Business plan for a powder coating shop. Powder Coating Business. Own business on powder coating of metal products

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Overview of the market for powder coating of metal products

At present, an increasingly popular way of finishing finished metal products of any type in many industries becomes their powder coating or polymer coating.

But not every company that produces metal industrial goods is equipped with the appropriate equipment: some do not have enough production space, some do not want to invest in additional equipment, and some do not want to hire additional workers, moreover, appropriately qualified, or retrain those already working.

Be that as it may, often a third-party specialized organization is engaged in painting an already finished metal product, which essentially does not produce anything, but is profitable enough to attract the attention of a novice businessman.

Indeed, by providing services for painting metal products, the management and owner of such an enterprise do not risk the invested funds at all: an organization of this type will definitely not be left without work, moreover, many difficult questions production - how, what and in what volumes to produce, where to sell what has been produced or how to ensure the smooth operation of a plant or factory - this type of business simply does not arise - it is enough just to replenish stocks of powder dyes and other Supplies and comply with the terms of contracts with customers.

In principle, not only a novice entrepreneur who hears about powder coating booths and polymerization ovens for the first time can cope with such simple tasks, but also a third-party manager who can be hired in order not to deal with such, in fact, minor issues.

In general, in this, as in some other such types of business, the entrepreneur is only required to organize the enterprise itself: purchase equipment, hire workers and provide advertising and marketing policy. But even these, in general, elementary things can be entrusted to professionals: managers, advertising and personnel specialists, etc. The main thing is to have an appropriate amount of start-up capital, which will serve as an investment in starting a business, and, after waiting for some time (from six months to a year), during which the break-even point will be overcome, work on expanding this business or live a rentier - who cares what soul.

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It should be remembered, however, that powder coating and curing services are heavily oriented towards the availability of relevant customers rather than other factors: geographic location, size of settlement, etc.

For reliable work and successful development it is necessary to have enough manufacturing enterprises producing such goods that are delivered to the final consumer either in a painted form or with a layer of polymer (polymers) applied to the surface (and sometimes both processes have passed: powder coating and the formation of polymer coatings on metal products).

So before investing in organizing a powder coating business, you should not just ask, but carefully study the issue of the availability of manufacturers of relevant metal products in the region.

Do not rely on private orders, even in large cities: yes, individuals sometimes they resort to such services (especially car owners), but even on mass small orders, the enterprise will not last long - it needs more serious production volumes.

Only the presence of a large number of manufacturers of metal products that require powder coating can give the painting business the right to exist.

Of course, there is also the factor of customers from other regions, but this is most likely not worth counting on: firstly, there may be similar enterprises in neighboring regions, since their opening does not involve large investments and costs, and secondly, such a large-scale an advertising campaign that will help manufacturers of metal products from another region to know about your company will cost disproportionately to the effect obtained.

Ready-made ideas for your business

So there is only one way to get customers from other regions: to establish your own local presence, that is, to open your own enterprises for powder coating of metal products in these regions.

Powder Coating Equipment

The most important piece of equipment in a metal powder coating plant is, of course, the powder coating booth. And not even one, but several: depending on the planned production volumes and the approximate dimensions of the objects to be painted: the typical size of the working space (LxWxH, mm) is approximately 2000x1100x1700, but special cameras will be needed for painting large-sized products: up to 11 m long, up to 2 .5 m

The powder coating chamber with a recovery system is designed for applying a polymer powder coating on the metal surface of products. It is a metal frame sheathed with steel sheets with a polymer coating.

The recuperator is used to capture the powder paint that has not settled on the products. The powder paint that has settled on the filters of the recuperator is dumped into the bunker, the paint from the bunker (screening out) can be returned to the painting cycle.

