The production system of the lean production of the gas group. Experience in implementing the concept of "lean production" in Russian companies. Implementation algorithm according to J. Vumek

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The use of the Lean concept in the company makes it possible to guarantee compliance with the terms of contracts with a consistently high quality of products and a significant reduction in all types of costs, including labor costs.

There are many approaches to implementing Lean. To a greater extent, they are applicable to manufacturing companies. With the exception of Kaizen, this method is suitable for all areas of activity without proper adaptation. Therefore, it is the concept of constant and small improvements Kaizen that is more suitable for Russian companies.

The introduction of the concept of lean production is the transition of an enterprise to a new, higher quality level, which involves the involvement of all company employees in the process.

In each country, the process of development of the Lean concept takes place according to its own scenario, depending on cultural characteristics and mentality (Table 1).

In general, the choice of Lean tools is determined by the mentality and culture of countries, and the success of the chosen methods depends on the degree of staff involvement in the change process.

In modern conditions, the introduction of the principles of lean manufacturing is becoming one of the most popular ways to increase the competitiveness of enterprises in the world in general and in the Russian market in particular.

Despite this, simply copying the successful experience of implementing and applying Lean will not give results. In Russia, there is still no single universal set of methods and tools for the successful implementation of lean manufacturing and solving the problems that arise in this case in various organizations.

Table 1

Comparative analysis of the implementation of Lean Manufacturing in Japan, the USA and Germany



An integrated approach to the development of lean manufacturing, involving all employees in the process of change

A modified concept of Lean Manufacturing, which covers all areas of business: marketing, management, etc.

Rhythmic production cycle, constant quality control


Just in time, kaizen, kanban, visualization, standardization, 5s, TQM, TPM.

Pull system, kaizen, visualization, standardization, Lean Manufacturing + 6sigma

Just in time, visualization, standardization

Key to Successful Implementation

High loyalty to the company, each employee is interested in the success of the organization

Overcoming the philosophy of individualism, the main thing is to understand that all together can achieve better results. Cooperation, not rivalry

The pedantry, precision, punctuality of the Germans helps to make Lean tools work like clockwork.


2.1 Experience in implementing the Lean Production concept in Russian companies

Recently, Russian companies have shown increased interest in the Lean concept. This is due to the difficult economic situation, increased competition and the need to follow international standards. Many domestic enterprises have made attempts to introduce lean manufacturing, but only a few companies have been able to cope with all the difficulties and are now successfully using the Lean concept.

It is possible to single out the main features of the company's production system, the presence of which indicates the application of the Lean concept in the enterprise.

The structure of enterprise management has been changed. Using the concept of Lean will be more effective if the work is led by top managers.

All employees of the enterprise are involved in the process of improvement and are interested in implementing the concept of lean production.

The company prepares leaders and specialists in the implementation of Lean principles for the successful use of lean manufacturing.

The introduction of Lean usually begins with a pilot project, so that all employees of the company are convinced of the effectiveness of lean manufacturing tools.

Carrying out standardization. So that the work of the company does not return to its original position, standardization is carried out.

All these principles will help make the Lean implementation process manageable, involve employees in the improvement process and increase the competitiveness of the company.

In general, regardless of the industry, companies follow approximately the same path when implementing Lean:

Analysis of opportunities to improve efficiency and reduce losses.


Selection of a pilot site, workshop or site where the first attempts to implement Lean will be carried out.

The experience gained is fixed in industry regulations and extended to other areas.

2.1.1 The role of standardization in the concept implementation process

Consider the role of standardization in the implementation of Lean manufacturing.

It is important to note that in Russia there are standards that help companies implement lean manufacturing. Namely:

GOST R 56020 - 2014 Lean production. Fundamentals and vocabulary.

GOST R 56404-2015 Lean production. Requirements for management systems.

GOST R 56405-2015. Lean. The process of certification of management systems. Evaluation procedure

GOST R 56406-2015 Lean production. Audit. Questions for assessing the management system

GOST R 56407-2015 Lean production. Basic methods and tools

Standardization is a versatile and effective improvement tool used by every company implementing Lean.

In lean manufacturing, standards perform several important functions:

Saving knowledge. (transfer of knowledge about the principles of work, training of personnel in the methods and techniques of performing operations).

Ensuring the correct execution of operations. (the standard describes operations that are most effective in terms of quality, productivity and safety).

Planning for effective personnel management and workload distribution. Rules of interaction between employees and divisions.

Checking the correctness of operations.

The standard is the starting point for improvements.

Standard - a template for assessing the current state.

Ensuring effective inventory management.

Reducing the influence of the human factor on the production process.

Standards help the company to assess the current state, determine the direction of development, achieve goals and maintain the results achieved. Also, the company becomes mobile and the need for constant monitoring is reduced.

Standardization is an important stage of transformation that every company goes through when implementing Lean.

Many companies are starting to implement Lean. Some Russian companies have already achieved significant results using lean manufacturing. Next, I will look at examples of Russian enterprises that have been able to implement the Lean concept.

2.1.2 KAMAZ experience

OJSC KAMAZ is a Russian company that has been producing diesel trucks and diesel engines since 1976. Now KAMAZ produces buses, tractors, combines, electric units, thermal mini-power plants and components. The main production is based in Naberezhnye Chelny (Republic of Tatarstan).

The production system of OJSC KAMAZ (PSK) is a combination of all business processes of the company, its suppliers, commodity distribution and service networks, organized on the basis of a new worldview of employees based on Lean principles, aimed at safe production and meeting consumer demand.

Principles of the KAMAZ production system (based on Lean principles):

Kaizen. The company is committed to constant change for the better. The changes affect the internal organization of the company: improving processes, working methods, raising the level of corporate culture, etc. and this also applies to the company's products: improving quality, introducing new technologies, striving for world-class production.

Quality and timely satisfaction of customer requirements. Fulfillment of obligations to the client just in time, in accordance with the expectations of customers (external or internal), while maintaining the high quality of the product.

Effective organizational structure. The process approach is the foundation of a highly effective organizational structure. These include: high speed of decision making, absence of bureaucracy, absence of duplication of functions, absence of partially loaded specialists. The organizational structure ensures the fulfillment of strategic functions and is able to change quickly when goals change.

Efficient use of human resources. implies a full load of all employees, effective placement of personnel in accordance with the qualifications, capabilities and individual characteristics of each employee, advanced training of workers, training, providing opportunities for self-realization and career growth.

Reduced time to introduce improvements and advanced technologies. Fast kaizen - the minimum time between the decision to improve and its implementation. Significantly simplified the proposal system and reporting system.

Education of leaders. Leadership is the key to success in any endeavor. When implementing Lean, it is important to have leaders (formal and informal) who organize work on continuous improvement, lead the team and become an example.

Personal example. The leader is obliged by his example to show the importance of changes, he must personally lead several improvement projects, participate in solving problems. A leader must be a leader.

Partnerships and trust. Achieving goals is possible only if there is a trusting atmosphere in the company and cooperation, all staff must work as a team. Partnership, first of all, equality of participants in the process, which is based on respect for each employee.

Constant exchange of experience between services and divisions. This applies to both positive and negative experience, positive experience can be useful for other units, and negative experience will help to avoid mistakes. Each employee must be provided with free access to the necessary information.

Fig.2. Stages of formation and development of the KAMAZ production system

KAMAZ strives to:

Improving labor safety

Improving product quality

Satisfying the needs of the consumer

Increasing the competitiveness of products

Improving employee morale

KAMAZ solves the above tasks using Lean methods and tools, which increase the efficiency of processes, eliminate all types of losses and form a new corporate culture.

2.1.3 GAZ experience

Consider the production system of the GAZ Group.

GAZ - Gorky Automobile Plant, the first enterprise in Russia to apply the principles of lean manufacturing (2003). The new production system developed by Toyota is aimed at increasing efficiency, is customer-oriented, strives to reduce all types of waste and involves all employees in the process of improvement. The introduction of the new production system led to a fourfold increase in labor productivity at the enterprises of the GAZ Group.

The decision to introduce a new production system was made in 2002. In December 2002, Japanese consultants visited GAZ, and in March 2003 the company began implementing lean manufacturing at the plant, which was in a difficult situation.

