Female students at an interview. How can a student pass an interview?

And finally, it happened, but you started to panic because you don’t know how to behave at the interview. Fear not, the following tips will help you cope with stress and ace your interview.

Before the interview:

Dress code
If you don't have any (jeans, T-shirts and sundresses don't fall into this category), then it's time to invest in yourself and buy an adult suit. You will still be yourself, just look much better and more appropriate for an occasion like an interview. Also, don't forget that making a good impression on the interviewer is very important.

Arrive early
If you are not sure which building the interview will take place in, then the day before the scheduled meeting, go to this address to find out on the spot whether there are parking spaces and what the building you need looks like. On the day of the interview itself, it is better to arrive earlier than the appointed time, and not exactly at the same time.

Research the company
Most companies have websites where you can find everything from history and founders to mission and contacts. Spend an hour or two on this site to learn more about the organization. Find out what skills and qualities the company values ​​in employees and whether you possess them. Knowledge is power, but it also shows that you are serious and care about which company you join.

Take your materials
Bring multiple copies of your resume to the interview because there may be more than one interviewer and you don't want them passing one copy around. In addition, email messages are deleted, and since you sent your resume specifically to e-mail, then it could end up in the trash. So this is your chance to connect with them by getting your resume right into their hands before the interview begins.

View your resume
You think that you already know inside and out, but read it again, thinking about the employer’s possible questions regarding your education, experience, and skills. Try to relate your answers to the position for which you are applying.

Write elevator pitch
Elevator pitch is a short presentation, a 30-second advertisement of yourself, answering the questions: who are you? What can you offer? What contribution can you make to the company? It's always difficult to write about your strengths and strengths, but you must learn to sell yourself so that they want to buy you.

Invite a friend or family member to conduct a mini-interview with you. Tell them your elevator pitch. Ask them to ask you a few common questions and you give them your best answers. You can also ask them feedback. The interview rehearsal allows you to get used to this process and already at the real interview you will feel comfortable and confident.

During the interview:

Watch your posture
Sit straight, straighten your shoulders, do not lower your head down. Nothing in your behavior should indicate that you are a lazy student. You are not a lazy student and you do not want the interviewer to mistake you for someone you are not. So, don't slouch!

Maintain eye contact
By maintaining eye contact with the interviewer, you demonstrate your sincerity and confidence.

Don't apologize for lack of experience
Instead, highlight your education, skills, and strengths.

Answer questions honestly
Never lie. Even if some of the interviewer’s questions make you feel uncomfortable, do not lie or change the subject under any circumstances. You must tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

But leave out some details
No one needs to know the details of your background. The more you explain certain situations, the more you create the impression of yourself as a justifying and defending person. State only the facts and leave out the details. Save the confession for your therapy session.

If you are an introvert, pretend to be an extrovert. This doesn't mean you have to talk non-stop, dance, or dress in flashy clothes. You only need to assume the mask of an extrovert for an hour to feel comfortable talking about yourself. Likewise, if you're an extrovert, don't jump around or chatter. Just try not to get too personal. You should stick to professional topics during the interview.

Use professional language
Even if the interviewer is being rude, don't follow his lead. Support professional level, refraining from barbs and inappropriate jokes. As a student, you may not have much work experience, but you can show your ambition, fresh and new perspective and willingness to work hard.

What are students asked about during interviews?

A common problem among students is lack of money. The scholarship is only enough for small things like dinners and occasional trips to the movies. Therefore, you have to look for a part-time job so as not to depend on your parents’ wallet. In order for a student to successfully pass an interview, you should find out what recruiters usually ask about.

"What education do you have?"

An applicant's resume for an office position raises questions about education. The fact of the presence of unfinished higher education or college degree increases your chances of success. Often, personnel officers consider students for vacant positions with the expectation that after probationary period they will take a place on the company's staff. Therefore, during the interview, be sure to ask whether there will be an opportunity to transfer to a position that matches your educational profile.


