Lesson notes on poultry ecology. Summary of a winter lesson on ecology for children of senior preschool age “Birds are our friends. There are sounds of birds singing and slides, migratory birds

Ecology lesson in senior group"Let's Talk About Birds"


To form a generalized idea of ​​wintering and migratory birds, to learn to distinguish them by an essential feature: the ability to satisfy food needs. Enrich your vocabulary by introducing words: food, migratory, wintering.

Cultivate a love for birds and a desire to help them in winter conditions.

Teach children to convey in appliqué the image of birds, features of the shape of the head and body, tail(cut in pieces from colored paper) .

Strengthen the ability to take part in teamwork, find a place for your image in the overall composition.

Develop aesthetic perception.

Materials for the lesson:

Table showing wintering and migratory birds.

Feeder made from milk bags.

Riddles: a large sheet of paper or cardboard of any light color with widely spreading branches glued onto it, colored paper, scissors, glue.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher invites the children to look at the table and the images of wintering and migratory birds.


    Which birds are you familiar with?

    Which birds have you seen on your property or in the forest in winter?(sparrow, jackdaw, crow, tit, pigeon, magpie, woodpeckers) .

    What are the names of the birds that stay with us for the winter?(haves, settled) . What birds haven't been seen lately?(swallows, rooks, starlings, ducks, swifts) . Where do these birds disappear to?(They fly away to warmer climes) .

    What are the names of the birds that fly away from us for the winter?(Migratory)

    Why do you think migratory birds fly away from us for the winter?(Afraid of the cold)

    Remember what birds eat?

(Insects hid, so the birds that fed on insects fly away first, then those that eat fruits and seeds of plants or harvested crops in gardens and fields. Ducks and geese fly away later. They live with us until the cold sets in) .

Migratory birds are not equipped to stock up on food for the winter and obtain it in winter conditions. In the summer they live with us, build a nest, and hatch chicks. And with the onset of cold weather, they fly away to hot countries so that in the spring they return to their native land.

Why do you think wintering birds all year round live with us? These birds are not afraid of frost and manage to get food even in the coldest winters. They look for insects that are hidden in cracks in tree bark, cracks in houses and fences, eat fruits and seeds of deciduous trees, and cones with seeds of conifers. And nuthatches and tits are looking for reserves that they made in the fall.

And yet it is very difficult for birds in winter. It is especially difficult to find food during snowfalls, blizzards, and severe frosts. In such weather, birds often go hungry and even die from cold and hunger. In winter, birds are close to people's homes. And we must help our feathered friends survive the winter.

In a red embroidered hat,
In a black caftan.
Famous in the forest family
Song funny.

What kind of song is beauty?
Knock - knock - knock, yes tra - tra - ta - ta!


Apples on the branches in winter!
Collect them quickly!
And suddenly the apples flew up,
After all, this is(snowballs)

There is a palace in place
There is a singer in the palace,
And his name is(starling)
Black, agile Screams

To the worms....(rook)
Who's on the tree, on the bitch,
Keeps score
"cuckoo" ?

Children, now let’s try to make riddles - descriptions appearance birds, what they eat, where they live.

Child Game"Not a magpie, not a crow"

Today, when you and I go for a walk, we will hang these feeders(from milk cartons) and fill them with food for different birds. And maybe by doing this we will save more than one bird’s life. And in the summer the birds will help people. They will eat insect pests and continue to protect parks, gardens, and public gardens.

Physical education lesson The forest and fields are covered with snow,

The earth sleeps soundly under the snowdrifts.
The birds are searching, searching,
What to profit from
For a long winter in our forest.

We'll cook the bird's food.
Birds come and feed here.

Now guess what kind of birds these are?(you can teach the children riddles in advance) : Puzzles

Children listen to A. Yashin's poem"Feed the bird" . Feed the bird in winter!

