Tele2: mobile communication via WiFi. Routers Tele2 Tele 2 is not friendly with wi fi

The ability to make and receive calls via Wi-Fi from your phone number is now “in the subject”, since one of the most popular situations is calls in international roaming. It's good that they launched before the start of the New Year's travel season. Also to compensate for the lack of coverage in the subway and in problem areas. There are a number of limitations and inconveniences, but it works and may well come in handy

Wi-Fi calls

An interesting and useful thing, in some cases it can be very “fit”. The installed and running application allows you to make and receive calls via the Internet, for this a Wi-Fi connection is used. The application also knows how to send and receive SMS messages. Not to be confused with VoWiFi technology (Voice over WiFi), with VoWiFi, the smartphone fully works in a Wi-Fi network, as in a cellular one. In our case, "Wi-Fi calls" uses the data network to "transport" voice and SMS in both directions. For your interlocutor, nothing changes: calls / SMS come to him from your number, and he also calls to your regular Tele2 number. The service is currently available only in the Tele2 network of the Moscow region.

The closest analogue is a similar MTS Connect solution, which was launched in the Moscow region exactly a year ago, you can read our review. The Tele2 option is simpler and does not have additional functionality that the MTS application is literally stuffed with. Is it good or bad? Hard to say. It is necessary to actively use both and compare. In theory, something simpler should work more stable, but this is not always the case.

You can download the WiFi Calls app from the App Store or Play Market, Android (version 4.0 and above) and iOS (version 7.0 and above) are supported. Version for Android smartphones.

For whom?

You do not receive additional financial benefits, money for calls is debited according to your tariff. Or, respectively, minutes/SMS from the package. Free calls between users of this service are also not provided. Your main advantage home tariff, which you use when calling from anywhere, even from Australia. In international roaming, you can save money, and at work it can be useful and practical.

In the presence of a Wi-Fi network, the issue of coverage in problem areas is solved. Relevant for the Moscow region, and, I'm afraid, will be relevant for a long time. Even in areas with good coverage, everyone has problem points, basements and vice versa, the upper floors of high-rise buildings. Tele2 base stations are often located in Moscow and "shine" low.

Communication in the subway. This is a valuable plus for Moscow Tele2 subscribers. I read complaints like “does not work!” and “does not work well”, but there are also many positive reviews. If it works, but not well, I would first advise you to avoid the cars in the middle and try to enter closer to the beginning or end of the train.

Last time during the discussion there was a popular topic: “Why on earth should I also pay for the Internet ?! The operator has problems with coverage, and he wants to solve them at my expense! The same was written when discussing femtocells. If you have no problems, then you really do not need this service, except in roaming. If problems occur, then you can try to change the operator or get by with these “WiFi calls”, it’s a master’s business. What-no, but a solution that is free and working, although working and not perfect. You can still write complaints and be indignant, but this is not very effective. The cover that miraculously appeared after complaints is more often a coincidence.


For many, the main disadvantage is the mandatory binding to a SIM card with a valid Tele2 contract. For the recipient of the call, a call from the application is no different from a regular call from the owner's phone. You can install the application on any device, but it will not work without a Tele2 SIM card. Moreover, the application will not work even in a device with two SIM cards if the Tele2 SIM card is installed in the second slot. Why did they do that? The reasons are obvious. Firstly, binding to a SIM card guarantees correct definition caller's location. For example, cellular operators at the request of the relevant authorities, they are obliged to provide information, including the place of the call. Secondly, by separating the application from the SIM card, we get the opportunity for several people to use one “instance” of the tariff, this is unprofitable for the operator. In fact, linking an application to a SIM card works like a prohibition on sim card cloning.

When the application is activated, some services are disabled. Personally, I feel sorry for "You called", it's inconvenient without it. There is a suspicion that after the removal of the program, the “You have been called” service will have to be reactivated through the Personal Account. About permission to determine the location, see above, and access to the camera is needed, most likely, to add a photo to a contact. Upon activation, you will need access to the Internet on the SIM card that you link to the application. Without this, the service cannot be activated. Why Internet from a SIM card during activation? Too lazy to guess, but there must be reasons, they didn’t do it out of harm? For example, to disable services upon activation, to determine the number / user without any SMS and passwords.

