Report on the practice of ranhigs gmu. Practice report: State and municipal management as a specialty of higher professional education

Report on educational practice in the direction 38.03.04 "State and municipal government» the passing VK RB in the Oktyabrsky district of the city of UlaREPORT
Is done by a student
Groups 8401
Ivanov Nikita Sergeevich.

Purpose, tasks, object, subject of practice
The purpose of passing industrial practice is anchoring
theoretical knowledge and practical skills for the future
professional activity.
Main goal: ensuring complete and high-quality staffing
conscripted human resources of the Armed Forces Russian Federation.
1) ensuring the fulfillment of military obligations by citizens
2) documenting information military registration about citizens
registered in the military
3) carrying out planned work to prepare the required number of military-trained citizens.
Practice object:
Subject of practice:

Organization structure
Department of the Military Commissariat for the Republic of Buryatia in the Oktyabrsky district of Ulan-Ude
is a complex, branched system, consisting of several departments,
each of which has its own functions.
1. Department of conscription
Main function:
Conscription of citizens for military service
2. Department of mobilization
Main function:
Interaction with local government authorities on
issues of mobilization readiness.
3. Secret Part
Main functions:
Doing business, recording and storing archival materials, preparing and submitting them to archival
Participation in the development and implementation of measures to ensure the regime
4. Pension department
Main function:
Timely appointment and recalculation of pensions, organization of its payment to pensioners and
their families

Department head
Secret part

Analysis of the activity of the object of practice
My practice took place in the conscription department. The activities of this department are
conducting and developing activities related to conscription, initial placement on
military registration, notification and search of citizens.
The conscription department consists of: the head of the department, the senior assistant,
assistant. Responsibilities:
- the head of the department must put the conscripts on the military register, deal with all
issues of conscription, non-military training, selection and assignment to DOSAAF for
education, the selection of teachers of the Allied Forces in schools, to deal with issues of educational material base in schools, issues of recruiting citizens for military service under the contract.
- senior assistant is responsible for office work of the department, correspondence with organizations,
work with classified documents, work with forms strict accountability, reporting
departments, formation and escort of teams of conscripts to the assembly point,
combining the duties of the head of the department in his absence.
- the assistant processes the test results of conscripts, candidates for contract service and
officers, makes recommendations for each recruit and candidate, deals with
search and notification of citizens.

At the end of the practice period, we can conclude: In connection with the experience gained,
The practice was useful and educational. During the internship it was
done enough a large number of instructions.
During the internship in the Department of the Higher Commissariat of the Republic of Belarus for the Oktyabrsky district of Ulan-Ude
have been identified the following aspects organization's activities. The work of the Department of the VK RB on
Oktyabrsky district of Ulan-Ude is regulated by many regulatory documents. It is worth noting that during the internship I was
The specifics of the work of the conscription department
Working with a file of personal files
Work with personal affairs
Conversation with citizens subject to conscription
Work with office documents of office work
Work with official documents on the computer.
Also during the internship, the following tasks were completed:
obtaining knowledge and skills in the workplace; structure study;
By performing these tasks, the main goal of the practice was achieved - this
consolidating theoretical knowledge and gaining practical skills for the future
professional activity.

The practice in gmu, which is required before writing the work, causes conflicting feelings among students. On the one hand, there is an opportunity to feel the atmosphere of a graduation project in a team, to find out your chances in this specialty.

On the other hand, you should write "to gmu". And actually his writing will be decisive when setting a mark in the student's record book. Surely this is somewhat biased as there is little consideration of professional skills, but nothing can be done about it.

In fact, a report on practice at any plant, in any company is drawn up in approximately the same way. The practice report consists of 3 main parts.

  1. . IN this section it is necessary to provide information related directly to the company - its history, structure, direction of the main activities, form of ownership, and so on.
  2. Main part. As a result, several sections need to be described here. First of all, there is an analysis of your work, completed activities. Secondly, theoretical questions are analyzed from the perspective of their practical application, which, later, will be covered in dip. Project.
  3. . In this section, the practice report covers your personal understanding of the positive and negative aspects of the company's diploma, proposals for the reorganization of production, other criticisms and wishes.

There are other types of practices - introductory or, for example, production. Of course, that in this case will be slightly different. But not the structure, but the coverage of the reflected material.

Ministry Agriculture Russian Federation

Department of Science and Technology Policy and Education

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher education

"TORasnoyarsk State Agrarian University"

Institute of Economics and Finance of the Agroindustrial Complex

Department of "State and municipal management"


on educational practice at the department

"State and municipal administration"

Institute of Economics and Finance of the AIC

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University

Krasnoyarsk 201_

Introduction 3

  1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University”…………………………………………………4
  2. Fundamentals of state and municipal government 5


2.2. State civil and municipal service in the Russian Federation 7

Conclusion 9

Bibliographic list 10

Applications 11

The work is a report on educational practice on the basis of the department "State and municipal management" of the Institute of Economics and Finance of the AIC, FGBOU VO "Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University" in the period from 1 to 14 July.

The objectives of the educational practice:

  • to form an idea of ​​the future professional activity;
  • to consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained in the process of studying general professional disciplines;
  • learn how to use the acquired knowledge in situations requiring management decisions.