Let it come from all over
They will flock to you like home,
Flocks on the porch.
Their food is not rich,

A handful of grain is needed
And not scary
It will be winter for them.
It’s impossible to count how many of them die,

It's hard to see
But in our heart there is
And it's warm for the birds.
How can we forget:

They could fly away
And they stayed for the winter
Together with people.
Train your birds in the cold

To your window
So that you don’t have to go without songs
Let's welcome spring.

Now guys, you have guessed why you need to protect and feed the birds.

Various seeds of pumpkin, watermelon, and many varieties of herbs are useful for feeding birds.

Children, answer my questions:

“Not a magpie, not a crow and not a seagull
Guess what kind of bird this is.”

Children's answers:“Not a magpie, not a crow, but a rook!”

And now we will cut out and paste wintering birds onto"twigs" . And to do this, you must think about what kind of bird you would like to put on the branch. Remember its color and shape. What parts does a bird consist of?(head, body, tail) .

Together with each child, consult about the place of the image of his bird on the sheet. While working, children listen to birdsong(tape recording)

At the end of the lesson, admire beautiful picture, invite children to note the variety of birds(wintering) .

Author of the work: Shestoperova Lyudmila Konstantinovna
Target: expand and generalize children’s knowledge about the arrival of birds.
1. Cognitive development:
- give a general idea of ​​birds as living creatures living on land, in water and having a typical structure;
- learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships of various types;
- develop cognitive interest in nature.
2. Speech development:
- contribute to enriching children’s active vocabulary;
- develop connected dialogic speech.
3. Social and communicative development:- to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, a desire to protect and preserve it.
4. Artistic and aesthetic development:
- development of value-semantic perception (verbal, musical) of the natural world;
- formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world.
5. Physical development:
- development of motor activity of children.
Equipment: pictures, illustrations of birds, bird coloring pages; audio recordings “Voices of Birds”, “Voices of the Forest”, Red Book of Russia, puzzles, bird feathers, bird’s nest, interactive whiteboard.
Progress of the lesson.
Educator: Children, let's smile at each other. Today is a wonderful day, you and I are in a great mood.
Ready? Yes!
Today we will learn a lot of new and interesting things.
So listen to the riddle.
She comes with affection
And with my fairy tale.
The magic wand will wave,
The snowdrop will bloom in the forest.
Children's answers.
Educator: Yes, it's spring. Let's remember and name the signs of spring. I'll give you a hint, you can follow it with me. Whoever guesses raises his hand.
The teacher uses gestures to show:
Streams are running
The day gets longer and the night gets shorter
The first insects appear
Primroses (snowdrops) appear
Migratory birds are returning from warmer climes...
Educator: And today we will talk about birds. Look how many of them we have in paintings, tables, illustrations, on the screen...
Educator: You said birds are returning from warmer climes.
Educator: Children, how do you think birds fly?
Children's answers.
Educator: They can fly alone, or in flocks.
Cuckoos, kingfishers, nightjars and most birds of prey fly alone.
Many birds fly in a certain order: a wedge, an arc, a line, a line.
- cranes and geese fly in a wedge;
- waders, herons, ibis, ducks, magpies - in a line;
- diving ducks – in gentle arcs;
- cormorants - with a wedge.
All types of bird migration are projected on the screen.
Educator: Guys, why don’t birds fly as they please, but in a certain order?
In flight, the bird leaves behind a diverging trail of disturbed air. It will be difficult for another bird to follow this trail. Therefore, a certain order is established in flocks: each bird is located in front on the right or left, above or below. Air resistance decreases and birds fly much easier.
Educator: To get to a certain place, what does a person need?
Children's answers: maps, atlases, compass, navigator...
Educator: The bird will find its way no matter where it is. The leader leads the pack. Tired, he lags behind, and the bird following him takes his place. And so on all the time.
Educator: Now you and I will turn into birds.
Take the bird hats, put them on, and we will try to fly with you in a wedge, a flock, a line... (turn on the audio recording "Voices of Birds")
The children sit down.
Educator: Well, the birds have returned home. What are they starting to do?
Children's answers.
Educator: Yes, you correctly said that they repair old nests and build new ones.
Educator: Let's look at a bird's nest. What is it made of?
Children's answers.
From twigs, dry blades of grass, fluff, wool...
Educator: The nests of all birds are different and are located not only in trees, but also on the ground, on the water, under the eaves of houses, in hollows...
Various bird nests are projected onto the screen.
Educator: Children, how are all birds alike? What is the difference?
(Various birds on the screen.)
Children's answers.
Educator: Guys, now take a bird feather. Look how tightly the feather barbs are connected. Try to inflate them. Will not work. In cold windy weather, the bird will not freeze because the feathers will retain heat.
Based on the structure of a feather, scientists came up with a zipper.
(You can see the zipper and an enlarged photo of the grip of the feather barbs).
Educator: Now I suggest you play. You become birds again. Music is playing. I call it a migratory or sedentary bird. When you hear the name of a migratory bird, you continue to fly; when you hear the name of a sedentary bird, you sit down.
Educator: Let's solve the puzzles. 40A; LAS* ; S 3 F
Educator: Didactic game.
“Which bird is the odd one out?”
- Magpie, tit, chicken, stork;
- Owl, eagle, falcon, heron;
- Crow, crossbill, nightingale, sparrow;
- Wagtail, pigeon, starling, duck.
Educator: I offer you coloring pictures of birds. Choose which bird you want to draw. If necessary, take a sample to accurately convey the coloring of the birds.
Children draw, an audio recording of “Voices of the Forest” plays.
The teacher summarizes the lesson.

