Decision points of the company commander. The sequence and methods of work of the commander and staff to make decisions. List of used literature

The initial data for starting work on making a decision are:

1) the task facing the troops;

2) instructions from the senior commander (if any);

3) conditions of the situation known to the commander at the beginning of the decision and relevant to the task being performed;

4) availability of time to make a decision and prepare for the task;

5) personal qualities of the commander and command and control officers subordinate to him (primarily the headquarters).

Having this data, the commander proceeds to first stage work – clarification of the task

1 . Understanding the problem means the commander’s thinking process, aimed at deeply understanding the senior commander’s plan, studying his own task, the tasks of his neighbors and establishing the role and place that his subordinates occupy in fulfilling this task.

All this allows the commander to clearly imagine common goal actions of troops, planned by the senior commander of the forces, means, methods and timing of its achievement, understand the requirements for the actions of their

troops and neighbors, to their interaction.

The commander can clarify the mission personally or with the involvement of the chief of staff and deputies and service chiefs.

2.Second stage in the activities of the commander and staff when making decisions is assessment of the situation.

Let's consider this stage in detail.

Assessing the situation means the work of the commander and officers of the control body, which consists in knowing the objective conditions for completing the task and identifying factors that facilitate or hinder its implementation, and on the basis of this, the final decision to complete the task.

At this stage of work, the commander must evaluate:

an object, subject or process towards which the actions of troops are directed, arising from the content of the task;

the state and capabilities of their units;

other conditions for completing the task: terrain, its physical and geographical characteristics; radiation, chemical and biological conditions, weather conditions; time of year and day, etc.

When assessing the target, their troops and neighbors, they analyze and the provisions, composition, conditions, security, nature and motives of actions, opportunities and other information that may influence the completion of the task are determined.

When assessing the conditions for completing a task, it is analyzed and the degree of their influence on the completion of the task, the development forecast, how and to whom they help in completing the task or make it difficult to complete it are determined, how to take measures that reduce the degree of negative influence of conditions, etc.

The assessment of each element of the situation ends with the correspondinggeneralized conclusions into solution elements:

1. Expedient design and alternative options for completing the task;

2. Tasks for subordinates;

3. The order of interaction when performing a task;

4. Basic measures to support troops and organize command and control.

3. Third stage - The final operation, the commander’s act of thinking to understand the task and assess the situation, is the final choice according to expected results the best option for completing a task and formulating a solution. It is at this moment that not only the mind, but also the will of the commander is of great importance.

The worst decision is not to decide on anything, which means inaction. By selecting the best option, the commander announces his decision to his subordinates.

This method of work of a commander in practice is called making decisions based on elements of the situation.

Another commander's way of thinking is making decisions on the elements of the decision. There is no fundamental difference between these techniques, since they are based on the same methodological basis: understanding the problem and assessing the situation .

The only difference is in the commander's thinking. In the second case, the commander takes an element of the decision and, from its requirements, understands the task and assesses the situation, and so on for all elements of the decision. Making a decision on its elements is intended mainly for educational purposes, as it requires a lot of time.

To make a timely informed decision to complete a task important It has commander's ability to use various methods . These methods form two large groups, providing qualitative and quantitative justification for decisions .

The first group of methods includes logical methods of thinking (analysis, generalization, analogy, deduction......).

To the second group of methods relate mathematical methods, used to perform various calculations, mathematical and graphic-analytical modeling of upcoming troop actions.

It should be borne in mind that the more accurate the combination of these and other methods, the more justified the decision.

The order of work of the commander discussed above when assessing the situation indicates that the commander It is necessary to complete a large amount of work, usually in a limited time. Therefore, he uses the help of government officers.

To make the work successful , required rational organization joint work of the commander and subordinate officers, which at the stage of assessing the situation is carried out as follows.

Method of work when making a decision (sequential):

1) the commander evaluates the situation using one of the techniques (by elements of the situation or elements of the decision);

2) deputy commanders, service chiefs and staff officers prepare the commander for deadline in the prescribed form, the necessary data, calculations and proposals for completing the task insofar as they are concerned;

3) the chief of staff directs the work of department officers and prepares for the commander generalized conclusions from an assessment of the situation and proposals for a solution;

4) the commander, if possible and necessary, listens to the conclusions and proposals of the chief of staff and other persons on issues of interest to him;

5) the commander chooses best option tasks and finally formulates a solution;

6) headquarters officers formalize the decision;

7) report the decision to the senior commander (if necessary);

8) announcement by the commander of his decision to deputies and officers involved in further work on planning the actions of troops and organizing the implementation of the decision, which begins with its communication to subordinates.

After this, the same decision-making work is carried out by the lower level of management.

Concluding the consideration of the work of the commander and officers of the control bodies in making decisions, it should be emphasized that the commander is obliged, in all cases where possible, to use the slightest opportunity to exchange views on the procedure for completing the task (by decision) with his closest assistants and other specialist officers, i.e. .e. rely on collective wisdom.

But when a decision is made, then all responsibility for the consequences of its implementation or non-compliance falls on the sole commander , as well as specific performers responsible for certain issues.

Above we considered the classic or consistent way for the commander and staff to work when making a decision- this is when the work of making a decision at a lower level of management begins after it is accepted by the senior commander and communicated to subordinates.

In the practice of troops, when there is an acute shortage of time, they also use Another way of working when making a decision is parallel. It differs from the one considered in that the decision-making by the subordinate commander and control body begins not after its final formulation and execution by the senior commander, but after he determines the plan for completing the task as the main element of the decision, and brings it to his subordinates by issuing special preliminary orders. The decision made by the commander, as a rule, is formalized by the headquarters in the form of a specific document. It can be a plan, an order, an order, an instruction, an instruction, an instruction with an explanatory note, etc. It depends on the nature of the task and the conditions of the situation.

Under execution organization decision taken one should understand the activities of the commander and headquarters to create conditions for its effective and high-quality implementation. This activity includes: planning the implementation of tasks, assigning tasks to performers, ensuring the completion of work.

Planning and organizing the implementation of the decision made.

3.1 Specific and realistic planning is the most important condition for the rhythmic work of the team .

The main role in planning belongs to the chief of staff.He establishes the volume, timing and performers of the work, determines in what form the planning results will be reflected, what documents should be developed and by what time, coordinates and directs the work of all management bodies. Wherein Special attention he pays attention to the timely delivery to the performers of the data necessary for subordinate commanders and headquarters.

Planning for solution implementation includes:

1) definition of works and activities;

2) determining the timing of work and activities;

3) selection and placement of performers;

4) drawing up a plan.

After defining the work, activities are determined, the implementation of which will ensure the timeliness and quality of the work.

Selection of performers must be carried out in each individual case, based on the availability of time, the content and volume of issues to be resolved, as well as the personal preparedness of the officer and his specialization.

When selecting performers - managers, it is necessary to use the following requirements:

- high competence in the issues the decisions of which they manage;

- competence, i.e. endowment with the necessary rights that the manager transfers to the persons who manage on his behalf the implementation of the decision;

- ability to exercise control.

When selecting direct performers of work, you must be guided by the following basic principles:

Correspondence to the place of concentration of resources, information and performer;

- compliance of the nature of the work with the qualifications of the performers;

- compliance of available means of stimulating the performer’s personality.

After determining the work, activities, deadlines and performers, it is necessary to formalize plan.

It is advisable to draw up the developed plan in the form of a schedule, which allows you to monitor the progress of work over time and contains information about the responsible persons.

In case of adoption of complex, multi-purpose management decisions it is advisable to draw up organizational plan implementation of the decision made.

Generally the organizational plan must be flexible: each time interval must correspond to a special grouping of forces and means so that at the decisive time and at the decisive point the main forces can be concentrated. After developing a plan for implementing the decision and determining the composition and functions of the performers, the decision should be communicated to them.

3.2 Communication of decisions to performers is carried out by setting tasks.

Before considering how to set tasks, let’s consider them general structure and content.

Any task can have three components::


- binding.

· clarification of the task received;

· assessment of the situation;

· decision-making;

· conducting reconnaissance;

· issuing a combat order;

· organization of interaction, combat support and control;

· organization of training of personnel, weapons and equipment for combat;

· checking the readiness of the platoon to perform a combat mission;

· report to the company commander on the readiness of the platoon to perform a combat mission.

Understanding the received task, the platoon commander must:

· understand the mission of the company and platoon;

· what objects (targets) in the direction of the platoon’s operations are hit by the means of senior commanders;

· tasks of neighboring units and the procedure for interaction with them;

· time of readiness to perform a task.

Based on an understanding of the mission, the platoon commander usually determines:

· the place and role of the platoon in the mission performed by the company; what objects (targets) need to be hit by platoon weapons;

· at what stage of the battle and with which of the neighboring units it is necessary to maintain the closest interaction;

· how to build a battle formation;

· how much time is available to organize the battle and how best to distribute it.

