Advertising through Yandex Direct: how to save money by properly setting up an advertising campaign. Effective management of contextual advertising - on the example of Yandex Direct Effective contextual advertising Yandex

Yandex Direct advanced

The program of the course corresponds to the professional standard "Specialist in Internet Marketing".

Do you want to learn how to run advertising campaigns in Yandex.Direct as efficiently as possible? The challenge is to improve attraction target audience? Aimed to use advertising budget the best way? We will teach you how to solve these problems.

The amount of money spent on online advertising in 2018 for the first time in Russian history exceeded spending on TV advertising. Budgets for online promotion increase by an average of 15% per year, and this trend continues to persist. This imposes more and more responsibility on the specialists involved in advertising on the network, employers make more and more demands on them, following the budgets.

This course will be most useful to you if you already understand general principles advertising campaigns in Yandex.Direct but want to expand and deepen your knowledge, skills and abilities. During the classes, you will learn how to manage your advertising budgets with maximum efficiency. One of the course modules will be devoted to auditing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. After completing the training, you will be able to conduct a detailed analysis of your campaigns and find out the optimal ratio between the funds spent and the return on advertising.

You will learn how to optimize cost per click, use special professional services for evaluating the cost of a click, learn how to mark up advertisements with UTM and yclid tags, develop a strategy for targeting ad impressions, and master the effective and detailed structure of a Yandex.Direct account.

A special educational block is dedicated to developing the most effective texts, increasing the CTP of ads, and choosing the right keywords. Separate time will be devoted to reports in Yandex.Direct and Yandex.Metrica, campaign management using Exel and Yandex.Commander.

Well intended for specialists in contextual advertising, agency employees, marketers, private advertisers.

Learn from the best professional practitioners. Come to the Specialist.

It is difficult to disagree with this, but the context does not always work and not for everyone. Let me explain.

P.S.: the list below can be used as a checklist for determining the effectiveness of Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords advertising.

And here I am telling how to build a productive work of the customer and director.

Question №1 . Do I know my target audience? Does my product/service meet their real needs?

Stupid question? And here it is not.

Let's say you are an installer Lech, who 5 years of work for his uncle did not discourage the desire to install and clean air conditioners. You love your job and wanted to go up to your office. You know that your clientele is the entire sleeping season from April to September. You need to make a landing page and send traffic to it from search and YAN.

And if you are a system administrator Dima and decided to become a cool businessman selling Chinese iPhones in an online store, then you should seriously think: is it worth climbing into a competitive niche with a product that does not inspire confidence?

By the way, here, in order to start the context, you still need to be able to pass moderation in the same Yandex.

Tip one: if the product is now at the peak of popularity and you think that you can make money on it, calm down: the wave will soon decline, and the resources and capabilities of competitors who are sitting in their market share cannot be interrupted. They will bet what they want, and you what you can, and the fight for a place in the sun will not end in your favor.

Tip two: If the niche is still yours, before launching an ad, go to and look at impressions for targeted queries from the category “buy a hard drive”, “cleaning Moscow”. If there are hundreds of requests or even less, the demand is obvious and it makes no sense to pour money into contextual advertising. If there are thousands of requests, everything is fine, go to the next step.

Question #2.Can my site turn a visitor into a customer?

Let's return to the fitter Lekha. The landing page is ready, so beautiful, links, pictures, maybe even useful articles in the sidebar.

Solution: this is the time to audit the site to see if it will sell. There are many factors and they only work in combination.

  • Again the site. Competent and competitive USP.

Solution: Back to question number 2 and shovel the site to the bitter end. In general, you always need to do optimization, because the algorithms of search engines are constantly changing, but the same factors remain at the forefront: the quality and uniqueness of content, ergonomics, design and technical well-being of the site.

Separately, a few words about the USP. It seems that the site is good, and the product, and in the search results you are at the top, but only a client with Gulkin's personal belongings. The question is brewing: is your offer competitive?

Tolik from above offers installation of a split system in 2 hours and 1500 rubles. with a 2-year warranty, Vasya from below, plus 2 seasons of free maintenance, and the installer Lekha on the site, in addition to the beaten High Quality and low prices have nothing more to offer.

Solution: work on USP, build on the benefits from competitors.

Question number 5. The campaign works, the CTR is good, the site is cleaned up, but there are few customers. What's wrong?

If everything is good, but does not work, then somewhere something is bad.

Learn to sell. Read marketing books (Jack Trout - Differentiate or Die, 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing), listen to your sales team through call tracking and write scripts for them, download lead generation on the site.