You can only make calls via a Wi-Fi connection, it is impossible to use data transfer from a Tele2 SIM card or another operator for this. An unfortunate limitation. It would be tempting to use another operator's SIM card to get the Internet, and make and receive calls from your own number. Or even use the new Tele2 option “Internet does not rest” on your SIM card for this when traveling.

There is no handover when calling, if you leave the Wi-Fi zone during a call, the connection will be disconnected, and not switched to the cellular network. Switching to another Wi-Fi point without interrupting the connection is also not possible.


It was easier for me, I went through all these activation and installation suffering with the MTS Connect application and was mentally prepared for the fact that it was unlikely to work “with a half kick”. And I repeat: for authorization, you need the Internet from an authorized Tele2 SIM card, on a dual SIM card, this SIM card must be in the first slot, it will not work without a full set of permissions. Android versions 4.0 or higher and iOS versions 7.0 or higher are supported. Also, the Wi-Fi signal should be good. Yes, not every Wi-Fi is suitable, as it turned out during the testing process.

Believe me, I read the description carefully, carefully read all the warnings. And still, this thing was configured for me only on the third attempt. The reason for science is unknown, I did not change anything in the settings and did not try to reinstall. What if on the fifth try? I suspect that some of the complainers simply did not "try" the required number of times.

Then the device did not like my home Wi-Fi. Calls do not go through, the phone beeps and gives the message "network unavailable". After the 10th attempt to call from / to, I sat down to think what could be changed, I started from the access point. Miraculously, everything immediately worked on another router with a Beeline sim card. What did he not like about the home router? It seems that the signal level was not bad either ... In general, you need to keep in mind the possibility of such a “plug”.

There are no complaints about voice transmission, the quality is good level. It seemed a little muffled and noticeably quieter than with a direct telephone connection. But not critical. SMS arrived instantly. The collected connection success statistics are about 20% only on the second attempt (dialling the number again immediately), not once on the third. The remaining 80% from the first. I watched with interest the data transfer rate indicator, the numbers are different. Seen minimum flow - 35-45 Kbps, maximum - 140-170 Kbps during the conversation. Most often in the range of 70-90 Kbps. It is not so demanding on connection speed. Wi-Fi from the “wire” is desirable, but it also works fine via LTE, without delays and “stuttering”. As in any ip-telephony, the response time (ping) is more important than the speed in the data channel.

There are few settings, and they are all intuitive. You can allow the application to work only with voice (without receiving / sending SMS), you can disable autorun after turning on the phone. Special thanks to the developers for the "Exit Application" menu item.

It's a pity that you can only make calls from the application via Wi-Fi, in certain scenarios you will have to use mobile router or a second phone. Probably, some positive can be found in the fact that if you already called from the application and you succeeded, then you probably called via Wi-Fi.


The purpose of the service is described in detail in the "For whom" section, although there may be other scenarios. You need to understand that this is not a universal communication environment and not another "Skype Killer". This is an additional tool that allows you to fix local problems or solve some specific problems. In this capacity, the program should be considered, nothing more. And, of course, there will be many fair grievances on the topic “why only for Moscow?!”.

More recently, the maximum speed of the 2G standard (474 ​​kbps) seemed something incredible. Today, the active phase of covering huge areas with the fourth generation network - 4G, is taking place, which allows you to broadcast information at a speed of over 100 Mbps. The 4G network works properly in all major cities, and outside the city (not everywhere) the 3G network is perfectly caught, providing data transfer at speeds up to 3.6 Mbps.

The router independently selects the network available for connection

Mobile Internet is an excellent solution for those places where there is no possibility of a wired connection, for business trips and trips to other regions. And in this regard, the Tele2 operator has a number of advantages, as it demonstrates a distinctive quality of communication, despite the fact. which is inferior to the "big three" in terms of coverage area.