Andrey A. received an education in economics and began working in a delivery service as a courier. A few months later, the efficient and quick-witted young man was hired as a logistics assistant, and after defending his thesis, Andrei moved to the position of logistician with wages higher than other beginner specialists.

“Do you have any work experience?”

This question is one of the main ones, so before meeting with an employer you should analyze your professional skills.

Don’t worry if your existing experience doesn’t fit well with the job requirements or doesn’t exist at all. For some professions, for example, promoters, general workers, distributors, call center operators, lack of experience is not a reason to refuse an applicant. Many companies provide on-the-job training, and in one or two shifts a candidate can easily master previously unknown functionality. It will be more difficult for those who apply for vacancies in prestigious organizations or more complex species activities where similar experience is indispensable. However, the lack of skills can be compensated for by personal and business qualities, dedication and willingness to learn.


Student Elena K. sent out her resume for the vacancy of a fitness club administrator. After several refusals, she was nevertheless invited for an interview, asking whether she had work experience. In a telephone conversation with a representative of a network of fitness clubs, Elena honestly admitted that she had not worked anywhere yet, but had been involved in fitness for several years and was interested in the field of beauty and health. The applicant’s arguments convinced the recruiter to invite her to the office for a personal meeting.

“Desired work schedule?”

The main difficulty in finding a job for students is combining their work schedule with their studies. Students are often offered part-time work, only on weekends, or part-time work of a few hours a week. Before agreeing to flexible schedule, it is worth clarifying how often you will have to take time off from classes in order to be on time for work. Ideally, part-time work should not interfere with your education, and there should also be some space left for rest and personal affairs.


Student correspondence department Valeria E. was offered to work in a cafe as a waitress with a 2/2 schedule. At first, she successfully coped with both her studies and work, but when her shift worker quit, the employer asked the girl to work several shifts in a row. Due to overtime, Valeria had to miss several lectures and tests, which negatively affected her performance - the dean’s office warned the student of expulsion if this happened again.

Excitement, fear, uncertainty, stupor - all these “wonderful” emotions are evoked in many by just the thought of an interview. Don't drift, student! Everything will be fine if you prepare in advance, and now we will tell you what to pay attention to.

Think ahead

During the interview, you won’t have time to think a lot, dwell on the topic and fall into prostration. Think about how you can answer the questions (as a rule, they are similar everywhere, so there shouldn’t be any difficulties), what should be told in the first place, and what should not be said even with the barrel of a gun pressed to your temple. Plan - it will help you out, believe me. By the way, don’t forget your resume, preferably in several copies. And come early, don't be late.

Don't be afraid to ask

Even when they called you and invited you for an interview, don’t get confused and clarify some points. For example, who will conduct the interview, will it be a one-on-one conversation or an interview of a group of candidates at once, and so on. This will help you get your bearings and at least know what roughly awaits you.

During the interview itself, don't be afraid to ask a question either. Ask if the company has advanced training courses, clarify what your responsibilities will include, ask to tell what plans the company itself has. Such interest will not go unnoticed.

Get dressedJ

“You are greeted by your clothes, you are escorted by your mind” - remember this proverb when you get ready to go for an interview. If you want to get a job in a reputable company, then the appearance should be appropriate - a business suit, bow tie or tie, you know. If this is some kind of part-time job, like a pizza delivery person or something like that, then you can show up in sneakers and jeans. By the way, the most interesting thing is if you plan to get a creative position - you can give free rein to your imagination and express yourself in clothes.

By the way, another important and obvious fact is to wear what you feel comfortable in. Any little thing, any inconvenience, be it rubbing shoes or too tight trousers - all this brings unnecessary problems and distracts from the main thing.

Keep it simple

It’s clear that you can write a whole poem about your beloved self, praising your professional quality and so on. And you can write all this down on a piece of paper at home and even (oh my God) memorize it (at university it wasn’t enough, apparently). But excitement can play a cruel joke on you - the long prepared speech will fly out of your head and that’s it - we’ve arrived... Therefore, highlight the main thing. You should be able to tell about yourself briefly but succinctly. Don’t lie - an experienced personnel officer will notice this immediately, and anyway, the deception can be exposed later.

