Ready-made projects for older preschoolers. Projects in kindergarten: what is it? Types of projects in kindergarten

Projects in kindergarten are an integration method that involves the use of various methodological techniques that allow you to deeply master the proposed topic. Integration is a combination of basic teaching methods that organically complement each other and increase the efficiency of the process.

Features of preschool age

Preschool age is the most fertile period for learning. Children absorb knowledge about the world around them like a sponge. At this age, everything is interesting; the child actively explores the world and learns models of social behavior. Therefore, this feature must be used. Education must be socially significant. Particular attention should be paid to the moral, aesthetic, and environmental directions. We must remember that the norms learned by children at this age remain with him for the rest of his life. The project method in kindergarten is designed to intensify work in this direction.

The importance of project activities

Projects in kindergarten involve independent activity of children under the guidance of adults (teachers and parents). Participation in the project allows you to demonstrate your abilities. In the course of work, the child learns to plan his actions, control the execution process, and also learns to predict the result of his activities.

Structure of project activities

Projects in kindergarten begin with identifying the topic and its relevance, setting goals, defining the subject and objectives of the project. The goal of the project is to expand children's knowledge on a certain topic, develop skills in children, cultivate appropriate feelings and develop empathy (sympathy) for the world around them. The feeling of empathy is a complex psychological reaction that is formed through personal experiences based on life experiences. Participation in project activities helps the child enrich his personal experience. The subject is selected taking into account the goals, then pedagogical tasks are set, they must be specific and reflect the intensity of the pedagogical impact. Projects in kindergarten have clear deadlines. The circle of participants is determined (children, educators, parents, additional education teachers). The result is a specific product, which becomes a report on the work done. Most often this is a presentation. The biggest part is the practical implementation of goals and objectives. It is carried out by organizing classes, reading fiction, organizing quizzes, competitions, and joint activities with parents.

Project "Family"

For example, the “Family” project in kindergarten has the goal of bringing family members together emotionally. The subject becomes family and family values. The objectives of the project may be: instilling respect for the older generation; involving parents in joint activities with children; attracting the attention of parents to the problems of moral education; nurturing in children a sense of empathy for younger family members and pets. The practical implementation of tasks is possible by involving parents and children in the improvement of the group and site, jointly creating a family tree of the family, holding open classes, holding various events (for example, “Help Another,” collecting things and toys for those in need) and so on. At the end of the project, a presentation is made.

Currently, in preschool education, traditional education is being replaced by developmental education, which is aimed at developing cognitive interest and the need for active creative activity in preschoolers. The project method fully meets the requirements and can be implemented both within preschoolers and through.
Under project method is understood as a set of educational and cognitive techniques that make it possible to solve a particular problem as a result of independent actions of students with the obligatory presentation of these results.
Target— to develop the creative abilities of the child’s personality, which are determined by the developmental tasks and tasks of the children’s research activities.
— teach basic planning;
— develop skills in collecting and processing information and materials;
— develop creative abilities;
- to form a positive attitude towards cognitive, research, creative activities.

Basic requirements for project activities:
— the presence of a problem that requires integrated knowledge and a research search for its solution;
— practical, theoretical, cognitive significance of the expected results;
- independent activity of a preschooler;
- use of research methods, i.e. defining the problem, the research tasks arising from it, putting forward a hypothesis for their solution. Discussion of research methods, presentation of final results, analysis of the data obtained, summing up, adjustments, conclusions.

Project typology:
(according to E. S. Evdokimova, “Design technology in preschool educational institutions”)
dominant in the project activities: research, search, creative, role-playing, applied (practice-oriented), orientation, etc. (research project, game, practice-oriented, creative);
subject area: mono project (within one field of knowledge), interdisciplinary project;
nature of project coordination(guidance from the teacher): direct (rigid, flexible), hidden (implicit, imitating a project participant, typical for telecommunications projects);
number of participants project (individual, pair, group);
duration projects (short-term (1-2 lessons), medium-term (up to a month), long-term.

A preschool institution may have:
1. Information projects
- aimed at collecting information about a certain object, familiarizing project participants with this information, analyzing it and summarizing facts intended for a wide audience;
— structure of the information project: receiving and processing information, obtaining results, presentation.

2. Research projects
— a research search is carried out, the results of which are formalized in the form of some creative product (newspapers, dramatizations, card indexes of experiences, children's design, cookbook, etc.)

An example of a research project can be viewed b

3. Role-playing projects
- these are projects with elements of creative games, when children take on the characters of a fairy tale and solve the problems in their own way.
4. Creative projects
— as a rule, they do not have a detailed structure of joint activities of participants;
— creative projects are classified according to the dominant type of creativity: artistic and visual, artistic and speech, artistic and design, theatrical, musical, etc.)

