Business plan for the production of fermented milk products. Business in the dairy industry. Everyday life on a dairy farm

  • Investments 17,900,000 rubles
  • Monthly revenue 2,240,000 rubles
  • Net profit 577,000 rubles
  • Payback 31 months

Purpose of writing a business plan: Assessing the economic feasibility of purchasing a modular milk production plant.

When choosing a location for organization dairy production it is necessary to carefully select premises, since they are subject to special SanPin requirements.

Most the best option This is an order for a modular milk processing plant with installed equipment, since, firstly, it can be placed in a location convenient from a logistics point of view, and secondly, all SanPin requirements are taken into account when designing it.

If you are only interested in sales, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the passport of an enterprise for the retail trade of dairy products, which is based on an example of an actual operating enterprise.

Milk processing equipment

Having analyzed a number of proposals for the sale of ready-made modular dairy plants, we will focus on the analysis of the proposal from the Molokont company, which is a modular milk processing plant.

The plant includes a milk production workshop, consisting of 3 modules, designed for simultaneous loading and processing of 2000 liters :

  • Sanitary storage module;
  • Laboratory module, which includes a laboratory with laboratory equipment, a pre-boxing room and a sanitary inspection room;
  • A household module, including a bathroom, a sanitary inspection room, a wardrobe and a staff rest room;
  • Product storage and shipment module, which includes a refrigeration chamber and forwarding unit.

The price of the modular dairy plant includes:

  • Plant project
  • Supervised installation
  • Briefing of dedicated personnel
  • Release of a pilot batch of products
  • Warranty service

Before installing the plant, it is necessary to carry out the following preparatory work:

  • foundation arrangement according to technical specifications from the company MOLOKONT
  • supply of utilities to entry points
  • arrangement of territory for a dairy plant in accordance with SanPiN
  • sewerage device
  • cooling system device (ice water generator/arterial well)


The equipment installed at the Molokont dairy plant can produce the following products:

  • milk, pasteurized and packaged in PUR-PAK bags
  • Fermented milk drinks packed in PUR-PAK bags
  • sour cream packed in plastic cups
  • cottage cheese by weight
  • cheese by weight
  • oil
  • secondary raw materials for processing: whey, buttermilk.


Due to the fact that the dairy plant operates around the clock, 3 shifts of workers are required to service the plant (1 shift: 1st master and 2nd workers), technologist and laboratory assistant can work on a five-day workweek with an 8-hour workday.Sales issues finished products, the purchase of raw materials at the initial stage will be handled by the business owner.

To motivate staff, you can consider a bonus system; employees will receive a fixed salary +% of output.


Delivery of finished products and raw materials at the initial stage can be carried out through hired transport.
The volume of products produced by the analyzed modular plant is capable of producing 1 Gazelle car, 1 car is needed for the purchase of raw materials.
In total, 2 cars are required to service the plant.

Raw materials for dairy plant

The purchase of milk is carried out in peasant farms - farms, in agricultural firms, among rural residents.
The price of dairy products depends on the season, so in the summer season milk costs about 12-13 rubles per liter, in winter the cost of milk rises to 14.5 -15.5 rubles per liter.

Sales markets

Sales of dairy products can be carried out in the following directions:

  • Sales through large federal and regional grocery chains;
  • Sales through wholesale companies engaged in supplying products to various grocery stores.


The most acceptable form for a mini milk processing plant is a simplified taxation system (income minus expenses), form of activity: Limited Liability Company.
To work with buyers who are subject to VAT, you can organize an “individual entrepreneur” with a tax form
3 personal income tax

Calculation of profitability, payback of a mini milk processing plant

Input data:

Mini plant performance: 2,000 liters per day
Type of products produced:

  • Milk
  • Fermented milk drinks
  • Sour cream
  • Cottage cheese
  • Oil

Attachments: 17,905,802 rubles (capital costs + working capital)
Capital expenditures: 16,905,802 rubles

Working capital: 1,000,000 rubles (Purchase of raw materials, stationery, office equipment, etc.)

