Your own business: speed dating. Organizing speed dating! Speed ​​dating business reviews

Speed ​​dating or mini-dates are parties organized specifically so that people can meet and chat at a table in a cafe. Such dates do not last long, but this time is enough for sympathy to arise.

Business "Speed ​​Dating"

Mini-dating parties (Speed ​​dating) were invented in 1998 by Rabbi Jacob Devo. Living in the United States, Jacob and his wife Sue were concerned that there was no place for Jewish girls to meet Jewish boys to start a family. A big city separates people, leaving no time for simple acquaintances, conversations about anything, during which mutual sympathy usually arises.

The old national tradition prescribes, if not pimping, then assistance in creating families. And so, in the millionaire area of ​​Beverly Hills, in an establishment under the guise of “Pete’s Cafe,” the first speed date took place. The combination of theory and practice led to the improvement of the Speed ​​dating format: each speed dating lasts 7 minutes, after which the interlocutors change.

At the beginning of the new century, date nights became fashionable in Europe, Australia, the USA, and throughout the world. Such rapid popularity is clear evidence that many people have communication problems different ages and social groups.

What is speed dating?

By participating in Speed ​​dating, you can make acquaintances with 10-15 representatives of the opposite sex in a short time. In Russia, express dating appeared relatively recently, but has already caught the fancy of many. Not always the result of meeting people at such parties is marriage, but pleasant acquaintances and an interesting pastime are guaranteed to everyone.

With all the simplicity of speed dating, someone has to take care of organizing it, so why don’t you take up this noble cause of connecting lonely hearts? You provide people with the opportunity to meet at a cafe table and chat, and in gratitude they pay you a small amount for this. Start-up capital is not required to start such a business; only organizational skills are required.

How to organize a speed dating business?

Two business development options:

  1. You have your own restaurant or cafe for speed dating.
  2. You plan to conduct speed dating in rented premises. This option can be considered a business from scratch.

With the first option, everything is clear - organizational issues are reduced to hosting and attracting visitors.

In the second case, you first need to find a suitable room. Successful places would be newly opened cafes that have not yet had time to acquire regular customers. Cooperation will be beneficial for you and for the owner of the establishment receiving a flow of visitors.

You should choose a cafe in the central part of the city or near the business center. In such places, cafes are filled only on weekdays during the lunch break, and in the evenings and on weekends there are almost no visitors. It is better to organize express meetings on weekends, so the cafe owner will be happy to cooperate. The atmosphere in the cafe should be cozy and inviting so that participants do not tense up and feel confident. The organizer’s task is to provide the meeting participants with a pleasant atmosphere, order light drinks, sandwiches, fruit, etc. The cost of organizing a party for 30-40 people will be approximately 10,000 rubles (including rent).

When the issue with the venue has been resolved, you can start looking for clients. Don’t limit your choice to young people; as experience shows, mature people and even older people enjoy participating in Speed ​​dating. Groups should be made up of people of approximately the same age, interests and social status. It has been noticed that in European countries, such meetings are attended by married couples seeking to diversify their relationships. Don't try to form groups by eye; let clients fill out questionnaires, based on which you can judge the interests and goals of each person who contacts you.

The survey can be completed when registering for Speed ​​dating via the Internet. For organization of this business Internet access is vital: you need your own website where participants can register, and there will also be information about the place and time of meetings.

To attract participants, advertising in the local press, on the streets, and in cafes where the event is planned will be useful. On average, advertising costs are 10,000-30,000 rubles per month.

How to conduct meetings?

At the appointed time, participants gather in a cafe. There should be an equal number of women and men in the group. Women take tables, and men sit next to them. The conversation lasts seven minutes. At a signal, the men stand up and move to the next table. So, moving from table to table, all the men will talk to all the women. Participants put marks in the questionnaire, noting the interlocutors they like. In a matched pair, participants exchange phone numbers.

If you invite 30 people to parties, selling them tickets for 500 rubles, then each event will bring about 5,000 rubles in net income. This is not bad at all, considering the simplicity of the organization and the positive emotions from communication.

