Production of concrete products business plan. Business plan for the production of concrete products. Stages of drawing up a business plan for a concrete plant

Modern concrete production as a business is very promising, but it is based on the need to use serious equipment, which requires the preliminary preparation of a competent and complete business plan. Concrete production plants can be independent enterprises or be a link in the chain of the construction process.

A less expensive form of organizing such a business is to open a mini-factory, which allows not only to reduce time and money costs, but also to obtain the most automated production, controlled by one person. In addition, the easy change of modules facilitates the rapid changeover of the plant to the production of concrete of a different brand.

Registration and taxation

At the first stage, the premises must be registered. In licensing of this type individual activities there is no need and almost anyone can open such a business entity. Before organizing a mini-concrete production business, you should choose the most preferable legal form. It is advisable to register and open an account for an organization in the form of an LLC. The average cost of this procedure is about 15 thousand rubles.

The organizational and legal form of LLC is more secure and provides significant opportunities when conducting this business. In case of failure, all risks of the founders fall only on the authorized capital.

If you have an income of less than 60 million rubles, you should apply for taxation in the form of the simplified tax system, which will exempt production from taxes on profits, property and VAT. For a larger amount of income, taxation under OSNO is required with the full scope of management accounting and payment of all general taxes.

When preparing organizational and legal documents, it is necessary to indicate OKVED code 26.63, which is due to the production of ready-mixed concrete.

Premises requirements

If the production area is represented by rented premises, then you should note that the minimum footage cannot be less than 400 m², and in addition, the production technology is based on the use of water. If there is no centralized water supply system, then additional expenses will be due to the need to drill your own well. In addition, for stable operation it is necessary to have electricity and sewerage.

equipment requirements

The most difficult and costly stage, which should be reflected in the business plan for the production of concrete, is represented by the acquisition of the main blocks-modules. A standard set of such units, as well as installation of all production equipment, will cost several million rubles, which requires significant initial capital investments.

The necessary equipment is presented in blocks:

  • dispenser module;
  • module-hopper for cement, water based and inert fillers;
  • storage module for cement;
  • screw feeder module;
  • automatic module equipped with a control system;
  • module for steam supply and water supply.

Equipment costs in rubles

Stationary and mobile mini-factories have automated lines, including:

  • cement bunker with a volume of 40 cubic meters - 470 thousand;
  • dispensers for facial and base concrete - 580 thousand;
  • mixers of facial and base concrete - 90 thousand;
  • auger - 130 thousand;
  • belt type conveyor with a capacity of 50 cubic meters per hour - 90 thousand;
  • reducer and lift - 145 thousand;
  • return type conveyor to exit - 95 thousand;
  • rail-type loader - 85 thousand;
  • plate conveyor - 45 thousand;
  • dispensers for cement and water - 155 thousand.

The total cost of a standard automated line is about 2 million rubles. Prices for semi-automatic mini-production lines start at 450 thousand rubles.

Approximate calculations - mini-factory

When operating a semi-automatic concrete mini-plant with a productivity of about 10 cubic meters of M-400 concrete per hour.

  • mini-factory line - 450 thousand rubles;
  • concrete mixer based on a KamAZ vehicle - 2.75 million rubles.

Total: 3.2 million rubles.

  • crushed stone - 0.83 cubic meters;
  • cement M-500 - 329 kilograms;
  • sand - 0.43 cubic meters.

The approximate cost of the entire volume of the above materials is more than three thousand rubles. A standard business plan involves operating a production line on one shift, six days a week.

Minimum level of payment expenses wages personnel is about one hundred thousand rubles, including round-the-clock security, as well as the work of a forklift driver and operator. It is necessary to include in this article payment for the work of an electrician and mechanic that may be required during the production process.

In addition, the cost of carrying out advertising campaign in the form of advertisements in the media and posters. The final cost option, divided by the planned volume of concrete produced, reflects the cost of a cubic meter of production and amounts to just over two thousand rubles. Net profit after deducting all taxes and fees will be equal to ≈ 300 rubles per cubic meter. The standard monthly production volume is ≈ 6 thousand cubic meters per month. Well-established sales allow you to recoup your investment in six months.

Approximate calculations - high-performance plant

When operating a plant for the production of heavy concrete grades M-250 and M-350 with an annual capacity of 1 million cubic meters per year.

  • construction and installation works - 280 million rubles;
  • equipment - 2 million rubles;
  • other expenses - 20 million rubles.

Total: 302 million rubles.

  • cement 41 million tons - 470 million rubles;
  • crushed stone 77 thousand cubic meters - 60 million rubles;
  • sand 45 thousand cubic meters - 25 million rubles.

Total: 555 million rubles.

Expenses for personnel wages in rubles:

  • five administrative department employees - 4.8 million;
  • nine workers of the concrete mixing shop - 4.32 million;
  • twelve cement warehouse workers - 4.32 million;
  • nine aggregate warehouse workers - 3.24 million;
  • ten workers support services— 2.4 million;
  • four drivers - 920 thousand.

Total: 20 million rubles.

Other expenses in rubles:

  • advertising - 97 thousand per year.
  • maintenance and servicing of equipment - 187 million per year;
  • shop expenses - 800 million per year;
  • general plant expenses - 825 million per year.