In accordance with the designated goal, the following tasks were set:

  • to consolidate and deepen the knowledge and practical skills acquired by students in the study of basic and profile disciplines within the curriculum;
  • learn the basics of organization learning activities at the university;
  • to study the legal documentation in the system of state and municipal government;
  • master modern technologies search and selection of literature in the framework of future professional activities

The work demonstrates the knowledge gained in the process of studying the following regulatory legal acts of the Charter of FGBOU HPE "KrasSAU", the Constitution of the Russian Federation; Federal Law No. 131 "On general principles organizations of local self-government in the Russian Federation”; Federal Law No. 79 “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”; Federal Law No. 25 "On municipal service in the Russian Federation", "European Charter of Local Self-Government".

1. Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University

The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University" was established in 1952 as an agricultural institute in the mountains. Krasnoyarsk.

Location of the University: 660049, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk, Prospekt Mira, 90.

Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University today is 17 institutes (of which 10 are educational), 71 departments, 20392 students. 523 people, 361 graduate students (including 215 full-time students) study under the master's programs, 1313 teachers and employees work. About 70% of students receive education on a budgetary basis. Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University includes: 2 branches (Achinsk, Abakan), The educational center training and advanced training of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Tyva (Kyzyl), 6 representative offices (Kansk, Minusinsk, Dudinka, Shushenskoye, Taimyr, Zaozerny), three educational farms (Minderlinskoe experimental field UNPK "Borsky" and UOOH "Ezagash") (Appendix 1).

The mission of the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University is to create a new generation of highly qualified specialists in the agro-industrial complex, leaders in innovation, production and entrepreneurial activity, scientific and professional elite for the benefit of the socio-economic development of the Siberian region and the country as a whole. The mission is based on three basic principles: elite, focus on the development of the agro-industrial complex of Siberia and other regions of the Russian Federation; International activity.

Working time of KrasSAU employees is the time during which an employee, in accordance with the rules of internal work schedule and conditions employment contract must fulfill labor obligations, as well as other periods of time, which, in accordance with Labor Code and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation refer to working time.

For employees of the University engaged in teaching activities, a reduced working time is set - 36 hours per week and an extended annual paid leave of 56 calendar days.

In general, KrasSAU is an innovative, educational, scientific, methodological and consulting center of the agrarian education system of the East Siberian region of Russia.

2. Fundamentals of state and municipal government

2.1. Regulatory framework of state and municipal government

The Constitution is a single legal act adopted by the people or on behalf of the people, which establishes the foundations of the constitutional order, the federal structure of the state and the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation. The constitution was adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993. It consists of a preamble and two sections. The first section consists of 9 chapters, the second section - final and transitional provisions.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes the foundations of the constitutional order, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the federal structure, the status of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly, the Government of the Russian Federation, the judiciary and local self-government.

Since I am studying in the direction of “State and Municipal Administration”, the entire Constitution is important to me, but it would be advisable to consider Chapter 8 of the Constitution - local self-government.

Chapter 8 defines the foundations of local self-government (LSG), establishes that it provides an independent solution by the population of issues of local importance. LSG is carried out by citizens through a referendum, elections, and other forms of direct expression of will. This chapter formulates the basic principles of local self-government and its guarantees.

Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131 "On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" (consists of 12 chapters), in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, establishes general legal, territorial, organizational and economic principles organizations of local self-government in the Russian Federation, determines state guarantees for its implementation.

The European Charter of Local Self-Government (Strasbourg, 15 October 1985) is the most important multilateral document that defines the fundamental principles for the functioning of local self-government. The Charter is an international treaty, therefore, it has a declarative character in relation to the national legislation of each of the states that have signed and ratified it. Consists of a preamble and three parts.

The subject of regulation of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79 "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" (consists of 17 chapters) are relations related to the entry into the state civil service of the Russian Federation, its passage and termination, as well as the definition legal status public civil servants of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law of March 2, 2007 No. 25 "On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation" (consisting of 10 chapters) established the general principles of organization municipal service and the basis of the legal status of municipal employees in the Russian Federation.

All of the above normative legal acts form the basis of state and municipal government.

2.2. State civil service and municipal service in the Russian Federation

State and municipal employees current legislation- citizens of Russia who carry out professional service activities (perform professional duties) in their positions in the state or municipal service and receive monetary support (remuneration, allowance) for this from the budget of the corresponding level. The concept of a civil servant is defined by the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79 “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”, a municipal employee is defined by the Federal Law of March 2, 2007 No. 25 “On the Municipal Service in the Russian Federation”.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18, who speak the state language of the Russian Federation and meet the qualification requirements, have the right to enter the civil and municipal service. The admission of a citizen to the civil or municipal service to fill the position of the civil (municipal) service or the replacement of a civil (municipal) employee with another position of the civil (municipal) service is carried out according to the results of the competition.

Termination of state and municipal service is possible upon reaching the age limit, expiration of the service contract, withdrawal from the citizenship of the Russian Federation, failure to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed on employees.

The duties of a civil servant include: to comply with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; perform official duties in accordance with the official regulations; to carry out the instructions of the relevant managers, given within their authority; respect the rights and legitimate interests citizens and organizations; comply with the official regulations of the state body; maintain the level of qualification and others. Municipal employees have similar duties, only they are carried out at the level of local self-government.

There is a relationship between the civil and municipal service, which is ensured through:

1) the unity of the basic qualification requirements for civil service positions and municipal service positions;

2) the unity of restrictions and obligations in the course of civil and municipal service;

3) unity of requirements for professional training, retraining and advanced training of civil and municipal employees;

4) accounting for the length of service of the municipal service when calculating the length of service in the civil service and the length of service in the civil service when calculating the length of service in the municipal service;

5) the correlation of the main conditions of remuneration and social guarantees civil and municipal employees;

6) the correlation of the main conditions for the state pension provision of citizens who have served in the civil service, and citizens who have served in the municipal service, and their families in the event of loss of a breadwinner.

