Setting up an Internet connection in Windows 10. How to quickly set up wired Internet on a computer or laptop. Selection and installation of drivers

The latest modifications to Windows operating systems are such that to connect to the Internet using various connection types, the user himself does not need to configure anything. However, when trying to establish an Internet connection, some important parameters It is still necessary to take into account, since automated tools do not always give the expected effect. Next, we’ll look at how to set up the Internet on Windows 10, with a description of several special cases of establishing a connection. We will also try to find out some of the main causes of failures and give some tips for quickly eliminating them.

Internet connection types based on Windows 10

As for options for quickly creating an Internet connection, today almost all users of Windows systems can use only four main types of connection:

  • cable;
  • high-speed based on PPPoE;
  • wireless via Wi-Fi or ADSL modem operating in router mode;
  • connection via modems of mobile operators (3G/4G).

In principle, there is nothing wrong with combining connections and setting up several of them at once, otherwise the situations that users may encounter can be completely unpredictable. But still, each of these connections will need to be configured initially.

How to set up the Internet on Windows 10 with a cable connection?

So, the simplest thing is to install Internet access by connecting the provider cable directly to your computer or laptop.

If Internet access for the user is already activated by the provider, the computer device will receive the settings automatically when the cable is connected. After this, a network icon will appear in the system tray, indicating that the connection is active. However, this technique only applies to cases where the settings are actually set to receive automatically, which can be immediately checked in the IPv4 protocol parameters. To do this, simply enter the ncpa.cpl command in the Run menu, and then expand the properties of the established connection. In practice, this type of connection is used in cases where the provider provides dynamic (changeable) rather than static (permanent) addresses.

What to do if the connection doesn't work?

But what to do if, with this type of connection, the Internet does not work on Windows 10, and automatic settings are not provided for the computer? In this situation, you need to contact your provider and clarify the settings. In particular, this applies to static addresses. In the protocol properties, you will need to independently enter the computer’s IP, standard gateway parameters and subnet mask, and also, if necessary, set the addresses of the DNS servers.

The values ​​for gateway and mask are almost always the same - and You can find out the exact options through the command line, preferably launched as an administrator, by running the command ipconfig /all.

How to connect to the Internet on Windows 10 via PPPoE?

Sometimes you can use it via a DSL cable based on PPPoE technology. Usually, as in the case of a regular cable connection, you do not need to configure anything, but you may only need to enter your login and password. In some cases, you will have to set up the connection manually.

You can set up a new connection through the network and sharing management section, but you can also use the properties of the Internet Explorer browser for Windows 10 (both sections are located in the Control Panel). When creating a connection, you just need to select its type (in this case PPPoE) and follow the instructions of the configurer. Upon completion of all manipulations, you need to click the immediate connection button and enter the requested authorization data.

Wireless connection via router

Now let's see how to connect your computer to the Internet via a router. The operations performed when setting it up yourself look somewhat more complex. This is only due to the fact that the user himself will have to register all the parameters on the router. To enter the web interface, you need to use any available browser (even Internet Explorer for Windows 10), enter the router address in the address bar, then enter your username and password, and then enter the options provided by your provider in the wireless network section.

Note: the router address, login and password can be viewed on the label on the back of the device, but most often for standard models either is used as the address, or the same combination, but ending with 1.1, and admin is entered as the login and password .

But the advantage of this technique is that on a computer or laptop all parameters are set automatically (in the properties of the IPv4 protocol, receiving all addresses is set to this mode).

Using mobile operator modems to connect

Finally, a few words about how to set up the Internet on Windows 10 when using modems from mobile operators. In principle, there is nothing particularly complicated here either, especially since most of these devices have preset settings. The user will only need to install the modem driver, if it is not installed automatically, and also (as necessary) set Internet addresses, dialed numbers, logins and passwords.

When choosing to create a new Internet connection through the network and sharing management section, in this case the dial-up connection item is used.

