Small business producing metal products. Profitable business in the garage: the idea of ​​​​producing metal products! Choosing a place to run a metal business

  • 1 Where to start opening a production facility for the production of metal structures
  • 2 Material for the production of metal structures
  • 3 How much can you earn in the production of metal structures?
  • 4 Pros and cons of metal structures production
  • 5 How much money do you need to start?
  • 6 How to choose equipment for the production of metal structures
  • 7 Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business
  • 8 What documents are needed to start the production of metal structures
  • 9 Which taxation system should I indicate?
  • 10 Do you need a permit to operate?
  • 11 Technology for the production of metal structures
  • 12 For a beginner in the production of metal structures

A business idea such as the production of metal structures is not the easiest thing.

But it is very popular and profitable. Before you decide to create such a business and start drawing up a business plan, we want to warn you that this area requires huge investments.

You cannot start such a business on your own, so you will need additional investments.

Where to start opening a production facility for the production of metal structures

The first procedure that awaits you is registering your activities.

For registration and collection necessary documentation You will need about 50 thousand rubles.

After that you need to find a suitable premises. Its area must be no less than 250 square meters. meters.

In your workshop you need to place devices, machines, and additional utility rooms.

Each of the factories is built under different conditions, but on average you can meet the amount of 700-900 thousand rubles.

Also, take care of selecting employees in advance. The staff of your workshop will be at least 30 people. Your employees must be qualified specialists, have a certain length of service and experience in this field of activity.

Of course, most of the money will be spent on purchasing the necessary equipment. It can be ordered not only from foreign companies, but also from domestic ones.

Everything again depends on your capabilities. The cost of these costs will be at least 7 million rubles.

All this applies only to mass, extensive enterprises, such as the production of building metal structures.

In a small factory you will not be able to produce this type of product. Therefore, before starting a business, decide what exactly you will produce and where to sell your products.

Material for the production of metal structures

Another item of your costs is the materials from which structures or individual parts will be made.

Such material can be purchased at an affordable price at scrap metal collection points. If you become wholesale buyer, then you will get a decent discount.

But this applies only to private points, because at government points you are unlikely to be able to buy material at a wholesale price.

Your initial investment:

  • paperwork,
  • rent or purchase of premises,
  • acquisition of necessary equipment and materials,
  • advertising.

Even though the market in this area is not large, competition is still present.

If you want to get your buyer, then you need to promote your company and spend a certain part of your finances on advertising.

You can broadcast it on the radio or shoot a special video for television. It would also be a good idea to create your own website, where you can talk about the services provided, prices, and also show photographs of finished products.

Also, with such a huge production, it would not hurt to create a fleet of vehicles. In this case, you will be able to deliver finished products to your customers for a certain price.

On a small site you can organize the production of light metal structures.

For example, if you want to make forged fences, trellises and other small structures for personal plots. In this case, your expenses will be significantly reduced.

You will need to build a premises, register as individual entrepreneur, purchase a welding machine and several non-production machines.

In this area of ​​business you will have a sufficient number of clients.

You can negotiate with small offices or funeral services. Advertising may be present on banners in the area of ​​your production. And also on the Internet. But as far as technology goes, a minibus is quite suitable for you.

Regardless of the scale of your production, you must first draw up your business plan.

In order for your enterprise to be unprofitable, do not create unclaimed designs, but work directly with the client, that is, to produce an order.

This type activities will be universal, as for a large plant. So it is for a small private enterprise.

How much can you earn in the production of metal structures?

You should not expect quick profits from such a business. It will take some time to launch and advertise production.

If this is a large-scale production, then profits will begin to flow in 4-6 months. But small-scale production can immediately generate income.

It all depends on how quickly you find customers and on the number of these orders.

Concerning big factory, then you should look for its buyers even before the business starts. After purchasing and installing equipment, as well as staffing, you can begin searching for clients.

Best suited for this construction companies, and it doesn’t matter what size. It is better if there are both large and small among them. Then you can produce different types designs and make a profit already at the initial stage of production.

As for net profit, in a large production you can get from 300 thousand rubles per month of work, but of course this is a conditional figure.

But the profit of small-scale production will depend on the availability of orders and the pace of work. Profit can range from 30 and even up to 70 thousand rubles per month.

The main advantage of a small enterprise, despite lower income, remains that almost all the profit will belong to its owner.

I would also like to note that in winter there is a decline in demand for the production of metal structures. And in order to avoid wasting time in vain, it is necessary to collect as many orders as possible in the fall.

