Own production in the garage. Let's open our own business: production in a garage - ideas from Europe with minimal investment. What can be produced in a garage for sale?

You will learn how to prepare a garage in order to implement your business ideas in it. How to start your own business with minimal investment and how is such income justified?

Today we often see on the pages of glossy magazines how “beautifully” famous businessmen live. But not many people think about their path to success, about where they started.

Let's figure out how to create your own business practically from scratch (with minimal investment). All we need is garage space and a strong desire.

Garage as a springboard for your business

Economists identify three main types of income. These are speculative sales, provision of services and production. Today we'll talk about the last two. And about how to rationally approach starting your own business.

One of the first questions every novice businessman faces is the question of production space. We want it to best suit the conditions of the activity we have chosen. Finding a suitable property is not easy, and if you find it, you are not satisfied with the rental conditions.

In this case, you need to turn your attention to the resource that is available. Perhaps we already have the necessary premises, and we just need to adapt it to the necessary conditions. This is a major garage.

A garage is a place to store all sorts of rubbish that used to be lying around in the closet.

Folk wisdom

Emptying the garage of unnecessary things takes a few hours (the car can be parked temporarily). But as a result, you get your own space, where you can implement your wildest ideas, and not worry about the landlord’s reaction.

You've probably heard more than once that some people make money by growing strawberries or mushrooms, raising rabbits or chickens in their basements, outbuildings, and garages. So what is the best thing for a novice businessman to do in such a utility room in order to receive a stable income? Let's find out!

What can you do in the garage to make money - TOP 7 business ideas that work

When the problem of finding premises has been successfully solved, it’s time to think about what type of business will “go” in your country, region, city, district.

Let's look at the TOP 7 business ideas, the implementation of which at first will not require large investments from you. But later they can bring considerable profit. The methods are designed mainly for men who know how to work with their hands.

Glass processing and cutting

At first glance, the service is not in great demand, but practice says otherwise. It is especially relevant for large cities, where there are many multi-storey residential buildings, industrial facilities, and factories.

In addition, modern trends in the furniture business dictate the use of a large number of mirrors and glass. It is clear that during operation they periodically break, which creates the demand we need.

To process and cut glass (mirrors) we will need:

  • big table;
  • wide selection of different types of glass (mirrors);
  • ruler;
  • roulette;
  • guides;
  • professional glass cutters.

Turner services

A workshop for the manufacture and processing of various parts (carpentry) is a popular and profitable type of activity. The service is in steady demand among small enterprises that do not have a turner, and at service stations. An undeniable advantage is the low competition in this service market.

A CNC machine will greatly expand the capabilities of material processing. And although its cost is significantly higher, it allows you to perform more precise and complex work, which has a positive effect on income.

Carpentry is a popular and profitable activity

To create a lathe, we need the machine itself, a set of tools that every turner usually has, and, in fact, the necessary skills.

Furniture manufacture

Furniture is always in demand, and high-quality and inexpensive furniture is in high demand! If you can offer clients a flexible price and good quality, then a stable income is guaranteed.

Do you feel like a designer, are you able to work with wood, and do you have the necessary equipment? Furniture production is what you need!

Repair of household appliances

All people constantly use various types of technology.

It has two properties that interest us:

  1. She breaks down.
  2. It is subject to repair.

So, my neighbor opened a repair shop in his garage, and every day I see an endless stream of customers. I note that Andrey began to engage in this type of activity a long time ago (he worked from home), and by the time he opened the garage branch he already had sufficient experience.

Auto repair shop

An always relevant and extremely profitable idea for using a garage is car repair. Every day the number of cars on our streets increases. They also tend to break. Don't forget about damage in an accident.

A car service is a place where, with a heavy soul, you easily part with money.

Folk wisdom

If you understand car repair and have power tools, you know where to buy the necessary spare parts cheaply and quickly, then the established car service or tire service will always bring high dividends.

Manufacturing of ceramic products

If you have skills in artistic work with clay and have been involved in crafts, then you can easily master the technology of making ceramic products.

This process includes several stages:

  • preparation of clay mass;
  • product shaping;
  • heat treatment (firing);
  • glazing and decoration.

If all of the above is not an empty phrase for you, and at the same time you are a creative person who strives to make money from what you like, then this is a suitable option!

Car wash

If your garage is located near a traffic intersection and has water supply and sewerage connected to it (located nearby), it’s time to think about creating a car wash.

To organize such a business, it is necessary to improve the premises and the surrounding area. The floor must be concreted, have a slope (sand trap), and the room must meet the most stringent electrical safety requirements. Don't forget about special equipment.

