Guards Economic Society. See what "DLT" is in other dictionaries

  • initial functional state of the kidney;
  • type of lithotripter and characteristics of the shock wave source;
  • chemical composition and size of the stone, its density;
  • relationship of the stone with the pyelocaliceal system;
  • degree of urinary tract infection;
  • the relationship between the functional state of the kidney and the physicochemical properties of the stone with the parameters of the shock wave pulses of a particular lithotripter;
  • the degree of recovery of kidney function after the first session and the severity of postoperative complications.

Recommended indicative figures were obtained in tests on functionally intact renal parenchyma, in which complete destruction of the average stone up to 1.5 cm is expected. In clinical practice, situations may arise when the use of even 1,000 pulses can lead to severe traumatic complications, whereas after 4,000 pulses will not have any consequences. Indeed, with a piezoelectric generator, with a narrow focal spot and minimal negative pressure, and in URAT-P with low-energy and ultra-short pulses, complete fragmentation of a stone may require 3,000 - 5,000 pulses, while with Litostar the same stone can be destroyed in 1 500 pulses. One of the factors in kidney trauma is the desire to quickly (with fewer impulses) destroy the stone using the maximum energy of the lithotripter.

The more pronounced the inflammatory-sclerotic changes in the kidney parenchyma, the less high-energy impulses are used and the less the total number of impulses in the session should be. It must be borne in mind that the energy of a shock wave, like an atom, can be peaceful, therapeutic, healing, but can also lead to severe traumatic consequences in the renal parenchyma. And not only in the parenchyma. And often this does not depend on the lithotripter model. In clinical practice, it is not clear why, there is an opinion that when crushing ureteral stones, it is possible to use more high energies with a large total number of impulses. Experiments have proven that cavitation (foaming) can also occur in the cellular structures of the ureter wall.

Before the creation of the domestic lithotripter URAT-P, a huge amount of experimental research was carried out on animals to study the effect of various shock wave energies on biological tissues and to search for the most optimal and least traumatic impulses. Indeed, already in the 80s, the fact that in the first lithotripter Dornier NM-3 were quite often observed various types hematomas, “which did not require surgical intervention,” but we believed that any were the result of a traumatic effect on the organ. And at present, it is in this group of patients that a pronounced decrease in renal function and the development of arterial hypertension are observed.

In experiments, we have proven the limits of DLT energy at which gross changes develop up to cavitation - foaming of cells. The use of high energy long pulses with large negative pressure determines the severity of morpho-functional changes in the parenchyma, and the depth of these changes is directly proportional to the number of shock wave pulses. Defocusing and disproportion of the applied energy to the initial morpho-functional state of the kidney also predetermined the severity of the traumatic effect of DLT. Using our open publications of all the results of research on electrohydraulic shock waves, some authors try to classify the electrohydraulic generator as the most traumatic, while a more careful study of the world literature proves that with any lithotripters and shock wave generators, researchers received severe traumatic injuries to both the kidneys and nearby organs in case of violation of crushing technology.

It is with regret that we have to state the fact that many companies, as part of the training of Russian young specialists, use a week-long trip to one of the foreign clinics only to familiarize themselves with working on the device, but do not provide training doctors with the theoretical, practical and fundamental principles and principles of a sufficiently responsible method, which is DLT. Guidelines on methods and technologies for the use of DLT in various clinical forms have already been discussed more than once at our conferences, and they are fully included in the cycle of postgraduate training of doctors “Remote lithotripsy”, approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Even with ideally correct application of DLT, the kidney parenchyma tissue experiences stress - “bruise”. Canadian physiologist Hans Selye was the first to define stress. Translated from in English The word "stress" means "pressure, pressure, tension." And the encyclopedic dictionary gives the following interpretation of stress: - “A set of protective physiological reactions that occur in the body of animals and humans in response to the influence of various unfavorable factors (stressors),” which includes DLT.

In other words, if stress occurs, then soon the stressful state subsides, the organ - the renal parenchyma - somehow calms down. If the stress impact exceeds the adaptive capabilities, then severe disorders of organ function or the emergence of new diseases are possible.

