Occupational hazards of radiologists. Radiation safety measures. Protection of personnel and patients during X-ray examinations. The staff employs a radiologist. What should hospital administrators know? What are the privileges of the x-ray lab

Milk for harmfulness - is cancelled. Laboratory assistants and orderlies of the radiology department of the Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 were deprived of occupational hazard benefits. This happened after the next certification of their jobs. According to its results, X-ray rooms turned out to be quite safe for work and were on par with, say, the pavilions of furniture stores. Outraged hospital employees wrote a collective letter to the governor and even the president of the country. All 28 laboratory assistants and 12 orderlies signed the appeal.

The laboratory assistant helps the patient to correctly approach the x-ray machine. The doctor behind thick glass already sees on the screen a diseased limb. The picture is ready in minutes.

Valentina Korotaeva, doctor of the X-ray department of Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1:

“The harm lies in the fact that we are constantly in the sphere of ionizing radiation. Here, the explosion of an atomic or hydrogen bomb - similar changes develop in the body, only, of course, at much higher doses. But here employees are exposed to radiation all the time, day after day.”

There are three digital x-ray machines in the radiology department. The remaining seven are analog samples. "Diagnost 56" is an X-ray veteran. Has been treating patients for over 10 years. Laboratory assistants manually develop his photographs in toxic hydroquinone and dry them here, on a room heater. Lidia Mitusova recalls that there was an electric developer in the office, but it broke two years ago.

Lidiya Mitusova, x-ray technician:

“Maybe they filmed it because they thought: this is a digital camera. And what is digital, we usually develop it in tanks. I don’t know, I’ll take a look, maybe I’ll give it up. It’s so easy to work and get irradiated. We also take pictures in the intensive care unit; there, on site, the radiation exposure is very high.”

The department's employees learned that their work was no longer harmful after visiting the certification commission. Free milk every day, a six-hour workday and early retirement were all at risk. At the same time, radiologists who work in these same offices were left with harm. They deprived laboratory assistants and orderlies.

Lidiya Chernykh, nurse:

“We help, if we need to fill the rig, we need to go to the intensive care unit. We also spend 6 hours in this office with them. When we signed the paper, we were told that this was preliminary and that the harm would not be removed. And in the end, we sowed it.”

The former head physician of the hospital, Alexander Shchukin, intended to meet with dissatisfied employees, but left for a promotion to the regional health department. Viktor Verikovsky, who came to replace him, learned about the problem from us. After a short meeting, he promised to compensate for the losses of junior staff at the expense of the hospital.

Viktor Verikovsky, chief physician of Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1:

« The hazard pay was replaced with incentive payments, which will ensure almost the same amount of wages as before. Additional leave for harmful activities was replaced by additional leave approved by the collective agreement. Plus, the hospital has currently left the necessary payments to the Pension Fund so that the pension part of this category of employees does not suffer.”

The commission for a special assessment of working conditions explained that “harmless x-rays” in Clinical Hospital No. 1 are the first sign of new federal regulations. Since 2014, the requirements for medical staff to receive benefits have become more stringent. In the case of X-ray workers, they have tightened up to the point of absurdity. The work of a laboratory assistant is now considered harmful if the radiation in the office exceeds the maximum permissible level. And in this case, safety standards are violated and the office must be closed according to the rules.

Evgeny Kasilov, Alexander Popov

Milk for harmfulness - is cancelled. Laboratory assistants and orderlies of the radiology department of the Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 were deprived of occupational hazard benefits. This happened after the next certification of their jobs. According to its results, X-ray rooms turned out to be quite safe for work and were on par with, say, the pavilions of furniture stores. Outraged hospital employees wrote a collective letter to the governor and even the president of the country. All 28 laboratory assistants and 12 orderlies signed the appeal.

The laboratory assistant helps the patient to correctly approach the x-ray machine. The doctor behind thick glass already sees on the screen a diseased limb. The picture is ready in minutes.

Valentina Korotaeva, doctor of the X-ray department of Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1:

“The harm lies in the fact that we are constantly in the sphere of ionizing radiation. Here, the explosion of an atomic or hydrogen bomb - similar changes develop in the body, only, of course, at much higher doses. But here employees are exposed to radiation all the time, day after day.”

There are three digital x-ray machines in the radiology department. The remaining seven are analog samples. "Diagnost 56" is an X-ray veteran. Has been treating patients for over 10 years. Laboratory assistants manually develop his photographs in toxic hydroquinone and dry them here, on a room heater. Lidia Mitusova recalls that there was an electric developer in the office, but it broke two years ago.

