Volumetric panel made of plasticine. Master Class. Topic: Plasticine painting. Stages of creating a simple painting from plasticine

Is your child bored or sitting at the computer for a very long time? Distract him with an unusual craft - plasticine picture. Such work is not only a fascinating and interesting process, it will also allow you to develop your fingers, because working with small parts improves fine motor skills and the imagination of a little person. Plasticine is so safe and easy to work with that even children as young as 3 can work with it, but always under adult supervision.

In this article you will learn several methods of working with plasticine that will help you and your child create unusual paintings or applications from plasticine.

How to create paintings from plasticine: methods

There are two main types of sculpting a picture on paper:

  1. Flat picture.
  2. With volumetric elements.

In addition, each type can be divided into several more methods:

  • Blur . Draw a template for the future application or print a ready-made one, but be sure to be simple and with clear boundary lines. Then everything is simple, put a small crushed piece of plasticine in the middle of the template and let the child smear it until he fills everything.

  • Sausage (flagella) technique . Such work requires more manual dexterity, and may not be easy for the baby to do right away. But the essence of the technique is very simple, you need to roll it into thin sausages and use them to create a picture. As in the previous method, you can use a template that needs to be filled out.

  • Mosaic . In this case, the kids will not have to roll sausages, but small balls and fill the space on the paper with them.

Step-by-step master class on sculpting a picture from plasticine

To work, you first need to prepare the materials:

  • soft plasticine (several colors);
  • cardboard or transparent glass for background;
  • plastic tools.

This method shows how to create a sausage pattern on glass. It is enough to make a few blanks from different colors plasticine and place them in the correct order on the base, in this case it is glass, but you can also use thick cardboard.

It will be difficult for a very small child to fill out a picture with small details; try to find or draw a very simple template. To simplify the work, lay out the template, cover it with a piece of transparent glass and sculpt on it. Modeling on paper is enough difficult process, because if the plasticine is stuck, it’s not always possible to peel it off.

The child may not immediately become interested in the craft, try to entice him with an example. Make a small sun or autumn petal, the main thing is that the applique or figure is familiar to the child.

Similar crafts:

Larisa Savchuk

Plasticineography - the new kind decorative and applied arts.

The concept of “plasticineography” has two semantic roots: “graphy” - to create, depict, and “plasticine” - refers to the material with which the idea is realized.

The principle of this technique is to create a molded picture with plasticine depicting more or less convex, semi-volume objects on a horizontal surface.

The main material is plasticine - a plastic and soft material for children's creativity having the property of taking and maintaining a given shape.

At the end of April I will have to spend time with the teachers of our kindergarten master class on plasticineography. In connection with this, I had to master this new technique for me. At first I studied myself, without including children in this activity, and then I began to teach them too.

Today, dear colleagues, I present to your attention my first works using the “Plasticineography” technique and small master classes on them. Maybe someone will find it useful in their work.

Materials: thick cardboard, contour drawings, good plasticine, napkins for hands, water in a bowl, stacks, modeling board.

So let's get started.


1. A drawing is applied to the cardboard (you can use pictures from coloring books).

2. Make the background of the picture. First determine the background color.

Small pieces of plasticine are plucked off from the plasticine and applied to the surface in the form of strokes. You can use mixed plasticine for a wider range of colors.

3. Plasticine strokes are smeared with your fingers over the entire surface without going beyond the outline of the drawing.

4. Then small flagella are rolled up, laid out along the contour of the design, pressed and smeared with a finger towards the middle, filling the center of the design element.

6. Lay out the outline of the drawing with thin black flagella.

We frame the finished work.

Other work is done in a similar way.

"Underwater Kingdom"

1. Apply plasticine to thick cardboard in the form of strokes of the desired color.

2. Using your fingers, smear the plasticine over the entire surface in the direction from left to right.

3. We “populate” the water with inhabitants, plants, etc.

"Ladybug on a daisy"

1. Make a sketch of the image on thick cardboard.

2. Similarly, fill the background with plasticine.

3. We depict a daisy, then a ladybug.

4. Using stacks, figured sticks, signets, we decorate the work.

These were my first works using the plasticineography technique. I will introduce you to other works in this technique and to the works of my students in the following posts.

Making beautiful paintings from plasticine on cardboard for children is a fun process that promotes the development of creative skills and fine motor skills. Children from 2-3 years old can start working with plasticine, but under the supervision of their parents. We invite you to find out what paintings can be made from plasticine using photos and a master class.

Techniques for working with plasticine

There are two types of plasticine paintings on cardboard:

  1. Flat.
  2. Volumetric.

Photos of plasticine crafts

To decorate a template design, you can use several techniques:

  • Smearing technique. Give your child a piece of plasticine and a drawing prepared in advance. Ask to spread plasticine on the cardboard to fill all the areas.
  • Flagella technique. This craft will look quite original and neat, but first teach your child how to make flagella. You can figure out in advance what figures to make or decorate the prepared template with flagella.
  • Mosaic technique. This is one of the most favorite techniques for kids, as they just need to roll plasticine balls and attach them to the drawing. The smaller the ball, the neater the picture looks.