Some types of problems and methods for resolving them

How to install the Internet on Windows 10 seems clear. Now it’s worth talking a little about possible errors and failures that can be observed regardless of what type of connection is used in each specific case (of course, unless the equipment involved in providing communication has failed purely for technical reasons). Most often, a problem is signaled by the appearance of an icon in the tray with a notification that the Internet connection is limited or absent. In this case, it is advisable to immediately check the properties of the protocol used and make sure that the settings for static addresses are correct. In the case of dynamic addresses or a Wi-Fi-based wireless connection, all options must be set to automation. Sometimes the problem may be with the ISP, so it is often recommended to change the DNS addresses.

You can use, for example, the addresses of free Google servers. It is especially worth paying attention to the use of a proxy (these settings can be found in the browser properties).

If the provider does not provide this, this item must be deactivated. However, if we talk about how to increase Internet speed on Windows 10 with active proxy servers, one of the solutions can be to deactivate the use of proxy settings for local addresses. Finally, don't forget about device drivers. The control software for a network card or modem, which many call an Internet driver, in Windows 10 must be checked at least for correct installation or update. This can be done through the standard “Device Manager”. And always pay attention to the connection status. Perhaps there is no Internet only because the established connection is simply not turned on.

A local network between two computers is great way convenient and fast file transfer. It can be used both for home use, connecting several computers at home, and for work purposes. And despite the fact that Windows 10, like previous versions of Windows, has everything necessary tools to create and configure local network, the procedure for creating it is somewhat complicated for ordinary users.

Creating a local network in the Windows 10 operating system

There are two main ways you can create a local network. This is the creation of a wireless local network via wi-fi, or the creation of a local network using a network cable. Both methods have their pros and cons.

Creating a LAN using a cable

It’s worth pointing out right away that you have a wi-fi router at home and all computers are connected to it; no additional effort is required to create a network. There is already a connection between your computers, so there is no need to connect them additionally to each other. But in most cases, the need to create a local network arises when there is no such connection. In this case, you will need to connect the computers directly to each other ( modern models easily connected using a simple internet cable). Then, the first step is to make sure that the “Workgroup” parameter is given the same name on each of the connected devices. To do this, you should do the following:

Next, you need to configure network discovery settings. Enabled network discovery will allow you to interact with your computer on the local network, while disabled will block this ability. It's good to be able to toggle this setting for safety reasons. This is done as follows:

This is already enough if the computers are connected by cables through a router. But if they are connected directly, a number of additional settings should be made. We do the following:

Thus, we have created and configured a local network via a network cable. The computers share files and printer access with each other, which will suit our purposes.

If you still have questions about creating such a local network, you can watch this video.

Video: creating a LAN between computers in Windows

How to create and configure a wireless network via Wi-Fi connection

A wireless connection is more convenient for most users, although the connection may be less stable than we would like. To create it in Windows 10 you will have to use the command line. But to simplify the process, which must be repeated every time you turn on the computer, we will immediately consider creating an executable file that will reproduce this command. To do this, create a text file and enter there next block commands:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=”network-name” key=”connection-password”

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

In this case, the name of the network and its password must be entered without quotes.

Next, when saving the file, we change the .txt format to .bat simply by changing the file format signature after the dot in its name. The executable file is ready. It is worth running every time you start your device.

After the network has been launched with this series of commands, another device can connect to it using the connection password and network name you set.

Setting up access to folders on the created network

Now that a local network has been established between two computers, let’s figure out how to open shared access to certain folders. Shared access can be configured for any individual folder or for the entire disk, depending on your goals and the level of trust in the user of another computer. For this:

Now all that remains is to configure the security settings. To do this, go to the appropriate tab in the folder properties and do the following:

Thus, access for users to the specified folder was configured. You can do this for any number of folders and users.

Adding a new device

If you have already set up a local network according to the instructions above, then adding a new device for general use will not be difficult. To do this, just open the control panel of your computer, go to the “Hardware and Sound” section, and then select “Devices and Printers”. In this folder you will see all connected devices. We do the following:

Now that the device has been shared, all you need to do is connect it via a computer on the local network. This is done like this:

Connection problems in Windows 10

If you have created and configured your local network correctly, you should not have any problems. Just make sure that:

  • You enter the security key correctly when connecting to a local network via wi-fi
  • The cable is connected securely to both computers.
  • You have given all necessary access and security rights.
  • All connected devices have the correct IP address if it is not set automatically.
  • Network discovery of your device is enabled in the settings.