Such orders that will not be urgent. But this trend mainly concerns large-scale production.

As for the profitability of such projects. On average it is 30%

Pros and cons of metal structures production

The main advantage of this type of production is its demand. Structures made from metal have always been and will be popular. Each product will always have its own client.

But small-scale production is also beneficial because it does not require huge investments. In addition, if your business does not work out, you can easily resell the equipment without losing money.

You will not be left in the red, whether your small business works or not.

But in large-scale production you will need huge financial investments. Plus, it’s not so easy to find clients here, especially if you don’t have experience and advertising in this area.

How much money do you need to start?

  • Registration of activities and obtaining permits - 50 thousand rubles;
  • Construction of a production workshop - 800 thousand rubles;
  • Equipment - 5 million rubles;
  • Advertising - 50 thousand rubles.

How to choose equipment for the production of metal structures

Professional equipment is an integral part of production. You can buy it of both foreign and domestic origin. Naturally, domestic devices are cheaper, but also of lower quality. It is best to contact professional companies that directly supply equipment for the production of metal structures.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

According to the decoding of the codes all-Russian classifier, for the production of metal structures, the OKVED code 25.11 is indicated.

What documents are needed to start the production of metal structures?

To organize the production process, the activity must be legalized - registered entity. It is this legal form that allows cooperation with large developers. For registration, the charter of the LLC and the decision of all its founders to open the production of metal structures are submitted to the regulatory authority.

Which tax system should I indicate?

For legal form It is advisable for LLCs to use a simplified taxation system with a rate of 6% or 15%.

Do I need a permit to operate?

The production of metal structures is under the vigilant control of various standards and requirements. That is why the preparation of a package of documents and obtaining permits and licenses should be entrusted to a professional lawyer.

Many people have a desire to produce any product; beginners and experienced craftsmen create metal products with their own hands for sale. Some people come up with some pretty interesting developments.

What can you focus your attention on? How to start manufacturing products from steel and non-ferrous materials? What is in demand today? What products will be in demand in the near future? What tool should you have on hand? There are many questions. It's quite difficult to answer everything. But many potential entrepreneurs will still be concerned about finding their place in the market.

From idea to market

The peculiarities of the market are such that a very small product may be in demand, but large products, into which a lot of thought, work and talent have been invested, will turn out to be unnecessary. There are plenty of paradoxes in free trade.

Still most in demand use hardware.

  1. Nails are bought in kilograms. They are used in construction, the manufacture of other goods, and in the production of packaging.
  2. Self-tapping screws came to replace nails. The advent of cordless screwdrivers has changed construction technologies and furniture production. It is much simpler and easier to assemble any spatial structure using self-tapping screws than to use disposable fasteners.
  3. Screws (bolts) and nuts are fasteners that connect individual parts to each other. The demand is enormous. It is difficult to imagine any production that does not use threaded hardware.
  4. Wire staples are used in conjunction with staplers. Mechanical, electrical and pneumatic staple driving devices are used in all walks of life. A small box of staples is available in any home. The goods do not sit on the shelves.
  5. Blind and threaded rivets with the advent of tools for quickly connecting parts into finished goods help in the production of complex one-piece units. The range of rivets is constantly expanding.
  6. Electrodes for welding are soft steel wire coated with protective compounds. Even ordinary clay on the surface of wire rods allows parts to be welded together using electric arc welding.

To start producing hardware, it is enough to purchase automatic machines, for example, a nailing machine. All that remains is to thread the wire from the next roll into the machine and set it to right size nail. All further work proceeds without human intervention.

To operate the nailing machine, you will have to purchase wire and boxes in which to pack finished products. In the production of nails, one person performs the duties of director, accountant, foreman and auxiliary worker. Everything is in one hand. All that remains is to distribute the goods according to retail outlets and wait for results from its implementation.

The equipment for the production of other hardware is not much more complicated. In a small workshop and even in a garage, entrepreneurs organize completely modern mini-factories that produce in-demand goods.

Those who managed to establish the production of hardware in the early nineties of the last century still continue to produce them. Small factories export staples, nails, screws, screws, bolts and nuts to dozens of countries. Electrodes in trading network are purchased in tons.

What can an amateur manufacturer offer?

When it comes to metal products, many potential manufacturers begin to fantasize about the manufacture of large spatial structures. Others see themselves as blacksmiths, forging intricate fences or steel flowers.

