Relaxation evening for mothers for Mother's Day. Relaxation evening for Mother's Day “For you, dear!”

Relaxation evening for Mother's Day “For you, dear!”


  • developing interest in cultural heritage and the study of poetry;
  • formation of a respectful attitude towards the family and mother;
  • nurturing a sense of gratitude towards a woman-mother;
  • development of students' creative self-expression skills.


  • computer;
  • projector;
  • screen.

Progress of the event

4 Presenter: Our dear guests, are you sitting well? How are you feeling?

5 Presenter: Great! This means that our meeting is going as it should: in a warm, friendly atmosphere, like a family. And I invite you to participate in our competition, which we called “The Storyteller.”

4 Presenter: So, you need to answer fairy tale questions. You read a lot of fairy tales with your children when they were little (read the “fairy tale questions” in turn) - slides 3-5).

1. Which fairy tale talks about the deceit of a beautiful woman, the elimination of an even more beautiful rival, the grave consequences of these actions, and a means of resuscitation that, unfortunately, is not used in medicine? (A.S. Pushkin. “The Tale of the Dead Princess.”)

2. In what fairy tale does a person, gray in all respects, carry out a plan to kill two persons, one of whom was wearing a red headdress, but thanks to the timely intervention of the public, everything ended well? (C. Perrault. “Little Red Riding Hood.”)

3. In which fairy tale did an official grossly violate the principle “from each according to his ability, to each according to his work” and appropriated wages worker, why did he commit lynching, inflicting grievous bodily harm on the forehead of the official? (A.S. Pushkin. “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”)

4 Presenter: Well done! Dealt with these complex issues!

5 Presenter: And now the Tchaikovsky Pause is announced - we pour the tea. (Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”)

6 Presenter: There are many proverbs and sayings about mothers; we will now check whether our mothers know them. You need to complete the proverb.

7 Presenter (slide 6):

There is no better friend than... (my dear mother).

There is no friend more tender... (mother).

When the sun is warm... (and when the mother is good).

Whoever doesn’t listen to his mother... (gets into trouble).

The bird rejoices in spring... (and the baby is mother).

The kalacha cheese is whiter, and the mother... (nicer than all her friends).

6 Presenter: Yes, there are many proverbs and sayings about mothers, because mother is the most main man in everyone's life.

8 Presenter: I think everyone in the room will be interested to know how well mothers know their children. Announced competition “Find your baby by the palm of your hand.”

9 Presenter: The mother must, with her eyes closed, find her child in the palm of her hand. Dear mothers, don’t be cunning, close your eyes tightly, don’t peek. (The children come up one by one, extend their hand, the mother, feeling her hands, finds her child).

8 Presenter: Yes, a mother always recognizes her child, which is what we saw now.

10 Presenter: And we have the next number in our program - the dance “Tenderness”, which will be performed by a group of girls. Meet! (Girls perform a dance).

10 Presenter: And now I’m announcing the competition “Do I know my mother?”. Conditions of the competition task: “child” takes a question from the box without looking, I read this question out loud. The mother of the one who pulled out this question quickly answers it in writing, and the “child” who pulled out the question at this time thinks about the answer. After the question is written and given to me, the “child” answers. And we will see if the answers of the mother and her child coincide. In this way, we will find out whether children know their mothers. Ready?
1. What is the name of your mother's grandmother?

2. Remember September 1, first grade. What flowers were in your hands that day?
3. How many brothers and sisters does your mother have?
4. Your mother has free time. What she reveres:

B) popular science literature

B) detective

D) newspaper

5. What is the name of your mother's mother-in-law?
6. What flowers does mom like?
7. Mom's favorite color.
8. Mom is going to school for a meeting. What will mom wear:

A) trousers B) skirt C) dress D) jeans

9. Different TV channels broadcast different programs. What will mom choose?

A) classical music concert

B) news

B) series

D) an old Russian film hit.

10. What will mom choose in the cafe:

A) ice cream B) coffee and cake C) pizza
11. What does your mother like more: marmalade, chocolate or cookies?
12. Mom was offered a trip to choose from: on the shore warm sea or a hiking tour in the mountains. What will mom choose?

11 Presenter: Great! Almost all the answers were the same. This means that we know our mothers quite well. Perhaps we can conclude that we are attentive to our dear mothers? Right?

12 Presenter. And now we will draw the promised lottery. We have a win-win lottery so that no one is offended. (Moms call the number of their ticket - the presenter announces the prize. Moms perform various tasks).

1. You have a happy opportunity to make everyone in this room smile!

2. You get permission to wish everyone a happy holiday!

3. And you have the right to compliment the neighbor on your right, or on your left, or both!

4. And you can, without any embarrassment, kiss the one who is dearest to you in this room!

5.You can treat your neighbor on the left to candy!

6. You can invite any of those present here on a date any day!

7. You have a happy opportunity not only to listen to us, but also to speak yourself. For example, tell a joke.

8.And I give you an air kiss!

9. You can sing the song “A grasshopper sat in the grass,” singing “la-la” instead of words. You may not remember the words. However, sing the way you like: with words or without words!

10. And you can invite us to your place right now, just everyone!

11. And you can borrow any amount from the neighbor on the left. Today she will not refuse you.

12. Today you can act as a choirmaster. We invite you to create a choir from those present here. Have them sing a verse of any song.

13. And you get the right to tell nursery rhyme, maybe about a mother, or maybe about a bunny who was abandoned by his owner. (“Mom is sleeping...” by E. Blaginina)

14. You can shake hands with the neighbor on your left.

15. You had the opportunity to sing a ditty for everyone present and receive applause.

16. You have a happy opportunity to confess your love for us, everyone present.

17. And you receive greetings from your neighbor on the left.

18. You have the opportunity to show your talent by singing the song “Smile”, playing along with yourself on spoons.

19. You have the right to perform “Quadrille” for us all. However, choose the dance yourself.

20. You have the opportunity to give everyone a parting wish.

11 Presenter: What a beauty! The lottery was played and everyone received prizes. Everyone is satisfied and happy!

12 Presenter. And we bring to your attention the video that Aishat made for her mother. And we all join in congratulating her and congratulate all our mothers. (Demonstration roller).

13 Presenter: Dear mothers, we want to end our meeting in a lyrical way. Please listen to the poem “Mom”. Alina and Nastya are reading.

1. Four letters, two syllables - MOTHER!

2. The first word in life is MOTHER.

1. You didn’t know any words yet,

Sorry, you were blowing bubbles

But with an inept mouth he already repeated

An important and short word is MOTHER.

2. Who taught you your first steps?

Mother! Happy mom!

1. Who gave strength and dexterity to your hands?

Mother! Handy mom!

2. When you accidentally hurt yourself,

Who wiped your tears with a handkerchief?

Mother! Good mother!

1. When you suddenly and bitterly make a mistake,

Who angrily reproached you?

Mother! Strict mom!