Activities of a teacher:
At stage 1 - determines the topic, carries out planning, organizes a subject-development environment, informs parents, studies literature.
In the process of joint activities with students, he formulates a problem, helps set a goal, and offers to immediately determine the product of the project; immerses you in a game (plot) problem situation.
At stage 2 - helps to divide into groups; helps in solving problems; helps plan activities (where to start). Organizes children's search and research activities
At stage 3 – provides practical assistance to children, creates conditions and motivates children. Monitors and coordinates the project. Records the results of information searches, etc.
At stage 4 - preparation for the presentation. Presentation (project defense), evaluation.

Preschool activities:
At stage 1 - entering into the problem, “getting used to” the game situation, accepting the task, suggestions and additions to the final product.
At stage 2, children are organized into working groups, assigned directions for collecting material and areas of responsibility.
At stage 3 - accumulation, systematization and assimilation of new knowledge, skills and abilities
At stage 4 - preparation for the defense of the project, production of the final product. Presenting the products of your activities to the audience

Structure of the educational project:
- Project name;
— authors, coordinators, administrators, project organizers;
— general characteristics of the project: project participants, project deadlines, project goals and objectives, project hypothesis, expected results;
— stages of the project;
— project results, their evaluation, prizes and awards.

Project topics in preschool education are quite diverse, for example:
- Dad, mom, I am a sports family.
- Technology that helps us.
- Hello, Olympics!
— Monuments of our city.
— Toys from grandma’s chest, etc.

Results project activities can be:
— Exhibition, newspaper, magazine.
— Costume, model, collection.
— A musical or artistic work, role-playing game, dramatization.
- Excursion, hike, journey.
— Demonstration of a product made on the basis of information technology.
— Performance, holiday, video film.

Dear teachers! If you have questions about the topic of the article or have difficulties in working in this area, then write to

Dear Colleagues! We bring to your attention a project template for filling with any content. The project has long been part of the kindergarten’s work system. There is probably not a single educator who has not used this wonderful method at least once in his teaching activities.

A template (or sample design) will help you quickly collect and organize information on your chosen project topic. Of course, the proposed sections can be supplemented at your discretion.

Project name

Project Description

Program content:

  • expand children's knowledge about...
  • develop a feeling in children...
  • forming a belief about...
  • bring up …
  • expand knowledge about...
  • teach...

Relevance of the project

Reveal the relevance of the need to consider this issue. It is advisable to end with a statement of contradiction.

Thus, the contradiction that arose, on the one hand, the importance and need to familiarize children with ..., the formation of children ..., and on the other hand, the lack of targeted, systematic work led to the choice of the project topic.

Project object : …

Subject of the project : …

Objective of the project : to expand children’s knowledge about ..., to form children’s feelings ..., to form ..., to educate ....

Project objectives :

  • to familiarize educators with modern methodological literature on...;
  • conduct a series of classes and events on the topic;
  • organize an exhibition of children's drawings;
  • introduce children to literary, artistic and musical works on the topic;
  • develop information sheets for parents with recommendations for introducing children to...;
  • prepare through the joint efforts of children and parents...;
  • systematize literary and illustrated material on the topic...:
  • hold the final event….

Execution term : indicate how many weeks (months).

Project participants : children, teachers, music director, parents.

Necessary materials : … .

Intended product of the project : event …; exhibition of children's creative works; presentation ... (compiled jointly by children and their parents); developed recommendations for teachers on introducing children to...; systematized literary and illustrated material on the topic...; developed recommendations for parents.

Bibliography: …

Project content

Project implementation stages

Preparatory stage

Main stage

The final stage

– setting goals, determining the relevance and significance of the project;– selection of methodological literature for the implementation of the project (magazines, articles, abstracts, etc.);

– selection of visual and didactic material; fiction, reproductions of paintings; organization of a developmental environment in the group.

– introducing children to fiction;– conducting conversations;

− examination of pictures and conversations based on their content;

− conducting classes;

− holding an event;

− listening and discussing musical works;

− drawing with children on ... topics;

− creation and presentation.

– analysis of project results.

Work plan




Preparatory stage


1. Setting goals, determining the relevance and significance of the project.2. Selection of methodological literature for the implementation of the project (magazines, articles, abstracts, etc.).

Senior group teachers

Senior teacher (methodologist)




1. Selection of visual and didactic material; fiction; didactic games, development of conversations.2. Development of recommendations for teachers of the senior group.

4. Selection of reproductions of art paintings on ... topics.


1. Organization of a developmental environment in a group of older preschoolers (placement of reproductions of paintings, WWII posters)

Main stage


1st half of the day:1) reading and discussion of literary works;

2) examination of paintings and posters on ... topics.

2nd half of the day:

1) conversation “Children about...”;

Children, parents, teachers

Senior group teachers


1st half of the day:1) reading and discussing literary works about ...;

2) lesson “...”.

2nd half of the day:

1) listening to songs about ...;

2) examination of paintings and posters.

