Effective assistant manager: lessons of mastery. Effective assistant manager

The training is intended primarily for aspiring executive assistants who are focused on professional growth and want to organize their work so that it brings maximum pleasure with a minimum of effort.

The program will also be of interest to experienced professionals whose professional responsibilities include performing administrative support functions for management.

The program is developed in accordance with professional standard "Organizational and documentation support organization management".

Upon completion of training, you will be issued Certificate of advanced training of the established form " Management of administrative and economic activities in the organization ".

Training program

  • The role of the assistant manager in organizing business processes.
    • Assistant manager - coordinator and organizer of work in the office.
    • Requirements for professional and personal qualities of an assistant manager.
    • Tasks, responsibilities and competencies of an assistant manager.
    • The place of the assistant manager in the management team and the service hierarchy.
    • Professional confidence and active position in work.
    • Culture of relationships with the manager, colleagues and the ability to set priorities.
    • Loyalty and confidentiality in the work of an executive assistant.
  • Positive business image and business etiquette as components of success for an assistant manager.
    • Concepts of image and business etiquette.
    • Image and career.
    • The role of the assistant manager in creating the image of a manager and corporate image organizations.
  • External (dimensional) image of the assistant manager.
    • Business image of an assistant manager.
    • Requirements for clothing and appearance business man.
    • Business style in clothing (Business high, Business traditional, Business casual, Business trip, Business A5).
    • Basic requirements for the appearance of a woman business person (personal hygiene, haircut, makeup, perfume).
    • Unacceptable things in a business corporate image.
    • The place and role of the corporate dress code in maintaining/creating the company’s image.
    • The duties of the assistant manager are to maintain corporate culture and image.
  • Corporate culture standards.
    • Rules for greetings and introductions.
    • The order and forms of representations (in society, at work, personal representation).
    • Addressing "you" - "you" (age criteria, rules for switching to "you").
    • Business etiquette (types business cards, rules for issuing and presenting business cards).
    • Interpersonal space (between colleagues, between a manager and subordinates, in a team, in society).
    • How to behave in your office/reception when receiving guests.
    • Rules of behavior when entering the office of a manager or business partner.
    • The meaning of posture and gait.
    • The meaning of facial expressions and gestures.
  • Organization efficient work reception.
    • Effective organization of the assistant manager's workplace.
    • Office design and interior design of the reception area.
    • Receiving and seeing off visitors. Features of receiving and seeing off business travelers, delegations, VIP guests.
    • Basics of office hospitality. Types of guest service and table setting (self-service, partial service, full service).
  • Organization of business trips for the manager.
    • Preparation of the work program.
    • Information and documented support for the work of the manager.
    • Order tickets and hotel reservations. Organization of transfer.
    • Features of preparing a foreign trip.
  • Organization of business events (meetings, negotiations, conferences).
    • Preparation of information and reference materials and premises for the event.
    • Preparation of public speeches by the leader.
    • Meeting business partners at the airport, train station, near the event venue.
    • Rules for seating in cars.
    • Seating at the conference table and placement of flags.
    • Assisting the manager during commercial negotiations.
    • Documentation of business events. Video, audio, photography.
    • Organization of a cultural program and selection of business gifts.
    • Seeing off guests.
  • Time management.
    • Elements of time management.
    • Reasons for lack of time.
    • Creating a personal time management system.
    • Setting priorities (Pareto principle, Eisenhower matrix, ABC analysis).
  • Optimizing the work of an assistant manager - time management.
    • Operational and long-term planning: establishing the necessary self-discipline.
    • Classification of tasks by urgency, importance and energy intensity, taking into account personal characteristics.
    • Planning the joint work of the manager and assistant manager.
    • Planning and organizing the manager's working day.
  • Etiquette for corporate and official events.
    • Types and features of official events: daytime-evening, with seating, without seating.
    • Serving rules according to reception.
    • Invitations to official events. Reply to invitations.
    • Dress code for corporate events.
    • Rules of conduct at corporate events.
    • Time of attendance at corporate events.
  • Organization of business meetings in a cafe/restaurant.
    • Choosing a meeting location.
    • Meeting and seeing off business partners.
    • Seating at the table.
    • How to place an order and make a payment correctly.
  • Effective communication in the work of an assistant manager.
    • Interaction with the manager and colleagues.
    • Information flow management.
    • Organization of the communication process.
    • Communication barriers and ways to overcome them. Short conversation technique.
    • Development of skills in establishing contacts and conducting business conversations.
  • Telephone etiquette and telephone communication skills.
    • Features of a business telephone conversation.
    • Telephone image of the company. How to answer incoming calls correctly.
    • Rules of telephone etiquette: forms of introductions and farewells.
    • Start and end of telephone communication. Rules for conducting a business telephone conversation when you call.
    • How to control a conversation while remaining polite. Polite refusal.
    • The culture of business speech and official business style management documents.
    • Lexical norms and grammatical norms of the modern Russian language.
    • Typical speech errors in documentary texts.
    • Language of official documents. Basic requirements for the style of writing official documents.
  • Written business style of conveying information and business letter.
    • Development of standard and stencil texts.
    • Main types of business letters.
    • Etiquette rules when writing business letters.
  • Setiquette - Email Writing Etiquette(in accordance with the requirements of international business etiquette).
    • Network concept. Difference email from paper.
    • Business email style.
    • Requirements for writing an electronic business letter.
    • Starting and ending business email correspondence.
  • Office work for assistant manager.
    • Basic requirements for the preparation of organizational and administrative documentation (ORD).
    • Composition of ORD details.
    • Requirements for document forms.
    • Registration of permanent and variable document details.
    • Types of documents: organizational, administrative, reference and informational.
    • Rules for compilation and design various types documents (regulations, instructions, orders, protocols, certificates, letters, etc.).
April 16, 2012 General Director of Ardis LLC, business consultant.