There is a lot of work to be done, but according to its results, it will definitely be possible to evaluate the effectiveness of Yandex Direct advertising. And then fix the jambs and come to success)

And if everything is scary and incomprehensible - contact: ladies site recommendations, tell

In a nutshell, the entire management process contextual advertising you can't describe. There are books, special sites and forums on this topic. Since I am writing for site owners who are not experts in web technologies, here I will give only those points that should be given priority attention.

In general, we must remember that the effective management of contextual advertising requires experience, a decent amount of time and, in difficult cases, also special programs. Not every site owner has enough time to master all this craft. Therefore, it makes sense to involve specialists, if not for daily management of the context, then at least for audit and correction from time to time. The cost of specialists will pay off with a gain in the price of targeted traffic. Actually, this article is about what these specialists do.

I remind you that the effectiveness of contextual advertising, as well as other types of website promotion, is evaluated by numerical indicators, the simplest of which is cost of one interested visitor. In contextual advertising, this indicator is called at the cost of a click (cpc cost per click). It is important to remember here that the site needs targeted visitors, and not all in a row, i.e. it is necessary to monitor the quality of traffic, at least for the depth of viewing the site and the percentage of failures.

For simplicity, we will assume that we are launching contextual advertising in Yandex Direct, similar work is performed in other contextual systems, although the details of this process are slightly different for Google Adwords and Begun. Consider the work on the example of contextual advertising campaign in Direct with a budget of 10-20 tr. per month.

Launch of contextual advertising

But for fuzzy requests, there is no such price reduction. The price for them is growing, in which place do not show the ad. For such ads, you need to refine your keywords using stop words. For example, our ad for the query “transportation of goods” should not be shown on a query with the word “to the country house” and the word “automobile”, because we offer sea container transportation. We need to study what requests visitors go to the site for and prohibit impressions for words we don’t need.

In competitive topics, using stop words is not enough to get a good CPC. Then it is necessary to use refined queries - to abandon the query "transportation of goods" and replace it with several refined queries "transportation of goods in a container", "container transportation of goods", "sea transportation of goods", etc. Exact queries in Yandex Direct are written in quotation marks. At this point, the list of words grows sometimes more than ten times. I remind you that for each clarified request, you must write your own ad. The list of ads can grow tenfold or more and reach thousands of ads.

Fighting competitors in contextual advertising on Yandex

Suppose we have achieved good prices and our ads lead targeted visitors to our site. And then it turns out that our competitors also decided to show contextual advertising for the same queries. They set the price higher than ours and push us out of the special placement into an area where the probability of a click decreases. If the topic is competitive, then this happens immediately - competitors will not even let us collect statistics.

In such situations, you have to look for tactics to get around competitors. Sometimes the "props" method works in Yandex.Direct. In a simplified form, this method looks like this. Sometimes one of our competitors sets outrageous cost per click. It relies on an auto broker to automatically lower the price to the price of the next listing.

Let's analyze the situation on a real life example (in the figure, a snapshot from a real campaign): a competitor set a price of $10.00, in this case we are offered to take the first special placement at $10.01. If the nearest competitor put up only 1.03, then the autobroker reduces his price to 1.04. Someone who bets $10 might want to be in first place with a guarantee, regardless of the bets of the rest of the participants. This is rather reckless on his part. In such a situation, we can set a price of 9.99 - we “prop up” a competitor. Our auto broker continues to show our ads at a low price, but the competitor's ads start to roll out at $10.00 per click. A few of these clicks a day - and soon his budget will be exhausted, and we will remain in a better position.

Only now, if we made a backup, then we need to closely monitor it, because. they can support us. Those. props must be constantly checked, literally hourly. With a budget of 15 tr. for a month we only have $50 a day, so we don't need 9.99 clicks at all.

If our competitor is experienced and strong, then it is better not to impose a budget war on him. Partisan tactics must be used against the strong. It is necessary to investigate in which regions and at what time it shows its ads. And take the best places in those regions and at a time when he is absent.

Because Direct does not allow you to set different prices for one campaign in different regions, so to differentiate prices by region, you will have to create separate copies of the advertising campaign. We do the same with time zones, if we work for several time zones, we create additional copies of ads.

It is also advisable to collect traffic on the sites of the Yandex contextual advertising network. In the advertising network, the cost of the transition can be set much lower - this is its plus. Visitors from the advertising network are not of such high quality, “hot” traffic rarely comes from there, but “warm” traffic is quite possible to get if you correctly adjust the texts of contextual ads and revise the lists of keywords. Therefore, for the contextual network, you will have to create a separate advertising campaign with “warm” ad texts and reduced bids.