Children, teachers

Senior group teachers

Project information support

Detailed information that may be useful when preparing a project, when working with parents, teachers and children.

Key Concepts

Reveal the basic concepts of the project.

Methodological support for the project

  • Materials for conducting interviews
  • Educational event "..."
  • Indicative plan classes "… "
  • Recommendations for educators and parents
  • Questionnaire for parents "..."


Books for children

Visual works for viewing and discussion with children

Sazonova A.

Projects in kindergarten became especially relevant after new educational standards were introduced into preschool education.

The founder of design technology is considered to be the teacher, psychologist, and politician John Dewey.

What is a project activity?

The essence of this pedagogical methodology is that the teacher comes up with a project aimed at solving a specific research problem. Then it is introduced into work with children. Kids enjoy searching activities.

A project in kindergarten in the senior group involves joint creative or playful activities aimed at developing initiative, independence, determination, and responsibility in the younger generation.

Design stages in preschool educational institutions

There are five stages:

  • formulation by the teacher of the problem, indication of the purpose of the work, selection of tasks;
  • planning activities aimed at achieving the set goal;
  • searching for scientific information, involving parents of students in the work;
  • presentation of project results;
  • collection of reports: diagrams, drawings, photographs in a portfolio.

The teacher himself performs the last stage, accumulating materials from his students.

Types of projects

What projects can be used in kindergarten? Let's look at the main options:

  • creative projects that involve researching a problem and demonstrating the results obtained in the form of a theatrical performance;
  • role-playing games, in which, to solve a given problem, children act as characters from a fairy tale;
  • creative research projects aimed at solving a problem in the form of a newspaper or design;
  • informational and practice-oriented options, which involve the children collecting information necessary for group design.

When choosing forms of work, the teacher must take into account the individual age characteristics of preschoolers. Children are characterized by increased physical activity, so projects are associated with play activities.


All projects in kindergarten are divided by duration into:

  • short-term (several lessons);
  • long-term (during the academic year).

A teacher can work with one child (individual activity) or with a group of preschoolers (team work).

A project in kindergarten in the senior group is an excellent way to involve children in active creative activities. This kind of work contributes to the formation of cognitive interest in preschool children and helps the teacher build a learning experience for each student.

For example, projects in kindergarten make it possible to correct speech problems in children and develop communication skills.

Example of a project in a preschool educational institution

How to organize activities correctly? In order to answer this question, we present ready-made projects in kindergarten. For example, in some preschool institutions there are special speech therapy groups.

The project on the topic “Onions: tasty, healthy, interesting” is intended to develop the ability to find certain information, write reports, and design newspapers.

Among the main tasks that the teacher sets:

  • expanding preschoolers’ understanding of onion varieties and where they grow;
  • developing the child’s skills and abilities to prepare a retelling;
  • increasing parents' interest in children's creative activities.

Such projects in kindergarten promote joint activities between children and adults. The result will be the creation of an information newspaper about onions.

The participants in this project will be preschoolers, their fathers and mothers, a teacher, and a music worker.

Ready-made projects in kindergarten involve the use of special equipment and visual materials. For example, the project in question will require seedlings and work equipment.

In the information corner, the teacher adds material on topics related to onions: proverbs, riddles, growing tips.

You can start such a kindergarten group project with a role-playing game in which children choose their responsibilities themselves. Someone will plant onions, another kid will water. They also select a child (group of children) who will engage in creative activities: applications, drawings.

Event plan

The teacher organizes an exhibition for children on the topic “Work in our garden.” Information material is selected for it: postcards, newspaper clippings, educational games, fiction.

A medical worker is preparing a lecture on the benefits of onions for a parent meeting. The teacher chooses message topics with the children on which they will draw up creative works.

After the completion of the project, the results of the activities are summed up, a newspaper is issued, and delicious onion dishes are presented.

The music worker organizes accompaniment for the award ceremony for the best chefs.


Small projects in kindergarten are an integration version of the educational program. This technique involves the use of various techniques that contribute to a deep understanding of the topic. Project work helps teachers increase the efficiency and effectiveness of an educational project.

As part of the implementation of projects in state preschool institutions according to the second generation Federal State Educational Standard, children receive independent work skills, the teacher acts as a tutor.

The process of solving the problem set by the teacher captivates the preschooler so much that he learns to plan work, control individual stages, and predict results. Among the main tasks that the project methodology successfully solves, we note the stimulation of the natural curiosity of preschoolers by increasing their self-esteem.

Children who took an active part in research activities in a preschool educational institution are much more successful and active than their peers during school life.

Project activities in preschool educational institutions. Pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions. Project method in preschool educational institutions. Research projects at preschool educational institutions. Design technology in preschool educational institutions. Organization of project activities in preschool educational institutions. Project method in the activities of preschool educational institutions. Technology of the project method in preschool educational institutions. The project method in preschool educational institutions as an innovative pedagogical technology.

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