Murphy's Subconscious Power read online. Always remember that a grateful heart is open to the generous blessings of the universe. The way the mind functions

This book has stood the test of time and international fame. Miracles happened to people of all classes, races and peoples. Your life will also miraculously change as soon as you begin to use the magical power of your subconscious. This book is about how the way you think and picture your imagination shapes and determines your destiny. Do you know why:

The life of one person is overshadowed by sadness, and the other - shines in the rays of happiness? » one person is rich and respected, while the other suffers hardship?
. one person is tormented by fear, and the other looks to the future with confidence?
. one person makes brilliant discoveries, while the other works sluggishly and without a soul?
. one captivates people, and the other does not find a response?
. one conquers an incurable disease and the other dies?
Discover the treasures within you!

I saw with my own eyes how miracles happened to people of all classes, races and peoples. Your life will also miraculously change as soon as you begin to use the magical power of your subconscious. This book will tell you how the way of thinking and pictures of the imagination will shape and determine your destiny, because the type and essence of a person is identical to the content of his subconscious.


Why is the life of one person overshadowed by sadness, while another shines in the rays of happiness? Why does one person have wealth and respect, while his neighbor suffers poverty and deprivation? Why one suffers from insecurity and fear, while the other looks to the future with confidence. Why does one have a luxurious villa while the other spends his life in a slum? Why does success follow success for one person, while another slides irresistibly down? Why does one speaker captivate masses of people with his speech, while another does not find the slightest response? Why does one make brilliant discoveries, while the other works sluggishly and without a soul? Why does one conquer the so-called incurable disease from which the other dies? Why do many good and God-fearing people suffer from terrible bodily ailments, while many of our contemporaries, who are not distinguished by special virtues, have excellent health and brilliant success? Why does one woman have a happy marriage, while another suffers only suffering and disappointment from her husband? Why? The answer to these and many other questions lies in the essence and function of consciousness and subconsciousness.


When I wrote this book, I was guided by the desire not only to answer this or that question, but also to show the relationship. I have tried to explain the root cause and the deepest mysteries of your spiritual life. in simple terms because I have always been firmly convinced that even these hidden relationships of the human soul can be stated extremely easily and simply for understanding. Therefore, my book is written in the everyday language that you are used to hearing in the workshop, office and family. I would like to urge you to study these pages and the method described here, because I am absolutely sure that you will discover here for yourself a miraculous power that will pull you out of chaos and adversity, free you from despondency and depression, and protect you from any failure. This book will give you the strength to achieve the position you deserve, it will help you resolve all difficulties, free you from the hardships of mental and physical suffering, and indicate a direct path to freedom, happiness and peace of mind. The miraculous power of the subconscious will bring you healing and awaken new youthful strength in you. Mastery over the powers of your soul will free you from the thousand fears and fears that you are now in captivity, open the door to that life of blissful freedom, which was intended by St. Paul for the children of God.

Great book to change your life! A wonderful big book that replaces dozens of others.

Irina L., Vladivostok

Finally, all of Murphy in one book! Advice for all occasions - building relationships, improving health, family, career, money - it's all in this book.

Pavel D., Moscow

The most useful book for anyone who does not want to vegetate. It is clear and simply told about the reasons for failures and, most importantly, the way out to the road of success is shown.

Sergey K., St. Petersburg

The most powerful anti-stress program! The best medicine for everyone who is going crazy in the frantic pace of modern life.

Evgeny R., Samara

This book turns life upside down - just a few classes, and you begin to see the world and yourself in it in a completely different way ... And you begin to understand - what is what, and who is who.

Marat D., Kazan

An amazing combination of rational and irrational, science and esotericism, work with consciousness and subconsciousness. And the results are amazing!

Inga V., Voronezh

About Joseph Murphy and His Miracle Method

Joseph Murphy made a great discovery that applies to every person: he discovered a way to work miracles in our lives, suitable for everyone without exception!

Yes, miracles do happen, and they are real. What's more, you can create miracles yourself and make the process manageable! Even without being a wizard and not having any magical attributes at hand. These attributes are not needed, because the main tool for performing miracles is given to each of us from birth. This is our own subconscious.

What do we know about him? Very little. Most people not only do not know how to make contact with their subconscious, but do not even think about its existence.

But it's like sitting on a huge chest of jewels and never once in your life and not open it.

What miracles can our subconscious mind create?

The ones most people dream of.

For example, it can cure you of any, even a serious illness, and do it very quickly, sometimes instantly.

It can make the poor rich and the unfortunate happy.

It will help you make friends, meet your soul mate and create the most beautiful relationships with people.

It will find the best for you Good work, which you will love and where all your talents and abilities are realized.

It will take you to the place where you have always dreamed of living.

It will save you from bad habits and help you develop the desired character traits.

In a word, the subconscious can do anything! More precisely, we ourselves can do everything - we can create any miracles in our lives if we learn how to properly cooperate with our subconscious.

The subconscious is obedient to us. It does everything we put into it. Our whole life is a subconscious reaction to our own thoughts and feelings.