The GAS production system is based on four key principles:

First of all, think about the customer. One of the key points of efficient production is the maximum satisfaction of customer requirements.

People are the most valuable asset. People develop everything, so you need to invest in people. An employee, in addition to performing his job duties, can learn, improve and develop production methods, technologies, and contribute to the common cause.

Kaizen is a culture of continuous improvement. For the company, it is not important whether major or minor improvements occur, the main thing is that they are continuous, due to this, high production efficiency can be achieved.

Gemba - all eyes on the production site. Gemba is a work site with a relationship system on it. It is important to see the problem with your own eyes before you solve it.

Continuous improvement is a sign of a healthy organization, it is a confirmation that problems are solved, not hidden.

The principles form the ideals of the GAS production system:

Physical and psychological safety. Creation of working conditions that exclude injuries. And psychological security is confidence in one's own importance: no one can be fired due to some circumstances beyond his control.

No defects. The source of the company's profit is high quality, therefore the company tries to prevent the occurrence of defects.

At the first request of the customer. The customer always has the opportunity to receive an order on demand, and the supplier tries to satisfy the customer's requirements to the maximum.

One by one. Do not produce in large batches, the batch size depends on the requirements of the customer.

Instant supplier response. The supplier must respond instantly to changes in customer requirements and instantly change its production organization in order to best meet all customer requirements.

Minimum costs. To increase the company's profits, it is necessary not to raise the price, but to reduce costs, otherwise it risks losing the customer.

The main aspect of the GAZ production system is personnel: the inclusion of all employees in the optimization process and the continuous development of personnel.

Fig. 3. The main stages of the formation and development of the GAZ production system

2.1.4 Rosatom production system

Rosatom is a state nuclear energy corporation that unites more than 360 enterprises of the nuclear industry. The introduction of a new production system is necessary to increase competitiveness, reduce costs, increase employee salaries and change the rules of career development.

The main principles of the production system of Rosatom are:

Caring for the customer, the desire to satisfy all his requirements

People are the most valuable asset, the main thing is respect for each employee

Kaizen - creating a culture of continuous improvement

Gemba - solving problems directly at the place of their occurrence

The production system of Rosatom is focused on employees. Great attention is paid to staff motivation. Participation of employees in transformations is encouraged with the help of material and non-material methods of motivation.

Methods of non-material remuneration include:

Informing employees about the development of the production system, creating stands with information about the company's achievements, news in the media about the company's success. This helps boost employee morale.

Creation of conditions for the development of employees, continuous training.

Delegating part of the authority to employees. The worker has a sense of importance to the organization.

Giving employees the opportunity to improve the workplace.

For achieving results in the system of continuous improvement of the organization, the employee can receive gratitude from the management.

assignment of passing pennants: "Best workplace", "Best working group", "Best solution within the 5S system".

2.1.5 Comparative analysis of the process of implementing the concept of "Lean production" in Russian companies

We will conduct a comparative analysis of the implementation of the concept of the companies considered earlier according to the following criteria:

Time to start applying the new concept

Reasons for use

main idea

Used methods and tools

The first step (where the implementation began)

Fig.4. The main stages of the formation and development of the production system of Rosatom

Problems encountered during implementation

How did experience spread?


Future plans.

Let's carry out a comparative analysis of the implementation of the Lean production concept by the companies considered earlier (Table 2).

As can be seen from the table, the companies began to implement the concept at different times (2003 - 2005 - 2008). The main reason was the need to increase competitiveness and improve the financial position of the company. The main idea of ​​the new concept is the continuous improvement and improvement of the company.

The methods and tools of the company use the same ones, this is due to similar areas of activity of the organizations under study. The implementation began with staff training and the selection of a pilot site.

table 2

Comparative analysis of the implementation of the Lean concept by Russian companies


GAZ Group

When did you start using

March 2003

Second half of 2008

Reasons for using Lean

The need to improve competitiveness, quality

Low quality with high level of control, accounts payable, a lot of inventory

To increase competitiveness, salary of employees, change of relations in the company

Continuous improvement of all processes, motivation, training and development of personnel

Continuous improvement, development of the company through development, staff training

Continuous improvement, motivation of staff to participate in improvement processes

Methods and tools

Kaizen, 5s, standardization, value stream maps, PDCA cycle, pull system, TPM, SMED, SFM

Standardization, kaizen, value stream maps, timing, pull system

Kaizen, pull system, 5s, value streams, mapping, standardization, visualization, SMED, TPM.

Where did they start

Lean staff training, implementation of tools, pilot project

A group of reformers (leaders) has been formed, staff training, a pilot project - a site for assembling cabins of onboard GAZelles.

Studying the successful experience of domestic companies to optimize production and management processes


Not enough information

Difficulty in obtaining knowledge, there is a theory - it needs to be put into practice, it is difficult not to make improvements, but to maintain the results, the reduction of workers and the increase in workload caused dissatisfaction among the staff

Lack of adaptation of existing knowledge

How spread-growth-wounded experience

Conducting seminars for leadership on the principles and tools of Lean, disseminating successful and unsuccessful experience in applying lean manufacturing

"Forge of personnel" - training of leaders from other companies in the principles of Lean and methods of application, the experience of the GAZ company.

Training, replication of the experience of Rosatom to other enterprises


New PSK+ development plan, 32 pilot sites, introduction of multi-station service principles, many ideas for improvement from employees, overfulfillment of 2014 goals, reduction in commuter and technological transportation costs, familiarization with the experience of KAMAZ and other companies

The pull system, the implementation of principles just in time, the restructuring of people's thinking, corporate culture, was able to withstand the crisis, saved some of the money by eliminating losses

Reduction of costs for the production of products and services, improvement of the kaizen system, maximum involvement of employees in the improvement process, training of company personnel

Development of PSK +, identification and reduction of loss, work on built-in quality.

You should strive for a system that works regardless of external circumstances, keep abreast, help suppliers implement Lean, develop staff to Lean specialists

Transfer of successful experience to other enterprises, continued improvement of the company, increase in labor productivity in the industry by 4 times until 2020.

The main reasons for the problems were the lack of adaptation of the concept for the Russian business sector and the lack of information regarding the implementation and use of the concept.

The dissemination of experience occurred through staff training. All companies have achieved significant results in pilot projects and have begun to expand successful experience to other areas. In the future, all the studied companies plan to continue to follow the Lean Manufacturing concept.

It is important to note the fact that the successful implementation of the Lean concept is based on the involvement of all employees in the process of improving the company, employees feel their involvement in the management of the company, and a new corporate culture is formed on the basis of this.

As practice shows, implementation occurs approximately according to one scenario. It is necessary to study in more detail the problems that arise in companies when implementing and using Lean.

2.2 Examples of using the methods and tools of "Lean Production" in Russian enterprises

In Russia, more and more companies are beginning to use the methods and tools of Lean Manufacturing. Next, the experience of domestic companies in applying various Lean tools and methods will be considered.

First of all, consider the use of the KAIZEN system. On the example of the Volchansky Mechanical Plant, we see that in order to increase the interest of employees and involve them in improving the company, competitions were organized between departments for the development of the Production system (Fig. 5-6).

Fig.5. Improvement stands Fig.6. Stand with KAIZEN offers

Each employee can develop an improvement proposal, the authors of the best implemented proposals receive a reward.

For example, in 2011

The volume of output increased by 63.7%

Performance increase by 1.56 times;

Reducing transportation costs by 19.3 million rubles;

Reducing energy costs by 31.3 million rubles;

Remains of finished products reduced by 5.5%;

Working capital for 5.5 million rubles was released;

And for 4 months of 2012

Growth of production profitability by 55%;

30.6% productivity improvement;

Remains of finished products were reduced by 11.4%;

Reduced WIP by 3.3%

Working capital for 8.7 million rubles was released;

The rate of return on assets increased by 1.34 times

All these results were obtained thanks to the joint work of all employees of the plant.

Any employee can put forward a proposal to improve any process in the company. At the plant, such conditions are created that every worker feels that his opinion is taken into account and he takes an active part in the life of the organization (Fig. 7).

Nizhpharm has made special boxes in which employees send their suggestions for improvements (Fig. 8).