Comparative characteristics of business ideas:

Line of business Starting capital (RUB) Payback period (months)
Glass processing and cutting 20 000 – 30 000 2 – 3
Turner services 50 000 – 70 000 3 – 5
Furniture manufacture 30 000 – 50 000 3 – 5
Repair of household appliances 10 000 – 30 000 1 – 2
Auto repair shop 100 000 – 150 000 2 – 4
Manufacturing of ceramic products 5 000 – 10 000 1 – 2
Car wash 200 000 – 300 000 4 – 6

How to prepare a garage for the implementation of a business idea - step-by-step instructions

Before using your own garage to organize your business, it should be properly prepared and maximally adapted to operational requirements.

Let's look at the basic steps.

Step 1. Insulate the room

Properly organized internal insulation maintains an almost constant temperature, which has a beneficial effect on the service life of both finishing materials and everything placed inside.

Conventionally, the insulation process can be divided into 4 stages:

  1. Thermal insulation of the floor. In 2018, expanded clay is very popular among the population. It is necessary to lay any waterproofing material in the prepared pit (45-50 cm), fill it with thirty centimeters of expanded clay, lay the reinforcing mesh and pour the screed.
  2. Insulation of gates. The insulation treated with an anti-corrosion solution is fixed to the surface, and a stronger material is placed on top of it. All resulting cracks are foamed.
  3. Insulation of walls. This process involves: preparing the wall surface, antifungal treatment, priming, laying thermal insulation material and covering it with a thick layer of isomaterial, plastering, painting.
  4. Roof insulation. It is enough to stick on any suitable material and take care of condensate drainage (you can use regular film).

Step 2. Let's communicate

My neighbor Andrey, whom I mentioned above, moved to the garage due to the fact that all the necessary communications passed nearby (even Wi-Fi “finishes off”).

Therefore, so that you do not have problems with their installation, it is better that they “run” next to your garage. Then you will save on both work and material.

Engage only licensed companies for work. They will install meters for you and provide you with all the necessary documents.

Step 3. We carry out finishing work (inside and outside)

There are several general requirements for finishing a garage:

  • the floor must withstand the planned operational loads;
  • the finishing material of the walls must be resistant to mechanical stress;
  • The ceiling cladding must have a certain strength and resistance to evaporation.

Finishing materials have their own criteria:

  • fire resistance;
  • resistance to chemical attack;
  • resistance to changes in humidity and temperature;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • guaranteed service life;
  • acceptable, aesthetic appearance.

Where to get money for business

Even a novice businessman understands that to open his own business he will definitely need start-up capital.

But where can I get it?

Option 1. Accumulate

If you are a naturally thrifty and prudent person and observe a surplus in your incoming finances, then you can save without difficulty. The main thing is to set yourself a goal and work towards achieving it day after day.

Option 2. Find an investor

If your idea is progressive and fairly easy to implement, then you can “infect” others with it - those who have “extra” money. People with money are always ready to invest it in order to get a stable profit.

An interesting and promising business always attracts capital.

People with money are always ready to invest in order to receive stable profits

It is important to legally formalize your relationship with the investor!

Option 3. Find a partner

A partner is a person who shares with you not only profits, but also losses. Often he has been with you since the very foundation of the business, so he knows all the nuances and pitfalls. He is the one you can trust. The partner has a strong motivation for joint activities and will always financially help the development of your common business.

Option 4. Take a loan

A loan, if you don’t have problems with banks, is the easiest and fastest way to find money to start a business. More than 90% of entrepreneurs start by taking out a loan from a bank or other lending institution.

The main thing to remember is that you need to repay the loan amount and interest on it in a timely manner. Therefore, once again, consider all possible risks.

Option 5. Receive subsidies from the state (under certain conditions)

State subsidies are somewhat reminiscent of a loan, but with “softer” conditions. If your idea falls under any government program, feel free to draw up a business plan and demand money from the authorities for its implementation.

You can find out all the information about current programs on the official Portal of the State Programs of the Russian Federation.

Keep in mind that in order to receive a subsidy, you will need to be able to convince the responsible government agencies of the success of your venture and go through nine rounds of... offices.

Is it worth investing in such a business - real reviews

If you have a garage and you are looking for ways to earn money and self-realization, to work for yourself and not for “uncle,” you will quickly realize that you have an excellent chance to quickly and at minimal cost open your own business. In any case, you will need a production space, and a garage is ideal for this.

The story of Andrey that I told clearly illustrates that when a person has the necessary skills, desire and a small initial capital, everything works out for him.

This example is not isolated. One of my friends started his business in a small outbuilding. Now he remembers these days with nostalgia and awe.

Another was generally repairing electronics on his balcony. Now he has “grown” to a large office. They all give approximately the same advice: it is important to make the most efficient use of the available space, funds and time.

Remember that even if your business doesn’t work out, you can always sell the purchased equipment and get back part of the money invested. Plus you still have a garage with a major renovation.

Read more reviews online and you will understand that investing money “in yourself” is not as risky as it might seem.

In conclusion, I advise you to watch a video on YouTube, in which the author offers 9 of his business ideas:


A small business is called such because it uses limited space and produces a small amount of goods (services).

But the small strives for the big. Therefore, do not be afraid to take risks and doubt less. Remember, if you have your own garage, then this very fact is already a good basis for starting. Growth and prosperity to you!