2. When you suddenly start singing for joy,

Admiring the spring distances,

When you bring flowers to a girl,

Remember: the tenderness in you is your mother’s.

14 Presenter:

We thank our family for their care,

For every night sigh at the head of the bed,

For the fact that our souls you willingly

And you sacredly fill it with love.

13 Presenter:

Let adversity not touch your days,

And may God grant you to live longer in the world!

We sincerely wish you today

All: love, health, joy and happiness!

14 Presenter: Dear mothers, we decided to present you with orders.

13 Presenter: You deserve them.

(All children present orders to their mothers).


Order(copied 6 pieces per page in A4 format, printed and cut out)


R. Gamzatov. In Russian - “mama”, in Georgian - “nana”...

S. Ostrovsky. A woman with a child in her arms.

Internet resources:

Video "Talk to me, mom." -

The phonogram of the song “Mom’s Heart” plays.

Presenter. The most beautiful word on earth is mother. It sounds the same in all languages ​​of the world.

Leading. Many poets and writers have turned to this topic in their work. Some were touchingly sad about the lost happiness of communicating with their mother, others remembered with humor their childhood antics. But still, these works are distinguished by a common mood: mother is the basis of all life, the beginning of an understanding of love, harmony and beauty.

Presenter. The birth of a new life is one of the greatest sacraments on earth, so the name of the mother is always surrounded by reverence. Our story is about you, dear mothers.

1 reader. (go to the middle of the stage) S. Ostrovoy

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,

Vividly marked in centuries:

The most beautiful of women -

A woman with a child in her arms.

Conjuring from any misfortune

(She really has no shortage of good things)

No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,

Proud, exalted mother.

The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times,

And since then she has lived for centuries,

The most beautiful of women,

A woman with a child in her arms.

Everything in the world is measured by footprints,

No matter how many paths you walk,

The apple tree is decorated with fruits,

A woman is the fate of her children.

May the sun applaud her forever!

So she will live for centuries -

The most beautiful of women,

A woman with a child in her arms!

Leading. According to statistics, three people are born every second in Russia. (Phonogram of a child crying) From the first day, a child needs the care of his mother, and for the mother, the child becomes the meaning of life.

Girls come out dressed as mothers. The first one (with a child in her arms) begins to read a poem

"God bless!"

Accept, Lord,

Prayer verse

God bless my children!

In the middle of the night and in broad daylight

Keep me as you keep me!

In the time of trial, dashing,

What life sometimes sends,

You pour courage into their hearts.

God bless my children!

Amulets against black arrows,

Lead me off the wrong path,

Send them loyal friends.

God bless my children!

Protect from wars and plague,

From the temptations of the Prince of Darkness.

Presenter: The Planet of Mothers is ringing:

All the girls in the form of a mother: God bless, bless the children!

The girl continues:

May their path be pure and clear,

Beautiful in deeds and thoughts,

WITH with an open heart for people.

God bless, bless the children!

Let the stars have a non-silent dance

Leads children along the path of Love.

Spread the blue sky over them.

God bless! Keep it!

Presenter 1: Mother’s prayer, what could be kinder

Her words and tears speak themselves.

And there are no creatures in the world more affectionate, more tender,

Than our mothers, whose hearts burn fieryly.

(Musical beat)

Speaker 2: In a small room on a cloudy evening

I began to cry out to Heaven with hope

Second girl: (as mother)

God Almighty, Heavenly Power

Be merciful to my request

If guilty, punish me, a sinner

But don't charge my daughters

If, once upon a time, with a generous right hand

What if you want to reward me?

I will turn to you with my last request

Protect my children from harm

Soon they will enter their adult life

In a world where intrigue, self-interest and deceit

Let my soul be a boat with oars

So that the ocean doesn't knock them off course

Lord Our Father, be merciful

Don't punish them with loneliness

Send them faithful companions in this life

To avoid my mistakes

It is in your power to punish or have mercy

It is in your will to take or give

I stand before You for the children with prayer


The mother who bowed her head whispered

With quiet prayer the mother protected

Sleeping in their daughters' cribs

She asked for a lot and just didn’t want it

They repeat their share.

Reader: (Mother's Prayer)

Mothers have a sacred position in the world -

Pray for gifted children.

And day and night in the invisible ether

The prayers of our mothers are heard.

One will fall silent, the other will echo her.

Night will replace day, and night will come again.

But mothers' prayers never cease

For your dear son or daughter.

The Lord listens to the prayers of mothers,

He loves them more than we love them.

Mother never tires of praying

About children who are not yet saved

There is time for everything, but while we are alive,

We must pray and cry out to God.

There is an unearthly power hidden in prayer,

When their mother whispers them with tears.

(musical beat)

How quiet. The birds have fallen silent in the yard,

Everyone had already gone to bed a long time ago.

I bowed down to pray in front of the window

My dear loving mother.

(calm music sounds)

Reader: (Mother’s prayer is beautiful)

A mother's prayer is beautiful

There is no stronger prayer than her.

With her, the child’s life is not dangerous,

The light of Christ's love is hidden in it!

While the mother prays for her child,

The Lord protects him from troubles,

Saves my darling from hell,

She lived in paradise so that she could be with Him.

Pray, mothers, with hope,

That God will have mercy on children

And them with your tender hand,

He will take you away from all passions.

He will take away their sorrows,

That the poor soul is oppressed,

He will open his distances for them,

That they lead to the kingdom of God.

The Most Pure One herself is invisible

Says a prayer with his mother.

And troubles pass by the house,

Heavenly peace reigns in him.

There is no more beautiful prayer from a mother,

She is always heard by the Creator,

For the mothers of our planet

I pray to the heavenly Father.

(Music sounds. The girls in the form of mothers and the readers leave. The Presenter and the young man enter the stage).

Presenter1. Mother is the miracle of the world. With her endless readiness for self-sacrifice, she gives the child a feeling of tenderness and security with her voice.

Young man: When I was three years old, there was a song that made me cry: I can’t remember it now, but I’m sure that if I had heard it, it would have made the same impression. My late mother sang it to me.

A lullaby sounds from behind the scenes. (the girl remains on stage, two girls come out from behind the scenes on both sides. They stand on either side of the young man and, while singing the song, calm him down.) “The lullaby is from the movie “Long Road in the Dunes.”

A cricket sings behind the stove,

Calm down, don't cry son,

Look, it's frosty outside,

Bright night, starry,

Bright night, starry,

Bright night, starry.

Well, if there is no bread,

Look at the pure sky,

Do you see the stars sparkling?

The moon floats on a boat,

The moon floats on a boat,

A month floats on a boat.

You sleep, and I will sing to you,

How nice it is in the sky

Like you and me Gray cat

He'll take you away in a sleigh for a month,

He'll take you away in a sleigh for a month,

He'll take you away in a sleigh for a month.

There will be nuts, sweets,

There will be fun, joy,

There will be new boots

And honey gingerbreads,

And honey gingerbreads,

And honey gingerbread.