Ready-made ideas for your business

As you can see, a powder coating chamber is not a technically complex structure and its cost depends directly on its size: a standard chamber costs from 60 thousand rubles, chambers of specific (non-standard) sizes are somewhat more expensive. However, there are also cheaper ones - the so-called one-station (i.e., designed to be serviced by one employee) or dead-end cameras are about half the price (about 30-35 thousand rubles) of those indicated.

Actually, powder paint sprayers are used directly for painting - tools designed to apply powder paint to products in an electrostatic field, or automatic application chambers.

Sprayers differ only in the size of the container with paint-powder: small manual ones with a container capacity of up to half a liter and portable carts with a tank of up to 50 liters.

Typically, several copies of each type are purchased: at least one manual for each employee plus several spare and replacement (when using dyes of several colors at the same time) and 3-4 (for a medium-sized enterprise, more precisely, services provided) manual spray installations.

The cost of the first type of atomizer is about 9-11 thousand rubles, while the installation will cost about 4.5 thousand euros (which, in terms of rubles at the current exchange rate, is about 190 thousand rubles). Domestic analogue it will cost about 50 thousand rubles, however, the quality of such a product and its work may turn out to be low.

The automatic application chamber is, in fact, a powder coating chamber equipped with built-in sprayers: painting metal products in such a chamber does not require the direct presence of a person in them.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Typically, manual sprayers are used for small parts or small volume orders, as well as for painting parts in different colors, while an automatic camera can quickly and evenly paint one large or several smaller parts in one color. So it is expedient to complete the enterprise also with 2-3 automatic cameras.

The cost of each of them is approximately 100 thousand Ukrainian hryvnias (UAH), which in terms of rubles at the current exchange rate is about 370 thousand rubles.

For polymerization - the formation of polymer coatings on already painted metal products - special polymerization furnaces are used.

There are three types of ovens: electric, gas and infrared. The most common - electric ones individually cost from 130 to 180 thousand rubles. (dead-end option) or from 280 to 535 thousand rubles. (pass-through option), however, when purchasing some automatic paint application chambers, you can do without these costs: many of them are like a mini-line, or a full-cycle machine and are equipped with built-in polymerization ovens.

However, it is still worth buying one or two separate ovens: in some cases, painting of the product is not required - only polymerization (for example, when passing manual painting earlier or ordering only for polymerization, i.e. providing already painted parts by the client).

As mentioned above, all chambers must be connected to recuperators - special devices that allow you to collect powder paint that has not settled on the surface of the product.

Each heat exchanger will cost about 90 thousand rubles, which significantly increases the cost of powder coating chambers (both simple and automatic; however, some models of the latter have a built-in heat exchanger), however, without using a heat exchanger, you will not be able to collect paint, and therefore reuse it.

Losses of paint will cost a decent amount - quite comparable to the cost of a heat exchanger. In addition, it is possible to organize the intake and supply of powder paint directly from the hopper directly to the spraying installation, i.e. arrange a closed cycle of coloring.

In addition, for hanging and transporting products through all technological cycles of the powder coating area in a mechanized or manual mode, the plant for powder coating of metal parts requires its own transport system.

It consists of transport trolleys, monorails, supports, spacers, bearing columns, transport stores, transverse movement links, longitudinal and transverse trusses and beams, carriages, traverse, etc. parts standard for this system.

Accordingly, a mechanical (manual, in which parts are moved around the workshop by the muscular strength of workers) transport system will cost only 25 thousand rubles. However, it is suitable only for small enterprises that do not undertake both the painting of large parts and large orders, or are limited in production space.

Medium and large firms require an automatic transport system, the organization and installation of which will cost at least 110-175 thousand rubles.

Additional equipment includes a vibrating sieve (cost - about 35 thousand rubles), designed for screening (separation of large fractions and foreign inclusions from the main composition of the material) fine bulk products, in this case - powder paint with lumps and recycled paint (screenings) and an industrial water and mud vacuum cleaner for its collection (10-19 thousand rubles).