The state and municipal service are similar in terms of the principles of organization, functions, goals and objectives, professional requirements to staffing and regulation legal status state and municipal employees. However, the civil service is carried out by citizens in the state authorities of the Russian Federation and its subjects, and the municipal service is carried out in local governments, which are not included in the system of state authorities.


As a result of the training and familiarization practice, the following goals were achieved:

– formed an idea of ​​the future professional activity;

– the theoretical knowledge obtained in the process of studying general professional disciplines was consolidated;

– use the acquired knowledge used in situations requiring management decisions.

A number of tasks have been completed:

  • The knowledge and practical skills obtained in the study of basic and profile disciplines within the framework of the curriculum were consolidated and deepened;
  • studied the basics of organizing educational activities at the university;
  • Studied legal acts in the system of state and municipal government

Bibliographic list

  1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation [ Electronic resource] : dated December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ. – Access mode: (accessed 07/11/2015)
  2. Charter of FGBOU VPO "KrasGAU" [Electronic resource]: Approved by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of May 25, 2011 No. 76-u. – Access mode: (accessed 11.07.2015).
  3. On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]: Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ. – Access mode: (accessed 07/11/2015).
  4. On the municipal service in the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]: Federation Federal Law of the Russian Federation of March 2, 2007 No. 25-FZ. – Access mode: (accessed 07/11/2015).
  5. On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]: Federal Law of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ. – Access mode: (accessed 07/11/2015)
  6. The Constitution of the Russian Federation [Text]: adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993: (subject to amendments made by the laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2008 No. 6-FKZ, No. 7-FKZ) / / M .: Astrel , 2012. - 63 p.
  7. European Charter of Local Self-Government [Electronic resource]: Strasbourg, October 15, 1985 - Access mode: (accessed 07/11/2015).

Annex 1

71 departments

Report on the educational practice of the department “State and municipal management” updated: July 31, 2017 by: Scientific Articles.Ru





Course work

"State and municipal management as a specialty of higher professional education"

Completed by a student

Faculty of State Medical University


Scientific director


Introduction………………………………………………………………………………. 3

1. State structure and management………………………………………. 5

1.1 State structure modern Russia…………………………. 5

1.2 State functions, tasks and methods government controlled… 7

2. State and municipal administration: about the present and future of the specialty…………………………………………………………………………. 9

2.1 Formation of the specialty of the State Medical University……………………………………………. 9

2.2. Formation of the specialty “State and municipal management” within the framework of higher professional education…………...13

3 .Requirements for the training of a specialist and his activities…………..20

3.2 Requirements for specialist training………………………………………….23

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………… 25

References………………………………………………………………… 26


It will not be a big exaggeration to say that the quality of public administration is determined primarily by the quality personnel employees of management bodies, the stock they have professional knowledge and the ability to apply them in their work.

At the same time, the professionalism of people employed in public service implies not so much the so-called “industry” knowledge, but rather knowledge and understanding of the mechanisms of interaction between the state, society and individual citizens during the period of radical replacement of all previously existing ones with new ones. Understanding the need to organize work state apparatus in a new way led to the introduction of such social institution as a public service.

In order to more quickly become modern, corresponding to Russian realities public service back in 1991, it was decided to create a system of specialized educational institutions(personnel centers, subsequently transformed into regional academies of the civil service), the main task of which was the training, retraining and advanced training of state and municipal employees.

A little later, at the beginning of 1992, the specialty “state and municipal management” was introduced into the classifier of specialties of higher professional education.

The relevance of the chosen topic is due to all of the above and a special role in the modern, increasingly complex world of management science - management - and specialists in this profession - managers.

Management is necessary at any level: enterprise, bank, educational institution, hospital, state, city, etc.

Accordingly, this can be production, financial, social, state, municipal and other management.

It has long been known that a bad manager can short time lead the enterprise to bankruptcy, and a talented manager to success. The same applies to the city. Running a modern city is no easier than running the largest industrial enterprise. Management as a science of management is closely related to economics. The largest capitalist firms employ professional economists and managers and train managers in university centers. Without modern knowledge in the field of economics and management, effective management is impossible.

TO modern manager extremely high requirements. He must understand the issues of economics, politics, finance, law, human psychology, be able to work in a team, clearly and logically express and defend his thoughts, know the specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis professional activity well, be a comprehensively developed, civilized, cultured person. For a city (municipal) manager, work with people, with the population, is of particular importance. After all, city government exists for the benefit of the people and can only function effectively with the support of the population. The task of future managers is to be at the height of modern


Therefore, the goal term paper a detailed study of the state structure and management, the formation of the specialty “State and municipal administration” within the framework of higher professional education, the requirements for training a specialist and his types of activities.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set: to study:

State structure of modern Russia

Functions of the state, tasks and methods of public administration

Formation of the specialty “State and municipal management” within the framework of higher professional education

Directions and types of activities of a specialist

Specialist training requirements

1. State structure and management

1.1 The state structure of modern Russia

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted at a national referendum in 1993, Russia is a democratic federal constitutional state with a republican form of government (Article 1).

Man, his rights and freedoms are the highest value. Recognition, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen is the duty of the state (Article 2). The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people (clause 1 of article 3). the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws have supremacy throughout the territory of the Russian Federation (clause 2 of article 4).

