Leadership style can be... Leadership styles. Company management. A competent leader is the basis of a successful business

You need to be able to manage a project correctly. The success of all endeavors depends on the leadership qualities of the manager, his leadership style and manner of communication with team members.

Being a leader means thinking less about your needs; more about the needs of people, while correctly setting project management tasks.

There are many approaches to leadership styles - as many managers, as many styles. After all, every leader is unique and has certain leadership qualities. However, you should not experiment with methods and try something new every day - this is not clothing. It will be useful and correct to adapt to the individual situation, requirements and conditions.

In fact, there are different leadership styles. And speaking about any classification, you need to know which criterion was taken as the main one. In this article we will not consider all classifications. However, the choice fell on those that can be used in most situations.

Classification by Kurt Lewin

The most common is the classification of leadership styles proposed by the German psychologist Kurt Lewin. Already in the 1930s. He proposed to distinguish three main leadership styles - authoritarian, liberal and democratic.

1. Authoritarian leadership style

This management style is typical for leaders who, when making decisions, don't consult with team members, even though their contributions may be truly valuable. This method and style of management is effective in situations where decisions need to be made quickly, but the team's opinion is not needed.

2. Liberal leadership style

With this leadership style, the leader gives his team freedom to work and also provides support and advice when necessary. Subordinates set their own deadlines for completing tasks.

Liberal style on the part of the leader increases job satisfaction from employees. And therein lies the threat: team members may mistake the manager’s non-intervention for indifference, use time irrationally, etc. Self-motivation in this case may not be enough to perform the job effectively.

By the way, this style can also manifest itself in leaders who do not have control over their own affairs, and therefore control over the affairs of their subordinates.

3. Democratic leadership style

All decisions are made by the manager together with his team members who are involved in the decision-making process. Managers encourage creativity, and, as a rule, the degree of involvement of subordinates in all processes and projects is high.

With this approach, team members experience high levels of job satisfaction and increased productivity. However, the democratic style may not always be effective. This is especially true for situations where decisions need to be made in a short time.

Democratic management style implies a high degree of leadership ability, otherwise, with a lot of freedom of action, some employees may either use time irrationally or even try to take management into their own hands.

6 emotional leadership styles

This classification was proposed by American writer and psychologist Daniel Goleman, who specialized in psychology. At one time his book " Emotional intellect” was on the New York Times bestseller list for more than a year and a half.

Effective leadership style + project management tool = successful completion

Being able to manage a project team is, although significant, still part of a manager’s job. He also needs to competently manage all processes: assign tasks and monitor the progress of their implementation, set deadlines, be able to establish and much more. Team interaction within one online tool is also important. All this can be found in the Gantt chart.

Managing a team in the tool is quite simple. Having set a task, the manager will be aware of its deadlines and progress, the resources involved and the dependencies between tasks.

The manager will know about everything that is happening on the project thanks to real-time alerts. It also has the ability to view the history of changes and undo actions that were accidentally performed.

In addition, all participants involved in the project can leave comments under tasks and attach files to them. Team interaction in the online Gantt chart is convenient and effective.

Let's summarize

As a rule, for successful project management mixed styles are used, which have features of management methods from various classifications. And to be a successful and effective leader, you need to be able to find balance. It is this approach that increases management efficiency and the chances of successful completion of the project.

How do you manage the project? What leadership style do you prefer?


In conditions market economy management is the most important function in various spheres of life. In order to properly manage people in an organization, a manager needs to choose a certain type of behavior in relations with subordinates in the process of achieving a set goal, in other words, he needs to choose a leadership style for the organization.

Each manager, in the process of management activities, performs his duties in a style unique to him. The leadership style is expressed in the methods by which the leader encourages the team to take an initiative and creative approach to fulfilling the duties assigned to him, and how he controls the results of the activities of his subordinates. The adopted leadership style can serve as a characteristic of the quality of the manager’s activities, his ability to ensure effective management activities, as well as create a special atmosphere in the team that promotes the development of favorable relationships and behavior. The extent to which a manager delegates his authority, the types of power he exercises, and his primary concern for human relations or about completing a task - all reflect the leadership style of a given manager.

The main characteristic of leadership effectiveness is the management style that each leader applies in his work. The study of leadership style has been conducted by psychologists for more than half a century. Researchers have now accumulated considerable material on this problem.

Also, the manager’s management style with his subordinates largely determines the success of the organization and the dynamics of its development. The motivation of employees, their attitude towards work, relationships and much more depend on the leadership style.

