How to clear your thoughts of bad things. How to get rid of negative thoughts. What happens when you clear your mind

If you are drowning in unpleasant thoughts and cannot get rid of them, you urgently need to change this. Here, for example, are 7 ways to get rid of unnecessary negativity from your head.

When negative thoughts start in their heads, people often try to get rid of them so as not to worry in vain. But the more you try not to think about the negative, the more inclined you become to it. To truly stop focusing on the negative, it takes more than trying not to think. Here are 7 tips for your attention on how to get out of the abyss of negativity and not bother yourself.

1. Change your body language

Pay attention to your body language. Are you sad, angry, or maybe slouched? If so, then it is more likely that your head is filled with negative thoughts.
A constrained body position and a frowning grimace do not create a very good mood. So, your first step to getting rid of negativity will be to change your posture and facial expression.
And it really helps! As soon as you notice unpleasant thoughts, straighten your back and straighten your shoulders, then try to recognize where exactly the tension has accumulated in the body and relax, smile. Almost immediately you will feel that your emotional background is improving.

2. Discuss the problem

There are people who tell everyone around them about their own problems and even seem to enjoy it. There are others who keep everything to themselves until the last moment, and then have nervous breakdowns.
If you still have any unpleasant emotions that won’t go away, try telling your loved ones about it.
When you turn your mood into words, the emotions take shape and are seen in the right perspective. After the conversation, you yourself will be surprised at how ridiculous your feelings about this or that were.

3. Take one minute to clear your mind of all thoughts.

When thousands of thoughts per minute arise in your head, it is very difficult to decide or control anything. If you're focused on the negative, try not thinking about anything at all for just one minute.
By paying attention to what is happening in your mind and what thoughts dominate there, you can correct the situation by adding a bit of positivity.

4. Change the tone of your thoughts

It even becomes scary when you realize that from a slight change in wording, the emotional connotation of the phrase or thought itself becomes radically different. How often do we oppress ourselves with incorrectly expressed thoughts, but it is possible to make it so that even with the same initial data, the results will turn out to be completely different.
For example, instead of thinking: “I have difficult period there are problems in life,” you can say this: “I am at a stage of change and am looking for the best solutions.”
As you can see, the situation has not changed, the problems were simply called “changes,” but who can say that this is not true? Meanwhile, the very tone of your thoughts is different, and you didn’t even have to deceive yourself to cheer yourself up.

5. Get creative

When you're overwhelmed by negative thoughts, you can spend some time being creative (it works the same way as talking). You can do anything: write prose or poetry, draw with a pencil or paints, dance in the end.
Spilling out emotions into creativity is a kind of art therapy that will not only provide relaxation, but also improve your mood. Negative thoughts will pass through you, become embodied in some form and remain there, not in your head.

6. Take a walk

It often seems as if your own head is the only source of negativity. This is usually the case, but exceptions happen. If you are surrounded by negative people, for example, in the family they constantly quarrel and blame each other, or at work everyone is very irritated, half of the negativity can be caused by their mood.
Unless you are a guru, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of negative thoughts while in such an environment. So, if possible, move away from him to calm down. Just take a walk or go somewhere: to an exhibition, to your favorite cafe, to the cinema - this will help you find peace of mind.

7. Make a gratitude list

In order not to drown in unpleasant thoughts and emotions, you need to urgently switch - a gratitude list is perfect for this.
Swimming in negativity, we naturally forget all the good things, and it seems that there is simply no way out, because in every aspect of life a big and complete failure awaits us. So take a piece of paper and write down all the good things in your life, doing it from a place of gratitude.
This will help focus your mind on a positive wave, so that after the gratitude list, all unpleasant thoughts will seem less scary.
After all, if you have so much good, how can it be a problem?

Knowing how to clear your mind will help you manage your life. Has it ever happened to you that everything around you started to fall apart: problems with money appeared, relationships fell apart, your health deteriorated? All this is a consequence of a clogged mind.