An effective assistant manager: Business Etiquette and professional skills

The program is aimed at executive assistants, secretariat managers, business managers, and assistant secretaries. It is also useful for secretaries and office managers and all employees who, due to the nature of their work, have to communicate with clients and simply visitors to the organization.

Upon completion of the training, participants will be able to:

Seminar program:

1. Assistant manager and his role in the work of the organization

1.1. Business dress code

  • What is a business dress code
  • Women's business clothes
  • Men's business clothing
  • Clothing color in a business environment
  • Don't forget about accessories

1.2. Office interior

  • Head office
  • Reception

1.3. Working with visitors

  • Reception of employees
  • Reception of visitors from other organizations
  • Reception of business travelers
  • Tea and coffee for visitors

1.4. Business subordination

  • Introductions and dating
  • Business Cards. Rules for exchanging business cards

1.5. Telephone communication techniques

  • How to answer phone calls correctly
  • Rules for conducting a business telephone conversation when you call
  • Typical mistakes when communicating by telephone

1.6. Business correspondence

  • Business letter style
  • Requirements for writing a business letter
  • Peculiarities business correspondence through the Internet

1.7. Organizational support business trips of the head

  • Booking tickets, hotels
  • Relationship with the receiving party

2. Office work for the assistant manager of the company

2.1. Composition of documentation of modern organizations

  • Regulatory acts on record keeping in an organization
  • Basic requirements for the composition of documentation

2.2. Composition and execution of basic documents

  • Organizational documents
  • Administrative documents
  • Information and reference documents

2.3. Work with documents

  • Preparation of documents
  • Registration of documents

2.4. Systematization and storage of documents

  • Nomenclature of the organization's affairs
  • Formation of cases
  • Document execution control
  • Preparation of documents for archival storage

3. Business communication etiquette

3.1. Business meeting and negotiations

  • How to properly prepare for a business meeting
  • Rules for meeting a business delegation: at the airport, in the office
  • Rules for seating by car
  • Hotel accommodation
  • Seating rules at the conference table

3.2. Official receptions

  • Invitations and RSVPs
  • Types of official receptions
  • Table setting
  • Table seating rules
  • Dress code for official receptions
  • How to behave at an official reception

3.3. Gifts and flowers for a business partner

  • Gift selection
  • How to give and receive gifts
  • Prohibited gifts
  • Rules for choosing colors for a business partner
  • Flower packaging

Upon completion of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Acquire personal effectiveness skills as an assistant manager
  • Understand the importance of the role of assistant manager in the company structure
  • Correctly establish a business and personnel document flow system
  • Conduct yourself confidently inside and outside the company
  • Comply with the rules and regulations of business etiquette
  • Communicate politely and effectively with clients, visitors and company employees
  • Contribute to the creation and maintenance of a favorable image of your company.