Therefore, the subject of the research in this work is leadership style. This concept is very important for every organization, since the ability to manage people is reflected in economic activity enterprises. The manager, having correctly planned the organization’s activities and chosen certain tactics for working with personnel (leadership style), will be able to ensure high labor productivity, as well as achieve high positive results.

The purpose of this test work is to reveal the very concept of leadership styles and their classification.

Based on the specified topic of the test, its main objectives are:

Definition of the concept of organizational leadership styles;

Studying types of leadership styles;

Study of theories “X” and “Y”;

Review of leadership effectiveness.

During the research, various educational materials and benefits.

1 The concept of organizational leadership styles

The word "leader" means "leading by the hand." Every organization needs to have someone responsible for overseeing all departments as a whole, and not just dedicated to specialized tasks. This type of responsibility - keeping an eye on everything - is the essence of a manager's job.

The ultimate goal of a manager’s activity is to achieve the goals of the organization, which he does with the help of his subordinates. And the habitual manner of behavior of a leader in relation to subordinates in order to influence them and encourage them to achieve the goals of the organization is the style of personnel management.

The word “style” is of Greek origin, which initially meant a writing rod on a wax board, and later began to be used to mean “handwriting”. Thus, leadership style is a kind of “handwriting” in the actions of a leader.

The management style depends on the characteristics of the manager’s administrative and leadership qualities. In progress labor activity is being formed individual type, the “handwriting” of the leader, which allows us to focus on the fact that there are not and cannot be two identical leaders with the same leadership style. Thus, leadership style is a strictly individual phenomenon, as it is determined by the specific characteristics of a particular individual and reflects the characteristics of working with people.

Also, leadership style refers to the consistently manifested features of the leader’s interaction with the team, which are formed under the influence of both objective and subjective management conditions and the individual psychological characteristics of the leader’s personality.

In its most complete form, the definition of leadership style is as follows: “the systematic manifestation of any personal qualities of a leader in his relationships with subordinates, in the ways of solving business problems.” A manager with a leadership style unique to him can use personal management methods in his activities, such as economic, organizational, administrative, and socio-psychological. The leadership style is manifested in stimulating work.

Stimulation is a method of influencing an employee’s work behavior, his motivation through satisfying the needs of the individual, which acts as compensation for labor effort. Organizing incentives is more difficult than direct influence, as it requires more attention to subordinates, taking into account their interests and needs. However proper organization incentives are much more effective in solving the problem of labor behavior and ensuring high results.

Effective leader When choosing a management style, you should keep in mind the following circumstances:

Know yourself;

Understand the situation;

Evaluate the chosen management style adequately to the situation and level of subordinates;

Consider the needs of the group;

Consider the needs of the situation;

Consider the needs of subordinates.

Each leader has his own personal characteristics, which manifest themselves in the leadership process, which is why different leadership styles develop. In accordance with the most common classification in management activities, the following management styles are distinguished:

2 Democratic (collegial).

3 Liberal (permissive, permissive, neutral).

2 Typology of organizational leadership styles

With an authoritarian style, the manager is committed to the formal nature of relationships with subordinates. He provides his employees with only a minimum of information, since he does not trust anyone, tries to get rid of strong employees and talented people. For him, the best employee is the one who can understand the boss’s thoughts. In such an atmosphere, gossip and intrigue flourish. However, such a management system does not contribute to the development of employee independence, since subordinates try to resolve all issues with management. None of the employees know how their manager will react to certain events - he is unpredictable. People are afraid to give him bad news, and as a result, he lives in the belief that everything turned out the way he expected. Employees do not argue or ask questions, even if they see serious errors in the manager’s decision.

As a result, the activities of such a leader do not allow subordinates to show initiative and interfere with their work.

An authoritarian leadership style is characterized by centralization and concentration of power in the hands of one leader. He single-handedly decides all issues, determines the activities of his subordinates, without giving them the opportunity to take the initiative. Subordinates do what is ordered; at the same time, the information they need is reduced to a minimum. The activities of subordinates are strictly controlled. This leadership style is that the leader seeks to concentrate power in his own hands; takes full responsibility for the results. Such a leader has enough power to impose his will on employees.

So, with an authoritarian management style, the subordinate is perceived as having an aversion to work and avoiding it whenever possible. In this case, the employee needs constant coercion, control, and punishment. The subordinate constantly avoids responsibility, prefers to be led and decisions made for him. The emotions and moods of subordinates are not taken into account; there is a distance from them.