Modern services for finding a soul mate are coming up with more and more interesting and exciting ideas. People are no longer interested in meeting people under normal conditions and in the same environment. One of the ways to “ignite” a relationship is speed dating.

Speed ​​dating – what is it and who is it suitable for?

This type of dating came to us from the USA and Europe. It is suitable for those people who do not have enough time to find a partner, as well as for those who want to try something new.

For this event, a group of 10-20 couples is recruited. It is important that all participants in the speed dating party are from approximately the same age group. Therefore, they are also formed according to age. A pleasant atmosphere is created in a cafe or restaurant, creating real comfort. The room contains a number of small tables corresponding to the number of couples. A man and a woman sit at each table. They are given a certain time to communicate (5-7 minutes). During this time, the couple has a conversation, they take a closer look at each other, and also determine for themselves whether they like this person and whether they want to see each other again.

Then the pairs change, and communication begins with the other participant. So, in an hour and a half you will get to know at least 10 new people.

After communication, you should make notes about each interlocutor. You will be given a list with all the participants, opposite whom after the conversation you put either “+” (you want to continue communication) or “-” (you do not want further meetings). Then the organizers compare your answers, and if the positive assessments with your partner coincide, then you exchange contacts with him and continue further communication.

The main advantage of speed dating is that you save your time and also quickly expand your social circle. This is very important for business and busy people.

Pros and cons of speed dating


  • You spend a minimum of time searching for your soulmate.
  • The first meeting takes place in person, so there will definitely be no disappointments about appearance (unlike social networks).
  • The relaxed atmosphere and communication make spending time enjoyable.
  • You don’t feel guilty or uncomfortable because your interlocutor didn’t impress you. After all, someone else will like him!
  • Good and enjoyable leisure time for a single person.
  • It's unusual. New emotions, pleasant acquaintances and vivid impressions are guaranteed.


  • Lack of romance. After all, only 5-7 minutes are allocated for each date. Not enough to sit and silently stare at each other, is it?
  • This evening may seem tiring, because in a couple of hours you will have to communicate with a dozen people.
  • You may not have time to make a first impression in a 5-minute date.
  • Well-mannered people are not always present at such meetings. Be prepared for the fact that you may receive unpleasant offers.
  • Express dating does not guarantee that you will find love here.

Came from the USA, where this idea became profitable investment time and money, bringing entrepreneurs decent income.

“Speed-dating,” as this dating organization sounds in English, implies a meeting of single men and women who are invited to some establishment. The peculiarity of organizing speed dating is that it differs fundamentally from what is offered marriage agencies, and a completely different clientele is showing interest in them. Dating takes place quickly, through short dialogues with each other, and this is much more exciting and practical.

Solving the problem of loneliness using a similar concept - good offer for the modern city dweller. Speed ​​dating evenings are steadily gaining popularity, and the target audience of such events is very wide, both in terms of age and social status and other signs.

Undoubtedly the niche has great potential- there will never be a shortage of people who want to get to know each other. However, dating business - is it profitable or not, what is the profitability, investment and payback? An introductory overview of the possibilities of creating a turnkey business for organizing speed dating events will help those who want to start their own business from scratch.

How does speed dating work?

An equal number of participants must be invited. Each guest should talk to a representative of the opposite sex at the table in order to talk about themselves and learn about the interlocutor during a 5-minute conversation. Usually girls are seated at the tables, and men are seated next to each of them alternately at the signal of the host. The “transfer” is done until all participants manage to have a personal conversation.

To make it easier to remember each other, badges with numbers need to be made for each guest. People are invited to write down their impressions of their first acquaintance with each of those who came to a special “list of likes.” Notes are made in it, the main ones of which are formulated as follows: liked it or not / interesting as a friend / business partner and more, here the organizer can show his imagination.

The finale of the event is the “moment of truth”, when, based on the results of studying the lists, the host finds matches of mutual interest, informing the participants about this after the party by e-mail or via SMS. The presenter can announce the results of the evening directly on the spot. Undoubtedly, those who wish can exchange contacts on their own, however, the problem of refusal is removed, because the rules of the event do not require this.