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Market situation

Gone are the days when paints were perceived solely as liquid materials, with all their shortcomings: smell, toxicity and fire hazard. This idea changed about 40 years ago with the advent of a fundamentally new type of paints and varnishes - powder paints. These paints do not contain solvents and other liquid components, they are technologically advanced and provide practically waste-free technology for obtaining coatings. This technology quickly gained acceptance in thousands of businesses. Now just listing all the areas of its use will take a very long time.
In the Soviet Union, it became widespread in the early 80s of the last century. In those days, only giant enterprises could boast of their own “powder” line.

Now the methods of powder coating have been improved. According to experts, the application of powder paint using the current technology is 5-10 times cheaper than before. Therefore, in the world, “dry” painting is slowly replacing “liquid” painting.
Most often, "powder" lines are installed by enterprises that produce some kind of metal products. They paint mainly products own production. But there are also quite a few companies that deal exclusively with painting.

Advantages and disadvantages

Coating technology using powder coatings compared to painting liquid materials has many advantages:
. powder paints are delivered to the consumer in a ready-to-use form. Their preparation, mixing, dilution, mixing, viscosity regulation are not required;
. coatings are usually limited to a single application, while liquid paints require the application of several layers, the coating production cycle is longer;
. recycling of paint is easily ensured and its almost complete return to the production cycle. Thus, a higher production efficiency is achieved;
. reduced energy consumption for the production of coatings due to the absence of solvents (no energy required to evaporate solvents, reduced ventilation costs);
. the possibility of mechanization and full automation of the coating production process is provided, which makes it possible to reduce the number of personnel and save production space;
. usually achieved over high quality coatings and better performance properties.

At present, in terms of technology, economy, and ecology, there is practically no alternative to powder coating materials in industry.

Firm staff

To learn how to paint parts that are not complex in configuration, one week is enough for a worker. In comparison, it takes several years to become a high-class painter in a service station (where liquid paints are used).
The brigade of an ordinary painting section consists of one or two people (painter + assistant). Depending on the volume of production, the number of employees can increase to 4. The hardest part of the work is preparing the product for painting and loading and unloading.

Calculation of the payback period for a set of equipment for applying polymer coatings using the example of a standard complex for powder coating (oven (3000x1800x1600), spray chamber (3000x1800x900) and lower transport system).

Approximate costing for polymer coating services

Material name Unit rev. Price Note
polymer coating
White Spirit








Price with VAT

Price with VAT

Price with VAT

Name Norm Price Amount (rub.)
polymer coating
White Spirit









Total materials
Transport costs 8%
Worker salary
Social contributions needs 27.5%
Overhead 150%
VAT 18%
Cost of painting 1 sq/m
Market price of painting for 1 sq/m









Calculation of the payback period of equipment
Estimated data:
average dyeing production area-1870 sq/m per month

Indicators 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months
Investments for the purchase of a set of equipment (rub.)
Number of shifts
Paintable area in m-c
Profit (rub.)
Cumulative balance of financial flow (RUB)



















Marketing Direction

Powder coatings in the consumer market is the fastest growing segment in the structure of all paints and varnishes.
The purpose of thermoplastic and thermosetting powder paints: transport and agricultural engineering, machine tools, pipes, car and motorcycle parts, bicycles, instrumentation, electrical, radio and electronic industries, transformers, capacitors, devices, tools, production of consumer goods, household appliances, refrigerators , water heaters, air conditioners, heating radiators, vacuum cleaners, metal furniture, sewing machine parts, gas and electric stove cases, washing machines, construction, facade cladding tiles, asbestos-cement tiles, ceramic tiles, consumer goods production, decorative ceramic products, plastic products, etc.

Technology and production

The technological process of powder coating usually includes the following stages:
. surface preparation;
. applying powder paint;
. coating formation (curing/polymerization).