The autocrat deliberately appeals to the needs of the lower level of his subordinates based on the assumption that this is the same level that is most important to the subordinates. Douglas McGregor, a well-known leadership scholar, called the assumptions of an autocratic leader towards employees as Theory X, which states that:

1 People initially do not like to work and avoid work whenever possible;

2 They have no ambition, and they try to get rid of responsibility, preferring to be led;

3 What people want most is security;

4 To get people to work, it is necessary to use coercion, control and the threat of punishment.

From a psychological point of view, an authoritarian management style is unfavorable. An autocratic manager has no interest in the employee as an individual. Due to the suppression of their initiative and creative manifestations, employees are passive. They are not satisfied with their work and position in the team. With this leadership style, additional reasons appear that influence the emergence of an unfavorable psychological climate: “sycophants” appear, intrigues are created. All this causes increased psychological stress, which is harmful to the mental and physical health of people.

Management style is the way a manager manages his subordinate employees, as well as a pattern of manager behavior independent of the specific management situation. With the help of an established management style, job satisfaction can be achieved and employee productivity can be encouraged. At the same time, there is no optimal management style, and we can talk about the advantage of one or another management style only for a certain management situation.

The following management styles are distinguished:

Task-oriented, which must be completed, while, as Bizani claims, the leader:

    decries insufficient work;

    encourages slow-performing employees to put in more effort;

    attaches particular importance to the volume of work;

    rules with an iron fist;

    draws attention to the fact that its employees work with full dedication;

    encourages employees through pressure and manipulation to make even greater efforts;

    demands greater productivity from underperforming employees.

Research by Halpin-Wiener and Peltz shows that such leaders:

    are often characterized more positively by their bosses than person-oriented managers;

    are positively evaluated by their employees if managers have influence “at the top.”

Personality-oriented, where employees and their needs and expectations are at the center. According to Bizani, head:

    pays attention to the health of employees; cares about good relations with his subordinates; treats his subordinates as equals;

    supports its employees in what they do or need to do;

    stands up for his employees.

A manager who manages based on the individual cannot, however, immediately count on the complete satisfaction of his employees. For this, the influence and respect of the manager “at the top” is important, on the basis of which he is able to protect the interests of employees.

There are three problems with management style:

1. The results to be achieved by a management style contain several components that cannot be put together.

2. Absolutization of management style is considered as a way by which labor productivity is increased.

3. The management situation is seen as unchanged, while over time it can change and the manager must accordingly change his attitude towards individual employees.

Management styles can be one- or multi-dimensional. Management style is one-dimensional if one evaluation criterion is considered. Authoritarian, corporate and other management styles are one-dimensional, with the first and second styles being polarly different from each other.

Authoritarian management style. With this management style, all production activity organized by the leader without the participation of subordinates. This management style can be used when solving current problems and involves O greater educational distance between manager and subordinate, as well as financial motivation employees.

Supervisor By virtue of his legitimate authority, he controls his subordinates and expects obedience from them. He makes decisions without justifying them to his subordinates, and proceeds from the fact that, unlike his subordinates, he has a O greater understanding and knowledge of the matter, which, of course, should not be. The manager's decisions are in the nature of orders that must be unconditionally followed by subordinates, otherwise they can expect sanctions against themselves;

The manager maintains a distance in relations with subordinates, informs them about the facts that they must know in order to perform their tasks. He controls whether and to what extent his orders are followed. Signs that emphasize a person’s position in the eyes of the people around him (for example, a car) support the reputation of a leader with authority.

    high consciousness;

    high self-control;


    good decision-making ability;

    penetration ability.

Subordinates- addressees of orders. According to the "theory" x And xy:

    the average person is lazy and avoids work as much as possible;

    employees are unambitious, afraid of responsibility and want to be led;

    pressure on subordinates and sanctions against them are necessary to achieve the goals of the enterprise;

    Strict management of subordinates and private control over them are inevitable.

With this style of management, the motivation of subordinates is often limited, because the leader is socially separated and, as a rule, conveys less interesting job subordinates and maintains in them the fear of threatening sanctions. Subordinates become indifferent to the leader, as well as to the enterprise. They obtain information through unofficial means due to information barriers set by the manager.

    recognition of the leader by the sole authority;

    recognition and execution of orders from the manager;

    lack of desire to have the right to control.