Number of staff

Revenue from sales of dairy products:

  • To simplify the calculations, we will assume that the plant produces only dairy products.
  • With a daily production of the plant of 2000 liters, the monthly production will be 60,000 liters.
  • To calculate revenue, let’s take the cost of 1 liter of milk (in pure pack bags) as 35 rubles.
  • With the sale of 60,000 liters of products and a cost of 35 rubles per liter, the revenue of a mini milk processing plant will be 2,240,000 rubles per month.

Cost of production of dairy products:

The cost is 18.5 rubles per 1 liter of product.

The cost calculation includes:

  • Purchase of milk: 15.5 rubles per 1 liter
  • Electricity costs: 1.5 rubles per 1 liter package
  • Costs for pure pack packaging: 1.5 rubles per 1 liter package.

Total expenses per month

Profitability calculation

Payback calculation

The payback period for a mini milk processing plant is 31 months. This calculation was obtained based on the fact that the plant produces only one product “milk”, under conditions of production of a wider range of products (fermented milk drinks, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, butter), then the payback period may be lower since the above products have a higher margin compared to milk.

To calculate the break-even point of a dairy plant, you will need our online service for calculating the break-even point.


If you need a detailed business plan with detailed calculations and market analysis of a specific region, you can order its development for your project. for getting detailed information from a partner of the site Moneymaker Factory, consulting agency "MegaResearch".

The small business sector is the most attractive for those who do not yet have much experience in entrepreneurship and intend to try their hand at independent activity. One of the worthy options that allows you to organize your own business is a mini-workshop for milk processing.

Its price can be completely different, depending on the number of modules. Moreover, from the first days of work, the owner will begin to make a profit.

Mini milk processing workshop

Compact workshops are becoming quite popular in the field. They are easy to run virtually anywhere, and they have fairly high productivity.

Now on the production technology market there are many advantageous offers, so it makes sense to take the average data. Equipment for milk processing involves the use of several modules. Let’s say there are 5 of them, then we can talk about processing 2000 liters of milk.

The modular workshop, also known as a mini-factory, consists of the following equipment:

Sanitary storage module (more than 690 thousand rubles);

Production workshop (more than 5 million rubles);

Household module with wardrobe, sanitary inspection room, bathroom (670 thousand rubles);

Equipped laboratory module with a sanitary inspection room and a pre-boxing area (RUB 770 thousand);

A module with a refrigeration chamber, which is used for storing and shipping products (RUB 845 thousand).

The approximate total cost of creating a modular mini plant will be 7,975,000 rubles.

This figure implies the use modern technologies and consultation with the manufacturer on installation and production launch issues.

Preparatory work

Before installing the above-described milk processing equipment, it is necessary to perform a number of preparatory work:

Pouring the foundation;

Engineering Communication;


Cooling systems;

Preparation of the territory in accordance with SanPiN.

It is worth noting that there are various offers on the market that allow you to purchase a modern mini-workshop for milk processing. The price of specific modular plants may vary, but in general, even a budget version of this technology will allow you to start production and enter the local market.


Modular milk processing plants, of course, require the participation of qualified workers. It is important to take into account the fact that such production must operate around the clock. To do this, you will need to organize three shifts. For each of them it is necessary to hire two workers and one master. As for such specialists as laboratory assistants and technologists, they will be able to cope with their responsibilities within 5 days working week, which will consist of 8-hour work days.

The result is 11 people.

If the initial accompanying goal is cost savings, then the owner of the workshop can take responsibility for the sale of products. The purchase of raw materials can also be done by the business owner.

Raw materials and assortment

A mini milk processing plant will be able to fully operate if raw materials are always available. Therefore, you initially need to decide where the milk will be purchased. As a rule, such services are provided by agricultural firms, farms and peasants who have a cow on their farm. Depending on the season and region, the price of milk may vary. But on average it will fluctuate between 12 and 16 rubles per 1 liter.