Previously, I lived in almost constant stress. I had many problems, and they seemed overwhelming to me. I couldn’t even get close to them, let alone solve them - I immersed myself in video games and TV series, until at one moment something woke up in me and I wanted to change my life. I read that in order to solve problems, you need to learn to control your consciousness - to remove everything unnecessary from it. And then the decision will come by itself. At first it seemed to me like some kind of “magic”, but I had no choice. I started meditating, practicing mindfulness throughout the day - and it helped me. It’s not that all the problems disappeared, but I began to look at them soberly. I began to understand what a misconception I was living in and how easy it is to change everything.

For example, I couldn’t communicate normally with people. Embarrassment, tightness, irritation - some of this constantly manifested itself in the conversation. It seemed to me that everyone around me was perfect, but I was full of weirdness. But as soon as I learned to calm my mind and began to look at the world soberly, I realized that everyone has their own shortcomings, that there is no need to idealize others. And another thing is that you don’t need to worry about your weaknesses– you need to accept them and work with them. Thanks to this, the problem with communication disappeared, and I began to attract interesting people into your life. Many acquaintances showed a desire to be in my company, as I became more positive and open. As I said, this is not magic: sometimes embarrassment still visits me. But I learned to quickly “dissolve” it and stay positive.

What clogs your mind?

Before you cleanse your consciousness, I’ll show you exactly what is clogging it and how. These are the things that we will get rid of using the techniques described below.


When someone says “this will never happen...”, or vice versa, “this always happens...”, then immediately throw this thought out of your head. Any generalization carries false information in 99% of cases. Surely you have heard more than once how someone laughed at some idea, and another “stupid” person went and implemented it. What helps these people? That they don't look at the opinions of others. They look at the situation, and soberly: “This person hasn’t even taken a step in that direction, how can he know anything?”


All negative assessments of other people, things, opinions are also harmful. If you don’t like something, you don’t need to keep it in your head. Pay attention only to those pleasant things, pleasant people you want to get closer to. Negativity narrows our ability to look at the world soberly. When we are angry, frustrated or depressed, we don’t even want to look towards solving problems. When we are positive, the same problems seem trivial and can be solved with the snap of a finger.


When we evaluate various things or people without “touching” them, this also clogs our consciousness. If your picture of the world is based only on guesses - without reinforcement personal experience– then life turns into walking through a minefield without the right map. How often have you heard the phrases: “If you don’t have connections, nothing will work out,” “If you don’t have talent, you shouldn’t even try to achieve anything,” etc.? And how many people do you know (or can you find on the Internet) who, despite these things, have achieved their goal?


Any criticism towards ourselves, or towards other people, also leaves a dirty mark in our minds and prevents us from looking at the world soberly. How can you solve a problem if all your efforts are focused on criticism? After all, no one said that if something bad happened, you need to sit down, look for those to blame and shout at them. There is no such rule. Criticism is simply a counterproductive thing caused by some short-lived negative impulse when something unpleasant happens. Yes, troubles happen. But what is better - to look for those to blame, or to spend this time resolving problems?

Methods of purifying consciousness

Now let's move on to those things that will tell you how to clear your mind of garbage. If you want to learn to look at the world soberly, manage your life and build it in accordance with your desires, you need to practice the exercises described below.

Put everything out of your head and onto paper

One trick that many writers use is to get everything out of their heads and onto paper. And every day. They use this to gain inspiration and search for ideas. But this practice also allows you to clear your consciousness. How to do this exercise?

  1. Put every thought you have on paper or in a text document on your computer.
  2. Literally everything that is in your head – put it on paper.
  3. Let this thought be unpleasant, shameful, scary - it doesn’t matter. Lay it all out.

I don’t know how it will be after the first time, but over time you will begin to feel how the burden of problems and negative thoughts that weighs on you will begin to disappear. You will begin to look at the world soberly, become more focused and productive.

Mindful walks

Another thing that helps clear your mind is mindful walking. What it is? This is when you walk somewhere, while observing your breathing, the sensations of the people and things around you. Shift your focus from your head to your body. It's easy to do when you're on the move. The best time to walk is in the evening. This exercise in itself will remove the question of how to clear your mind - usually after a mindful walk, all your thoughts will disappear.