Lidiya Mitusova, x-ray technician:

“Maybe they filmed it because they thought: this is a digital camera. And what is digital, we usually develop it in tanks. I don’t know, I’ll take a look, maybe I’ll give it up. It’s so easy to work and get irradiated. We also take pictures in the intensive care unit; there, on site, the radiation exposure is very high.”

The department's employees learned that their work was no longer harmful after visiting the certification commission. Free milk every day, a six-hour workday and early retirement were all at risk. At the same time, radiologists who work in these same offices were left with harm. They deprived laboratory assistants and orderlies.

Lidiya Chernykh, nurse:

“We help, if we need to fill the rig, we need to go to the intensive care unit. We also spend 6 hours in this office with them. When we signed the paper, we were told that this was preliminary and that the harm would not be removed. And in the end, we sowed it.”

The former head physician of the hospital, Alexander Shchukin, intended to meet with dissatisfied employees, but left for a promotion to the regional health department. Viktor Verikovsky, who came to replace him, learned about the problem from us. After a short meeting, he promised to compensate for the losses of junior staff at the expense of the hospital.

Viktor Verikovsky, chief physician of Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1:

« The hazard pay was replaced with incentive payments, which will ensure almost the same amount of wages as before. Additional leave for harmful activities was replaced by additional leave approved by the collective agreement. Plus, the hospital has currently left the necessary payments to the Pension Fund so that the pension part of this category of employees does not suffer.”

The commission for a special assessment of working conditions explained that “harmless x-rays” in Clinical Hospital No. 1 are the first sign of new federal regulations. Since 2014, the requirements for medical staff to receive benefits have become more stringent. In the case of X-ray workers, they have tightened up to the point of absurdity. The work of a laboratory assistant is now considered harmful if the radiation in the office exceeds the maximum permissible level. And in this case, safety standards are violated and the office must be closed according to the rules.

Evgeny Kasilov, Alexander Popov

1. How long do you need to work as an X-ray technician to qualify for an occupational pension?

1.1. Dear Svetlana
According to Law 400 On Insurance Pensions, Article 30, List N1, 10 years for a man and 7.5 for a woman need to work and have insurance experience

Article 30. Retention of the right to early assignment of an insurance pension

1. An old-age insurance pension is assigned before reaching the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law, if there is an individual pension coefficient of at least 30 to the following persons:
1) men upon reaching the age of 50 years and women upon reaching the age of 45 years, if they have worked, respectively, for at least 10 years and 7 years 6 months in underground work, in work with hazardous working conditions and in hot shops and have an insurance record of at least 20 years and 15 years. If these persons have worked in the listed jobs for at least half of the period established above and have the required length of insurance experience, an insurance pension is assigned to them with a reduction in the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law by one year for each full year of such work - for men and women;
Good luck and all the best.

1.2. Good afternoon Work experience according to the second list of hazards (in this case, an x-ray technician) must be at least 10 years, then there will be an opportunity to retire at 50 years old. All the best!

2. Why were X-ray technicians deprived of their hazard pay and additional leave?

2.1. Good day!
The presence of hazardous working conditions at each workplace is confirmed by the results of a special assessment of working conditions (SAL). Based on its results, the employer is given recommendations on how to compensate for hazardous work conditions. If there are no harmful factors in the workplace, then compensation measures are not required. Check out the results of the SAS of your workplace with your employer and everything will become clear.
Good luck and all the best!

3. Until January 1, 2014, the x-ray technician’s workplace certification had a hazard class of 3.2 for the light environment. On this basis, they paid an additional tariff to the pension fund and had the right to retire early List No. 1 post. Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991 No. 10. Having completed the action plan to improve the light environment, we carry out SOUT in December 2014 and on this basis, from January 1, 2015, class 2 is established according to SOUT. In this regard, from January 1, 2015 we stop paying an additional tariff to the pension fund and compensation for benefits . For x-ray technicians at the clinic. Question; Should we pay an additional tariff to the pension fund if the class is 2 SOUT. and whether list No. 1 of January 26, 1991 No. 10 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR is valid.

3.1. The lists are applied in accordance with Article 30 No. 400-FZ in the manner established by the PP dated July 16, 2014 No. 665.