Growth of contextual advertising campaigns

The techniques listed here lead to the fact that contextual advertising campaigns in competitive topics become very voluminous. If our initial campaign contained a list of words (and ads) of one to two hundred, then after refining the queries, we got a campaign of a thousand ads, and after creating its replicas for regions or time zones, the word list was multiplied by the number of regions. Plus, an advertising campaign for contextual network sites. You have to manage several thousand ads. In principle, this is normal even for small context budgets of 10-20 tr. per month. And larger budgets tend to be allocated to even larger lists of search queries and ads.

We see that a PPC manager needs to manage several thousand bids, and these prices need to be checked daily, if not more frequently. It is necessary to constantly analyze the behavior of competitors, eliminate the weak, evade the strong and look for free niches.

How often should you review your keyword lists?

Firstly, you need to constantly clean out advertising campaigns from words for which there is a very low CTR - these words lead to an increase in rates for all advertising.

Secondly, you need to select more attractive texts that allow you to increase CTR. To facilitate this process, various techniques are used, such as split testing ads.

Third, the advertising campaign must track changes in marketing. When a product is temporarily out of stock, it makes sense to pause its advertising. Not to mention promotions and sales, which are constantly conducted in all trading companies, and which should be reflected in contextual advertising.

Regions show at least a twofold increase in search activity in a year. Following users, advertisers also come to the Internet, which leads to increased competition in contextual advertising. The figure shows Yandex statistics. It can be seen that the frequency of the request "buy a car" in Siberia in 2010 increased by 2.5 times. Other commercial requests have the same growth.

Fourth, the Internet is developing very dynamically, especially in the regions. Now the audience in the regions shows more than a twofold increase in a year. Naturally, after consumers go to the Internet and advertisers. Therefore, competition in contextual advertising is constantly growing. In the regions, competition increases two to three times a year. If word lists are not reviewed for a whole year, then you can be very upset by the results of such advertising. Therefore, it is reasonable to review all advertising campaigns in Yandex.Direct once a quarter, and restart them completely once every half a year.

By the way, in the central regions (Moscow and St. Petersburg), where audience growth is now ending, the competition in contextual advertising is already very strong. For some requests in Yandex in these regions, more than one and a half hundred ads are displayed simultaneously. Therefore, the management of contextual advertising in such cases is especially difficult due to the constant activity of competitors.

Analysis of the effectiveness of contextual advertising

I already wrote the main considerations about this in the section on measuring the effectiveness of promotion - you need to keep track of site visitors in the context of referral sources. It is necessary to analyze their actions on the site, in the simplest version - to monitor the viewing depth and time spent on the site.

More information will be given by accounting for conversions on the site, but it is more difficult to understand and manage. Accounting for conversions is difficult in the service sector, on premium product sites, on sites accompanied by offline trading, and in a number of other cases. So this complication of accounting can bring more problems than benefits. Therefore, I do not believe that accounting for conversions will be useful for any customer.

To manage contextual advertising will be useful information in the context of contextual ads and individual search queries in order to compare different ads with each other. There are special techniques for this: you can use cgi tags in the url addresses of contextual ads, you can use counters from the contextual network itself. In tandem with Yandex Direct contextual advertising, it is reasonable to use Yandex Metrika, and Google Adwords statistics are best studied using Google Analytics.

When advertising in several contextual advertising systems, reports from different systems must be brought to the same format in order to receive comparable data. For example, Direct keeps track of expenses in dollars with VAT, while Adwords keeps track of expenses in rubles without VAT. For a summary report, all costs must be reduced to a common denominator.

How much does contextual advertising management cost?

Well, we briefly reviewed what a contextual advertising manager should do when managing advertising with a budget of 10-20 tr. per month. We see that he is provided with a daily download even with the indicated modest budget. To obtain high efficiency, you must constantly work on an advertising campaign.

How to choose a performer for this work, you can decide for yourself. I outlined my thoughts on this in an article on choosing a site promotion service provider.

It is now quite common to involve advertising agencies to manage contextual advertising. When working with Direct, they receive 10-12% of the client's expenses from Yandex, so these services are free for the client.

But one should not have any illusions about this. It is clear that all the works listed on this page advertising agency will not undertake to do for 10% -12% of 20 tr. It’s simply impossible to manage hundreds or even thousands of requests every day for such a small amount of money for a whole month, compile analytical reports, track competitors, work on ad texts and regularly review everything. advertising texts and requests.