Russian Federation - welfare state, whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure decent life and the free development of man (paragraph 1 of article 7).

The Russian Federation recognizes ideological and political diversity and a multi-party system. No ideology can be established as a state or obligatory one (Article 13).

The Russian Federation is a secular state. No religion can be established as a state or obligatory one (clause 1 of article 14).

State power in the Russian Federation is exercised on the basis of division into legislative, executive and judicial. Legislative, executive and judicial authorities are independent.

The federal bodies of state power are the President

Russian Federation, Federal Assembly (Federation Council and State Duma), Government of the Russian Federation, courts of the Russian Federation (Article 10). Other articles of the Constitution set out the functions, powers and procedure for the formation of each of these bodies. State power in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is exercised by the bodies of state power formed by them (clause 2 of article 10).

As a federal state, the Russian Federation consists of 89 subjects of the federation. They are republics (21), territories (6), regions (49), cities of federal significance (Moscow and St. Petersburg), autonomous region (Jewish), autonomous regions (10) - article 65. All subjects of the Russian Federation are equal (p. 1 article 5). The Constitution defines a list of issues under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Russian Federation (Article 71) and issues under jointly administered Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation (Article 72). It has been established that on issues not listed in Articles 71 and 72, the subjects of the Russian Federation have full state power (Article 73).

Local authorities in the Russian Federation are exercised by local self-government bodies that are not included in the system of state authorities (Article 12).

1.2Functions of the state, tasks and methods of public administration

What are the functions, duties of the state, what is public administration, what tasks should it solve, what and how to manage? The functions of the state can be divided into internal and external.

The internal functions of the state include:

a) protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, their lives, dignity, property;

b) state regulation of the economy, economic activity;

c) government regulation social sphere, cultural, scientific and other activities;

d) punitive function - suppression of attempts on the state system, property, life, rights and freedoms of citizens, violations of public order.

In solving these problems, the state uses methods of administrative and economic regulation, as well as methods of ideological influence. Administrative methods - the issuance of binding laws, a system of punishments for their non-compliance. Economic regulation - a system of taxes, customs fees, budget financing, a system of excises, social and other benefits that support or restrict certain types activities. Ideological influence is carried out through means mass media and aims to instill in citizens a sense of patriotism, pride in their country, and a desire to contribute to its prosperity. One of the means of educating patriotism is the use of state symbols.

At the same time, the state should not interfere in the private life of citizens, if this does not affect the interests of other citizens or society, in the activities of economic entities, political parties, public, religious and other organizations, if they do not violate the law.

External functions of the state:

a) defense of borders, protection of the sovereignty and independence of the country;

b) foreign policy activity;

V) externally economic activity;

d) representing and protecting the interests of its citizens abroad;

e) strengthening one's prestige in the world, gaining a worthy place among other countries, establishing spheres of influence for large and economically strong states, and in the past, seizing colonies.

Methods for solving external problems of the state: diplomatic, economic and military.

2. State and municipal administration: about the present and future of the specialty

2.1 Formation of the specialty of the State Medical University

The formation of the specialty of the State Medical University, which began from the moment it was included in the classifier of specialties in March 1992, turned out to be divorced from the formation of the system of state and municipal service in the country.

The specialty was introduced at a time when there was not a single normative act that would define the parameters of the state and municipal service in Russia. At that time, only draft laws of the Russian Federation on public service were considered, and they differed significantly conceptually. Consequently, it was possible to form the content of education in this specialty based on general ideas about public service, existing foreign and emerging domestic experience.

The first all-Russian normative act fixing the main provisions regulating the civil service, in particular, the requirements for education, appeared only in December 1993 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 22, 1993 No. 2267 "On Approval of the Regulations on the Federal Public Service", Assembly acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1993, No. 52, item 5073).

By virtue of the education management scheme adopted in Russia, the content of education in this specialty was determined by the federal education management body and, accordingly, to the extent that this body understood what the state (and municipal) service would be like in Russia. There was a time (albeit a rather short one) when the specialty was called “State and regional control". And in the law of the Russian Federation “On the fundamentals of the civil service of the Russian Federation” dated July 31, 1995, such a non-existent in the classifier of specialties was mentioned as "public administration"(paragraph 6 of this Law). The fact that now (by an amendment to this Law of February 18, 1999) the name of the specialty has been brought into line with the existing realities has not changed the state of affairs. And the comparison of state educational standards of the so-called. “first generation”, adopted in 1995, shows the almost complete coincidence of the requirements for training specialists in such essentially different specialties as “state and municipal administration” and “management”.

The gap between the system of training personnel for the state and municipal service and the service itself is most clearly seen in this example. With about 150 state and non-state universities that have licenses to train specialists with higher education in this specialty, a significant contingent of students and already trained as part of their first higher education, strictly speaking, not a single university graduate current laws cannot be accepted into the state or municipal service immediately after graduation from the university.

The fact is that in the legislation of those subjects of the Russian Federation that specified the requirements for persons applying for positions in the civil service, there were requirements for work experience (usually at least a year). To illustrate, here are excerpts from the law “On public service” of the Irkutsk region (as amended by the Law of the Irkutsk region dated June 11, 1999 No. 32-03):

“b) for leaders and seniors higher professional education in the specialty "state and municipal management" or by specialization of regional public positions of the regional public service or education, which is considered equivalent.

V) for junior regional state positions of the regional civil service - secondary vocational education in the specialization of regional public positions of the regional public service or education, which is considered equivalent”.