When assessing the situation, the platoon commander studies:

· the composition, position and possible nature of the enemy’s actions, the location of his fire weapons;

· condition, security and capabilities of the platoon and attached units;

· composition, position, nature of actions of neighbors and conditions of interaction with them;

· the nature of the terrain, its protective and camouflage properties, advantageous approaches, barriers and obstacles, conditions for observation and firing;

· time of year, day and weather condition.

As a result of assessing the situation, the platoon commander determines:

What strength of the enemy is expected in front of the platoon’s front of action, its strengths and weak sides, possible balance of forces and means;

· platoon combat order, combat missions for squads (tanks), distribution of forces and assets;

· at what stage of the battle and with which of the neighbors to maintain the closest interaction;

· the procedure for camouflage and use of the protective properties of the area.

Understanding the given task and assessing the situation are stages of the platoon commander's thought process in making a decision. The result of this process is the selection of the most appropriate solution for the battle. In a decision, the platoon commander usually determines:

· methods of accomplishing the task received (which enemy, where and by what means to defeat; the measures used to deceive him);

· tasks for squads (tanks), assigned units and fire weapons;

· organization of management.

When determining how to perform a given task, the platoon commander must take into account that it expresses the main idea of ​​the decision, being, as it were, his plan for battle. Therefore, it should reflect the sequence of destruction of the enemy, the order of hitting him with fire from regular and assigned means, and the formation of a battle formation.
Combat missions for squads (tanks) are determined strictly in accordance with the order in which the task assigned to the platoon is completed. Thus, in defense, the task of a squad is to firmly hold the specified position and prevent enemy tanks and infantry from breaking through it into depth. During an offensive, the squad's combat mission is to destroy enemy manpower and firepower in the direction of its advance.
When determining the organization of control, the platoon commander outlines the procedure for using radio and signal communications, the procedure for acting on warning signals, control and interaction; place of your KNP. An important stage in the work of a platoon commander is reconnaissance, which is carried out in order to clarify the decision made on the ground. Not only squad (tank) commanders, but in some cases also driver mechanics (drivers) can be involved in it.
When conducting reconnaissance, the platoon commander on the ground indicates landmarks, the position of the enemy (the direction of his actions, the location of his fire weapons), clarifies the tasks of the squads (tanks) and indicates the locations of the squad positions, firing positions of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, tanks and other fire weapons ( dismounting locations for motorized rifle units, advance route, etc.).
The platoon commander's adoption of an expedient decision to fight does not in itself ensure the successful completion of the resulting combat mission. The decision becomes the basis for managing squads (tanks) and the law for subordinates only when each of them receives a specific combat mission. Therefore, timely delivery of combat missions to the performers is one of most important responsibilities platoon commander.
When organizing a battle, combat missions are communicated to subordinates, as a rule, in the form of a combat order. The platoon leader must present it concisely, clearly, and in such a way that his subordinates clearly understand their mission.
In the combat order, the platoon commander indicates:

· landmarks;

· the composition, position and nature of the enemy’s actions, the location of his fire weapons;

· mission of the company and platoon;

· objects and targets in the direction of the platoon’s operations, which can be hit by means of senior commanders, as well as the tasks of neighbors;

· combat missions to squads (tanks), assigned units and fire weapons, and the commander of a motorized rifle platoon, in addition, to a sniper and rifleman-medic and others;

· time of readiness to perform a task;

· his place and deputy.

After setting combat missions, the platoon commander gives instructions on interaction, which are a specification of the order of interaction determined by him in the decision. At the same time, he must coordinate the efforts of regular and assigned fire weapons to successfully complete the assigned task, achieve a correct and uniform understanding by all squad (tank) commanders combat mission and methods of its implementation, as well as indicate warning signals, control, interaction and the procedure for action on them.
Along with instructions for interaction, the platoon commander also organizes combat support. Depending on the current situation and the nature of the upcoming battle, the platoon commander gives instructions on the implementation of the necessary combat support measures, and above all on the organization of reconnaissance, protection against weapons of mass destruction, incendiary weapons and precision weapons, engineering equipment of positions, camouflage and security. The organization of combat support is carried out in the form of issuing individual instructions as necessary.
When organizing control, the platoon commander clarifies (communicates) radio data and the procedure for using radio and signal communications to the squad (tank) commanders. When a motorized rifle platoon operates on foot, as well as in cases where work on radio stations is prohibited, the platoon commander must provide for control options using communications and signals.
Control of a unit in combat is based on the commander's firm confidence that his subordinates are capable of successfully completing the assigned task. Such confidence comes from the level of training, initiative and creativity of each soldier and sergeant individually and their high personal responsibility for fulfilling the combat mission.
Trusting his subordinates, the platoon commander, at the same time, possessing great knowledge and experience, constantly monitors the progress of the units’ preparation for battle and, if necessary, must provide assistance to them at any time. The purpose of control on the part of the platoon commander is to check the readiness of subordinates for battle while simultaneously providing them with practical assistance. As a rule, the platoon commander exercises control by listening to reports from his subordinates, as well as by checking the progress of preparatory activities for battle. At the same time, he draws attention to technical condition infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers, tanks), refueling them with fuel, lubricants and replenishing ammunition, preparing weapons for firing and bringing ammunition into a fully equipped form, knowledge by subordinates of their combat missions, as well as warning signals, control, interaction and procedures for them .
About readiness for battle the platoon commander in set time reports to the company commander.

24. Points of the platoon commander’s combat order for organizing the battle.

Setting combat missions subordinate and supporting units (fire weapons, personnel) are carried out by issuing combat orders and instructions on the types of comprehensive support personally by the commander orally and by technical means communications. Problem setting is usually carried out on the ground.

In the battle order the platoon (squad, tank) commander indicates:

in the first paragraph - landmarks;

in the second paragraph - brief conclusions from the enemy’s assessment;

in the third paragraph - combat personnel, tasks of the senior commander and platoon (squad, tank) with clarification of the number of missiles and ammunition allocated for the battle;

in the fourth paragraph - tasks performed in the interests of the unit by the forces and means of the senior commander;

in the fifth paragraph - the tasks of neighbors and interacting units;

in the sixth paragraph after the word "I order"- combat missions for elements of the combat order (units, fire weapons, personnel) with clarification of their combat composition;

in the seventh paragraph - the timing of the implementation of measures to prepare for battle (execution

received task) and readiness time;

in the eighth paragraph - your place and deputy.

  • clarification of the task received;
  • assessment of the situation;
  • decision-making;
  • conducting reconnaissance;
  • issuing a combat order;
  • organization of interaction, combat support and control;
  • organizing the training of personnel, weapons and equipment for combat;
  • checking the platoon’s readiness to perform a combat mission;
  • report to the company commander on the readiness of the platoon to carry out a combat mission.

Understanding the received task, the platoon commander must:

  • understand the mission of the company and platoon;
  • what objects (targets) in the direction of the platoon’s operations are hit by means of senior commanders;
  • tasks of neighboring units and the procedure for interaction with them;
  • time of readiness to perform a task.

Based on an understanding of the mission, the platoon commander usually determines:

  • the place and role of the platoon in the mission performed by the company; what objects (targets) need to be hit by platoon weapons;
  • at what stage of the battle and with which of the neighboring units it is necessary to maintain the closest interaction;
  • how to build a battle formation;
  • how much time is available to organize the battle and how best to distribute it.

When assessing the situation, the platoon commander studies:

  • the composition, position and possible nature of the enemy’s actions, the location of his fire weapons;
  • condition, security and capabilities of the platoon and attached units;
  • composition, position, nature of actions of neighbors and conditions of interaction with them;
  • the nature of the terrain, its protective and camouflage properties, advantageous approaches, barriers and obstacles, conditions for observation and firing;
  • time of year, day and weather condition.

As a result of assessing the situation, the platoon commander determines:

  • what strength the enemy is expected in front of the platoon’s front of action, its strengths and weaknesses, the possible balance of forces and means;
  • platoon combat order, combat missions for squads (tanks), distribution of forces and assets;
  • at what stage of the battle and with which of the neighbors should we maintain the closest interaction;
  • the procedure for camouflage and use of the protective properties of the area.

Understanding the given task and assessing the situation are stages of the platoon commander's thought process in making a decision. The result of this process is the selection of the most appropriate solution for the battle. In a decision, the platoon commander usually determines:

  • methods of accomplishing the task received (which enemy, where and by what means to defeat; the measures used to deceive him);
  • tasks for squads (tanks), assigned units and fire weapons;
  • management organization.