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten “Bell”, Egoryevsky district, Altai Territory

Ecology abstract

"Feed the birds in winter"

Completed by the teacher

Khoroshilova Svetlana Mikhailovna

S. Novogoryevskoye 2014

Target: expansion and systematization of children’s ideas about wintering birds, their way of life, and connections with environment, the role of humans in the life of birds.


    expand children's ideas about characteristic features life of wintering birds;

    promote the accumulation of ideas about wintering birds in children, develop cognitive activity;

    activate children's vocabulary on the topic;

    develop the ability to draw conclusions, establish connections and interactions between humans and nature;

    cultivate a sense of empathy and desire to help in difficult times.

Preliminary work:

    bird watching on walks;

    viewing illustrations of birds, an album about birds;

    reading books and riddles about the life of birds;

    sculpting a bird;

    games “Sparrows and a car”, “Owl”;

    bird watching while walking;

Materials for GCD:

Hats for birds, illustrations of wintering birds, a letter from the Old Woman of Winter, cards for the games “The Fourth Odd One,” an audio recording of bird voices.

Integration of educational areas:

“Communication”, “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Labor”, “Health”.

Planned results:

Knows how to maintain a conversation about birds, express his point of view, and shares various impressions with the teacher and other children. Express positive emotions. Observes basic rules of behavior in nature (ways to safely interact with birds, respect for the environment).

GCD move:

Introductory conversation.

— Guys, what time of year is it now?

— What did winter bring with it?

- Think about it, does everyone like what Zimushka-winter is proud of?

Winter has different moods: sometimes it is joyful, sometimes grumpy and even angry.

- What do you think? natural phenomena does winter express its joy?

What natural phenomena does winter express its anger through?

Reading excerpt from the story by K. D. Ushinsky “The Mischief of the Old Woman of Winter.”

“The old woman winter got angry and decided to snatch every breath from the world. First of all, she began to get to the birds: she was tired of them with their screaming and squeaking. Winter blew cold, tore leaves from forests and oak forests and scattered them along the roads. With nowhere for the birds to go, they began to gather in flocks and think thoughts. We gathered, shouted and flew over the high mountains, over the blue seas, to warm countries...”


Music sounds, birds fly in.

Educator: Who are you, birds? Where?

I'm wearing a bright red beret,

In a gray satin jacket,

I'm a friend to all the trees,

And everyone calls me... (woodpecker)

Little fidget,

Yellow-breasted bird.