“… 4. By regional government positions The regional public service establishes the following qualification requirements for seniority and work experience in the specialty:

a) the highest regional state positions - the experience of the regional state service in the main regional state positions for at least two years, or at least five years of professional experience ;

b) the main regional public positions - the experience of the regional public service in the leading regional public positions for at least two years or;

c) leading regional public positions - experience of regional public service in senior regional public positions for at least two years, or at least three years of professional experience ;

d) senior regional state positions - at least three years of professional experience ;

e) junior regional state positions - no experience requirement .

In the absence of the required length of service, a citizen may be appointed to a position based on the results of certification.

Such provisions are contained in the laws regulating the civil service in almost all subjects of the Russian Federation. Everywhere, for positions, starting with seniors, there are requirements for work experience. There are no seniority requirements for junior positions only, but these positions are sufficient to have secondary vocational education .

References to the possibility of appointment to positions based on the results of attestation refer, as a rule, to those who are already in the civil service. The system of holding positions on the basis of competitions provided for by law has not received due distribution. And, although graduates of many universities find application of their knowledge in state and municipal government, this happens not so much as a result of the normatively formalized system, but in spite of it.

As a result, almost all universities in their curricula, developed on the basis of the state educational standard in the specialty 061000, introduce disciplines that do not deepen the knowledge necessary to occupy positions in the state and municipal service, but those that help graduates find employment outside this system.

This practice is promoted by the assignment of the specialty “state and municipal administration” to the group of specialties in economics and management with the qualification “manager”. Although it is obvious that the specifics of the service itself, which consists in the performance by employees of the functions of the state, implies the presence of thorough knowledge not only in the field of economics and management, but also in the field of jurisprudence, political science, and sociology. In this regard, it would be more logical to assign this specialty to the group of interdisciplinary specialties (350,000) with a change in the qualifications assigned (for example, “specialist in the field of state and municipal administration”).

Nor has a clearly defined legal system of specialization in the state and municipal service developed in Russia (there is no interpretation of the concept of “specialization of civil service positions” used in the laws of the federation and subjects of the Federation). Apparently, therefore, in fact, our new standard lacks allocated hours for specializations and at least recommended specializations.

2.2. Formation of the specialty “State and municipal management” within the framework of higher professional education

The formation of the specialty “State and municipal management” within the framework of higher professional education is divorced from the formation of a system of additional professional education for state and municipal employees.

This circumstance is hardly noticeable to those who do not work on any significant scale to improve the skills and retrain state and municipal employees. This situation did not happen by chance, but because objective circumstances.

Firstly, does not exist state regulation the system of additional vocational education as a whole, with the exception of several regulations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Secondly, is specifically regulated (by orders of the Ministry of Education approving the state educational standard) only the system of additional professional education federal government employees. For the same category of civil servants, requirements for professional retraining are established, in particular, in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 3, 1997 “On additional measures for the training of civil servants”, it is noted that it is necessary to draw up annual training plans for civil servants, bearing in mind that “mandatory professional retraining of persons appointed for the first time to public positions of the federal public service not lower than the deputy head of the department (hereinafter referred to as "leading positions"), during the first year of work in the specified positions ”.

By the way, this Decree does not contain any instructions to the education management body in the Russian Federation in terms of determining the content of education. There is only a recommendation to the subjects of the Federation to also draw up plans for the training of civil servants of the subjects of the Federation and municipal employees. As a result, additional vocational education in the last two categories is not regulated at all. And, as they say, “by default” for working with them, the requirements of the state educational standard for additional professional education of federal civil servants are accepted. Agree, such an approach can hardly be recognized as legitimate.

There is another circumstance that I would like to draw attention to.. The latest version of the State Educational Standard for additional professional education of federal civil servants (Order of the Ministry of Education No. 2370 dated July 31, 2000) obliges the heads of educational institutions that provide advanced training and retraining of federal civil servants to bring curricula and programs in line with the requirements of this standard, as well as with qualification requirements (characteristics) for state positions of federal civil servants. The standard itself provides that “A specific area of ​​additional professional education for a federal civil servant is selected from the list of areas, taking into account:

Type of professional activity of a civil servant (managerial, organizational, economic, planning and financial, marketing, information and analytical, design and research, diagnostic, innovative, methodical);

Qualification requirements for a specific position;

specific learning objectives;

Regional and sectoral features and specifics of the state body that sends a federal civil servant to study.

At the same time, the compilers of the standard, characterizing the types of professional activities of a civil servant, were guided by the types of activities taken from the canceled State Educational Standard in specialty 061000 (as amended in 1995), which, in turn, practically coincided with the list of activities for a manager trained in another specialty - 061100 “Management”, and remained in the new standard in the specialty “Organization Management”.

A quite natural question arises - how legitimate is such an approach? Does the content of the activity of a civil servant really coincide with the content of the activity of a manager? Based on the fact that in new system educational standards, we see significant differences between the standards for the specialties 061000 and 061100 (which is even renamed "Organization Management") - obviously not.

And in fact,

In the absence of clearly defined qualification requirements for specific positions,

If there is a discrepancy between the types of activities that are actually taking shape in the public service system and those defined in the standard,

With not only a textual discrepancy between the types of activities of civil servants listed in the state educational standards of higher professional education of the sample of 1995 and 2000,

it is impossible to implement the requirement to bring curricula and programs in line with the State Educational Standard for additional vocational education, since this standard contains clause 5.2, which states that “educational programs for additional vocational education must ensure its continuity in relation to state educational standards of higher and secondary vocational education relevant area of ​​study.