Surface preparation:
The technology of surface preparation before painting practically does not differ from the technology used in traditional methods of applying paints and varnishes - degreasing, etching, and phosphating the surface are also used here.
For a non-corroded surface, degreasing by wiping with a material moistened with an organic solvent or annealing is sufficient.
- Application of powder paint:
Most powder coatings are produced by electrostatic spraying.
Electrostatic application of powder paints is based on the communication of an electric charge to the particles of the powder.

The essence of this method is as follows: powder paint particles, passing through the sprayer, receive an electrostatic (negative) or tribostatic (positive) charge and are applied to the surface of the product in a uniform layer, since the product is grounded and has an electric charge of the same polarity.

The powder during electrostatic application is distributed evenly over the flat surfaces of the product and a somewhat thicker layer on the sharp corners and edges of the product, which improves the quality of the coating.
- Coating formation:
The process of coating formation takes place in the curing oven (in the polymerization chamber) regardless of the method of applying powder paint.
After applying powder paint, the painted product is placed in an oven and kept at a temperature of 120-250 oC for 10-20 minutes.
When heated, the paint melts and evenly spreads over the surface of the product, forming a thin and durable film 60-80 microns thick.
The most common method of curing powder paints is by heating products in a conventional way, which provides for the complete heating of the entire product to the desired temperature.
The low-temperature curing method (at 120-130 oC) is used for painting products that are sensitive to high temperatures. But this curing method is only applicable to epoxy powder paints.
The method of IR curing of powder paint allows you to completely heat the product to the desired temperature in a short time, which significantly reduces the dimensions of the equipment and shortens the technological process.
But this method is only suitable for products of a simple configuration that do not cast shadows on themselves, and also involves the selection of a special paint formulation.

- Polymerization oven. Working temperature range: from +25 to +250 ° С. Furnace with digital control unit.
— Spray chamber designed for painting with powder polymer paints.

Transport system(lower, upper).
— Atomizer
— Compressor

Enterprise capacity:
One team per shift (10 hours) can paint from 50 to 250 m², depending on the size and shape of the part.

With their help, paint medical equipment, roofing materials, household appliances, items made of ceramics, plaster and glass, furniture. Among car enthusiasts, powder coating of disks is gaining more and more popularity. Organization of business These works in specialized centers today are quite expensive. If you want to try yourself in this business, then if you have financial resources you may well get started. Of course, powder coating line ( automated system) not everyone can afford it, but thanks to our recommendations, you can replace some elements with other tools at first. Start with small items. It can be plaster figurines, ceramic tableware And much more. Try painting something in your house first (start with something you don't mind ruining).

New business ideas

Actually powder painting, which is carried out in the chamber with the help of special spray guns. 5. Coating formation. After painting, the product is polymerized in an oven.
For half an hour, the product heats up and the paint turns into a film. Duration and temperature depend on the type of product. After this treatment, it is dried and painting is complete.

Scope This method is used for forged, aluminum, galvanized products. It is applied in various fields: from medicine to the automotive industry.

It allows you to paint even clay and wood. Organization of your business Despite the fact that starting a business will require a lot of money, such services are also quite expensive. Therefore, the costs will pay off quickly. You can start with small items in a small garage.

And when the necessary skills and means appear, move on to more serious orders.

Powder coating - is there any prospects for this business?

For industries where more than 50,000 m² of surface are covered per year, in-line technological powder coating lines are used. Despite the difference in production volumes, the equipment in both cases is the same and differs only in power.
The set of basic equipment for powder coating includes (prices are indicated as of January 2017):

  • Spray chamber (from 100 thousand rubles) and recuperator (from 80 thousand rubles). A special chamber where the main process of applying paint takes place.

    The chamber is equipped with filters and a heat exchanger to capture unsettled paint and return it to the production cycle. As a rule, the walls of the chamber are coated with a special antistatic agent.

  • Sprayer and feeder for powder coating (from 60 thousand rubles).

    The sprayer is intended for drawing paint on the painted product.