In fact, the list of metal products is quite extensive:

  • Jewelry production. It is not necessary to use precious metals and alloys to create a sought-after product. Most jewelers work with cupronickel, bronze, brass and copper. They decorate their works with pebbles collected from streams and rivers. Jewelry and decorations sell out quite well before major holidays.

  • Cold steel is an interesting line of work. The demand is constant. However, the manufacturer is always under close supervision law enforcement. It is advisable to start making weapons to reconstruct historical events. There is no need for sharp sharpening, just similarity with the prototypes is enough.

  • The production of armor will be in demand in the coming decades. Many clubs are being formed where those who want to get involved in history are looking for manufacturers who can produce ammunition for medieval knights according to the given designs and height of the customer. The price of the products is quite high. While maintaining high quality, the demand is quite high.

  • Manufacturing metal structures for protected ground is quite promising direction activities. Greenhouses and greenhouses, made wisely, are always needed in summer cottages. Even raising livestock in chicken coops on a metal frame is more interesting than traditional methods. Rabbit hutches made from a profile pipe, lined with panels, allow you to raise furry animals quite profitably.

  • Stairs for the home are most often made on the basis of a metal frame. The designs address different ideas for manufacturing staircases and railings. Having mastered the technology of calculation and welding, the master will receive a profession in demand for several decades. Individual construction just picking up the pace. Entrance lobbies and interfloor staircases will be ordered constantly.

  • Metal furniture is in demand outdoors. Various types of benches, benches and tables are used in parks, gardens, dachas and personal plots. These items, after being painted with protective paints, can be left outdoors. They are not afraid of precipitation, temperature changes and other natural disasters. The demand for such products is always stable, especially in spring and summer.

  • Metal gazebos are a rather interesting line of production. Prefabricated and welded structures do not require the use of complex technological equipment. Any craftsman who has mastered the features of using an angle grinder and a welding machine is able to independently weld structural elements. After painting, ready-made fragments are obtained; all that remains is to deliver them to the site and assemble them. The sheet material serves as a roof.

  • A steel swing can take its place near the house. It is based on a metal frame, as well as a swing installed in bearings. The device is simple and can be mastered by a skilled person.

  • Accessories for carpentry and plumbing tools are in demand. Many craftsmen require simple devices, which make it easier to manufacture: hives and components; facades for cabinet furniture; parts for various crafts, – and many other things that home producers use on a daily basis.
  • Rural residents and summer residents will buy gardening tools and tools if the products contain new ideas that reduce labor costs. Conventional rippers or uprooters will be purchased by those who have to work on the land.
  • Agricultural implements for walk-behind tractors and mini-tractors, which are used more than effective ways soil treatment will definitely be assessed and paid for by buyers.

To master the manufacture of a particular product, you can read the relevant books, watch videos and familiarize yourself with step by step guide on the main operations and the tools used.

How to start and grow a business?

You can hear the opinion that to create your own business empire you need significant initial capital. Without it, it is impossible to organize a profitable business. But history proves otherwise. With relatively small investments, gigantic fortunes and enormous production are created:

  1. Henry Ford began building production with one successful engine on a self-running wheelchair. It cost only $50 to not only design and build the first engine from water pipes, as well as carts with steering and brakes. Already during his lifetime (1924), the company produced more than a million cars a year.
  2. Dale Carnegie remained a teacher all his life, but managed to earn more than a billion dollars. He correctly decided on what he had to offer: he taught others how to make money. He earned money himself; his heirs could not count the inheritance for another twenty years.
  3. Michael Rubin started his business at the age of ten, selling seeds. No initial capital. Then he organized the first snow removal company: he hired friends to work and agreed with the neighbors that within an hour there would not be a single snowdrift left near the houses. An enterprising boy at the age of 12 headed small company to restore order. At the age of 14 he had his own store. Today his fortune is estimated at more than $2 billion.
  4. Sergey Brin came to the USA at the age of five and now heads GOOGLE. Anyone who wants to will always find the necessary information about him.

The main thing is not the presence of initial capital, it is important to desire and try to achieve the fulfillment of your desires. You need to put all your time into this and try to find ways for further development even in losses.

There are certain rules that should not be ignored. If you decide to deal with metal and products made from it, you need to decide on the place where the production process will be organized. You will need tools, fixtures and raw materials.

At the initial stage, non-mass production is organized, they start with the first experimental models, on which demand is tested, the limit price of the proposed sample and the wishes of potential customers are determined.