The disadvantages of the authoritarian style lie in the weak motivation for independence and development of subordinates, as well as in the danger of erroneous decisions through excessive demands from managers regarding the quantity and (or) quality of work.

Corporate management style. With a corporate management style, production activities are organized in the interaction of a manager and a subordinate. This management style can be used when the creative content of the work prevails and assumes an approximately equal level of education for the manager and subordinates, as well as non-material incentives for the employee.

Typical features of a corporate management style:

Supervisor manages subordinates by including them in the decision-making process for which he is responsible. He expects specific help from his subordinates and makes decisions taking into account their suggestions and objections. He delegates his authority as much as possible and gives orders only when necessary. At the same time, he recognizes the abilities of his subordinates and is aware that he cannot know everything and foresee everything. Only the result of the work is controlled; self-control is allowed.

The manager not only informs in detail about the actual state of affairs, which must be known in order to complete tasks, but also reports other information about the enterprise. Information serves as a means of control. A leader does not need signs that emphasize his position in the eyes of the people around him.

Requirements for a corporate managing director, according to Shtopp:


    trust in employees;

    waiver of individual privileges;

    ability and desire to delegate authority;

    service supervision;

    control of results.

Subordinates are seen as partners who can carry out relatively independently" daily work"When assessing subordinates with this leadership style, they most often proceed from the "theory at theories xy, according to which:

    reluctance to work is not innate by nature, but a consequence of poor working conditions, which reduce the natural desire to work;

    employees take into account goals, have self-discipline and self-control;

    the goals of the enterprise are achieved in the shortest possible way through monetary incentives and providing opportunities for individual development;

    With favorable experience, employees are not afraid of responsibility.

The active position of subordinates increases their motivation, which leads to improved work results.

Requirements for corporately managed subordinates, according to Stopp:

    the desire and ability to take personal responsibility;


    use of control rights.

The advantage of corporate style is making expedient decisions, highly motivating employees and unburdening the manager. In addition, employee development is supported. Flaw - corporate style management can slow down decision making.

Management method of delegation of powers. Such management is a technique in which competencies and responsibility for actions are transferred, as far as possible, to employees who make and implement decisions. Delegation can be directed to any field of activity of the enterprise. However, one should avoid delegating typically managerial management functions, as well as tasks with far-reaching consequences. When delegating authority, the burden is removed from the manager, the employees’ own initiative is supported, and their work motivation and willingness to bear responsibility are enhanced. In addition, employees must be trusted to make decisions on their own responsibility.

To successfully use delegation management, you need:

    delegation of tasks to employees;

    delegation of competencies to employees;

    delegating responsibility for actions to employees;

    eliminating the possibility of revoking delegated powers or transferring them from one employee to another;

    establishing a procedure for regulating exceptional cases;

    eliminating the possibility of manager intervention in the event of correct employee actions;

    mandatory intervention of the manager in case of an error and obtaining results settled in a special manner;

    the manager's acceptance of leadership responsibilities;

    creation of an appropriate information system.

The transferred tasks must correspond to the abilities of the employees, be predominantly homogeneous, and complete in form. Delegated competencies and responsibility for actions must be consistent in scope.

Advantages management by delegation method:

    unloading of the manager;

    the ability to quickly make smart decisions; employees are transferred competencies and responsibility for engagement;

    promoting the development of employees’ own initiative and work motivation.

Disadvantages of delegation management:

    the manager delegates as few interesting tasks as possible;

    hierarchical relationships can be established;

    strong orientation towards tasks rather than towards employees;

    establishment of hierarchical relationships "horizontally".

Why don't managers delegate enough?

  1. Fear that subordinates do not carry out assignments competently enough (make mistakes).
  2. Distrust in the competence of subordinates.
  3. Fear that subordinates become highly competent too quickly.
  4. Fear of losing one's meaning and its attendant benefits.
  5. Fear of losing one's own authority or status.
  6. Fear that the manager himself will lose control over this issue.
  7. Fear of risk.
  8. Reluctance to give away work that the manager himself is good at.
  9. Inability to advise and manage subordinates.
  10. Lack of time to advise and manage subordinates.

Why are subordinates not ready to bear responsibility?

  1. Lack of self-confidence.
  2. Lack of information.
  3. Fear of possible criticism.
  4. Insufficient positive response to successfully completed assignments.
  5. Insufficient employee motivation.
  6. Negative workplace atmosphere.

How to delegate?