Fig.7. Improvement suggestion sheet

(Volchansky Mechanical Plant)

Fig.8. Improvement suggestion box

For example, the GAZ Group standardized workplaces at the GAZ 3302 cabin assembly site (Fig. 9).

Economic effect - 42 million rubles. WIP reduction - 768 thousand rubles.


Fig.9. Jobs before improvement (left) and after (right) in KSU

The painting production has also changed (Cabin and truck body painting). Economic effect - 31.8 million rubles. WIP reduction - 14 million rubles. (Fig. 10).


Fig.10. Site condition before improvement (left) and after (right) in the painting industry

And OAO SUAL KAZ-SUAL (a branch of OAO SUAL) was recognized as the best among all enterprises with similar equipment in Russia in terms of the main production indicators. In turn, the company also uses the principles of 5S (Fig. 11).

Fig.11. 5S in JSC "SUAL" "KAZ-SUAL"

The Metropolitan Metro is also introducing the Japanese workspace organization system - 5S. With its help, the reliability of repaired units is increased, therefore, the number of breakdowns is reduced and the level of safety is increased.

Implementation began from Cherkizovo and Vykhino stations. The system is as follows: the repair shop is divided into zones with a special color marking: the red zone is for defects, the yellow zone is for repairs, the green one is for spare parts for installation on rolling stock (Fig. 12).

A number of large Russian companies are implementing JIT (Just-in-time, just in time). For example, KamAZ, AVTOVAZ and Uralsvyazinform. At the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, the implementation of the system led to a 20% time saving.

JIT is also used in transport logistics and distribution. Thus, since May 2003, Severstal OJSC began to supply rolled metal products to Caterpillar Tosno LLC on the Just-in-Time principle, in other words, as needed in a particular material.

Fig.12. 5S at the Met

In addition, Master-SNAB (a leading supplier of industrial equipment and a leader in the field of integrated supply in the markets of Tver, Tver and Moscow regions) delivers in Russia using the JIT system. The EUROSIB-Logistics company offers delivery of automotive components and large-diameter pipes via the JIT system.

In retail, the just-in-time system assumes that goods arrive on the shelves "straight from the wheels." For example, in Moscow there is a chain of self-service stores "ABK", deliveries to which are carried out using the JIT system. The use of this principle made it possible to increase the volume of retail space by reducing storage space, avoid overstocking and ensure a high level of filling the declared assortment.

OJSC "ZMZ" uses "kanban" cards of the type shown in Fig. 14.

Fig.14. Kanban card at JSC ZMZ

There is an interesting example of the use of kanban in the Grand Grift office. On the kanban card, it is noted that this is where the “address” of this place should be (Fig. 15).

Fig.15. Kanban in the Grand Grift office

Fig.16. Visualization and kanban in the Grand Grift office

Also at the enterprise there are visual images aimed at activating the sense of danger (zoning, painting floors, equipment, safety signs, etc.). This helps employees increase their attention and reduces the number of errors (Fig. 18).

Fig.17. Visualization at NGDU Yamashneft

Fig.18. Visual images in the workshop of NGDU Yamashneft

At the plant "Baltika - Samara" there are information stands fixing the responsibility and reflecting the status of the work performed (Fig. 19-20).

Fig.19. information stand

Fig.20. A stand reflecting the status of work at the sites and the mood of the staff on this topic

Separately, it is worth noting the use of such a tool as Poka-Yoke (protection from the "fool").

For example, in the office of the Grand Grift, each item has its own dedicated place, the name of the item that should lie in this place is indicated (in the form of a picture) (Fig. 21).

Fig.21. Everything is in its place

Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant uses this principle when picking, so the employee cannot put another part into the picking trolley (Fig. 22).

Fig.22. Picking trolley

All tools are stored in their places in separate cells (Fig. 23).

Fig.23. Toolboxes

And in conclusion, let's consider such a tool as value stream maps using the example of the Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant (Fig. 24-25).

Fig.24. Current State Value Stream Map

Fig.25. Future State Value Stream Map

These examples show that Russian companies actively apply methods and tools of lean production, regardless of the field of activity of the companies.

2.3 Study of Russian companies for the implementation of the concept of "Lean production"

The purpose of the study, conducted in the course of the work in April 2016, was to study and generalize the experience of implementing and applying lean manufacturing by Russian companies, as well as to analyze the causes of difficulties in using the new concept and develop recommendations for the implementation and use of lean manufacturing in Russia.

Research method - expert survey, form - questioning.

The study was conducted via the Internet. The electronic questionnaire was posted on forums and groups on Lean Manufacturing in Russia. 40 companies took part in the survey, 33 of which have experience in implementing and applying Lean Manufacturing, data on these 33 companies will be analyzed further.

Geographically, the companies that participated in the survey are located in the areas marked with stars on the map. (Moscow region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Yaroslavl region, Rostov region, Ulyanovsk region, Republic of Tatarstan, Perm region, Sverdlovsk region, Kurgan region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Omsk region, Tomsk region, Ural). Two of the surveyed companies - respondents operate throughout Russia (Figure 26).

Fig.26. Geographic location of respondent companies

The survey involved such companies as Sberbank, Enel Russia, Tatneft, Nizhny Novgorod Plant of the 70th Anniversary of Victory, etc.

First of all, it was necessary to find out which industry the respondent companies belong to (Fig. 27).

Fig.27. Type of main activity of the respondent companies

It follows from the diagram that Lean Manufacturing is used not only in mechanical engineering and industry, but also in trade, advertising, IT, construction, power generation and other areas. Which, in turn, confirms the fact that Lean production in Russia penetrates into all areas of activity.

Then it was necessary to identify the reasons for the use of Lean production (Fig. 28).

Fig.28. Reason for Lean Manufacturing

The main criterion for the companies was the opportunity to increase the level of competitiveness of the enterprise with the help of a new concept. It is important to note that only 18% of companies decided to use Lean without having serious problems in the enterprise. This suggests that in Russia the concept of Lean production in most cases is necessary for a company to get out of the crisis.

Fig.29. Lean manufacturing tools used by Russian companies

In Russia, the most popular methods are: 5s, visualization, standardization and kanban. The analysis of secondary information confirmed the fact that Lean production at Russian enterprises begins with the introduction of 5s.

Then there was the question of how the implementation took place, namely: who was the initiator and what role did management and employees play (Figure 30).

Fig. 30. How was the process of implementing Lean manufacturing in Russian companies

In most cases, the initiative came from management, but met with misunderstanding on the part of staff.

The main difficulty was the lack of adaptation of the concept for Russia and the resistance to change on the part of employees (Fig. 31).

Fig. 31. Difficulties faced by domestic companies in the implementation of Lean production

Respondents also identified such problems as: illiterate management, lack of information for the service sector, misunderstanding on the part of management. Separately, I would like to note the problem of targeting methods and tools for manufacturing companies, which makes it more difficult for companies in other areas of activity to implement the concept of Lean production in their enterprises.

Respondents were asked to choose the main reason for the difficulties in using the concept (Figure 32).

Fig.32. Causes of problems in the implementation and use of Lean manufacturing

One of the main reasons is a misunderstanding of the concept. The company starts using one or more tools or improves only one direction, forgetting that the concept implies continuous continuous improvement of the entire organization. A feature of the Russian mentality and insufficient motivation of the staff are also highlighted.

Fig. 33. The amount of time from the start of using the concept to the first positive results

From this follows one of the recommendations for start-up companies - do not expect instant results. Also, the dependence of the time of obtaining the result on the size of the company and the involvement of personnel was revealed. The smaller the company and the more interested employees are in change, the faster the company will achieve a positive result.

And in conclusion, the respondents were asked the question - "having experience in implementing and using Lean, why would you advise other companies to start implementing Lean?" (Fig. 34).

Fig.34. How to start implementing and using Lean Manufacturing

Most companies believe that it is necessary to start by creating a new organizational culture. In other words, the Russian mentality interferes with the work of Lean methods and tools, so the company must first create a new organizational culture, train and motivate staff, and then start using the Lean concept.

Conclusions on the second chapter

In each country, the development of the Lean concept takes place according to its own scenario, depending on cultural characteristics and mentality.

As for Russia, there is an experience of successful implementation and use of lean manufacturing. All companies go about the same way when using the Lean concept.