Mini production in a garage: overview of the advantages and disadvantages of small enterprises + 5 popular directions for mini production + 7 stages of building a business in a garage + 3 working business ideas.

The popularity of small home businesses today is very high, which is caused by the wide range of possibilities of a modern person. People every now and then give up boring and low-paid jobs in favor of organizing their own business, albeit small, but steadily generating income.

It’s easy to start an entrepreneurial career – just organize a mini-production in your garage.

In this article we will analyze why such a business idea is good and how it can be implemented.

What is mini production and what are its advantages?

Mini production is something like a small business. But if business is a very broad concept, implying various types of entrepreneurial activities, then the name “production” speaks for itself and implies the production of something, and not just its sale.

In short, if you are going to become an organizer of production facilities, then you will inevitably have to produce something, that is, create something.

In this case, the prefix “mini” indicates that your enterprise will have:

  • A small area.
  • Not large scale production.
  • Small working team.

This means that it is quite possible to organize such a business even in your garage.

How relevant is this, you ask?

Small productions are now enjoying great success:

  • Firstly, each home business is special and produces unique products, which are now very competitive in the market.
  • Secondly, the organization of small production facilities is possible in a variety of areas, which is certainly beneficial for the entrepreneur and useful for the consumer.

Mini productions can be easily implemented in the following areas:

  1. Printing and production of advertising products: printing business cards, booklets, posters, production of banners and other outdoor advertising. This also includes photo printing and logos on clothing and decorative items.
  2. Sewing and repairing textiles, such as curtains and various home textiles. With a well-equipped garage, you can even open a tailoring shop.
  3. Manufacturing and repair of furniture: creating furniture according to individual sketches, manufacturing small-sized cabinet interior objects, repairing and reupholstering upholstered furniture products.
  4. Production of souvenirs: handmade soap and candles, decorative pendants, boxes, photo frames, knitted decor.
  5. Production of forged products: fences, fences, decorative elements.

This list of areas for implementing private small productions can be continued for quite a long time. In fact, in almost every industry you can find a suitable one.

But not only this fact makes mini-productions so popular. They have many other advantages.

Let's look at their main pros and cons:

Relatively low starting capital.
Quick payback with proper business management.
Save on renting premises if you have your own garage.
The ability to accept individual orders, which means a constant flow of consumers and the absence of “stale” products.
The ability to work right at home and plan your own work schedule.
It will take time to prepare the garage for organizing production, and there will also be significant material costs if the premises are in poor condition.

If things take a turn for the worse, it will simply be impossible to immediately convert a small enterprise into large-scale production.

Having analyzed that mini-productions actually have many positive features, let’s move on to another important question: “How to create an enterprise in your garage?”

Where to start a mini production in the garage?

You should approach the implementation of home production in the garage in the same way as you would open any other small business.

To implement a business idea to create an enterprise in a garage, you will need to go through 7 main stages.

Stage 1. Analyze the market and demand of the target audience.

First of all, you need to know what the residents of your city or region need. After all, you must admit that in a city where there are 5 curtain sewing studios and not a single furniture manufacturing enterprise, planning a 6th sewing workshop is somewhat unreasonable.

To do this, they carry out so-called monitoring or market analysis in order to understand which enterprises are lacking and what their target audience is: women, men or people of retirement age. They also analyze the presence of competitors in the market and their supply.

If you already have a clear business idea, you can skip this step. If you have not yet fully decided, then, having studied the sales market, proceed to the search for ideas.

Stage 2. Form a business idea.

When choosing the direction of your mini production in the garage, start from the following:

  • Your skills and interests, hobbies.
  • Education.
  • Experience.

It is important that you love what you do and are good at it. Don't forget about market demand.

Step 3. Make a business plan and find premises (in case you don’t have your own garage).

The ideal option, of course, is when you live in a private house and have your own garage with all the utility rooms. But if you don’t have one, that’s not a problem, you can rent it.

Find the required area in advance to get an idea of ​​how much money you will need to start. Indicate all material issues and a rough plan for the development of your business in the business plan. If you are not sure that you can handle it yourself, involve familiar lawyers and economists.

Step 4. Register as an entrepreneur.

In order to legally organize your own mini-production in a garage, you must go through the state registration procedure. After it, you will legally pay taxes for the activities performed.

This is not difficult to do. Prepare a package of documentation and submit an application to the Federal Tax Service at your place of registration.

Detailed information can be found on the official website of the Federal Tax Service: https://www.nalog.ru/rn77/ip/interest/reg_ip/petition

Stage 5. Set up the premises and obtain the necessary permits.

As soon as you register, start your entrepreneurial activity.

First of all, organize the selected room, that is, arrange the garage according to the chosen direction of production. After this, obtain permits for this activity from the sanitary and epidemiological station and fire inspection.

Stage 6. Purchase materials, equipment and hire workers.