Numerous studies on the restoration of the functional state of the kidney at the cellular level - using biochemical, immunological and radioisotope methods have proven that if the DLT technology is followed and the postoperative period is uncomplicated, the restoration of kidney function occurs on the 5th - 7th day. With initially reduced kidney function or with the development of obstructive, inflammatory complications, the recovery period increases to 11 - 14 days. Performing a repeat session before renal function is restored or against the background of obstruction leads to more pronounced and gross morpho-functional changes, and the recovery of these indicators slows down. IN last years EBRT has become increasingly used to destroy residual stones left after open surgery or percutaneous nephrolithotripsy. Studies aimed at studying the timing of DLT of residual stones have shown that with a typical pyelolithotomy, restoration of functional parameters occurs on the 14th - 16th day, when it is possible to use DLT; with sectional or partial nephrolithotomy, DLT can be used no earlier than 21 - 25 days, and this in the absence of inflammatory complications. This is why early repeated sessions of ESWL for residual stones often result in either traumatic or severe inflammatory complications, even in the presence of nephrostomy drainage.

Today, the attitude towards residual stones after radiotherapy, which most often fall into the lower group of cups, is very important for the patient and the doctor. The very essence of the method involves fragmentation of the stone in the collecting system of the kidney to particles capable of spontaneous passage, and the presence of fragments in the collecting system of the kidney can occur over a certain period of time.

The issue of mandatory removal of asymptomatic fragments causes a lot of controversy. And although some residual fragments can cause new stone formation, this does not always happen. Patients with residual fragments or stones should be examined regularly to monitor the progress of the disease. In such cases, it is necessary to determine biochemical risk factors and take appropriate measures to prevent stone formation. If patients have clinically evident residual fragments, it is very important to relieve the obstruction and this must be done promptly. In other cases, certain therapeutic measures must be taken to get rid of symptoms.

Large and coral-shaped stones are one of the most difficult shapes for DLT, or for any other surgical method, be it PCNL or open surgery. There is still no generally accepted classification that would allow us to determine the percentage of effectiveness and the percentage of complications when using monotherapy or combination treatments. Therefore, EBRT, PCNL, and surgery are an integral part of treatment tactics. With a general decrease in renal function or with bilateral damage, it is necessary to apply the most optimal method (combination of methods) that will preserve functioning nephrons.

At the dawn of the development of the method, when there were no such concepts as internal stents and percutaneous contact lithotripsy and lithoextraction, we investigated the possibilities of the EBRT method as monotherapy and its effect on the functional state of the kidney in the long term. The method we developed for fractional crushing of coral and large stones, after detailed discussion and careful preparation of patients, allowed us to achieve positive results, but we never considered how much time and effort it took to achieve this positive result. Taking into account the intervals between sessions, the overall course of treatment took up to 2 - 3 months. Moreover, the design of modern lithotripters does not allow fractional crushing. The use of internal kidney drainage has significantly improved the results of DLT, but the method can no longer be considered as monolithotripsy. EBRT with preliminary installation of a stent can significantly reduce the percentage of obstructive complications, however, in this case, EBRT should be used for small intrarenal staghorn stones of mixed composition and low density, subject to all previously established indications and contraindications.

Today, taking into account the introduction of a wide variety of modern endoscopic equipment and based on medical and economic considerations, remote monolithotripsy should be considered as a historical fact. The most optimal today would be the fastest and more widespread implementation into the clinical urological practice of percutaneous puncture lithotripsy (PLP) and lithoextraction, which allows for the simultaneous removal of large and most coral stones. In combination with DLT, the capabilities of the method are significantly expanded.

In cases where the bulk of a large staghorn stone is localized in the periphery of the calyces, especially in calyces with obstruction, and to remove the stone it is necessary to perform several percutaneous approaches and several sessions of radiation therapy, which may be ineffective in case of a pronounced decrease in renal function, it is recommended to resort to open surgery intervention. In the absence of extensive experience in conducting this kind For stone removal operations, patients are best referred to medical centers, in which the qualifications of urologists allow the use of extended pyelocalicotomy, nephrolithotomy (with preservation of kidney tissue, vessels, nerves), directed nephrotomy, as well as renal surgery with hypothermia. The latest advances in this field have been the use of intraoperative ultrasound scanning (B-method) and Doppler ultrasonography, which makes it possible to identify the avascular region of the kidney in close proximity to the stones, or dilated calyces through which large staghorn stones can be removed using several small radial nephrotomy incisions without risk of reducing kidney function.