Overview and configuration of a 3G router from Tele2

Modems and routers from Tele2 are manufactured by ZTE - it is with such a router that we will get acquainted today. In fact, modern modems and routers (from mobile operators) are almost the same thing. A router is a device that distributes traffic via Wi-Fi technology, and for this a modem must be connected to a computer via USB. But the router, like the modem, will not be able to work without a SIM card that transmits traffic to it.

The 3G router from Tele2 supports not only the 3G network, but also 2G, which allows it to work even where there is no coverage high speed network. It has an impressive battery, built-in network and battery indicators, as well as a slot for a SIM card and a memory card. Thus, the 3G router from Tele2 is a compact, convenient and efficient device.


  • supported standards: 3G (UMTS) at 900/2100 MHz, 2G (GSM) at 850/900/1800/1900 MHz;
  • wireless network interface: Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n;
  • battery capacity: 1500 mAh;
  • size 102x50x13.7 mm, weight 69 g.

As for setting up the router, everything is extremely simple here - just insert the SIM card into the slot and turn it on. Long and persistent attempts to configure the router, which do not always end in success, are in the past. If you have a router from Tele2, then all the necessary settings are already “flashed” in it, and the user does not have to waste time and nerves on absolutely useless manipulations.

After you have turned on the router with the Tele2 SIM card in it, find an access point on your computer and connect to it. You can also connect a memory card with a capacity of up to 32 GB to the device, and thus make it look like an external drive. When connected to a computer via USB, you can transfer files to a memory card and vice versa.


  • multifunctionality;
  • ease of setup and use;
  • compactness;
  • work stability;
  • huge range of coverage area;
  • support for all existing Wi-Fi standards, as well as full support for 2G and 3G data transfer standards.

Do not forget that up to 10 devices can be connected to a Wi-Fi network. This is an impressive advantage in those situations when you need to use the Internet on several devices at the same time.

Overview and configuration of a 4G router from Tele2

A router (or modem, because it would be more correct to call it that) that supports the 4G standard from Tele2 is also represented by ZTE. It works not only with 4G network, but also with 3G and 2G. The 4G modem is even more compact than the 3G version described above, but it does not have a battery - the device is powered by a computer via USB. The memory card allows you to use the device as a flash drive.

In addition, the Tele2 modem does not have the ability to distribute Wi-Fi, however, you can set up an access point from the computer to which the device is connected. This feature is available on almost all laptops and desktop computers, but few people know about it.


  • an impressive range of supported communication standards (full support for 2G, 3G UMTS and 4G LTE);
  • huge data transfer rate (up to 100 Mbps when stationary);
  • multifunctionality;
  • work stability;
  • ease of setup;
  • compactness.


  • lack of Wi-Fi (as mentioned above, this problem, if necessary, is solved by setting up an access point on the computer);
  • no battery.

Setting up a 4G modem is quite simple and does not require the user to know any advanced features. Follow these steps:

  • connect the device to the computer - the installation of the necessary software should start automatically;
  • if the installation does not start, then go to the "My Computer" section and run on a removable disk (this is our modem) a file called "AutoRun.exe";
  • after waiting for the installation to complete, click on the shortcut on the desktop and run the program.

As soon as the connection to the network is established, a corresponding message will appear. If there are any problems during operation, the first thing to do is reinstall the program. If after that the problem is not solved, then contact Tele2 support.

The modem is configured in such a way that if there is no suitable 4G network, it will connect to an available 3G network. If there is neither 3G nor 4G in the place where you are, then the modem will work according to the 2G standard. The speed will drop noticeably, but you can still surf the web. This ensures stable operation of the Internet even in situations where the user, for example, is traveling by train.


Comparing the characteristics and capabilities of routers and modems operating on two different network standards, it is safe to say that 4G is better than 3G. However, the choice of 4G will not always be right decision. If you plan to use mobile Internet in a region where 4G LTE coverage does not even smell, then buying a modem that works on 4G is pointless. In this case, a 3G router is enough.