Well, take a little rest,

I'll give you a golden sabre,

Just go to sleep soon, son,

My restless cricket,

My restless cricket,

My restless cricket.

(the girls take the young man backstage. The presenters enter the stage.)

Presenter 2. We love our mothers, young and old. All of them are the best, kind, smart and beautiful for us.

Presenter 1. Mother will endure everything, forgive everything. If only there was no war, every mother prays for this, because war gives birth to hatred and fear.

Reader: Alexander Kozheikin “Soldiers’ Mothers”

In the stuffy, alarming silence of the night

Anxiety weighs on my chest.

A heart like a seagull on a calm wave,

He can't sleep either.

The light of a thin candle burns,

A prayer flies into the sky:

"Give him strength for hundreds of roads,

Avert evil misfortune."

The wind shook the old maple in a hurry,

A shadow cast itself over the clock.

The Virgin Mary rocks her child.

"God, have mercy, save."

In the room where he learned to walk,

The bitten moon is trembling in the sky,

Like a big float.

The rain began to patter. The candle is burning out,

And outside the window everything is brighter.

Mothers often don't sleep at night -

Mothers are waiting for sons.

For some reason they always seem

The nights are worse than the days.

"Virgin Mary, night star,

God, save me, save me!"

Another girl appears on stage in the form of a mother:

Girl: (in the form of a mother with a white scarf on her head)

I didn’t give birth to a son for war!

She didn’t give him the primer for war,

I was worried, I was proud,


Lifelong lover,

Like a mother.

Ready to darn and dream,

And wait for the stingy, slow

From some outskirts of the country.

I didn’t give birth to a son for war!

And now - cheerful

I believe in life and happiness


And somewhere in the sunny world


The threat of death, hunger and darkness.

Host: The worst and most tragic thing for a mother is to lose her child.

The composition “On the Night of the Birth of Spring” is performed by Yuri Yurchenko

There are already few of us left -

We are no longer a company, but a platoon,

And we pray in vain to God -

Help won't come...

My comrade fell and froze -

Now it doesn't hurt him anymore...

Blurred by evil tears,

The road was hidden in smoke...

But suddenly - under complete fire,

Among the mutilated bodies -

Beautiful - unprecedented white -

A dove flew into my hand...

I forgot about the dagger fire -

I froze for a moment, not breathing:

She looked into my eyes from the palm of her hand

The soul of a murdered friend...

"...Farewell, my inseparable friend,

And happy, wherever you are, be!" -

He took off - and then - silently -

A shrapnel entered my chest...

And life, moving away, thundered

Along the nearby mountains and forests...

And the second dove - white-white -

Flew up to the blue skies...

Presenter 1: This is probably why mothers all over the world hate wars, because they take the lives of their sons.”


The woman was called to be courageous

(It is foolish to rely on compassion)

And they gave heroism to her features,

Blessed not to live, but to survive.

But the woman whispers: - I have the right

Don't be a hero! The truth is:

She was recently majestic

So soon an aged widow.

Her husband was delivered to her by the “Black Tulip”,

He stained someone else's land with blood.

Now here is a son-soldier, a nice boy,

I fell under a sniper bullet.

Nobody talks about fame now.

How can I console my mother, where can I find words?

A strong Power must be kind,

And the Head of the Power should be wise.

And the woman at the infirmary bed

A boy with a severed arm

Steadily takes it out of Kostlyava’s paws...

He fought on the other side!

And what is that other mother’s fault?

Why was the peace in that family disrupted?

A fourteen year old soldier

Without shaking your heart, who sent you into battle?

Two hearts, burned by war,

Two mothers punished by evil.

They have nothing to share with each other,

They have only one grief for two.

Reveal the secret, Great Power,

Motherland Power, Mother Power,

Forged women from what alloy,

So that their shoulders could hold them so much?

What was their will mixed with?

What can your daughter, Mother Russia,

Forgetting about my own unbearable pain,

To take part in someone else's misfortune?

We are our Motherland, like our mother, forever

They sang. Only this is what a mother is like,

I could just as easily, carelessly,

Send your children to die?

In the war for power, the puppets will die.

What is the price for someone's power?

Fools will put a chansonette on the throne,

If only she would sing “about freedom” to them.

Who knows, maybe the song is false

Needed for a while to kindle enmity,

Prick pride, push down the arrogant,

Raise someone else's sword over your head?

I don't want to be immune to pity

In power, at its helm stood,

Commanding lives thoughtlessly,

Policy errors corrected!

(He takes a white handkerchief from the chair (the handkerchief is folded so that the audience cannot see, there is another handkerchief under it).

The backing track of the song “Ave Maria” plays.

A girl with a white scarf goes into the middle of the stage and says: “The peoples of the Caucasus have a belief: when a woman throws a white scarf between warriors, the battle stops (she throws the scarf in the middle of the stage and leaves).

Presenter 1. In the fall of 1993, a Georgian woman director addressed the women of Georgia with an appeal to stop the war between the peoples of Transcaucasia. She was supported by thousands of women - mothers (at the word “supported” girls in the image of a mother and a young man appear on stage. The girls raise white scarves).

Presenter 2. This is how the “White Shawl Union” was created. A train of 200 women went to the hot spots of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Karabakh, Georgia, Chechnya, in all settlements they were expected, greeted with tears in their eyes and joined them (all the girls playing the role of mothers come out with white scarves in their hands).

Young man. The soldiers dropped their weapons, and the bloodshed stopped for a while. In 1993, Mother's Day was proclaimed - White Scarf Day (mother's girls come to the front of the stage and throw their scarves. Then slowly leave).

Mothers: We want to reach out to the mothers of our boys. They have a special mission and a special title: they are the mothers of future defenders of the Motherland. And we want to wish them that the terrible word “war” will never enter their destinies and the destinies of their sons. (music ends).

(guitar sounds)

Presenter 2: In Russia, Mother's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently. Although, in essence, this is a holiday of eternity: from generation to generation, for everyone, mother is the main person. Becoming a mother, a woman discovers in herself best qualities: kindness, caring, love. In Russia, this holiday has been celebrated since 1998, on the last Sunday of November.

Presenter 1. How many of us say kind words to our mothers on this day? We remember them when we feel bad, we remember when it’s their birthday, but on other days? Until recently, this day - Mother's Day - passed unnoticed in our country, and it appeared on the calendar not so long ago. Mother's Day is a holiday that has become a tradition in our country.

Presenter 2: For you, dear mothers, there is a song ()

Presenter 2: No matter how old children grow, for mothers they will always remain children. And mothers worry about their adult children no less than when they rocked them in the cradle.

Reader: E. Asadov “First Kiss”.

Mom scolds daughter strictly

For the night return.

The daughter blushed at the threshold

Out of resentment and embarrassment.

And the words sound like this

That slaps are harder.

Abusive, evil,

Worse than furious bumblebees.

They rush after each other,

They burn, they pierce like lead...

But why do they curse the girl?!