Target audience of the event

Speed-dating was originally aimed at middle-class people; they don’t meet people on the street and don’t go to entertainment venues that often. As a result, they are comfortable with the format of quick dating, which is not without a romantic component and even erotic overtones. For the most part, these are attractive people, however, they have little time to organize their personal lives. This fact explains the high percentage of successful acquaintances - as a result of each meeting, according to statistics, at least one couple is formed.

The minimum age for those showing interest in such acquaintances is 20 years. The majority of men should be somewhat older than women, on average 3 - 4 years, and the average age difference is about 5 - 7 years.

In general, speed dating attracts a fairly diverse audience; it is only important to find and develop the concept of your business, finding opportunities to give clients something that competitors do not yet have. In this enterprise there is a lot of scope for opportunities and extraordinary solutions. Speed ​​dating business is ideal for creative entrepreneurs who know what can interest their contemporaries.

Where to begin?

Species classifier economic activity classifies such a business as OKVED code 90: “Creative activities in the field of art and entertainment.” You can register an individual entrepreneur, and if necessary, registration legal entity, it is preferable to create an LLC. This is explained by the fact that individual entrepreneur and limited liability companies can operate under a simplified taxation system, limited to deductions of no more than 6% of income or 15% of the size operating profit. But this business does not involve liability with property, so registration as an individual is sufficient.

What is needed for events?

You need to rent a spacious room in a cafe, restaurant or establishment located in a cozy but accessible place. It should not be too noisy; the atmosphere of mini-dates should be calm and relaxing.

Rental time is 2 - 3 hours, unless continuation is expected after the end of dating. The advantage of the organization is that there is no need for significant expenses, both for rent and for nutritious meals for guests and the purchase of any expensive consumables.

Event advertising becomes an important success factor. You need to create a website with information about the organization, evening schedule, conditions of participation and prices. It is possible to bypass competitors in the region by optimizing your site to bring it to the first page of search engines for the necessary queries. These are not mandatory but desirable investments.

Promotion in in social networks. In addition, some popular communities, for example, VKontakte, which cover the topic of dating, offer advertising posts, and this will be an effective way to announce your endeavor.

The work requires a small staff, and at the initial stage the entrepreneur can take on the main tasks himself, hiring only one or two assistants. Their task is to communicate with clients by phone or on the Internet, because they will probably have many questions. Business does not entail complex accounting calculations, voluminous tax reporting, payment of utility bills and security. Employees are offered work not for a salary, but for a percentage of income, thereby motivating them to attract more visitors.

Responsibility rests with the leader. His responsibilities include showing attention to the guests, creating the appropriate mood; no one here should feel embarrassed, because many came for the first time. It is necessary to help guests, since their attitude increases the chances of creating couples, and the higher the percentage of such, the more good reviews the organization will receive.

Budget and payback calculations

The entrance ticket costs 1,000 rubles - this is the average price in Moscow and St. Petersburg, in the regions it is a little cheaper. In pre-sale you can attract a price of about 700 rubles. It is very possible to recruit at least 10 men and the same number of women, then 20 thousand rubles will remain in the event box office. By doubling the number of people who came, you can collect 40 thousand and so on.


  • Hall rental;
  • advertising the meeting;
  • work of the presenter;
  • coffee, tea, soft drinks or champagne;
  • badges, paper, pens.

After paying for entry, guests should be comfortable without necessarily spending on anything else. Usually, everything is limited to providing each participant with a free drink.

The rental price is determined by the level of the establishment and its area. A good minimum for speed dating is 20 people, so it is advisable to look for roomy rooms. If the participation of a small number of people is expected, the rent may cost from 2 thousand rubles in a medium-sized club or restaurant for each hour of rent. For a meeting on a large scale, you need to count on 5-10 thousand rubles/hour.

As a result, investments in organizing one evening will cost on average from 5 to 50 thousand rubles depending on its scale. After deducting expenses, as a result of attracting 20 participants, 10 thousand or more thousand rubles of net profit will remain on hand. For daily earnings this is quite decent even for a big city. Income will grow due to the introduction of our own unique developments into the business, which will make events more diverse and attractive to a large audience.