If you, as a customer, want quality work, then discuss with the agency (or other contractor) the entire list necessary services and pay them, for example, an additional percentage of the advertising budget. My opinion is that effective work can be only when paying 30-40% of the advertising budget. Believe me, it's worth it, an experienced specialist will save you more by reducing the price of each site visitor.

Article author

Dmitry Skalubo

This material will be useful for advertisers who use the Yandex Direct contextual advertising system and advertise on Yandex search. If you delegate advertising management, you will be able to check if you are spending too much due to the contractor's mistakes. If you manage on your own, you will be able to find out if you are using all the features of Direct.

There is no universal recipe that will allow you to set up and launch advertising in any topic. But the mistakes that are found in almost every advertiser are repeated. Therefore, the main purpose of the article is to introduce you to the main ways to save your advertising budget, thanks to the correct understanding of the campaign settings and the basics of compiling ads.

Account registration errors

The two most common are:

1. Registration of an advertising account for a contractor without specifying in the contract who is its owner. A completely neglected case - there are no contracts, advertising is carried out by agreement with the performer, who "does everything himself, you don't even have to register with Yandex Direct."

Why is that bad?

In fact, when you pay for the work of a performer to set up advertising, you do not have full access to the tool in which it is conducted. If for some reason you have to part with the performer, you risk getting an exciting opportunity to start everything from scratch.

Also, Yandex does not make a secret of the fact that agencies receive a commission from the funds spent on agency accounts. At the end of 2016, after deducting VAT, the amount was about 7% of the funds spent on the account. Guess how you can increase the agency's profits at your expense?

If the account of "Direct" and "Metrica" ​​is located on different logins, the performer may forget to indicate the counter number in the campaign settings. This means that it will be more difficult to find ineffective keywords and landing pages.

In fairness, I’ll say that many advertisers themselves treat advertising “in a slipshod manner”, multiplying unscrupulous performers by this. I remember most of all the case when the audit got an advertisement leading to a specially created one-page site for real estate services. Applications through the form feedback easy to track, but most of the applications went through the phone. The simplest and cheapest tracking solution would be to buy a separate SIM card and change the number on the one page. I can hardly forget the advertiser's answer - "We feel when they call for advertising."

How to avoid mistakes:

  • When working with a freelancer - ad account must be registered to the advertiser.
  • If you are working under an agreement with an agency/contractor, specify - in case the cooperation is terminated, how you will receive all advertising campaigns, the setup and maintenance of which you paid for.
  • Check if "Yandex Metrica" ​​and "Yandex Direct" are on the same account, if not, make sure that the "Metrica" ​​counter is specified in the campaign settings.

Understanding what affects CPC

From Yandex help:

Click Through Rate (CTR)- the ratio of the number of clicks on an ad to the number of impressions, measured as a percentage. We can say that this indicator determines the effectiveness of the ad. The higher the CTR, the more the ad matches the request and the lower the entry price for guaranteed impressions or special placement will be for you

  • Reduce the number of untargeted impressions.
  • Increase the number of clicks on targeted impressions.
  • Write an ad that has high rate quality (corresponding to the target request).

Simply put, no need to advertise construction company was shown for the key phrase “how to pour a screed with your own hands” (reduce non-target impressions). And you need to make the ad as attractive as possible, which will be shown for the key phrase “turnkey repair at N-sk price” (increase the number of clicks on the ad).

Let's take a look at an example:

A completely unsuccessful ad is highlighted in red, which means that the campaign creators did not work on negative keywords. To be honest, the first announcement (about home moving) is also not so hot, because. the necessary information is only on the second page of the site, the ad could have been better. Take a look at the third announcement:

  • The key phrase is included in the title (and therefore highlighted, i.e. bold)
  • The price is indicated (i.e. money will not be burned due to clicks of those who are not satisfied with the price)
  • The advantages are indicated (work on a bank transfer, the deadline for submitting a car).

In fact, the third ad will be the most clickable, respectively, it will also have the most low price per click.

Go to Campaign Settings

When creating a new advertising campaign, there is every chance of spending 2 hours getting it right, and then saving money for weeks and months. For those who now thought “Pfft, what can be set there for 2 hours, things for 5 minutes” - please read, check each step and write in the comments if you found something useful for yourself.


With the start of showing ads, everything seems to be clear - you can prepare ads in advance for the holiday - the new year, March 8, May holidays, etc. The main thing is not to forget to stop it, indicating the end date. Not every advertiser needs this, but if you have a New Year's promotion (for example, discounts in December), it would be logical to add an end date so that you don't forget to stop advertising in the New Year's fuss. And it will turn out like this (screenshot taken on January 21):

When you click on an ad element with an attractive discount, the site has an empty page with last month's discounts.