Here are the main truths that Joseph Murphy conveyed throughout his life to his listeners, readers and followers:

"Your life is what your thoughts are"

"By birthright you are connected To a great source of life, strength and inner wisdom that can change your life and the world around you the way you want",

“If you are positive, only positive events will happen in your life,”

“Your subconscious mind can work miracles, it is the true master of your life, and you can become the master of the subconscious!”,

"Change yourself - and you will change the world!"

This great person, who today can rightly be called a classic of the sciences of self-knowledge and self-improvement, was born in 1898 in the Irish city of Ballydehob, studied chemical sciences in England and Ireland, and having received a diploma, emigrated to the USA, where he became famous not as a chemist, but as a philosopher, a writer and mentor who lectured and taught thousands of people to discover the possibilities of their subconscious to create a happy, prosperous, rich life. He is the author of many books, among which the most famous are “The Power of Your Subconscious”, “The Miraculous Power for Infinite Wealth”, “The Amazing Laws of the Cosmic Mind”, “Discover the Divine Power in Yourself”. Murphy confirmed the effectiveness of the laws of the subconscious he discovered - he was rich, successful, was able to heal from a malignant tumor and lived a long, fruitful life - 83 years.

His works are truly a whole universe, opening up inexhaustible opportunities for each reader to transform their lives. Do you think you know yourself and your abilities enough? Joseph Murphy will show you that you are wrong: there is much more available to you than you think. Because you, like every person, have great potential. If you start using it even a little more than you are doing now, life will change for the better beyond recognition.

Each of us, if he wants and makes some efforts, can discover in himself the possibility of a super-strong influence on circumstances and events, on the surrounding reality, life and destiny. You can discover in yourself the powerful transforming forces of your own soul, which, like a magical ray, are able to blossom the world around you, leaving no room for darkness, evil, failures and troubles in it and creating conditions for the growth and development of all the best that is in the world, - happiness, good luck, well-being, friendship and love, success and the most beautiful, friendly, open human relationships.

In this book you will find the most complete exposition of the Joseph Murphy system, accompanied by many practical exercises, the consistent implementation of which, you will inevitably come to the most positive results in your life. By reading the book, you will get a complete understanding of all the rules of life proposed by Joseph Murphy for achieving success, gaining wealth, happiness, love and health, and you will be able to immediately put his principles into practice, because before you is a unique training that allows you to realize your most wild dreams!

When we work with the subconscious, it responds and begins to help us! And when we work under the guidance of such a great master as Joseph Murphy, it is simply impossible to fail. Whoever wants to receive miracles in his life, who does not deviate from his path, will certainly get what he wants!

Training based on the books of Joseph Murphy will be your assistant along the way. But, of course, your own subconscious, or, one might say, the soul, will become your main assistant. You will see what immeasurable wealth is hidden within you, you will discover the beauty and power of your inner strength. Open yourself to this power and the path will lead you.

Try it and make sure that nothing is impossible for you from now on!

Chapter 1
Get to know your subconscious

What happens to you is what you put into your subconscious.

The power of the subconscious is invisible, but it is real. It exists, it works, and it is very powerful. It creates - no less - our destiny.

Not external circumstances, not other people, not the will of chance - but our subconscious mind is the true creator of our life. Rather, we ourselves are in union with the subconscious.

Maybe you have long dreamed of meeting someone who could do incredible things for you: give you health, prolong youth, open the way to wealth and prosperity?

In this case, rejoice: this person is well known to you. Who is he? You yourself!

Don't believe?

But that's exactly it! You can achieve anything just by turning to yourself. More precisely, to what we are not accustomed to noticing, let alone using, to our subconscious.

If you feel that the time has come to radically change the situation with health, money, success, you should know that this is not only in your power, but you don’t need to do so much for this.

No need to travel to distant lands, no need to master secret knowledge, no need to pay crazy money for dubious courses, but you just need to understand that the subconscious is a great force that changes everything!

And she's not just right next to you. She is inside you!

This means, one way or another, you are already dealing with the subconscious. You contact him whether you like it or not. You use its power, although out of ignorance you do it not always for your own good.

But the fact remains: you already own the power of the subconscious!

It remains only to understand it. And start doing it consciously.

The first lesson you need to learn is that what you plant in your subconscious ALWAYS happens!

What does it mean? The subconscious mind is an incredibly powerful “supercomputer” that is “online” with the entire universe. He not only can get answers to almost any question, he is able to change reality. You are the "operator" who, with the help of a "computer", is changing the world!

Sound fantastic? And yet it's true.

Just as water always freezes at sub-zero temperatures, the subconscious mind always reacts to your thoughts. Just as apples fall to the ground under the influence of gravity, so you get - consciously or not - what you think about, what you imagine!

The subconscious is impersonal and does not know how to choose and evaluate, it believes everything that the mind considers true.

Those thoughts that you let into your mind take root in your subconscious and begin to materialize!

If you are used to being afraid of everything, then do not be surprised if something happens in life that feeds your fears, if you are used to believing that everyone around wants to deceive you, then there will be a lot of deceivers on your way.

But if you believe that you deserve the best, that God keeps you, that everything that happens is for the good, life will definitely prove you right!

The easiest way to understand how the subconscious mind works is to look at people under hypnosis. When a skilled hypnotist puts a person into a trance, the mind turns off and the subconscious mind takes control. If the hypnotist tells the person at this moment that he is a dog, he will go down on all fours and bark; if he says that it is hot in a cold room, the person will quickly begin to undress.