Diametrically opposite results are observed when using DLT in children, in whom staghorn stones are more common than in adults - 3 - 19% of the incidence of urolithiasis among children. Stones with a dense structure are extremely rare in children. And with minimal energies amounting to 40 - 50% of the total energy of the shock wave, it is possible to achieve fine fragmentation of any stone. High compensatory capabilities and elasticity of unchanged tissues of the urinary tract allow passage in the immediate postoperative period a large number fragments, among which there are fragments up to 3 - 4 mm. By using only low-energy pulses of the lithotripter LitURAT, it is possible to achieve positive results of DLT for coral stones even in a 7-month-old child, in no case trying to destroy a mass of more than 5 cm3 in one session.

So, if in 1993, 90% of children treated were at the Research Institute of Urology, today 56% of positive results from the use of DLT in children were obtained in various regions of Russia, and the majority of children were treated on a domestic lithotripter. Despite the proven prospects of using ESWL in the treatment of children over the years, the latter continue to be operated on by pediatricians in pediatric surgical departments to this day. We need to discuss the possibility of opening children's beds in large departmental urological clinics in Russia to save children from traumatic operations and improve the quality of treatment for children with urolithiasis, the growth of which has been clearly visible in recent years.

Over the past years, complications of extracorporeal lithotripsy have not undergone any significant changes, both qualitatively and quantitatively. We have repeatedly examined them in detail and, as before, we believe that the reasons for them lie not so much in lithotripters, but in incorrectly defined indications, preoperative preparation, the applied radiotherapy technique and the inadequacy of postoperative treatment of the patient or untimely prescription of additional measures to eliminate obstructive complications, which are based on obstruction of the upper urinary tract. Thus, complications are divided into 2 groups.

Intraoperative - the most severe and are associated with the direct impact of shock waves on the functional tissue of the kidney - hematuria, non-obstructive acute.

Hematuria is a result of exposure to shock wave pulses and is observed after any session of DLT of kidney and ureteral stones in 92 - 96%, but with one important exception - it should be moderate (pink urine) and occur in 1 - 2 acts of urination. Hematuria during DLT is not a consequence of traumatization of the mucous membrane of the pelvis by “flying fragments”, but a consequence of the “sweating” of red blood cells through the wall of the mucous membrane and is directly related to the disruption of microcirculation in the tissues located in the zone of action of shock waves. Intense and prolonged hematuria for 1 - 2 days indicates a violation of the DLT technology, undiagnosed coagulopathies, the use of anticoagulants by the patient, etc. Intense hematuria should alert the doctor to the possibility of the formation of more severe traumatic damage to the kidney parenchyma - hematoma, which is observed in 0.1%. Performing ultrasound and CT in the early postoperative period in this category of patients allows for timely diagnosis of hematoma. Small subcapsular hematomas that do not tend to increase are treated conservatively and disappear within 2 to 3 months. With progressive enlargement of the hematoma or its suppuration, its puncture or open surgery is indicated. It is this group of patients that should be the subject of close dynamic monitoring, since in the long term changes in kidney function and the development of arterial hypertension are possible. Injuries to other organs are so minor that they can be considered an episode and are a direct consequence gross violation methods of performing ESWL.

Postoperative - associated with the passage of fragments of destroyed stone, such as: 1. Intractable renal. 2. Obstruction of the upper urinary tract. 3. Obstructive.

Stone path

A “stone path” is an accumulation of small, large fragments of stone in the upper urinary tract that do not pass away for a long time, accompanied by a violation of the passage of urine. Stonewalk is the most common complication observed after ESWL. The formation of a stone drake can be observed after crushing any stone and is largely determined by destruction in one session big stone, the quantity and quality of fragments that simultaneously passed into the ureter, the anatomical and functional state of the pyelocaliceal system and the ureter. With the use of an internal stent before the start of radiotherapy, such cases became much less common. It is the obstruction that occurs in the early postoperative period that contributes to the activation of chronic a, since the ischemic changes in the kidney that occur after DLT and the additional increase in intrapelvic pressure are favorable conditions for the activation of endogenous infection. All patients with infected stones should be treated with antibiotics and have adequate kidney drainage established as soon as possible.

Small fragments usually come off after PPNS placement. For difficult-to-reach and long-term fragments of the lower third of the ureter, contact ureterolithotripsy is used with a high percentage of effectiveness. Recommendations for the surgical treatment of stone paths have been developed (see table).