I eat lard and wheat,

And my name is... (titmouse)

I've been catching bugs all day

I eat worms.

I’m not flying to a warm land,

I live here, under the roof.

Tick-tweet! Don't be timid

I'm experienced... (sparrow)


Hello little bird

Yellow-breasted titmouse.

Hello, woodpecker, our friend.

Good afternoon, sparrow.

How did you end up here?

After all, the old woman winter drove away all the birds?

Birds: Yes, we spent the winter here, we didn’t fly anywhere, we are not migratory.

Educator: Guys, what should we call these brave birds that do not fly away from us in winter?

Children: Wintering.

Educator: (to the birds) You suffered a lot of troubles and hardships in the harsh winter, but here we have warmth and food waiting for you, come in and rest. (Children-birds sit on chairs)

Educator: What other wintering birds do you know?

(Crow, magpie, bullfinch, pigeon, crossbill, nuthatch, waxwing). As the children name the birds, the teacher puts pictures of them on the board.

Game "Find out by description."

1. “The feathers on the sides of this bird are white, the head and wings are black. The tail is also black, but with a very beautiful green tint, long and straight, like an arrow.


Educator: Tell me, what nicknames for magpies do you know? (white-sided magpie, chirping magpie, thief magpie, “forest newspaper”)

- Why do they call her that?

2. “This is a large, cunning, dexterous and resourceful bird. It does not stand out for its bright colors. The head, beak, throat, wings, tail and paws are black, and everything else is gray" (Crow)

— Why are ravens called cunning, resourceful and friendly birds?

3. “The back of this bird is black. The wings are also black, but with white speckles, and the white belly has black speckles. On the head there is a bright red beret"

— What is a woodpecker called and why? (Forest Doctor)

4. “The plumage of this bird is bright and beautiful, it seems that the bird is dressed up in a yellow blouse with a black tie and a green raincoat, and adorned its head with a dark cap.”

— Tell me, how does a titmouse peck seeds?

5. “The male of this bird has a bluish-gray back, a dazzling white undertail, a black tail and wings with metallic reflections, and a bright red breast. The female is more modestly colored, her breast is not scarlet, but dark gray.”

- What sign do you know about the bullfinch?

(If bullfinches appear, the fallen snow will no longer melt)

- Well done guys, you know a lot about wintering birds, and now you and I will relax and play game "The sparrow flew, the sparrow flew."

The sparrow flew, flew,

I flew, I flew young

Across the blue sea.

I saw, I saw the sparrow,

I saw, I saw young,

How... (crows fly, a woodpecker knocks, titmice jump)

Soroka flies in with a letter and shouts: “News! News! Forest news! Letter for you".

Educator: Thank you, Soroka, come and sit with us. I wonder who wrote the letter to us? Let's read it.

The forest and fields are covered with snow,

The earth sleeps soundly under the snowdrifts.

What do I see - birds in winter!

Who gave them permission to argue with me?

There was an order for everyone to fly away,

No, because they stayed for the winter.

Now I will be angrier and stricter,

I will definitely freeze them all!

However, I will relent, I will not be angry.

I felt better this morning.

But you must help the birds.

Who among you wouldn't mind working?

If you agree, then don't yawn,

Complete my tasks quickly.

Educator: Guys, did you guess who this letter is from?

— Shall we complete the tasks of the old woman of winter?

1. Game "Fourth wheel"

Goal: To develop the ability to analyze, find signs of similarity and

Differences and, on their basis, combine objects with similar characteristics to select from a group an object that differs in some respect.

Sparrow, crow, magpie, rook.

Tit, sparrow, owl, bullfinch.

Woodpecker, nuthatch, starling, crossbill.

Magpie, tit, swallow, pigeon.

2. Game “Guess which bird is singing? »

3. “Tell poetry.”

Children read a poem by Alexander Yashin.

Feed the birds in winter!
Let it come from all over.
They will flock to you like home,
Flocks on the porch.

