How does the alibi agency work abroad. Good alibi. If the client asked to go fishing with friends, we provide fresh fish

Alibi traditionally interpreted as evidence of innocence, based on the fact that the person suspected of committing a crime or in committing a crime was in another place at the time of its commission, and, therefore, could not participate in this act.

Thus, in an alibi, as in a logical system, there are three main elements:

    1. place of commission of the crime investigated in the case;
    2. the time the crime was committed;
    3. the place where at that moment there was a person who declared his alibi.

The establishment of an alibi cannot always be interpreted unambiguously in favor of the suspected person. Practice shows that the establishment of the fact that the suspect was absent from the scene during the commission of a crime does not mean that this person is not involved in the deed at all. It could, as often happens in cases of group crimes, not act as a direct, physical, but be its accomplice as an organizer, initiator, accomplice.

Modern technical capabilities that are in the "armament" of criminals, means of direct and reverse radiotelephone communication allow the organizer of the crime, even while outside the scene, to provide active management of the process of committing a criminal act, control the criminal situation, coordinate, direct the activities of their accomplices as they receive from them of emergency messages and the development of appropriate corrective instructions based on their operational analysis.

An alibi can be refuted when checked. The establishment of a false alibi is an important proof of the guilt of the suspected..

Alibi types

Forensic science distinguishes between the following types of alibis:

  1. Complete alibiclearly excludes the possibility of physical participation in the execution of a crime, because the fact of a person’s stay in a certain precisely set time, in a well-defined location.
  2. partial alibi– the situation does not exclude the assumption that a crime was committed by this person, since information about the time of his stay in a certain place not convincing enough and they block the possibility of his being at the scene of the crime at the time of the commission.
  3. Qualified alibi- prepared in advance and created by fictitious circumstances (preliminary preparation of witnesses, false documents).
  4. simple alibi- unsubstantiated reference to facts.

Qualified and simple refer to alibi .

Putting forward a false alibi, and it is most often provided by criminals even before they come to the attention of the bodies of inquiry and preliminary investigation - one of the most common forms of opposition to the investigation in order to evade responsibility for the crime. The meaning of this action is reduced to the formation by the offender or his accomplices, other persons who are not interested in his responsibility for the deed, a system of false evidence that rehabilitates him in the eyes of the investigation and the public (taking measures to prevent reliable information that adequately reflects his involvement in the deed and the role in it, to neutralize possible evidence and direct the investigation along the wrong path).

The fabrication of an alleged alibi can be carried out by the criminal himself directly (both alone and together with accomplices) or by his connections at his request or on their own initiative.

In the course of this activity, other crimes are often committed, such as forgery, bribery, theft of forms of documents of any enterprises, organizations and institutions, forgery of documents, incitement to give false testimony.

Tactical features of the alibi check

During the study of the alibi, it turns out:

    • where exactly was the person who declared the alibi at the time of the crime and what was he doing there at that time;
    • from where, with whom, for what purpose he arrived there, when, with whom, in connection with what, at what time he left this place, for what period of time he was in this place;
    • whom he saw there, in what environment, who saw him, with whom he came into contact, what did those who were in this place do;
    • against the background of what natural and climatic phenomena (weather conditions, presence of precipitation, etc.) his stay at the place proceeded, what social events took place at the place of stay and beyond;
    • who, in addition to direct eyewitnesses, was aware of the intention to visit this place, at a given time, to whom and how it became known that he was there;
    • with the help of what fixed carriers of information can the investigated fact of an alibi be confirmed;
    • the reasons for the untimely communication of an alibi, if there was a real possibility or even a need to declare it;
    • what clothes, shoes the applicant was wearing at the place of his stay during the commission of the crime under investigation, what things he had with him, in what clothes, shoes, what things he left with.

In the event that the alibi has found objective confirmation, it is necessary to find out the reasons and circumstances for the appearance in the case of evidence that erroneously incriminates the applicant of the alibi in committing a crime, if, of course, such evidence is available.

As typical general versions in the study of alibis the following are checked:

    1. alibi is real (takes place);
    2. alibi contrived (false).