Exercise until tired

Another good practice that will push all unnecessary thoughts out of your head is regular exercise. And to the point of fatigue. Usually our head gets cluttered when we have too much free time. But if we take this time with physical exercise, negative thoughts will have no time to multiply in our head.


Eat different types meditation, and I'm honestly not an expert at this. But there is one thing that works for me: it is to sit in a comfortable chair, trying to imitate the lotus position, while observing your thoughts. Without clinging, without dwelling on them - just watch what is happening in your head. What worries me, what worries me. Also, do not forget about deep, even breathing and straight posture - these are also important things. This practice helps you accept thoughts that are painful and scary to accept within yourself. This relieves tension and makes the mind calmer.

Positive outlook training

There is one quote that really stuck with me:

“It’s better to have a positive picture of the world and make mistakes, than a negative one and at the end of your life tell everyone “I was right!”

After all, it is true - you can live your whole life without criticizing everyone and everything, but enjoying and doing good things (both towards others and towards yourself). Let the truth be revealed to you in the end, and you will understand that this world is actually a terrible place and all people are very negative - all the same. This is better than being angry, depressed and offended by the whole world, but at the same time being right.

Train a positive outlook on the world: on others, on yourself, on loved ones. Look for the positive aspects in everyone, and if someone has committed an unpleasant act, look for what pushed them to do it. Surely this is not a bad person, but his mood has simply deteriorated, which pushed him in the wrong direction. Clearing the mind of negativity relieves stress and makes the mind more flexible and clear.

Introducing the habit of testing everything from your own experience

We have not touched upon one more element of a cluttered consciousness - these are prejudices and generalizations. If you want something, but you don’t think it will work out, do it anyway. See the results and then decide whether it was worth it or not. I can guarantee that most of the prohibitions that you have set for yourself due to generalizations and prejudices introduced from outside are illusory. They're not real. You can achieve anything if you start moving in the direction you want, gain experience, adjust the map and keep moving.

A few words in conclusion

If you, like me before, are concerned about the problem of how to clear your mind of garbage - you don’t see ways to solve your problems, you don’t believe that you can achieve something in life, you are stressed - it’s time to do it. The article described very effective methods, but I do not advise you to take on everything at once. Huge changes in life are a cumulative process, not a revolution. Therefore, to begin with, I recommend starting small - learning to look at yourself and the world around you with a positive attitude: what is good about you, the people around you and the situation, what lifts your mood, etc.

As soon as you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, quickly pull yourself together and start asking your brain the right questions. And as soon as this becomes a habit, move on to the following methods.

Let's cleanse our consciousness of negative thoughts that poison our already short life. But we want to live positively, do what we love and succeed in everything.

After clearing your thoughts, you will feel how you breathe deeply, the grayness of everyday life suddenly turns into bright colors, and the events taking place are enveloped in magic.

Tangerine mood will appear on your face more and more often.

Why is there negativity in our lives?

  • Most often, we fix, and involuntarily, our attention on disasters and misfortunes, and sad memories, on unfulfilled hopes and unresolved problems.
  • We look for those to blame for our troubles (fate, God, parents, state, authorities), we program ourselves for failure: “I won’t succeed,” “This is not for me, I can’t afford it.”
  • We forget what the sages taught from ancient times:

“Everything on which we fix our consciousness sooner or later becomes part of reality.”

Thought is energy, impulse. What a thought, such an energy. We create our own problems. When we experience suffering, failure, or encounter evil, we stop believing in goodness, happiness, and success. They bypass us. Our life is our choice, and its quality depends on our thoughts.

How to get rid of negative thoughts?

Positive psychology can help us. Of course, it will not be possible to follow the proposed rules right away. But once you take this path, you will see that your life has changed in many ways.

Summary of rules for each day:

1. Don't fill your head with negativity: bad TV news, rumors, forecasts. Do not discuss troubles and misfortunes that happened to people you don’t know.

2. Stop worrying all the time. Almost everything we fear does not come true. What is perceived as a problem may turn out to be a new opportunity.