When you put your production area in order, feel free to buy the necessary materials, raw materials, equipment and set up the production process.

Also hire workers if you need them. However, at first you can often cope alone, especially considering that we are discussing garage production.

Stage 7. Launch your mini production.

Put your business process into action and popularize it, that is, advertise and gain consumers.

As you can see, organizing a business right in the garage is not very difficult, but you need to approach the implementation of such a plan responsibly. Think carefully about what you will do and how promising it will be in the place where you live. Only in this case will you be guaranteed success.

Now let’s discuss a few popular manufacturing business ideas that can be implemented in the garage and will be profitable anytime and anywhere.

Mini production in the garage: TOP 3 ideas

The options below for a garage manufacturing business are among the most popular and quickly pay for themselves. Let's consider all the nuances of their implementation.

Mini production idea No. 1. Production of paints.

Paint production is probably one of the most profitable business ideas in the field of small business. Why paints? Because this material is needed by everyone, everywhere. Such a mini-enterprise will be profitable both in a metropolis and in a small village.

The idea can pay for itself extremely quickly, but it has a small drawback - you will need some. On the other hand, literally anyone can organize such a mini-production, since they do not need to have extensive specific knowledge in this area.

a) What colors are best to start with?

Enamels are in great demand on the market today, but to start building a business it is still better to choose water-dispersed paints. We explain why: their cost is lower and the technological process is simpler. In addition, this type of material is in demand among the population.

b) What equipment will be needed and what is the amount of start-up capital?

To begin implementing such a mini-production in the garage, you will need the following elements:

Dissolver-mixer (for paint production)Up to 200 thousand rubles.
Raw materials (bases and pigments)Up to 120 thousand rubles.
Packaging materialsUp to 50 thousand rubles.

Thus, the minimum amount of initial capital to open such a production will be from 300 thousand rubles, provided that you do not need to spend money on renting a garage.

If you don’t have your own premises, then add rental costs to the amount.

Do not forget that the garage where you are going to implement a mini-production must have good ventilation, as well as water and electricity supply.

c) How long will it take for such an idea to pay off?

According to experts in this field, the average payback of this production with proper business management and good advertising is no more than 3 months.

As for the paint production process itself, it is very simple and consists of two stages:

  1. Production of pigments.
  2. Their mixing and packaging of products.

The equipment for the production of paints is small and represents a simple production line.

Selling manufactured products is also easy:

  • Prepare small business cards and leave them in public places and local stores.
  • Agree on the sale of products in construction hypermarkets.
  • Create a colorful sign and portfolio of your color range.
  • Agree on cooperation with contractors involved in repairs.
  • Tell us about your business and offer your products to your friends, acquaintances, and neighbors.

Mini production idea No. 2. Sewing home textiles and furniture covers.

Another interesting idea for organizing a mini garage production that can generate a solid income.

Why not curtains, but covers? Because sewing curtains is a very narrow specialization that requires imagination, and even better, education in the field of design. The production of home textiles and covers mainly requires only the ability to sew such products.

This is the only drawback of this idea: you need to know how to use a sewing machine, make patterns, etc. But today this is not a big problem. If you are very interested in this area, you can take a sewing course and within a couple of months begin organizing production.

To implement this mini-production, in addition to the premises (garage), you will also need tools and materials:

Cutting tableFrom 12 thousand rubles.
Sewing machineFrom 45 thousand rubles.
Fabric setFrom 5 thousand rubles.
ScissorsFrom 2 thousand rubles.
Consumables (threads, needles)From 2 thousand rubles.

All this will require start-up capital, and it will amount to approximately 50 to 100 thousand rubles. Its amount depends on what fabrics you will use, and whether you have equipment and premises.

What can be produced so that it is competitive in the market?

  • Furniture covers – for home furnishings and car seats. Both are very popular, since furniture is expensive, and its owners are trying to prolong its life as much as possible. And for families with small children, this is generally an indispensable attribute.
  • Tablecloths and napkins– are not difficult to produce and are necessary in the kitchen of every housewife.
  • Pillows and bedspreads– decorative textile elements made in the desired color and style are in great demand.

Despite the fact that the market is now overflowing with various decorative elements, including textile ones, your mini production can still become very profitable. Small enterprises in this area are especially good because they allow the consumer to interact with the manufacturer in each case, as a result of which both benefit.

You can sell such a product in different ways:

  1. Create an extensive portfolio with samples of various types of work performed and agree on its placement in furniture showrooms, local souvenir shops, shops, etc.
  2. Sell ​​products in the same furniture stores.

But all the above methods should be additional. The main sales channel for the products of such a mini garage production is the Internet. You can create pages on social networks where you will post examples of your work and accept orders.

The most positive thing about this implementation option is that you can sell your products directly abroad. Such mini-productions are very popular there.