In the case of an objective confirmation of an alibi, it may be necessary to conduct a deep and comprehensive study of the reasons and circumstances for the appearance of evidence in a criminal case that made it possible to suspect an innocent person of a crime.

This is facilitated by the construction and verification of versions that an innocent person was among the suspects, accused persons due to:

    • conscientious error of the investigator, as well as any persons interrogated in the case (for example, as a result of an error in identification, as a result of an unfortunate combination of circumstances, etc.);
    • evil and intrigues on the part of someone (for the purpose of revenge, elimination of a competitor, etc.);
    • other reasons.

Private Versions of False Alibi Verification

When checking versions of a false alibi, they can be put forward private versions:

    1. by goals and subjects(a false alibi is put forward by a criminal in order to avoid personal criminal liability for the deed; a false alibi is put forward in order to help another person avoid criminal liability for a crime committed by him, etc.);
    2. in connection with activities on the preparation of a false alibi (an alibi was prepared in advance, an alibi was put forward spontaneously without prior preparation);
    3. around the circle of participants a fabricated alibi (a false alibi was fabricated by one person, several persons participated in the fabrication of a false alibi);
    4. by way of influence on persons who confirmed a false alibi (the fabrication of a false alibi is associated with blackmail, bribery, persuasion, using a conscientious delusion of persons subjected to illegal processing, with other types of influence);
    5. for actions covered by the intent to fabricate a false alibi (the creation of an imaginary alibi was accompanied by incitement to give false testimony, the creation of an imaginary alibi included only the fabrication of material evidence that disorientated the investigation. The creation of an imaginary alibi was based on a set of evidence of both types).

In the course of the investigation, other versions can be put forward and verified, arising from the features of the forensic characteristics of the deed and the current investigative situation (for example, in the case of establishing a false alibi, the version is checked that this action was developed on the initiative and under the leadership of the criminal even before the initiation of a criminal cases or his criminal connections, relatives after suspicion fell on him).

The order of the study of the alibi:
    1. conducting a thorough questioning of the applicant's alibi;
    2. construction according to these indications of subjective mental model the situation in which the interrogated person found himself, its study and the derivation of consequences from it that need to be verified;
    3. development on this basis of the verification plan and its implementation;
    4. interrogation of the person who declared his alibi on issues arising from the results of the work done, presenting him, if necessary, for identification by other persons (or vice versa), confrontations with persons whose testimony differs from the testimony of the person being checked;
    5. building on the basis of the received data actual (objective) model the situation under investigation related to the alibi;
    6. implementation comparative analysis subjective and objective models and the formation of a conclusion about their similarities and differences.

Conducting a thorough questioning of the applicant's alibi carried out about the place where he was at the time of the crime, as well as the situation that existed here (everything that he saw, heard, learned in a different way; about what happened here with and without his participation, along the route of his journey to this place and departure from here; goals of arrival at the place, methods and mechanism for achieving them; documents, other objects that reflect its appearance and life).

Development on this basis of the verification plan and its implementation resolved step by step. With the help of employees of the bodies of inquiry or personally, the investigator must collect information about the events, facts, circumstances named by the applicant during interrogation, as well as those of them that were not last named, but took place in this situation. For these purposes, the features of events, phenomena, processes of a social, economic, natural, climatic and other nature that the person being checked should have encountered if he really was in this place at the time of the crime, signs of all that , what was, happened along the route to this place and the route of departure from here. This is done by:

    • inspection of this place;
    • obtaining and analyzing the necessary information from the tools mass media, information coming from workers controlling, law enforcement, officials, other employees of enterprises, organizations, institutions, from other official and unofficial sources;
    • identifying and who were at a given time in a given place, passing through or passing through it in another way, capable of providing information to the investigation on issues of interest to it;
    • interrogation of persons who could or should have seen the alibi applicant, contacted him on one basis or another, including those whom he pointed out in his testimony;
    • discovery, seizure and examination of documents reflecting the established circumstances.

Conclusion about the similarity of the compared models means that the alibi is confirmed, is true.