To be convinced of this, it is enough to look at the list of areas of study for additional professional education programs approved by this State Educational Standard.

In this standard there is also such an innovation as “education, additional to higher”. In the absence of this type of educational programs in the documents that define the requirements for civil servants, it simply “freezes”.

The formation of the specialty 061000 is divorced from the real personnel situation and the realities that have developed in the organization of work with personnel in the state and municipal service.

This circumstance has already been touched upon a little when it was about the opportunities for university graduates to occupy positions of state and municipal employees.

In addition, it is necessary to mention such points that are relevant, first of all, to regions with a low population density and an undeveloped network of educational institutions. A different population density is accompanied by a different level of education of the corresponding categories of employees.

Let's compare, for example, the Central and Siberian federal districts. The first has an area of ​​about 680 thousand square kilometers, a population of about 38 million people. The second occupies an area of ​​almost 7 million square kilometers, the population is a little over 21 million people. Obviously, approaches to the organization of educational activities in these regions should be uniform, but not monotonous.

For the system of regional civil service academies, each of which is assigned to several (for the Siberian Academy of Civil Service - 14) subjects of the Federation, this aspect is of fundamental importance.

All academies have to think about how to organize educational activities outside its location with minimal time and financial resources from the relevant budgets.

For example, the amount of overhead costs for students from the Republic of Buryatia (the cost of travel to Novosibirsk, accommodation during the period of study) is four times higher than the cost of the actual education for correspondence departments. And in the Siberian Federal District, the need for training is great: only slightly more than half of the federal civil servants have a higher education, although the Law provides for a mandatory higher education. Now the only opportunity for us to have a territorial separate divisions is the creation of branches.

The practice of work has shown that the regulations governing the creation of branches aim to make the process more manageable, and this is necessary, but at the same time, the specifics of working with state and municipal employees in vast areas with an undeveloped educational infrastructure are not taken into account. In particular, no one can answer the following questions:

Why to create a branch educational institution the consent of the leadership of the subject of the Federation is required, which is not interested in how the personnel issue will be resolved for federal civil servants working in this subject of the Federation;

Why is it necessary to agree to the opening of a branch from the employment service in this subject of the Federation, which, most often, does not have an acceptable idea of ​​​​the needs for personnel of the relevant structures. Apparently, therefore, they so easily give their positive opinions to requests for the opening of branches;

How to ensure compliance with the requirements for civil servants in various subjects of the Federation, without which (compliance) the processes of personnel exchange between territories and different administrative structures are hampered.

Given the presence of many universities that train specialists in state and municipal management, in the curricula of which there are many such disciplines where there are no established (generally accepted) provisions, we can safely assume the existence of conceptually different models of state and municipal management that are being introduced into the minds of students, and this cannot but lead to contradictions between employees who profess different scientific schools.

By the way, this moment emphasizes the exclusivity of the specialty “State and municipal administration” in the system of higher education specialties, which is underestimated in the practice of the Ministry of Education.

Therefore, it is necessary to organize educational activities for the training and retraining of state and municipal employees in such a way that it serves to strengthen the Russian statehood, the unity of Russia. One of the overdue moments, in my opinion, is to increase the rigidity of regulation of the content of education of state and municipal employees. Academic Freedoms should first of all concern teaching methods and only after that - the content of training.

Based on the foregoing, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The state personnel policy is just beginning to take shape, there is no system in attracting, retaining and using highly qualified specialists in the public service, in the work of training, retraining and advanced training of managerial personnel.

2. Work with personnel in fact, in real practice (and not at the level of declarations) is not yet one of the priority areas activities of state authorities and local self-government.

3. The formation of the legal framework for the professional education of state and municipal employees lags behind the real needs of practice.

4. A significant part of managerial personnel did not improve their qualifications for many years, did not undergo professional retraining.

5. In many administrations, there is no direct link between the promotion process and training.

6. Bodies of power and administration have little influence on the content of the training of their personnel, they practically do not participate in the development of curricula and programs.

In order to provide state authorities and local self-government with highly qualified personnel, the formation of an integral personnel policy on the scale of the Russian Federation and subjects of the Federation.

3 .Requirements for the training of a specialist and his activities

The university nature of the training of specialists allows them not to be confined within the narrow framework of specializations and work in many areas of the economy, engage in different types activities. In particular, graduates with a degree in State and Municipal Administration will receive fundamental knowledge in matters of economics, law, sociology, management, finance, system analysis, urban management and the social sphere, etc. The primary objects of professional activity of a graduate with a degree in State and Municipal management” may be state and municipal bodies of representative, executive and judicial power, other state and municipal bodies, organizations and institutions. Another area may be various enterprises urban economy and social sphere, requiring qualified management. Typical positions: specialist in the structural unit of the city administration or city council for economic analysis and planning, industrial policy of the municipality, property management, land resources, housing and communal services of the city, transport services

population, personnel policy, planning the activities of the local authorities themselves, control work, etc.

The activity of a specialist is aimed at ensuring the rational management of economic and social processes at the level of cities, districts and other territories, based on the interests of the population, at organizing territorial management systems, at improving management in accordance with current trends.