When determining how to perform a given task, the platoon commander must take into account that it expresses the main idea of ​​the decision, being, as it were, his plan for battle. Therefore, it should reflect the sequence of destruction of the enemy, the order of hitting him with fire from regular and assigned means, and the formation of a battle formation.
Combat missions for squads (tanks) are determined strictly in accordance with the order in which the task assigned to the platoon is completed. Thus, in defense, the task of a squad is to firmly hold the specified position and prevent enemy tanks and infantry from breaking through it into depth. During an offensive, the squad's combat mission is to destroy enemy manpower and firepower in the direction of its advance.
When determining the organization of control, the platoon commander outlines the procedure for using radio and signal communications, the procedure for acting on warning signals, control and interaction; place of your KNP. An important stage in the work of a platoon commander is reconnaissance, which is carried out in order to clarify the decision made on the ground. Not only squad (tank) commanders, but in some cases also driver mechanics (drivers) can be involved in it.
When conducting reconnaissance, the platoon commander on the ground indicates landmarks, the position of the enemy (the direction of his actions, the location of his fire weapons), clarifies the tasks of the squads (tanks) and indicates the locations of the squad positions, firing positions of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, tanks and other fire weapons ( dismounting locations for motorized rifle units, advance route, etc.).
The platoon commander's adoption of an expedient decision to fight does not in itself ensure the successful completion of the resulting combat mission. The decision becomes the basis for managing squads (tanks) and the law for subordinates only when each of them receives a specific combat mission. Therefore, timely communication to the performers of combat missions is one of the most important responsibilities of a platoon commander.
When organizing a battle, combat missions are communicated to subordinates, as a rule, in the form of a combat order. The platoon leader must present it concisely, clearly, and in such a way that his subordinates clearly understand their mission.
In the combat order, the platoon commander indicates:

  • landmarks;
  • the composition, position and nature of the enemy’s actions, the location of his fire weapons;
  • company and platoon mission;
  • objects and targets in the direction of the platoon’s operations, which can be hit by the weapons of senior commanders, as well as the tasks of neighbors;
  • combat missions to squads (tanks), assigned units and fire weapons, and the commander of a motorized rifle platoon, in addition, to a sniper and rifleman-medic and others;
  • time of readiness to perform a task;
  • his place and deputy.

After setting combat missions, the platoon commander gives instructions on interaction, which are a specification of the order of interaction determined by him in the decision. At the same time, he must coordinate the efforts of regular and assigned fire weapons to successfully complete the assigned task, achieve a correct and uniform understanding by all squad (tank) commanders combat mission and methods of its implementation, as well as indicate warning signals, control, interaction and the procedure for action on them.
Along with instructions for interaction, the platoon commander also organizes combat support. Depending on the current situation and the nature of the upcoming battle, the platoon commander gives instructions on the implementation of the necessary combat support measures, and above all on the organization of reconnaissance, protection against weapons of mass destruction, incendiary weapons and precision weapons, engineering equipment of positions, camouflage and security. The organization of combat support is carried out in the form of issuing individual instructions as necessary.
When organizing control, the platoon commander clarifies (communicates) radio data and the procedure for using radio and signal communications to the squad (tank) commanders. When a motorized rifle platoon operates on foot, as well as in cases where work on radio stations is prohibited, the platoon commander must provide for control options using communications and signals.
Control of a unit in combat is based on the commander's firm confidence that his subordinates are capable of successfully completing the assigned task. Such confidence comes from the level of training, initiative and creativity of each soldier and sergeant individually and their high personal responsibility for fulfilling the combat mission.
Trusting his subordinates, the platoon commander, at the same time, possessing great knowledge and experience, constantly monitors the progress of the units’ preparation for battle and, if necessary, must provide assistance to them at any time. The purpose of control on the part of the platoon commander is to check the readiness of subordinates for battle while simultaneously providing them with practical assistance. As a rule, the platoon commander exercises control by listening to reports from his subordinates, as well as by checking the progress of preparatory activities for battle. At the same time, he pays attention to the technical condition of infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers, tanks), refueling them with fuel, lubricants and replenishing ammunition, preparing weapons for firing and bringing ammunition into final equipped form, subordinates’ knowledge of their combat missions, and also warning signals, management, interaction and procedure for action on them.
The platoon commander reports to the company commander about readiness for battle at the appointed time.

24. Points of the platoon commander’s combat order for organizing the battle.

Setting combat missions subordinate and supporting units (fire weapons, personnel) are carried out by issuing combat orders and instructions on the types of comprehensive support personally by the commander verbally and via technical means of communication. Problem setting is usually carried out on the ground.

In the battle order the platoon (squad, tank) commander indicates:

in the first paragraph - landmarks;

in the second paragraph - brief conclusions from the enemy’s assessment;

in the third paragraph - combat personnel, tasks of the senior commander and platoon (squad, tank) with clarification of the number of missiles and ammunition allocated for the battle;

in the fourth paragraph - tasks performed in the interests of the unit by the forces and means of the senior commander;

in the fifth paragraph - the tasks of neighbors and interacting units;

in the sixth paragraph after the word "I order"- combat missions for elements of the combat order (units, fire weapons, personnel) with clarification of their combat composition;

in the seventh paragraph - the timing of the implementation of measures to prepare for battle (execution

received task) and readiness time;

in the eighth paragraph - your place and deputy.

The basis for force control is the decision of the commander. A minimum amount of time should be spent on decision making and development of combat documents to provide subordinates with sufficient time to prepare for the assigned task. For this purpose, standard options for the actions of forces when performing assigned tasks must be developed at formation headquarters and on ships, and calculations for these options must be made in advance.

Developing a solution to carry out a combat (combat training) mission is a complex and creative process, proceeding in a certain logical sequence. It begins with the commander receiving a combat (combat training) mission or combat order.

The decision-making process includes: understanding the task, assessing the situation, developing a plan (idea) for a solution, assigning tasks to subordinates (orientation), making tactical calculations, developing a solution to accomplish the task and its execution.

Clarification of the mission consists of a clear definition of the purpose of combat operations, a clear presentation of the task (plan or intention) of the commander, the role and location of one’s ship (formation), clarification of the tasks of neighbors and the possibility of organizing interaction with them, clarification of the conditions of action of the forces, the nature and characteristics of the upcoming military operations .

In this case, special attention should be paid to understanding the deadlines (what, where, by whom and by when must be completed), enemy actions and the readiness of friendly forces to complete the assigned task. The specified deadlines will determine the volume, content and sequence of all subsequent activities for the development and adoption of a decision.

Assessing the situation includes assessing the enemy, assessing one’s own forces, assessing the area of ​​upcoming combat operations, and assessing time. The situation is a set of factors and conditions in which the combat or daily activities of troops (forces) are carried out.

Grade enemy consists in establishing the composition of its forces, location, nature of actions, combat capabilities, strengths and weaknesses in the light of the task being solved and is carried out through careful study and justification by calculations and analysis.

Assessing your forces provides for clarification of the composition, location, condition and combat readiness, their combat capabilities, advantages over the enemy and disadvantages in the light of the task being solved. If there are neighbors providing and interacting forces, the possibilities of using them for more successful solution assigned task.

Grade combat area includes the study of mine, navigation, hydrological and hydrometeorological conditions, other physical and geographical factors affecting the implementation of the assigned mission, and the identification of factors that will facilitate or hinder the solution of the assigned combat mission.

When estimating time the time frame for preparing forces for departure (flight) to carry out a mission, the time for deploying one’s own forces and enemy forces, the time for completing a mission are analyzed and determined, and the timing and sequence of work of control bodies are also determined.

conclusions from an assessment of the situation include strike and defensive capabilities, formations and methods of action, areas and time of detection of the enemy, strengths and weaknesses, combat effectiveness and stability of one’s forces, features of the area of ​​navigation and combat operations.

Based on an understanding of the mission and an assessment of the situation, the commander develops a plan.

The concept (idea) of a solution in a concentrated form expresses the main ways to achieve the goals of the upcoming military operations, determined by the assigned task and the specific conditions for its implementation. As noted by the Soviet naval theorist M.M. Petrov, “The idea of ​​battle should be based on a correct understanding of one’s own strengths and weaknesses and those of the enemy. When preparing the fleet for battle, drawing up a plan for the latter, one must accurately take into account one’s superiority over the enemy, when and in what situation.” The idea is the basis for the decision to complete the task. The commander's plan determines which enemy formations should be the objects of strikes and attacks, the approximate distribution of his forces among these objects, the order of use of weapons, as well as the sequence and direction of attacks and strikes.

Once the development of the plan is completed, preliminary orders are issued. The issuance of advance orders is intended to ensure targeted preparation of forces for combat operations. In general, preliminary orders include instructions: to increase the combat readiness of forces, to wind down repair work, on the acceptance by forces of the necessary supplies, on the additional equipment of the combat area, on the redeployment of forces and their dispersal, on the preparation of forces for going to sea, on the deployment of forces, etc.

Important feature when issuing preliminary orders, the intent of the upcoming military operations is to be kept secret.

Officer orientation is carried out to ensure organized and purposeful work on planning and organizing combat operations based on the results of understanding the received combat mission, assessing the situation and, most importantly, in order to convey the commander’s plan to those present.

The orientation covers the following questions:

The essence of the task, the forces allocated for its implementation and the resource of weapons;

The commander's intention;

Tasks for headquarters (ship) officers to prepare materials and make calculations necessary for the commander to decide when, when and to whom they should be reported;

Who additionally should be involved in planning combat operations;

List of persons whose presence is required when the decision is reported;

What preliminary measures need to be taken to prepare for hostilities.