You can deliver raw materials to the workshop using your own specialized transport or hired vehicles. At the first stages of production development, one vehicle will be sufficient for these purposes.

As for the assortment, it will depend on production capabilities specific modular workshop. In this case, the following positions can be identified as the most popular:

Fermented milk drinks in PUR PAK packages;

Pasteurized milk in PUR PACK packaging;


Sour cream in plastic glasses.


Milk processing enterprises are relevant for customers if they are able to deliver products in the first half of the day. This is due to the fact that such goods are not stored for long and retail outlets It is advisable to sell most of it on the day of delivery.

Therefore, the manufacturer must soberly assess its capabilities, and if one car is not enough to cover the entire route, it will have to hire a second one. It is also important to take into account such factors as high temperatures during the hot season. If there are no problems with this in winter, then in summer there is a risk of delivering milk to the store, which begins to sour.

In this case, you need to either deliver the products very early, before the heat sets in, or use vehicles that have a cooling system.

You also need to take into account the need to pay for the services of the driver and forwarder, who will sign invoices at retail outlets.

Sales market

If a mini-workshop for milk processing allows you to obtain fairly large volumes of finished products, then it makes sense to initially focus on the supply of goods wholesale buyers, saving yourself from many of the nuances associated with the retail network.

These can be either wholesale centers or chain stores, local and national. Starting cooperation with the latter may require a lot of effort, but in the end you won’t have to worry about problems with orders.

If you have an appropriate fleet of vehicles, you can also focus on retail outlets. But in this case, it will take more time for delivery and there is a risk of accounts receivable, since not all stores will pay on time.

Tax issue

When focusing on modular milk processing workshops, it is worth initially understanding all the issues related to paying taxes.

In this case, the most relevant option would be a simplified taxation system. You can choose a limited liability company as a business form.

If your plans include working with customers who are VAT payers, then it makes sense to register an individual entrepreneur using tax form 3 personal income tax.


In order to understand the principle of earning money, it is worth taking into account the example of selling milk. Let's say a mini milk processing plant produces 2,000 bags per day. Then within a month the production is ready to produce 60,000 liters. If the cost of one unit of production is equal to 35 rubles, monthly revenue will be 2 million 100 thousand rubles.

Now we need to estimate the costs. At a cost of 1,110,000 rubles. gross profit will be equal to RUB 1,130,000. With expenses of 552,880 rubles. net profit will be 577,120 rubles. Given such indicators, it is logical to assume that investments in the plant will pay off in approximately 32 months, and this is if only milk is produced. Of course, if the range is wider, the payback period will be significantly reduced.

For those who don't have own funds, allowing you to purchase a mini-workshop for milk processing and organize all subsequent processes (salaries, taxes, delivery), it makes sense to consider the prospect of attracting investors. This is a fairly competent strategy that will allow you to quickly launch a project and confidently move towards the target level of profit.

It is obvious that milk processing plants are profitable business and deserve the attention of those who intend to work in the food industry.


When choosing a business model, you need to understand that there are areas that will always be relevant. Food is one of them. Therefore, a mini milk processing workshop can be considered a fairly attractive idea.

Description of the presentation individual slides:

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Slide description:

Business card IP "Enterprise for the production of dairy products on the basis of its own household plot" Address: Tambov region, p. Maly-Izberdey, st. Dorozhnaya 28 Phone: 8-920-238-26-62 Date of establishment of the company: 06/01/2014 Where is registered: Head of the company: Kofanova Anastasia Vladimirovna Type of activity: production of high-quality and environmentally friendly dairy products (milk, cheese, cottage cheese, butter) and beef

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Advantages: can be founded with small capital; the risk is limited to the main deposit; the manager has broad management rights; guarantees continuity of enterprise management; establishment and management costs are lower than in similar forms of doing business. Recruitment: Availability vocational training and qualifications in this specialty. Experience in the field of laboratory analysis, knowledge of consumer psychology. Communication skills, ability to work with clients. Knowledge regulatory documents regulating work in the provision of services for analyzing the quality of food, agricultural, phytoproducts and water.