The choice of 3G or 4G routers should always be approached sensibly. It is necessary to be guided by data on the quality of communication and coverage in the region where you plan to use the device.

Despite the fact that the cellular coverage of the leading mobile operators in Russia is of sufficient quality, it is often possible to find yourself in areas where communication simply does not take.

Fortunately, this is no longer a problem if there is a Wi-Fi point nearby and access to it. So, recently, Tele2 began to implement the Wi-Fi calls service, which we will consider in our today's article.

What is the advantage of the option

This feature allows Tele2 subscribers to make calls to any numbers and receive incoming calls even if they do not have a cellular signal. For this purpose, a Wi-Fi signal is used and mobile app.

The billing conditions for calls made and received via Wi-Fi are identical to the billing conditions for calls in the home region. This allows you to greatly reduce roaming costs, because on holidays at sea or on trips, almost all hotels now have wi-fi.

Tele2 service "WiFi calls": detailed description

To gain access to the use of the service, subscribers need to download and install the appropriate application on their smartphone. To date, versions of the application exist for iOS and Android devices.

After installing the application on the device system, you will need to go through a short setup procedure, following the prompts displayed on the gadget's display.

Note that when the application is running and an active connection to a Wi-Fi access point, all calls coming to the mobile device, or outgoing from it, will be made through the "WiFi calls" application. This condition remains active even if the application is running but minimized. If you want to make a call via standard cellular networks, the application must be closed or disconnected from the Wi-Fi point.

Conflict with other Tele2 services

Before connecting the WiFi calls service, remember that it conflicts with other offers from Tele2. We are talking about the options "Call forwarding", as well as "Who called" and about the voice mail service. If "WiFi calls" are activated, these services will be automatically disabled.

If over time you want to return access to the use of these options, you will need to remove the application for making calls via Wi-Fi from your smartphone, and then re-activate all the services you are interested in in

4G and 3G tele2 routers are universal mobile and stationary devices that have a number of advantages over wireless modems. Extended functionality, the ability to connect multiple devices without using a computer - this is not all the advantages of portable routers from Tele2. To use Internet services, you need to buy the device itself, a Tele2 SIM card and connect one of the suitable tariffs.

What models of routers does Tele2 offer?

The official website of the operator presents a large selection of Tele2 routers with 4G-3G support. On the showcase of the online store, you will see stationary routers and portable routers from the famous Chinese brand ZTE, locked for Tele 2 SIM cards.

3G routers

In the provider's online store, you will be able to find and purchase only two wireless gadgets with 3G support. Such a device will become a reliable device for accessing the Internet while traveling, as well as in remote regions where there is no 4G coverage and the ability to connect wired Internet.

3G USB-modem Tele2 with a SIM card worth 1298 rubles. The main features of this modem:

  • Support GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz;
  • Support UMTS/HSPA+ 900.2100 MHz;
  • The SIM card is locked, so the Tele2 router only works in the network of this provider;
  • It is impossible to unlock the device;
  • The declared maximum signal reception rate is 21.6 Mbps;
  • Compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10 operating systems, as well as MAC OS;
  • The Tele2 mobile 3G wi-fi router comes with a warranty card, instructions for use and a SIM card.
  • Visually, it looks like a regular flash drive.

Mobile 3G WiFi Tele2 router worth 1899 rubles has a more stylish design. The advantages of the model are the presence of a connection indicator and ease of settings. The router itself has the following parameters:

  • GSM, UMTS/HSPA+ support (same format as the previous model);
  • The presence of SIM-Lock;
  • Maximum receive speed up to 42 Mbps;
  • Ability to connect up to 10 devices;
  • Built-in 1500 mAh battery;
  • Work with messages and USSD requests;
  • Compatible with Windows, MAC OS. WiFi type 802.11 b/g/n;
  • Accessories: the router itself, a cable for connecting via USB, a user manual, charging, a warranty card.