In addition, there are a number of specific problems when connecting devices.

For example, if, when trying to connect to a device, you receive a standard Windows error about the impossibility of this action, you should take the following steps:

Removing LAN in Windows 10

Despite the fact that in most cases it is enough to disable device detection on the local network using the method indicated above in this article, there is no need to keep local connections on the computer that are not used.

Therefore, we will consider how to delete an already created local network that we do not need.

This can be done in Windows 10 through the registry. To call it, press Win+R and enter the regedit command in the window that appears.

Attention, any incorrect change to the registry can harm your computer. You perform these actions at your own peril and risk.

In the registry, follow this path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles

There you will find many traces of past network connections with specific names. Just delete those subsections that point you to network connections that you no longer need.

How to properly connect and configure the Internet on personal computers with the Windows 10 operating system is the topic of the article. It will be especially useful for unprepared users who have updated their PC to the latest version, but still have not understood all the intricacies of the settings. Some users do not know where and what is configured to connect to the Internet, while for others it does not work at all, even with the parameters set correctly.

You will learn four different connection methods - standard Ethernet network, high-speed PPPoE connection, wireless connection, Wi-Fi technology, and modems.

So, how to set the correct parameters, or configure the connection again if the Internet is not connected.

There are several ways to connect your computer to global network. You will learn about four basic connections:

  • About a standard Ethernet connection that is connected using a cable. This uses a direct connection, modem technology or a router.
  • About a high-speed connection that supports the PPPoE tunneling protocol.
  • About wireless, Wi-Fi, technology.
  • About connecting to the Internet using 3G/4G USB modems.
So, what is each connection and are there any subtleties in its settings. The first method, an Ethernet connection, is the most common.

Ethernet: connecting to the Internet in Windows 10 via a network cable (router, modem)

Ethernet, a packet data technology, is called the simplest connection. Internet service providers install network cables into homes and connect individual apartments. With this connection, the Internet can be connected directly or through a router or ADSL modem. This is the same Internet connection, but connected using different devices. To be more precise, a network cable is used everywhere, only the connection method is different - direct or through special devices for packet data transmission.

To set up an Ethernet connection, connect the cable from your router, modem, or service provider to your personal computer into the special connector for network cards:

At correct settings The connection will occur automatically, and you do not need to enter any passwords or logins: they are absent in this connection. If the connection status changes in the notification panel, it means the Internet is working. What to do if the network cable is connected normally, but the computer does not see it? You need to look for the reason in the drivers for the network card.

This is a common problem after a system update. The driver for the card is installed automatically during the update by the OS itself, but for some reason it does not work. And you can solve the problem by installing the correct driver. To do this, you need to download it from the official page, selecting your PC model, and install it on your device.

Now, what should you do if, after connecting the cable, the connection is activated, but its status is “ Limited"? The reasons may be hidden in incorrect parameters of the Ethernet adapter.

To check that the settings are correct and set the desired parameters, do the following:

If all parameters are correct, the Internet connection status will be active. If the status does not change, try rebooting. If even after a reboot the network is not found, not recognized, or is limited, make sure that the network cable, router, or modem is connected correctly. Also contact your service provider's technical support - the problem may be on their side.

If you connect without routers and modems, that is, directly, check with your provider for the terms of provision of Internet services. You may need to bind your Internet connection to the MAC address of your network card. If this is so, then after binding, your Internet will work immediately.

Setting up a high-speed connection (PPPoE) in Windows 10

PPPoE or high-speed connection differs from Ethernet in just a few nuances. Internet service providers also install cables into homes and connect individual apartments. But to connect to the Internet in this case, you will need a password, login and possibly some additional settings on your PC or router if wireless technology is used. But this is not the most important thing. For the Internet to work, you need to connect it, that is, first create a connection, and only then enter logins and passwords.

If you use a router with configured connections (including PPPoE) to connect to the Internet, you do not need to change any settings on your PC. Simply connect the cable to the device and configure it as you would with an Ethernet connection.

If you connect to the network directly via cable, without devices, and with a password and login, you must first create this connection.

To create a connection, do the following:

Click on the icon and delete, change connection parameters, etc.