We don't mention various methods drug therapy, the use of physio- and balneological methods, which, as previously proven, are highly effective for the spontaneous passage of small fragments.

15 years of experience in the use of radiotherapy and tens of thousands of patients have proven that external lithotripsy is an effective non-invasive and least traumatic method in the treatment of urolithiasis, subject to all previously developed indications and contraindications. Not a single method has been introduced in domestic urology with such a thorough and public discussion and has not had similar positive results in almost all regions of Russia, and ending the conference once again with the need to conduct a more detailed analysis and give an objective assessment says only one thing - that every time we For many years, biased data have been presented and the percentage of negative results and complications is constantly increasing.

With the advent of new, less invasive approaches to treating urinary stones, our options have expanded significantly. And today there are all the prerequisites for improving the quality of treatment of patients with urolithiasis in adults and children. To improve the final result of treatment and prevent relapses, it is necessary, taking into account experience modern research, to develop unified approaches to comprehensive examination and treatment of various forms of urolithiasis and at all stages of treatment. Pages: 2

The House of Leningrad Trade (DLT) is the largest department store in St. Petersburg, located on Bolshaya Konyushennaya Street, building 21-23.
In the 18th century, the site on which the building was built belonged to A.P. Volynsky, a major statesman of the Peter the Great era and an opponent of the “Bironovschina”.

Under the Sheremetevs, the former yard of Volynsky was divided into two sections - houses No. 21 and 23 on Bolshaya Konyushennaya Street. On the corner of this street and Volynsky Lane, since the 18th century there was a stone two-story house, colloquially called Volynkin (less often Volynsky). It was a cabman's yard, the carriages from which stood in search of clients on Bolshaya and Malaya Konyushennaya streets.

Nearby in 1836, a small cheap hotel was built (house number 23), the so-called Volkovsky rooms. It is known that M. I. Glinka and M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin stayed here. The hotel belonged to the official Alexander Volkov, after whose name the hotel was called “Volkovsky rooms”. On the Moika side there were “family” baths, and in the courtyard there were “people’s” baths. They caused dampness on the walls of the nearby French-German Church, which required covering the ground with a layer of clay and the drain walls and floors with lead.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the site of house No. 21 belonged to the merchants G. Fröhlich and A. Frankfeldt. With them, there were carriage and dray carts, Banukhin's (later Kudryavtsev's) tavern, trading shops, including a sausage shop called “Maria”.

In 1907, a courtyard plot along Bolshaya Konyushennaya, Volynsky Lane and the embankment of the Moika River was purchased by Gvardeiskoe economic society. In the same year, an international architectural competition was announced, as a result of which four out of 25 submitted projects were awarded competitive prizes. However, not a single project satisfied the organizers completely. In July of the same year, E.F. Virrich was appointed chief architect. The work was carried out by the German company Weiss and Freytag.

As the basis for the new project, Wirrich took his own developments and ideas of engineer Joseph Vladimirovich Padlevsky, who had previously collaborated with Wirrich on the design of the Polytechnic Institute building. While the project was being drawn up, the chairman of the Construction Committee (who is also the chairman of the board of the GEO), Colonel Bolotov, on the advice of Syuzor, went abroad to study the experience of building large shopping centers in Paris and Berlin. Later, Virrikh and his assistant, civil engineer S.S. Krichinsky, were seconded there. The latter soon refused to work after a conflict with Virrich. Their dispute in 1908 resulted in the pages of the magazine “Zodchiy”, where Stepan Samoilovich defended the extent of his participation in the project. The architect Boris Yakovlevich Botkin was eventually hired to replace Krichinsky. Another of Virrich’s assistants, architect Nikolai Vasilyevich Vasiliev, contributed to the work. The project, completed in March 1908, was signed by Virrich and Krichinsky.

Initially, the complex of the Guards Economic Society was conceived as a multifunctional structure, including a trading establishment on the corner of Bolshaya Konyushennaya Street and Volynsky Lane (the future DLT itself), an apartment building on the embankment of the Moika River and a residential building for employees between them. But later the scope of the first stage of construction was limited to a corner retail building. In fact, of all the plans, only this building was built.

The ceremonial laying of the first stage took place on July 18, 1908. The most modern technologies at that time were used in the construction of the building.

