Is it worth contacting marriage agencies. Which dating service is better not to contact - signs of scammers or amateurs under the guise of a marriage agency. It's all the fault of the Reds

Getting to know a decent person who, like you, wants to settle down and start a family is not so easy. If dating friends of friends did not bring results, going to the club tired, and dating on the Internet disappointed, you can decide to take a cardinal step and put your fate in the hands of professionals. the site found out how marriage agencies in Moscow work, who applies to them, why it is not customary to talk about it, how much the services of matchmakers cost and how not to become a victim of a scammer

In fact, all marriage agencies are divided into three types:

  • traditional "for everyone" agencies with a huge client base, psychological tests and photo albums, where you will be arranged dates with several suitable candidates;
  • agencies "not for everyone", creating the illusion of a chance meeting with a potential life partner;
  • agencies that organize dating parties with elements of games or speed dating

Who uses the services of marriage agencies

The bulk of agency clients are women over 30 years old who were busy with their careers while others were flirting, dating, getting married and having children, and men also over 30 years old. For the most part, they are divided into two types: workaholics and businessmen who have no time to look for life partners; or people who are tired of the complexity, commercialism and psychological instability of the weaker sex (as they say, having burned yourself in milk, you ask a professional to find decent clean water).

The ratio of men to women in most agencies is 40 to 60 percent. Experts say that it is easier for women to join such organizations. “For a man to turn to the agency and admit that he himself did not manage to find someone is a whole feat,” said Olga Korneeva, a consultant psychologist at the Vizavi agency.

At the same time, women are looking for accomplished, personally mature, socially successful men. But men like calm, gentle, understanding companions.

Usually women of "male" professions come to the marriage agency. They often occupy leadership positions: chief accountants, financiers, lawyers, lawyers. If at work they feel in their place, then in a relationship they don’t. Because men don't like to be controlled. They appreciate emotions, kindness, warmth. Most often, women in the questionnaires write "Kind, understanding, beautiful, well-groomed."

Olga Korneeva

psychologist-consultant of the marriage agency "Vizavi"

In a word, clients often first have to be prepared for dates, explaining what relationships are, how to behave, how to get rid of old wounds and believe in happiness, and only then can they be released into the light. Therefore, decent agencies usually employ psychologists or psychotherapists.

Most firms will offer you two types of services:

  • access to the database of candidates, where you can view client profiles and ask for their phone numbers (from 2 thousand rubles in a small modest agency to 55 thousand rubles in a firm for VIP clients);
  • individual search for a partner with expert advice, preparation and holding of meetings (from 7 thousand rubles for one trial meeting to 77 thousand rubles for a package of services with the search for candidates, the services of a stylist and a psychologist, and so on).
There is also work with "specific orders" (search for non-standard queries - 20 years younger, only a millionaire, etc.). It costs much more and is rarely used.

With the search for people in the database, everything is clear, it goes about the same in all types of companies: a contract is concluded with a client (urgent or without an expiration date), he is given access to the database, his profile is posted. You can search for a suitable party, request a phone number, contact and make an appointment. Individual offline meetings are organized differently everywhere.

How does a traditional marriage agency work?

In a decent agency, they will check your documents, ask about the reasons for applying, ask you to pass psychological tests and make it clear who you are looking for. A cooperation agreement is not concluded with everyone. Married, mentally ill, seeking wealth and not ready to work on themselves, most likely, they will fail the test.

If the first stage is completed successfully, a contract is drawn up with the client. At the same time, no one gives a 100% guarantee of marriage. The agency only undertakes to provide within a specified period (usually 2-6 months) a sufficient number of suitable candidates. Somewhere their clear number is prescribed, somewhere not.

Then the fun begins: the search for partners and dates. Potential future spouses are shown photos and talk about each other's lives. If everything suits them, the man is given the girl's phone number, and he makes an appointment. Often, clients are offered to hold several meetings with candidates at once and choose the right one. It is immediately stipulated that the initial meeting is not a date yet. You communicate with each other, compare goals, discuss pitfalls - something like an interview for the position of the bride and groom with a trial period.

After the meeting, clients call the curators and share their impressions.