Their food is not rich.
I need a handful of grain
One handful is not scary,
It will be winter for them.

It’s impossible to count how many of them die,
It's hard to see.
But in our heart there is
And it's warm for the birds.

How can we forget:
They could fly away
And they stayed for the winter
Together with people.

Train your birds in the cold
To your window
So that you don’t have to go without songs
Let's welcome spring!

Educator: Well done, guys, you completed all the tasks of the old woman of winter. Now she won't freeze the birds.

— Tell me, what is the worst thing for birds in winter, cold or hunger?

— What needs to be done to help birds survive a difficult winter? (Make feeders and pour food there)

— To feed birds properly, you must follow certain rules:

— while feeding, do not litter, do not leave on the street plastic bags, cans, boxes;

- feed in the same place, preferably at the same time, the birds will fly in by this time;

- feed the birds regularly, every day, you cannot feed them from time to time, it is in frosty weather that birds need food every day in order for the birds to survive;

- put in a little food, just to feed and support in difficult times.

- What will we feed the birds?

(Only sparrows peck at the seeds of various plants: oats, millet; bread crumbs are also suitable for them; in addition to seeds, tits are given lard or meat.)

- Guys, today on our walk we will also hang up the feeders that your dads made, and we will help the birds survive the winter. If we take care of the birds in winter, in summer the birds will take care of our gardens, forests, parks, etc.


    Aleshina N.V. “Familiarizing preschoolers with their surroundings”

    Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. “Lesson notes for the senior group kindergarten. Ecology" - T.Ts. “Teacher” Voronezh, 2004.

    Veraksy N. E., T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva “From birth to school.” Approximate basic general education program for preschool education - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2012.

    Dybina O.V. “Classes on getting to know the outside world” - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2011.

    Lobodina N.V. Complex classes according to the program “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. Senior group / – Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

Birds - a powerful source of knowledge. They are an important factor in maintaining biological balance. Communication with birds ennobles a person, makes him sensitive, can serve as rich material for the development of aesthetic feelings, sensory education, and contributes to the formation of character and interest. To understand the art of communicating with birds, one cannot do without ecological knowledge. After all, misconceptions that cause an unfriendly attitude towards birds not only harm the birds, but also affect the psyche of children, making them bitter. Correcting misconceptions is much more difficult than forming new, correct ones. We provide knowledge in the form of environmental campaigns and activities with children.

Hello birds!

Ecology lesson in preparatory group.


  • To develop children's knowledge about birds.
  • Develop empathy for the troubles of birds, the desire to fight for their safety.
  • Cultivate a love for birds through direct communication with them, appreciating their diversity.

Material: carpet, a dummy tree, a chicken egg, a magnifying glass, illustrations with bird nests, pictures of birds, a basket, leaves with riddles about birds, a magnetic board, a hat for playing, birdhouses.

Preliminary work: reading fiction, conversations about birds, looking at illustrations, outdoor games, making birdhouses with parents.

Progress of the lesson

Updating knowledge on the topic “Spring”

There is a tree on the carpet and birds on it. A bird trill sounds in the recording.

The buds swell quickly and leaves appear. Everywhere there is hubbub, bird trill, April has come to us. - April has come to us. Spring came. And what miracles happen in the spring: snow turns into water, water gurgles everywhere, streams run, icicles melt from the heat, ice floes break off (is this dangerous?), buds swell, primroses appear, etc. But the most important miracle is that it is in the spring that some birds return, bringing spring on their wings, others survived the harsh winter and enjoy the warmth of spring (listening to a recording of birdsong).

Game "Good - Bad"

- What good is it that the birds flew away from us? (In winter it is cold in our area, they have nowhere to hide from the wind and snow, but in the south it is warm; the birds are hungry and have nothing to eat, since all insects sleep in winter, and in warm areas insects are found all year round). - What's wrong with birds flying away from us? (We don’t see birds; we don’t hear their singing; many birds, when they fly, die on the way, can’t stand the difficult road; without birds it’s boring and quiet).