The first three floors of the shopping complex are covered with wide display windows. The fourth floor was intended for administration. On the fifth and attic floors, as well as in the basement, there were warehouses and workshops. The facades of the building are lined with Radom sandstone. Military and trade emblems, mascarons were created in the workshop of the sculptor V.I. Zhilkin with the participation of the sculptor-model-maker A.E. Gromov, and were made in bronzed ceramics under the direction of the ceramic artist P.K. Vaulin. The portals are made of Kielce marble.

Not all of the part of the building on the side of Volynsky Lane was given over to trade. Only the first floor was dedicated to her. On the third floor there were shoe workshops, on the fourth there was a dining room, and on the second, fifth and sixth there were ordinary apartments.

In 1912-1913, under the leadership of I. L. Balbashevsky, the second stage of the department store was erected - the Small Hall. Initially, the usable area of ​​the building should have been much larger, so in 1912 they demolished the neighboring house on Konyushennaya and added a second, small hall, uniting them with a common facade.

The building was made using the now popular brick-monolithic technology. Load-bearing structures are monolithic, enclosing structures are brick. The interior space was not divided into separate floors by ceilings; vice versa, shopping room was designed in the form of an atrium.

A triple transparent coating of glass with a metal mesh fused into it was used as a lampshade. Light penetrated into the central hall through panoramic display cases located along the perimeter of the shopping galleries, supported only by reinforced concrete columns three floors high.

The opened department store began to be called the “Guards Housekeeper”, since officers of the Guards regiments enjoyed discounts here. Its popularity forced many nearby stores to close because they could not stand the competition.

The assortment of the trading house was huge. It was sold by the manufacturing, stationery, linen, perfume, household, glass, fruit, confectionery, sausage departments. In addition, the guardsmen traded in weapons, optics, furniture, silver...

In 1891, a cooperative joint-stock company was established, the purpose of which was “to deliver to its consumers the items they need, mainly uniforms, equipment, shoes and linen in full good quality as possible low prices" All officers of the guards units had the right to join the society, but non-guardsmen could become “annual subscribers” by paying a membership fee. Emperor Alexander III, general of the cavalry and general of the infantry, donated 25 thousand rubles, which became the untouchable capital of the company.

The first military store was opened on the corner of Kirochnaya and Liteiny, in the newly built building of the Officers' Assembly (1898). By indicating the share number, buyers could purchase both industrial and foodstuffs at reasonable “domestic” prices.

Each action was determined strictly according to the instructions. In 1911, they were compiled into an extensive “Collection of Rules of the Guards Economic Society” - a kind of charter issued for official use.

More than six hundred articles of the “Collection of Rules of the Guards Society” regulated every action of employees: “Attendants on elevators are prohibited from raising servants separately from gentlemen,” “Checks should be written only with a chemical pencil, and not with an ordinary pencil,” “Proceeds should not be counted in the presence of a buyer,” “All sorts of a statement about the clerk’s unkindness or inattention to the buyer entails a mandatory reduction in interest.”

On Konyushennaya daily there were “rows of luxury cars, smart carriages, taxis and just cabs waiting for their owners and riders.” We went to the "guards" and for the sake of curiosity - to gaze at the gilded electric elevators, at the impeccably dressed and polite employees, to drink coffee, sitting in velvet armchairs and looking through the huge windows at Konyushennaya Street.

Steady profits from the store allowed the Guards Society to expand in 1912–1913 — and enlarge the building itself. 9 branches were opened, including in Gatchina, Peterhof, Krasnoye and Tsarskoe Selo.

In 1918, a reorganization took place, during which offices and the First State Department Store were located on the existing premises. On November 3, 1927, the department store was transformed into the “House of Leningrad Cooperation LSPO (Leningrad Council of Consumer Societies),” although it was more often called DLK. At the same time, enterprises producing bread, toys, and soft drinks were located here. In the 1930s, the trading house began to be called central store"Torgsin", and since 1935 the current name has been assigned to it - "House of Leningrad Trade".

During Soviet times, the building was reconstructed. Escalators and elevators were installed there.

The building of the Leningrad Trade House was badly damaged during the Great Patriotic War. It was restored in 1944-1947. Shortly after the end of the war, the Central Commercial Department Store was opened here. It was possible to purchase goods there not using orders and cards. but for money, albeit very large ones. Already on the eve of the first post-war September 1, a school bazaar was held in DLT. On New Year's Eve, the main hall of the department store was decorated with a 10-meter-tall festive tree.