Notifications and SMS notifications are not for everyone. SMS notify about campaign moderation statuses and about the need to replenish the account. In notifications for email the most useful feature is “receive a position change alert”. This is necessary when placing ads in niches where urgency is a priority. Basically, search ads on the first two pages look like this:

1) Special accommodation

2) Guaranteed impressions

3) Ads, the bid for which was not enough to be shown either in the special placement or in the guarantee - dynamic impressions.

If a potential client is looking for something that "burns", for example:

  • who will help to urgently issue a passport;
  • urgent blood test;
  • urgent production of business cards, seals, stamps, keys;
  • emergency opening of the lock in the apartment or car.

It is unlikely that he will scroll to the block marked with the number "3" without finding a suitable offer on the previous 20 SERP sites and ad units.

Therefore, position change notifications are a mandatory setting for topics where they are ready to overpay for urgency.

Choosing a strategy

We will consider only one strategy - "Manual bid management", with the options "only on search", on the minimum position in special placement and guarantee.

Manual bid management allows you to work more efficiently in complex topics. In addition, without understanding where and why automatic strategies are used, their use is often tantamount to “draining” the advertising budget. Earlier in the article, I mentioned examples of urgent topics - there you need to know for sure that ads for the right keywords are shown at least on the first page, ideally in special placement. Controlling this using automatic strategies is more difficult.

The next thing is to necessarily separate advertising on search and advertising in YAN (Yandex advertising network). There are several reasons for this:

  • a different principle for selecting key phrases (more general phrases are used for display in YAN, the selection of negative keywords is not as critical there as when advertising on search);
  • the ability to set different rates;
  • different principles of writing advertisements;
  • it is easier to view the statistics of advertising campaigns - you do not need to go into the "Report Wizard" to find out what part of the funds was spent on "Search" and what part - on YAN.

Since the purpose of the article is to tell you how to save on advertising, I recommend checking the option “Show in the lowest possible position”. You have already seen in the example of cargo transportation that placement on the 1st and 2nd position of special placement does not provide significant advantages if the advertisement is written incorrectly. And in many topics (especially expensive ones), the cost of entry into special placement (i.e. showing in 3rd place in the block) can differ several times. For example:

The difference between the forecast write-off price in the 1st and 3rd place is about 20%. At the same time, it is unlikely that wholesale buyer will not open all 3 advertised sites. Moreover, the decision here will primarily depend on the proposed conditions, and not on which site was opened first.

If you pay attention to the cost of the write-off price forecast in guaranteed impressions, you will see that you can get visitors by saving not 20%, but more than 2 times. Of course, there will be fewer visitors - but there are many topics where the advertiser himself is not able to process a large flow of orders.

Rate Adjustment

Direct allows you to set decreasing or increasing coefficients for the target audience, for advertising on mobile devices, as well as by gender and age. Target audiences are material for a separate article; in a nutshell, it doesn’t even make sense to write something.

But adjusting bids for impressions on mobile, as well as by age and gender, is mandatory for most topics. To understand what to raise and lower from this, just go to Yandex Metrica, to the report Standard Reports - Visitors - Age or Gender. For example:

The highest bounce rate is among the audience under the age of 24. If for the same period we go to the report, which shows only the visitors who visited the landing pages (each has its own, for example, the “Thank you for the order” page), we will see the following:

No targeted visitor under 25 years of age. This means that for advertising, you can safely assign the maximum reduction factor by age. Indirectly, we may lose part of the audience whose age Yandex could not determine. But if you look at the figures of the last two screenshots, we will save 15% of the advertising budget. Here's some food for thought:

  • Who is more likely to look for and buy auto parts?
  • target audience of the online store women's clothing?
  • Do 40-year-old uncles buy different funny cases for smartphones?

The list can be continued for a long time.

Time targeting

There are several ways to save money with temporal targeting:

  • if key phrases have enough impressions, you can divide them into 2-4 campaigns (before and after lunch, on weekdays and on weekends) and compare costs and the number of targeted actions.
  • do not show ads at a time when you cannot provide a service (for example, pizza or sushi delivery is rarely needed the next morning - if you do not take orders from 23:00 to 7:00 in the morning - what's the point of showing ads at this time?)
  • use multiplying factors during "hot" hours. If you deliver lunch to the office, the bulk of orders go before lunch, and advertising will work more efficiently at that time.
  • the time zone is also set here. If the main channel for orders is the telephone, and advertising is distributed throughout the country (this is not uncommon in many b2b topics), you need to compare the working hours of operators with time zones so as not to be surprised a large number missed calls.