Internet connection via Wi-Fi

In the presence of Wi-Fi router You can connect to the Internet using wireless technology. You can also connect your PC to the network of friends and other places where there is free access. The first thing to do when using this internet connection is to check the driver. If it is installed, the system usually does this automatically, open available networks, select your Wi-Fi and enjoy the connection. Well, perhaps you will first have to enter a password if there is protection.

Connecting via wireless, Wi-Fi, technology on Windows 10 is easy.

Setting up the Internet via a 3G/4G modem in Windows 10

And finally, the fourth method of Internet connection, which uses 3G/4G modems (3rd and 4th generation mobile communications). The first step is to connect the modem to the computer. But for the device to work, a working and suitable driver must be installed for it.

It is better to download drivers from official resources - it is more reliable. This is the case if you did not find a disk with them in the box with the modem. When searching for a driver, focus on the modem model. If it has not yet been released by the manufacturer for Windows 10, download it for other versions of the OS. Should come up.

The modem is connected, the driver is installed and the setup begins. Looking ahead: the connection is configured in almost the same way as high-speed PPPoE Internet.

So do this:

If the parameters are set correctly, you will see the connection created and activated. If not, the settings may be incorrect or the modem is not properly connected to the PC. If this does not help, contact technical support for clarification. If coverage is poor and the signal level is weak, the Internet will be slow or not work at all. Sometimes increasing the signal level helps, but it is best to worry about buying an antenna for the modem.

The connection you created can be edited, deleted, etc. To change settings and other actions, click on its icon.

There is an icon for your connection in the notification panel. Monitor its status, stop, reconnect, set new parameters if necessary, etc.

This is how you can easily and quickly connect and configure the Internet on Windows 10.

And a few more words

Now, by connecting your computer/laptop to the Internet, you can turn it into a Wi-Fi router and distribute the Internet to peripheral devices - other PCs, smartphones, tablets. In this case, you do not need to buy special equipment for this. All you need is to create an access point on your computer using one of the free specialized utilities. . Even an untrained user can understand it.

You connected via cable or wireless network, setting the correct settings, but the Internet did not work, and you see a notification about and Exclamation point yellow color? This error is common on personal computers with Windows OS, both in the new version and on old ones.

In today's article we will tell you how to set up the Internet on your computer. Of course, after they install an Internet cable in your home, the technician will have to enter into an agreement with you and enter the settings on your computer. As a result, you will have one copy of the contract and settings. But, alas, users often experience breakdowns of various types. Windows might crash, your computer might break down, or you might get a virus; in all these and many other problems, you will most likely have to reinstall the system. And, therefore, the question will arise, how to configure the World Wide Web after reinstalling the Windows OS? Call a specialist? And pay, albeit small, but still money. Or try setting up the Internet yourself? We will try to save you money and show in detail all the ways to set up the Internet correctly.

Where does the connection begin?

Let's start looking at the procedure step by step. Let's start by showing you how to connect an Internet cable to a laptop or PC.

  • At the end of the network cable that your Internet provider provided to you, there is an RG-45 plug; it must be inserted into the network card on your computer. Below in the photo you can see an example. Please be careful with the plug, do not pull it hard or force it into the connector, otherwise you will have to additionally read our article about
  • After you make the cable connection, on the monitor in the lower right corner, the connection icon will change from a red cross to a yellow triangle. This means that your computer sees your provider's switch, but there is no Internet. Next, you need to make settings on your computer, see what and how below.

All possible types of Internet connection

Of course, you need to start with a contract and a user manual; these documents may contain information about your settings on your PC. Find them. Look carefully at your connection and setup method. There are times when the technician forgets to leave the network settings or writes illegibly by hand on a piece of paper. In this situation, you need to call your Internet provider and ask them to dictate over the phone all the settings that need to be entered on the computer. Having found out all the data and connection method, we begin to find out how you can set up wired Internet on your computer.

Option No. 1: Ethernet (Static IP or Dynamic IP)

This option is one of the simplest connection methods. Since it does not require entering a login or password at all, the only thing you need to know is whether you have a static IP address or a dynamic IP.

  • Static IP address– in short, this is when the provider gives an individual IP address for your computer and it never changes.
  • Dynamic IP address– in this case, the IP address of your PC is assigned automatically. Every time you reboot the device, it usually changes. This means that you are not tied to a specific IP address.