"We recommend seeing a person again. I believe that only after the third meeting can conclusions be drawn, because each person may have circumstances. For example, we had a case when a man had a serious illness on the day of the meeting. conflict situation At work. He, as a responsible and decent person, came anyway, but he was all in his thoughts. It seemed to the woman that he was not very interested in her, but in fact he just had a hard day, ”says Olga Korneeva, a psychologist-consultant of the Vizavi agency.

If everything went well and the couple formed, the clients still have the opportunity to use the services of the agency during the term of the contract. You can, for example, come to a consultation with a psychologist, get advice on creating relationships. Or ask to find a new party if the relationship broke up quickly.

Some agencies do things differently, such as creating client profiles on dating sites and corresponding with other users on their behalf. Or they make fake accounts, invite them on a date with a obviously unsuitable candidate, and then lure them in and offer to conclude an agreement in order to find someone more decent.

You can stumble upon gigolos, money-hungry women or mentally inadequate people.

Agencies "not for everyone"

To find out how they are looking for a soul mate in an elite society, we went to Marriage Agency targeted search that works with executives and business owners, top managers and expats. Here, partner search technologies differ from ordinary marriage agencies and, moreover, are classified.

It is only known that candidates are found in business clubs, closed business communities and at closed social events, and, for example, data from recruitment agencies are used as information sources for searching.

An agreement is concluded with clients, which states that they will be provided with many candidates for the role of a life partner. It is valid for four months - that's how much on average it takes to prepare a person for a meeting, find a couple and start a primary relationship.

Contracts, again, are not concluded with everyone. The stop list includes those who are focused only on money or are not ready to change to solve personal problems. “If a unkempt woman or a unkempt man comes to us, who flatly refuse the services of a stylist and are not ready to work on themselves, we cannot help them,” says Ekaterina Gushchina, head of projects at the target search marriage agency Heart-Hunter.

Acquaintances take place at events in which up to 150-200 people take part, such meetings are held every week, sometimes more often.

Our clients choose candidates and meet at a social event, without the candidate knowing that the acquaintance was initiated and prepared. Often a man begins to court a woman, not suspecting that their meeting is not accidental.

Ekaterina Gushchina

project manager of target search marriage agency Heart-Hunter

It usually takes two to four events to find a mate. Friendship develops with someone, and someone remains nearby in the role of a loved one. As in marriage agencies, here clients prefer not to talk about how they met their life partner.

To pick up a pair during the term of the contract is obtained in 85% of cases. With the rest of the clients, additional events are held with the participation of psychologists and stylists.

Dating at parties

Another way to get to know each other is to go to a party, for example, to speed dating. Speed ​​dates take place in clubs or restaurants, last for several minutes, after which the partners change. Entrance to the event costs from 500 rubles, mainly people from 35 to 45 years old participate in them, younger ones are rare.

As Elena Korotaeva, director of the Seventh Heaven dating club, said, 25% of people manage to find a couple at a party.

Expert opinion

We use the practice of speed dating. If it's a club party, there may be game elements. For example, men are given keys, and women are given locks, or they have halves of the picture that need to be combined. The game helps people to approach each other, sit down, start talking

Elena Korotaeva

director of the dating club "Seventh Heaven"

According to Elena, in this business, not all couples hide the way they met - many bring friends, send photos of children and even invite them to weddings.

Attention scammers!

Having decided to apply to a marriage agency, one must always be on the alert. Muscovites are increasingly complaining about unscrupulous marriage agencies. According to experts, the level similar services every third customer is dissatisfied.

The method of work of "black matchmakers" is almost the same. A person makes an advance payment, and then a marriage contract is concluded with him. Within a few days he is promised to find a suitable match. Time passes, but no appointments are made. When calling the organization, the consultant who signed the contract, as a rule, is not on site.