And you won’t have to spend money on the site itself. You can do it yourself using one of the free platforms:

  • https://ru.wix.com
  • https://www.setup.ru
  • https://www.ucoz.ru

In a word, sewing covers is a promising idea for mini-production in the garage, taking into account the fact that the payback period for the money invested will be approximately six months.

TOP 9 small business ideas for production
in the garage.

What kind of production can be opened in a garage?
Ideas from Europe and China.

Mini production idea No. 3. Making wooden toys.

is a product that is truly needed everywhere and at all times. And especially now, when store shelves are filled with low-quality plastic products, there is a demand for wooden products.

Wood has long been recognized as an excellent choice for children's games, because... it is an environmentally friendly material, and there are plenty of opportunities to work with it.

By organizing a mini-production in your garage for the production of children's toys, you can create any types of them:

  • Wooden constructors.
  • Cubes, pyramids, sorters.
  • Trains with removable parts.

In addition, if you live outside the city, it will be very promising to realize the production of wooden frames for children's sandboxes. To build such a structure, you need a minimum of money and effort, and you can even sell them in bulk for arranging playgrounds.

Residents of a metropolis can also consider an additional way to make money from such production - making busy boards (these are wooden planks with attached locks, doors, and zippers). They are very popular all over the world among parents and do not require any special skills to make - just a little imagination.

The starting capital for such a mini-production will range from 50-200 thousand rubles. , depending on what products you will produce. Such an enterprise will pay for itself in about one year.

To start production with a small starting capital, first make simple toys - pyramids and cubes.

To create them you will need some tools:

Type of equipmentSamplePrice
DesktopFrom 15 thousand rubles.
ChiselFrom 250 rub.
Wood hacksawFrom 300 rub.
Hand plane From 1000 rub.
Woodworking MachineFrom 16 thousand rubles.

The latter come in 4 types: milling, drilling, grinding, edge banding. Such woodworking machines are usually called highly specialized.

To save some money, you don’t have to buy four machines at once, but buy one – universal and multifunctional (shown in the figure). Such a device is intended for small-scale production; it is more compact and its cost is lower than the total cost of each of the 4 devices.

You may also need paint if you want to decorate your products. But there is one very important point here. The manufacture of children's products itself is not complicated, but it requires great care in the work. You must ensure that your toys are safe, so choose only harmless paints and monitor the quality of your production.

Due to all of the above, in addition to general permits, you will also need a sanitary and epidemiological certificate, which will confirm that your mini-production is safe for children.

As for the garage, that is, the room for your production, it should be spacious so that you can zone it. In one part of the garage you will prepare materials, in another you will create products, and in the third you will pack.

How to sell toys, or more precisely, how to tell about them to the widest possible circle of people?

The best option is a social page. networks, for example, on Instagram:

  • Firstly, you can post a lot of beautiful photos there.
  • Secondly, such means of communication are popular among young mothers.

And creating your account is easy and free.

Also remember about other promotion options:

  • Bright outdoor advertising.
  • Distribution of advertisements on forums.
  • Establishing distribution channels through local toy and children's stores.

To summarize, I would like to note once again that mini production in a garage can be different. But regardless of the chosen field, having your own small business producing something is a very creative, and most importantly, profitable activity. Choose a specialty you like and plan its implementation step by step.

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Anyone who wants to become an entrepreneur very often faces the problem of what kind of business to start.

If you have an impressive amount of start-up capital, then it will be much easier to choose, but for those who cannot invest too much money in their business, you can look for a startup to launch, using your advantages.

Let's say you have a garage.

It can serve not only as a place to sleep your vehicle, but also as a place of permanent work.

Business in a garage– a real opportunity to earn a lot of money by investing a relatively modest amount.

There are plenty of options for doing business in a garage, because here you can open a production facility, a store, an art facility, it can be used as a warehouse, as the main office of your company, etc.

Is it even worth starting a business in a garage?

People often look for excuses for their laziness, fear and uncertainty, hiding behind phrases like “Well, how can I start my own business if I don’t have a huge start-up capital? If only I had a lot of money, then it would be a different matter; I could try to engage in entrepreneurial activity.”

At the same time, they often forget that many millionaires started their journey with mini-companies, gradually increasing their turnover.

If you have a garage or accidentally came across an advertisement that someone wants to rent out/sell a spacious garage at an affordable price, then don’t miss the chance to open a business.

Ideas for a profitable garage business are literally in the air.

It can be anything, even a small production.

The main thing is to choose the right startup to launch and analyze the market.

If you are still unsure whether to use your own or a rented garage for business, remember that Steve Jobs (and he was not the only one) began building his empire from a garage.

Advantages and disadvantages of running a garage business

To build your garage business as competently as possible, you need to understand what advantages you can take advantage of and what disadvantages you will have to deal with during the launch and promotion of a startup.