All this shows that the subconscious is ready to absorb and accept any, even the most crazy idea for the truth and embody it.

Give the subconscious a command, ask it properly, and it will obediently respond and reproduce in reality the idea that you have introduced into it.

Change the way you think and you will change your life!

What do you think is the secret of all secrets? The secret of atomic energy or the neutron bomb? Interplanetary flights or laser methodologies? Not this, not the other, not the third… This secret is the amazing, miraculous power of your own subconscious, the area in which we tend to look for secrets last.

For successful work with the subconscious, it is very important to realize and understand well that we really create everything that we receive in life on our own - we create with our thoughts, emotions, desires and intentions. The mind, accustomed to ordinary, worldly logic, will resist this awareness. Logic will tell you that the reasons are not inside, not in your consciousness and subconsciousness, but in something external: circumstances forced you to behave this way and not otherwise, someone interfered with your success, chance helped you, or, conversely, created obstacles for you, etc. But this is only at first, superficial glance.

If we think about the reasons for what is happening to us, if we try to penetrate into the very essence, not limiting ourselves to superficial judgments, then we will certainly come to the conclusion that these reasons are in ourselves.

There are many examples of how:

- a person was suggested that he was sick (or he inspired himself) - and he really gets sick;

- someone believed a bad prediction - and the prediction came true;

- someone wholeheartedly believed that everything would be fine - and he really is doing well;

- a person believes that he will be able to cope with a difficult task - and he copes with brilliance;

- a person is not sure that he is worthy of getting what he wants - and does not get it.

You can find similar examples in your own life. Make sure there aren't too many of them!

What you considered an accident, a combination of circumstances, luck or bad luck, is actually created by you - your subconscious mind, through the thoughts, emotions and desires that you put into it.

The subconscious and consciousness are two complementary parts of one whole. Consciousness, reason - evaluates, chooses, using the senses, experience, knowledge.

Thoughts are born in consciousness, repetitive thoughts settle in the subconscious, and it is the subconscious that brings to life what you constantly think about.

How to meet your subconscious? Notice that we contact him in a dream, as well as in a state of rest, relaxation, or in those situations when, for some reason, we want to look inside ourselves.

Have you been talking to yourself for a long time? You don't have to be afraid of this. Just trust that when you meet with the subconscious, you meet with a friend and helper. Let's start with the right mental attitude.

Exercise 1

Psychological attitude: the subconscious is a friend

Sit or lie down comfortably, relax and close your eyes. Take ten deep breaths and even, slow exhalations.

Imagine that you are now lying on the seashore or on the edge of a forest on warm sand or earth warmed by the summer sun. All around is silence. And only the singing of birds or the sound of the surf break it. This is only your world, and no one can enter it without your permission. You are warm and comfortable. You feel peace and security.

Direct your attention inward. Imagine that the outside world has moved away. You are on your own. There is no one else and nothing.

Tell yourself: " I feel good, comfortable and calm. I meet myself, and it is a pleasant meeting. I am my own friend. My subconscious serves me. I am friendly with the subconscious, and it works for my good.

Think of something good and pleasant. Dream, because when we are in contact with the subconscious, the most daring dreams can come true.

If you feel any anxiety, take a deep breath and then exhale, imagining that you are exhaling all the anxious thoughts. Do this several times.

Say out loud or to yourself: Prosperity, joy, happiness, wealth, love (add what you need) are already coming to me, and I go out to meet them! I am full of strength and energy to create my life! I'm starting right now!"

Take five deep breaths in and out, maintaining a state of confidence and peace.

What prevents the subconscious mind from working for our good

Let's learn: the subconscious is a passive beginning. It is a performer, not a boss, a follower, not a leader.

The leader, the leader in your pair is you, your mind, your thoughts and feelings. By itself, consciousness will not make decisions for you and push you to a better life. It obediently implements what you lay in it.

Whatever you tell your subconscious mind, it will do. He will not argue - he will simply say “Yes” to you and fulfill your wish.

If you say: "I'm bad, I don't deserve anything good," the subconscious will agree and create for you an appropriate reality in which there is nothing good.

If you say, “I am wonderful and worthy of the best,” the subconscious mind will also agree and will work to create a corresponding wonderful reality.

The subconscious mind is passive and uncritical. It can also be compared to fertile soil, which does not care what grows on it.

What seeds are thrown into it, those will sprout, and it will equally nourish both weeds and cultivated plants with its juices.

Nurturing destructive, negative thoughts and ideas in ourselves, we do ourselves great harm. How. How often have you harmed yourself by being angry, afraid, jealous, or pursuing Revenge?

All these feelings: jealousy, anger, envy, fear, Vengefulness are nothing but. a terrible poison that poisons your subconscious. You weren't born with such negative attitudes. You have mastered them. due to their own delusions.

Imagine a beautiful garden, where there are many fruit-bearing trees, various flower beds, rose and jasmine bushes, where lilies and lotuses bloom on the cleanest ponds, where birds sing in different voices - in a word, there is everything that your heart desires, which pleases you every year gives you bountiful harvests.