4. How should radiologists and x-ray technicians be paid for tuberculosis-related work correctly when serving tuberculosis patients in a district hospital: is the work rate summed up (the tuberculosis rate is subtracted from the total number of hours worked for X-rays) or is payment for each injury separately in the full amount of time worked?

4.1. Hello. This is established by the collective agreement,

5. Is an X-ray technician working at 0.5 rate entitled to milk for harmfulness?

5.1. Hello!
yes, it's supposed to

6. If an X-ray technician is deprived of his duty and additional leave, does he have the right to a preferential pension?

6.1. Hello! For the period when the harmfulness was removed, it does not. If the grace period is exhausted, the pension will be provided ahead of schedule.

7. On what basis was the radiographer removed from harm and denied additional leave? I have been working as a laboratory assistant for 36 years...

7.1. Hello! Write a complaint to the prosecutor's office on the basis of Art. 10 of the Federal Law “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation”, it is possible on the Internet through the website of the prosecutor’s office. In your complaint, include this information about the violation of your rights. Be sure to include your last name, first name, patronymic, address and contact details. It is not necessary to indicate specific articles of the law. The appeal is made in writing addressed to the prosecutor. Please attach relevant documents (if any) and evidence to your complaint.

7.2. Write a complaint to the labor inspectorate, attach a copy of the employment contract and work record book

7.3. Check with the employer for the reasons; perhaps, based on the results of a special assessment, the harmfulness has been removed

8. I work in a private clinic as an x-ray technician; the clinic does not pay to the pension fund for harmful and harmful work experience. Can I go to court for the restoration of harmful work experience?

8.1. Good afternoon you need to order through the court to make deductions

9. I work in a hospital as an X-ray technician. Since January 1, 2015, we have removed harmfulness. Is this legal?

9.1. You can appeal this withdrawal. Depending on which act it is removed

10. I work as an X-ray technician. Harm payments have been cancelled. Is it legal? Give links.

10.1. Hello! see Regulations on remuneration for the institution.

11. I work as an x-ray technician in X-ray. Assigned hazard class 3.1. Removed additional. vacation, milk and increased working hours. Is this legal? If not, where should I go?

11.1. Hello. No, it's illegal. You can file a complaint with the prosecutor's office or the State Inspectorate

12. In 2012, 15% of the harmfulness was removed from the X-ray laboratory specialists of the FGUZ KB-51, where they didn’t write the truth. There is only one answer: To sort it out on the spot The city is small, there are no lawyers for our problem. Can't we return anything? Help! Where should i write?

12.1. file a complaint with the prosecutor's office.
Application procedure: according to the instructions of Gen. Prosecutor's office:

A written appeal of a citizen, official and other person must necessarily contain either the name of the body to which the appeal is sent, or the last name, first name, patronymic of the relevant official, or his position, as well as the last name, first name, patronymic (the latter - if any) of the citizen who sent the appeal, the postal address to which the response or notification of the redirection of the appeal should be sent, a statement of the essence of the issue, the personal signature of the indicated citizen and the date.

If necessary, in support of his arguments, the citizen shall attach documents and materials or their copies to the written application.

If the written appeal does not indicate the name of the citizen who sent the appeal, or the address to which the response should be sent, the response to the appeal is not given.

Appeals from citizens, military personnel and members of their families, officials and other persons are resolved within 30 days from the date of their registration with the prosecution authorities of the Russian Federation, and those that do not require additional study and verification - within 15 days, unless otherwise provided by federal legislation.

If the deadline for resolving an appeal expires on a weekend or holiday, the last day of permission is the next business day.

13. I heard from X-ray laboratory workers working in the zone of ionizing radiation they will remove the harmfulness, is that so?

13.1. There was no such document.


14. Tell me, can the benefits and harm to an x-ray technician be cancelled?

14.1. Dear Olga Viktorovna!
Please clarify the question.

List No. 781 covers most categories of physicians. However, some medical workers not included in this List may be eligible for pension benefits not in connection with medical activities, but in connection with special working conditions: Schedule No. 1 (harmful conditions) or Schedule No. 2 (hard conditions) ( subparagraphs 1 and 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 30 of Law No. 400-FZ).

A pension according to List No. 1 is established for men upon reaching 50 years of age and women upon reaching 45 years of age, if they worked for at least 10 years and 7 years 6 months, respectively, in jobs with hazardous working conditions and have an insurance period of at least 20 and 15 years, respectively. According to List No. 2, a pension is assigned to men upon reaching 55 years of age and women upon reaching 50 years of age if they have worked in jobs with difficult working conditions for at least 12 years, 6 months and 10 years and have an insurance period of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively.