In order not to fall for the bait, remember the simple rules:

  • before contacting the agency, study the reviews about its work on the Internet;
  • be sure to ask to provide you with documents confirming legal status organizations;
  • most reputable agencies will offer you a free initial consultation;
  • Be sure to keep receipts confirming payment for services. This may help you if the case goes to trial.
Irina Burmistrova

Unfortunately, in our society there is a very unflattering stereotype that only outsiders who are not successful with representatives of the opposite sex apply to marriage agencies. Girls try to keep secret the fact of registration in this or that marriage agency: “What will people think?”. However, the fear of being exposed in the eyes of others becomes instantly forgotten after the very first successful romantic date with a man. Hence, the stereotype is very unfair, and marriage agencies are really a godsend for a modern girl.

Let's be realists, not each of us is lucky to find love on our own, having gone all the way to building a strong house of happy relationships using the “own rake” method and without outside help. However, it is important for each of us to be a beloved and loving girl. Therefore, we cannot afford to take risks when it comes to finding a partner. We need the right person who can share our interests and goals, and who, in the end, will turn out to be our soulmate. Why leave it to chance when you can turn to real cupids for advice and help? A marriage agency is a place where your desire to find a life partner with whom you can start a family and find the desired happiness will be treated with understanding and professionalism.

A professional marriage agency respects how highly a modern girl values ​​her time, striving to spend it efficiently. How often have you felt morally exhausted and regretted the wasted time, corresponding with people whose communication did not bring you positive emotions, but only made you disappointed in the relationship? By doing the most painstaking part of the search for you, the marriage agency saves you a lot of time and energy, which in the future you will spend on choosing an outfit for an upcoming date. Your potential partner is already interested in getting to know you, so the only thing left for the two of you is to enjoy communicating with each other.

Professional marriage agencies are engaged not only in finding a partner and creating couples, but also in organizing dates, the main goal of which is to create the right atmosphere between a man and a woman, taking into account the wishes of both.

Marriage agencies are interested in the success of your "project", because this is how they can measure the effectiveness of their work. Having seen enough of the huge number of incredibly spectacular girls who cross the threshold of our office every day, I seriously thought about how hard our team works, trying to find an individual approach to each client and satisfy the requirements of her search. Talented, educated, beautiful, well-groomed girls living in a modern rhythm are not an easy task for a marriage agency, however, we are used to challenging ourselves on the site every day. We are inspired by the stories of our joint success, in which there really is a place for a romantic fairy tale with the magic of the birth of real feelings, beautiful confessions, emotional partings and long-awaited meetings with a loved one, and, finally, marriage proposals.

Even the most inveterate skeptics cannot deny the existence of all over the world huge amount couples created thanks to the professionalism of employees of marriage agencies. We can spend a lifetime searching ideal partner, but is the game worth the candle when success in your personal life is so real and much closer than you think. Dear girls, remember that your happiness is only in your hands, and the choice is always yours.

February 25, 2017, at 19:10

Finding your other half is not as easy as it seems at first glance. It happens that friends play weddings, and relatives say: "Well, when will we go for a walk at your wedding?" But finding love is really sometimes very difficult. What to do?

You can visit an online dating site, or in our time there are organizations called marriage agencies. Do not be afraid of this strange name - they help two people find each other. The only question that arises is whether marriage agencies can be trusted? After all, most are wary of such organizations. Our answer is yes, you can. But only to serious and self-respecting companies.

It's a pretty simple way to get to know each other. In addition, it is also very effective, because you leave your profile, just like all other candidates do. Those very shy girls who do not dare to make new acquaintances on the street and rarely visit various establishments may well contact the agency.

The principle of operation is simple: you come to the organization and leave information about yourself or choose the person you like. Again, contact agencies that value their reputation and do not accept profiles from just anyone.

Another advantage of such companies is time saving. In the modern world, it is difficult to find free time to take a walk, for example, to an exhibition or a disco. True, there is no romance of dating, but these are costs that you can calmly put up with.

There is a widespread belief that the "best" men and girls do not stay at marriage agencies, that is, only those who are supposedly losers go there. Of course, this is not true. Often the main contingent of such organizations are busy, serious, respectable men. They simply do not have time to search for a soul mate, and therefore they leave their profiles to find a modest, self-respecting girl. Often acquaintances of such people end in serious relationships and, at times, marriage.