In the 1970s, DLT began to specialize in selling products for children.

Since 2005, Mercury has been reconstructing the building with the goal of opening a premium department store TSUM St. Petersburg in it, following the example of the Moscow TSUM, which is also owned by this company. The updated DLT opened on September 6, 2012.

The long-awaited opening of DLT will take place in the spring of 2012: the branch of the Moscow TSUM will present, among others, the brands Tom Ford, Jimmy Choo, Celine, Bottega Veneta, Lanvin, Tod's, Alexander McQueen and Oscar de la Renta

In the next article in the be-in series, I decided to recall the history of the legendary St. Petersburg DLT.


The largest and first department store in St. Petersburg opened in 1909 as Trading house Guards Economic Society - joint stock company, which all officers of the St. Petersburg guards units had the right to join. The main architect of the building was Odessa resident Ernst Frantsevich Virrikh, whose project was selected following an international competition. The construction was carried out by the German company Weiss and Freytag, which erected a five-story building of the Trading House on the site of a cabman's yard and a small hotel.

During the work, all the latest technologies and materials at that time were used: for the first time in the country, a monolithic reinforced concrete frame was used on such a huge scale. Three years after the opening of the department store, new premises were added to it under a common facade - already under the leadership of the military engineer I.L. Balbashevsky. Two trading halls were covered with a grandiose glass ceiling; the spire visible on Konyushennaya was decorated with skillful mosaics. In the department store you could buy anything - from clothes to gastronomy, and even order goods from foreign catalogs.

In the mid-1920s, ownership of the House passed to the Leningrad Union of Consumer Societies: seven years later, the House of Leningrad Cooperation opened its doors. Here, in the 1930s, Torgsin was located on the first two floors, where scarce goods could be obtained in exchange for gold.

Since 1935, the department store acquired the familiar name of the House of Leningrad Trade. The logical question is why DLT is not called the “Leningrad House of Trade”: a legend is associated with the name of the department store, according to which the name LDT would repeat Trotsky’s initials, hence the slightly awkward decoding of DLT. During the war, the building was damaged during artillery shelling and was completely restored only in 1947 - but in 1944-1945, the Central Commercial Department Store operated in the DLT premises, the products of which were distributed by ration cards.

In 1965 it was formed trading enterprise DLT, which included both the department store and its St. Petersburg branches. At the same time, the management decided to concentrate the DLT assortment on children's goods, and for a long time the department store was associated specifically with family shopping.


In 2005, the department store found a new owner - the Mercury company - and a new name, DLT TSUM St. Petersburg, after which it closed for long-term reconstruction. For six years, renovations continued in the premises at the corner of Bolshaya Konyushennaya and Volynsky Lane, during which retail space department store increased due to the release of the two upper floors, where they were previously located office rooms. Now the façade of the building is covered with announcement posters with the familiar orange TSUM logos.

Photo: Ilya Itkin


Layout of DLT TSUM St. Petersburg will feature the classic layout of the world's major department stores: a separate floor will be allocated for each category of goods. The first will feature accessories, jewelry, perfumes and cosmetics, the second and third will feature women's and men's clothing, where VIP rooms with personal stylists and comfortable fitting rooms will be organized, a floor with youth clothing will be located above, and children's goods will be located on the fifth floor. The top floor will be filled with restaurants, bars and cafes.

DLT during repair. Photo:

Photo: DLT press service


In the spring of 2012, DLT will open in a new format - 32,000 sq.m. The six-story department store will house all the best brands in the luxury segment, many of which have not been sold in St. Petersburg before. DLT, which is now a branch of the Moscow TSUM, will feature Tom Ford, Jimmy Choo, Celine, Bottega Veneta, Lanvin, Tod's, Alexander McQueen, Oscar de la Renta, Alexander Wang, Alice&Olivia, Helmut Lang, Elizabeth&James and others. St. Petersburg will bring denim brands J Brand, 7 For All Mankind and Current Elliott, which were previously sold in only a few boutiques, as well as the long-awaited, simple and beautiful James Perse knitwear.