With the help of the survey, it was revealed that Lean production penetrates into all areas of activity of Russian enterprises, Lean methods and tools are used not only in production, but also, for example, in the service sector, IT, advertising, etc.

Lean manufacturing is used by companies as a method of increasing competition and an effective way out of the crisis in the current economic situation at the enterprise.

The introduction of a new concept, as a rule, begins with the introduction of 5s in the enterprise. Also in Russia, such methods and tools as kaizen, standardization and visualization are popular.

As a rule, the initiative to introduce a new concept in an enterprise comes from the management, in most cases the management encounters misunderstanding on the part of the staff. An interesting fact is that sometimes the initiative comes from below, from the company's employees, this indicates a wide spread of the concept in Russia.

The main problems faced by companies are: lack of understanding on the part of the staff and lack of adaptation of the concept for Russia. The reasons for the problems, according to the respondents, are a misunderstanding of the concept and features of the Russian mentality. On average, the first positive results from the application of Lean Manufacturing appear 6-12 months after implementation.

Having experience in implementing and using Lean, respondents advise starting the introduction of a new concept by changing the organizational culture of the company, and then engaging in staff training. According to one of the respondents: "The main thing is to set people up and find supporters, employees with the right character who will charge and lead the rest."

In other words, the staff is the most valuable asset in a company. As practice shows, it is the personnel that plays an important role in the implementation process. Therefore, it is necessary to involve all employees of the company in the improvement process and motivate them to take an active part in improvements. The speed of Lean implementation and the success of the entire company depend on employees. Most of the problems that arise are related to the peculiarities of the Russian mentality. The management should first of all pay attention to the formation of a new corporate culture in the company.


3.1 Analysis of the main problems of the implementation of the concept

Most Russian enterprises follow the concept of mass production, which does not meet modern requirements and, as a result, is not able to bring the required results to the organization. Because of this, companies are beginning to implement the concept of lean manufacturing.

In Russia, there are several myths associated with the Lean concept:

Lean is a universal tool that can solve all problems. Indeed, the use of methods and tools helps companies improve quality, competitiveness, optimize processes, but Lean is not a universal tool for solving all problems, it is a management tool that works only in conjunction with others.

Lean does not require any costs. In order to implement the concept, it is necessary at least to train the staff.

Lean - easy and simple. Do not expect that everything will work out the first time and without any problems. All companies implementing and using Lean have faced problems.

Lean is inventory reduction. Reducing inventory is just one of the tools of lean manufacturing. And if a company has reduced inventory, this does not mean that it has implemented Lean. The reduction must be effective, improving the operation of the entire system.

Lean is a mandatory staff reduction. The goal of Lean is not to reduce workers, but to equalize the workload of staff. If, as a result of improvements, one of the employees is released, then he can not only be reduced, but also involved in other operations and processes to improve processes.

We can highlight the main mistakes that companies make when implementing Lean:

Misunderstanding of the concept of Lean. Most often, companies neglect the philosophy of this concept. It is important to understand that Lean is not an algorithm of actions or a set of methods and tools, it is a certain philosophy that requires changes in everything.

Expecting instant results. Not all improvements are able to give instant results, many managers forget about it.

Done and forgotten. Companies forget that Lean is a concept of continuous improvement. If a company has begun to implement lean manufacturing, then it should strive for continuous improvement.

In the study presented in the paper, the difficulties faced by companies in the implementation of lean manufacturing were identified. The causes of the problems were also identified and recommendations were made regarding the first step in the implementation of lean manufacturing.

The challenges faced by companies (starting with the most significant) are summarized in Table 3.

Table 3

Difficulties in implementing Lean

For the other two criteria, we will build a Pareto diagram in order to most clearly demonstrate the results obtained and determine the significance of each of the factors in the implementation process (Fig. 35).

Rice. 35. Pareto chart for the main causes of problems in the implementation of Lean

All problems can be divided into external and internal.

External issues include:

Lack of information. There is very little information about the successful experience of applying the concept by Russian enterprises. There is no universal plan of action on how to implement lean manufacturing.

The concept is not adapted for Russia. Companies take as a basis the experience of Toyota, which is not suitable for Russian business due to cultural characteristics. Secondly, companies that implement Lean by the book use only popular tools, and not those that could bring them the best results.

Internal issues include:

Misunderstanding of the concept by management. Sometimes management is not interested in developing the company, but just wants to earn more. And Lean becomes only a means of increasing income, and not improving and developing the business.

Leadership disinterest. The leader must be a leader and personally participate in all improvements of the company, be an example. But often the management entrusts the implementation of Lean to a responsible employee and is removed from this issue.

Misunderstanding on the part of employees. Everything new is intimidating. Employees most often do not see the need to change something, they are satisfied with everything. Until the entire staff understands the value of Lean for the company, the implementation process will be slowed down.

The problem of motivation. Every employee needs to be involved in the improvement process.

Most of the problems that arise in Russian companies when implementing Lean are due to the Russian mentality. The Russian mentality of the working staff hinders the transformation.

The main features of the Russian mentality:

"Russian maybe". Perhaps - inactive optimism and sloppiness. In conditions of unpredictability, the employee expects a favorable outcome. In the best case, everything will work out and no one will know, in the worst case, a threat to labor safety. For example, an employee turned off the security system in order to make repairs faster, but in the event of a mistake, he could endanger his life. The Lean system has a tool that can deal with this peculiarity of the mentality - poka-yoka (fool-proof). Then all processes will proceed strictly as they should, excluding the occurrence of a threat to the safety of work.

Who is guilty? We are used to the fact that when errors or problems arise, management looks for the perpetrators and punishes them, and the problem is considered solved. Although after some time it repeats itself. It is necessary to stop punishing the guilty and solve problems, then the problems will not be hidden and the company will follow the path of continuous improvement. It is necessary to replace the question “who is to blame?” to the question "what to do?".

pursuit of a higher purpose. A Russian person is able to move mountains if he sees a higher goal in his work. The authority is not written to him, therefore, all the decrees issued by the leadership in a directive are not carried out. Employees can pretend to be engaged in optimization processes, put forward suggestions for improvements, but in reality it will be a proposal to move the table from one corner of the room to another. Until each employee understands the significance, importance and necessity of introducing a new production system, only the appearance of work will be created. The manager should manage not sitting in the office, but being at the production site. Then the understanding of the workers will come faster and the personal example of the leader will become a stimulus to action.

Work is evil. Russians don't like to work, they only need work to get money. Therefore, the employee is not interested in the affairs of the company, he only comes to work with me, strictly following the instructions and go home as soon as possible. This greatly hinders the implementation of Lean, since you will not receive any suggestions for improvements or any initiative from such an employee. The management needs to motivate the staff so that everyone considers himself a part of the team and understands the significance of his contribution to the common cause, everyone should be interested in the development of the organization.

These are the main causes of problems during implementation, associated with the peculiarities of the Russian mentality.

We will also build a Pareto chart to determine the most important criterion for the implementation of lean production (Fig. 36).

Fig.36. Pareto chart for choosing tools to start implementing the Lean concept

As you can see from the Pareto chart, the most important thing is to create a new organizational culture in order to prepare employees for change. Then you can engage in training and motivation of staff. And after that, launch a pilot project.

3.2 Analysis of approaches to solving identified problems

In general, there is a positive trend in the development of the Lean concept in Russia, more and more companies are starting to implement a new production system, and some have already achieved success. But there are issues that are slowing down the spread of lean ideas, methods, and tools.

First of all, consider ways to solve external problems. One of them is the lack of information and the lack of adaptation of the Lean concept for Russia.

There is a huge amount of information on the Internet in the public domain about the success of various companies in implementing or using Lean methods and tools. But this information is not complete, and as a rule only describes the success of companies in applying one or two tools, without giving recommendations for improving the entire business. Thus, it will be difficult for a non-specialist to figure out which path to follow.

To avoid this problem, the company should involve specialists in the field of Lean for the implementation of lean manufacturing. You can also take part in conferences on Lean and study the experience of Russian companies that have implemented Lean (it is advisable to choose companies with a similar field of activity).