A serious marriage agency, which we recommend contacting, has an experienced psychologist on its staff. The specialist will advise on all issues, draw up a psychological portrait, and help you understand which candidate is right for you.

Of course, no one will deny the fact that if you have found a partner, then your family life will be perfect. Here, marriage agencies are unable to help, but everything is in your hands: build relationships wisely. And if the union did not work out, then this is not a reason to be upset: in any case, you met interesting person and gained experience.

Do not neglect dating - it will never be superfluous. But only talk to people you trust. And marriage agencies will help you!

If you do not want to contact a marriage agency, then the best online dating will help you. Go through a simple registration, fill out a new user form and go ahead to look for interlocutors for communication.

How lucky are those people who met soul mates in their daily lives, or even if they had a chance meeting, but still they took this chance to build a happy relationship and family. But what about those people who do not find a passion in their environment or they do not have enough time for work? Increasingly, lonely hearts turn to organizations that are just engaged in the selection of the ideal partner for married life - marriage agencies.

Is it worth contacting a marriage agency?

As practice shows, marriage agencies do really efficient work and their marriages break up extremely rarely. Clients fill out questionnaires, leaving as much information about themselves as possible, as well as requirements for their partner (external, moral and psychological). Psychologists, astrologers and photo editors work with them in order to compile a beautiful portfolio. Further professional staff marriage agencies select couples that meet the requirements for each other. Here on the website of the marriage agency you can find questions that will be of interest to everyone.

A serious marriage agency employs real professionals with experience who can find you the perfect partner. In addition, you will have the opportunity to go on a date or spend time with interesting people. If your work takes too much of your time, then this is ideal. By leaving your profile here on the website of the marriage agency, our staff will select for you all possible candidates who may be of interest to you.

You should not assume that the services of such organizations are used only by losers who themselves cannot organize their personal lives or people who have full psychological problems. On the contrary, their services are used by successful men and women who do not have time to build their personal lives. The services of marriage agencies are paid, starting from at least one of these factors, it can already be judged that a man pays for helping him create a happy and strong family and he is determined. Women can work here with the marriage agency website absolutely free of charge. And this does not oblige them to communicate with all the men who will want to get acquainted. No one is forcing anything, communication or the development of relations is built only on the consent of both parties. If anyone is interested in trainings for women, then welcome to the site

As already mentioned, the services of marriage agencies for men are paid, which is why such agencies are increasingly created by scammers. But before leaving information about yourself, both men and women, you should definitely check the availability of a valid license, a normal office, a legal address and a seal, as well as a bank account of such an organization in order to make sure that the marriage agency is competent. It would not be superfluous to find out how many successful marriages are concluded with the help of this agency per year, as well as to communicate with one (-th) of such lucky ones.

Of course, no one gives a 100% guarantee that in as soon as possible you will find a soul mate. Moreover, not everyone always writes the truth about themselves when filling out questionnaires, so sometimes the first impression can be deceiving. Only individual communication and joint pastime will help to get to know the person better and understand whether you are suitable for each other or not. At least, new acquaintances and pleasant emotions are provided to you.

And yet, do not be afraid to seek help from a marriage agency, this is a huge chance to build happy family. Who knows, maybe professional matchmakers will help you find the person of your dreams…

Even 15 years ago, the term "professional matchmaker" in our country was not taken seriously. The image of a pesky grandmother-procuress from the satirical magazine "Wick" made me laugh no less than the very possibility of entrusting someone with a delicate and intimate matter - the search for a spouse.

In the mid-90s, the situation turned around, and today there are about 50 marriage agencies in Moscow, and the demand for the services of "specialists in the field of personal relationships" continues to grow. Almost every major city has a marriage agency, or even more than one. Their clients are young (from 25 to 35 years old) women and men who are successful in all but personal spheres of life.

A visit to the "office of Hymen" and "representation of Cupid" requires certain financial costs. By Western standards, they are ridiculously small: on average, from one and a half thousand rubles for posting a photo and profile in the agency's data bank to 500 US units for working with an individual consultant.

And this is without spending on stylists, make-up artists, psychologists, photographers and other masters who play the role of a good fairy who turned the plain Cinderella into a beautiful princess.