It's time to consider some areas of activity.

Jewelry production

It is not necessary to use precious metals in your work. Copper, bronze, brass and cupronickel look quite attractive. These metals can be cast into special molds to create original products.

Stable demand among buyers for products made by weaving. Various chains, brooches, necklaces and bracelets are jewelry in which openwork wire weaves create unique designs. Having mastered the complex technology of creating spatial structures, the master will acquire a circle of people willing to buy his products. In the future, a transition to the use of silver and gold as raw materials is possible.

Jewelry manufacturing technology using casting method

To familiarize yourself with the features, you need to look at the proposed photos and explanations for them.

For foundry production on the table you will need:

  • A flask is a device into which blanks are cast. It creates a mold for future casting.
  • Container for preparing molding sand. Here different types of gypsum are mixed and mixed with water.
  • Device for centrifugal casting. Most often, this is a special chain suspension that is untwisted to force the foundry mixture to fill the mold with a certain force.
  • Tool for grinding cast metals.
  • Gas burners - they are used to heat the flasks, molding mixtures and melt the metal.
  • Devices for making models. In the production of rings, cylindrical supports of different diameters are used.

For spatial and flat models, boards are used, on which the model mixture is placed and the model is cut out;

  • Sets of cutters - they are used to cut out the design of the future product.
  • Grinding tools for processing models and castings: files, needle files, sandpaper, drills and other abrasive tools.

To perform casting you need to have:

  1. Foundry mixture - if there is copper and lead, then mixing them in different proportions, bronze is obtained. By mixing electrical copper and tin, brass is obtained. Old nickel silver products can become raw materials for the manufacture of silverware. Some craftsmen purchase brass fittings, cut them and cast their products;
  2. Molding sand is a special product that uses fine sand mixed with gypsum. Ordinary building plaster will not work; the shape and size of the grains will not allow you to repeat a complex and small pattern;
  3. Modeling wax is a plastic structure from which complex surfaces are cut. This material, slightly heated, can be glued in the right places. Beginning craftsmen use paraffin from candles. Simple models can be cut from cheap raw materials, but the quality will be low.

Information: Carl Faberge began making bronze jewelry. At first he cast medals and cigarette cases. Only after mastering the technology did he begin to use silver, gold, platinum and aluminum in his work.

Attention! When preparing foundry mixtures independently using lead, tin, zinc, antimony and others heavy metals Exhaust devices should be provided to remove vapors.

Step-by-step guide to making a brass ring

Attention! Lost wax casting technology. It received this name because after pouring the molding mixture and its hardening, the model wax is melted out. It doesn't stay inside at all.

There is also a method of casting using burnt models. In them, the model is made of polystyrene foam. When molten metal is poured, the model is burned out.

The work begins with preparing the wax mass. It is heated. At a temperature of 62…65 ⁰С the wax melts. Heat a little higher, to about 70 ⁰C, so that it remains in the molten state longer.

Wax is applied to the surface of a template of a certain diameter. A good craftsman usually has a set of templates so that he can make rings for different clients. The minimum size is 12 mm and the maximum is 28 mm.

Subsequently, all work on preparing the model is carried out on the surface of the template. The wax is cut to the shape of the future product. A pattern is formed on the main surface.

If the stone needs to be secured in the future, small tendrils are created on the model. They will hold the stone on the front surface of the ring.

The template allows you to work without the master touching the wax with his hands. Therefore, there are no fingerprints left on the surface. Having a set of cutters, skilled craftsmen cut out a convex or concave design. This is how signet rings are made.

When developing the model, it is agreed upon with the customer. Then the exact product approved in the order will be manufactured. Sometimes a master makes not one, but several models. Subsequently, one or more are selected to be cast from metal. The work is quite complex, so this stage of work is negotiated and paid for separately. Each new model is a new product that the master spends time on.

Attention! You can design a product in 3D modeling programs and make a model using a 3D printer.

After all the elements of the future product have been worked out, the model is removed from the mandrel. A gating system needs to be manufactured. It will be needed for subsequent metal pouring. Ensure that there is sufficient volume for the melted mass. There should be plenty of it.

Ordinary plasticine is used as the basis for making a sprue. Filling is done through at least two holes. One is molded, and the second serves as a vent - air outlet. It is correct to place them at different heights. Thick wire is used to create holes.