Single address and phone

Most often, the same contact information is used for all ads in a campaign.

Why is this required? You must use any method that can make your ad stand out. Contact information makes the ad 1 line larger, which is especially noticeable if competitors do not indicate contact information, do not set quick links and do not have a store on Yandex Market (then the ad has a rating of 5 stars, and a link to the store on " YaMarket). Let's look at an example:

Here you can clearly see that in the first place the ad occupies 7 lines, in the second - 5, and in the third - 4. That is. the first ad is almost 2 times higher in size, and, accordingly, more noticeable. It would seem that ads - on the 1st and 2nd place of special placement should collect all the transitions to their sites. If they were not from Moscow, and I was not looking for a move in Rostov. Because what needs to be used correctly?

Single negative keywords

To increase the CTR, you need to choose the right words and phrases, when entered by the user, your ad will NOT be shown. How does this save money? You remember that CTR is the ratio of impressions to clicks multiplied by 100. It turns out

1000 impressions and 50 clicks - CTR=5.

500 impressions and 50 clicks - CTR=10.

Therefore, in order to increase the CTR with an equal number of clicks (thus reducing the cost per click), it is enough to remove impressions for those phrases that definitely will not bring customers.

You also have a chance to remove not even half of the ineffective impressions, but more. Let's take an example - let's take an online retail store that wants to advertise a category with women's berets:

When collecting requests for advertising, you should use not 1-2 requests, but several tens or hundreds (transliteration, synonyms, brands, etc.), and work out negative keywords for the niche as a whole. For local businesses, it is also better to collect in Russia or without specifying the region at all, and then apply negative keywords to the desired region. Let's see what the result looks like after a three-minute selection and adding negative words:

A total of 20+ negative keywords reduced the number of impressions by more than 2 times. In some topics, the percentage of "garbage" impressions reaches 70-80%.

Do you think the negative keyword field in a campaign can fit 20,000 characters for no reason? Another 4000 characters goes for each ad group. And in wide niches like auto parts, this is not enough.

Network settings and impressions for additional relevant phrases

As for showing for additional relevant phrases, I think it's better to disable this option. It is better to devote more time to the selection of key phrases and the backing track than to hope that the Yandex algorithm will do it for you. From what I had to deal with:

  • substituting another city for a tourist theme;
  • impressions for another brand of car (for auto parts);
  • impressions on information requests.

In general, the following screenshot illustrates what you can usually see in Yandex.Metrica if you analyze impressions for automatically added keywords:

The bounce rate is higher, the site viewing depth is less.

Site monitoring

This option must be enabled. Whether or not to set up receiving SMS if the site is “down” is a personal matter for everyone, but everyone needs to stop advertising in case of problems with the site. I was lucky - in my personal piggy bank of stories there are no horror stories like "one advertiser forgot to pay for hosting and burned a hundred thousand rubles a week while the site was down." And these were the stories:

  • The site engine did not support special characters in the URL, i.e. when setting up UTM tags or markup of links (that contain the symbols "?" or "&"), while the server returned the correct response code "200" instead of the code "404" (i.e. ads were moderated and shown), but the 404th was shown page.
  • The advertiser changed the structure of links on the site without approval - the ad led to empty category pages without products.

These points are not directly related to monitoring, but they need to be thought through. Usually, such things quickly come out in Metrica (the bounce rate goes off scale), but for this you need to look there. Do you or your contractor watch every day? Well, maybe every week?

They didn’t enable this option, and now you’re thinking “what if I wasted my money?”. Do not worry. If "Metrica" ​​is installed on the site, you can find out when your site was unavailable. To do this, go to "Standard reports" - "Monitoring" - "Checks".

Advanced settings

If you want to save money, turn off:

  • Phrase auto-expansion;
  • Autofocus.

And check this box:

If you take into account the automatically stopped ads of competitors, you overpay, competing with those who set inflated rates.

8 little tricks

1. To collect the maximum number of requests in a complex niche, for which even on the 40th page shows a high frequency, for example:

Use quote repetitions of phrases. If you enter "query query" - then all two-word key phrases containing the word "query" will be shown. On the example of the same tickets:

The more requests, the more among them you will select "hot" and "warm". This applies not only to Direct. Do you think it makes sense for an online store of heating equipment to give answers to the following questions on its website:

When selecting queries, use the operators:

"+" - is placed before the prepositions "in", "on", "for", etc.