Conversation on the topic “Migratory birds”

— The bird world is diverse! The spring parade of the feathered population is very interesting and vibrant! Rejoicing in spring and warmth, they improve our mood with their bird songs. So let there always be a lot, because they are not cramped in the air. - Guys, why do the birds come back to us? (Continue your lineage). Having arrived, the birds occupy nesting areas, forming pairs. At this time, bird song is most often heard. For example, a sparrow - father and a sparrow - mother, are looking for a place for a nest in any secluded place - in a hollow, birdhouse, under the roof of a house, in dense tree branches, etc. They collect branches for the nest, cover it with blades of grass, feathers, down, and scraps of wool. Then the mother bird lays eggs in the finished nest and sits on them. - Do you know how birds are born? I will tell you about a wonderful transformation. What do you think I'm holding in my hands? This is one of the miracles. The egg is life. The female bird lays eggs, and then incubates them for a long time, warms them with her warmth, protects them from predatory animals that want to feast on them, and protects them from bad weather.

Looking at illustrations of bird nests.

- Look at the clutches of eggs. What do they have in common? What is the difference? What do you think they made of? How long do you think it takes a bird to build such a nest?

Cognitive activity of children. Familiarization with the structure of an egg.

- Why do we need eggs? Whose egg is in my hands? (Chicken egg). Look how beautiful it is. Let's look at it with you. The egg has a shell. What is she like? Let's use a magnifying glass to look at the shell. The shell has tiny holes that allow air to pass through. What's inside the shell? (carefully break the egg) What is this yellow thing? What is it for? This is a yolk, in the yolk there is an embryo, (look at it) which will develop from the heat, having developed this embryo will turn into a bird. Protein contains the necessary supply of water and nutrients that are necessary for the development of the embryo. Are all eggs built like this? Can we go into the forest and check the birds' eggs? Why? Why can't you break the eggs of wild birds? Imagine that you find yourself in spring forest and found a nest.

Working on the content of the poem

- I found a forest nest, of a small motley bird, made in early spring. There were eggs in the nest. How frightened she was, the bird pretended to be sick, dragged its wing, tossed about, in the thick grass, in front of me. It was given right into my hands. She took me away from the nest. And how much torment there was in it, And how much strength there was in it. - Why did the bird behave this way? (Birds will definitely hatch from the eggs of wild birds, so you can’t touch or break eggs found in the forest, you can’t pick them up, because the mother, sensing someone else’s smell, can throw them and the unhatched chicks will die).

Familiarization with the rules of behavior in the forest.

— At the end of May - beginning of June, chicks appear in bird nests. Caring parents feed them and, of course, protect them. A little extraneous sound or noise - mothers begin to leave their nests. Lead enemies away from the bird's house. People should remember this. Therefore, we should not make noise in the forest, so as not to scare the mother away from the nest, so as not to leave the babies without parents. Of course, you must follow other rules of behavior in the forest.

Don't destroy birds' nests!
Do not take chicks from the nest!
Don't break branches!
The sun laughs tenderly,
The sun is shining hot.
And in the ravine it pours loudly
Talkative stream.
After the winter silence
After the winter cold,
From beyond the mountains, from beyond the seas
Birds are flying in.

So the birds came with me. Can you guess their names?

Game "Guess the bird"

There are cards with pictures of birds on the table, and leaves with riddles about birds in the basket. The child attaches the picture - the answer - to the magnetic board.

I sing loudly, loudly,
Returning from the south on time.
But I occupy songs
Even forty. (starling)

Never builds a nest
Leaves eggs for neighbors
And he doesn’t remember the chicks. (cuckoo)
Vereshchunya - white-sided
And her name is... (magpie)

The bird is small, has legs,
But he can’t walk.
Wants to take a step
It turns out - a jump. (sparrow)

I'm knocking on wood
I want to get a worm.
Although hidden under the bark,
It will still be mine. (woodpecker)

- Guys, do you want to fly and play with birds?
Game "Birder"

Using a rhyme, a driver is selected and a hat is put on.
Tili - teli, the birds sang,
They soared into the sky and flew.
The birds began to build nests
The one who doesn’t howl should drive.