The rods are slightly heated before installing the model. Then she sits down easier. They try to make the casting hole lower, and the projection a little higher. Its filling will occur with the reverse movement of the metal at the moment the space is filled.

The flask is put on the gating system. A tight installation will not allow the molding sand to leak.

Inside the flask you can see that the model does not touch the walls of the flask anywhere. There will be no deformation of the product when pouring.

The molding mixture is mixed with water. A solution is obtained that must be poured into the flask.

When pouring, it is advisable to place the investment ring on a vibrating table. Then air bubbles will be removed from the poured mass. The absence of bubbles will make it possible to obtain a durable shape without defects. It remains to wait until the gypsum present in the mold hardens.

The gating system is removed from the flask. Now the wires responsible for pouring the metal are visible.

Remove the wire. There will be access for metal through small holes. But for now there is a model inside. It is surrounded on all sides by the frozen molding mixture. When removing the wire, try to act carefully so as not to damage the workpiece.

After removing all the auxiliary elements, the mold begins to warm up and wax is removed from it. The flask is turned upside down. Place it on a dish where the wax will flow out.

When the wax comes out, a cavity is formed inside for the metal. Filling by centrifugal injection molding is provided. A special device in the form of a box and chain is used. The flask will have to be rotated by hand so that, under the influence of centrifugal force, the metal penetrates more fully into the most distant spaces of the form.

Heating is carried out in a device for centrifugal casting.

Attention! At home, other injection molding methods are also used. Many jewelers use potato halves. When there is molten metal, the flask is covered with a potato and pressed against the flask with force. Below, the high temperature is over 800…900 ⁰С. Moisture evaporates from the surface of the potato. The resulting steam presses on the molten metal with its pressure. It penetrates into the most remote parts of the form.

When all free moisture has evaporated from the mold and a temperature close to the melting point of the metal being poured has been reached (about 850 ⁰C), pieces of brass (nickel silver, copper, bronze or other material) are placed on the sprue part.

The molten metal flows into the mold. Now you need to force it inside. They begin to unwind the device for centrifugal casting. Craftsmen using steam apply potatoes and wait for the steam to push the metal inside.

It doesn't take long to turn (about two minutes). The fluidity of the metal decreases quickly. You need to wait until the product hardens inside the mold. The temperature difference between the device and the surrounding air is high, so after 5...8 minutes the casting will become solid.

You can destroy the plaster and remove it from the flask by waiting for it to cool. This is what they do when casting gold products. If mold particles cool quickly, they can damage the soft metal.

In cold water, within a few seconds the mold will collapse and the product will be released. It's easy to get.

The casting shows the remains of the gating system. Use pliers to cut off the excess. They can be reused. When using expensive metal, use a jigsaw to saw through the sprues.

The immediately cast part looks unattractive. It is treated with sandpaper and polished. Gives a marketable appearance. If necessary, the drawing is refined using pens, giving it an even greater convexity. Skilled craftsmen apply a fine mesh, which will enhance the texture effect.

The size is being finalized. After casting, it is possible to reduce the diameter of the ring. You can simply grind off the excess inside with files or needle files. More often they use mandrels (a tool made from hard material of a given size, for example, balls from a bearing), which are driven through the holes.

Using polishing wheels, the surface is processed and a high-quality product is obtained.

Products containing copper are treated with sulfur. It helps you see the depth of the drawing. The easiest way is to use sulfur ointment purchased at a pharmacy.

By firing at a temperature of 250...280 ⁰C, the oil evaporates. The sulfur film settles in the depressions. Excess on convex areas is removed by polishing using polishing pastes.

The finished metal product is examined for defects. If they are not there, then you can give them to the customer and receive payment for the completed order.

Video: decorative elements made of metal.

Other types of own production for profit

By studying step-by-step technologies, you can master several different professions in the manufacture of metal goods.

The issues of individual production are quite interesting. For an active person, a direction will always be found, which in the future will become the work of life.

IN modern conditions, when the market is overflowing with mass-produced goods, products begin to be in increasing demand self made. Specialized departments and entire shops or salons are beginning to appear in cities, selling exclusive items made by master craftsmen. If you want to give someone an unusual gift, the best option There will be metal products made with your own hands, although there are many other souvenirs in the hand-made style.

Handmade exclusive

Execution techniques can be so diverse that the range of products amazes even the most experienced person. Most often, such souvenirs are purchased for interior decoration or as a gift. You can buy or order the following items:

Products can be made using the following techniques:

  • decoupage;
  • ceramics;
  • artistic forging and casting;
  • fusing;
  • batik;
  • Crochet;
  • beading;
  • embroidery.