The production of tactical calculations and the preparation of materials necessary for decision-making are carried out in three directions: according to the composition of forces, the place and time of combat operations. Calculation of the composition of forces comes down to determining the number of strike and support groups, the most advantageous combination of the composition of each group. The basis for this

definitions are calculations of the combat capabilities of one's forces, taking into account possible opposition from the enemy.

Calculations that determine the locations (areas) of strikes, attacks, battles and the time of their execution provide for the creation of the most favorable conditions for our forces through the maximum use of physical and geographical conditions that facilitate our forces in achieving the goal of military operations. This requires in-depth knowledge by headquarters officers of the tactical properties of their weapons and their carriers, as well as similar data on the enemy.

During the period of tactical calculations, all specialists are guided by the commander’s plan. During this period, close interaction between them is organized. As a result of the calculations, it is possible that certain provisions of the commander’s plan will not provide the best solution to the problem. In this case, the commander can make adjustments to his plan, which is immediately communicated to all interested parties.

The chief of staff of the formation summarizes tactical calculations and reports to the commander proposals for selected design options, on the basis of which the commander makes a decision.

The commander's decision to conduct combat operations to complete the assigned task is a graphic document with an explanatory note. The graphical part of the solution is drawn up, as a rule, on a map, the size and scale of which should ensure ease of use when managing forces in the conditions of work at command posts.

Elements of the decision that are not displayed graphically are presented textually in an explanatory note. In addition to the decision, rationale for the decision (calculation sheets, private maps, tablets, tables, graphs, etc.), planned interaction tables and other documents may be attached. The algorithm for developing a solution is shown in Fig. 48.

In general, the commander's decision should contain:

The combat mission in the version in which it was received;

Conclusions from the assessment of the situation;

Summary plan;

A specific indication of enemy objects at which strikes are struck, attacks are carried out, and the sequence of their execution;

Instructions on the composition of strike and support groups for carrying out strikes and attacks, their combat missions, marching and combat formations, the procedure for deploying forces and conducting combat operations;

The order and organization of interaction of all forces participating in hostilities;

Instructions on areas of holding, formation, tactical deployment, combat operations and the time of their occupation by forces;

Measures to carry out supporting activities: reconnaissance, camouflage, electronic warfare, air defense, anti-aircraft defense, anti-aircraft defense, anti-aircraft defense, protection against weapons of mass destruction and other types of support;

Rice. 48. Algorithm for making a decision by the commander

Communication scheme and its organization, as well as the organization of force control;

The deadlines by which all forces must be in full readiness for combat operations;

~ instructions about the second deputy commander, the location of the flagship and reserve command posts.

The scope of the commander's decision depends on the composition of the formation and the scale of the tasks being solved. Thus, the commander of a single ship, when developing a solution, will be limited to determining the order of passage by sea to the area for solving the problem; determining the target of the strike, attacks and the order of their execution; measures that reduce the effectiveness of enemy weapons and attacks; organizing interaction with the forces of the OVR, reconnaissance, and fighter cover; measures for electronic warfare, to maintain high combat readiness of forces and morale of personnel.

Once a decision is made, it is reported to the commander who assigned the combat mission.

The decision is drawn up in strict accordance with the requirements of the document “Rules for the development and execution of combat documents, abbreviations and conventional signs" The decision is signed by the commander and chief of staff of the formation (ship commander) and approved by the senior commander.

Despite the fact that the development of a decision is carried out collectively, with the involvement of a large number of specialists, responsibility for its implementation and consequences is personal, and it lies with the commander who signed the decision.

The German military theorist Carl von Clausewitz made an apt statement: “A plan that leads to victory is called bold; a plan that leads to defeat is called reckless.” Therefore, after the decision is approved, all the activities of headquarters, commanders of ships (units) and units are directed towards its implementation.

List of abbreviations

AB - aircraft bomb AVM - multi-purpose aircraft carrier aka - artillery boat AKR - aircraft cruise missile ASU - automated system management

AUG - aircraft carrier strike group air - airfield

BIP - combat information post BIUS - combat information and control system UAV - unmanned aircraft

BPA - basic patrol aircraft BR - ballistic missile BRAV - coastal missile and artillery troops VBO - coastal defense troops Air Force - air force naval base - naval base Navy - naval forces Navy - Navy VNP - remote observation post

VS - Armed Forces of the Armed Forces - auxiliary vessel GAK - hydroacoustic complex GAS - hydroacoustic station of the Navy Civil Code - Commander-in-Chief of the Navy GPD - hydroacoustic countermeasures

homing head - homing head - main part of the power plant - main power plant

dvkd - landing helicopter dock ship

dk - landing ship dp.p - diesel submarine AWACS - long-range radar detection ZA - anti-aircraft artillery ZOMP - protection against weapons of mass destruction

SAM - anti-aircraft missile system SAM - anti-aircraft guided missile KB - cables

KVP - hovercraft

KPUG - ship search and strike group KR - cruise missile kg - kiloton

KUG - naval strike group LA - aircraft MA - naval aviation ICBM - intercontinental ballistic missile MP - marine corps MRUSK - maritime reconnaissance and strike systems and complexes MSON - naval forces general purpose

NSNF- naval strategic nuclear forces

MTK - mine sweeping ships nc- surface ship OVR - protection of a water area WMD - weapons of mass destruction OPB - main basing point PB - basing point air defense - air defense PD ITR - countering foreign technical intelligence pka - patrol boat PKO - anti-boat defense anti-ship missile anti-ship missile submarine - submarine pl MC - multi-purpose submarines

pla - nuclear submarine SSBN- nuclear submarine with ballistic missiles PLO - anti-submarine defense PLUR- anti-submarine guided missile

PMB - maneuverable basing point

PMO - mine defense EITI- anti-underwater and sabotage defense missile defense - anti-missile defense PTZ - anti-torpedo protection PU - launcher PURK- anti-submarine guided missile system RGAB- hydroacoustic buoys

RDP - diesel operation under water (device) rka - missile boat Radar - radar station rpl SN - strategic missile submarines RPUG- heterogeneous search and strike group

RUK - reconnaissance and strike complex

EW - electronic warfare REZ - radio-electronic protection REP - electronic suppression

RES - radio-electronic equipment skr - patrol ship smpl - midget submarine

SSN - homing system theater of operations - theater of military operations tdk - tank landing ship TTD - tactical and technical data performance characteristics - performance characteristics

TTE - tactical and technical elements tsch - minesweeper (m - sea, b - base, r - raid) UVP - vertical launch installation

udk - universal landing ship uz - knot

URO - guided missile weapon fr - frigate em - destroyer

List of used literature

1. Aleksandrov Yu.M., Gusev A.N. Warships of the world at the turn XX-XXI centuries. Ch.NI: Directory. St. Petersburg: Galeya Print, 2000-2001.

2. Alekseev V.P. Sea battle: stealth and surprise. M.: Voenizdat, 1991,

3. Bronevitsky GA. and others. Fundamentals of naval psychology. M.: Voenizdat, 1977.

4. Naval dictionary. M.: Voenizdat, 1990.

5. Gordeev N.P. Camouflage in naval operations. M.: Voeniedat, 1971.

6. Gorshkov S.G. The naval power of the state. 2nd edition. M.: Voeniedat, 1979.

7. Directors N.F. and others. Automation of control and communications in the Navy. St. Petersburg: Elmore, 1998.

8. Dotsenko V.D. History of Naval Art. T.), St. Petersburg: Shipbuilding, 1999.

9. Dotsenko V.D. Fleets in local conflicts of the second half of the 20th century. M.: ACT Publishing House - St. Petersburg: Terra Fantastica, 2001.

10. Emelyanov L.A. Submarines Soviet Union in Great Patriotic War. Tactics in combat examples. M.: Voenizdat, 1979. 11.3olotorev V.A., Kozlov I.A. Russian naval commanders. M.: Terra, 1998.

12. Catalog. Weapons of Russia. Volume III. Ships and weapons of the Navy. M.: Military parade, 1996.

13. Ship regulations of the USSR Navy. 2nd edition. M.: Voenizdat, 1986.

14. Kuzin V.P., Nikolsky V.I. Navy USSR 1945-1991. St. Petersburg: Historical Maritime Society, 1996.

15. Kuprienkov V.F., Soloviev I.V. Naval operational maps. St. Petersburg, 1996.

16. Policy Framework Russian Federation in the field of naval activities for the period until 2010 // M.: Krasnaya Zvezda. Marine collection. No. 4. 2000.

17. Paliy A.I. Electronic warfare. M.: Voenizdat, 1981.

18. Rodionov B.I. Anti-submarine forces and fleet assets. M.: Voenizdat, 1977.

19. Rodionov B.I., Novichkov N.N. Cruise missiles in a naval battle. M.: Voenizdat, 1987.

20. Code of evolutionary signals of the civil fleet of the USSR (SES-81). M.: Voenizdat, 1981.

21. Soviet military encyclopedia (8 volumes). M.: Voenizdat, 1976.

22. Modern combat aircraft: A reference guide. Minsk: Elaida, 1997.

23. Directory of the watch officer. M.: Voenizdat, 1975.

24.Stayabo K.A. Navy in US politics. M.: Voenizdat, 1990.