In addition, citizens who have at least half of their work experience in jobs with hazardous working conditions are awarded a pension with a reduction in the generally established age by one year for each full year of such work. If there is experience in work with difficult working conditions of at least half the duration established by law, a pension is assigned with a reduction in the generally established age by one year for every two years and six months of such work for men and for every 2 years of such work for women.

Lists No. 1 and No. 2 provide a list of professions and positions of medical workers and their working conditions, which give the right to early retirement.

Doctors and nursing staff permanently employed in X-ray operating rooms, as well as nursing staff in X-ray departments (rooms), are provided with early retirement benefits according to List No. 1.

Radiologists and x-ray technicians who are permanently employed in x-ray departments (offices) also have the right to early retirement benefits according to List No. 1, since their connection with x-ray equipment is determined by their job title and place of work.

Junior medical personnel, namely junior nurses caring for patients employed in X-ray departments (rooms), enjoy the right to early retirement according to List No. 2. It should be noted that X-ray nurses

branches are not provided for by Lists No. 1 and No. 2 of 1991. However, if the periods of work as nurses in X-ray rooms were completed before 01/01/1992, then the right to early pension provision can be determined according to List No. 1 of 1956, including with incomplete experience under List No. 1 (at least 3 years 9 months ).

Early retirement benefits according to List No. 2 are provided to nursing and junior medical personnel who directly serve patients in tuberculosis and infectious diseases institutions, departments, offices, in psychiatric (psychoneurological) treatment and preventive institutions and departments of children's homes, etc.

To acquire the right to early retirement for this category of workers, documentary evidence of their permanent employment in direct patient care is required. According to the Letter of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated August 23, 1993 No. 05-16/30-16 “On the procedure for applying Section XXIV of List No. 2 of production, work, professions, positions and indicators that give the right to preferential pension provision,” direct patient care means work , which is carried out under conditions of contact between a medical worker and a patient. This, in particular, is the implementation of a number of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, measures for patient care, and the creation of an appropriate medical and protective regime. For example: carrying out massages, injections, procedures, manipulations, distributing food and feeding patients, carrying them, sanitizing, etc.

Certain categories of workers perform work that does not relate to direct patient care. For example, a sister-housekeeper supervises the work of nurses and cleaners to keep the premises clean and tidy, provides them with household equipment, special clothing, etc. The senior nurse, as a rule, supervises the nurses and carries out accounting and control of medicines. When distributing food, a nurse-barmaid directly serves patients, but does so according to a schedule (breakfast, lunch, dinner), i.e. objectively cannot be engaged in direct patient care full time.

In accordance with current legislation, periods of work performed by

constantly throughout the full working day. Full-time work means performing work in certain working conditions for at least 80% of the working time.

If in certain periods an employee performed work that entitled him to early retirement benefits part-time (less than 80%), then the periods of such work are not counted toward the special length of service.

When combining work provided for by both List No. 1 and List No. 2, the right to a pension under List No. 1 or List No. 2 is determined taking into account the volume of such work. If the work that gives the right to early retirement benefits under List No. 2 is no more than 20%, and the work under List No. 1 is at least 80%, then a pension under List No. 1 is assigned. In this case, it is mandatory to have supporting documents on the percentage the ratio of employment in certain jobs.