From this problem follows the next - the search for qualified specialists in the field of implementation and use of Lean. As practice shows, it is best to train specialists directly in production to improve the production system. Therefore, it is best to involve a specialist who has the practice of implementing Lean in another enterprise or trained in a company that has been using lean methods and tools for a long time.

Internal problems have a greater impact on implementation success than external ones.

First of all, you should pay attention to the corporate culture, namely, it needs to be changed. It is believed that the old corporate culture inhibits all changes and improvements in the organization.

Corporate culture is a habitual way of thinking and acting that is shared by all employees to a greater extent. When a company begins to change, its principles of work, relations between employees, and the general attitude towards the organization change. In other words, culture is changing.

To accelerate the process of change, the company needs to change the corporate culture. Teach employees to work differently, according to the principles of lean manufacturing.

For example: if you introduce a 5c system without changing the corporate culture, then the order at the workplace will not last long and after some time all changes will come to naught. And if you first change the attitude of employees to the order, explain the necessity and importance of this innovation, then the order will be preserved both at the site and throughout the company.

If someone is not ready to change, then he is fired so that the whole system can work in a new way without brakes.

It turns out that with the introduction of Lean manufacturing, it is necessary to restructure the entire organization.

Let's consider the problems that are inextricably linked with the need to change the corporate culture: misunderstanding of the concept, disinterest of staff and management, lack of motivation. First of all, it is necessary to conduct trainings, training for all company personnel so that everyone understands the principles and philosophy of Lean. Then, it is important to involve every employee in the improvement process and create conditions in the company that promote the spread of the concept.

Problems that most often arise when implementing Lean in Russian companies:

There are two most common problems that most Russian companies face. The first of them is the improvement of only one direction. Namely, the company begins to improve only one stream, for example, material: development, production, sales, etc., while forgetting that the concept implies the improvement of the entire company (for example, personnel development, information flows).

The second problem that occurs in almost every enterprise, especially in the early stages of implementation, is that a group of people make changes while the rest observe. One of the main principles of Lean is to involve everyone in the improvement process.

Also, do not forget about the difficulty in finding consultants. Most of them try to come to the company with a ready-made solution. Such a strategy will not be successful, as there is no universal way that will suit everyone. First of all, it is necessary to adapt the solution to the existing situation and the goals of the company. First you need to study all the problems of the company and only then develop a strategy. Instead of solving problems that lie on the surface.

And most importantly: "I want to implement Lean" - this should not be the goal. Lean manufacturing is only a way to achieve quite measurable company goals. Such as: increasing market share, increasing productivity, etc. In Russia, due to the growing popularity of the concept, there is a substitution of goals and means. Lean is not an end, but a means.

Another difficult problem is how to motivate staff, how to involve all employees in the improvement process. The success and speed of implementation depends on motivation.

Consider the pros and cons of various methods of motivation (Table 4).

Even with a well-developed system of staff motivation, the company may encounter difficulties. Then you should pay attention to the employees. Some of them may resist innovation with all their might or give the appearance of work.

Yitzhak Adizes identified five types of employees. Consider the pros and cons of each type when implementing and applying lean manufacturing (Table 5).

The first four types are necessary for a company to successfully implement Lean. The entrepreneur is more involved in the transformations than others, so if there are more such employees, then there will be many suggestions for improvements. Then the Administrator and the Producer are needed to achieve the set goals and maintain the achieved results. The integrator provides communication between different types of employees. Dead stump slows down the entire work of the company.

As a rule, it is very difficult or impossible to change the “dead stump”, especially since the company does not have time for this. Therefore, it is best to fire such employees.

Table 4

Pros and cons of different methods of motivation

Type of motivation

Material motivation

Monetary motivation is most often used by companies. Employees are rewarded for suggestions for improvement.

The constant flow of new ideas and proposals, all employees participate, a universal method, suitable for any company

A large number of proposals, not all of which are really effective, superficial involvement of employees, as it is important for them not to find an effective solution, but simply to offer something

Make payments only for implemented offers, train employees on the Lean concept in order to increase the involvement and effectiveness of offers

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Lean(from the English lean - lean without fat, slender; in the Russian version lean - lean, thrifty) - a logistical management concept focused on optimizing business processes with maximum market orientation and taking into account the motivation of each employee. Lean manufacturing is the basis of a new management philosophy. It is one of the forms of non-linear management.

The objectives of this production are:

  1. minimization of labor costs,
  2. minimization of terms of creation of new production,
  3. guarantee of delivery of products to the customer,
  4. maximum quality at minimum cost.

Lin culture

Lean manufacturing is impossible without Lean culture. The main thing in Lean culture is the human factor, teamwork. Essential support for this is provided by the emotional intelligence (EQ) of employees, which is increased by coaching. Lean culture corresponds to a certain corporate culture. An example of the formation of a new culture can serve as a reminder for the workers of OJSC KUMZ.

Basic principles

J. Womek and D. Jones state the essence of lean manufacturing in the form of five principles:

  1. Determine the value of a particular product.
  2. Determine the value stream for this product.
  3. Ensure the continuous flow of the product value stream.
  4. Allow the user to pull the product. Pull production (products are "pulled" by the customer, and not "pushed" by the manufacturer).
  5. Strive for perfection. Kaizen (kaizen) - continuous improvement of production. Gemba kaizen is continuous improvement at the point of value creation.

Other principles:

  • Excellent quality (first sight delivery, zero defects system, detection and solution of problems at the source of their occurrence);
  • Minimization of losses by eliminating all activities that do not bring added value to the customer, the maximum use of all resources (capital, people, land);
  • Flexibility;
  • Establishing long-term relationships with the customer (by sharing risks, costs and information);
  • Self-organization, evolution, adaptation.

Lean Tools

  • TPM system (Total Productive Maintenance) - General maintenance of equipment;
  • 5S system (sorting; rational arrangement; cleaning (cleanliness), standardization, improvement);
  • Quick changeover system SMED (Single-Minute Exchange of Die - Changeover / retooling of equipment in less than 10 minutes);
  • Outsourcing. In Russia, the most common areas of outsourcing are: accounting, security, office supplies, cleaning, transport services, marketing, outsourcing of HR services (outstaffing), IT outsourcing, production outsourcing.

Loss reduction

In order to radically increase the consumer's added value, it is necessary to reduce seven types of losses arising from:

  1. Overproduction of goods, i.e. production of goods for which demand has not yet arisen;
  2. Expectations for the next production stage;
  3. unnecessary transportation;
  4. Extra processing steps required due to lack of equipment, imperfection of the project, unnecessary initiative;
  5. The presence of any, except for the minimum required, stocks;
  6. Unnecessary movement of people during work (in search of parts, tools, etc.);
  7. Marriage production.

To solve the problem of eliminating waste in Lean manufacturing, the following are used:

  • Kaizen;
  • pulling products using the kanban method - informing the previous production stage that work needs to be started;
  • error prevention "Poka - yoka" ("foolproofness") - a special device or method due to which defects simply cannot appear.

Implementation algorithm according to J. Vumek

  1. Find an agent of change (you need a leader who can take responsibility);
  2. Get the necessary knowledge of the Lean system (knowledge must be obtained from a reliable source);
  3. Find or create a crisis (a good motive for introducing Lean is a crisis in the organization);
  4. Do not get carried away with strategic issues (you can start by eliminating losses wherever possible);
  5. Build value stream maps (first the current state, and then the future, after the introduction of Lean);
  6. As soon as possible, start work in the main areas (information about the results should be available to the organization's staff);
  7. Strive for immediate results;
  8. Implement continuous improvement according to the Kaizen system (transition from value creation processes in the shops to administrative processes).

Common Lean Implementation Mistakes

Seven types of major errors have been identified:

  • Misunderstanding of the role of management in the implementation of the Lean system
  • Building a "System" that does not have the necessary flexibility
  • Starting implementation not from the “basics”
  • Jobs change, but habits don't.
  • Measure everything (collect data), but not react to anything
  • "Paralytic analysis" (endless analysis of the situation, instead of continuous improvements)
  • Go without support

Examples of using

Lin medicine. According to expert estimates, approximately 50% of the time at the medical staff is not used directly on the patient. There is a transition to personalized medicine, in which the patient receives care "at the right time and in the right place." Medical facilities should be located so that the patient does not have to spend time on numerous transfers and waiting in other places. Now this leads to significant financial costs for patients and a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment. In 2006, at the initiative of the Lean Enterprise Academy (Great Britain), the first conference in the EU on the problem of implementing Lean in the healthcare sector was held.