25. Sysoev S. Prospects for the development of the Navy of the leading countries of the world until 2010 // Foreign military review. 2000. No. 1,2.

26. Horsetail V.A. Submarine tactics. M.: Voenizdat, 1989.

27. Hiyainen L.P. Development of foreign submarines and their tactics. 2nd edition. M.: Voemiedat, 1988.

28. Khorkov G.I. Surface ships of the Soviet Navy in the Great Patriotic War. Tactics in combat examples. M.: Voenizdat, 1979.

29. Shirokorad A.B. Weapons of the domestic fleet 1945-2000. Minsk: Harvest, 2001.

Making a decision by the battalion commander to go on the offensive against the defending enemy on the move

1. Understanding the task, assessing the situation

a) Understanding the problem received

When understanding the received task, the battalion commander must understand:

the purpose of the upcoming actions;

the senior commander's plan (especially the method of defeating the enemy);

the task, place in the order of battle and the role of the battalion in battle;

the tasks of neighbors and the procedure for organizing interaction with them;

time of readiness to perform a task.

Purpose of upcoming actions

The goal of the upcoming actions of the 8th mechanized brigade is to prepare and conduct an offensive in order to defeat the enemy in the VITINO zone (7144), Mount MAKHOVAYA (7743) and capture the DURDINO line. BOGUSHEVSK.

The purpose of the upcoming actions of 1st Bomb is to prepare and conduct an offensive in order to defeat the enemy in the forest area (74435), high. Bezymyannaya (74464), high. 168 (7543) and the capture of the border Mount CASINO (7448), Kurgan (75473).

2. The brigade commander’s battle plan, especially the order and methods of defeating the enemy

The brigade commander's battle plan is as follows: having delivered the main blow in the direction of SMOLYANA (7543), MOKSHAN (7549), using the results of enemy fire and air strikes, suppress and destroy enemy manpower and firepower in strong points at heights 143, 142, 168, 158; artillery in firing positions and reserves in the high area. 106, with an attack on the move, complete the destruction of enemy units in the high area. 143 (7243), Makhovaya mountain, h. 158 (7446) and continue to advance in the direction of MOKSHAN, BOGUSHEVSK. In the interests of 1 omb in the direction of attack, it is planned to hit: a 155 mm SG artillery battery in the area of ​​​​the edge of the forest (75478), a min. company in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stream (74459), KNP Btgr on the edge of the forest (75458), manpower and firepower in the military area in areas with centers: forest (74435), forest (74433), high. 168 (75432), h. 158 (74469).

Thus, the targets for destruction by fire weapons of the battalion and squadron will be the command posts of companies, platoons, infantry, tanks and PTS of the enemy, as well as weapons and weapons identified during the battle.

3. Mission, place in the battle order and role of the battalion in battle

1 omb from the sadn advance in the first echelon of the brigade, in cooperation with 1/3 of the brigade and 3/2 of the omb, attacking on foot on foot and destroying the enemy in the area of ​​​​the road (74435), high. 168 (75432), bend of the road (74459) and to “H”+1.00 takes over the bend of the road (74458), elevation. 129 (75451). Subsequently, developing the offensive in cooperation with 2 bombs, destroys the enemy in the western area. edge of the forest (74455), north. edge of the forest (75461), high. Bezymyannaya (74464), repels a counterattack of brigade reserves and by “H” + 2.00 captures the high line. 175 (7448), mound (75473), subsequently continues to advance in the direction of elevation. 158 (74481), MOKSHAN (75495).

4. Tasks of neighbors and the procedure for organizing interaction with them

In direct contact with the enemy, 2 ombres and 3 ombres are defending.

On the right, 3rd detachment of the 10th brigade advances in the direction of PONINO (7340), high. 143 (7343), BABIKINO (7348), destroys enemy personnel and firepower in the area of ​​VITINO, UKHVALA, high. 167 to "H" +1.00 takes possession of the northern border. edge of the forest (72459), bushes (73452), later, by “H” + 2.00 it captures the KOLOVO line (7247), high. 175 and continues to advance in the direction of BABIKINO, KOSHARKA.

The boundary line with it: fork in the road (74366), edge of the grove (74386), stream (74417), bushes (74435), (legal) bend in the road (74456), high. 175 (74475), (lawsuit) high. 156 (74517).

On the left comes 2 mb in the direction of SIASOVO (7640), level. 183 (7642), BEREZDOG (7645), elev. 117 (7746), PLOTOVO (7750) and by “H”+1.00 it reaches the level of mark. 129 (7645), Mount DINSKAYA (7844), further, to “H” + 2.00 it covers the edge of the forest (76475), road (77472). The direction of continuation of the offensive is PLOTOVO.

The boundary line with it: BEREZOVAYA (7637), (claim) crossroads (76417), elevation. 168 (7643), elev. 129 (75451), mound (75463).

Therefore, when determining the order of interaction with neighbors, it is necessary:

agree on the procedure for engaging the enemy by fire and allowing battalion units to pass through the battle formations of the defending companies;

coordinate actions with neighbors to destroy the enemy in strongholds in the first position, when fighting in the depths of the defense, especially to destroy the enemy’s PTS and when repelling his counterattacks.

Time of readiness to perform a task.

Readiness for attack 7.00 7.04, i.e. There are about 22 hours to prepare the attack, incl. daylight hours around 1 p.m.

When understanding the task, the battalion commander draws conclusions:

in which direction to focus the main efforts;

where and in what order to defeat the enemy;

how to build a battle formation;

to what extent the tasks of neighbors contribute to the fulfillment of the combat mission by the battalion.

Having understood the task, the commander of the 1st OMB made the following conclusions (option):

It is advisable to concentrate the main efforts of the battalion in the offensive in the direction of elevation. 142 (7543), MOKSHAN (7549).

It is most advisable to defeat the enemy sequentially:

The main forces of the battalion destroy the enemy in strong points in areas with centers: forest (74434) (Ts 111), barn (75432) (Ts 112), high. 158 (74469), repulse the counterattack of the battalion reserve: later, by introducing the second echelon into battle, immediately destroy the enemy in the high area. 158 (7446); high 158 (7448); forest corner (75461);

during the execution of immediate and future tasks, be ready to repel a counterattack of brigade reserves with a force of up to BTG from the directions of BEREZDOG (7645), SMOLYANY (7543) and KOLOVO (7247), high. 142 (7543);

subsequently, continue to advance in the direction of level 158 (7448), BOGUSHEVSK, destroying retreating enemy units.

The battalion's offensive combat formation should be formed in two echelons. Offensive actions of units of neighboring units - 3 battalions, 2 battalions will contribute to the successful completion of the battalion's combat mission. In this case, special attention must be paid to organizing interaction with the neighbor on the left - 2 bombs during the battle to capture the first position and repel counterattacks of the enemy brigade reserves.

Returning from the brigade command post to the battalion location, the battalion commander identified the measures that needed to be taken immediately to quickly prepare the battalion units to carry out the assigned task. He also decided, immediately upon his return, to calculate the time and familiarize the NS and deputies with the received task and give instructions on preparing the battalion for the upcoming task, on organizing reconnaissance, on the time and procedure for working on the ground.

b) Determination of priority measures that need to be carried out immediately to quickly prepare units to carry out the assigned task (option):

strengthen the security of the command post, movement routes, direct security in the initial area, appoint an MCO and clarify its task of protecting the battalion commander during movements;

orient deputies and unit commanders about the assigned task;

clarify the procedure for replenishing spent material resources and replenish from stock until 21.00 on April 6;

organize rest for personnel, primarily driver mechanics and drivers;

before 8.30 6.04 organize the location of the arriving tank company;

organize the collection of information about the enemy;

To work on the ground, involve the ZKB, NS, 3 CT, company commanders, mortar battery, guards and anti-tank platoons. Departure for work on the ground - 12.00 6.04 from the battalion command post.

c) making time calculations:

The task was received at 6.30 on 6.04.

Readiness for attack 7.00 7.04.

There are about 22 hours to prepare the attack; Of these, about 13 hours of light time and 9 hours of dark time. At the same time, 1.5 hours of daylight time (from 12.00 to 13.30) will be spent on participation in work on the ground carried out by the brigade commander, and 30 minutes to report the decision (from 9.00 to 9.30).

Time to distribute:

1.Clarification of the received task (together with NS) - 6.30-6.40 6.04.

2.Determination of activities that need to be carried out immediately to quickly prepare units to complete the assigned task - 6.40-6.45 6.04.

.Time calculation production - 7.15-7.20 6.04.

.Orientation of deputies and unit commanders about upcoming actions - 6.50-7.00 6.04

.Issuance of instructions from the NSh on the preparation of units to carry out a combat mission, on the organization of reconnaissance, on the time and procedure for work on the ground - 7.00-7.10.

.Assessment of the situation - 7.25-7.50 6.04.

.Decision making - 7.50-8.20 6.04.

.Report of the decision to the brigade commander - 9.00-9.30 6.04.