What's the matter, finally?

Is it really that bad to be late?

If in the ringing of spring streams

There was a first date

First kiss in my life!

If happiness is not from a book,

If today somewhere there

He wanders, her boy,

Smiling at the starbursts,

People, windows, lanterns...

If their tenderness is ripe,

Contrary to school dogmas.

The kiss was timid,

Boyishly inept

But stubborn like a man.

They walked sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly,

They sang something endlessly...

And they knocked cleanly,

Their hearts are close.

So why the bad word?

Why the thunder attacks?

Are these two really

Are they doing something bad?

Where is the sin? Where? What?

And why should I trash my daughter with words?

Burning up, as if in battle,

It would be better to just remember mom

Garden with nightingales,

With a song, with timid lips -

His long-ago youth.

How happy I was too,

How I loved and waited,

And then it’s not at all stricter,

Even a little younger

The daughter's mother was.

But did it turn out badly?

The color still hasn't faded!

So, that's probably not the point:

Where were you? Yes, how old?

The point is not in different generations,

Tar can be everywhere.

The point here is pure relationships,

IN real beauty!

Mom, dear, listen:

Why is there a thunderstorm now?!

Look into the girl's soul

Look into her eyes.

Smile and believe in advance

In the gold of spring streams,

On this first date,

For the first kiss in my life!

Host: But in the life of a modern girl, first love is not always so cloudless and beautiful. Sometimes she faces the first disappointment in her life. And here maternal support, love and understanding are very necessary.

(Lyrical music sounds. Mother and Girl come onto the stage and sit on a chair. The music stops.)

Girl: (addresses mother)

Mom, please forgive me!

I know I've changed a little...

Don't scold me or judge me

I just fell madly in love...

And all thoughts, you know, are about one thing.

You will understand, you were a teenager too.

It’s just, mom, all my thoughts are about him,

And it’s not at all easy to forget him.

Forgive me for being silent

That I share my tears with my pillow,

And for the fact that sometimes I scream.

You know, mom, I became a toy...

He played with me like a doll for a long time,

Without even realizing it,

But he didn’t want my love...

Forgive me for being different.

But I will never be the same again,

Lips have forgotten how to smile.

If you only knew how hard it is

I can laugh through the pain and fear in front of everyone.

And in my chest, you know, everything burns so much,

I can’t forget for a minute...

Mommy, he won’t come!

Without him, tell me, how will I live?

(Mother tries to get up, daughter takes her hand.)

Stay with me, don't leave,

Help me get through all this...

You understand me and forgive me everything,

I just want to be happy...

(The daughter puts her head on her mother's lap)

Girl (as mother)

Lord, cleanse her soul!

Lord, warm me with your warmth!

Calm down and enlighten your mind

Girls confused in life

Let her (even if not immediately)

Life will forget the cataclysms.

It’s so hard for her, God have mercy!

'Cause she can't figure it out

In a life so cruel and disturbing,

Does not realize earthly brotherhood.

And he is afraid of good and cruelty,

And can't find it

Neither love nor worldly severity:

Her earthly life swirls around like a whirlwind.

Help, I ask you, my God,

Get my girl's life sorted out!

(the song “Mom - Mommy” from the repertoire of Taisiya Povali is performed by Sveta Kolotilina)

(At the end of the song they leave. The reader comes on stage).

Leading. Mothers live in the world. Young and long gone grey. Those who are just learning to swaddle a newborn, and those who raised children and saw them off on their further journey into a greater life. Each of them is worthy of respect and honor because she is a Mother. And children who have fled the parental nest sometimes have no time to call or come. And a mother's heart hurts

Reader: The mother gave birth to a son, raised her,

And she kept her from troubles better than her eyes.

I lifted my son up with his hump,

She herself grew old and fell ill.

The son left his mother... Lives alone,

She is blind from bitter tears.

Everyone is waiting for his son in his dying days,

He only comes to her in dreams.

Yes, it's good there are neighbors,

They will help, bring food -

Who will give things when they wear them out?

Who will pour you a drink if you ask.

Everything would be fine, but it hurts her, -

Your own child of someone else's callous people.

There is no point in living in such shame,

I decided to curse my son out of grief.

In the corner, ashamed of my own shadow,

The old woman knelt down.

She raised her palms sadly:

“Damn you, son,” I wanted to say.

But I couldn’t, my soul ached.

Having gathered her courage, she opened her mouth.

Looking blindly at the threshold:

“Be happy,” she said, “son!”

(The phonogram of the song “Mama” performed by Vitas sounds. Another reader comes on stage).

Presenter: Appreciate your mothers, give them moments of joy, be caring and always remember that we are all in debt to them.

Presenter: Poems about mother

No one can replace our mother,

Unfortunately, we often forget this,

Days pass and turn into years,

And we are all like squirrels in a wheel

And we don’t even accidentally go in,

Then, and then we repeat that we will fix everything,

Then we will visit, catch up and congratulate,

Let's just today

Let's make an exception for mom

And we will give her moments of this day,

Let's congratulate, call, come to mom,

May Mother's Day come every day,

Let this be your main aspiration!

Reader: Don't forget Mothers!

They are sad in separation.

And there is no worse torment for them -

The silence of your own children.

Don't forget Mothers!

They are not to blame for anything.

As before their hearts are embraced

Anxiety for your children.

Write letters to Mothers,

Call them on the phone!

They are so happy to see you

My regards to all of you.

Don't forget Mothers!

After all, there is no reason for silence,

And the wrinkles get deeper every day

From the indifference of children.

Among the bustle and idle days

Hear, Gentlemen and Ladies:

Your Mom's soul hurts!

Don't forget Mothers!

Write letters to Mothers!

Call them on the phone

They are so happy to see you

My regards to all of you.

(Everyone except the presenters leaves)

Presenter: They came to congratulate our mothers (the guys from the Domisolka t/o.)

The song is playing (_______________________________________________)

Host: We are destined to learn love all our lives, day after day. So who should we learn from, if not from our own mother? Will anyone else give you such sincere and sacrificial love?

Reader: My God, what silence!

My God, what silence!

The angels also became silent in the sky.

Only a mother's prayer is heard

For children as for their daily bread.

Still, my dear, she doesn’t sleep,

He asks God for help and miracles.

The candle is burning in front of the icon,

It extinguishes the anxiety in her soul.

Wherever we wander at this hour

In search of the Promised Land,

Mother prays for us with hope,

Prodigal, disobedient, but desired.

And when, having suffered in evil,

We will return at God's command.

The most sacred on earth

He will meet us at the Father's threshold.

(Music sounds. All participants go on stage)

Host: You could probably write a book about your mother all your life. “All the pride of the world comes from mothers,” said M. Gorky, “without the sun flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is neither a poet nor a hero!”

Host: We once again want to congratulate you, our dear mothers and grandmothers, on Mother’s Day and wish you:

Presenter: May all sorrows go out in the light of days,

May all mother's dreams come true.