A specialist in state and municipal administration should be able to plan his individual and teamwork, to orient it towards the achievement of the goals set, towards the achievement of the final result with rational use all kinds of resources. He must be able to lead a team, exercise rational control over the activities of employees and the organization as a whole, represent his organization and its interests in external environment, to investigate and diagnose emerging problems and situations, to make forecasts, to formulate goals and objectives, to conduct consulting, methodological and educational work with employees, to implement innovations in the field of management.

a brief description of main types of professional activity of a specialist in state and municipal administration:

a) managerial activity. This is the work of the head of an organization, institution, structural unit, associated with the adoption of managerial decisions; work in structural divisions administrations providing management of property, land, real estate, certain sectors of the urban economy, public relations, control and supervision bodies;

b) organizational activity. This is work related to the organization, planning and control of the process of territory management itself;

c) economic activity related to economic analysis, forecasting and planning the socio-economic development of the territory. This includes the development of current and long-term plans for the development of territories, interaction with business entities, calculations of the need for resources, the choice of the most effective solutions in conditions of limited resources;

d) planning and financial activities. This is work in the economic and financial divisions of government and administration related to the organization financial planning and management through financial leverage;

e) marketing activities. Unlike marketing in an enterprise, the subject of which is its products or services, territory marketing is the work of revealing its potential for the most effective use;

f) information and analytical activities. Objective information and an objective analysis of the actual state of affairs are always necessary for making managerial, economic, design decisions. Almost all local governments today have information and analytical services in their structures, which, based on the study of large volumes of external and internal information, develop appropriate recommendations for improving the case;

g) design and research activities, This is work on business case design decisions related to the reconstruction, technical re-equipment and development of certain areas of the urban economy; work in the economic divisions of specialized design organizations;

h) diagnostic activity. In the process of managing the territory, difficulties and problems constantly arise, the causes and ways of overcoming which are not obvious. We need professionals who know the methods of system analysis, are able to understand the problem (diagnose it) and offer solutions. So far, few cities use modern approaches to a decision difficult problems. It is this niche that the diagnostic activity of managers is called upon to fill;

And) innovative activity. special kind activities associated with the introduction of everything new in the management organization;

j) methodical activity. Work related to the generalization of existing experience and the development guidelines to improve things.

With some additional training, a manager with a degree in State and Municipal Administration can adapt to other types of professional activities:

research; financial, financial and economic, auditing, exchange, etc. These types are more than the specialty "Finance and Credit", but for a manager with a good economic background, this problem is quite solvable.

3.2 Requirements for specialist training

A graduate must harmoniously combine a high level of fundamental scientific knowledge and vocational training.

A specialist in the field of state and municipal administration must meet the following general requirements:

Familiar with the basic teachings in the field of the humanities and socio-economic sciences, able to analyze social problems and processes, able to use the methods of these sciences in their professional activities;

Knows the fundamentals of the Constitution and legislation of the Russian Federation, ethical and legal regulations regulating the relationship of a person to a person, society, environment is able to take them into account in his work;

It has holistic view about processes and phenomena in animate and inanimate nature, owns scientific methods of cognition of nature at the level necessary to solve professional technical, economic, environmental and other problems;

Able to continue education and conduct professional activities in a foreign language environment;

Has a scientific understanding of a healthy lifestyle, owns the ability and skills of physical self-improvement,

Owns a culture of thinking, knows its general laws, is able to correctly (logically) formalize its results in written and oral speech;

Knows how to organize his work on a scientific basis, owns computer methods collection, storage and processing of information used in the field of his professional activity;

Able in the conditions of the development of science and changing social practice to reassess the accumulated experience, analyze their capabilities, is able to acquire new knowledge, use modern information educational technologies;

Understands the essence and social significance of their future profession knows its main problems, owns professional disciplines, understands their interrelation;

Able to find innovative solutions typical tasks or solve non-standard tasks;

Capable of project activities, knows the principles of system analysis, knows how to build and use models to describe and predict various phenomena, implement their qualitative and quantitative analysis;

Able to set goals and formulate tasks related to the implementation professional functions knows how to use the methods of the sciences he has studied to solve these problems;

Ready for cooperation with colleagues in a team, familiar with personnel management methods, able to organize the work of performers, find and accept management decisions in the face of conflicting requirements, knows the basics pedagogical activity;

Methodically and psychologically ready to change the type and nature of their professional activities, work on interdisciplinary projects of organizational structures and activities of local authorities.


In conclusion, I would like to draw the following conclusions:

It is necessary to "join" the process of regulation of higher (and secondary) vocational education in our specialty and the process regulation systems of state and municipal service.

It is necessary to "join" the regulation of the content of basic (higher professional) and additional professional education of state and municipal employees.

In resolving the issues raised, it is required to develop a dialogue and joint work of state authorities and local self-government, on the one hand, and specialized educational institutions, on the other.

Development looks promising business relations regional academies of the civil service with authorized representatives of the President in the federal districts, because the training, advanced training and retraining of civil servants is integral part personnel policy, including for the implementation of which the institute of representatives of the President was created.


1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation. M., 1993.