Lin mail. In the Danish Post Office, within the framework of Lean Manufacturing, a large-scale standardization of all offered services was carried out to increase labor productivity and speed up mail forwarding. In order to identify and control postal services, "value chain maps" have been introduced. An effective motivation system for postal employees has been developed and implemented.

Lean Logistics (Lin logistics). The synthesis of logistics and the Lean concept made it possible to create a pull system that unites all firms and enterprises involved in the value stream, in which there is a partial replenishment of stocks in small batches. Lean Logistics uses the Total Logistics Cost (TLC) principle.

Lean office. Lean manufacturing methods are increasingly being used not only in manufacturing, but also in offices (lean office), as well as in local and central government bodies.

Thrift House. The use of lean technology in everyday life makes it possible to make life environmentally friendly, to reduce energy costs to a minimum level. The passive house is a typical example of a lean lifestyle. A passive house, or rather an energy-efficient house, is a house in which heating costs are negligible, which practically makes it energy-independent. The heat loss of the Passive House is 15-25 kW. hour / sq.m per year (for comparison, in a brick house of an old building 250-350 kWh / sq.m per year), and the need for a slight heating of the house arises only at negative outdoor temperatures.

Lean construction is a Lean management strategy in the construction industry, aimed at improving the efficiency of all stages of construction.


In general, the use of Lean principles can have significant effects. The advantage of Lean is that the system consists of 80% organizational measures and only 20% investment in technology.

Prof. O.S. Vikhansky argues that the use of tools and methods of lean production can achieve a significant increase in the efficiency of the enterprise, labor productivity, improve the quality of products and increase competitiveness without significant capital investments. .

The founding father of Lean Manufacturing is Taiichi Ohno, who started working at Toyota Motor Corporation in 1943, integrating the best world practices. In the mid-1950s, he began to build a special production organization system called the Toyota Production System or Toyota Production System (TPS). The Toyota system became known in the Western interpretation as Lean production, Lean manufacturing, Lean. A significant contribution to the development of the theory of lean production was made by Shigeo Shingo, an associate and assistant of Taiichi Ohno. . The ideas of lean manufacturing were expressed by Henry Ford, but they were not accepted by business, as they were far ahead of their time. The world's largest companies successfully use the experience of Toyota: Alcoa, Boeing (USA) and many others. Masaaki Imai was the first to spread the philosophy of Kaizen around the world. His first book, Kaizen: The Key to the Success of Japanese Companies, was published in 1986 and has been translated into 20 languages. The well-known book in the West by J. Womack and D. Jones "Lean Production" first appeared in translation in Russia in 2004.

The lean management system, which originated in manufacturing, is described in general terms by Rudolf Steiner. Rudolf Steiner in writings on economics called it an associative type of economy. His student Bernard Livuhood, the author of the evolutionary theory of organization development, showed that the lean management system is an evolutionary model of organization development that does not have industry restrictions, following the phase of mass production and consumption. Companies must also employ dynamic strategies for disruption and creative disruption to maintain superiority and remain competitive.

At first, the concept of lean manufacturing was applied in industries with discrete manufacturing, primarily in the automotive industry. Then the concept was adapted to the conditions of continuous production, and then in trade, services, utilities, healthcare, the military and the public sector. Promotes the use of collectivist psychology.

Gradually, Lin went beyond the enterprise. Now Lean covers consumers of his products, suppliers. Lean's ideas are promoted by regular international and regional conferences, many of which are initiated by the Lean Enterprise Institute (USA) and Lean Enterprise Academy (England). In many countries, the spread of Lean Manufacturing is supported by the government. In the period of the highest competition and the escalating crisis, enterprises around the world have no other way than, using the best world management technologies, to create products and services that satisfy customers as much as possible in terms of quality and price.

The use of lean manufacturing is promoted by the Russian Lean Forums, which are held by the Orgprom Center, one of the leading Russian providers of services for the development of Lean.

According to a study by the Institute for Comprehensive Strategic Studies (IKSI) on the spread of Lean Manufacturing in Russia in March-April 2006, out of 735 surveyed Russian industrial enterprises, 32% used the Japanese experience. In March-April 2008, a second survey was conducted, the results of which were announced in the report of Vera Kononova "Application of Lean Manufacturing at Russian industrial enterprises in 2006-2008." at the III Russian Lean Forum "Lean Russia". The first enterprises that were the first to apply lean production are the Gorky Automobile Plant (GAZ Group), VAZ, KAMAZ, Rusal, EvrazHolding, Evrokhim, VSMPO-AVISMA, KUMZ OJSC, Severostal-auto, etc.

Lean Manufacturing and Education

To popularize the ideas of lean manufacturing in Russia, it is very important to attract the attention of talented and enterprising young people to this technology - students and young professionals. For these purposes, ICSI together with the Deming Association held the First in Russia competition of diploma and term papers on lean production "Student Kaizen".

Currently, one can observe how the lean system is gaining momentum in Russia. Lean Production is one of the new directions in the development of management, which has become the next stage in the penetration of Japanese and Western entrepreneurial culture into the Russian market and allows you to get the maximum return at minimum cost, which has become especially relevant after Russia's entry into the WTO. Dozens of enterprises have already embarked on the path of building production systems based on the concept of cost minimization. Among them are GAZ Group, Irkut, Rosatom, KAMAZ, Rusal, EvrazHolding, Eurochem, VSMPO-AVISMA, KUMZ, Severostal-auto and many others. Companies are discovering "lean technologies" as a way to improve competitiveness and productivity. Capturing mainly the production process itself, domestic pioneers mainly use 5S, SMED, VSM elements. Moreover, the process of building corporate governance is still going in parallel. An example of the successful implementation of the lean philosophy is, for example, that in mechanical engineering the program resulted in a 42.7% reduction in lead times. 10 years ago, the Gorky Automobile Plant of the GAZ Group was the first among Russian enterprises to introduce a system of progressive labor organization based on the best practices of global companies. Now GAZ is a recognized leader in lean manufacturing in Russia. Not to mention world practice, when the introduction of this ideology leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle by almost 90%.

However, despite the success of individual manufacturers, the concept of introducing "lean manufacturing" in domestic conditions remains quite specific and different from Western practice.

First, businesses are rushing to adapt lean tools while underestimating the importance of the “lean manufacturing” philosophy, while Toyota’s success is based on the philosophy of lean manufacturing, which involves a deeper transformation.

Secondly, managers invest most of their resources in technology and equipment in the hope of making a significant breakthrough, while constant and incremental improvement is a long process with an unclear economic effect.

Thirdly, Russian enterprises are aimed at a quick result from the introduction of lean production tools that would not radically change the situation at the enterprise and would not require changes at the level of top management of enterprises.

Fourthly, low efficiency is due to the current administrative management model, built on rigid vertical ties of a hierarchical organizational structure, which does not allow a clear delineation of powers.

The need for improvement is evidenced, for example, by the fact that at domestic enterprises the main method of rationing is the analytical and calculation method of establishing time standards. According to the results of surveys conducted by ICSI (Institute for Comprehensive Strategic Studies) among industrial enterprises in Russia, it was revealed that only 26% of enterprises apply methods based on the experience of Toyota. With such a massive introduction of the Quality Management System and the adaptation of international standards, unfortunately, only 8% falls on the QMS within the framework of Lean Production.

The main problems faced by a Russian enterprise when implementing lean manufacturing tools (multiple answers are possible): staff motivation (41%); inventory management (41%); equipment maintenance (35%); product quality (29%); work with suppliers (29%); organization of jobs (24%); development of new products (24%); customer service (6%). The current structure of industrial relations makes it difficult to smoothly implement the lean system.

Due to the fact that the main problems (as the survey showed) are related to both the human factor and the system of organizing production activities, domestic manufacturers should learn from the experience of using Japanese and American industrial management technologies that have been proven over the years, namely:

  • start by applying 5S (sorting, keeping order, keeping clean, standardizing, improving) throughout the enterprise, and not in individual departments or offices;
  • create a team of specialists to implement the principles of lean manufacturing;
  • create a mandatory system of staff motivation, namely incentives (both material and moral);
  • change the structure of enterprise management, where qualified specialists will lead the entire process of work.