Real masterpieces will be created by children aged 5 years and older, who can combine several techniques and decorate template drawings with plasticine.

Master class: painting from plasticine

Prepare the following materials:

  • Soft wax plasticine:
  • Cardboard;
  • Stacks;
  • Frame with glass;
  • Container with water.

Pour hot water into a container and cover it with glass to place small parts on the glass surface. Wet your hands in a separate glass of water to prevent sticking while working.

Master class on crafts made from plasticine on cardboard

You want to find a drawing that your child can fill in, so try to avoid pictures with small details. To make it easier to fill out the drawing without transferring it to cardboard, mount the image under glass, and on the glass let the child fill it with balls or flagella.

Start filling out the design on the glass with large elements. If there is no glass, then draw some other image on the cardboard. To illustrate autumn, mix two colors of clay. The advantage of working directly with cardboard is that you can use the smudging technique and immediately fill in the background, and you will have to lay out the details on the glass in order to transfer them to the cardboard in the future.

Plasticine painting on cardboard for children It can be of any complexity, it all depends on the age of the child and his creative abilities. children and their parents can create real works of art.

A plasticine painting is not just a beautiful decoration for your home interior. Working with this material is not only interesting, but also useful for both children and adults. Plasticine allows you to eliminate certain psychological problems, calm down, cheer up. It also perfectly develops creativity, imagination, perseverance, and thinking.

Advantages of plasticine paintings

The presented products have many advantages:

Help decorate the room;

Develop a person’s personal and creative qualities;

Plasticine allows you to make images of different sizes and colors;

Exists a large number of shades and types of presented material;

Plasticine is not an expensive product (naturally, everything depends on the quality of the raw materials and its manufacturer);

Both adults and children can engage in this hobby;

In some cases, manufacturers of such paintings can sell them for quite substantial sums, that is, such creativity can generate income;

The material is widespread, that is, there is no shortage of plasticine;

The work does not require any expensive materials, machines, tools or specially equipped premises;

Use the presented technique visual arts It is possible both at home and in classes in educational institutions.

Naturally, in any case, you will need to prepare a place where you can work quietly. In addition, you will have to adhere to a certain technology for manufacturing the product. However, a picture made from plasticine is a real masterpiece that even a preschooler can make.

What materials are needed for the job?

In order to make an image, you need to collect all the material and tools. To work you will need:

Cardboard (or other thick paper), plywood or thin board - these materials will become the basis for your painting;


With a fairly hard pile;

Narrow blade;

Colored plasticine (of varying degrees of softness);

Natural materials and other elements that will decorate a plasticine painting.

In principle, any base can be used for the work, except glass (if you create your masterpiece together with your child). Naturally, all tools and materials must be as safe as possible for humans.

with plasticine?

There are certain features that can make your product beautiful or ruin it. First of all, you should choose the style of the painting. For example, if you want to make a sculpture, then you need fairly hard plasticine. Its peculiarity is that it is quite difficult to work with, especially to draw small details. To create such a product, a single piece of material is used.

If a plasticine painting will be made on cardboard and involves mixing shades, then use soft raw materials for this. It is very easy to process, it is very easy to draw small details on it, so it makes it possible to create truly beautiful masterpieces that require delicate work.

In principle, you can make any medium-sized painting in a few hours. Although there are more complex compositions.

Features of flat products

It’s not difficult to make pictures from plasticine with your own hands. First of all, you need to prepare for work. To do this, prepare a dense base on which you will attach the plasticine. Now you should heat the raw material so that it kneads well and sticks to the prepared base.

A very important part of the work is a sketch of the future product, drawn or printed on a standard sheet of paper (or several pages). This will make it easier for you to draw all the necessary details. Subsequently, the sketch must be transferred to the base. Now you can apply plasticine. To do this, smear small pieces of a certain color in the desired area of ​​the picture.

Observe safety precautions while working. In this case, the image should turn out very beautiful and neat. Make sure that the plasticine does not extend beyond the edges of the base. Please note that at the junction of parts you need to pay attention to the color transition. After the main elements of the picture are filled with plasticine, you can begin to design the background. You can use plastic and pencils for this. In principle, plasticine itself can be used for the same purpose.

How to make three-dimensional paintings correctly: step-by-step instructions

So, if a flat image is easy to make, then with three-dimensional masterpieces certain difficulties may arise. All work must be carried out in a certain sequence

  1. Selection of materials and base for the product.
  2. Preparing plasticine (the raw material must be soft enough).
  3. Position of the sketch on the base. In this case, you need to take into account where the background will be located and how much space it will take up.
  4. Making the necessary elements from pieces of plasticine. They may have different shapes and size. Various techniques are used in the process: rolling, flattening, pulling the part away from the general shape.
  5. Attaching pieces of a given shape to the desired area.