3. Evaluate events objectively. If you can change the situation, change it. If not, “let her go”; worrying won’t help anyway.

4. Get rid of the illusion that those around you should live according to your scenario, act in accordance with your ideals and desires. You will see that there will be significantly fewer negative emotions.

5. Don't cling to the past, even if it was very happy for you. Ancient wisdom says: “Learn from the past, plan for the future, but live in the present.”

6. Take it easy on everything. Many things can irritate you in life. Once you give these things a different meaning, your nerve endings will twitch less often. Example from Oxymoron:

The neighbors have been doing repairs for a week now - they are banging with a hammer, hammering at the walls, the sounds of the drill haunt you. Anger, anger, hatred towards neighbors increases. And just imagine that this money is hammering at you through the walls and with such noise that most likely there is a lot of it. For example, now I am always happy when I hear someone’s renovation. I wish the same for you. Turn unpleasant events into pleasure.

7. Don't regret what you've done. Don't try to be perfect, flawless. There are no people who don't make mistakes. Forgive yourself small weaknesses.

8. Cultivate positive thoughts within yourself. A pessimistic attitude forces us to perceive even neutral events as negative. Find yours and read them, delve into the meaning.

9. Clear your thoughts with a walk. It is a walk that will clear your head and find healthy thoughts and new ideas. Tested on myself thousands of times.

10. Read seven more simple, but at the same time great.

A little simoron...

If, sitting at the computer now, you understand that a lot of negative thoughts have accumulated in your head, like wax in your ears, then take Enlightener.

A table lamp (or flashlight) acts as a brightener. Shine it in one ear, then in the other with the words:

“I enlighten myself into someone who knows how to think positively and act consciously.”

All, you have been cleansed of everything bad. Expect positive thoughts tomorrow morning.

One last positive note...

As soon as something nasty creeps into your bright head, then open the slider “You need to think positively!” and plunge into ordinary things that should make us happy every day JUST SO, for no reason.

You can watch in full screen by clicking on the arrows in the lower right corner.

Copy the positive slide to your website:

A person makes judgments based on the information available to him. If it is false, the conclusions will be incorrect. False conclusions lead to erroneous actions, which produce negative results.

A person’s task is to clear his consciousness of false information, to learn to distinguish lies from truth. In practice, this task turns out to be very difficult and requires for long years hard work on yourself.

Conclusions based on unverified information

One of the main problems is a person’s habit of drawing conclusions based on someone else’s, unverified, information. A typical example is rumors and gossip. Having heard unpleasant information about someone, a person may immediately and unconditionally believe it. Or he may simply refuse to draw conclusions, since he has no confirmation of its truth. It is the second option that is correct - you cannot judge what you do not know.

This principle is also described in the Gospel - “Judge not, lest ye be judged” (Matt. 7:1). Do not judge what you do not know, do not undertake to make judgments - especially when nothing depends on it. Moreover, even when everything indicates that a person has done something wrong, do not judge him. By judging someone even in small things, you take on the role of a judge, which is wrong. By learning not to judge, not to pass judgment, you will take a powerful step in clearing your mind.

There are people who always know what is what. They have an answer to any question; they cannot say “I don’t know.” But how true is their knowledge? As a rule, this is someone else's information borrowed from somewhere. People have very little knowledge gained through personal labor. The education system itself is structured in such a way that people absorb a huge amount of other people’s knowledge. It should not be said that they are all false. But we also cannot accept them as an unambiguous truth.

It is always important to understand that you may be wrong, that your judgment may be false. Therefore, avoid categorical assessments - remember that the truth can be complex and multifaceted. What one sees as white may be black for another, and vice versa. Moreover, both can be right in their own way, within the framework of their cultural traditions.

Right Thinking

As one wise man said, The best way to think is not to think at all. Thinking is only the tip of human consciousness; it can be compared to the excitement on the surface of a lake. In the depths there is endless peace. It is this peace that constitutes the true “I” of a person.

