the issue wisely and try to improve relations with senior management.

general information

According to approximately half of the workers in our country, their bosses are tyrants. At least, this is what sociological surveys say. And the question of how to deal with such a situation, whether it is necessary to maintain subordination, worries many. After all, very often people like their job and salary, and sometimes there is simply no choice, because there are no other similar positions and conditions in the region. Removing a boss from a position is the dream of many, but unfortunately, it is almost impossible to realize it. In this regard, it is necessary to look for methods on how to get along with such bosses and learn to tolerate their character.


Many psychologists agree on one thing: there are several options for how to get along with such a person. The first is to develop patience. A person must humbly, without taking it to heart, listen to all the unfounded and often humiliating criticism in his direction. Despite the fact that this option seems very strange and can only be suitable for a very patient person, the majority of workers in our country behave this way. And maybe everything would be fine, because maintaining subordination is the right thing to do. But from a psychological point of view, such a development of events can significantly affect the employee’s health. Stress will accumulate, and psychological and physical health will decline.

In this regard, psychologists recommend not only to endure, but also to take care of your health. It is important to carry out psychological and emotional unloading. Don't relieve stress with alcohol. But if the employee does not have the strength to endure and obedience is clearly not his strong point, then it is better to find another way.

If the boss constantly yells, it means that he is not confident in himself and is afraid of appearing funny in the eyes of others. Therefore, it is worth considering that such people are very afraid of publicity of their incompetence. To understand and understand exactly what complexes and traumas provoke him to defend himself from the world means to find a weapon that will reliably work on this person. There is even a chance that he himself will resign from his position. But this method is very dangerous, because any mistake is slander, and it is punishable by law. But it’s best not to resort to drastic measures and decide how to communicate with your boss without offense or problems for both parties.

Selecting Actions

Naturally, if every second an employee is being nagged by his superiors about all sorts of little things, the easiest way is to start looking for a new place of employment. This method is ideal for people whose character does not tend to fight for their rights, and for those who are accustomed to looking for easy solutions to problems.

According to probability theory, the tyrant boss will remain a thing of the past, and the new management will be much more favorable. But if this is not the case, then it makes sense to build a competent strategy of action. The first thing you need to understand is for what reason he shouts most often, and also determine which of his quibbles are valid and which are not. When conducting an analysis, you should not look at the issue one-sidedly; there is a possibility that the manager is justifiably indignant about the employee’s poor performance of his direct obligations.

Hysterical boss

To establish relationships with management, you first need to understand what type of personality his character belongs to. According to statistics, hysterics occur in 99% of situations in women. If they are in a state of constant tension, it is very likely that they will take their anger out on their subordinates, while maintaining friendliness with their superiors and strangers. If this is hysteria, then you should act like an armored train. Do not react. All responses must be controlled, without raising your voice or showing mutual emotions. If the nitpicking is ridiculous, you should argue your opinion.

And in a situation where management tries to accuse subordinates of own mistakes, it is best to clearly show him who is really guilty. You can also enlist the support of colleagues or management from above. In this situation, this should not be perceived as betrayal or sneaking, because actions on the part of a constantly humiliated employee will be completely justified.

How to find a common language

Unlike hysterics, a tyrant boss is aggressive towards everyone indiscriminately. Such people are undeniably confident in their own superiority over everyone else. These are mostly men who have moved up the career ladder quite quickly. Their main belief is that there are only idiots around, and communicating with them is worse than torture.

If a person has to communicate with a tyrant, then initially it is necessary to behave correctly. It is necessary to show that the subordinate has enough pride, and the option that he will become completely absent. Of course, the task seems difficult, but if you complete it, then there is a high probability that you will no longer have to deal with nagging in the future. In addition, a person must instill in himself the idea that he is no worse than his tyrant boss. Psychologists also recommend using your imagination, for example, imagining your boss in a pink fluffy sweater or with a trash can on his head. This will allow the consciousness not to take seriously its blows to self-esteem.

If the production manager is constantly nagging

It’s just that a nagging management at first glance looks more harmless than a hysterical type or tyrants. But the fact is that constant comments can bring out even the most calm and balanced person. A nagging boss will carefully monitor every step of his subordinates, reprimanding them even for being half a minute late.

Often such people also control lunch time and call on weekends without good reason or serious reasons. There is also a chance that he will look for flaws in a job that is done perfectly. And instead of a well-deserved bonus, the employee will receive a reprimand.

How to raise a boss

There is no point in subserviently to a nagging and hysterical production manager. It is worth clarifying exactly what nuances the manager is not satisfied with, calling him to a dialogue, where he must not only explain what he sees as shortcomings, but also suggest ways to solve the problem that has arisen.

As for calls on weekends, you can simply not pick up the phone. This is rest time, and your boss has no right to blame you for not being on call. It is also worth taking your work schedule more seriously and avoiding delays or delays in lunch time. This will lead to the fact that the boss will simply get tired of looking for reasons to blame you, and he will switch to another employee.


Taming your superiors is not an easy task, but this is not really a solution. If the boss is a tyrant, what to do about it is known. You just need to improve the relationship between you. You should not grovel or bend under annoying leadership. On the contrary, for such people, those employees who show dignity and can prove their worth are important. If you isolate yourself from constant nagging, you can work calmly.

But to globally re-educate this person is a task for his relatives. When building relationships, it is very important to let the person know that you are not only ready, but also want to cooperate with him. It is your desire to resolve the conflict that will allow you to continue labor activity no problem. By recognizing your boss’s psychotype and solving this situation, you can make your life better and get rid of grievances and problems at work.