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Description of the enterprise This project planned to be implemented without education legal entity to reduce taxation and simplify financial reporting. To organize and start activities, it is planned to receive a grant from the employment center in the amount of 250,000 rubles.

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1. Registration as individual entrepreneur. 2. Purchase of a mini-tractor, mower, milking machine, 3 cows. 3. Organization of 2 workplaces. 4. Receiving products and selling them. for rent, preparation and maintenance of the enterprise; for the purchase of equipment and animals; on wages employees of the enterprise; for other expenses. The enterprise creation project plans to:

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general characteristics services Production of environmentally friendly products: pasteurized milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, veal.

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Competitors LLC TAMBOVMOLOKOPRODUKT, OJSC MICHURINSKMOLOKO, LLC Zherdevsky Butter Factory, CJSC Morshansky Butter Factory, LLC Druzhba-Plus.

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Sales plan for 2014 Total revenue in 2014 will be 278,400 rubles. Type of product Price per kg, rub. Milk, l 20 Cottage cheese, sour cream, kg 80 Veal, kg 180 Sales forecast Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Milk, l 1,800 2,700 2,700 Cottage cheese, sour cream, kg 420 630 630 Veal, kg - - - TOTAL: 2,220 3,330 3,330 Revenue (RUB) Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Total: Revenue from product sales 69,600 104,400 104,400 278,400 TOTAL: 69,600 104,400 104,400

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Sales plan for 2015 Total revenue in 2015 will be 552,800 rubles. Sales forecast Q1 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 2015 Milk, l 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 Cottage cheese, sour cream, kg 630 630 630 630 Veal, kg 300 300 - - TOTAL: 3,630 3,630 3 300 3 300 Revenue Q1 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 2015 Total: Revenue from product sales: 158,400 165,200 114,600 114,600 TOTAL: 158,400 165,200 114,600 114,600 552 800

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Sales plan for 2016 Total revenue in 2016 will be 638,320 rubles. Sales forecast Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Milk, l 2,700 3,150 3,375 3,375 Cottage cheese, sour cream, kg 630 690 720 720 Veal, kg 300 300 - - TOTAL: 3,630 4,140 4 095 4 095 Revenue Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Total: Revenue from product sales: 174,000 189,280 137,520 137,520 TOTAL: 174,000 189,280 137,520 137,520 638 320

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Potential consumers The main consumers of the company's services are small state and private enterprises with average incomes, LLC "Druzhba-Plus", as well as buyers from among residents of a village or district.

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Risks The analysis was carried out by assessing the strength and predictability of risks. 3 main types of risks have been identified: 1. Financial risk- fulfillment of the sales plan by 75% due to a decrease in demand for products. 2. Organizational – delay in registration deadlines permitting documents for the right to sell products. 3. Technological – failure of equipment, its repair. To manage project risks, the following measures have been developed: A draft agreement has been developed for the delivery of raw milk with Druzhba-Plus LLC in the amount of 50 liters per day; Information was collected on the procedure for issuing a veterinary report on the quality of finished products; A weekend fair was selected to rent a place and sell finished products; Only new equipment will be purchased with a supplier’s warranty of at least 1 year.

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Financial plan Authorized capital is the minimum initial capital required to ensure the normal functioning of the enterprise. Thus, the authorized capital is the amount of costs that are necessary for the enterprise to start operating.