Everyday life of a doctor At the age of 4 I wanted to become a doctor, at the age of 30 I was on maternity leave from which I would not return. I am 4 years old. Dad suffers from pneumonia and receives intramuscular injections. And I run around and wait for my mother to finish and give me the syringe. And so I pick him up and run to my “patients” - Masya the plush hare and Kira the bear. They also get sick, like dad, and they, like dad, need to be given injections ... I'm 5. A neighbor's boy came to me and we went into the room to play. I had just learned to read and started showing off. She pulled out her favorite book - the 2nd volume of Sinelnikov's atlas, opened it in the most interesting place and let's read with inspiration: "po-lo-you organs." I'm 10. My reference books are Usov's Pediatrician's Handbook and a manual on internal medicine for paramedics. I’m 12. Our class is being filmed and the question “What do you want to become?” I confidently answer: “A doctor.” I have no doubt at all that this is what I want. And no one doubts it. I'm 14. I take third place at the city Olympiad in biology. Then the same thing is repeated at 15 and 16. I am 17. I study only 3 subjects - chemistry, biology, Russian. I had no question about where to go. My family does too. And the teachers at school. I was not touched on other subjects. Everyone knew: Margot was going to medical school. Still 17. I cry with happiness when I learn that I am enrolled in the budget department of the pediatric faculty of our medical university. I'm 18. Winter session was excellent. As, indeed, in summer. I'm 19. I'm getting a job in a children's oncology intensive care unit. For the first time I see pain, death with my own eyes and realize that my beloved medicine is not omnipotent, and superheroes in white coats are ordinary people who can only do what they can. I'm 21. I'm still full of enthusiasm. She quit the pediatric intensive care unit: I’m ashamed to admit it, but that intensity of drama and pain was beyond me. I'm getting a job as an ambulance paramedic. A day on the weekend. Two nights during the week. In the middle of all this is studying. With my hands in knitted gloves I dig out the drunkards from under the snow. I get into any vein with my eyes closed. I remember the algorithm of actions for febrile convulsions, cardiogenic shock, asthmatic and epi-statuses even in a dream and a drunken stupor. I count the doses of prednisone, adrenaline, and drugs in my head in seconds. I'm 22. I'm entering a sub-residency (6th year) in pediatric surgery. I still work in the ambulance. While studying, I go to operations. There is no free time, but I still find it. I’m 23. I’m standing in a robe and a funny hat, the rector is presenting me with my honors diploma. Again, like when I was 17, I cry with happiness. I dreamed so much of becoming a Doctor - and now I am a Doctor. I’m 24. Me (enthusiastically): “Hello, I’m an otolaryngology intern!” The head of the children's ENT department, looking at me over her glasses: “So what?” Resigned from the ambulance. But I still don’t spend the night at home three times a week – I’m on duty at the hospital, so I want to learn everything. And here it is - the long-awaited certificate. I am 25. I work as a pediatric ENT doctor in three places. “Doctor, only one has complaints, but look at these three too, it’s not difficult for you” “Accept without waiting in line, we have many children, and it doesn’t matter that there is bleeding” “The X-ray room isn’t working? We are writing a complaint against you” “No otitis? We are going to a private clinic and pray that they say the same thing.” “Look at the child’s adenoids. So what if it’s 5 am” 120 people per day for 2 rooms. It's September. In November – 180. Closer to March – 200. There are severe ones – foreign bodies, mastoiditis, purulent otitis, meningitis. But most just ask. There is no doctor or doctor at the clinic. We visited a private center and a professor, but what do you think? I'm 27. I'm leaving for an adult hospital. Pathology is more diverse, surgery is more interesting. There are far fewer people. “I spat blood in your eye. I have HIV, by the way. Should I have told you earlier?” “My buddy broke my nose, I’ll break yours too - and I won’t even look at the woman.” Cellulitis of the neck - stop on the table. They pulled it out. We exhaled. Decompensated laryngeal stenosis due to cancer. DN 2-3. Written refusal of tracheotomy. Complaint about conicotomy performed. The complaint is that anterior tamponade is painful. The complaint is that there are no places in the department and there are 72 people in 60 beds. Complaint that we do not admit you to hospital for a planned operation without examination. Complaint that we don’t accept patients for planned surgery due to sudden ARVI. How many times have I written the word “complaint”? So here it is. Deduction of bonuses by 100% - the same number of times + deduction of 50-75% for papers. I'm 29. I don't remember the last time I got enough sleep. I am ashamed to name the amount that comes to my card twice a month in front of my peers. This is despite the fact that they work 160 hours a month and sleep at home, and I work more than 300. I listen to the next complaints of the next chronicle and realize with annoyance that I will not help him in any way. And I don't care. “Take it quickly, you have a line here.” I have no strength. I'm 30. I'm on maternity leave from which I won't be returning. I walk down the street, look at the sky and enjoy spring. I watch my child grow up. I don’t sleep much, but I’m incredibly happy that I’m woken up by my child’s cries, and not by the swearing of another drunken degenerate with a broken nose. I'm 30. 26 years ago I first wanted to become a doctor. And now I understand that I don’t want it anymore. Thank you, dear patients. Thank you, dear hospital management. Thank you, dear Ministry of Health. Thank you, dear healthcare system. Thank you. And go to hell. Margarita Alekseeva.