Training seminar design:

  • Active dialogue between the presenter and the training participants, answers to participants’ questions.
  • Analysis typical situations(case study).
  • Business and role-playing games.
  • Practice skills through exercises in small groups.
  • Mini-lectures.

One of the most prestigious professions and at the same time, which seems quite easy to most - a personal secretary or assistant. Regarding prestige, everything is true. As for lightness, this is a deceptive impression. It's easy to just be... a bad helper. How to become a star on the professional horizon?


The position of a personal assistant to an executive has a high status in the company. The personal assistant is at the epicenter of the organization’s office life; his person is addressed great attention. Communication with top officials of companies and the responsibility that a personal assistant bears requires considerable knowledge and skills. It is difficult to overestimate what a large and important amount of administrative, representative, and mediation work the assistant performs.

Regardless of the size of the organization, the scope of issues resolved by a personal assistant is sometimes expanded to such an extent that he performs not only a standard set of administrative work, but also often a lot of creative work. In his work, an assistant can successfully implement financial, managerial, journalistic, PR, translation functions, especially if his soul is in this and he has talents, knowledge and skills. It all depends on how to express yourself in the workplace, on the scale of the immediate supervisor’s activities, as well as on the understanding, or rather human and professional acceptance and respect that develops between the assistant and his immediate supervisor.

Important information about information support for the manager you will find in the material here.

In addition to great responsibility, the position of a personal assistant to an executive contains great opportunities: establishing interesting contacts, communicating with people of various statuses, often quite high, constantly being, as they say, “in the public eye,” developing organizational and leadership skills, the opportunity to grow to any position in any area in which you can demonstrate your abilities and activity. Working in the manager's reception area, you can take a closer look at various professional areas of activity within the company, determine your strengths and interests, and make a successful business start to your career. A talented and dedicated employee career and increased financial compensation for all your efforts is guaranteed.

What personal qualities of an employee in this position play a key role?

To begin with, it is worth noting that most often girls work as personal assistants. Natural qualities inherent in the female sex, namely: orientation towards human relationships, communication, the ability to provide for many little things, take care of people, calculate the development of a situation a couple of steps ahead, insight, intuition - can serve good service women in their professional activities.

It is also worth considering that as soon as a woman sets out to build a successful professional career, she needs to pay attention to the factors that men traditionally focus on when they achieve success in a particular business field, namely - on competence, the ability to present oneself correctly, the ability to be result-oriented.

How can you succeed as a personal assistant and create a great foundation for your successful career?

Maximum program

Do not forget that there are no unproductive areas of activity, there are careless employees. Just like it doesn't happen boring life, there are boring people. Nature has endowed a woman with many valuable abilities.

What is important for a woman’s business success today?

You should not rely only on external data, although an attractive and neat appearance and the ability to present yourself will certainly serve you well.

Successful man always aware of three things:

  • your abilities and talents,
  • your ambitions and goals,
  • their sources of new knowledge and skills, that is, growth opportunities.

It is also necessary to clearly understand what you mean by the concept of “success” for yourself. Is it quiet routine work or the need to constantly solve new problems, show ingenuity and initiative, and stay in the center of events. By the way, if the latter is not to your taste, then the position of a personal assistant is not for you.

Understanding and action are the two engines of success. A successful person actively acts HERE and NOW. He doesn't have to wait for an opportunity to prove himself. He himself creates these opportunities for himself, calculates them from the reality around him, because the focus of his vision is wide enough, and he is open to noticing many things around him and using situations.

Do more than just what is expected of you at work. Such a passive approach to business is not for a person striving for any professional heights. Ask yourself: what do you expect from work? The answer may be: decent remuneration, satisfaction from the level of communication, social and other benefits that work provides, recognition of one’s merits from management and the environment. After all, personal success depends not so much on the position you occupy, but on the man himself.

Think about how you can be your best self, how you can improve your work process, what kind of atmosphere you can create in the reception area, i.e., what steps you can take to effectively solve work problems. Here are the points to create situations and opportunities for your success.

When a person acts not just within the framework of what is required of him at work, but puts his expectations from work, his aspirations for growth and self-realization at the forefront, then he is able to show what he is capable of, win the trust and recognition of society for yourself as a specialist, an ambitious employee.

The most important lesson personal growth: want to study - learn, approach, ask, clarify, ask for a master class, try to do something new, more, but no one will offer you mentorship, training or professional advice first. Initiative, questions, offers to “test the pen” or assist an already established professional to achieve mastery must come from the “student”, since it is the student who is looking for a teacher, and not vice versa!