Presenter: We wish you to always illuminate

Path to life with the light of kindness.

(The phonogram of the song “Parental Home” performed by Vitas sounds. Everyone comes to the front of the stage, joins hands, raises them up and sways them to the beat of the music. The music fades away).

Host: This concludes our meeting in the literary living room. But we don't say goodbye. And we say goodbye.

Teacher: Hello dear mothers!

Mother's Day is the warmest and most cordial holiday, dedicated to the most dear and to a loved one, to our mothers! The first person we love in life is, of course, our mother. We carry this love throughout our lives. And no matter how old a person is, he always needs a mother. Mom has the most tender hands, the kindest heart, which never remains indifferent to anything.

Dear, dear mother,
Please accept congratulations from us, from the children.
For us, you are still the most important,
Although we have become a little older.

You are the kindest woman in the world,
There are no more beautiful eyes in the world,
And your hands are like huge wings,
They always protect us from harm.

Only mothers love us not for something, but simply,
Only because we exist, we live,
We only go to our mothers on important issues,
We bring our troubles and problems only to them.
We dedicate our successes, victories,
And on Mother's Day, on the holiday of love,
We wish them to escape all troubles,
So that their children bring them only happiness.

Song "Mom"

Student: Smile more often, our beloved mothers. You are our sunshine! It is you who warm us with your love. It is you who always give us the warmth of your heart.

Our dear mothers!

We love you very much!

Let's grow kind

And we will always try

To behave!

There are many kind words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and more necessary than all of them -

The short word "mom"

And there are no words dearer than it!

We bring to your attention the “The Most” competition. Each child will name a word that characterizes his mother and gives her a flower made with his own hands.

Teacher: Dear mothers, today we want to warm you up, convey to you our warmth and tenderness. And all the kindest words, words of gratitude and love, will be addressed to you today, dear mothers.

Go around the whole world, just know in advance:

You won't find it warmer than hands and more tender than mother’s,

You won’t find gentler and stricter eyes in the world.

Mom is dearer to each of us.

Who could be more precious than a mother?!

Who brings us light and joy?!

When we are sick and stubborn,

Who will regret and save?!

Who will let adversity go to the wind,

Will it dispel fears, sadness and shame?!

Who will brighten up the grayness of bad weather,

Does the hard work of grievances fade away?!

Looks after the house and budget,

Comfort, fashion, cleanliness,

Dashing winter and hot summer,

Easily cope with the hustle and bustle.

Her job is responsible

Being a mother is hard work!

Every second care -

Everyone remembers her, loves her, waits for her.

Mom's life is full of thoughts -

Mistress of the house and family.

And that’s why all mothers are right!

And we are to blame everywhere!

Where is so much strength and patience

All mothers on earth take,

To hide worries and worries

And give happiness to you and me!

Thank you, mommy, for your tenderness,

Your holy kindness

For affection, for love and loyalty,

For your hard work and warmth!

Scene No. 1.

Mom comes in with heavy bags.

Son: I can’t even find words,

How can you, mom?

Carrying weights in wallets

Ten kilograms?

I see it's almost light again

You're from the department store...

Mom: So what should we do? Any advice?

Son: Go twice, mom!

Scene "Helper"

The boy Dima diligently sweeps the floor, singing “a grasshopper sat in the grass.” A dressed mother comes through the door, a bag in her hands, a key in her mouth. He looks at his son with round eyes, dropping his keys in fear, and asks:

Mom: Dima, what happened?

Dima: Nothing!

M.- How is it okay? Why are you sweeping the floor?

D. - Because he was dirty.

M. - Dima, I beg you, tell me what happened? The last time you swept the floor was when you got a bad grade for behavior, and the second to last time was when they wanted to keep you for a second year.

Have you wiped off the dust too?

D. - Wipe it off!

M. - Dima, tell me, what happened? Tell me what have you done?

D. - Yes, I’m saying nothing! It was just dirty, so I cleaned it up.

M. - (suspiciously) Why did you remove your bed?

Dima.- Just like that. I removed it and that's it.

M. - (ties his head with a towel and sits on a chair) Dima, the truth!!! Why am I being summoned to the school principal?

D. - Don’t be afraid, mom! Everything is fine. I did my homework, ate lunch, washed the dishes, and brushed my teeth.

Mom faints.

D. - (scared) Mommy! What happened to you? Now I'll bring you some water.

(pours water)

D. - Day of Helping Parents, Day of Helping Parents!!! Look at it! (points to mom) I should have said right away that this was only for one day.

M. - (raises his head with interest) Will everything be the same tomorrow?

D. The old way, the old way! Don't worry mommy.

(Mom faints again)

Host: There are words that we call holy. One of these holy words is the warm and affectionate word “mother”, because it carries within itself the warmth of a mother’s hands, the warmth of a mother’s word and mother’s soul.

Oh, how wonderful this word is - mother!

Everything on earth is from mother's hands.

She is us, naughty and stubborn,

She taught goodness - the highest of sciences.

I love you, mom.
For what? I don't know.
Probably because
That I breathe and dream.

And I rejoice in the sun,
And on a bright day -
For this I am for you,
Dear, I love you.

For the sky, for the wind,
For the air around...
I love you, mom.
You are my best friend.

How much agony did she have with us?
And she doesn’t need awards.
Mothers dream of one thing -
About the love of your children.

I love you, dear
Live long without knowing troubles
Easy, joyfully light,
I'm lucky to have you.

Skits on a school theme.

Dad sits in a chair, rests, reads a newspaper.

His son approaches him:

Dad, I can't solve the problem!

Mom will come and help!

Dad, I want to eat!

Mom will come and feed you!

Dad, the kitchen is on fire!!!

Mom will come and put it out! Oh!!! Why didn't you say it before!!!

Well, son, show me the diary.
What did you bring from school today?
- There’s nothing to show, there’s only one deuce.
- Just one?
- Don’t worry, mom, I’ll bring you more tomorrow!

Mom, can you sign with your eyes closed?
- Yes, why?
- Then sign in my diary.

Mom asks her son:
- What did they ask you today?
- Nothing.
- Fine. So, you'll go wash the dishes again.

5.Mother asks her son:
- How are you doing at school?
- Great! The fifth grade contract has been extended for another year!

6.- Mom, they tease me at school about being greedy!
- Who?
- Give me 100 rubles - I’ll tell you!

7. – Mom, today the director asked a question to the whole class, and no one except me could answer it correctly.
– What did he ask?
-Who broke the window?
- What did you say?
- I broke the window.

Teacher: Mom! Mommy! How much warmth this magic word conceals. Mother's love warms us until old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us.

20. Dear mommy, mommy,
It's good that there is a Mother's Day.
I love you, my dear,
All your advantages cannot be counted.

21. In life you are protection and support,
You protect me from bad weather,
You love without looking back or reproaching
And the whole family is warmed by you.

22. I want to wish you health,
So that no one causes any worries.
You are the only one in the whole world,
My beloved mommy!