2. Baglay M.V. Gabrichidze B.N. Constitutional law of the Russian Federation. Moscow: INFRA-M. 1996.

3. Constitutional law of the Russian Federation. Yekaterinburg: UrGUA, 1995.

4. Chirkin V.E. State studies. M.: Jurist, 2000.

5. Pikulkin A.V. Public administration system. M.: UNITI, 2000.

6. Salikov M.S. Comparative federalism of the USA and Russia. Yekaterinburg, 1998.

7. Theory of state and law from students: Textbook for universities. Web site www. 2000.

8. The latest literature on parliamentarism (texts of books in the public domain). Website www.

9. European Charter of Local Self-Government // SZ RF, 1998, 36. St 4466.

10. Zotov V.B. Territorial administration. M., 1998.

11. Vasiliev V.I. Local government. M., 1999.

12. Vydrin E.V. Local self-government in the Russian Federation: from idea to practice.

13. Ovchinnikov II Local self-government in the system of democracy. M., 1999.

14. Municipal management / Ed. T.G. Morozova. M.: UNITI, 1997.

15. Local self-government and issues of interaction with state power. Yekaterinburg, 2000.

16. Filippov Yu.V. Fundamentals of development of the local economy. M.: Delo, 2000.

17. Municipal property as the economic basis of local self-government. Ekaterinburg. 1998.

The quality of the completion of an individual task largely determines the quality of the thesis, so students should be as interested as possible in the successful completion of pre-diploma practice. During the practice, the student must complete all the points of the program arising from the tasks of the practice, and the points included in the individual task on the topic of practice.

An individual task is determined by the supervisor, taking into account the interests of students. The task should contain a clear statement of the intended goals and expected results. From the goals should follow the formulation of a specific task proposed for the student to solve, and the place of this task in common complex tasks.

An individual practice assignment should, as a rule, include the following main sections:

1. Analysis and description of the object under study, enterprise or information system.

2. Choice (development) and substantiation of methods for solving specific tasks.

Of course, the above requirements are only indicative. Deviations in the content of the task are allowed both in the theoretical and practical aspects. Therefore, when formulating an individual task for undergraduate practice, students need to decide on their own preferences.

The assignment for undergraduate practice can be represented by a list of thematic sections that reveal the main content of the areas of work of students. Each section defines the area of ​​professional knowledge acquired by the student by the beginning of the practice, for which it is necessary to acquire sustainable knowledge and skills. Depending on the topic of the thesis, students can be offered the following areas of activity, which require certain knowledge requirements:

1. Appointment and structure of the state or municipal body (institution).

The student must:

consider the history and organization of this body or institution;

explain its role in the system of state (municipal) bodies;

identify the goals and objectives of the activities of this body (institution);

to analyze its external and internal environment;

identify and describe the objects managed by this body (institution);

determine the type organizational structure this body (institution);

highlight its advantages and disadvantages.

2. System of management methods.

The student must:

consider the system of management methods in this body (institution);

describe communication process in the body (institution);

consider legal support management activities in this body (institution).

3. Organization of personnel management.

The student must:

– analyze the organization of personnel management in the body (institution) in the following areas:

a) personnel planning;

b) personnel selection;

c) hiring and dismissal of personnel;

d) adaptation of personnel;

e) staff development;

f) personnel motivation system;

g) evaluation of the performance of the personnel;

– evaluate how effective the personnel management policy is in terms of managing the body or institution.

4. Social aspects of the functioning of a state or municipal body (state or municipal institution).

The student must:

consider the management style and types of power used in this body (institution);

describe the methods and ways of making managerial decisions;

identify the degree of participation of ordinary workers in the development and adoption of managerial decisions;

analyze the socio-psychological climate in the team of the body (institution);

analyze the relationship between employees;

consider existing conflicts in this body (institution) and ways to resolve them;

identify the main sources of conflict.

5. Identification and analysis of the main problems of a state or municipal body (institution).

The student must:

identify the main problems of a state or municipal body (institution);

consider and analyze these problems;

determine the sources of their occurrence and the dynamics of development;

assess the relationship of managers and employees of the body (institution) with these problems;

evaluate the effectiveness of problem solving methods in terms of their feasibility and resource support.

During the period of undergraduate practice, the student must collect statistical material, make the necessary extracts from the official documentation of the organization, familiarize himself with information on the topic of the thesis, collect and prepare graphic material. It is necessary to study the instructions, methodological instructions, regulations, regulations currently in force and regulating the work of state and municipal organizations(enterprises, institutions).

The methodology for performing individual tasks is determined by the head of the practice. However, in order to successfully complete an individual task in undergraduate practice, students should use all the possibilities of collecting, systematizing, processing and analyzing economic, managerial and regulatory information, statistical data and illustrative material on the topic of the thesis. We are talking not only about the help of a supervisor or head of practice, but also about independent work in the library of the organization, its information funds and technical archives. Of particular importance is the receipt of competent advice from the organization's specialists - a base of practice that can assist in clarifying and correcting the themes of theses of practical interest. The use of these opportunities creates a number of advantages for the student. On the one hand, this makes it easier to write a thesis, because. the author will be able to widely use the factual material of the state or municipal authorities, where he underwent undergraduate practice, to confirm the theoretical provisions. On the other hand, on the basis of specific data, the student will be able to draw useful conclusions or formulate proposals, the implementation of which will improve the work of the organization.

The implementation of an individual task of pre-diploma practice in the specialty "State and Municipal Administration" of pre-diploma practice provides for students to consolidate theoretical knowledge, methodologies, principles and rules of professional management of an organization in the system of state and municipal government. Therefore, in order to analyze existing problems, student interns are recommended to constantly study the literature, which covers not only domestic, but also Foreign experience management.

Having mastered the techniques of obtaining information independently, the student must organize self-control of knowledge - logically, consistently, harmoniously reveal the questions of an individual task, clearly adhering to its structure. To organize self-control, you can use such a technique as filling out the table “Types and content of work to complete an individual task”. The approximate content of such a table is given in Appendix 3.

At the final stage of pre-diploma practice, students need to summarize the collected material and correctly present it in writing, including it in the content of the practice report. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the coverage of issues proceeds according to a pre-planned scheme, involving theoretical provisions and practical conclusions.