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Cost estimate (period 3 months from 06.2014 to 08.2014). No. Name of costs Unit of measurement Quantity Cost, rub. Note units of total property. subsidy funds 1 Notary services 1 1,000 1,000 1,000 2 Legal services for registration as an individual entrepreneur 1 4,500 4,500 4,500 3 Printing pcs. 1 600 600 600 4 State fee for registration of individual entrepreneurs 1 800 800 800 5 Cash machine PC. 1 6 100 6 100 6 100 6 Rent of a place in the market (4 days per month) Months. 3 4,000 12,000 12,000 7 Veterinary laboratory permit Months. 3 1,000 3,000 3,000 8 Maintenance cash register Month. 3,600 1,800 1,800 9 Gasoline Month. 3 2,500 2,500 7,500 10 Animal feed (oats) kg 7,920 3.5 27,720 27,720 11 Cow pcs. 3 25 000 75 000 75 000 12 Mower for mini-tractor pcs. 1 40,000 40,000 40,000 13 Milking machine pcs. 1 40,000 40,000 40,000 14 Mini tractor pcs. 1,250,000 250,000 250,000 total 470,020 220,020 250,000

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Calculation of initial financial indicators project. Fixed expenses Amount per month, rub. Implementation period Gasoline 2,500 From the 1st month of the project Food for 4 animals 8 months a year, for 4 months (hay) – 9,240 From the 1st to the 6th month of the project 18 is prepared from its own site Cash register maintenance 600 From the 1st month of the project Rent for seats at a weekend fair, 4 days per month 4,000 From the 1st month of the project Veterinary laboratory permit 1,000 From the 1st month of the project Payroll 20 200 From the 1st month of the project Taxes on payroll 2 868 From the 1st month of the project

Attention! Free business plan, offered for download below, is an example. A business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

When purchasing a business plan template, you need to keep in mind that it is advisory in nature and serves as the basis for developing your own strategy. A good example The owner of a dairy mini-farm from the Kaliningrad region, Elena Vladimirovna Mazhitova, shared the use of an inexpensive business plan.

Dairy farm business plan

How a coincidence of circumstances can change our lives

I do not belong to the category of people who are not satisfied with their lifestyle, place of residence, and any move is like death for me. And if it weren’t for life’s circumstances, I would still live in Kazakhstan and work as a teacher in a kindergarten.

But it so happened that I had to move with my two children to my parents in the small town of Gusev, Kaliningrad region. I understood perfectly well that without a garden and my own household I would not be able to raise children. Therefore, I purchased a house with a plot in a nearby village.

At first I sold vegetables and pickles at the market. own production, then started raising chickens, and then raised money for a cow.

My brother, who lives in Germany and had by that time created a small construction business, helped.

Gradually a circle formed regular customers who trust my products.

But I never even thought about turning this activity into a profitable, highly productive business.

My brother came up with the idea of ​​starting my own dairy farm.

But then I had no idea how to organize all this.

In addition, it seemed to me that selling a large volume of milk was simply unrealistic. But at the same time, I was literally fired up by this idea, and the thought of creating my own, at least a small farm, never let me go.

There were a lot of questions, but not enough knowledge.

Long digging on the Internet added confusion and fog to my thoughts. I tried to ask questions on the forums, but it seems that there are no professionals there, only losers talking about the unprofitability of this business.

This continued until there was a clear understanding of the need to highlight key points and calculate the required amount of investment. I had no experience in constructing such documents, nor was it possible to order a plan for crazy money.

Therefore, it was decided to buy an inexpensive template, on the basis of which I could calculate how much money it might require to create a mini-farm, when and what kind of income I can expect from it.

The business plan template helped me get my bearings and get a clear idea of ​​the practical steps to organize my enterprise:

  • Determine the number of livestock and breed of cows;
  • Find a room for their maintenance;
  • Purchase of equipment;
  • Purchase of feed;
  • Attracting personnel;
  • Search for a sales market.

In fact, it turned out like this: first, a room was found - a former cowshed with an area of ​​almost 1000 square meters. m, designed for 50 heads.

It had to include all the necessary sections:

  • To accommodate dairy cows;
  • To accommodate dry cows;
  • Maternity ward;
  • Milking shop;
  • Calf compartment.

All these sectors required appropriate equipment. In addition, the premises were in need of renovation. The walls, floors and ventilation were in unusable condition.

Taking into account all this plus feed, the funds needed for the launch turned out to be quite large - more than 12 million rubles. - an unrealistic amount for me at that time.