Among the main advantages are:

  1. Savings on rent.
    Renting a garage is much cheaper than a Euro office in the city center, and if you have your own garage, then you simply must start doing business.
  2. You can try to implement various ideas: from warehouse to production.
    If one business plan doesn't work out for you, there is always the opportunity to pursue another startup.
  3. Purchasing a garage is the first step towards your financial stability.
    Even if you don’t want to run a business yourself, you can always rent it out and have a good monthly increase in your salary.
  4. A small garage business does not require a large capital investment to start.
  5. If you start a business in your own premises, you will not be afraid of price fluctuations in the market, which often ruin new startups.

But there is only one serious drawback to running a business in a garage – not just any business can be done in this space.

For example, you will not be able to open a private clinic or kindergarten here, but almost any production that does not require large areas is within your reach.

How to start a garage business?

In business there are no rules to follow.
Richard Branson

To avoid making the wrong choice for a garage business idea, you need to think through all the details before investing in your startup.

You should start your own business, regardless of the premises in which it will start, with:

  1. Market analysis.
    You need to understand:
    • in which area there is a low level of competition and there are a large number of unoccupied niches;
    • what your potential clients need; if you choose a startup with a minimal level of competition, but your product or services are not needed by the client, then such a business will be of little use;
    • which startup is profitable and which requires a long period of time to become self-sustaining.
  2. Choosing an idea to launch.
    You have to build on what you have.
    In this case, you have a garage that can be used profitably.
    Not every business is suitable for a garage, which means your options are limited.
    You also need to focus on the amount of capital investment you have.
    If you don’t have a lot of money, then first you should organize a mini-business without getting into big debts.
  3. Drawing up a business plan with specific calculations.
    To avoid any unpleasant surprises, you should research prices in your area.
    This way you will understand whether your money will be enough to implement the idea or whether you will have to look for an investor.
    Be sure to draw up not only a financial plan, but also a calendar plan, so that you know exactly how long it will take to launch your startup.

Does a business need advertising in a garage?

Any type of business activity needs advertising, and garage business is no exception.

If your profit directly depends on the number of clients, then you need to advertise your business with redoubled energy, investing not only effort and creative ideas in the campaign, but also money.

If you cannot properly promote your business, then you can forget about big income.

  1. Outdoor advertising - various banners, announcements, folding beds, etc., which need to be placed in places with the largest concentration of people.
  2. Flyers, business cards, brochures, price lists that should be distributed among potential clients.
  3. Ads in popular print and other publications in your city.
    If you are launching a large production and are not too limited in money, you can use TV channels and radio stations.
  4. Internet - social networks, city forums, Yandex.Direct, creating your own website, etc.
  5. Presentations, participation in various forums, searching for ways to reach your potential clients, etc.
    This advertising tool is difficult for small companies to use.

Does a garage business need registration?

Every entrepreneur must understand that deceiving the state is wrong, illegal and dangerous.

If you are just renting out a garage so that a neighbor can park his car there for a symbolic amount, then it is not necessary to register your business in the garage, because the Tax Police is unlikely to have any claims against you.

It’s a completely different matter if you are going to implement some large-scale business ideas in the garage, for example, opening a service station, manufacturing some kind of product, or something similar.

Depending on the type of your activity, the size of the future business, the clients you are going to target, and other factors, choose the legal form for your business and the form of taxation.

The most popular forms are individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, and the taxation method is UTII.

To completely protect your business from claims from the state, consult with a lawyer first.

Renting is one of the simplest garage business options

If you're completely confused about what business to open in your garage even though you've looked at many different options, don't let the entrepreneur in you die.

Rent out your garage either for direct use (placing a car in it) or for business.

In the future, if you decide to open some kind of production, you can always evict the tenant and start implementing your business ideas.

Here are some tips for those who want to rent out their garage:

  1. Realistically assess your property: its size, condition, location, load of your personal belongings, etc.
    This is the only way you can understand whether to rent it out for a passenger car, a warehouse, or for a businessman who wants to open a production facility in it.
  2. The more favorable the location of the garage, the higher the rent you can receive for it.
  3. If you don’t have your own garage, but really want to have one, use time-tested ideas.
    You can buy or build a garage in a small town for 60–70,000 rubles.
    The rent for it will range from 2,000 – 4,000 rubles.
    Even if you take the average amount (3,000 rubles), you can return your capital investment in a maximum of 2 years.
  4. A garage is a profitable investment, because gradually you can stop just renting it out, and organize some kind of production here.

Manufacturing is the best option for a garage business

The most suitable option for starting a business in a garage is production.

Depending on the size of your property, you can open either a mini-business or a completely large business with a large capital turnover.

Here are a few ideas for new businessmen that do not require huge capital investments and are quite easy to implement.

They are shared by entrepreneurs who have already managed to set up production in their garage:

  1. Cabinet and upholstered furniture.
  2. Baguettes for frames.
  3. Forged products.
  4. Building materials.
  5. Products made of wood, wicker, stone and other natural materials, such as dishes and jewelry.
  6. Food products, for example, semi-finished products.
  7. Silicone molds for making tiles.
  8. Window-door structures and gates.
  9. Sewing products.
  10. Inflatable boats and mattresses.
  11. Hardware.
  12. Household chemicals.
  13. Monuments.
  14. Ironing boards, dryers and other household goods.
  15. Plastic products
  16. Souvenirs
  17. Lighting fixtures
  18. Cast products (for example, weights for fishermen) and much more.