Thus, the recipe for success in the profession is extremely simple - to realize that you yourself play the main role in the situations and circumstances of your existence. Your understanding of which environment best suits your aspirations and goals, understanding of your strengths, sensitivity to the surrounding reality - all of these play a vital role in creating favorable opportunities for progress on the path of success. In this case, you kind of model your life scenario, you fill it with those ideas that are valuable to you. All these ideas are embodied in those things, conditions, people that begin to surround you in accordance with the course of events that you organize for yourself or have a clear idea to organize. After all, a person chooses his own way of life.

It is clear that you can only do well what you like. So - more. As you begin to get a taste for the business and enjoy the positive results of your efforts, you will discover your personal secrets of success. After all, everything is very individual. You will be happy to discover and develop this individuality in yourself step by step.

Personal assistant: two magic wands

For an executive assistant, two skills are especially important: working with information and working with people. Both of these skills become equal in value to the magic wands of a talented assistant.

Working with information: It is important not so much to have the maximum amount of it and remember and keep a lot in mind, but to know where you can find it at the right time. The fact that we live in the Web era makes our lives much easier. After all, information or a hint about its valuable sources can be found using the resources of the World Wide Web, so search skills come first today. These skills must be mastered to perfection. Find the necessary information, highlight the main thing in a large information flow - These are important skills for the modern assistant. How to achieve mastery of such skills? The more practice - the better you will do. And further. Be curious!

It is important to never panic in advance when faced with new problem. Find information, think, figure it out. An optimistic and educational approach is important here. Especially when you often have to solve new problems. But if you can’t do this and don’t like it, then you chose the wrong job. After all, the work of a personal assistant requires initiative, creative and positive thinking. This is a job for those who like to think and solve various problems. This is a job for brilliant organizers, creators who know how to effectively cope with stress, smooth out difficulties and nothing else.

Second magic wand - ability to communicate with people - this is an even more complex and interesting tool.

It is important for a personal assistant find mutual language with others. To communicate effectively, you must have such a remarkable character trait as communication skills i.e., the ability to easily establish contacts. It is difficult for a closed, uncommunicative person to work as an assistant, given the need to communicate with a large number of people of completely different statuses. Valuable personal qualities of an assistant include: courtesy, politeness, goodwill, attentiveness, attention to the interlocutor. They always appear not only during personal contacts, but also during telephone conversations. It is these qualities that create a favorable atmosphere in the manager’s reception area, in the office and help in obtaining support, effective interaction with people and performing a mediating mission between the leader and the people around him.

It is worth noting that women are naturally good psychologists and “specialists in human relations" Subconsciously, they usually understand what kind of person is in front of them, and depending on this they choose a line of behavior. Whether it concerns the manager or employees, it is better to adhere to the most correct style of behavior.

Another important point - ability to take care of people, the ability to be a diplomat, show tact, find the right tone, understand the mood of the people around you and the state of things. Why care about people? Does an assistant manager really need to show the miracles of patience and care of a nanny? Partly yes. Work for you helping. This is your main function. When organizing something, you need to consider all the nuances, as if you were doing it all for yourself. You cannot omit any questions or details and think that there, on the spot, people will figure it out themselves. We must try to provide for everything to the maximum, down to the smallest detail. This work is very important. After all, not everyone has the ability to take care of people. This is a very difficult task for an executive assistant.

A woman’s nature contains such a quality as the ability and desire to improve everything. She believes that if something exists or works in one form or another, then it can be improved. As a rule, she tries to achieve this herself and is ready to encourage others to do so. This wonderful quality of a woman provides her with great opportunities to develop her leadership skills and advance her career.

I would like to note that for professional success in almost any business, you need to have a good understanding of female and male psychology. This is important, firstly, to clearly understand your own strengths and strengths, inherent in nature, and, secondly, to communicate effectively with people, taking into account the characteristics of male and female styles of thinking and behavior. This valuable knowledge will help you correctly find a common language, mutual understanding and support not only at work, but also in your personal life, which is very important for every woman.

Work for creative people

This is a very important moment for a woman. creativity. A rare woman, due to the qualities of her feminine nature that nature gave her, will agree to do boring routine work. What is it creation and why we most often strive to find creative work? What do we mean by this concept? Sometimes it turns out that we mean freedom by this concept. Freedom to create, to discover and realize oneself.