Even taking into account the loan at low interest rates, I would not be able to afford the monthly payment. But payments must be made from the first month. Therefore, it was decided to start with a population of ten dairy cows with the possibility of development in the future.

I had small savings, my brother promised to transfer some of the funds, but most of them had to be taken on credit. Starting from sample business plan, I described all the smallest nuances point by point, and independently calculated the amount needed to start.

Today, the livestock of my farm is more than 50 animals, including heifers and calves. The main share of milk is purchased by the local dairy plant, a small part is sold on the market.

There are indeed many difficulties in this matter, but the goals that I have set for myself thanks to the business plan are gradually being realized.

Free dairy farm business plan

Some useful information and a brief presentation of a dairy farm business plan:

Milk production business plan

The emerging need for import substitution food products made it possible for domestic dairy and cattle farms to feel more free in the market and increase production volumes.

In the new conditions, this business becomes especially attractive. Strengthening government support at the federal and regional level is also aimed at the emergence of new dairy farms.

If you have decided and are ready to devote yourself to this particular type of activity, then the first and mandatory step should be drawing up a business plan.

It will clearly show what is needed to achieve the goals of the project and how much funds will be required for this. It depends on the goals set and the planned production size.

This business plan defines the following goals:

  • Creation of a self-sufficient farm capable of recouping the investment within two years;
  • Filling the market with quality products;
  • Making profits.

The necessary loan funds to launch the project are 9,900,000 rubles.
Interest on the loan provided – RUB 674,520.
The planned profit for two years is 157,060,323 rubles.

Project Description

To create a dairy farm, you need a room. His choice must be commensurate with the number of livestock, taking into account that for 600 animals, according to the standards, there must be at least 40,000 square meters.

You can start with a livestock of 100 cows that are milking at a given time, excluding heifers, heifers and bulls, etc. These hundred heads will be the main source of income at first, until the heifers calve.

It is best if, in addition to the milking herd, heifers are purchased rather than heifers, since the former are able to generate income within 3-4 months, while the return from the latter will take much longer.

The cost of heifers is around 12-20 thousand, and if we are talking about an elite breed, it reaches 60 thousand rubles.

By the way, despite the high prices, a herd consisting of highly productive cows is ultimately much more profitable:

  • milk volume is twice as high;
  • costs for feed, premises, milking equipment, and maintenance personnel are halved.

Table No. 1. Potential of milk consumers in Russia

A building for a farm can be built, purchased or rented. The most profitable option is to rebuild an old, abandoned cowshed, of which there are plenty in our country. If you need to build from scratch, it is better to choose a frame hangar. It can have windows and ventilation.

It is necessary to distribute cows into 4 workshops according to physiological criteria during a given period.

Each of the workshops is focused on its own functions:

1. Caring for dry cows - creating a special diet;
2. Calving department;
3. Milking and insemination;
4. Milk production.

Providing feed

At first, you need to ensure the necessary supply of feed, and later it is worth organizing your own feed production. In this regard, it is planned to sow pastures and hayfields with perennial cultivated grasses.

For a complete diet you need:

  • alfalfa-cereals;
  • legumes and cereals;
  • clover-cereal plants;
  • bulky feed;
  • feed - you can organize your own feed mill.

Table No. 2. Growth of participants in the milk production market in Russia

Equipment for milk processing business plan

  • milking parlors – “Herringbone”, “Carousel”, or robots for voluntary milking;
  • milk cooling tanks;
  • milk line;
  • feeding line;
  • automatic brushes for cows;
  • hoof care machine;
  • systems for drinking and heating water, etc.

Dairy products are one of the most popular on the market. The situation for farmers is now the most favorable in terms of state support and low competition.

And most importantly, do not miss the chance to join the ranks of the first entrepreneurs who came due to the need for import substitution. Right now it will be easier to establish partnerships and a sales market - before so many offers have appeared that the demand for the product will disappear.