"-" - used to filter out negative words.

"!" - fixes the word form. For example, in b2b topics, you can immediately fix

plurals. You are not looking for a cabinet with the query "buy cabinets"?

"" - fixes the order of words in the key phrase. “Tickets Moscow St. Petersburg” and “Tickets St. Petersburg Moscow” are different requests.

And, actually, quotation marks. The phrase enclosed in quotation marks is displayed without tails:

The same operators are used not only in the selection of key phrases. They should also be used when compiling ads.

2. In addition to the initially collected list of negative keywords, it is necessary to regularly analyze ads for "junk" impressions and add negative keywords to the campaign and to individual advertisements. This saves money directly (the “wrong” visitors that you pay for in Direct do not come to you), and indirectly, you increase CTR by reducing non-target impressions.

3. Group requests by landing pages. The times when in any niche of sites there were one or two and counted, are long gone. If, when searching for a specific auto part, a competitor has a photo, price, delivery time, and you only have a page “all parts for brand N cars – call!”, You spend money on advertising very wastefully. This is very clearly seen in the "spoilt" niches with fairly high checks:

4. Every niche has top queries. The main requests of SEO, "Direct" and all that. If you dig too deep into a niche and follow the “1 request - 1 ad” principle, you can “grind” your advertising campaign so much that for many requests there will not accumulate enough statistics to make your hard work pay off.

For example, for queries with a frequency of 10 and 7, CTR may not accumulate even for a month, and you will pay more than a competitor who made one clickable ad for all queries in the group.

5. Include queries in the title and text of the ad - this reduces the predicted (and real) cost per click. See for yourself:

Besides prices, where will the CTR be higher? Who will save more?

6. Use all the elements to make your ad stand out:

  • Quick links;
  • write part of the request in the displayed link, if appropriate;
  • shop on "Yandex Market" with good rating will add stars to your listings.

7. Bid based on something other than CTR, click-through prediction, positions, etc. Focus on business metrics: what is the visitor / order conversion, average check, average customer payment for the entire time, what rate you can afford. What's the point of having a good CTR if the ad doesn't pay off?

8. Use retargeting. In niches with a long decision-making time to return someone who has already visited the site potential client easier (and cheaper) than hiring a new one.

Check list

In conclusion, a small checklist of things to check:

  • check who owns the ad account;
  • if the ad is "for an event" - check the start and end dates of impressions;
  • setting up notifications;
  • choice of strategy and its additional settings;
  • adjusting bids for the target audience;
  • correct time targeting;
  • whether the address and telephone number are indicated;
  • there should be a lot of minus words;
  • turn off impressions in networks;
  • whether site monitoring is enabled;
  • whether auto-displays and auto-expansions are disabled;
  • is it possible to collect more requests in a niche;
  • whether you use operators in declarations, if appropriate;
  • whether you replenish the list of negative words;
  • ads lead to landing pages; Please enable JavaScript to view the

Hello dear friends! It's not a secret for anyone that in order to sell their own and reselling information products, as well as to successfully earn money on affiliate programs internet is very important. effective use contextual advertising. For example, Google AdWords or Yandex.Direct. However, beginners who are not familiar with the intricacies of setting up advertising campaigns can easily drain the entire advertising budget without selling anything. There is only one conclusion - before you start working with contextual advertising, you need to know how to properly set up the effective display of your ads.

Would you like to know the advanced secrets of Yandex.Direct? If yes, then I invite you to read this article. I will say right away that it is primarily intended for those who are already at least a little versed in contextual advertising and would like to improve their knowledge.

Since I am not an expert in contextual advertising, I want to bring to your attention a guest post written by my old blogging friend Timur Bagunov. There is a download link at the end of the article. step by step plan launching profitable contextual advertising on Yandex.Direct.

Secrets of effective advertising in Yandex.Direct

This article will provide answers to the most popular questions asked by most beginners about setting up contextual advertising in Yandex.Direct. So, are you ready to learn the secrets of Yandex.Direct and create an effective advertising campaign? Then let's go.

What is the best way to select words in Yandex.Direct?

I recommend starting with the highest-frequency request. For example, if you're advertising handbags for women, the most high-frequency word would be "bag." But don't forget other synonyms. In trainings on contextual advertising, Ilya Tsymbalist recommended typing in the search query “what bag to buy”. And in the articles that were displayed for this query, it is best to look for synonyms for your keyword.