But for some reason, the garden turned out to be neglected - and now only thistles and quinoa grow there, and what was pleasing to the eye now only leads to discouragement and inspires melancholy.

Are you sure that you are not cultivating the weeds that you yourself have sown in the subconscious? Let's muster up the courage and look there.

Exercise 2

Look into your subconscious

Part 1

Take a sheet of paper and a pen.

Quickly, without hesitation, write how you feel about yourself, using no more than five words - definitions, answers to the question: "What am I?"

Now, without thinking too much, write down how you are doing in each of the following areas:

1. Health

2. Personal (family) life

3. Financial situation

5. Position in society

Reread what you wrote.

This is exactly what is imprinted in your subconscious, which means it is embodied in your life.

If there are more negative characteristics than positive ones, then you subconsciously realize the worst scenario of your life than you deserve.

But don't get upset. Negative attitudes are created by you, and you yourself, and not someone else, keep them in your consciousness and subconscious. But since you are their owner, you can change them at will. You can start this at any time - for example, right now.

Part 2

Take the list you made in the first part of the exercise.

Rewrite it by changing negative characteristics to positive.

Create your portrait, create yourself the way you would like to see yourself, the way you deserve to be!

Dream boldly, you have NO limits.

The next day, when you wake up, try to remember (do not look at the list!) All the new characteristics.

Remind yourself of what you want to become in any free moment.

Important! Don't tell yourself: "I will…", use only the present tense!

Tear up the first list or burn it.

The image of the garden belongs to Joseph Murphy. The subconscious is a garden, Murphy believed, and a person is a gardener. A person sows good and positive seeds in his garden, and receives good and positive sprouts. This Murphy allegory is clear. If you sow positive thoughts about your financial situation, it will certainly improve soon. After all, as we have said, the subconscious ALWAYS reacts to our thoughts. But how to think, how to ask, how to speak with the subconscious - the disclosure of these secrets lies ahead of you.

Our mind, our consciousness and subconscious can be likened to such a garden. While you take care of him, he gives rich harvests, presents you with everything your heart desires. Once it is launched, everything will be overgrown with weeds and weeds, and you will not get anything good.

Stop poisoning your subconscious, start feeding it with creative, beneficial ideas and thoughts, life-affirming images, and then with their help you will be able to push out the destructive patterns that have taken root in your subconscious. By continuing this cleansing, you will completely free yourself from the burden of the past and forget all your troubles and sorrows, and most importantly, you will forget K.'s habit of negative thinking.

Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious

You have incredible wealth that can make you a happy, prosperous, healthy person who succeeds in everything he wants. But this wealth remains only potential until you learn how to manage it. To manage is to sow the garden of your mind with all the good that you expect to receive. The crop grows from the seeds that we sow. It is impossible to harvest apples or wheat if you have planted the whole garden with thistles. Even if you did it unintentionally, just letting the thistle seeds fly in from different directions and not weeding the sprouts in time.

Exercise 3

soul garden

Give yourself about thirty minutes, if necessary, set an alarm (but not very loud).

Stay alone, turn off your phone so that no one can distract you from the exercise. Sit or lie down as comfortably as possible.

The room should be well ventilated, but not cold.

Relax, close your eyes. Place your right hand on the solar plexus. Feel the warmth that is concentrated under the palm. Gradually, heat spreads throughout the body - legs, arms, chest. You are warm and comfortable, all muscles are relaxed.

Imagine a garden. An incredibly beautiful garden full of amazing flowers: red, yellow, lilac. Flowers grow everywhere. How they smell! Breathe in the air filled with the most pleasant aromas imaginable. The warm, spicy scent of the exotic plants in this magical garden envelops you. You are drowning in the beauty of wonderful flowers, inhaling their aroma.

Feel how warm it is in the garden. Watch: the garden is full of life! Are there butterflies and birds here? What are they? Cautious and fearful or carefree and trusting?

You have the right to do whatever you want here, because this is your garden, the garden of your soul, your subconscious.

Walk on it, know it, study it and discover the love for this place in your heart. Look at every flower in your garden, touch every blade of grass, every petal of every tree. It's all yours. Your garden will be as beautiful and harmonious as you want. Plant any plants in it, populate it with birds, animals, insects. The main thing is that your garden gives you a sense of harmony, and you love it.

If the alarm goes off or you feel like you've been walking in the garden, again focus on the feeling of warmth in the solar plexus area. Slowly open your eyes, take a few deep breaths in and out, and only then get up.

Do this exercise daily. Let every day in your garden there are new and new plants that delight you. Let the sun shine in your garden every day, let the aroma of flowers in your garden warm you. You are a gardener endowed with omnipotence. You can plant any plants here, take care of them carefully, see how they bloom and bear fruit before your eyes.

Know that all these flowers and herbs are your thoughts. They are beautiful and harmonious. There are no dark colors in your garden, in your subconscious, there are no rains and hurricanes. Here all year round the sun is shining and you can take walks in your garden any time you want.

Circumstances arose that, quite unexpectedly for myself, I ended up in a neighboring resort town. While waiting for my colleague, I wandered thoughtfully along the embankment, watching the vacationers with a smile and warmth in my soul. And then a makeshift bookstore caught my eye. How to get past here? Of course I went. And she didn't regret it. There I purchased a wonderful book by Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.