1. Who said - like ditties,

No longer in fashion these days?

It's just a matter of fashion

If people love them?

2 If necessary, we will dance,

If necessary, we will sing,

Don't worry our mothers,

We won't get lost anywhere!

3. Mom writes an essay

And it solves the equation.

It turns out that “5”

Let's receive it together.

4. Mom asks Vasya:

– What are you doing in class, Vasya?

He thought a little

And he answered: “I’m waiting for your call!”

5.Dad solved the problem for me,

Helped with math

We then decided with my mother

Something he couldn't decide.

6. Oh, we're tired, we're tired,

They were busy with housework.

If you need help -

Call us, we won't mind!

7. I adore mommy
She is the most top class!
He will tell and show everything,
And he will always feed us!

8. I look like my mommy
I am restless.
And my mommy
The most fun!

9. I came to see my mother,
And I hugged my family!
Live for many, many years
And God bless you from troubles

Teacher: Our holiday has come to an end! Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers. Let your children warm you with their love! May your home always be decorated with comfort, prosperity, love, and happiness!

23. Our holiday is already ending,

What else can we say?

Allow me to say goodbye -

I wish you all good health.

24. Be cheerful, healthy,

Give good light to everyone!

Come visit again

And live to be a hundred years old.

Song “We wish you happiness”!

Game "Get to know me"

Mothers turn their backs to their children, children say “Mom” one by one, mothers guess the child by voice and call his name)

Game “Recognize your mother by touch”

(The child is blindfolded, two mothers are sitting on chairs. The child chooses his mother by touch.)

Game "Mom". I will ask riddles, and you will answer in chorus.

I'm not afraid of thunderstorms one bit,

If you are next to me... (mother)

There is no dirt or trash in the apartment,

I put everything away clean... (mom)

Borscht in a plate is the most delicious,

Only cooks like this... (mom)

The school has a complex curriculum,

But it will always help... (mom)

Schoolbag on your shoulders

Carry it yourself, don’t hang it up... (to mom)

At the circus new program,

He will buy us tickets... (mom)

Elephant, hippopotamus

There is also a kind one... (mother)

DIY gifts

For the holiday we’ll make... (to mom)

A song with kind words

Let's compose for my beloved... (mother)

Dad and I go shopping for flowers

We love to give them... (to mom)

Competition “Collect a proverb”

Wherever the mother goes, so goes the child.

There is no better friend than your own mother.

It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence.

The bird rejoices in the spring, and the baby rejoices at the mother.

There are many fathers, but one mother.

The mother feeds her children like the earth does people.

(Each proverb is divided into two parts, you need to put them together)

Our mothers are the best

Leading. Who was sitting on the ladder?

Who was looking at the street?

Dima ate (holding a bag of chips),

Sasha played (holds * Tetris"),

Maxim drew with crayons.

It was in the evening

There was nothing to do.

A car passed by.

The cat climbed into the attic.

Here Dima told the guys


Dima. And I have chips in my pocket. And you?

Olya. And I have clips in my pocket. And you?

Sasha. And today our cat gave birth to kittens yesterday. The kittens have grown a little, but they don’t want to eat Kitiket! Maksim. And we have gas in the kitchen. And you?

Seryozha. And we have a microwave. Clever?

Nata. And from our window the whole Market is at your fingertips. Every day I look and wait... I want a playground! Sasha. And we had a quiet hour - This time.

There is a hole in the middle of the yard - These are two.

And fourthly, our mother is going to Novosib tomorrow, Mom will bring goods -

Everyone will be invited to the market.

Leading. Vova answered from the stairs...

Vova. Entrepreneur mom? Cool!

Olya. But Masha, for example, has a mom who is a policeman!

Sasha. And Yulia’s mother, Dima’s mother are saleswomen in stores!

Dima. And I have a simple answer - My mother is a speech therapist!

Nata. Most important of all...

Leading. Nata said...

Nata. Mom from a food factory. Who will make you waffles? Definitely not an entrepreneur! Vova. And Alena and Ivan both have mothers who are accountants!

Dima. And Valya and Katya Mama have teachers at school!

Leading. And Maksimka said quietly...

Maksim. My mother is not a dressmaker, Not a cashier, not a controller, My mother is just a director. Leading. Vova was the first to respond

Vova. Mom is a holiday?! It's cool! The cook makes compotes, it's very good! In accounting reports, this is also good! The doctor is treating us for measles. There is a teacher at school. All kinds of mothers are needed, 1! All kinds of mothers are important.

All. Well, our mothers are the cutest and most beautiful of all!

Evening script for Mother's Day

“You and I have the same heart..”

Goals and objectives :

1. Cultivate in children a feeling of affection and love for the closest person - their mother.
2. Create a joyful, festive atmosphere of mutual understanding, common interests, emotional mutual support between children, parents and teachers.
3. Arouse interest in joint activities with adults.
4. Develop performing abilities, abilities and skills, the ability to collaborate and engage in joint creativity in collective activities.

Progress of the evening:

Leading: Reading the parable about the angel mother.

The day before his birth, the child asked God:
- They say that tomorrow they will send me to Earth. How will I live there, because I am so small and defenseless?
God replied:
- I will give you an angel who will wait for you and take care of you.
The child thought for a moment, then said again:
- Here in Heaven I only sing and laugh, that’s enough for me to be happy.
God replied:
- Your angel will sing and smile for you, you will feel his love and be happy.
- ABOUT! But how can I understand him, since I don’t know his language? – asked the child, looking intently at God. – What should I do if I want to contact you?
God gently touched the child's head and said:
- Your angel will put your hands together and teach you to pray.
Then the child asked:
- I heard that there is evil on Earth. Who will protect me?
- Your angel will protect you, even at the risk of his own life.
- I will be sad because I won’t be able to see you anymore...
- Your angel will tell you everything about me and show you the way to return to me. So I will always be by your side.
At that moment, voices began to be heard from Earth; and the child asked in a hurry:
- God, tell me, what is the name of my angel?
- His name doesn't matter. You'll just call him Mom.

Presenter : Today we will talk about the dearest, most beloved person for each of us- to mom.

Dear mothers! Mwe invited you to an evening dedicated togiven to you. The first word thatthe person says, “Mom.” It is addressed to the one who gave him life. Love for mother is inherent in us by nature itself. This feeling lives in a person until the end of his days. Maxim Gorky wrote: “Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is neither a poet nor a hero.”
one day we would like to give minutesJoy to the sweet and affectionate mothers sitting in our class.

Leading :

I sing of what is eternally new,
And although I’m not singing a hymn at all,
But a word born in the soul
Finds its own music...
This word is a call and a spell,
This word contains the soul of existence.
This is the spark of the first consciousness,
Baby's first smile.
This word will not immediately deceive,
There is a being hidden in it.
It is the source of everything.
There is no end to it. Get up!
I pronounce it: Mom!