The analysis carried out allows us to conclude that this concept can also be applied to the Electrozinc metallurgical enterprise in Vladikavkaz as a practical way to reduce costs and increase competitiveness. The introduction of 5S and TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) systems will help the plant reduce production space by 8-15% and minimize equipment maintenance time, respectively.

Today, Russian production should focus on the sustainable development of business systems based on the deployment of a balanced policy of integrating three macro flows: 1) creating better jobs; 2) creating a better product; 3) building a harmonious eco-society.

Lean manufacturing is primarily not about equipment, not workpieces and not software, but about relationships between people. These are the principles on which relationships are built in the company horizontally and vertically.


1. Pashuto V. P. Organization, rationing and wages at the enterprise / V. P. Pashuto. - 3rd ed., erased. –M.: KnoRus, 2007.– 316 p.

2. Michael Vader, presentation of the report, VII Russian Lean Forum (November 19, 2013, Moscow, WTC)

3. Lipetskaya M. S. Lean production and quality management systems: the global agenda and issues for Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, June 14, 2012

4. Center for Strategic Research "North-West" survey of industrial companies conducted within the framework of the project "Industrial and Technological Foresight of the Russian Federation" (50% of questionnaires processed)

5. Klochkov Yu. P. Lean production: concepts, principles, mechanism, Engineering Bulletin of the Don, No. 2, 2012. - 432 p.


Lean(lean production, lean manufacturing - English. lean- “skinny, slim, no fat”; in Russia, the translation “thrifty” is used, there are also variants “slim”, “sparing”, “prudent”, in addition, there is a variant with transliteration - “lin”) - a management concept based on a steady desire to eliminate all types of losses. Lean production involves the involvement of each employee in the process of optimizing the business and maximum customer orientation.

Lean manufacturing is an interpretation of the ideas of the Toyota Production System by American researchers of the Toyota phenomenon.

Key Aspects of Lean Manufacturing

The starting point of lean manufacturing is customer value.

Value is the utility inherent in the product from the customer's point of view. Value is created by the manufacturer as a result of a series of sequential actions.

The heart of lean manufacturing is the process of eliminating waste.

Losses is any activity that consumes resources but does not create value for the consumer.

Losses in Japanese are called muda- a Japanese word that means waste, waste, that is, any activity that consumes resources but does not create value. For example, the consumer does not need at all that the finished product or its parts are in stock. However, under the traditional management system, warehouse costs, as well as all costs associated with rework, scrap, and other indirect costs are passed on to the consumer.

In accordance with the concept of lean manufacturing, all activities of an enterprise can be classified as follows: operations and processes that add value to the consumer, and operations and processes that do not add value to the consumer. Hence, anything that does not add value to the customer is classified as a waste and should be eliminated.

Types of losses

  • losses due to overproduction;
  • loss of time due to waiting;
  • losses due to unnecessary transportation;
  • losses due to unnecessary processing steps;
  • losses due to excess inventory;
  • losses due to unnecessary movements;
  • losses due to the release of defective products.

Jeffrey Liker, who, along with Jim Womack and Daniel Jones, has actively researched the Toyota manufacturing experience, pointed out the 8th type of waste in The Toyota Tao:

  • unrealized creative potential of employees.

It is also customary to single out 2 more sources of losses - muri and mura, which mean, respectively, "overload" and "unevenness":

mura— uneven work performance, such as a fluctuating work schedule, not caused by fluctuations in end-user demand, but rather by the characteristics of the production system, or uneven pace of work on an operation, forcing operators to rush first and then wait. In many cases, managers are able to eliminate unevenness by leveling out scheduling and being mindful of the pace of work.

Muri- overloading of equipment or operators that occurs when working at a higher speed or pace and with greater effort over a long period of time - compared to the design load (design, labor standards).

Basic principles

Jim Womack and Daniel Jones, in their book Lean: How to Eliminate Waste and Make Your Company Thrive, lays out the essence of lean manufacturing as a five-step process:

  1. Determine the value of a particular product.
  2. Determine the value stream for this product.
  3. Ensure the continuous flow of the product value stream.
  4. Allow the user to pull the product.
  5. Strive for perfection.
Other principles:
  • Excellent quality (first sight delivery, zero defects system, detection and solution of problems at the source of their occurrence);
  • Flexibility;
  • Establishing a long-term relationship with the customer (by sharing risks, costs and information).

Lean Tools

Taiichi Ohno wrote in his paper that Toyota's production system stands on two "pillars" (often referred to as the "pillars of TPS"): the jidoka system and just-in-time.

  • One piece flow
  • Total equipment care - Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) system
  • Poka - yoke ("error protection", "fool protection") - a method of preventing errors - a special device or method due to which defects simply cannot appear.

Implementation Algorithm (according to Jim Wumeck)

  1. Find a change agent (you need a leader who can take responsibility);
  2. Get the necessary knowledge of the Lean system (knowledge must be obtained from a reliable source);
  3. Find or create a crisis (a good motive for introducing Lean is a crisis in the organization);
  4. Map the entire value stream for each product family;
  5. As soon as possible, start work in the main areas (information about the results should be available to the organization's staff);
  6. Strive for immediate results;
  7. Implement continuous improvement according to the Kaizen system (transition from value creation processes in the shops to administrative processes).

Common Mistakes When Implementing Lean Manufacturing

  • Misunderstanding of the role of management in the implementation of the Lean system
  • Building a "System" that does not have the necessary flexibility
  • Starting implementation not from the “basics”
  • Jobs change, but habits don't.
  • Measure everything (collect data), but not react to anything
  • "Paralytic analysis" (endless analysis of the situation, instead of continuous improvements)
  • Go without support

Lean culture

Lean manufacturing is impossible without a lean culture. The main thing in Lean culture is the human factor, teamwork. Emotional intelligence (EQ) of employees provides significant support for this. Lean culture also corresponds to a certain corporate culture.


In general, the use of lean manufacturing principles can have significant effects. Prof. O. S. Vikhansky argues that the use of tools and methods of lean production can achieve a significant increase in the efficiency of the enterprise, labor productivity, improve the quality of products and increase competitiveness without significant capital investments.


The father of lean manufacturing is Taiichi Ohno, who started working at Toyota Motor Corporation in 1943, integrating the best world practices. In the mid-1950s, he began to build a special production organization system called the Toyota Production System or Toyota Production System (TPS).

The Toyota system became known in the Western interpretation as Lean production, Lean manufacturing, Lean. The term lean was proposed by John Krafcik, one of the American consultants.

A significant contribution to the development of the theory of lean production was made by an associate and assistant of Taiichi Ono - Shigeo Shingo, who created, among other things, the SMED method.

The ideas of lean manufacturing were expressed by Henry Ford, but they were not accepted by business, as they were significantly ahead of their time.

Masaaki Imai was the first to spread the philosophy of Kaizen around the world. His first book Kaizen: The Key to Japan's Competitive Success was published in 1986 and has been translated into 20 languages.

At first, the concept of lean manufacturing was applied in industries with discrete manufacturing, primarily in the automotive industry. The concept was then adapted to the conditions of continuous production. Gradually, the ideas of lean moved beyond production, and the concept began to be applied in trade, the service sector, utilities, healthcare (including pharmacies), the armed forces and the public sector.

In many countries, the spread of lean manufacturing is provided with government support. In the period of the highest competition and the escalating crisis, enterprises around the world have no other way than, using the best world management technologies, to create products and services that satisfy customers as much as possible in terms of quality and price.

Regular international and regional conferences contribute to the dissemination of Lean ideas. One of the largest platforms for the exchange of best practices in lean manufacturing in Russia is the Russian Lean Forums (since 2011 - the Russian Forum "Development of Production Systems"), which have been held annually since 2006.

Examples of using

Lean map. The deployment of the concept of lean manufacturing in Russia is presented on the Lean-map - the world's first map of lean manufacturing. The Lean Map, created by ICSI and the Blog, highlights companies that, according to available information, use lean manufacturing tools, as well as lean people - that is, people who are famous, have significant experience in lean manufacturing and are active in spreading lean ideas. The map is constantly updated, mainly thanks to user information. Upon application with confirmation, any organization using lean manufacturing methods can be marked on the map.