Joseph Murphy - the power of your subconscious

This book explains in great detail and persuasively how each of us can and should use . Using specific examples, the author proves to the reader that our thoughts and words are valid. And how to use this power can also be found in this book. The flow of thoughts in a person's head is very difficult to stop. But each of us can direct thoughts in the right direction in order to really get the help of the subconscious. One has only to realize the truth and move on to practice. The most favorable time for self-hypnosis is the morning awakening and going to bed. But it is also true what the American writer and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “A person is what he thinks about all day.”

Your subconscious mind has limitless power. It knows neither peace nor rest, it always stands on guard. You yourself can convince yourself of his miraculous power by giving him a very specific task just before going to bed. You will gladly discover that this volitional impulse will release internal forces that will lead to the desired result. So, here is the source of all power and wisdom that provides you with access to exactly that power and omnipotence that moves the world, that determines the orbits of the planets and makes the sun shine.

However, the subconscious will only obey your suggestion if you address it with complete self-confidence and with great persuasiveness.

Your desire is your prayer. Imagine vividly the fulfillment of your desire that has already come, and your prayer will be heard. Avoid any violent mental exertion when praying and do not try to achieve anything by force. Bring yourself to a state close to sleep and lull yourself into complete confidence and knowledge that your prayer will be answered.

Always remember: A grateful heart is open to the bountiful blessings of the universe.

Where money comes and goes unhindered, economic health reigns. Consider money as a phenomenon that is like the tides of the sea: the ebb and flow are constantly changing each other. If the tide is out now, then there will definitely be a tide.

Whoever considers and recognizes himself as the master of his thoughts and feelings cannot be offended by another person. Your feelings match your thoughts. Therefore, by thinking, you can expel from your mind everything that could upset your inner balance.

Forgiving others is an essential prerequisite for your own mental and mental health. Whoever wants to be absolutely happy and healthy must first forgive everyone who has ever harmed him.

Be kind to yourself and others

Also be kind to your own mistakes and weaknesses and bring your thoughts into harmony with the divine order. It is impossible for yourself if you have not forgiven others at first. Those who do not want to forgive themselves only prove their arrogance and ignorance.

candle meditation

A large number of diseases are caused by envy, hatred, evil will, the desire for revenge and antipathy. Be more forgiving. Forgive yourself and others, thinking with joy and favor of those who have caused you suffering. Forgiveness means wishing others peace, joy, wisdom, and all the best, until your memories lose their poignancy. This is the cornerstone of true forgiveness.

called man's greatest enemy. Often it is the cause of failures, and tensions between people. Millions of people also fear the future, old age, mental illness and death. At the same time, fear is only the content and consequence of your thoughts: you are afraid of your own thoughts! Emerson said on this occasion: "Do what you fear, and yours will be finished."

You are as old as you feel and how you think. You have as much power as you appreciate. You are as useful as you feel you are useful. You are as young as your way of thinking.

You are the son of infinite life and the child of eternity, remember this.

Joseph Murphy argues very convincingly about the power of your subconscious mind in his book. At least I don't have any doubts.

And now listen to the answer of the psychologist, candidate of medical sciences, Mark Sandomiersky, to the question of how to address the subconscious so that it hears you:


Believe it or not...

Current page: 5 (total book has 18 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 12 pages]

Make a mental movie about your happy life!

But what if your problem takes a long time or you want to change several aspects of your life at once?

There is a variant of the visualization technique for this called "Mental Movie".

The essence of this technique is that you simply act as if your dreams have already been realized.

The subconscious absorbs these pictures every day, perceives them as truth and begins to realize them in reality!

Mentally replay the movie of your life—the life you dream of.

Focus on the fact that your whole life becomes different, be an actor, play the main role in this performance!

Don't step out of character when you're in public or when you're alone.

... I was in the Midwest of the United States on a lecture tour of a number of states and wished to drop anchor, find some kind of permanent home in those parts, from where I would help those in need. I went far from those Places, but the desire did not leave me. One evening in a hotel in Spokane, Washington, I completely relaxed on the couch, unfocused my attention, and calmly, passively imagined myself speaking to a large audience and saying, "I'm glad to be here, I was praying for an ideal opportunity." In my mind's eye, I saw this imaginary audience and felt the full reality of what was happening. I played the role of an actor, making the mental movie as much like a performance as possible, and felt the satisfaction that this picture was transmitted, broadcast to my subconscious, which realizes it in its own way.

The next morning, when I woke up, I felt a surge of satisfaction, cheerfulness and peace of mind, and a few days later received a telegram inviting him to take up a post in an organization in the Midwest. I accepted the offer and for several years I was glad that my wish came true, working in this position.

Exercise 3

Using the Mind Movie Technique

Relax, calm your mind.

Think about your problem (task).

Imagine the way out of the situation that would suit you the most. Think over the details - what accompanies your success? What will your life be like with this turn of events?

Remember that in this movie the main character is you! Do not allow thoughts of defeat and trouble.

As with the imaging technique, do not allow negative thoughts!

“Scroll through” different episodes of your movie in your head at any free moment until these episodes begin to be perceived by you as reality.

Here is an example of how you can apply the mental movie method to a specific problem.

Let's say you want to lose weight.