R. Gamzatov

Presenter : Mom, mommy... How much warmth this little word conceals, which names the dearest, closest, only person. Mother's love warms us until old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us.

The purest, most truthful words of love will be said to their mother by their students. primary school(performance primary classes)

Leading :

“A kind word to mom”

How many names does kindness have with the proud title of “MOM”? How many epithets? Dear mothers, do you want to know what kind and affectionate words your children are ready to say to you?

I am holding a heart, cardboard, but alive. As soon as it falls into the hands of a child, he is immediately ready to say what kind of mother he has. Listen to the words that sound.

(Transferring a heart from child to child) Epithets sound:

Wonderful, Amazing, Beautiful, Talented, Sweet, Modest, Native, Lovely, Good, Excellent, Unique, Affectionate, Wise, Holy, Kind, Proud, Caring, Hardworking, Tender, Charming, Successful, Cheerful, Reliable, Independent, Beautiful, Beloved, Nice, Only, Understanding, Respected, Loving, Purposeful, Hard-working, Selfless, Smart, Sunny, Radiant, Funny, Irreplaceable, Independent, Extraordinary, Dear, Best.

All these words apply to each of you, dear mothers.

Presenter : I think everyone will be interested to know how well mothers know their children. I invite our mothers to come out and play with us, to find out the children’s voices.
Game "Mom in the Forest".

Children stand in a circle, mothers in the center of the circle with their eyes closed. Children move in a circle saying the words: “Mom, mom, you’re in the forest, let’s call you: “ay!” " Don’t open your eyes, find out who called you. "The child says: "ay." The mother recognizes the child by his voice. The game is played three times.

Reading by a child of the poem “From the bottom of my heart in simple words..”

Leading :

Look at the flowers appearing on the screen. Do you think this is a holiday bouquet? Yes and no. It's you, our dears!

We asked the children to compare their mothers and grandmothers with flowers. And here is the result: in our village there live 24 mother roses, 14 daisies, one birch tree, two forget-me-nots, one cornflower and one sunflower.

It turned out to be a very varied bouquet!!

Presenter :

Busy with good deeds at home,
Kindness walks quietly around the apartment.
Good morning here
Good afternoon and good hour,
Good evening, good night,
It was good yesterday.
And where, you ask,
There is so much kindness in the house.
What from this kindness,
Flowers are taking root
Fish, hedgehogs, chicks?
I'll answer you straight:
It's mom, mom, mom!

Performance of the song "Mom".

Leading :

Mom embroidered, embroidered,
Creating happiness and comfort.
In the evenings she sang like that,
Like now they probably don’t sing...
Mom embroidered for a long, long time,
I tried to put my soul into the song.
I didn’t spare my little heart,
And she forgave others all their sins -
Will go to sleep when on a towel
Red roosters wake up.
Then he pats his daughter on the head,
Then he looks into the cradle: “Sleep, son!”
And so he will put an end to the song,
It's like he's tying a knot!

Presenter :

Our hardworking people! We wish you for long years life, good health and we advise: you need to rest more often!

It’s no secret to us how you know how to do this. We conducted a survey on the topic “How does your mother relax?” And here is the result:

Are they reading? mom

Embroider - ? mom

Shyut- ? mom

Are they preparing goodies? mom

Watching TV - ? mom

Play in computer games– ? mom

Go fishing? mom

Leading :

Telling a parable about the power of a mother's love.

A man died and went to heaven. An angel flies up to him and says:
- Remember all the good things you did on Earth, then your wings will grow and you will fly with me to heaven.
“I dreamed of building a house and planting a garden,” the man recalled. Small wings appeared behind his back.
“But I didn’t have time to fulfill my dream,” the man added with a sigh. The wings have disappeared.
“I loved one girl,” the man said, and the wings appeared again.
“I’m glad that no one found out about my denunciation,” the man remembered, and his wings disappeared. So the man remembered both the good and the bad, and his wings appeared and disappeared. Finally, he remembered and told everything, but his wings never grew. The angel wanted to fly away, but the man suddenly whispered:
“I also remember how my mother loved me and prayed for me.

At the same moment, large wings grew behind the man’s back.
- Can I really fly? - the man was surprised.
“A mother’s love makes a person’s heart pure and brings him closer to the angels,” the angel answered with a smile.

Presenter :

Reading the poem “Mother’s Prayer” (Turn off the overhead light, light a candle).

God bless my children

From unkind and evil people!

Save from all kinds of diseases!

Let them grow up healthy.

Lord, let them know love.

Experience what the word “mother” means.

And don’t deprive them of their fatherly feelings.

Reward them with the beauty of your soul.

Human life is far from paradise!

Lord, give them patience!

Help me not to stumble in life.

Let not their enemies prevail.

Life is difficult at times, but wise.

Do not spare goodness for them.

Let their fate be a long thread.

Lord, don't let me survive them!

Performance of T. Lazareva’s song “Bogomolitsa”

Leading :

Don't offend mothers

Don't be offended by mothers.

Before parting at the door

Say goodbye to them more gently.

And go around the bend

Don't rush, don't rush,

And to her, standing at the gate,

Wave as long as possible.

Mothers sigh in silence,

In the silence of the nights, in the disturbing silence

For them we are forever kids,

And it is impossible to argue with this.

So be a little kinder

Don’t be annoyed by their care,

Don't offend mothers

Don't be offended by mothers.

They suffer from separation

And we are on a boundless road

Without mother's kind hands -

Like babies without a lullaby.

Write letters to them quickly

And don’t be shy about lofty words.

Don't offend mothers

Don't be offended by mothers.

“Mail of Love” - Presenting gifts and letters to mothers.

Presenter :

Holy word- Mom, don’t argue.
But often we don't remember just one thing.
That our frustrations and worries,
She takes it as her own.

In our youth we often lose,
All the things we'll think about later.
And only when we become parents
We understand mom's feelings.

May this day, and throughout life in general,
You approach with your head bowed.
And kiss, hug tightly,
Tell your mom: “I love you!”

View the presentation “Our mothers and children”

Leading :

On this autumn holiday
In congratulatory telegrams
In almost every sentence
The word “mother” is repeated.

Presenter :

And then they look like spring,
Suddenly it starts to rain and wind,
Because everything is more expensive
Mothers even to grown children.

Leading :
Only the mother is all warmth and tenderness
He will give us every last crumb,
And he will be able to love boundlessly,
And he can scold for fun.

Presenter :

That's why between congratulations
Apologizing, big and small,
We ask everyone, without exception:
Be healthy! Always be a mom!

Leading : Happy holiday to you, dearest, most beloved!

Presenter : Happy holiday, our mothers!

Show presentation with greeting cards.

Script for Mother's Day

Music sounds. The curtain is closed. The hall is dark.

How many stars are there in the clear sky!
How many ears of corn are there in the fields!
How many songs does the bird have!
How many leaves are there on the branches?
Only the sun is the only one in the world
Only mother is alone in the world.