One of the most tricky questions is: “Why did you leave your previous job?” If you had one, of course. You shouldn’t complain about your former boss, scold the company and all that – answer neutrally.

Don't be impudent

Many people think that the more confident they are in an interview, the higher their chances of being accepted. Stop it, showing off will not impress anyone, and arrogance will also repel you. Therefore, you should not immediately ask: “How much will you pay me?”, “When will I be promoted?”, “When can I go on vacation?”, “Will I have bonuses?”, “I’m so cool.” , will you give me a separate office? They will ask you about your salary (by the way, in one article we already talked about how you can answer in this case), and they will tell you everything else. The topic of money should be touched upon as carefully as possible, otherwise the employer will consider you too greedy and think that you only care about green bills and not the work itself.

Get ready for a good outcome

Much of the mood is contagious. If you are gloomy, tense, overly excited, or show suspicion and distrust with your whole appearance, most likely, such negativity will spread to the person interviewing you. Of course, you shouldn’t laugh and tell jokes, but no one forbids smiling and behaving openly during an interview. Usually, many people think that during an interview it is necessary to show how super-serious you are, just like a rock J Well, this is partly true, but it is better to act casually and naturally. This way you will be more endearing to yourself.

If you can’t get into the mood, your mood is in shambles and everything is generally bad - getting to know new job It’s better to put it out of harm’s way.

Use psychology


Uncertainty in your voice, a sharp attack of stuttering, trembling and cold sweat - don’t think about it. You have nothing to be afraid of - the employer or the one who is interviewing you does not bite, does not torture you, and in general he may have many more candidates like you in a day. And everyone is worried, shaking... Show that you are not like that, that you are not afraid and are confident in yourself.

Don’t think that an interview is an interrogation during which they are trying to convict you of something bad and put pressure on you in every possible way. This is never the case, and in many ways it depends on you whether the interview will be adequate and productive or will harm your young psyche J

Everything is simple if you believe in yourself! Good luck with your interview!

Law enforcement officers will have to deal with an employer who abused a potential employee during an interview.

As MK learned, in early May, a 17-year-old student decided to earn extra money and posted an ad on the Internet site. The very next day, a certain man contacted the girl and introduced himself as the owner. hotel business and offered to arrive at a meeting on employment issues at 20.00 in one of the high-rise buildings on Novy Arbat Street. The advertisements for his hotel sound very reputable. “Wonderful hotel with clean, well-maintained rooms and an amazing view of the Kremlin. The staff is conscientious, neat and polite. Guests are met at the airport and train station and taken to the hotel in Mercedes.”

The student planned to get a job as a cleaner at a hotel. She went to the interview with a support group - a friend and two friends. They remained waiting at the entrance, and the girl went up to the apartment.

After some time, the student’s friends decided to call her to find out when she would be free. But the girl didn’t pick up the phone. Worried, the young people went into the entrance and began calling the apartment where the interview was to take place. Nobody opened the door. Then they began calling neighboring apartments, and also turned to the janitor for help. When there was a real commotion at the entrance, the unfortunate captive was released. The girl was in severe shock. She stated that instead of discussing working conditions and wages, the entrepreneur locked the apartment door and forced the girl to have oral sex. Law enforcement agencies have already taken care of the “employer”.

According to residents of the building, the man has been renting this apartment for about a year, where he lives with his wife and small child. But the man’s wife and the baby went to see his mother, and in her absence he abused alcohol. By the way, as a businessman the man managed to “earn” a specific reputation. Here are reviews about it on the Internet: “They advertise through Avito, ask for an advance payment, then they say that there is no apartment, they offer it for completely different money and in other places. In case of refusal, advance payments will not be returned." “He is a very smart and daring young man. They say that former employee security forces. It is very dangerous to contact him. He has connections in the highest echelons of power. No matter how many statements you write against him, it’s all in vain. The answer is always the same - there is no evidence!