The birder must determine by voice which bird he has “caught.”
Children walk in a circle and say the words:
In the forest in the woods
On a green oak tree
The birds sing merrily.
Hey, is the bird catcher coming?
He will take us into captivity.
Kar - kar - kar! (crow)
Chik - chirp, chiv - chiv! (sparrow)
Blue - blue - blue! (tit)
Tea - drink, tea - drink!
With sugar (thrush)
Five - five, five - grouse (hazel grouse)
Yula - Yula - Yula! (lark)
Chizhik - chizhik, cha - cha - cha! (starling)
Have you seen Vitya? Have you seen Vitya? (lentils)

Introducing children to signs

By watching birds, we can also determine what the weather will be like. We can name one of the birds that predicts the weather by solving a puzzle.

If this bird flies low, it means it will rain.


Also, what signs do you know?

Sparrows gather in the dense foliage of trees and noisily meet - for clear weather.

The pigeons cooed - to clear weather.

Birds are tufting - it means rain.

The cuckoos cuckooed together - for clear weather.

Sparrows bathing in dust mean rain.

Birds sang in the rain - for clear weather.

Conversation “Save the birds”

- Guys, what would happen if the birds did not return to us? (environmental disaster)

There will be no one to protect parks, gardens, forests, fields, and vegetable gardens from harmful insects. Insects will eat all the vegetation and destroy the harvest of bread, fruits, and vegetables. There will be no one to spread the seeds of berries, herbs, and flowers across the earth. We will never hear their wonderful songs.

To keep away harmful insects
The blooming gardens did not die in vain,
Always, at any time of the year,
Take care of the birds, friends!
What does it mean to save birds?

Looking at a birdhouse

— Look, guys, what wonderful houses your dads made. After all, the birds are already rushing towards us from the south. Birdhouses, wagtails and titmice with sparrows will settle in them. They will line them with soft down, moss, and blades of grass and lay their eggs. And from the eggs little starlings and sparrows will appear, and all day long they will fly, search, and carry worms or caterpillars to their chicks. One starling makes up to 200 flights per day.
And today is a spring day,
Let's celebrate the bird's housewarming.
These houses are all together
We will hang it on birch trees.
We guys are preschoolers
We invite all birds,
Come whoever wants.
We love you very, very much.

There's a knock on the door. The postman Pechkin enters. He brought a telegram from the birds:

“Guys, please hang cotton wool and rags on the branches of trees and bushes with your parents. We will insulate our nests with this material.”

Practical work on the street

Together with the children and parents we go to hang up bird houses and cotton wool.

Svetlana Grigorieva
Summary of a lesson in the senior group on environmental education on the topic “Birds of our region”

Subject: "Conversation about local birds»

Target: consolidation and clarification of knowledge about birds of the local region and their characteristics.


1. Clarify and expand understanding of diversity birds, create knowledge about common features birds(beak, locomotion, feather cover)

2. Teach to see features in their structure and behavior.

3. Strengthen the ability to compare objects according to selected characteristics, using elements of the subject model.

4. Develop observation skills and the ability to reflect highlighted features in comparative judgments.

5. Bring up caring attitude towards birds.

6. Create conditions for a positive atmosphere.

Preliminary work: observation birds on the territory of the kindergarten, looking at illustrations depicting birds

Materials: paper, paints, brushes, cards with images birds, pictures-models depicting a beak, feather and paws birds.

Integration: speech development, physical education.

Progress of the event:

Educator: Guys, today we will learn a lot of new things, but first I will read you a poem, and you tell me who we will talk about today.