Indeed, often we need not only to perform some ordinary functions that are repeated day after day, but also to create, to create and, most importantly, to see the end result, the “product” of our activity, to receive a response from the “consumer” of this “product”, feedback, highly appreciate the efforts invested. For some people, in addition, it is important to do something “inside and out”, and not just be a cog in a big machine and make a small contribution to the common cause. In the process of professional self-determination you need to find the answer to the question - What is personally important to you in your work?

So, about creativity. Fortunately, working as an assistant manager requires the ability to think and make decisions independently, and there is no need to complain about the lack of a creative field of activity.

Find a way out of a situation, sometimes non-standard, propose an idea if necessary - convince of its value and reasonableness, find an opportunity to implement it, plan and “orchestrate” its implementation - Here are the main parts of a successful personal assistant plan that will be appreciated. And if you think that improving the usual course of things - This is a thankless task, then you may be surprised to learn that you (if you decide to do it after all) have finally accomplished something that no one has gotten around to doing for a long time, and it did not go unnoticed. Wouldn't this bring pleasure from the activity? Will it not create the prerequisites for further professional growth? The answer to all questions is extremely laconic - yes! We must try and dare.

In order to create, you need to see, hear, understand people and circumstances around you, notice key problems in your work and find solutions, improve processes. In most cases, there is no point in arguing that initiative is punishable. As a rule, inaction and indifference are punishable, since sooner or later you can stumble upon the same obstacles to which in the past, it would seem, you managed to turn a blind eye so successfully. If the problem is systemic, then it is better to solve it, and next time in a similar situation you will no longer have to waste time going around the same hole.

The work of an assistant constantly presents challenges, and if you are an active and creative person, then these tasks will strengthen and build your “professional muscles”, as well as discover and develop your skills and talents. These tasks are what makes the work of a personal assistant manager interesting (not at all routine, as a rule). By solving them, we grow and develop as individuals and as employees, this brings us satisfaction and decent rewards. And we strive for this, don’t we?


Training participants will be able to:

  • Acquire personal effectiveness skills as an assistant manager
  • Understand the importance of the role of assistant manager in the company structure
  • Correctly establish a business and personnel document flow system
  • Conduct yourself confidently inside and outside the company
  • Comply with the rules and regulations of business etiquette
  • Communicate politely and effectively with clients, visitors and company employees
  • Contribute to the creation and maintenance of a favorable image of your company.

Training seminar design:

  • Active dialogue between the presenter and the training participants, answers to participants’ questions.
  • Analysis of typical situations (case study).
  • Business and role-playing games.
  • Practice skills through exercises in small groups.
  • Mini-lectures.

If the group size is less than 3 people, the seminar will be held in individual work with problem areas of each participant (within the stated topic of the seminar). The work schedule (how much time is devoted to group classes, how much to individual coaching) is agreed upon separately.

The program can be changed according to the Client's requirements

Target audience of the seminar

  • Assistants to the manager
  • Heads of the secretariat
  • Executive Business Managers
  • Secretaries-referents
  • Secretaries
  • Office managers
  • Employees who, due to the nature of their work, have to communicate with clients and simply visitors to the organization
Detailed program

1. Assistant manager and his role in the work of the organization

  • Business dress code
    • What is a business dress code
    • Women's business clothes
    • Men's business clothing
    • Clothing color in a business environment
    • Don't forget about accessories
  • Office interior
    • Head office
    • Reception
  • Working with visitors
    • Reception of employees
    • Reception of visitors from other organizations
    • Reception of business travelers
    • Tea and coffee for visitors
  • Business subordination
    • Introductions and dating
    • Business Cards. Rules for exchanging business cards
  • Telephone communication techniques
    • How to answer phone calls correctly
    • Rules for conducting a business telephone conversation when you call
    • Typical mistakes when communicating by telephone
  • Business correspondence
    • Business letter style
    • Requirements for writing a business letter
    • Features of business correspondence via the Internet
  • Organizational support for executive business trips
    • Booking tickets, hotels
    • Relationship with the receiving party

2. Office work for the assistant manager of the company

  • Composition of documentation of modern organizations
    • Regulatory acts on record keeping in an organization
    • Basic requirements for the composition of documentation
  • Composition and execution of basic documents
    • Organizational documents
    • Administrative documents
    • Information and reference documents
  • Work with documents
    • Preparation of documents
    • Registration of documents
  • Systematization and storage of documents
    • Nomenclature of the organization's affairs.
    • Formation of cases
    • Document execution control
    • Preparation of documents for archival storage
  • HR records management
    • Composition and types of documents. Basic requirements for the preparation of personnel documentation.
    • Employment contracts. Orders for hiring, dismissal, employee leave, etc. Registration and maintenance work records, personal card. Time sheet.
    • Staffing schedule. Internal rules labor regulations; vacation schedules. Job Descriptions. Regulations on structural divisions.