.Bringing the decision to the deputy battalion commander and unit commanders and issuing instructions on comprehensive combat support, management and moral and psychological work - 9.50-10.15 6.04.

.Departure for reconnaissance 10.30-11.50 6.04.

.Participation in work on the ground carried out by the brigade commander, issuing combat orders and instructions to the brigade commanders 12.00-13.30 6.04.

.Conducting reconnaissance with unit commanders, issuing combat orders and organizing interaction 14.00-16.00 6.04.

.Clarification of interaction with the commander of the 2nd ombre 3rd ombre - 16.00-16.50 6.04.

.Clarification of interaction with the commander of the 3rd detachment of the 10th mechanized brigade and the commander of the 1st troop brigade - 17.0018.00 6.04.

.Clarifying interaction with the commander of the 2nd omb and 3rd mrr and providing assistance to company commanders in organizing combat on the ground - 18.00-18.20 6.04.

Return to the starting area at 21.00 on April 7. At 3.00 7.04 report to the brigade commander about the battalion’s readiness for the offensive.

Reconnaissance of the advance route and deployment lines under the leadership of the chief of staff - 12.00-14.00.

Participation in field work carried out by the battalion commander - 14.00-16.00.

Conducting reconnaissance with platoon commanders, setting combat missions and organizing interaction - 16.00-20.00.

Having given instructions to the chief of staff, the battalion commander began to assess the situation.

Conclusions from the assessment of the situation:

a) Conclusions from the enemy’s assessment.

“The battalion commander must study the composition, position, condition, degree of protection, possible advance routes and deployment lines, the system of fire and obstacles, the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy and the possible nature of his actions.”

In the conclusions from the assessment of the enemy, the battalion commander determines (clarifies):

ways to defeat the enemy;

how to build a battle formation;

tasks of regular, attached and supporting units;

main issues of interaction when performing combat missions;

intelligence tasks.

Conclusions from the enemy’s assessment may be as follows (option):

The formation of the battle formation, the location of fire weapons and the nature of the engineering equipment of the area give reason to assume that the BTG will focus its main efforts on holding the high area. 143 (7243), h. 168 (7543), h. 158 (7446). Taking into account the fire defeat of the enemy, the main efforts of the battalion in the offensive should be concentrated in the direction of Mount ROZOVKA (7541), h. 142 (7543), MOKSHAN (7549).

It is most advisable to destroy the enemy sequentially: at the beginning, with the main forces of the battalion, defeat enemy units in strongholds centered on the forest (74434), barn (75432) and in the high areas. 158 (74469) battalion reserve; in the future, by introducing the second echelon into battle, destroy the enemy in the high area on the move. 158 (7446), h. 158 (7448), forest corner (75461). During the implementation of immediate and future missions, be ready to repel brigade reserves with a battalion-sized force from the direction of KOLOVO, SMOLYANY. Subsequently, continue to advance in the direction of elevation. 158, MOKSHAN, BOGUSHEVSK destroying retreating enemy units.

Taking into account the formation of the defense of the enemy BTG units, the battle formation of 1 omb should be built in two echelons.

The tasks of the first echelon companies can be: for the right-flank company - destruction of the enemy in the forest area (74435), elev. 142 (7543), h. Bezymyannaya (74449) and mastering the border corner of the forest (74446), stream (74442); for the left flank company - destruction of the enemy in strongholds in the SMOLYANA area and capture of the line (claim) stream (74442), corner of the forest (75441); for a company of the second echelon - to be ready to enter battle from the line of the stream (74468), field road (75468), to develop the offensive and repel possible enemy counterattacks;

sadn and mortar battery be ready during the period of fire preparation and fire support for the attack to suppress enemy manpower and fire weapons at the fork in the road at the heights. 142, Bezymyannaya, high. 168, defeat the counterattacking enemy and support the entry into battle of the second echelon and secure the flanks of the battalion;

the task of the guards will be to suppress enemy infantry;

The PTV's task will be to destroy enemy armored targets during an attack and when repelling counterattacks.

When organizing interaction for the period of the immediate task, focus on the actions of units to use the results of enemy fire in the forest area (74435), elev. 142 (7543), in order to develop an offensive in depth and capture a strong point in the area of ​​the road bend, coordinate the actions of battalion units with artillery fire when capturing a strong point in the road area, coordinate efforts with the neighbor on the right and artillery to repel a counterattack of the enemy’s battalion reserves.

When organizing interaction for the duration of the further task, provide for coordination of the actions of the first echelon and artillery units, as well as neighbors when introducing the second echelon of the battalion into battle, capturing strong points in the high area. 158 (7446), h. 158 (7448), corner of the forest (75461) and repelling a counterattack of brigade reserves from the direction of KOLOVO, SMOLYANY.

During the offensive, reconnaissance can promptly establish the presence and strength of the enemy in the high area. 158 (7446), 158 (7448), forest corner (75461); locations of engineering barriers and the possibility of bypassing them; strength, composition and direction of action of enemy reserves.

b) conclusions from an assessment of the composition, position, condition, capabilities, security and safety of their troops.

The purpose of assessing one's troops is to analyze the position, condition and provision of one's troops, to determine the battalion's capabilities to carry out the assigned task and to outline the measures that need to be taken to restore their combat capability and effective use.

In the conclusions from the assessment of his troops, the battalion commander determines:

building a battle formation, which units are advisable to use in the direction of concentrating the main efforts, the composition of the first and second echelons (reserve);

the use and distribution of other forces and means among elements of the battle order;

combat missions of units;

the procedure for advancing and maneuvering forces and means;

measures to provide units with material resources (size and timing) and restore equipment.

Based on the assessment of the enemy and friendly troops, the state of the forces and means of the parties is calculated.

Conclusions from the assessment of your troops may be the following (option):

Form the battle formation in two echelons, having 1.2 msr, tr in the first echelon; in the second echelon - 3 msr. At the same time, use 2 msr in the direction of concentrating the main efforts. 2 msr give tr (without tv). Reinforce 1 MSR with a grenade launcher platoon.

Leave the minbat, anti-tank, engineer and anti-aircraft platoons at your disposal.

For fire support of motorized rifle companies, allocate: 1 msr - batr, and 2 msr - 2 batr sadn.

The combat missions of the units will be as follows:

MSR with TV, a grenade launcher platoon, in cooperation with 2 MSD, destroys enemy fire weapons and manpower in a strong point with the center of the stream (74434) and captures the border corner of the forest (74446), stream (74442), the direction of continuation of the offensive is the field road (74449), grove (74459). Supports 1 battery of garden. At the line of transition to attack - 200 m south. high 157, road fork - 1 msr exits at "Ch" -0.05 along the route crossroads, barn, elev. 157.

msr with tr (without TV) in cooperation with 3 msr 2 omb attack on the move on foot destroys the enemy's fire weapons and manpower in the SMOLYANY strong point and takes possession of the line (claim) field road (75446), corner of the forest (75441); direction of continuation of the offensive: separate building (75434), power line (75454). Supports 2 batteries of garden. To the line of transition to the attack - field road (75425), edge of the forest (75422) 2 msr goes to "H" - 0.05 along the route south. env. VEROVO, north. slopes high ROZOVKA, corner of the forest (75429).

msr - second echelon; advances beyond 2 MSR in readiness to enter battle from the line of the stream (74468), field road (75468) to develop the offensive and repel possible enemy counterattacks;

sadn participates in the execution of fire missions determined by the senior commander (firing in two areas during the period of fire preparation for the attack of Ts 204, 104) during the period of fire support for the attack using the single PSO method to the depth of defense of the first echelon battalion along three lines No. 1 “WOLF”, No. 2 "TIGER", No. 3 "LION";

the minbatr participates in the performance of fire missions determined by the senior commander (firing at two areas of the SO (Ts No. A 11, A 12) in participation in the PSO; in the jurisdiction of the JOC in accordance with the decision of Comb-1;

PTV, guard missions - as determined in the conclusions from the enemy assessment.

To advance them from the initial area to the deployment line in company columns, build a battalion column: a patrol squad from the 2nd MRR; battalion headquarters, isv, 2 msr with tr (without TV), 1 msr with TV, guards, ptv, 3 msr, rear of the battalion, closure.

Based on the instructions of the brigade commander, the distance of the initial area from the RPA, it is necessary to carefully reconnoiter the advance routes.

The second echelon company enters the battle line in platoon columns. The movement of the assigned garden is carried out at the command of the battalion commander. By 22.00, replenish fuel, lubricants and food reserves to normal levels. Current repairs must be carried out by the crews and technical equipment until 22.00.