It all depends on the imagination and technical equipment and skills of the authors. Among customers with large financial capabilities, they are especially popular art products made of metal.

Areas of application

Items made using artistic casting and forging techniques are used to decorate elements in various fields design:

  • architecture;
  • furniture;
  • sculpture;
  • cornices;
  • staircase balusters;
  • fireplaces, stoves, barbecues;
  • costume jewelry and jewelry.

Decorative items made of metal effectively complement any interior, giving it a certain chic and luxurious style.

Types of decorations

Do you want to learn how to make metal products with your own hands? Photos of such objects fascinate with their beauty. All things look very elegant, and most importantly, they retain the warmth of the author’s hands. That is why such products are quite expensive. True connoisseurs of style are willing to pay well for something exclusive.

You can make various metal products with your own hands. The following techniques are used to process this material:

The items that can be made using these methods are very diverse. Masters do:

  • bracelets;
  • earrings;
  • rings;
  • pendants;
  • belts;
  • caskets;
  • flowers;
  • decorative vases;
  • interior decorations;
  • elegant plates for fruits or sweets.

Making metal products with your own hands is quite simple. The main thing is to know the stages of the process and have necessary equipment. Complex items require a lot of time and expensive equipment to produce, but some souvenirs can be made from almost nothing. It all depends on what you are going to do this for. If you choose artistic treatment metal like a sphere professional activity, then you should be patient and realize that some financial investment will be required. To make simple but original gifts for friends, relatives and acquaintances, you only need desire and perseverance.

Manufacturing technologies

You can easily create it yourself. Photos of drawings and process stages will help you with this. Carrying out artistic work involves stages of shaping, processing and finishing. Making things, as already mentioned, occurs in different ways.

  • Casting refers to the filling of a mold with a liquid alloy.
  • Forging is the plastic processing of a material with a hammer, a press, as well as bending, twisting, and chopping.
  • Bending is a simple type of the previous option, performed by riveting or welding parts of the product.
  • Defining is a method of processing a thin, no more than 2 mm, sheet of metal with hammer blows, thanks to which it acquires the required configuration.
  • Separate elements are prepared by stamping and cutting and holes are made.
  • Filigree is made from twisted or smooth, sometimes flattened copper, silver, and rarely gold wire. The curved parts of the patterns are soldered.
  • When minting, a relief pattern is obtained using stamps or special tools that are placed between the hammer and the product.

Drawings of metal products can be done manually or in special programs on a computer. Three-dimensional modeling allows you to make not only a regular drawing, but also to build a three-dimensional model of the future product. It makes it possible to see appearance things, including in the interior, long before its actual appearance. In this case, it is possible to adjust the parameters of the product without the material costs of re-manufacturing it.

from an aluminum can

Even a schoolchild can make the most basic metal thing. The main thing is that this will require practically nothing except time, hard work, imagination and the desire to create. You can make a beautiful box from an ordinary soda can.

Materials and equipment

The raw materials for production, one might say, are lying under your feet on the street. You will also need the following items:

  • sandpaper (skin);
  • sharp scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • ball pen;
  • solid base no larger than A4 format (depending on the size of the box);
  • sheet of paper for the diagram.


At the first stage, the layer of paint is removed from the can using It is better to do this from an unopened container, since its walls remain elastic under the influence of the contents. The process will go faster and you won't ruin the metal. If you use an empty one, be careful not to crush the can.

In the next step, you need to obtain a thin sheet of aluminum from the blank, the size of the reamer of the future box.

To do this, the can is cut.

Sharp and uneven edges are removed.

At the next stage, the edges and sides of the product are marked.

A thin metal sheet is placed on a solid base.

The diagram of the box can be drawn directly on a metal sheet.

Or you can trace a sketch made in advance on paper.

When the layout of the box is ready, we proceed directly to drawing the drawing. This is done using a ballpoint pen or a sharpened pencil. Please note that you will have to trace the patterns several times on both sides. This will make the design more decorative and convex.

You yourself were able to see that it is very easy to make products from thin sheet metal. You may well be able to try your hand at this. You can make not only boxes in this way, but anything that comes to mind.