Use, connection, setup

The first model works like a regular modem through a connection to a PC. After installing the equipment in the connector on the computer, you will need to go to the official website of the Tele2 cellular network to check the connection and select the appropriate tariff. The best option will become tariff plan"". It is worth being prepared in advance for the fact that they do not imply the presence of unlimited, so traffic should be spent sparingly.

With a second device, you can provide wireless internet 10 tablets, phones or laptops at once. Establishes a Wi-Fi router connection through a SIM card inserted into the slot. The gadget stably receives a network signal and distributes it among other mobile devices. The device is configured automatically after connection. When you enter the browser, you will immediately be taken to the official website of the provider, log in to Personal Area using your phone number and password, and then top up your account.

4G routers

The range of 4G devices is much more diverse than 3G. These are modems, and routers, and stationary routers, there are even whole sets for country houses with antennas and other WiFi Home Tele2 devices on sale. Let's consider the capabilities of each router model separately (the operation of a 4G modem does not differ from 3G, the only difference is LTE support):

  • Mobile 4G wifi router from the Tele2 operator for 3190 rubles. Aesthetic and compact gadget that distributes the network to 10 devices. The device supports GSM, UMTS/HSPA+, LTE FDD. The device works only with Tele SIM cards. The maximum speed is 100 Mbps per second. The battery is quite capacious - 200 mAh. The router is equipped with a removable battery, instructions, USB cable and charger.
  • Stationary 4G router Skylink H1. For this Tele2 router, the price will be 3150 rubles. After purchasing a signal amplification device, you can connect additional external antennas. Depending on signal strength, download speeds can reach up to 100 Mbps. Standards 4G network LTE FDD 450/800/1800/2600 MHz. Ability to simultaneously connect up to 30 mobile devices. The housing has an LED indicator. Complete set: the device itself, power supply, instructions for use, warranty card.
  • The stationary 4G router Skylink V-FL500 is a weaker device compared to the previous one, since the maximum data transfer rate is only 50 Mbps. But it has a great advantage - it is the ability to use the device abroad or in a country house in the absence of electricity. The cost of the device is 3150 rubles. Other parameters and equipment are the same as for the H1 model.
  • Portable Router Skylink M1 with 4G support for 3500 rubles. Suitable for subscribers who are always on the go and want to stay online. You can connect up to 8 mobile gadgets at the same time. The download speed in the LTE FDD network is 100 Mbps. The advantages of the model include a stylish design and small size, operating time without recharging up to 8 hours.

All 4G devices have the function of distributing Wi-Fi. In order for it to function normally, you will have to set up the channels in advance through the subscriber's personal account. Here you can connect unlimited Internet, choose another tariff plan, change the password for the router, read the description of the tariffs. Due to ease of use and automatic tuning equipment when you first connect to the Internet, buyers leave only positive reviews about Tele2 routers.

The routers presented in this section of the catalog are used to connect all your devices to the Tele2 mobile Internet at once. These routers receive a 3G / 4G Tele2 signal and create around themselves wifi network for distributing mobile Internet through it. All routers in this catalog are fully compatible with mobile internet Tele 2.

Which router for Tele2 to choose?

All routers that you can buy in this section of our website can be divided into two types - compact gadgets with a battery for accessing the Tele 2 Internet anywhere at any time, and powerful multifunctional routers - "combines" that have a connection to wireless 3G/4G Internet is just one of many useful features. If mobility and the ability to constantly have access to the Tele2 Internet are important to you, we recommend buying a portable portable 3G / 4G router, you can even use it in the car. If you are going to use 3G / 4G Internet Tele2 as a backup Internet channel or the main one (in the event that wired Internet there is no way to connect), a stationary router with wider functionality and, as a rule, a large radius of the Wi-Fi network, will be a suitable option.

Don't know which 3G/4G router to buy? Order a callback and call us yourself - our specialists will select the right model for you and, if necessary, even help with its configuration.