Forces and meansFriendly troopsEnemyRatioQuantityTotal used potential.QuantityTotal used potential.QuantityQuantity1234567Total in front of the offensive front (before completing the further task)Companies (MSR, MPR)31.52:1tanks1016.5711.21.4:11 ,4:1BMP3619,08148,542,6:12,2:1Artillery Including 4422,32124,743,66:14,7:1120 mm M 122 mm SG 152 mm SG8 18 18106.6 mm SG 155 mm SG PTS Incl. BMP-2 (PTV) “Fagot” ATGM “Dragon” 9 3 6 3.57 11 5 6 4.66 Total used potential 61.4729.142.1:1 When performing the immediate task Companies (MSR, MPR) Tanks BMP Artillery PTS2 10 23 44 91 16.5 12.49 22.32 3.571 3 9 12 11 4.8 5.49 4.74 4.662:1 3.3:1 2.55:1 3.66:1 1:1.2 3, 3:1 2.3:1 4.7:1 1:1.3 Total potential 54.8819.632.9:1

c) Conclusions from an assessment of the composition, position, nature of the actions of neighbors and the conditions of interaction with them.

In the conclusions, the battalion commander determines (clarifies):

the degree of influence of neighbors on the performance of a combat mission by a battalion;

where, taking into account the direction of attacks from neighbors, it is advisable to concentrate the main efforts;

with which of the neighbors, when and how should one interact most closely and along what boundaries (tasks);

what measures need to be taken to secure the flanks;

what maneuver with forces and means should be provided in order to take advantage of the possible success of neighbors;

their responsibilities towards their neighbors.

Conclusions from assessing the composition, position, and nature of the actions of neighbors can be the following (option):

A successful attack and development of the offensive of neighboring units and subunits will directly affect the performance of the battalion’s combat mission.

Considering the direction of the main attack of the brigade and the direction of concentration of the main efforts of neighboring units, it is advisable to concentrate the main efforts on the left flank of the battalion in the direction of SMOLYANA, MOKSHAN.

When performing the immediate task, the closest interaction is when mastering a stronghold at a high level. 129 (7545), have 2 bombs with 3 MSR, and when capturing strongholds in the high area. 158 (7446) - from page 3.

In the event of a counterattack by brigade reserves from the direction of KOLOVO, SMOLYANY, provide for joint actions with the 3rd brigade detachment to repel the enemy.

Responsible for the junction with the neighbor on the right is Comb-1, to ensure the junction it is necessary to provide a line for the deployment of anti-tank missiles, a maneuver of the right-flank platoon of the 1st MSR, concentrated fire (LZO) of the minbatr.

To ensure a junction with the neighbor on the left, prepare fire 2 art. batr. sadn, anti-tank deployment line, maneuver of the left flank platoon of the 2nd msr.

1.If the neighbors are successful, it is necessary to inflict fire on the enemy, using the flanking fire of neighboring units and attacking on the move to complete the destruction of the enemy;

d) Conclusions from the assessment of the nature of the area.

In the conclusions, the battalion commander determines (clarifies);

where to concentrate the main efforts;

enemy targets for destruction by artillery and mortar fire;

advance routes, deployment lines, transition to attack, dismounting;

places where tanks are equipped with trawls;

boundaries for the entry into battle of the second echelon (reserve);

location of control point, direction of movement;

probable directions of advance of enemy reserves. Possible lines of their deployment and transition to a counterattack;

convenient lines to repel enemy counterattacks and the direction of action to defeat them;

locations for logistics and technical support units.

Conclusions from assessing the nature of the area may be as follows:

Mastery of high from elevation 142 will disrupt the stability of the BTGr. Taking into account the powerful fire preparation for the attack, the suppression of the enemy at the indicated height, it is advisable to concentrate the battalion’s fire efforts in the direction of SMOLYANA, height. 158 (7448).

During the period of fire preparation for an attack, it is advisable to provide for the suppression of the enemy’s command post of the company and platoons, as well as the enemy’s fire weapons and manpower with the fire of an assigned gun and mortar battery.

During the period of fire support of the attack, suppress the enemy at a height. Nameless, in the area there is a corner of the forest, a mound, a field road; in the area of ​​​​a stream, a bend in the road, using the method of a single PSO along three lines according to the plan of the senior commander, and also to provide for repelling a possible enemy counterattack for this purpose, plan SO, LZO for the assigned sadn.

3.Combat missions of companies can be as follows:

1st msr - destruction of enemy fire weapons and manpower in a strong point with the center of the stream (74434) and capture of the border corner of the forest, stream; direction of continuation of the offensive: field road, grove;

2 msr - destruction of the enemy in a strong point at a height. 142 and mastering the border (legal) field road, corner of the forest; direction of continuation of the offensive; separate building, power line;

3 mr, advancing in the second echelon, destroying the enemy in a strong point on a height. 158 and mastering the border field road (74474), high. 106 (7547); direction of continuation of the offensive elev. 158, MOKSHAN.

Extension route: LYKOVO, REZDOVO, cattle yard (74389); line of deployment in company columns - field road (74386), high. 183; line of deployment into platoon columns - dept. building (74418), road (75411); attack line: 1 msr - 200 m south. high 157, road fork, 2 msr - field road, edge of the forest; dismount line along the line 200 m west. roads.

Places for equipping tanks with trawls are to the east. edge of the Western forest.

The line for entering the battle of the second echelon is a stream, a field road.

The checkpoint should be located at an altitude of 1 km west. SMOLYANY, when advancing at the head of the battalion column, during the battle for 2 msr.

Probable directions for the advance of enemy reserves, possible lines of their deployment and transition to counterattacks - as determined in the conclusions from the assessment of the enemy.

It is more advisable to repulse enemy counterattacks with fire from a position from an advantageous position: Kruglaya Grove, farmstead; cliff, separate building.

Place rear units: PTN - at high. ROZOVKA; REG and MPB - in the grove south. ROZOVKA; the remaining rear units are in the grove at the intersection of the field road with the power line;

e) Conclusions from the assessment of the NBC situation.

In the conclusions from the CBW assessment, the battalion commander determines:

the degree of influence of the chemical warfare situation on the performance of the combat mission;

direction of concentration of main efforts;

formation of battle order, deployment lines;

the nature and direction of the maneuver;

forces and means for conducting reconnaissance (RCBR);

measures to eliminate the consequences and restore combat capability;

the procedure for providing units with protective equipment.

Conclusions from the assessment of the radiochemical situation may be the following (option):

The use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy will lead to the loss of combat effectiveness of the battalion.

The direction of concentration of fire efforts in the offensive, the formation of battle formation, deployment lines, RPA, the nature and direction of the maneuver, as well as in the conclusions from the assessment of one’s troops and the terrain.

Radiation, chemical and bacteriological reconnaissance is carried out at the command post of the RHR battalion, and in each unit - by a specially trained motorized rifle squad.

Notify battalion personnel using established signals.

.If it is impossible to bypass infection zones, overcome them at increased speed.

Radiation monitoring in units should be carried out after leaving contaminated zones. Partial and complete special processing should be carried out on my own and at my discretion.

By 18.00 on April 6, all personnel will be provided with AI-1 first aid kits, individual anti-chemical packages IPP-8, and antibiotics.

f) Conclusions from the assessment of weather conditions, time of year and day.

Weather conditions, time of year and day are assessed from the point of view of their influence on the use of high-tech weapons, conventional weapons and military equipment, as well as the use of these conditions by troops during combat.

In the conclusions, the commander determines:

how weather conditions, time of year and day can affect the time of going on the offensive, the choice of the direction of concentration of fire efforts, and deployment lines;

how best to build a battle formation, taking this factor into account;

selects the optimal method of action for units whose use is most dependent on these conditions.

Third question: “Development and justification of a decision, its execution on a working map.”

The decision of the battalion commander is solely based on an understanding of the mission received and an assessment of the situation. In the decision he defines:

1.battle plan.

2.Combat missions for units.

.main issues of interaction.

.Organization of management.

The solution may define tasks by type of support and moral and psychological work.

The basis of the decision is the battle plan, which determines:

direction of concentration of main efforts;

methods of defeating the enemy (which enemy, where, in what sequence and how to defeat him, indicating the order of his destruction by fire from tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, other standard and assigned means, measures for deception, as well as the order of actions of units);

battalion order of battle.

In addition, depending on the conditions of the transition to the offensive, the battalion commander determines (if they are not indicated by the senior commander) the initial and waiting areas (positions), the starting line, deployment lines, the line of transition to the attack and advance routes; when an infantry battalion advances, there are landing sites on tanks.

In the course of the work done, the solution to the offensive may be as follows:

Concentrate your main efforts in the direction of SMOLYANY (7543), MOKSHAN (7549). Using the results of aviation strikes and artillery fire, attack on foot on foot by two reinforced motorized rifle companies to destroy the defending enemy BTG units in the forest area (74435), high. 158 (7446), h. 168 (7543) and to “H”+1 take possession of the southern border. edge of the grove (74455), elevation. 129 (7545) by completing the nearest task; in the future, by introducing the second echelon into battle - 3 msr from the line of the stream (74468), field road (75468), to develop success in the direction of the crossroads of roads, high. 158 and, in cooperation with 3 reb, 2 omb, destroy the enemy in the area of ​​​​the edge of the forest (74465), h. 158 (7448), clearing (7546) and by “H” + 2.00 capture the line of Mount CASINO (7447), mound (75473), then continue the offensive in the direction of elevation. 158 (7448), MOKSHAN, BOGUSHEVSK.