The official website of DLT is about to be launched, but in the meantime, on its main page, everyone who wants to work in a department store can familiarize themselves with the list of open vacancies. DLT will become a luxury department store, and thus will be the first store of this level in St. Petersburg. Belonging to expensive department stores, we hope, will not deprive DLT of its attractiveness for city residents, many of whom have been following the fate of the building on Konyushennaya with interest for six years.

The issue of parking that concerns many buyers in the city center of DLT will be resolved through a six-level underground parking lot.

Photo: DLT press service

A major statesman of the Peter the Great era and an opponent of the “Bironovism”. On the site of house No. 21 there was a stone two-story cab driver's house, which was colloquially called “Volynsky”. Nearby in 1836, a small cheap hotel was built (house number 23), the so-called Volkovsky rooms. It is known that M. I. Glinka and M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin stayed here. In 1907, a yard plot on Bolshaya Konyushennaya, Volynsky Lane, named after former owner the land and the embankment of the Moika River were purchased by the Guards Economic Society.

The ceremonial laying of the first stage took place on July 18, 1908. The most modern technologies at that time were used in the construction of the building. Thus, the foundation of the building is made in the form of a solid concrete “pillow” 80 centimeters thick, lying at a depth of 3.4 meters, that is, below the freezing point of the soil. A single reinforced concrete frame of columns, beams and girders is built on it. The main structures were erected in a record five months for a building of this size. The interior space was not divided into separate floors by ceilings; on the contrary, the sales area was designed as an atrium. A triple transparent coating of glass with a metal mesh fused into it was used as a lampshade. Light penetrated into the central hall through panoramic display cases located along the perimeter of the shopping galleries, supported only by reinforced concrete columns three floors high. The passion for Russian classicism common to the architecture of St. Petersburg at the beginning of the 20th century was clearly manifested in this building: starting with order columns and pilasters and ending with the elegant spire of the rotunda, covered with smalt cladding made by the workshop of V. A. Frolov.

The opened department store began to be called the “Guards Housekeeper”, since officers of the Guards regiments enjoyed discounts here. Its popularity forced many nearby stores to close because they could not stand the competition.


  • A. N. Petrov, E. A. Borisova, A. P. Naumenko and others; Ch. ed. G. N. Buldakov 4th ed. / Architectural monuments of Leningrad. - L.: Stroyizdat, Leningrad branch, 1976. - P. 446. - 574 p.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Mass air flow sensor
  • DLRZ

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The popularity and fame of this unique department store has spread much beyond the borders of the Northern capital. This is both the largest store in St. Petersburg and an architectural treasure of the twentieth century.

History of DLT

The monumental glass building in the heart of St. Petersburg is known to many as a luxury store, but at the beginning of its existence everything was different. The history of the Leningrad Trade House is very interesting. At the time when the department store was being built, it was understood that trade would be organized in this building exclusively for persons serving in the guards garrison.

Beginning, opening, features of the department store

The site chosen was previously owned by Artemy Volynsky, a Russian diplomat. It was planned to build areas for trade, an apartment building and a residential building. To bring the plans to life, they announced international competition projects for the building of the Guards Society department store. In 1907, based on the results of the competition, the candidacy of the Russian architect Ernest Virrich was approved.

The huge department store was built in eight months, and on December 7, 1909, the official opening took place. The new store was named “Trading House of the Guards Economic Society”, since the construction was carried out thanks to monetary contributions from Guard officers. The background to this construction is that in those years, Russian officers had all their service uniforms sewn by private tailors. This caused some difficulties due to numerous fittings and frequent delays in completing the work. In addition, private tailoring was very expensive. The officers decided that it was necessary to do something about this state of affairs and look for a way out of the current situation. It was decided to create an association of like-minded people, raise funds and build a store for their own needs. Everything worked out as planned. With the opening of a new retail establishment, officers were able to purchase their uniforms in one trip to the store. This was new for that time.

The result of the construction created a sensation. The building looked ultra-modern, since the use of reinforced concrete structures in architecture had not yet been practiced. The facade featured elements such as cast iron wreaths, pilasters, pediments, and atriums added additional lighting inside. Visitors were greeted by smartly dressed staff. For convenience, it was possible to use electric elevators. By 1912, the department store expanded by annexing a nearby building, and received its modern name DLT in the 30s.