In case of discrepancy between the characteristics of the models, it is necessary to give an appropriate assessment of the nature, content and degree of difference of the identified discrepancies.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the discovered discrepancies, inconsistencies in models, by no means in all cases can be unambiguously interpreted as a basis for concluding that the alibi is false, the imaginary nature.

Such a conclusion is unjustified given the particular, secondary, insignificant nature of the contradictions, which are quite admissible and explainable under the condition that the alibi is true. The basis for the opposite conclusion is the presence of a significant contradiction, which cannot be explained by random reasons.

A positive solution to the question that the alibi is false, that it has been refuted, is possible only in such cases:

    1. in the actual model, i.e. in reality, as it has been established, important elements (facts, events, circumstances, traces) in respect of which the alibi applicant testified, claiming that they took place, are objectively absent;
    2. the facts, events, circumstances indicated by the applicant during the interrogation took place in reality, however, their actual characterization in terms of the majority or individual, but fundamentally important essential aspects, parameters, signs that are obvious to those who perceived them directly, significantly diverges from that characterization the alibi given to them by the applicant;
    3. it was established that there were such obvious circumstances as important elements of the actual model, which the applicant could not have been unaware of, but during the interrogation he denied the possibility of their existence or was unable to say anything definite about them.

Many things happen in life different situations when people deliberately or unconsciously stumble, or found themselves at the wrong time, in the wrong place, or find themselves in a hopeless situation when they need to prove their innocence. There are cases of remorse and regret about what you have done, when one of the spouses stumbled and wants to correct the situation or hide the fact of infidelity to save the family, or caught the eye of the boss at the wrong time with a member of his family, but should be at work, or fell under the suspicion of friends or colleagues at work, losing trust. Restore trust, protect reputation on their own sometimes it’s not easy at all, and in some situations it seems that it’s impossible at all. But in any most difficult and non-standard situation, the services of specialists from a detective agency will help, which guarantee:

  • anonymity
  • responsibility and high professionalism
  • solving problems of any complexity

The detective agency has representative offices in the cities of Ukraine such as: Kyiv, Lvov, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, etc. It can also provide services in different cities of Europe. Thanks to this, the employees of the detective agency will be able to help provide an alibi and give an explanation for even the most unusual situations. On professional level they will consult and select an alibi development scheme: in relations with superiors, in personal relations, in relations with friends, etc., except for those where crime is present.

Defense scenarios - working out an alibi from a detective

The detectives of our agency will select the appropriate scenario to protect the client in any, even the most unusual situations, based on his personal wishes. Help find:

  • personal approach to each client
  • way to protect reputation and alibis in accordance with the law
  • provide postalibi

A postalibi is necessary when a person could not be present, for example, at an important meeting that has passed or to hide treason.

Providing an alibi will eliminate the need to obtain medical certificates, which is not a legal action, will help in a situation where the client needs free time, and he cannot leave an unnecessary or boring meeting without a good reason.

Protecting the client's reputation

If necessary, they will provide a number of services to improve the reputation in front of business partners, colleagues or friends.
The detective agency provides:

  • alibi for a few days
  • providing supporting materials tickets, invoices, etc.

Alibi for several days is a service when the client was supposedly on a business trip. They will provide materials confirming your mandatory presence, such as invitations, hotel bills, air tickets confirming accommodation or flight.
They will also perform the services of providing an alibi and protecting the client, requiring the status of confidentiality and non-disclosure. Thanks to a professional approach, your reputation will be on top despite the complexity of the situation.

BJS is ready to assist you in providing an alibi for the most various issues. As you know, one has to prove one's innocence not only in court, but also in the process of family conflicts and in business relations. In some cases, accusations at work can provoke a huge scandal with the ensuing consequences in the form of dismissal and a tarnished reputation, and the situation in the family can lead to divorce and division of property.

Often, an alibi is also necessary for teenagers who join bad companies and can be accused of arson, fights and other offenses. Naturally, every parent will try to protect their child from such problems, but this will require the help of a real specialist.

Our professional staff have extensive experience in providing alibis in various situations. The only exceptions are cases of crime, since BJS, when protecting the interests of the client, acts exclusively within the framework of the law. We are happy to help you save your family and business reputation and avoid all sorts of problems both in your personal life and in business.