A three-dimensional painting made of plasticine is a real masterpiece that will become a wonderful decoration for your interior. Its plot may be different. For example, the image of the sea will be very beautiful. In this case, the product will turn out to be quite colorful. In order to make such a masterpiece, you will need to follow a certain sequence of actions:

  1. We start work from the top of the base. To do this, you need to smear plasticine in white, blue and blue shades on the surface of the cardboard. Naturally, you can also add gray or In order for the material to smear well, it needs to be softened. To do this, heat the raw material with a hair dryer. For a more impressive effect, all shades of plasticine can be mixed and only then smeared on the base. Although sometimes the blue background is done first.
  2. Once the sky is ready, you can start creating the water. For this, a dark blue color is used for the background. Next, decide whether there will be waves in the picture. If so, they may be lighter or darker than the background. In addition, you can apply colors and turquoise. To make the wave look voluminous, you should use darker plasticine.
  3. The setting sun can become a separate element of the picture. It usually has a reddish tint and is located on the horizon. In addition, it is necessary to make a sunny path on the water.
  4. If you want to depict an island with a palm tree in the picture, then yellow, brown and green plasticine is used for this. Please note that the tree can be made voluminous. To do this, you need to place pieces of raw materials on top of each other. To make palm leaves, green plasticine is necessarily used, from which oval elements are rolled and then flattened. Using a stack, a corresponding design is made on the tree trunk.

In principle, in a few hours you can build a real masterpiece that should be placed in a frame. However, be careful, as the plasticine may become crushed under the glass, and the painting will no longer have its former appearance.

In order for the product to please your eye for a long time, certain nuances should be taken into account during its manufacture. For example, the base should be light. If you have not done this kind of art before, you can use transparent plastic as a base, as it is easier to correct mistakes.

(paintings in particular) will look very beautiful if the elements of the product are done correctly. For example, if you are making flower petals or leaves that need to have the same shape, then you need to first make a small long roll from the material provided. To do this, you can use a syringe through which well-heated plasticine is pressed.

It is better to start work from the top edge of the base. Otherwise, you may accidentally ruin the image with careless hand movements. If you decide to make paintings from plasticine, the master class described above will help you get started and plan your work.

An ordinary painting bought in a store will not surprise anyone. Then why not make a picture with your own hands from plasticine? If you wish, you can even depict your pet in the picture - a dog or a cat! Let's get started!

Will need

For this we need:
  • - plasticine;
  • - a knife for cutting plasticine;
  • - scissors;
  • - toothpick;
  • - ruler;
  • - glue or hot glue gun;
  • - a small cardboard (this will be the basis for the picture);
  • - small file;
  • - thin rope or lace;
  • - and of course, a photo of your pet or any other picture, for example, printed from the Internet.

Step-by-step master class on making a plasticine picture

Step 1. Take any photograph or picture (it will serve as a model for us) (I used a photo of a cat 9.5 cm wide and 8.5 cm long) and cut out a base from thick cardboard for it, the base should be wider than the photo on each side approximately 1 -1.5 cm, and also cut out 4 strips - this will be a frame 11 cm long and approximately 2 cm wide.

Step 2. Then we take the file and cut it to the size of our photo, then we put this piece of the file on the picture (for convenience, you can carefully attach the photo to the file with pencil glue).

Step 3. Now we need plasticine to make our picture look bright, we will make a background, for this we will mix yellow and bright green plasticine (but do not mix the colors together too much, it is necessary to get a blurry realistic background of our picture.) Next, piece by piece. tear off the plasticine and spread it over the picture with your fingers, but make sure that the layer is not too thin.

Step 4. Now let's prepare plasticine for the cat's fur. We will need beige color (white plasticine + brown), brown, dark brown, black, and also blue for the eyes. We start with the darkest color, with black we begin to fill the very central part of the muzzle with it.

Step 5. Then we take brown plasticine and also fill in the cat’s face.

Step 6. Now we take just brown plasticine and do the same thing, smooth the layers together with our fingers, mix them a little so that the transition looks smoother. Now we add the lightest color and do it as shown in the photo, and don’t forget about the ears - we make the edges black and the inside brown.

Step 7. Next, use a beige color to create fur around the muzzle.

Step 8. Take a toothpick (it can be replaced with an awl, needle or other sharper object). To make our cat look just like a real one, we’ll give him some fur, watch the direction of the fur (you can look at your pet or in a photo for this).

Step 9. Now make small “pancakes” from blue plasticine; these will be the eyes; we make black pupils in the same way, and also add highlights to the eyes using white plasticine.

Step 10. Now let's select a nose for this from brown plasticine, make a rectangle and a small triangle, connect the parts as shown in the photo.

Step 11. Now let’s select the muzzle, make 2 “pancakes” and one small oval and stick it under the nose and work on the fur in the same way.

Step 12. And the final element is what!? Of course the mustache! Roll up a white cord from white plasticine, divide it into 10 parts, and attach it in place of the antennae.

Step 13. Let's return to the base, use a glue gun to glue the cord, and then glue our picture on top.