Own business on powder coating of metal products

Powder coating is becoming more and more popular today. What is it? This modern technology, designed to obtain decorative and protective coatings of high quality.

Polymer powders are used in the work (hence the name - "powder"). They turn into a coating due to exposure to high temperatures.

Because of this feature of the procedure, powder coating of metal and glass is most common. Advantages This process has a number of positive aspects.

These include: - Economy. The fact is that such paint can be reused if it does not settle when sprayed on the treated surface. Thus, the loss of material is no more than 5%.

By the way, this indicator for ordinary paints will be 8 times higher - about 40%. Also in this case there is no need for solvents.

- Ease of use.

business plan

Most often, the method of electrostatic spraying is used to apply paint. In this case, powder coating guns are used.

Such instruments are also called spray guns or applicators. This device is a pneumatic spray gun that applies an electrostatically charged substance to a pre-grounded part.

Formation of the coating Let's move on to the next stage of work. The paint has been applied, now you need to form a coating. First of all, the product is sent to the polymerization oven. Such chambers can be different: vertical, horizontal, again, dead-end or walk-through, single- and multi-pass. The mentioned equipment for powder coating provides heating of the surface to a certain temperature - 150-220 °C. Processing lasts about half an hour, resulting in the formation of a film.

Business plan: powder coating of metal products.

Instead, at first, you can use a cyclone type vacuum cleaner. In this case, you must first check the power supply in the room and make sure that grounding is present. If you plan to work with large-sized products, then you should also consider purchasing a transport system. In it, the workpieces are moved on special trolleys that move along rails.

Thus, a powder coating line is built. Such equipment improves the productivity of the process, ensuring its continuity.

Powder coating technology The process of performing the work itself is divided, as it was already possible to understand, into several stages:

  1. Let's talk about each stage separately. Preparation of the product, or rather its surface, for processing.
  2. Apply paint in powder form.
  3. Polymerization, i.e.

Exotic lovers can discover an interesting powder coating business- with its help make high-quality decorative painting various surfaces from glass and metal. What are the advantages and how to organize a powder coating business, read further in our material.

Advantages of powder coating

1. Profitability. Powder coating does not require solvents. In addition, if it does not settle during spraying, it can be used for a second procedure. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce losses by up to 5%.

2. Ease of use. Powder paint is completely ready for use and can be easily removed from the equipment.

3. Speed. You do not have to wait for the powder paint to dry before placing the products in the oven.

4. Durability. When applied, an elastic polymer layer is formed, which perfectly adheres to the surface to be painted, protecting it from corrosion and the effects of electricity.

5. Environmental friendliness. No solvents - no harmful substances when painting.

6. Decorative. Powder coating can be done in any shade and any texture.

How to start a powder coating business

If it is not possible to organize a large-scale painting enterprise, you can limit yourself to manual painting. In any case, you will need a separate room, special equipment.

Powder Coating Equipment

1. Camera. Powder coating takes place in a special chamber - it is thanks to it that unused paint can be collected again for a second cycle. The size of the camera is selected according to the needs of the enterprise.

2. Furnace, gun. In the initial stages, an oven can be used instead of an oven, but for large-scale production, special equipment must be purchased. Instead of a gun, a compressor with a high pressure filter can be used.

3. Recuperator, transport system. A recuperator is needed to collect unused paint. Can be replaced with a cyclone type vacuum cleaner. The transport system will be needed to work with large objects of powder coating. In any case, the room must have appropriate wiring and grounding.


1. Preparing a product for powder coating is the most time-consuming and responsible process. Old paint, traces of corrosion and other substances are removed mechanically or chemically. The choice of method and means depends on the type of product on which the powder coating.

2. To isolate the product and better adhesion to the paint, chromating and phosphating are carried out. For steel, iron phosphate is used, for electroplating - zinc, aluminum - chromium, manganese. Oxides are removed by chemical and abrasive cleaning. After that, the products must be washed well.