The curtain opens. The children stand and say in turn:
1. My favorite.
2. Kind.
3. Sweetheart.
4. Tender.
5. Beautiful.
6. Wonderful.
7. Beautiful.
8. The coolest.
9. The only one.
10. Unique.
11. The most patient.
12. Dear mom.
13. You are the only one.
All: happy holiday to you!!!

Presenter 1:
Good afternoon dear friends!

Presenter 2:
Hello! Today we celebrate a big holiday -
Mothers Day! In Rus', the mother has always been revered - the guardian of the clan, family, and home. Everyone is close and understandable to the words about the holiness of the mother who gave life, about the need for a careful, loving, respectful attitude towards her.
We can consider today a truly good day, because it gave us a meeting with you, which does not happen so often. And in honor of the national holiday - Mother's Day - we honor women-mothers, whose tireless work ensures the future.

I believe that a woman is
An earthly miracle?
What on the Milky Way
Can't find
And if a woman-
Holy word
That is thrice sacred -
"Woman - Mother."

Presenter 2:
The word for greetings is given to the head
number thin Amateur activities)

Mother! The most beautiful word on earth. This is the first word that
It is pronounced by a person, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages.
Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands - they can do everything. Mom
The most faithful and sensitive heart - love never fades in it,
It does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are
Whether you are five or fifty years old, you always need your mother, her affection, her gaze.
And the greater your love for your mother, the happier and brighter her
Dear women, we congratulate you on your holiday. We wish you. excellent health, much happiness to you and your children.
This musical gift is for you!
number thin Amateur activities)

Presenter 1:
It's November. And suddenly we are talking about mom. This topic usually appears in the spring. Why are we talking about her today?
During the war, in 1944, when the country knew that Victory was coming soon, that it was necessary to heal the most terrible wound - the loss of fallen soldiers and citizens killed by the Nazis, the Order of the Mother Heroine was established. On November 1, it was presented to Anna Aleksakhina, a resident of the Moscow region. In 1998, the State Duma adopted a Decree establishing Mother's Day, which they decided to celebrate on the last Sunday of November. A woman - a mother - creates a world in which the mind lives in harmony with the heart. Let the new holiday date on the Russian calendar - Mother's Day - become a particularly domestic and national holiday.

We have many wonderful women and mothers visiting us.
And I want to talk about amazing families. Families raising three or more children.

Presenter 1: Judge for yourself: scientists have calculated that a woman raising two children and a husband does the work of an entire consumer services plant in a year. Is it two children, or three, four?
Presenter 2: (lists large families)

Presenter 1:
Family is joy, it is mutual understanding and support, it is shelter, warm and dear, it is the reliable shoulder of the father and the surprisingly kind gentle hands of the mother. Thank you for your generous motherly heart. And this musical gift is for you!
number thin Amateur activities)

“Mom got sick”

A hacking cough sounds at night
An old woman fell ill
She has been in our apartment for many years
She lived alone in the room.

There were letters, but very rarely
And then, without noticing us,
She kept walking and whispering: “Children,
You should get together with me at least once.

Your mother bent over and turned grey.
Well, what can you do, old age has come.
How nice we would have been
Next to our table.
You walked under this table,
On holiday they sang until dawn,
And now they have left, sailed away,
They flew away, so collect them!”

Mom got sick that same night
The telegraph never tired of shouting:
“Children, urgently, children, very urgently
Come, my mother is sick!”

From Odessa, Tallinn, Igarka,
Postponing matters until time,
The children have gathered, but it’s just a pity
At the bedside, not at the table.

Stroked wrinkled hands,
Light, silver strand.
Why did you give separation
How long will it take to come between you?

Mother waited for you in the rain and snow,
In the painful sleepless nights
Should we wait for grief?
To come to your mother?

Is it really just telegrams?
They brought you to the fast trains?!
“Listen, while you have a mother,
Come to her without telegrams!”

Presenter 2:
Mom, mommy... How much warmth this little word conceals, which names the dearest, closest, only person. Mother's love warms us until old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us.
Appreciate your mothers, give them moments of joy, be caring and always remember that we are all indebted to them.

Presenter 1:
We bow to you, great workers of the earth, who give everything and demand nothing in return. We bow to you, guardians of our hearths, our memory.
Mother and child are two inextricable threads in both trouble and joy. And now your children congratulate all mothers on Mother’s Day.
number thin Amateur activities)

Presenter 2:
: We must remember that the bright image of the mother was necessary during the war years, that he saved then, that he helps now and that he will be needed in the future... forever!

Presenter 1:
This is the man who gave us life, taught us everything. So let's not forget this. Go up to your mothers more often and tell them about your love, so that later you don’t scold yourself for not talking about it so little.

Presenter 2:
In world art, the image of the mother is captured not only in words, but also in colors.
And when we talk about a woman, about the Mother, the Madonna appears before our eyes.
Madonna, Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Mother of God, Mother of God - in Christian religious and mythological ideas, this is the earthly mother of Jesus Christ, it was she who was to give birth to a holy son from the spirit, doomed by the dignity of the messiah.
The Madonna is always depicted with her child.
The beauty embodied in Madonnas and in the plump bodies of babies is the masters’ reflection on the image of a mother, on her deep love for her son, translated by them into the language of painting.
number thin Amateur activities)

Presenter 1:
The mother not only does not get enough sleep at night, she worries and worries so that the child is well-fed, healthy, cheerful, and happy. Mother is the window to Big world. She helps the child understand the beauty of the world: the forest and the sky, the moon and the sun, clouds and stars... These beauty lessons are for life...
- Son! Wake up, the first snow has fallen!
- Daughter! Look, the snowdrop has bloomed!
Mother is the miracle of the world. With her endless readiness for self-sacrifice, she instills in the child a feeling of reliability and security.

Presenter 2:
Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything.
Our mothers can do everything in the world - they just don’t know how not to grow old!
Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart; it does not remain indifferent to anything.
And no matter how old you are, you always need your mother, her affection, her gaze. And the greater your love for your mother, the happier and brighter your life.

Presenter 1:
Mommy is sweet, kind, nice!
I have you - this is the most important thing!
Please accept congratulations on Mother's Day:
Health and happiness, success in everything!

Presenter 2:
Mom, the best in the world,
I want to wish you good luck!
You are an advisor!
You're a friend
And sometimes even a doctor.
May there be a supply of vigor
Increasing every hour
Let fate shower the house
Only happiness and goodness!
number thin Amateur activities)

Presenter 1:
Wherever the rush of events takes you,
Wherever it attracts you into its whirlpool,
Take care of your mother more than your eyes
From grievances, from hardships and worries

Presenter 2:
Our dear mothers! We once again sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! May each of us show warmth and attention to our mothers on this day, may there be peace and comfort in your homes, and may children grow up kind, attentive and generous! Happy holiday!

Presenter 1:
We wish you happiness, success,
God bless you and fate.
Let the sounds of children's laughter
They always ring in your house.

Everyone sings a song