How to turn a hobby into a small business

Making such exclusive gifts can also be a profitable business. You can sell crafts through advertisements or recommendations from friends. If there is a salon in your city that accepts souvenirs, you can donate them there. It is quite profitable today to create metal products with your own hands. They can be put up for sale on many specialized websites. Such online sites are easy to find. The “Masters Fair” works well, but you can use other services.

How to sell your crafts online

If you decide to opt for online trading, then take into account that the operating principle of all stores is the same:

  1. You register as a craftsman who sells items.
  2. Fill out your profile.
  3. Exhibit your work.
  4. You come to an agreement with the customer.
  5. He pays for the goods.
  6. You deliver.

There you can display both finished items and take orders. It is very important to choose the right product category, come up with its description, and choose a high-quality image. Be sure to write a caption for the photo and indicate that you make metal products with your own hands. We accept exclusive items for sale that can easily be sent by courier or by mail to the customer. Items should not contain very thin or fragile items that could break during transportation. If such parts are available, you must provide high-quality packaging so that the product reaches the client in its original form. After all, every mistake can significantly affect your image. Try to complete all decorative metal products with high quality and on time. Good customer reviews play an important role in this line of work. This way you can turn your favorite activity into a source of income.


So, as you understand, it is quite easy to make metal products with your own hands. This type of activity would be an excellent hobby option. Also, your friends and family will be the happy owners of exclusive gifts. In addition, by offering samples for sale, you will create an image of a good craftsman and be able to make a profit.

Of course, the production of metal structures is not the easiest thing. But it is quite profitable and in demand. When drawing up a business plan, you should prepare for the fact that the investments will be very large. Most likely, one person will not be able to start a business from scratch. It is worth thinking about looking for investments.

Investments in business

Naturally, you must first register your business. It will take about 50 thousand rubles to collect documentation for this particular type of business. This is not the most small investment in the production of metal structures.

Own business: production of metal structures

Next you will need a room. The workshop cannot be less than 250 square meters. This area is necessary to accommodate all the machines, apparatus, as well as various utility rooms. Building a new plant costs differently in different areas. On average, you can meet 600-900 thousand rubles. This indicator is very conditional.

You need to think about finding employees in advance. You will need a staff of at least 30 people. Workers must be professionals in their field, have extensive experience and seniority.

The biggest investment item in the business is equipment for the production of metal structures. You can order it from both domestic and foreign companies. The first option is cheaper, but the quality is only slightly inferior to the second. You will have to invest no less than 6-7 million rubles. That's why it's worth considering attracting outside investment.

This applies only to large and massive enterprises, in particular, the production of building metal structures. It is difficult and sometimes completely impossible to produce this type of product in a small factory. That is why, before organizing production, you need to decide what you will sell.

And of course, you cannot do without the material from which this or that part or structure will ultimately be made. You can also purchase material at a low price at scrap metal collection points. Usually, for wholesale purchases, sellers provide solid discounts. This concerns mostly private points, because state enterprises Rarely do they sell wholesale quantities of material.

In total, initial payments include:

  1. documentation,
  2. room,
  3. equipment,
  4. advertising,
  5. material.

Despite the fact that the supply market is not very large, competition exists. In order for the buyer to notice you, you need to spend money on advertising. This can be either a television commercial or information on the radio. Ideally, have your own website on the Internet, where not only services and prices will be described, but there will also be photographs of the finished product.

An additional expense item may be your own vehicle fleet. If you plan to deliver your products to customers yourself for a certain price, then you cannot do without technology.

The production of light metal structures is quite viable even in a small area. If you are going to sell forged gratings, fences and other small structures, then you can do this on your personal plot, for example. Then the costs will only cost you the construction of a premises, registration of an individual entrepreneur, purchase of a welding machine and a couple of special non-production machines. At the same time, finding clients is quite easy. You can make an offer of cooperation to companies that provide funeral services, as well as to small sales firms. Advertising can be launched on the Internet. You may need a Gazelle-type car from your own equipment.

Whatever kind of production you start - large-scale or small-scale, you need to draw up your own business project, as well as calculate investments (taking into account all the features of your region), study the market and evaluate your strengths.

In order not to work at a loss by creating unclaimed standard structures, it is worth setting up the production of metal structures to order. This option will allow you to work at a good pace, increasing your profits. This type of work is universal for this type of business (be it a large plant or a small private enterprise).

Revenues, profitability, profit

You shouldn't expect quick profits. It takes time to start a business, and it takes time for money to start falling into your piggy bank. For large production, this period can be from 3-5 months. Small things can bring profit almost immediately - the main thing is to find your customers, get orders, and work to your advantage.