Imagine that this has already happened!

Think of a rough “scenario” of your life AFTER you have lost weight.

Imagine walking down the street with your head held high and seeing your reflection in the shop windows.

Imagine walking into a store and choosing a beautiful dress or suit.

Imagine how easy it is to run along the path of a picturesque park on a summer day.

Imagine tasting a gourmet dish, enjoying the smell and taste. Look - a very small portion was enough for you to satisfy your hunger.

Imagine that you receive compliments from a variety of people, including strangers.

In your imagination, combine these episodes so that they, alternating, create a real film about your new life!

If you performed the exercise correctly, then at the end you should feel an emotional lift.

Chapter 6
How to give commands to the subconscious. Technique number two: Affirmations

Think positive!

Affirmations are short, capacious phrases that contain the very essence of your desire, what you would like to receive.

But these are not just words, not just thoughts - this is the power of thought plus the power of imagination. As we know, thought and imagination can conflict, but when they are combined into an affirmation, then all contradictions between them disappear, and the word, together with the image, creates a single energy, mutually complementing and reinforcing each other.

But as you already know, for our subconscious, words are in second place. On the first - images, pictures. Therefore, it is very good to learn from the very beginning to apply affirmations in conjunction with the work of the imagination. Don't just talk about what you want to get, but imagine it! Such affirmations will be the most effective, and the power of the word, the power of thought inherent in them, will manifest itself most fully.

Remember: if you deny something (“I don’t want to get sick”), then you are affirming what you deny, and you get exactly that (for example, illness). Therefore, all words should sound only in a positive way, avoid the “not” particle and words such as “never”, “no one”, “nowhere”, etc.

Here are a few more important conditions for affirmations to be effective:

- avoid words that are personally unpleasant for you, sound negative or cause unwanted associations;

- Include in your affirmations as many words as possible that inspire you - for example, joy, strength, health, happiness, etc .;

- pronounce affirmations, feeling their meaning well, thinking about each word and imagining very well what is being said;

- if possible, say affirmations aloud or in a whisper - they will work when mentally pronounced, but when the words are spoken aloud, they are given additional energy, and they reach the subconscious more easily.

You can take ready-made affirmations as a model, but be sure to modify them so that they become only yours. And mentally connect with the words what you are talking about in affirmations.

Repeat the affirmation with faith, consciously and calmly, until you get a subconscious response that satisfies you.

Try to compose phrases for affirmations so that they are exactly yours, that is, they do not sound formal to you, but touch your feelings and penetrate your soul. Only such, heartfelt and meaningful, personally significant phrases for you can penetrate deep into your subconscious and become the foundation for favorable changes.

Joseph Murphy advises: start thinking about the good things you want to have as if you already have them! Formulate phrases in which you will declare these benefits as you already have!

Exercise 1

Practice affirmations

Think about the desire you want to fulfill. Maybe you want to find new job, or meet love, or find health, or you dream of passing the exam well tomorrow. Formulate a phrase, no more than fifteen words, in which the present tense should express how well you did the task. For example: “I am completely healthy, I feel great, I feel cheerful, strong and happy”, “I am confident and absolutely calm, I know the material very well, I answer perfectly”.

Create an image by visualization that matches this phrase. Repeat the phrase aloud several times, as slowly as possible, thoughtfully, trying to feel into each word and at the same time imagining in your imagination the image corresponding to the phrase - how you look and feel what you are talking about.

Do this practice for 5-7 minutes three or four times a day. In between, you can at any opportunity say affirmations to yourself.

If it happens that you don’t have time to come up with your own affirmation, since the situation urgently needs a favorable resolution and you need to mobilize all your strength for this, say out loud and to yourself something like this phrase: “I I believe in the infinite power of my inner wisdom, which resolves the situation in the best way, most safely for me and in accordance with the laws of Divine harmony.

Here are examples of affirmations for different occasions that you can use, or create your own based on them.

If you are looking for the abundant life:

I allow myself to have whatever I want.

I have the right to all the best in life.

All my wishes come true!

I fill my life with the energy of prosperity.

If you want love:

I radiate the light energy of love.

The light of Divine love always shines on me!

Love is the norm of my life!

I am ready to receive the flow of love that is flowing into my life.

If you need to raise cash flow:

I attract money!

My income is constantly growing.

I am open to wealth and abundance.

I deserve to live in abundance and take what is rightfully mine.

If you want to be successful:

Luck is the norm of my life!

I choose joy and success!

I am on my way to success.

I succeed in whatever I undertake.

If you dream of gaining wisdom and inner harmony:

The road to my inner temple is open to me.

I turn to the light within me and become free.

I trust life!

From now on, I have a deep understanding, I see all events with the wise gaze of a calm and blissful Deity.

If you want to stay young, beautiful and healthy:

The energy of life, the energy of youth is always with me from now on!

I respect myself, I love myself, I praise myself and find all the best and best qualities in myself!

I love myself exactly the way I am.

I'm blooming!

I love my body and it gets better every day!

I enjoy my cuteness!

I'm only changing for the better.