  1. Carefully select the tasks to be delegated.
  2. Carefully choose the person to delegate to.
  3. Delegate predominantly “final deliverables” rather than precise methods for completing a task.
  4. Be prepared for the fact that mistakes will be made and that they need to be forgiven.
  5. Give enough authority to complete the task to completion.
  6. Inform others what has been delegated and to whom.
  7. Delegate gradually and increase the complexity of delegated tasks.

The use of a particular style, as well as its results, depend on many factors. This is, first of all, complete mastery of one of the leadership styles, the predisposition of the team to perceive the management and leadership style that is sometimes imposed on it from above. When mastering the science of management, it is very important to avoid mistakes. Analysis of managers' activities different levels and various enterprises allowed specialists to identify the most common mistakes allowed by managers. The ten main mistakes in personnel management at an enterprise can be formulated as follows;

  1. The desire to do everything yourself.
  2. Tendency to let things take their course.
  3. Bias against certain workers.
  4. Fixed, schematic or doctrinaire attitudes.
  5. Excessive sensitivity to other, including critical, opinions.
  6. Self-satisfaction or arrogance.
  7. Unresponsive to employee suggestions.
  8. Obvious lack of respect for the employee's personality, such as allowing criticism in front of others.
  9. Clear distrust of employees.
  10. Lack of consistency in actions.

Conversely, the experience of successful enterprises has shown that the managers of these enterprises to a much greater extent:

  1. value knowledge of the matter;
  2. treat people as equals;
  3. reward fairly;
  4. detect errors objectively;
  5. reliable and loyal;
  6. listen to opinions that differ from their own;
  7. value progress;
  8. have the authority of experts in the matter;
  9. free from bias;
  10. tolerate criticism;
  11. capable of change than the heads of unsuccessful enterprises.

Management or leadership style - most important factor in enterprise management. A correctly defined and successfully applied style allows you to most successfully use the potential of all employees of the enterprise. That is why in last years Many companies pay such significant attention to this issue.

Viktor Valentinovich Travin, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Academy National economy under the government of the Russian Federation, director of the School HR management" Academy, teacher with twenty years of experience.

Ministry of transportation Russian Federation

Federal River Transport Agency


Department: URF

Discipline: Management


Management styles in management

Completed by: student of group OP-32

Kuzmina Yu.O.

Checked by: Sinitsyn G.Ya.

Novosibirsk 2010


1 The concept of a leader’s operating style

2 Main types of leadership styles

3 Mixed management styles

4 The influence of management tactics on performance

5 Rules for Leaders by F. J. Rogers

6 Manager's attitude to leadership style

7 Success as a new manager

8 Leading from within



Grade personal qualities and problems associated with the selection of managers is one of the most difficult aspects of management. Polish journalist-researcher D. Passent wrote that “a director must be a diplomat when he asks for something from higher authorities for his enterprise; tough when he demands fulfillment of his orders and orders from subordinates or fulfillment of contracts from suppliers; resourceful when talking with representatives of the press; promising - when meeting with young workers; an important statesman when receiving foreign delegations; a holy father when receiving complaints from visitors."

In these assessments, although humorous, there is a significant amount of truth. The study of leadership style in the last decade has become an important direction in the process of optimizing human activity, as well as in the integral study of personality. Knowing your leadership style helps you solve the problem professional suitability administrative reserve. It is difficult for a manager to develop a style of activity that can satisfy all members of the team subordinate to him. A person’s awareness of the reasons and patterns of his behavior can radically change his attitude towards production situations. Understanding the possible variety of reasons and methods of management, a clear and at the same time flexible vision of problems make the manager freer and his activities more successful.

But regardless of his style, a true leader, no matter what he does or says, has the ability to move others to the highest achievements; it also gives them freedom and opportunity for further growth.

1 The concept of a leader’s operating style

Each manager in management activities performs job responsibilities in a certain style of work peculiar only to him. Chesterfield said that “style is the clothing of thought,” and Buffon even argued that “style is the man himself.” The validity of these aphorisms is confirmed by the modern interpretation of work style, which is assessed as a set of typical and relatively stable methods of influence of a manager on subordinates in order to effectively perform management functions and the challenges ahead.