Yourself in the foliage of trees

Hiding from my eyes,

The singer sang first -

Carefree and happy;

Nobody sings along

But he doesn't lose heart:

I don't know who you are

But, having forgiven you everything,

I hear: full of life

Your simple motive;

Happy spring in the general choir

I echo you with my heart:

You don't circle like a falcon

Under the sky soaring;

At the nightingale's song

The sound is more beautiful -

But you are so diligent,

That the forest counts beats:

May you be completely unattractive

And not eloquent, -

The whole world is listening to you,

Holding my breath

The whole world, all over the place

He quietly echoes you:

(Lev Kvitko)

Educator: Tell me, what topic will we have today? Who are we going to talk about?

Children: Birds. We will talk about birds.

Educator: Of course, the topic our lesson« Birds» . And not just birds, A birds who live in our edges. Tell me which ones birds you know?

Children: Dove, crow, sparrow

Educator: Well done. IN our in the city of St. Petersburg and its region, you can most often find such birds: seagull, tit, bullfinch, sparrow, woodpecker, magpie, pigeon.

(Educator displays images of these birds in front of children)

Educator: Tell me, where can we meet birds?

Children: We can meet you birds in the park, forest, on the street.

Educator: That's right, we can meet them in the park, forest, and even just on a tree that grows under our window. How should you behave in order to birds weren’t they afraid of us and lived closer to us?

Children: You can’t scare them, destroy their nests, or scream.

Educator: Well done. Under no circumstances should you shout at birds, throw foreign objects at them, destroy their nests. Otherwise, they will be afraid of us and will fly away from people and we will not be able to hear their singing and see their beauty.

Now I will read you short riddle poems, at the end of which the title birds. And you must help me understand what birds verse.

1. Come to our feeder in winter

arrives bird:

WITH yellow breast downy

Nimble TIT.

2. Dawn is breaking,

The sky became scarlet.

The color of the BUFFIN's breast

Also bright scarlet.

3. Boy in a colorful shirt

And in a raspberry cap -

He flew in and sat on a branch,

Started with my nose: here and there.

Who is this, guess?

Well, of course, it's a WOODPECKER!

4. Like a fox among animals,

This the bird is the smartest of all.

She jumps near the house

And her name is CROW!

Educator: Well done! Tell me, what does a woodpecker use to knock on a tree to rid the tree of pests?

Children: With its beak!

Educator: But others have a beak birds?


Educator: Of course, everyone has a beak birds. With his help birds, get their food, eat, sing. U birds beak is also that a person has a mouth. Tell me guys, what is the name of the cover? birds, animals have fur, and birds....

Children: Feathers!

Educator: Right. U birds feathers, there is still fluff between the feathers. With the help of feathers, they keep warm in winter, fluff up their feathers and cold air cannot penetrate under the feathers. Let's take a look at the paintings next. Birds how do they move?

Children: On paws, wings.

Educator: Certainly, birds are flying, but they also walk and jump, you’ve probably seen sparrows, they seem to be jumping all the time. Everyone has birds have wings and legs, When bird there is no need to fly anywhere, then she walks on the ground. Now let's play an interesting game with you.

Outdoor game « Birds fly to their nests»

Children pretend birds. The teacher names birds and animals. If they hear the names birds(For example words: owls fly to their nests, run and occupy "nests". If the names are not birds. (For example: pikes fly to their nests)- stand still.

Educator: Well done, you listened very carefully. Now let's look at the exhibition of our pictures. Tell me what everyone has in common and the same birds?

Children: Everyone has birds have wings.

Educator: Yes all birds, have two wings and two legs. . Everyone has birds have feathers. (A model picture is displayed). And everyone birds have a beak. (A model picture is displayed).

Birds are animals, which have two wings and two legs in order to fly and walk; the body is covered with feathers; mouth birds' beak».

Let's now try to cope with the task.

Educator displays pictures of home birds(chicken, duck, goose) and others birds(eagle, parrot, hummingbird). And the children must prove that this is also birds, using models and previously identified features.

Event summary:

Educator: Well done! You did a good job and listened very carefully. Guys, I propose to invite you to our group of birds who remained to spend the winter in the city and they will decorate our group!

Drawing "Fabulous bird»