A psychologist friend of mine told me that he was ill - his lung was infected. X-ray showed the presence of tuberculosis. In the evenings before going to bed, my friend persistently repeated the attitude-affirmation: “Every cell, nerve, tissue and muscle of my lungs is now gaining health and integrity and perfection. My whole body is recovering, gaining health and harmony. The words were not exactly the same, but my retelling accurately reflects the essence of the prayer. A month later, the patient was completely cured, and the subsequent X-ray confirmed this: there was no trace of the disease in the lung.

Method of written statements

Did you know that the power of thoughts and words is multiplied when we speak them out loud? But our thoughts become even stronger, being written down, set out on paper. Therefore, in order to fulfill your desires, it is very useful to master the method of written statements.

What gives the fixation of positive statements on paper?

In the process of writing, you clearly articulate the desire.

By perceiving the statement visually (reading) and kinesthetically (including muscle memory when writing), you increase the impact on the subconscious. What is written is easier to perceive as having come true.

The rules for written statements are the same as for ordinary affirmations. The main thing is to believe that the wish has already come true, write in the present tense and use only positive thoughts and words.

Power descends into our world in accordance with the feeling and faith behind it. When we realize the power that moves the world and makes our words come true, our self-confidence grows.

Joseph Murphy, "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind"

Exercise 2
Applying the written positive affirmation technique

Prepare paper and pen in advance (do not use typewriters and computer!).

Stay alone, in a calm environment, when no one bothers you. State your wish.

Describe how you see the fulfillment of your desire.

Write, for example: "I healthy" or "I am quitting smoking".

Do not limit yourself to one line - write the entire sheet. Write slowly, trying to feel the positive affirmation. Try changing your hand (if you are, for example, right-handed, write a few lines with your left hand).

Repeat the exercise until the desired is fulfilled.

You are the sum of your own thoughts. It is in your power to refrain from chewing on negative thoughts and images. To get rid of darkness, strive for light. To overcome a cold, strive for warmth. To overcome negative thoughts, replace them with positive ones. Affirm the good, invite the good into your life, and the bad will disappear.

Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious

The Baudouin method: working with affirmations while half asleep

Do you know when the conscious and subconscious are in closest contact? Of course, this happens during sleep, as well as drowsiness, light naps. We can learn to consciously use this state to give commands to our subconscious mind.

These commands will be especially effective because when we are in a half-asleep state - for example, falling asleep or, conversely, waking up from sleep, but still continuing to doze, our conscious mind is not active. The mind is slightly inhibited, depressed, which means that unwanted thoughts cannot interfere with the positive command that we want to give to the subconscious.

In addition, before falling asleep or immediately after waking up, we are usually relaxed, we feel peace and comfort - and this is the best state for working on the fulfillment of desires.

One way to work with the subconscious while half asleep is named after Charles Baudouin (1893–1963), who headed the Rousseau Institute in France in the 20th century and directed research at the School of Healing in New Nancy in 1910.

Here is the formula proposed by Baudouin: The simplest way to keep it (introducing the idea into the subconscious) is to focus on the idea that will be the object of suggestion, concentrate it, squeezing it into a capacious phrase that is easy to capture in memory, and repeat the phrase over and over again, like a lullaby.

Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious

This method is as follows:

- you need to formulate your idea in one simple phrase, easy to remember;

- enter a drowsy state or a half-sleep state;

- calmly, passively convey the idea to the subconscious, repeating the invented phrase.

To work while you are half asleep, you can use the affirmation technique, or simply say the words that inspire you, or formulate your desires, or pray in whatever words feel right to you. It is very useful to use the visualization technique - but in any case, when creating an image of a fulfilled desire, accompany it with some kind of verbal formulation, preferably short and succinct. You can repeat this formulation aloud later, already in the waking state, and thus remind your subconscious of the need for active work to translate desire into reality.

Of course, you need to prepare in advance for such work in a state of drowsiness. Take advantage of being awake when your mind is active and decide for yourself what wish you will “make at night”, how you will present it as already realized and what verbal formulation you will accompany. By the way, the custom of making a wish at night is associated precisely with a special state of consciousness at this time! And if you remember what you dreamed about as a child before going to bed, you will certainly find that many of these desires have come true.

This is natural: no matter what idea you put into the subconscious mind in a drowsy state, the subconscious mind will accept it for execution.

Exercise 3

Work with the subconscious in a half-asleep state

Having decided what desire you want to fulfill, imagine it already fulfilled and come up with a phrase that will reflect what you want to achieve. For example me I am confident, I speak clearly and loudly”, “I feel free and relaxed”, “I am happy to enter a new apartment” etc.

When you go to bed, relax and gradually breathe more quietly and slowly to bring your breathing closer to the breathing of a sleeping person. When you feel that sleep is already close, that you are ready to doze off, imagine a picture of your fulfilled desire and begin to repeat the phrase corresponding to it very slowly and calmly in time with your breath.

Imagine that you are lulling yourself with this phrase, and if you want, you can even mentally hum it to yourself to the tune of a lullaby. Repeat it for 5-10 minutes, or better - until you fall asleep. But even if sleep does not come immediately, the method will still work, the main thing is that you perform it in a state of drowsiness.

In the morning, when you wake up, but are not yet fully awake, imagine the picture of your realized dream again and repeat the appropriate phrase again while in a relaxed, sleepy state.