War and post-war times

During the Great Patriotic War, the store continued to operate. Its employees lived here, in the House of Leningrad Trade. DLT in the post-war period was no longer much different from other trading establishments. Unfortunately, here you could see queues and the release of goods using cards. The only difference from other similar establishments was the magic that DLT gave its visitors on new year holidays. Here you could see the chic design of the store space, elegant fir trees, bazaars, amazing toys in the children's department. Many people came just to look at all this splendor, since the cost of goods for most buyers was very high. Now the generation born in the 80s remembers with warmth and nostalgia the House of Leningrad Trade on Bolshaya Konyushennaya, its unique atmosphere that was present at that time.

DLT today

As time passed, the department store needed an update. In 2005, large-scale reconstruction began. Since the same year, the department store has been owned by Mercury, a leader in services in the luxury segment. In September 2012, the renewed giant once again opened its doors to visitors. The former House of Leningrad Trade now resembles, perhaps, only vintage stairs, lamps and railings made using forging techniques, and a glass ceiling - a dome.

Interior design of the store

More than seven hundred different names of world-famous brands can be found on 6 floors of DLT with a total area of ​​32 thousand square meters. Each has a separate floor. For example, the first floor is reserved for various jewelry, cosmetics, perfumes, accessories and other things. There is also a restaurant on it with a very original menu. For women's men's clothing luxury class - the second and third floors, and the fourth is presented exclusively. Many famous personalities visit here. Not long ago, the fifth floor was opened for children's assortment, as well as a play area. Therefore, in the House of Leningrad Trade, located at Bolshaya Konyushennaya Street, 21-23A, you will be able to find everything you can imagine. Sophisticated buyers with the most extraordinary needs will definitely find something here for themselves and their friends.

For Internet users

DLT St. Petersburg keeps up with the times and provides the opportunity to use the website and online ordering for its guests and customers. The website explains everything in detail and clearly necessary information. Here you can find out about the brands presented in the department store, check information on loyalty cards and gift certificates, read news, promotions, holiday events, inquire about upcoming events and read feature articles.

For young visitors

Separately, we need to dwell on the offers of DLT St. Petersburg in the children's segment. In addition to clothes, toys, and various accessories for kids, here you can plunge into a real fairy tale. This is especially felt during the pre-New Year bustle. During this period, you definitely need to visit this amazing store with your children! Various master classes are regularly held in the play area, and “family weekends” are organized under the strict guidance of experienced animators.

But special magic happens precisely under New Year. The delightfully decorated store invites you to visit the themed Christmas tree celebration. You can attend a children's theater performance, learn in a workshop on how to create Christmas decorations And New Year cards, and most importantly - to receive gifts from DLT. These impressions are guaranteed to last for the whole next year for both children and their parents!

Helpful information

The Leningrad Trade House is located in the central part of the city, not far from Nevsky Prospekt. His address, as mentioned: Bolshaya Konyushennaya street, house 21-23.

You can enjoy the grandeur and luxurious boutiques of the department store by visiting the House of Leningrad Trade, which is open from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm, seven days a week and no holidays.

DLT is always glad to see its guests

Shopping can sometimes be a very difficult task. Where to go? Which stores to visit? Which outlets combine the widest possible coverage of brands, services, and entertainment? What to show, where to go with guests? If there is not much time left, the task becomes even more difficult. The House of Leningrad Trade helps to cope with such difficulties, since on its premises you can find any necessary product.

The central department store gladly welcomes all its visitors. Its opening hours are very convenient, this is confirmed by both city guests and residents of St. Petersburg, who can easily drop by here at the end of the working day. Since the store does not have days off, you can schedule a visit at any convenient time.

The department store will be especially appreciated by those who closely follow the latest fashion trends and always try to be dressed to the nines. DLT always offers style, elegance, and new design solutions on time and in full. Here you can find everything at once, without spending additional time visiting other stores. And constantly running promotions will help you purchase your favorite products at a much lower price. After enjoying shopping, you can relax with your children in the play area or go have a snack at the restaurant.

It is important to note that the convenient location of the department store makes it possible to combine shopping with visiting other historical places of the city, of which there are quite a few nearby. The Hermitage, Kazan Cathedral, Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, the Admiralty, Palace Square and some other attractions are within walking distance from DLT. This way you can combine the useful with the pleasant.

The Leningrad Trade House, the address of which is given in the article, is waiting for its visitors! Having visited this wonderful department store once, you will definitely want to return here.