When considering various ideas, choose one in which you can use your own knowledge and skills, because if you have to learn a profession from scratch, the launch of a startup will be delayed.

And a few more tips for those who want to organize a garage production:

  1. This business in a garage will require more serious capital investments than, for example, opening a retail pavilion, because you will have to purchase special equipment.
    It is unlikely that you will be able to open a manufacturing business without at least 500,000 rubles.
  2. You need to not only learn how to make quality products, but also find sources of sales for them.
  3. The more in demand the product you produce, the easier it will be for you to find customers for it, despite the high level of competition.

What else can you make in the garage?

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Can trading be considered as a garage business idea?

Of course you can.

The more innovative business ideas you try to implement in your garage, the greater the chances of making your startup profitable and successful.

According to Russian legislation, “a garage box is classified as a stationary trade facility that does not have sales floors” (Article 346.29), which means you can pay tax according to a simplified scheme: UTII.

To turn a garage into a store or trade pavilion, you need:

  • insulate it;
  • decide what exactly you will sell: auto parts, vegetables, detergents, seasonings, etc.
  • equip with shelves, racks, counters, etc.;
  • hire salespeople;
  • advertise your startup.

You won’t need a lot of money to implement such an idea, especially if you are going to run a business in your own garage.

It is quite possible to open such a mini-startup for 200–300,000 rubles, but you can earn (minus maintenance costs) from 20,000 rubles per month, which will allow you to recoup your capital investment within 10–15 months.

Some more garage business ideas

If you are not satisfied with any of the proposed options, then here are a few more business ideas that can be implemented:

  1. Auto repair shop.
    This can be either a universal service station, where you can fix any car breakdown, or a highly specialized one, for example, a tire service or a station that straightens and paints cars.
  2. Growing champignons and other mushrooms for sale.
  3. Repair shop.
    In the garage you can repair anything, from shoes to agricultural equipment.
  4. Laundry or .
  5. Workshop for frosting glass and making stained glass.
  6. Art gallery or contemporary art center.
  7. Printing shop or workshop for the production of outdoor advertising.

As you can see, start business in a garage it is possible, even without having a huge amount to invest or connections with officials and entrepreneurs.

The main thing is different: a thorough analysis of the market, the choice of a promising idea, a competently drawn up and implemented business plan, and also the desire to work and earn money.

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Skillful men's hands need an exciting and profitable activity. Are you looking for a business in which you can invest energy, talent and knowledge? It’s simpler to use an empty garage or a garage filled with all sorts of unnecessary things for this purpose. The area seems to be small, but quite acceptable for starting an activity. Clear your garage of everything that gets in the way and get ready to get to work!

Option first and most attractive

Since you have a garage, it means that you enjoy working with equipment. It’s not difficult to adapt your garage for the repair of any household appliances - there is electricity, there are plenty of shelves on the walls, open the wide garage doors and accept bicycles that have been involved in an “accident” first. The fame of a master with “golden hands” is spreading faster than you imagine. As soon as you fix the iron for a lonely grandmother, her neighbors and acquaintances will flock to you. It’s clear that you won’t earn a lot of money from this, but we all start small, and word of mouth works better than any advertising.

After grandma, other users will come to you. Nobody is going to repair expensive foreign cars in your garage - the owners of such cars have enough money to take their “iron horse” to an expensive service. But all your neighbors will become not just your first clients, but also advisors.

So the most important thing has been achieved - you have found a real job “to your liking” and what could be more important for a man - a good friendly company of like-minded people, the opportunity to communicate and show your skills. Lefty didn’t live in a mansion either, but he was able to shoe a flea.

The area even in the smallest “shell” can be planned rationally - you will have enough space for any repair work, the main thing is to start and not spread out, do not take too unreasonable and expensive orders.

Option two - for artwork

The more people build around private residences, the more in demand landscaping, gardens and porch decorations become. No one is in a hurry to buy cheap plaster Polish figurines for the garden anymore - they last exactly a year, and then they lose their bright attractive appearance, the paint is washed off by rain, you can’t leave the figurines under the snow - they crumble into dust. It is also impossible to repaint them, so the demand for these inexpensive garden decorations is falling sharply.

Create such products from concrete with your own hands or cook them from metal - then you decide for yourself. Forged products can also be made in a “shell” - you need a small electric smelter, so why not at least start producing children's toys - soldiers and little animals? They sell out quickly, but you can make exclusive door handles, sinkers for fishermen - here you will definitely be in huge demand. It’s important to start, if you fish yourself, then we won’t even talk about the interest of avid fishermen in such accessories.