The issue of providing a good alibi is quite delicate and often needs detailed elaboration and a sequence of actions. A good alibi always requires a thorough analysis of the situation and the development of several options for the development of events. If the need to provide you with a good alibi is not related to violations of the law, then our specialists will simulate in detail the events in which you will receive an excellent and secured “cover story”.

Despite the fact that each case of providing a good alibi is unique and has its own nuances, our specialists will cope with any task. Being professionals and possessing certain skills, they will creatively solve the most complex problems. Several variants of the “cover legend” will be developed for you, depending on the current situation with a detailed study of the legend. Having entrusted us with the solution of your issue, you should not be afraid for the possible consequences.

Alibi check

Alibi check individuals in today's world, where most people are often prone to lying, for their own benefit or to the detriment of others, it is becoming an increasingly urgent task. The need to check an alibi can arise both in the sphere of personal relationships and in the sphere of business. Checking a person’s alibi will make it possible to establish the true picture of the events that took place, recognizing it exactly as it was in reality, and not from the words of a person interested in embellishing it or vice versa, keeping silent about some details of what happened. Alibi verification, carried out by the specialists of our Bureau, is carried out using various tactics and methods of verification.

Therefore, if you need to check a person's alibi, you can contact our Bureau and be completely sure that we will do our job efficiently and delicately. We will establish all the points you are interested in and provide a report that will confirm or refute the information you have.

We respect privacy and the protection of personal information, therefore, we work with the utmost discretion, keeping information about our clients confidential. We will do our best and even more to ensure that you are completely satisfied with the results of cooperation with us.

Nikolai Petrovich

Glad. I'm just glad that now I know about such a detective agency, personally verified by me in the case. Keep it up.


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Providing an alibi

Professional provision of an alibi

Well, who among us has not stumbled in life? And after all, everyone has the right to make a mistake. But for some, these mistakes are forgivable, while others have to pay dearly, especially when it comes to treason. But it’s not at all necessary that your significant other should find out about this unpleasant fact of your life. And even if the situation seems completely hopeless to you, call the detective agency "Private detective Ukraine" without delay. We will certainly come up with something for you and solve this topical problem, which concerns how to hide cheating.

Over the years of work of our specialists, more than one hundred family relationships have been saved, thanks to the fact that we organized at the highest quality and professional level providing an alibi. Moreover, we carry out such work and not only in the field of relations between the two sexes, excluding, of course, situations of a criminal nature. Often, we are often approached by clients who, for some specific reason, are under the suspicion of their friends or have been completely unreasonably accused. But even in such situations, we ourselves can not always find a worthy explanation or the necessary evidence that we have nothing to do with this or that situation. And school days, when you could just buy a medical certificate, are long gone. And here a more serious approach is needed.

Imagine that everything you once saw in a movie could happen in your own life. Will be specially designed for you strategic plan, thanks to which you can give a completely reasonable and reliable explanation even to the most suspicious and intractable person. If the problem is about work, then you will even forget this question about where to buy certificates. And although today many still try buy a certificate in Ukraine to explain his absence in front of the leadership, this method no longer always works.

We work even in those situations if, as they say, you were caught red-handed. You have to be at the workplace, and the boss saw you in a restaurant with your future wife? Don't worry. Even from such a situation, you can always find a way out with the experts of the detective agency "Private detective Ukraine".

The whole family was expecting you for a gala dinner, but you couldn't leave the corporate party? Our psychologists will help you not only come up with, but also convincingly tell your explanation in such a way that all the people waiting for you will think that you could not have acted otherwise. Or you just urgently need to fly away on a business trip. And even if you stay in your city, you will in any case have tickets, hotel receipts and other confirmations of a working trip as proof. For us protection business reputation our clients is a matter of honor, and we will make every effort to ensure that in the eyes of your environment you are always on top, no matter the circumstances.

And we don’t care at all what exactly your motives or reasons for this or that act were. You voice your problem - we are looking for the best solution. When needed reputation protection, you don't really have to choose. But we will offer you several solutions, and you yourself will choose the most optimal one, if, of course, your situation allows it.