The world's largest companies are successfully using Toyota's experience: Alcoa, Boeing, United Technologies (USA), Porsche (Germany), Tool Rand (Russia) and many others.

Lean Logistics (Lin logistics). The synthesis of logistics and the Lean concept made it possible to create a pull system that unites all firms and enterprises involved in the value stream, in which partial replenishment of stocks in small batches takes place. Lean Logistics uses the Total Logistics Cost (TLC) principle.

Lean manufacturing in medicine.. According to expert estimates, approximately 50% of the time at the medical staff is not used directly on the patient. A transition to personalized medicine is ahead, in which the patient receives care "at the right time and in the right place." Medical facilities should be located so that the patient does not have to spend time on numerous transfers and waiting in other places. Now this leads to significant financial costs for patients and a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment. In 2006, at the initiative of the Lean Enterprise Academy (Great Britain), the first conference in the EU on the problem of implementing Lean in the healthcare sector was held.

Lean mail. In the Danish Post Office, within the framework of Lean Manufacturing, a large-scale standardization of all offered services has been carried out to increase labor productivity and speed up mail forwarding. For the identification and control of postal services, "maps for the in-line creation of their value" have been introduced. An effective motivation system for postal employees has been developed and implemented.

Lean office. Lean manufacturing methods are increasingly being used not only in manufacturing, but also in offices (lean office), as well as in local and central governments.

Thrift House. The use of lean technology in everyday life makes it possible to make life environmentally friendly, to reduce energy costs to a minimum level. The passive house is a typical example of lean living. A passive house, or rather an energy-efficient house, is a house in which heating costs are about 10% of normal energy consumption, which practically makes it energy-independent. The heat loss of the Passive House is less than 15 W. hour / m² per year (for comparison, in an old building 300 W. hour / m² per year), and the need for a slight heating of the house occurs only at negative outdoor temperatures. Passive house at a frost of minus 20 cools down by 1 degree per day.

Downsides of Lean Manufacturing

It should also be noted that the introduction of lean manufacturing has certain negative aspects. In practice, a fairly large number of companies practicing lean manufacturing following Toyota make extensive use of so-called labor. temporary workers working on short-term contracts, who can be easily fired in the event of a reduction in production. For example, in 2004, Toyota employed 65,000 permanent workers and 10,000 temporary workers.

see also

  • Toyota: 14 Business Principles
  • Lean Design



  • Womack James P., Jones Daniel T. Lean production. How to get rid of losses and achieve prosperity for your company. - M.: "Alpina Publisher", 2011. ISBN 978-5-9614-1654-1
  • Womack James P., Jones Daniel T., Russ Daniel. The machine that changed the world. - M.: Potpourri, 2007. ISBN 978-985-483-889-2
  • Golokteev K., Matveev I. Production management: tools that work., - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2008. ISBN 978-5-91180-599-9
  • Taiichi Ohno. The Toyota Production System: Moving away from mass production. - M: IKSI Publishing House, 2012. ISBN 978-5-903148-39-4
  • Shigeo Shingo. A study of the Toyota production system from the point of view of the organization of production. - M: IKSI, 2010. ISBN 978-5-903148-35-6
  • Pascal Dennis. Sirtaki in Japanese: About the Toyota Production System and Beyond ISBN 978-5-903148-04-2
  • Yasuhiro Monden. Toyota management system. - M. Publishing house IKSI, 2007, ISBN 978-5-903148-19-6
  • Liker Jeffrey. Tao Toyota: 14 principles of management of the world's leading company - M.,: "Alpina Publisher", 2011. ISBN 978-5-9614-1590-2
  • Shook John, Rother Michael. Learn to See Business Processes: The Practice of Value Stream Mapping (2nd edition). - M.: "Alpina Publisher", 2008. ISBN 978-5-9614-0621-4
  • George L. Michael. Lean + Six Sigma. Combining Six Sigma quality with Lean speed. - M: Alpina Publisher, 2007 ISBN 978-5-9614-0636-8
  • Mary Poppendyck, Tom Poppendyck. Lean software manufacturing: from idea to profit. - M .: Williams, 2010. ISBN 978-5-8459-1538-2
  • Mark Graban. Lean Hospitals: Improving Quality, Patient Safety, and Employee Satisfaction ISBN 978-1-4200-8380-4


Specialized Resources:

  • Herald Lin - Newspaper and online magazine about lean manufacturing
  • Lean manufacturing and lean technologies - Everything about lean manufacturing tools, Kaizen philosophy, experience and perspectives of Lean in Russia
  • Lean Books - ICSI Publishing
  • Kaizen Blog - Lean Materials
  • Practical Blog on Lean Manufacturing and Continuous Improvement
  • State advanced training courses in the field of lean manufacturing


  • The Russian Lean School is a complex of educational services, including certification courses, additional professional education, kaizen tours, trainings and seminars by leading foreign and Russian experts. Organization and conduct of excursions
  • MBA-Production Systems - MBA-Production Systems program at the Graduate School of Business of Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov. State Diploma
  • The Orgprom group of companies is a leading Russian provider providing a full range of services for the development of lean manufacturing
  • - Lean Practice Institute. State Diploma
  • Lean and ISO Certification - Relationship between ISO and Lean Systems.

Unions, social movements, public organizations:

  • Interregional public movement “Lin-forum. Lean Manufacturing Professionals” unites the efforts of all lean manufacturing enthusiasts. Has over 900 members

Important articles and materials:

  • Lean improvement and management balancing

The Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, together with the GAZ Group, signed an agreement on the dissemination of the principles of the GAZ Production System among the enterprises of the region.

The ceremonial signing of the agreement by the regional governor Valery Shantsev and the director of the Gaz Group holding Bo Andersson took place today, June 18, as part of the round table "GAZ production system - the evolution of thinking", which was dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the integration of the lean manufacturing strategy in Russia. Round table participants: representatives of Severstal, Rosatom, VTB, Sberbank of Russia, KAMAZ and others.

The GAS production system is a progressive form of labor organization based on the continuous improvement of production processes and the optimal use of resources. The integration of the lean production system into the work processes of Nizhny Novgorod enterprises will contribute to the growth of their competitiveness and the efficiency of their work. At the moment, the pioneer in the development of new approaches to the organization of production - the GAZ Group - has an annual economic effect from the implementation of lean production methods, measured by 500-700 million rubles.

Bo Inge Andersson: “I would like to especially thank our visionary, our leader, owner and chairman of the board of the Basic Element Corporation, Oleg Deripaska. 10 years ago, he was the first to realize the need for change, primarily cultural. He turned to Toyota and began to learn from them the best experience and knowledge. Ultimately, in 10 years we managed to achieve the following results for the enterprise in our production facilities:

  • 25% reduction in rework;
  • reduction of unfinished production. In 2012 it was reduced by 30%, in 2013 we plan to reduce work in progress by another 10%;
  • increase in output per employee by 10-11%. Now the output for one employee per month is 1 million rubles. This allows us to raise wages. Over the past 3 years, the average salary has increased from 21,000 to 27,000 rubles.

The principles of lean production are as follows: the involvement of the entire management team in the process of improving production, all people participate in the process of improvement; establishing clear tools for measuring the effectiveness of their own work; increasing the conscious role of foremen - foremen become the most important link. They are responsible for the selection of people, for their training, for the efficiency with which the workers will work.

about to work.

Today I was pleasantly surprised by the situation - training cells appeared in the main production workshops - both an imitation of production and a classroom. They didn't exist a year ago. This indicates a contribution to the development of human capital, which leads to immediate results for the region, primarily financial. Previously, GAZ could not provide profitable work. Now the situation has changed radically. This year, GAZ pays income tax to the regional budget for the time being not much - 45 million - but with

By 2018, the President of the country, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, sets before us the task of increasing labor productivity by 1.5 times. We, as a developed industrial region, having such a good experience in using the GAS production system, when labor productivity increases many times without any colossal investments, are obliged to double labor productivity by this period. Only forward. We are guaranteed a victory."