You can do it differently: in the evening work with one desire, and in the morning with another. For example, if you have a desire that requires you to be alert and active (to do some kind of work that requires activity, sports, etc.), it is better not to say it before bed and leave it in the morning. In this case, the night before, set yourself up for the fact that the upcoming event will go well, you will be in an even, harmonious state, and set yourself up for cheerfulness and activity in the morning.

Chapter 7
Divine law of sleep

The importance of getting good sleep

Joseph Murphy pays a lot of attention in his books to sleep and everything connected with it. After all, in a dream we contact the subconscious so tightly and thoroughly, as never before! Many people believe that sleep is a waste of time. In fact, we sleep in total for about a third of our entire lives! And now someone is trying to save on sleep in order to do more useful things in their lives. In vain!

Scientists have proven that the activity of most of the body's vital processes does not stop during a person's sleep, and some systems even, on the contrary, work with great activity during sleep.

It seems to us that during sleep we do not think, which means that the brain also sleeps, but this is not so. The human brain, like all other organs, cannot sleep and works day and night. From school chemistry lessons, we remember the amazing story about the table chemical elements, which the great scientist Mendeleev saw in a dream.

Doesn't this prove that the brain is working with might and main while a person is sleeping? Moreover, his work is aimed at finding the best solutions, at harmonizing our condition and restoring our strength, at relieving stress and sorting out all the information received during the day.

All this work happens in the subconscious! It, of course, also sleeps when we sleep - but it works.

Moreover, it works more efficiently than during the day, since at this time it is free from the influence of consciousness. And it works for our good. It is not for nothing that people say that all diseases are treated in a dream and that the morning is wiser than the evening.

Sleep is a divine law, and many solutions to our problems come to us when we sleep sweetly in our bed.

Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious

If we deprive ourselves of normal sleep, then very soon we will run out of steam, exhausted both physically and spiritually. And we will not be able to create anything good either for ourselves or for others - we will have neither the strength nor the desire for this.

Instead of regretting the time spent on sleep, it is better to use it for your own greater good. To do this, first of all, you need to devote enough time to sleep. It is different for each person, but keep in mind that sleeping less than seven to eight hours a day is wrong and fraught with illness, stress, and problems. If you want to sleep longer, sleep longer. If you don’t get enough sleep, try to sleep off the next night - sleep for at least ten hours.

Remember, when you sleep, you are spiritually recharged, and adequate sleep is essential for there to be a place for joy and cheerfulness in your life.

Joseph Murphy, "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind"

Know that lack of sleep causes:

- irritability

- dissatisfaction with life

- fatigue,

- depression

- memory loss

- mental disorders

- private and unreasonable mood swings.

Your body and your brain can't handle a constant lack of sleep and it crashes. If you lack sleep, you need to urgently change something. Try to add at least an extra hour of sleep to yourself every day, to the detriment of household chores, communication with family, reading, watching movies. You must definitely increase the amount of time allotted for sleep, otherwise you will be worse off.

If you are faced with a choice of what to do: watch an interesting movie or have interesting dreams, there should be no doubt!

Laws of sweet sleep

But not only the amount of sleep is important for you and your body. Its quality is also important. Sleep should be sweet, deep, calm. You should fall asleep quickly and effortlessly. wake up with good mood should feel rested. If your sleep is not like this, devote a few minutes in the evening to a simple exercise that will help you shake off the burden of daytime worries, get rid of unnecessary physical stress.

Exercise 1

Evening mood for sound sleep

Exercise is performed in the evening, but not immediately before bedtime, but a few hours before it.

Sit on the floor or a chair. Armchairs, sofas and other comfortable furniture are not suitable! Put your hands on your knees, straighten your back, tilt your head back a little. Breathe as you normally would.

Begin to slow down your breathing so that the count of "one-two" is inhaled and "three-four" is exhaled through half-open lips.

At the same time, strain all the muscles of the body as much as possible, to the point of discomfort. When the tension reaches its maximum, sharply relax all the muscles: hunch your back, hang your head forward, lower your arms.

Alternate tension-relaxation for a few minutes until you feel pleasantly tired.

Make sure that nothing distracts you during the exercise.

Try not to think about the events of the day at this moment, keep a pleasant image in your head, best of all - a picture of nature: a summer meadow, a running stream, cirrus clouds against the sunset, etc.

After doing the exercise, do not get up abruptly, allow yourself to be in a state of absolute rest for several minutes, remember this state.

- In the evening, two hours before bedtime, do not drink strong tea and coffee, as well as carbonated drinks. It is better to drink some warm milk with honey or butter.

- Your dinner should also take place no later than two hours before bedtime, and preferably four hours. Don't overeat before bed. Do not eat fatty, fried and spicy foods.

– Shortly before going to bed, the bedroom should be ventilated. Better yet, leave the window open all night. Fresh air will only promote sleep.

- The air temperature in the bedroom should not be higher than 20 degrees; if you are not too thermophilic, and your blanket is warm, the temperature can be lowered to 18 degrees.

- In no case do not turn on the TV in the bedroom - you risk falling asleep with it, then your sleep will definitely not be good for you. Floor lamps, sconces, night lights are also better not to turn on. It is better to sleep in complete darkness, so the curtains should be drawn.