The only condition for installing even a small electric melter is three phases. You will do everything else yourself - desktop, shelves and boxes for metal and finished products

Idea three – original gift magnets

It's best to settle on the idea of ​​gifts. Each person buys a hundred souvenirs a year - for relatives, colleagues, friends. Thank God, there are many holidays a year, so people buy trinkets, so let’s try to displace them and offer our products, beautiful and unique.

Magnets are in constant demand among buyers - they are used both at home and at work. Beautiful magnets are bought as a gift, with an original personal inscription - as souvenirs; for large companies you can make a lot of trinkets with logos. Take up this task, you will enjoy the process of creation itself, and the magnets will sell like “hot cakes”.

Cutting out decorations from foam plastic - idea four

Very light and pliable material - foam. It’s a pleasure to work with, it doesn’t freeze your hands and doesn’t require fire, just a jigsaw and a sheet of foam plastic. What you will cut out depends on your taste and interest. After work, you can coat the finished product with gold or silver in a couple of minutes. For example, the most beautiful and sought-after platbands for private houses! Everyone will take them, and orders will pour in like from a cornucopia - as soon as you make just one sample, as soon as the owner of the house installs it on the house (here you can also offer your help), the neighbors will want to have more beautiful platbands. Larger and more interesting interior decorations include columns and bas-reliefs.

Start your business with polystyrene foam - the material is inexpensive, accessible, and lightweight. Lots of waste? But they are perfectly recyclable; invite your neighbor to create three-dimensional decorations for the same landscape filled with foam chips - such toys for children have not yet received their recognition, but you just have to start. Soft “cheesecakes” that children ride with such pleasure. Yes, they are inflatable, but what if we offer an analogue? Fill the same “cheesecakes” with waste from your production? Cheap and cheerful - a lightweight product will never get lost and will never “get bumped” like a nail or glass. Yes, it takes up a lot of space, but it is reliable, like no other device for snow fun - both warm and soft for the child’s bottom.

Working with glass - idea five

There is so much broken glass around, you don’t even have to buy it. You can always learn how to work with a glass cutter; you can cut glass to the size you need. For small stained glass works, you will only need paints and baguettes - but this is the sixth idea. For now, just about stained glass and glass processing using sandblasting tools.

You can draw anything you like on glass: landscapes, portraits, original compositions. Once you start, you will begin to look for sources of inspiration in everything that surrounds you.

It’s the same with stained glass – it all starts with a little work, you will make the first small decoration as a gift, and the second is already brewing in your imagination. So you can do stained glass work in the garage as much as you like.

Idea six – framing workshop

How many talented people live around us! Some paint, some knit, some make tapestries, others make stained glass. But every work, in order for it to look complete and beautiful, needs to be designed accordingly.

The craftsman himself simply does not have time to tinker with wood; such work requires special tools and devices. It is not even possible to make the desired angle of a baguette frame without special devices. So take up such a profitable business - making baguette frames.

You will need good equipment: a guillotine for cutting baguettes, wood processing devices, various encryption machines. The work is not regulated by time, you need to place an order - you work, so this is a very profitable business in your own garage.

Idea seven – production of building materials

We have already talked about the fact that you can make garden decorations in the garage. But there is also an unfilled niche - the production of paving slabs. And not only private traders can buy and order such beautiful products from you! Paving slabs and road curbs are a very popular product. What industrial manufacturers offer us is not distinguished by a variety of designs. Remember the luxurious parks of Versailles and offer something similar.

There are so many building materials that you can create unique paving slabs and border decorations. Enter into a mutually beneficial agreement with a neighboring manufacturer of granite monuments, and you will not have problems with the source material. You will have plenty of granite and marble chips, and pouring paving slabs to unique orders is very interesting.

You only need shelves and containers in which you will “knead” the material, and the finished tiles will dry on horizontal shelves; installing them will not be difficult. Create your own exclusive designs for such paths, and you will not end up with customers.

Sidewalk paths made of pebbles - idea eight

You didn’t pay attention to the fact that you won’t find a stronger and more reliable material for paths than pebbles. But what a shame when, after a rainstorm, puddles and smudges appear on the path, pebbles clump together, and small pieces of pebbles sometimes fly out from under the users’ feet. Beautiful expensive pebbles are scattered throughout the garden. There is a way out - to make ready-made coverings from pebbles, which are then laid on a sand bed.

The pebbles need to be sorted by size and color, and then the pebbles are placed into ready-made flat forms filled with concrete mortar according to a template. Imagine that the pebble pattern will become the decoration of the paths - it is much stronger and more reliable than the concrete coating, the pebbles practically do not wear out, will last for centuries, and you can always install a new one in place of a fallen pebble. So start making these templates - pebble paving slabs can have a variety of shapes, any configurations, any colors.

There are a lot of options and ideas for business in your own garage - you don’t have to pay for renting a room, there are no problems with garbage with access to fresh air. All that remains is to make a choice and work, taking into account the minimum investment, you will get the optimal result with minimal investment.

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