The order of defeating the enemy:

using fire from TR 3 OTB tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, destroy on the move newly identified enemy tanks and other armored vehicles, as well as their anti-tank weapons;

in the event of a counterattack by superior enemy forces, the tr, BMP-1 and 2 msr, ptv occupy advantageous firing lines, repel the enemy’s counterattack and continue to carry out the assigned mission. An enemy counterattack by equal or smaller forces of battalion units is repelled by a rapid attack;

use fire from an anti-tank platoon to destroy identified enemy armored targets during the offensive;

use the fire of guns and machine guns of the infantry fighting vehicle to destroy the enemy's manpower and firepower, and use the fire of an anti-tank guided missile to destroy armored targets. During the battle, fire from the infantry fighting vehicles should be fired into the gaps between squads and platoons advancing on foot;

use Sadn and Minbatr fire to suppress the enemy in accordance with the fire plan;

Fire at combat helicopters will be conducted by the Igla anti-aircraft missile platoon and infantry fighting vehicles.

The battle formation is in two echelons: in the first - 1 msr with TV, guards, 2 msr with tr (without TV), in the second - 3 msr. Have at your immediate disposal ptv, isv, zrv, minbatr.

The formation of a battalion column when moving from the initial area to the deployment line in company columns should have: a patrol section from the 2nd MRR; battalion headquarters, isv, 2 msr with tr (without TV), 1 msr with TV, guards, ptv, 3 msr, rear of the battalion, closure.

Defined combat missions:

2 msr with tr (without TV) in cooperation with 1 msr, 3 msr 2 omb attack on the move on foot destroys enemy fire weapons and manpower in strong points in the north. high slopes from elevation 142, h. 168 and to “H” + 0.25 the field road, corner of the forest is captured; the direction of the continuation of the offensive is a separate building, a power line. Supports 2 batteries of garden. To the line of transition to the attack - a field road, the edge of a forest - 2 msr goes to "Ch" -0.05 along the route south. env. VEROVO, north. slopes high ROZOVKA, corner of the forest;

3 msr - second echelon; extends beyond 2 msr in the direction of high. 139, h. 142, h. 158 in readiness to enter the battle from the line of the stream (74468), field road (75468) in cooperation with the 1st and 2nd mr, destroys the enemy in a strong point on the heights. 158 (7446) and takes possession of the border field road (74434), high. 106 (7547); direction of continuation of the offensive elev. 158, MOKSHAN. Entry into battle is ensured by sadn fire;

sadn during the period of fire preparation for the attack "Ch" -0.55 to "Ch" -0.05 to suppress enemy manpower and fire weapons in platoon strong points (SO: Ts 301, 202, 201, 101, 102, 203, 204, 104). During the fire support of the attack, support the attacking motorized rifle and tank companies using a single PSO method to the depth of defense of the first echelon battalion along three lines (No. 1 - “Wolf”: 111, 112, 113; No. 2 - “Tiger”: 211, 212; No. 3 - “Lion”: 311, 312).

msr supports 1 batr, 2 msr - 2 batr. The entry into battle of the second echelon of the battalion will be supported by concentrated artillery fire. division on call.

When repelling counterattacks of enemy battalion and brigade reserves, defeat the counterattacking enemy with barrage and concentrated artillery fire (SO: Ts 206, 402, NZO "BUK", NZO "Akatsia").

Main area of ​​firing positions: road, bridge, separate building. In the main OP area, for each battery, prepare two OPs for maneuver within the area. Extension route LYKOVO, REZDOVO, bridge. Start point at 1.00 7.04.

Ready time to open fire 6.00 7.04:

mortar battery, during the period of fire preparation for the attack, suppress the enemy’s manpower and fire weapons in the platoon strong point at a height. from elevation 142, on the southern slopes of heights. Unnamed (SO A 11, A 12). During fire support of the attack, destroy identified targets with concentrated fire and OOC on call.

When repelling an enemy counterattack, be ready to defeat motorized infantry and tanks together with concentrated fire from A-21, A-32, and the Bereza NZO when called.

Prepare firing positions 500 m east. high 139 (7441).

The promotion will be carried out jointly with the sadn.

Ready time to open fire 6.00 7.04.

the anti-tank platoon should move beyond the battalion control point 500 m in readiness to repel enemy counterattacks from the directions BEZDOROG, SMOLYANY; KOLOVO, high. 142.

Possible areas for deployment of anti-tank systems: No. 1 - edge of the grove, road; No. 2 - edge of the forest, stream.

Signals for reaching the lines: No. 1 - “Tide-1”, No. 2 - “Tide-2”;

To exit the lines: No. 1 - “Ebb tide-1”, No. 2 - “Ebb tide-2”.

After completing the task, move forward in the prescribed order.

anti-aircraft platoon - to conduct reconnaissance of enemy air. In the initial area, cover the battalion units from air strikes; during the advance to the RPA, move forward in the battalion column in the following order: 1st squad - behind the battalion headquarters, 2nd squad - behind the 1st MSR, 3rd squad - behind the 2nd MSR. During the offensive, the platoon operates behind the battle formations of the first echelon companies at a distance of up to 200 m, conducts continuous reconnaissance of the enemy air force and, with fire on the move or with short stops, covers the attacking units from air strikes.

the engineer platoon moves behind the battalion headquarters in readiness to make passages in the cost center using the established remote method and obstacles, to expand the passages in the cost center and ensure the advancement of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles through obstacles. During the offensive, the ISV advances behind the battle formations of the first echelon companies in readiness to expand the passages into the enemy's cost center in the depths of the defense.

I organize interaction in three periods:

when the battalion moves to the line of attack;

for the period of attack and execution of the immediate task;

for the duration of the next task.

In the first period from “H”_____ to “H”_____.

a) clarify: the order of advance of sadn and minbatr, occupation and equipment of firing positions by them; the procedure for advancing and deploying a battalion to the line of transition to an attack and their actions in the event of an enemy launching nuclear or air strikes on the column, as well as during counter-preparations;

measures to combat enemy sabotage groups.

b) coordinate: artillery fire, means allocated for direct fire to support the actions of battalion units during advancement and deployment; At “H”____ the head of the battalion column will pass the starting point, the artillery should be ready to open fire; In “H” _____ the fire preparation for the attack begins; during fire raids, the planned targets are hit by means of senior commanders, attached soldiers, and battalion ministries; at “H”___ the battalion begins to deploy into company columns; during the third ON “Ch”___ artillery fires at the objects of the first ON, engineering units make passages with extended mine clearing charges; the battalion, continuing its advance to the RPA, deploys into platoon columns to “Ch”___, assumes a battle formation and, by the end of the artillery preparation, “Ch”-0.05 reaches the line of going on the attack.

In the second period, from “H” -0.05 to “H” + 1.00, coordinate the actions of the first echelon MRF with each other, with artillery fire and with neighbors when overcoming the enemy’s cost center, attacking the front line of defense, and defeating MPRTG units.

At “H” -0.05, the first echelon companies will go to the RPA, and the artillery will go to fire support for the attack; msr overcome minefields along passages in the battle line and quickly attack the enemy. When they reach the line of safe removal from the explosions of their shells, at my “Roll” signal, the artillery transfers fire into the depths; exactly at “H”, tanks and motorized rifles will break into the enemy’s anti-aircraft defense and fire on the move to complete the defeat of the enemy’s manpower and firepower in the military defense area on the front line and continue the attack in depth; destruction of the enemy in a strong point at a height. Bezymyannaya, in close cooperation with the right-flank company, the 2nd omb is carried out by a frontal attack by the 2nd mr and tr, destroying the enemy in a strong point on high. from elevation 142 is carried out by a frontal attack by 2 msr and a flank attack by 1 msr. To capture an enemy stronghold with the center - a separate structure, attack on the flank of the 1st MRR and from the front by the 2nd MRR with the support of artillery fire and using smoke to blind the enemy; possible counterattack of enemy reserves from the direction of KOLOVO, mark. 142 is reflected by the fire of the attached sadn and regular minbatr and 1 msr with TV fire from the place in cooperation with tr 3 otb; with the completion of the immediate task by the battalion, begin moving to new OP minbattery and attached garden, battery-wise.

For the period of completing the further task from “H” + 1.00 to “H” + 2.00.

a) Establish: the order of entry into battle of the second echelon of the battalion.

With the 1st and 2nd MSR reaching the line, increase the gap between the flanks. At this gap, 3 MRR in battle formation from the line of the stream (74468), field road (75468) is brought into battle; artillery continues to suppress the enemy in front of the battalion front at the indicated targets.

With the entry into battle of the second echelon in the battalion reserve, appoint MSV 1 MSR.

b) Coordinate: the actions of companies, artillery, combat helicopters and neighbors to repel a counterattack of enemy reserves.

By “H” + 2.00 the battalion is performing a further task in readiness to ensure the possible entry into battle of the second echelon of the brigade and continue the offensive.

I carry out control from the command post of the battalion, which will be located when advancing to the deployment line in company columns at the head of the battalion, before the attack at an altitude of 1 km west. SMOLYANY, during the battle - for 2 msr.