Setting up with static IP

  • Right-click on the network symbol in the lower right corner. Select " Network and Sharing Center».
  • A window will pop up, now click on the line “ Change adapter settings».
  • You will see all available adapters. Right-click on the shortcut " Ethernet" Now from the list click on “ Properties A".
  • Double-click on the line “ IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" in order to enter it. Or you can select this line and click " Properties».
  • We put a dot in the line “ Use the following IP address" And " Use the following DNS addresses..." All that remains is to enter all the parameters provided by the provider.

Configuring with dynamic IP

  • We log in to the network card in the same way as with static configuration.
  • The only difference is in the section “ Properties: IP version 4…." Here you need to put dots in the line “ Get an IP address automatically", and " Obtain DNS address automatically" With this arrangement, the network card will receive all the settings automatically from the Internet provider.

With both options, an automatic connection to the Internet will be made on Windows 10, 8, 7, always when the computer boots. This is not always convenient, so we recommend creating a shortcut to the adapter " Ethernet" on the desktop. So that when you double click on it, you can turn the adapter on and off, and therefore the Internet.

Option No. 2: PPPOE setup

This option is often used in our country. It consists of creating a PPPOE connection with a password and login specified by the provider for data transfer. One of the advantages of this option is that all information passing through this tunnel is encrypted. Let's start creating it.

  • Open " Network and Control Center....”, now click on the line “ Creating and setting up a new connection….».
  • Click on the first option " Internet connection", below click " Further».
  • A new window will pop up where we again click on the first option “ High speed with PPPOE».
  • In the last new window, you need to enter login, and a little lower password. Check the boxes next to the inscription “ Show entered characters», « Remember this password" Done, press the button Connect me" and in five seconds the Internet will work.

Option No. 3: Installing a VPN on Windows 10

This method is the most reliable in terms of data transmission security. Here you also need to create a tunnel using a username, password and, of course, the IP address of the main server.

  • Click on the network icon with the left mouse button. Click " Network settings».
  • In chapter " Options"On the left side click on the item " VPN", now on top " Add VPN connection».
  • A blue window will pop up asking you to enter “ Connection name» « Server address», « Username», « Password" Don't forget to click below " Save».
  • To launch VPN, click on the network icon again and select the connection you created.
  • The window “ Options", click again on the created VPN, and then " Connect».

Everything is ready, you managed to install a VPN tunnel on Windows 10.

Setting up a VPN tunnel on Windows 7

Windows 7 differs in setting up a VPN from Windows 10, so below we decided to separately show how to set it up.

  • To begin with, let's go " Control Panel», « Browser properties».
  • From the top row, select the section “ Connection", press the button " Add VPN...».
  • Enter " Internet address" of your provider's server, you can change the name of the shortcut in the " Destination name" Click " Further».
  • We write “ Username and password", put a tick " Display», « Remember».
  • That's all, now right-click network in the lower right corner. Select your new VPN connection, click " Connection».

Option No. 4: L2TP connection

Most often this type of connection is used in corporate networks. Because this method allows you to get a network connection on top of existing network networks. We set up the Internet and local network.

  • Login to " Control center…» by right-clicking on the network icon.
  • Select the line " Creating and setting up a new....».
  • Now let’s decide on the connection option “ Connection to the workplace», « Further».
  • Click on the first section " Use my connection...».
  • Enter the server address in the line “ Internet address", put the bird " Remember…», « Permission to use this…." Click " Create»
  • In the pop-up window, type in password And login.
  • Open " Network connections " Right-click on the created connection, select “ Properties».
  • From the top row of sections, click “ Safety", In chapter " VPN type» set « L2TP protocol with IPsec….." Paragraph " Data encryption» put « Optional...", Let's go " Extra options" in the column " To verify authenticity….."drive in the key, " OK».