3. Business communication etiquette

  • Business meeting and negotiations
    • How to properly prepare for a business meeting
    • Rules for meeting a business delegation: at the airport, in the office
    • Rules for seating by car
    • Hotel accommodation
    • Seating rules at the conference table
  • Official receptions
    • Invitations and RSVPs
    • Types of official receptions
    • Table setting
    • Table seating rules
    • Dress code for official receptions
    • How to behave at an official reception
  • Gifts and flowers for a business partner
    • Gift selection
    • How to give and receive gifts
    • Prohibited gifts
    • Rules for choosing colors for a business partner
    • Flower packaging

1. Diagnosis of the current situation of assistant managers - seminar participants, identifying problem areas in their work.

1.1. “Thieves of time” and how to fight them.

1.2. Ineffective space - principles of ordering chaos as an element of increasing labor productivity. Japanese systems "5C" and "Kaizen".

1.3. Ineffective relationships - how to improve communication to quickly, easily and respectfully convey and receive information.

1.4. Ineffective work conditions and how to overcome them.

1.5. Ways to overcome stress and work with your own conditions. How to maintain health and nerves for yourself and those around you.

2. What an executive assistant should know about goal setting.

2.1. Strategy and tactics in the work of an assistant manager.

2.2. Planning by goals. How to agree on goals with your manager.

2.3. Prioritization. Sharing of responsibilities. Eisenhower Matrix.

2.4. Delegation, execution control and situational leadership.

2.5. The ability to say no. Three universal forms of refusal as a way to realize what was planned.

2.6. Assistant manager creativity in planning. Methods of the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) and effective time management.

3. Principles effective management time (time management).

3.1. Basic laws of time management: Pareto, Murphy, Parkinson, Zipf, “irreversibility of time” and others.

3.2. Perfectionism and delays - how to organize work effectively, taking into account the principles of correct task setting. Work performance criteria.

3.3. Models useful in work: taking into account biorhythms and work interruptions when parallelizing tasks, the influence of emotions and physical condition on performance; use of resources of the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

3.4. Three main misconceptions of workaholics.

3.5. Training as an element of increasing labor productivity. When and/or how it is or is not worth studying.

4. Proven work techniques or time management secrets.

4.1. Motivation. How to make yourself and others work with pleasure. How can an assistant convey the manager’s instructions so that they are carried out and how to monitor execution depending on the situation.

4.2. “Eating an elephant”, the Swiss cheese method, “do it now” and other time management secrets.

4.3. Mental maps as a way fast processing and structuring large volumes of information.

4.4. A list of the most effective techniques and time-saving methods for an executive assistant.

5. Specifics of the organization of the work of a manager and the role of an assistant.

5.1. Organization of meetings and conferences. How to increase efficiency with the help of preliminary preparation.

5.2. Peculiarities different types communication depending on the goal. How to reduce conversation time or, conversely, how to get necessary information with a taciturn interlocutor.

5.3. Types of planners. How to choose a planner taking into account the interests of the assistant manager, the manager himself and the organization as a whole.

5.4. Methods of decision-making under stress and lack of information. How can an assistant manager find mutual understanding with a manager regarding the division of responsibilities?

5.5. Trusting relationship between the manager and the assistant as a tool for professional planning of the working day. External timing of the manager’s work as an assistant and prompt response to emerging difficulties.

5.6. Emotions in the work of an assistant manager. Simple techniques for self-regulation in the workplace.

5.7. Multifunctionality of an assistant manager: the relationship between the skills of planning, analyzing, proposing, coordinating and making decisions.

5.8. Saving manager time: rational organization business trips, corporate events and holidays.

5.9. Standardization and formalization of repetitive tasks of the assistant manager. Performance control and responsibility as methods for increasing efficiency.

6. Tools for self-audit and timing.