Try observing your thoughts. A thought appeared - you immediately tracked it. Another one appeared - you caught her too. It's not that difficult, you just need to pay attention. There is even a stable expression - “I caught myself thinking that...” But if you catch thoughts, then who is thinking, to whom do these thoughts belong?

This is how one discovers the difference between consciousness and awareness. There is a restless thinking part, and a silent aware part. The mind always needs food for thought, while the overwhelming majority of thoughts are absolutely empty and useless. If thinking stops, a person does not disappear, his “I” continues to exist. But the mind, instead of being a master that subjugates a person, becomes just a tool.

There are different practices for stopping thinking. One of the best is related to contemplation. Choose any small natural object - for example, a stone. Contemplate it from a distance of 1.5-2 meters for two hours every day. Less time will not give the desired result. The practice should last at least several weeks. Just look at the stone without analyzing anything. Vision may be slightly unfocused. To get to the OVD - stopping the internal dialogue - it may take you 2-3 weeks. You realize the moment of the onset of ATS immediately; it cannot be confused with anything.

Achieving ATS is relatively simple, but consolidating the achieved results is much more difficult. As a result, you will be in the police department most of the time, thinking will connect only when it is needed. The mind will become an ideal tool, free from lies and errors, capable of quickly and effectively solving even the most complex problems.

Stress, huge amounts of information, the latest gossip... Stop! It's time to give your brain a break.

The rhythm of our lives is constantly accelerating, and we, willy-nilly, have to adapt to the world around us. Sometimes the brain simply cannot cope with the incoming information, but we are still forced to solve hundreds of different problems every day. Even our thoughts can have a negative impact: we constantly ask ourselves questions about others or about ourselves. personal qualities and often we cannot find an answer. All this leads to the fact that the brain reacts with feelings of anxiety and worry, as well as a feeling of worthlessness.

Psychologists usually call such an excess of negative thoughts mental intoxication, by analogy with physical intoxication with drugs or alcohol. Luckily, there are several exercises that can help combat this problem.

1. Put your thoughts on paper

It often happens that in order to get rid of an obsessive thought, you just need to write it down. So grab a clean notebook and pen, turn off your phone, and get ready to write whatever comes into your head. This technique is often called by automatic letter. Its essence is that in the restless stream of consciousness lies one single thought, which serves as the key to everything. Write as much as you want, and then read and analyze everything you wrote. What main idea do your thoughts revolve around?

2. Go for a walk

Take 20 minutes for yourself. Go to a place you are familiar with for walking, so that you don’t have to wonder where to go next. Walk at a calm pace, not too slow and not too fast. Try to turn off your thoughts and concentrate on your breathing. Feel how it changes depending on the tempo of your step. Feel the wind blowing at your back or the heat from the sun. Immerse yourself, concentrate on the physical sensations.

This kind of distraction can give your brain time to take a break from mental problems. Use this method whenever the need arises.

3. Push problems onto paper

This method is similar to the first one listed only in that you again need a pen and paper.

Write down your problems as a cohesive list. Don’t divide them into major and minor ones, write them all down. After this, reading through what you have written sequentially, concentrate on each of the problems separately. Thoroughly remember how you felt at the moment the problem appeared, every emotion you had. Breathe evenly and deeply. Once you feel the weight of the problem on your shoulders, forcefully “exhale” it with your diaphragm. Imagine all your experiences coming out of your lungs like a cloud of red smoke. Do this for each problem on your list.

“I can’t think about anything anymore” - these words would delight any Buddhist, who would certainly say in response: “So it’s time to indulge in the wonderful state of “thinking nothing.” But, unfortunately, in the life of a Western person this phrase does not mean anything good and usually sounds in the following context: “My head is overloaded,” “My thoughts are confused,” or “My brain is about to explode.”

What is the reason? There are several of them. Firstly, we receive information from different (numerous) sources and are constantly faced with contradictions, rumors, refutations and confirmation of what we previously received. We find ourselves caught in the crossfire of different data every day. A particularly fierce struggle is being waged between the classical mass media and the Internet - hence the contradictions in the information received.