Option No. 5: Connect an ADSL modem

  • You need a telephone line, splitter, ADSL modem, without this setup home internet will not work.
  • We install a splitter on the telephone wire to ensure simultaneous connection of the modem and telephone.
  • From the splitter we connect to the ADSL modem using an RG 11 cable. And we move on to connecting the computer to the modem with a patch cord.
  • We look at the IP address of the modem on the sticker that is pasted on the bottom of the modem.
  • Open a browser, for example Internet Explorer, and enter the IP address of the modem in the address bar. Click " Enter" A window will pop up in which you need to enter login, and a little lower password.
  • On the left side, select the section " WAN", then at the very bottom " Will add b".
  • Next, select the connection type “ PPPOE" Must stand VPI:0, VCI:35. We write down the login and, just below, the password from the contract twice. Click " Save».


Thanks to our article, you will now know how to easily set up the Internet on your computer via cable. All methods listed are used by 90% of providers. Therefore, you should not have any difficulties with the setup, and if you do, write to us in the comments, we will be happy to help.

Just 5 years ago, organizing a local connection between several computers meant purchasing special equipment (switches or hubs), which had to be configured and prepared for the successful functioning of the network. Today, when almost every apartment has a router, or router, with the help of which wired or wireless communication is organized between a number of systems, the need to buy third-party equipment has disappeared by itself, since if you set up communication between computers, it becomes possible to organize file exchange, including with using a local connection.

Why is a local network needed at all? In such a network it is possible share movies, music, pictures, play 3D games with live opponents. All these features together make up an excellent tool for organizing and setting up a connection, and the very possibility of playing with real people in multiplayer immediately reduces all the time and moral costs of customizing the connection, as well as the dissatisfaction from the appearance of possible pop-up pitfalls during setup, to nothing.

In this material I will tell you how to generate and tune a wired/wireless connection between several nodes on a local network, and what is needed for this.

A prerequisite for organizing a local connection in Windows 10 via a router is already. This article does not cover setting up the router, since we have already described the setup process in a separate article (link above). We will assume that your router is working properly and stably, and there are no problems (such as periodic loss of connection or communication interruption). Also, using the instructions provided, you can organize a wired connection bypassing Wi-Fi.

Setting up a local network connection - detailed instructions

The first thing we need to do is join all the computers on the network to one workgroup. To see which workgroup your selected PC belongs to, right-click on the “Start” button and select “System” in the pop-up menu.

In the system properties form that opens, click the “Change settings” button in the section where the name of the computer and the domain to which this node belongs is indicated. The “Computer name” tab opens, where, among other information, there is information about the workgroup.

As you can see, my PC belongs to the “WORKGROUP” group. Alternative way get into the same form - use the “Win ​​+ R” button sequence and enter the sysdm.cpl command. As a result, you will also be taken to the same form.

What if the workgroup names are different on different computers, and you need to change the group on one or more of the selected machines? On the same form, click the “Change” button and in the new form that opens, enter the group name we need.

When entering the name of a working group, do not use the Cyrillic alphabet; use only Latin characters.

Here we check the option “View task and network status” in the “Internet and network connection” category.

In the form that opens, open the “Change additional sharing settings” subsection.

Enable OS permission to manage workgroup connections, printer and file sharing, automatic setup and PC detection on the network.

Select the “All network connections” section and there check the “Disable password protected sharing” option. After that, save all changes by clicking on the save button.

Do the same operations on all systems that you want to connect to the local network, after which we can move on.

How to set up access to file objects and directories on a PC

To organize general access to a folder on the network, you need to right-click on the corresponding directory and select “Properties”, then click on the “Access” tab and then “Advanced settings”.

To open general type access to the directory, check the box to open access to the general type directory and click the “Permissions” button. Here, select those users for whom you want to provide access, and indicate what kind of access you want to give. The most preferable option is “Read Only”, since if you open access to other users for changes, in the near future you may be missing several dozen files in your directory.

Now go to the “Security” tab in the directory properties and for the “Everyone” user set access only to read the contents of the directory and to run files in the specified folder, so that you can watch movies on any computer with a local connection, without first copying them to your PC . To change permissions, click the "Edit" button for the corresponding user.

Now, if you did everything correctly, the folders you shared will be visible on other computers connected to a single local network.

This way, you can freely use shared resources stored on other PCs, thereby saving valuable disk space without duplicating the same files on multiple nodes. enjoy local connection incredibly convenient, and I dare to hope that you will also appreciate all the advantages and advantages of this approach to storing and using data.