3. Passivation - treatment with chromium and sodium nitrate compounds. Then the product is washed and dried.

4. Actually powder painting, which is carried out in the chamber with the help of special spray guns.

5. Coating formation. After painting, the product is polymerized in an oven. For half an hour, the product heats up and the paint turns into a film. Duration and temperature depend on the type of product. After this treatment, it is dried and painting is complete.

Application area

This method is used for forged, aluminum, galvanized products. It is used in various fields: from medicine to the automotive industry. It allows you to paint even clay and wood.

Organization of your business

Despite the fact that starting a business will require a lot of money, such services are also quite expensive. Therefore, the costs will pay off quickly. You can start with small items in a small garage. And when the necessary skills and means appear, move on to more serious orders. Over time, it will become easier for you to develop own powder coating business.

What is the article about?

Many enterprises producing metal products use the services of third-party organizations for their painting.

This is due to the lack of special equipment or the reluctance to hire additional personnel for such work, and when there is a demand, then the creation of one's own business arises.

One way or another, the demand for metal products painting services in many regions of our country is quite high.

How to start opening a shop for powder coating of metal products

Opening your own business in the business of powder coating products is within the power of even a novice entrepreneur.

In fact, its tasks are reduced to the organization of the production process(search for suitable premises, purchase of powder dyes, search for customers, development of a marketing policy).

How much money is needed to organize a business for the powder coating of metal products

Opening an organization specializing in the powder coating of metal products does not require large investments.

You can start in this business area with a minimum investment of 200 thousand rubles.

However, before starting such a business, it is necessary to conduct marketing research, which allows you to understand the level of demand for powder coating services.

In the region where it is planned to open a production workshop, there should be enterprises that produce metal products in large volumes.

Otherwise, the businessman may have problems finding customers.

Of course, at the initial stage, small orders of individuals can be carried out. However, the profit in this case will be minimal, and the full return on investment will have to wait several years.

That's why for successful start need to find large orders and cooperate with customers long-term.

What equipment to choose for powder coating

As for the equipment, the entrepreneur will need to purchase several powder coating booths.

It is advisable to purchase models with automatic sprayers. In this case, the loss of consumables during painting work will be minimal.

The cost of a powder coating booth depends on its dimensions and specifications. Models standard sizes cost about 60 thousand rubles.

For painting small parts, it is also necessary to purchase manual sprayers..

To attract customers, the company can also provide services for the polymerization of painted metal products..

In this case, the entrepreneur will need to invest some money in the purchase of a special oven.

How much can you earn on powder coating of metal products

A workshop for powder coating of metal products can bring up to 90 thousand rubles of monthly profit (depending on the volume of orders performed).

What OKVED must be specified when applying for powder coating services for metal products

When opening a workshop for powder coating of metal products, indicate the code of the All-Russian classifier 25.61, used for activities related to the processing of metals and the application of paint and varnish coatings on them.

What documents are needed to open

Because this species activities focused on large manufacturers should be immediately formalized entity. The package of documents is submitted to the tax service and includes: a copy of the applicant's passport, charter, agreement of all founders to open a business, a receipt for payment of the state registration fee.

What taxation system to choose for opening a business

The simplified tax system with a rate of 6% is optimal when organizing an LLC. It is characterized by simple record keeping and does not require strict cost control.

Do I need permission to start a business

The activity is not subject to licensing. Permits must be obtained from the SES and the fire inspectorate. But in order to draw up a package of documents, the premises of the workshop must comply with all legislative standards.

Powder coating technology for metal products

The organization of the business of powder coating of metal products is one of the most simple species activities that a novice entrepreneur can handle without much hassle. He will only need to rent a room (or re-equip his own), purchase equipment, conduct advertising campaign in accordance with the task.

To open a paint shop, it is worth analyzing the demand for the service, namely, determining which companies need it. Peculiarity this business is to provide services specifically to large manufacturers, since there are very few private clients.