An employee’s boorish behavior at work is a situation faced not only by managers, but also by other subordinates. Few people know how to react correctly under such circumstances. There are several nuances.

Boors at work: how to protect yourself

There are several reasons for such phenomena:

  • self-defense;
  • stressful situation;
  • increasing low self-esteem;
  • desire to attract attention.

Every employee may experience inappropriate behavior at work. Any participants in the process can become initiators.

If your boss behaves boorishly, you shouldn’t behave in response either, otherwise there is a high probability of losing your job. It is better to think about the reasons why the behavior became this way. This will make it easier to develop appropriate behavioral tactics. Incompetence and misunderstanding are the most common reasons for inappropriate behavior on the part of managers.

There are a lot of possible answers when colleagues are rude. But you will have to maintain relationships to a certain extent so that the work team and the main process do not suffer.

In the event of rudeness and rudeness on the part of subordinates, the leader must indicate his superiority, but get out of the situation as tactfully as possible. Otherwise, authority and respect from colleagues will be lost.

Inappropriate boss behavior is often considered an insufficient reason to look for new jobs. For some, it is more important to preserve what they have.

There are certain techniques to cope with systematic violations. They help cope with the desire to be rude as a response. Here are just a few possible tactics:

  1. Fight back as a team. The whole team should gather to have a conversation. Especially when everyone faces a similar problem. The boss will not be able to fire everyone or threaten everyone with committing similar actions.
  2. Showing respect for one's own personality. You need to maintain good self-esteem. Those who feel good about themselves are less likely to be ridiculed by others.
  3. No rudeness in response. Some people are just waiting to be answered. You shouldn't stoop to the level of a rude person.
  4. Don't take words to heart. Maybe they contain constructive criticism?
  5. Smile. Because of this, opponents begin to doubt themselves. After all, they are accustomed to thinking that they are superior to others.

Employees themselves must adhere to certain rules of behavior. The main thing is not to forget about compliance business ethics.

Rudeness of colleagues. And here you can apply effective methods:

  • a joke in response that makes you feel awkward;
  • holding a conversation to resolve conflicts;
  • ignoring (few rude people have the patience to spend a long time doing things in vain);
  • caustic expressions in response.

Possible penalties for employees and rules for their application

How to hold people accountable for rudeness at work

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain clauses devoted to punishment in connection with boorish behavior on the part of employees. The manager has the right to set specific rules of behavior himself.

In domestic regulations You can point out the need to comply with business ethics. Such instructions may be present in, job descriptions. All subordinates are familiarized with these documents against signature.

If the requirements are spelled out in agreements, then it is permissible for employees to be subject to disciplinary action when violations occur. A reprimand or reprimand is an acceptable measure of punishment.

Disciplinary punishment has the following rules of application in practice:

  1. To begin with, an act is drawn up with detailed description essence of the violation.
  2. Then the subordinate himself is required to provide an explanation in writing.
  3. If the subordinate refuses, another act is drawn up indicating the necessary information.
  4. All that remains is to choose the appropriate measure for the offender.
  5. Imposition Order disciplinary action is issued a maximum of one month after the violation is discovered.

Rudeness and rude attitude are not a sufficient reason for... Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that dismissal is possible in case of repeated violations of labor discipline and established rules.

This is especially true when the rules are written down in relevant documents. Failure to comply with such requirements leads to serious consequences.

Not only criminal, but also Civil Code protects the honor and dignity of citizens. Personal non-property rights include the following:

  • personal dignity;
  • honor;
  • good name;
  • business reputation.

Such rights belong to citizens from birth and cannot be violated or limited in any way. Violation of rights can lead to moral damage to a person. According to a court decision, compensation in a specific amount or monetary amount is permissible for such situations.

Additional legal characteristics of the phenomenon

In general, Article 5.61 of the Code of Administrative Offenses is devoted to insults. Service environment if available similar violations is not considered in separate paragraphs.

  1. Failure to comply with ethical standards in words or actions.
  2. The presence of a desire to humiliate the dignity or honor of the victim.
  3. A violation presupposes the presence of a performer, an addressee. In this case, all parties to the working relationship can play one of the roles - managers, subordinates, outsiders in the form of clients or partners.

When preparing for an offense, it is important to determine in advance whether the oral statement was obscene. This detail plays an important role. You can insult using only literary language if the meaning of the words remains obscene.

The most important part for cases remains evidence. It is good if there are witnesses who can confirm the incident. But you can’t always count on their testimony. Especially if the culprit is a manager.

Recordings from office video cameras also help prove the case. The same applies to a voice recorder turned on during a conversation.

So far, in practice, we rarely encounter lawsuits whose subject is precisely insults. This applies to situations where managers are found to be the culprits. There are articles and notes about insults to doctors in the workplace.

Subordinates either tolerate such treatment to the end, or accept the need to change their current place. Conflicts between participants with approximately equal positions are resolved independently. For this purpose, complaints can be submitted to one of the managers.


How to avoid rudeness at work

To avoid repeating rudeness situations, it is important to follow the following rules:

  1. Respect for the team, its values ​​and rules. This helps you count on help in unforeseen situations and take a worthy place.
  2. Maintaining a high level of professionalism, value for enterprises. Such employees are more difficult to hurt emotionally.
  3. Maintaining boundaries in business communication.
  4. Nurturing self-confidence.

Abusive communication is not only a problem labor collectives, but also of the whole society as a whole. A necessary measure To resolve the situation, it becomes necessary to improve the culture of all participants in the relationship. This would avoid most conflict situations.

For information on punishment for insult, watch this video:

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