After that, we go to Yandex Wordstat and drive in our highest-frequency request. For example, I advertised a Pickup truck course and one of those words was “girl”. At the same time, I open a notepad (I personally have Notepad ++) and copy less frequent queries there, but definitely targeted ones. For example, I got it like this:

As you can see, my list of words is not complete, but I hope you understand the essence. After that, we go to the section “Estimating the monthly budget of an advertising campaign” and insert one of our selected key phrases. Why only one? Yes, because many other keys will only distract us. Then click "Select".

Now we select only those requests for which we will advertise. I don't see the point in choosing keywords that have less than 100 impressions. Then click "Add".

And now, next to each added request, click the “Refine” button.

Then we mark all keywords that have more than 100 impressions. Click "Apply". Why above 100? Since we have already selected them before.

Only after that we get a key that will not overlap with other keywords.

And now at the bottom we click on “List of phrases”, after which we get a ready-made list of selected keywords with all the negative words.

Paste it into a text document. And as a result, we get such a list of words. And note that we did this operation only for one selected high-frequency request. A must for everyone!

By the way, in the “Budget Estimate” you can immediately see the cost per click. This is very convenient, as it immediately helps to assess the competition for this keyword.

How to advertise a product if someone is already advertising in Yandex?

The Yandex Direct rules say that two identical domains cannot be advertised for one keyword. Therefore, when you advertise the same product, you are simply not allowed in, since your competitor has already created an advertising campaign. In this case, you have 2 options:

  1. Increase your CPC so that your CTR*Max CPC is higher than your competitor.
  2. Create a frame page or copy.

To complete step 2, you need your own domain and hosting. A frame page, if explained in simple terms, is loading, as it were, someone else's page. That is, on your page there is a special code in which you indicate your affiliate link. When a visitor visits your page, he opens the site that you specified.

Benefits of these pages:

  • Ease of installation. You just specify an affiliate link and that's it.
  • The visitor is yours. He may not immediately buy, but in any case remains with you.

Of the minuses, I can say that you cannot change anything in the content of the site, since it is someone else's. Or, if the partner site suddenly stops working, then nothing will open for you, respectively.

Create a frame page

To create a frame page, you need to open your page with some editor (I use Notepad++ for simplicity) and paste the following code:

Just don't forget to include your affiliate link!

Page copies

Here you fully upload the partner site (that is, all files) to your hosting. Only here you need to set your affiliate link in the "Order" button.

Of the pluses, I can say that here you can completely change the content of the site. Useful if you are doing split testing. However, not everyone knows how to properly upload someone else's site to their hosting, and therefore frame pages are ideal for a beginner.

Yes, I forgot to say one very important thing, do not forget to install Yandex Metrika and configure the right goals. Then you can track which keywords you have made purchases.

What is the best strategy to use?

Of course, there is no perfect answer here, because you always need to test. But for beginners, I recommend the “Display at the lowest price” strategy (special and guarantees) so as not to pay extra money. This is the most economical strategy. By the way, note that you can only check the “Special” box, then in the “Guaranteed impressions” block you will have the “Impression by the highest available position” strategy.

As I said earlier, here you need to test. For example, like this: turn on one strategy for 7 days, and then change to another. And at the end of the test, do the calculation.

For example, showing at the lowest price (guarantees and specials):

  • Came: 10 subscribers.
  • Spent: $5
  • Total income: 10 * 20 (income from one subscriber) - 150 (30 * 5) = 50 rubles.

Display at the minimum price (special):

  • Incoming: 13 subscribers.
  • Spent: $6
  • Total income: 13 * 20 - 180 \u003d 80 rubles.

As you can see, strategy 2 is the most profitable. You must calculate the price of a subscriber yourself. It goes something like this: Subscriber Cost = Total Revenue/Total Subscribers. But, in any case, you must clearly know the price of a subscriber or visitor in order to understand in the end how much you actually earned.

How to pass moderation in Yandex.Direct?

If your ads are rejected, then there are three ways out:

  1. Fulfill their requirements.
  2. Create a completely left ad that Yandex skips. And when it passes moderation, edit it. That is, change the title, text and link to the site. Of course, this technique does not always work, but sometimes it works.
  3. Upload all your ads to Excel, change all IDs and more. Then upload it to the new Yandex.Direct advertising campaign. It also works sometimes.

Of course, there are many other questions effective advertising on Yandex and would like to give more answers. But for now, these “secrets” of Yandex.Direct are enough for you. If you have any questions about the material presented in the article, then ask them in the comments. I'll be glad to talk!

This was an article by Timur Bagunov about setting up Yandex.Direct contextual advertising. That's all for today. See you!