In addition, we are constantly running somewhere and in a hurry - the rhythm of life is constantly accelerating. And every day we have to solve a huge number of issues and problems. The crazy pace of modern life overloads the brain. Negative influence Our own thoughts, which literally swarm in our heads, can also have an effect. Which results in an accumulation of feelings of anxiety and guilt or a feeling of worthlessness.

Writing is a kind of mirror, by turning to which we learn to better understand ourselves and solve problems

Psychologists call this “mental overload” “mental intoxication caused by excess information and negative thoughts,” by analogy with physical intoxication, which can be caused by the abuse of drugs, artificial food additives and pesticides.

In our turbulent times, during a period of endless shocks and overloads, it is vital for us to learn how to get rid of unnecessary thoughts and free our brains from everything unnecessary. First of all, this is necessary in order to find inner balance. Here are three exercises to get you started on a mental detox.

Throw out negative thoughts

Writing is a kind of mirror, by turning to which we learn to better understand ourselves and solve certain problems. For many years, writing has been actively used in techniques personal growth and development. This is a great way to come to terms with the past, build the present and prepare for the future.

“A letter is a thread to the soul, along which we can get to certain emotions depending on what is happening in life,” explains handwriting therapist Dominique Vaudoise. The pencil is used as a tool that allows you to free yourself from unnecessary thoughts in just a few minutes.

Exercise No. 1

Take a piece of paper and start writing without thinking about the meaning of what you wrote and without trying to evaluate it. Forget about the harmony of phrases and do not concentrate on your task - putting things in order in your thoughts. Don’t stop the flow of words from spilling out onto paper, don’t miss a single one of them. After a couple of minutes, once you have filled the page, pause and close your eyes, concentrating on the depth and rhythm of your breathing. Then open your eyes and look at the piece of paper. Without trying to analyze what you wrote, just ask yourself the question: “What message was I trying to convey to myself in this letter?”

Go for a walk

While walking through the forest or through endless uncrowded buildings (for example, churches, monasteries), vision concentrates on trees, bushes, flowers, columns... Monotonous eye movements allow you to synchronize the work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain, thereby removing the nerve clamps that form as a result emotional shock, negative thoughts, obsessions.

As a result, the functioning of the nervous system is improved. This discovery belongs to the American psychologist Francine Shapiro, the author of the psychotherapeutic method EMDR therapy. She developed her method about 20 years ago, just after a walk in the forest. In fact, taking a walk in the woods is like going through an EMDR session in a natural setting.

Exercise No. 2

Take 20 minutes and go for a walk, even around nearby houses. Walk at a calm pace - neither too slow nor too fast. For two minutes, concentrate on your breathing - breathe deeply and calmly, completely relaxing your diaphragm. Let nothing occupy your thoughts except inhalation and exhalation. This basic physical exercise will allow you to get rid of internal tension. Then, continuing your movements and without turning your head, peer into the details of the landscape around you, as if you were seeing it all for the first time. After some time, you will feel how unnecessary thoughts are leaving your head.

Get rid of negative thoughts

Negative thoughts that endlessly spin in your head remain not only in your mind, but throughout your whole body. Caused by complex life situations, unresolved conflicts, emotional shock, these thoughts are always accompanied by unpleasant physical sensations that we prefer to forget about.

If you do not get rid of these thoughts and accompanying physical sensations, then over time they will cause serious disturbances in the mental and physical state of a person. If you want to get rid of negative thoughts and emotions, simply “push” them out of yourself.

Exercise No. 3

Write a list of everything that clouds your thoughts. Remember that you were unable to get rid of anger, unresolved conflicts, unflattering remarks from a colleague, an unpleasant argument with a friend or a quarrel with a loved one... List on paper point by point all the unpleasant events of the last three months - large and small, which seem to be stuck in your mind and body.

What events “clog” your brain?

Once you have completed the list, go back to each item and describe as accurately as possible how you felt in each of the unpleasant situations listed. Now close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Breathe calmly and imagine the situations described - one after another, trying to revive the emotions experienced in each case. Call them: “Then I felt...”. Then take a deep breath and, as you exhale, forcefully push each of these emotions out of yourself, helping yourself with your hands.