Organizing speed dating is actually hard work, because everything in organizing such events rests on people and the relationships between them. And as you know, working with real people is the most difficult task of all, especially in the field of organizing entertainment, such as speed dating in Moscow. People come to speed dating so much different people and everyone needs to find their own approach, which makes the task of the organizers twice as difficult. But the actual “kitchen” of organizing speed dating begins long before guests arrive at the event...

Organizing speed dating starts with finding the perfect place - a cafe for speed dating should be special. And the organizers have many strict criteria for it: walking distance from the metro, a separate hall with a large number of individual seats, a romantic atmosphere and pleasant staff. Speed ​​dating is a place where two singles meet, and this place should be truly special.

The next step in organizing speed dating is the hosts. Special attention is paid to them, because speed dating hosts are in every sense the face of the organization, and this very face should be not only pleasant, but also professional. Organizing speed dating involves careful selection of personnel. How successful your speed dating will be depends on the hosts, because at the second stage of organizing the event, they are the ones who communicate with the guests, create the right atmosphere and dispel all fears and myths about what speed dating is. In addition, FastLife does not stand still and strives for development, organizing unusual speed dates such as “”, “”, “” and “Love at an altitude of 337 meters!”

The third step of organizing speed dating is the result. The result of speed dating is as important to us as it is to you. We are careful about the profiles and their processing, so as not to miss any of the sympathies that have developed during the evening of speed dating. We deliver letters of happiness to our clients on time so that you can meet again as soon as possible.

In addition to all this, organizing speed dating is a lot of details that guests do not notice, but without which the experience would not be half as incredibly cool as it is now. This includes a correctly selected bell, and the design of sympathy cards, pens, club cards; this is music, surprises, games and pleasant promotions; these are happy couples who inspire us to continue our business.

Organizing speed dating is not an easy task, it consists of many small parts that work interconnectedly like one machine! So the machine works like a clock thanks to a serious approach to the most frivolous activity, as help in finding a soul mate.

Your FastLife Blog Editor,

All his life a person is in search mode, sometimes not even intentionally, at the level of the thought process. What is he looking for? “A man needs a man” is told to us by poetic lines and a hero from the movie “Solaris”. This is true, everyone wants to find a “soul mate”, “support and hope”, “companion or life partner” in any way.

Of course, no one has yet canceled the love that breaks out during a chance meeting. However, when personal life is not going well, people are ready to resort to systematic acquaintance.

After all, in this way you can meet a person who shares your views. In order to find a worthy soul mate in this way, you need to meet a lot of people and attend a lot of parties.

However, you can do it much easier by resorting to dating services that are popular today. One of these ways to find love was invented in Europe, and it quickly spread in all major cities of the world.

What is speed dating

Express dating (from English Speed-dating) is a method that allows you to meet several people of the opposite sex in a couple of minutes. During this time, you can choose a so-called soul mate or continue your search if your partner does not seem too interesting.

As a rule, the first impression of a person becomes the basis of further relationships. Often, people who are completely opposite in occupation and character begin to literally be attracted to each other after the first meeting. And acquaintances during for long years people experience inexpressible boredom when they are around. It is on this effect "first sight" and the principle of speed dating is based.

Currently, this service sector has become very popular and in demand, and if you want to organize your business, flexible and communicative, then speed-dating is what you were looking for. Let's try to figure out how to organize a speed dating business.

Development of a business plan for speed dating

To organize your own business, any business, not just instant dating, you need a plan that will spell out all the necessary components and nuances. And in this case advertising comes first.

It is necessary to inform the population about the opening of an agency providing services this kind. The wider the PR reaches the population, the more successfully your business will begin to develop.

So what do you need?

Not so much, right?

Now that we know how easy it is to open a speed dating club, let’s look at the details:

Now let’s draw conclusions: in an economical scenario, you will only need means for communication and printing, plus rent, which you pay from participants’ contributions. Usually there are up to 30 participants, and the event lasts for 1.5 hours.