There is a complex relationship between the concepts of “style of activity” and “tactics of behavior.” A contradiction appears between these concepts: “style of activity” - a stable system of techniques and methods of activity, psychological means of balancing the individuality of the subject with the objective requirements of activity and “tactics of behavior” - the expedient use of means, forms and methods adequate to the conditions for achieving victory. Accordingly, the inconsistency of concepts raises a number of questions: how are various tasks solved by a subject through a certain style of activity? How does the restructuring of the style of activity occur in different conditions? Which style features are stable and which are variably changeable? Is there a limit to style variations?

The phrase “individual style of activity” has become established in the literature, since it is understood as an individual system of psychological means that a person resorts to in order to best balance his individuality with the external conditions of activity. In fact, this style is inherent in many individuals who have the same typological characteristics. Individuality is rather realized in styles of activity that reflect the original and sometimes unique manner of performing certain actions. Therefore, we consider it appropriate to distinguish between the concepts: “typical style of activity” inherent in a certain type of people, and “individual style of activity” " inherent in a given individual.

Administrators have distinct and established management styles—for example, in a study of educational management styles, they range from authoritarian to democratic. Many administrators act differently during crisis situations compared to favorable situations.

2 Main types of leadership styles

Main characteristics of administrative leadership styles:

1. Democratic

Reflects a system of relationships, which is characterized by constant mutual understanding between the administrator and team members. Teachers and administrators work together on goals, objectives, plans, methods and problems. Decisions are made by all members of the team, and all members of the group accept responsibility.

2. Cooperative

Some management powers have been transferred to the team. The committee is the body most often used to operate the cooperative style of leadership. Typically, governance issues are ongoing responsibilities of committee members. For example, solving distribution issues wages may be adopted by a collegial body-committee.

This style has options: - communication style (the manager finds it difficult to make a decision and informs the employees, the latter ask questions, express their opinions, but in the end must follow the manager’s instructions); - consultative management style (the same, but decisions are made jointly); - joint decision (the manager puts forward a problem, indicates limitations, employees make the decision themselves, the manager retains the right of veto).

3. Limited participation

A small part of management functions is delegated to staff. Special working groups are invited to address planning issues and make recommendations. However, the final decision is never entrusted to the committee taking part in the consideration of any problem.

4. Bureaucratic

In this management style there is little room for collaboration or even limited participation by anyone. Typically, the main source of management decisions are official documents, reference books, rules or other guidelines for action. Place in the structure occupied is the main thing, and power is directly related to the place occupied. Here tradition and stability prevail, change is rare: of course, it is never imposed from below.

5. Non-interventionist

This is the chaotic approach of an administrator who, like an ostrich, hides his head in the sand in difficult situations. It allows each member of the team to behave in the way that suits them, without worrying about objective assessment or consequences. He does not contribute to the development of collective decisions and cannot take responsibility in a difficult situation. Subordinates know nothing about control methods. Everyone solves their own problems or fails.

6. Benevolent Despot

This administrator usually smiles, listens to you (or pretends to listen), and then does as he sees fit. He usually says: “I’m listening to you,” “We may accept your proposal.” It doesn't take long to discover that these are just excuses.

All decisions are made by the leader himself, without consulting anyone. He always orders everything from above and cannot tolerate any deviations from his own plans. He knows "what's best" for employees and the company.

The authoritarian management style has varieties: - dictatorial style (the manager decides everything himself, employees perform under threat of sanctions); - autocratic (the manager has at his disposal an extensive apparatus of power); - bureaucratic (the authority of the manager rests on the formal hierarchical provisions of the system); - patriarchal (the manager has the authority of the “head of the family”, employees trust him unlimitedly); - supportive (the manager uses his unique personal qualities and enjoys high authority, therefore employees follow his decisions).

3 Mixed management styles

When analyzing the experimental data obtained, it was noted that there are leaders who have two equivalent leading styles. For this sample (leadership styles in the field of education), such a mixed style is a type of management that combines democratic and authoritarian styles. Based on the data, we can conclude that most often managers choose a mixed style (democratic-authoritarian) as the leading one, the second in the number of those who chose it is the cooperative style, then democratic, etc. the authoritarian and bureaucratic types close the series, they are chosen most rarely .

Using indicators characterizing the manifestation of a particular style for each subject, it is possible to construct graphs of the structure of administrative styles, and based on their analysis, propose generalized, most typical structural profiles of leadership styles: “cooperation”, “bureaucrat-autocrat”, “democrat-autocrat”.

Collaborative leadership style is a leadership style that mainly uses democratic and cooperative styles. Authoritarian, bureaucratic, benevolently despotic and laissez-faire are not their characteristics.