A large plant should look for buyers even before starting the business. When all the equipment has been purchased, installed, working, and staffed, you can start searching. It is logical to look for construction companies (large, medium, small) that will be customers for certain types of structures. This will allow you to make a profit almost from the start of the business.

The monthly net profit of a large enterprise can reach about 300 thousand rubles. The figure is very arbitrary. A small business is somewhat more modest in income. It is difficult to give an average figure; everything depends on the pace of work and the availability of stable orders. It can be either 30 thousand a month or 70. The advantage of a small enterprise is that monthly expenses are much lower, which allows you to keep almost all of the profit for yourself.

It is also worth knowing that the production of metal structures is usually not in demand in winter. In order not to sit idle during this period, not to let things stand still, it is necessary to collect the maximum number of orders in the fall. Ideally, those orders that are not very urgent. This will allow the plant to operate all winter. This applies to a greater extent to large-scale production.

The profitability of the project can reach 20-35%.

Pros and cons of this business

The biggest advantage of this type of business is that it is a sought-after business. Metal structures have always been, are and will be needed. For each subtype of manufactured product there is a buyer.

In the modern world it is so large that it is difficult to find an industry in which they are not used. Metal structures are the basis of any industrial production and are often in demand in agricultural areas.
The production association Remstoymash LLC, located in the city of Kurgan, has extensive experience in the production of metal structures of any complexity. The organization began its activities in 68 of the last century. The specialists of the association know very well what kind of metal structures there are, their purpose and application.
The company produces a wide range of metal structures that are in demand. These include:

  • Prefabricated metal structures of low weight;
  • Non-standard metal structures;
  • Equipment for gas stations and gas stations;
  • Various types of industrial equipment.

The most popular metal structures and the advantages of their use

With all the variety of metal products, it should be noted which metal structures are in demand. Practical steel profiles have become the undoubted leaders. They are the basis for the construction of all construction projects for any purpose. These could be warehouse complexes, residential buildings or industrial enterprises.
When using metal structures in construction, the cost of constructed objects is approximately 30% cheaper than using other materials. Construction time in this case is also significantly reduced.
The high loads to which large structures are subjected require the use of more powerful steel structures. Accordingly, the demand for time-tested metal elements produced by classical methods does not fall. These can be columns, I-beams and reinforced channels, made by welding, stamping or casting. These powerful elements form the basis of structures to which lighter structures are attached and supported.
Well made metal constructions suitable for both standard projects, and for non-standard orders. When used, the structure is provided with a high degree of reliability. Steel structures assembled directly on construction site, convenient for transportation. They do not require special equipment to transport them, and they do not take up much space. At the construction site, assembling metal structures does not require much time; they are easy to install.

Types of metal structures and their purpose

To ensure exact matching of parts during installation, special equipment is used during their manufacture. Frames and metal structures used in construction are made from steel or rolled steel. The introduction of modern production technologies contributed to the establishment of production large assortment standard assembly kits.
When ordering products in this form, the time for design and construction work is significantly reduced, and approval procedures with RosTechNadzor authorities are simplified.
In addition to those metal structures that are most often in demand, the production association is engaged in the manufacture of capacitive and reservoir equipment. Such equipment can also be made according to standard or individual orders. Metal structures of this type have been developed and used mainly in the oil and gas and petrochemical industries.
In addition, capacitive equipment is used in other areas, these can be:

  • Drainage systems;
  • Containers for various liquids;
  • Capacitive devices of any shape;
  • Receivers;
  • Various tanks.

The structures have single-wall and double-wall buildings. Depending on the purpose, the necessary coating is applied. Depending on the type of installation, they can be installed vertically or horizontally.
Heat exchange equipment has also become in demand today in various industries. This type of device is also manufactured at the production association Remstoymash LLC. High quality heat exchangers produced at the enterprise guarantees good performance throughout the entire service life.
The company's engineers have developed original circuits for filtering equipment that is produced at the enterprise. They allow you to capture solid inclusions as small as 0.2 microns. In addition to the production of filters for liquids, the association has established the production of filter systems for gas purification.
Quality management and implementation innovative technologies V production processes allow the association to maintain selling prices for its products at a low level. Factory production lines are systematically modernized without stopping work processes.
The new technologies being introduced make it possible to produce high-quality products that meet all necessary requirements and reduce production time.

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