"A good appearance is a guarantee that the client will not stay long in the marriage catalog," says Karina, a consultant at the Assol Moscow marriage agency.

However, if nature has not rewarded you with the data of the winner of a beauty contest, you can easily compensate for this shortcoming by resorting to the services of specialists - cosmetologists, makeup artists, etc.

As a rule, each marriage agency has a special database of contacts for beauty salons. If the client decides to use the services of these centers, he will receive a bonus in the form of a 50 percent discount on the services they provide during the pre-wedding preparation period.

And yet, working on your own appearance and inner world is not a guarantee that you will quickly find a spouse.

Far from everyone reaches Mendelssohn's march. Karina, considered the most professional matchmaker of the agency's three employees, boasts only 11 prisoners with her light hand marriages.

“A spouse through a marriage agency in the minds of the majority is the same as a child from a test tube. That is, something that needs to be hidden in every possible way,” Elena, an employee of another marriage agency, Real, confirms to me.

Perhaps the lion's share of the blame for the current state of affairs can be attributed to the relative youth of the marriage business: the first such official agency appeared in Moscow only in the early 90s.

Now the list of services provided by marriage organizations is quite wide. And the very appearance of the offices of some agencies is impressive.

We communicate in one of the working rooms of the agency "Present", strongly reminiscent of the office of a psychoanalyst from the American cinema: leather sofas, tables and chairs without sharp corners, photographs of abstract content in neat frames on the walls painted in pastel colors.

The first interview with a client is a diagnostic procedure to identify the character, temperament, and attitudes of the client. After a detailed conversation with a consultant, the client fills out a special questionnaire, where he tells as frankly as possible about himself and his expectations regarding the personality of a potential spouse.

Customer stories differ only in minor nuances. In general, each of those who applied to the marriage agency wants to find a like-minded person, a soul mate. Marriage and family as such are not always the priority goals. Some clients, who spend most of the day sacrificing to a deity named Career, want to find someone who will give them a reliable shoulder and help get rid of Bridget Jones's complexes.

I'm talking to a client of one of the agencies. Irina (31 years old) has never been married. Her story is standard for many modern young ladies. Education, work, unwillingness to bind oneself with unnecessary obligations, career prospects and ... hopeless loneliness. The main problem of those who have crossed the 30-year mark is where to get acquainted with the same accomplished people who are ready for a serious relationship? On the street? At a restaurant? While standing in a multi-kilometer traffic jam?

Moreover, Irina's requirements for the man of her dreams are modest: kind, educated, without material problems.

I'm wondering if there are any suggestions regarding appearance men. Irina shakes her head. Marriage specialist Elena claims that for her clients, the appearance of a future partner really does not matter much, unlike male clients. Of course, they come to marriage agencies much less often than women, but still this happens.

I ask Elena what requirements men most often make to potential brides.

"The ideal of most men can be described in two words: a decent model." It should be a young lady who looks like a diva from the cover of a fashion magazine, delighted with routine household chores and does not pretend to be the contents of her husband's wallet.

Vyacheslav, a client of the marriage agency "Impulse", a stately 33-year-old bachelor with impressive hair, says that it took him two years to decide to cross the threshold of the marriage agency: "I perceived the marriage business as a scam and speculation on the desire of each person be happy, be loved. Also, it is very difficult to admit defeat on the personal front, especially when you have achieved a lot in your work, when your friends consider you a whole, self-sufficient and successful person.

Vyacheslav admits: when he entered into an agreement with a marriage agency, he felt like a loser who came to try his last chance.

Now everything is different. He feels like a modern person, using all available opportunities to solve his problem: "I want to meet my one and only, the very best. I think this goal is achievable, because now I am fighting for it not alone, but with a team of professionals."

The main thing, as they say, is the correct calculation. Including the choice of a worthy "representation of Cupid".

Four signs of a good marriage agency:
1. Use of IT technologies ( electronic bases data, special programs created specifically for the marriage business).
2. The presence of employees with special education (psychology, sociology).
3. Use of technologies to protect the confidentiality of personal data of customers.
4. Provision of related services (psychological consultations, photographer, image formation).

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