Technical and economic indicators:

  • net profit - 918 million rubles;
  • profitability - 38%;
  • The payback period is just over four months.

When choosing equipment for the production of high-quality concrete, you must carefully evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of all options:

  • assessment of the prospects of the enterprise;
  • selection of plant capacity required for efficient operation;
  • accounting for planned downtime during maintenance and repair work;
  • ensuring a production reserve of at least twenty percent in case of an increase in production volumes.

When choosing, special attention should be paid to compliance production characteristics the following equipment parameters:

  • performance indicator;
  • bin sizes;
  • automation of weighing and moisture determination processes;
  • quality characteristics of finished products;
  • mobile equipment quality;
  • ease of maintenance and operation.

Level modern technologies allows you to purchase an improved version of the control system, which has a built-in memory for several dozen concrete recipes.

The concrete production business is considered one of the most profitable, since the demand for it is always high, especially from the construction sector. Therefore, it is recommended to open a mini-factory at the beginning of the construction season - in May. Then by the end of it, in November, you will be able to promote production and get a good income.

Market competition assessment

First of all, a business plan for a concrete plant must evaluate the competition and develop pricing policy conducting business. The main buyer of the goods is Building bussiness, which consumes 94% of all concrete offered on the market. The difference coefficient between the growth rates of construction and concrete production is 0.9.

At the same time, the production of concrete mixtures has a limited geographical focus. On average, it is profitable to transport them over a distance of about 50 km. Therefore, first of all, you need to assess the level of competition in your region. As practice shows, it will not be possible to win the competition by lowering prices for materials. Moreover, factories produce approximately the same brands of concrete mixtures with the same characteristics - the technology for their production is simple and accessible to everyone. The level of sales will depend on how active construction is in your region.

The sale of other building mixtures that can replace concrete and various reinforced concrete prefabricated products may provide significant competition to you. The only thing that will help you withstand competition is long-term relationships with consumers.

Formalities of the case

The business plan for a concrete plant must first of all provide for the registration of the enterprise as an LLC. Firstly, if the enterprise is unsuccessful, you will only lose the authorized capital. Secondly, any enterprise will cooperate with a legal entity. Taxation can take place according to a simplified or general system. The first is chosen if it is planned that the enterprise’s profit will be over 60 million rubles. But in this case, it will be necessary to completely maintain all accounting records.

For this activity, choose the OKVED code: 26.63 - “Production of ready-mixed concrete.” Manufacturing technology must comply with the following standards:

  • GOST 18105 – 86 – “Concrete – rules for strength control”.
  • GOST 10181-2000 – “Concrete mixtures – test methods”;
  • GOST 10060.0-95 – “Methods for determining frost resistance”;
  • GOST 27006-86 – “Concrete. Rules for selecting the composition";
  • GOST 26633-91 – “Heavy and fine-grained concrete. THAT";

Business Features

The sale of concrete mixtures is characterized by a significant problem - transportation of goods to sites. It must be quickly finished and loaded before it hardens, and yet has a low cost per unit weight. It is delivered to the site in special concrete mixing vehicles. Or concrete forms are prepared, which harden at the factory and then delivered to the site.

It is advisable to produce it directly at the construction site. That is why the market for the product is extremely limited.

Raw materials

Technology for preparing concrete mixtures in classic version will require the use of the following components:

  • The water is clean, without impurities. The amount is determined based on the moisture content of other components.
  • Ballast is the so-called general mixture, sand and gravel. The optimal proportions are one part river sand to three parts gravel.
  • Crushed stone - this can be crushed gravel, preferably rocks with a diameter over 5 mm. You can use slags.
  • Sand corresponding to GOST 8736-93, no more than 0.5 mm in diameter of sand grains.
  • Cement is the basis of the mixture, the binder. Gray powder that crystallizes and hardens when moistened.

Equipment for the production of

Despite the fact that the technology for producing building mixtures is simple, special production lines are usually installed that are fully automated. They allow you to strictly adhere to the established recipe. This line includes the following units (cost - thousand rubles):

  • The cabin where the control panel is located (100).
  • Dispensers separately for water and separately for cement (150).
  • Plate conveyor (50).
  • Rail loader (80).
  • Return exit conveyor (95).
  • Lift (50).
  • Reducer (100).
  • Belt conveyor with a capacity of 50 m3/hour (90).
  • Basic concrete aggregate dispenser (320).
  • Dispenser for ready-mixed concrete aggregates (260).
  • Auger (135).
  • Basic concrete mixer (46.5).
  • Facial concrete mixer (43.3).
  • Silo for 60 tons 40 m3 (477.9).

About 2 million rubles will have to be allocated for the purchase of equipment.

Brief business plan

The manufacturing technology of this building material involves zoning production areas into the following parts:

  • Auxiliary premises.
  • Administrative and household.
  • Raw materials warehouse.
  • Boiler room.
  • Cement warehouse.

Most premises need to be built and renovated. The costs of this work will amount to about 280 million rubles.

The most popular brands of cement, with which it is recommended to start your business, are: heavy concrete grade M 250 and grade M 350. The annual volume of the first should be at least 360 thousand m3, the second - 640 thousand m3.

Raw material costs

This type of cost is calculated from how many components per unit of production require specific technology production, or what will be the volume of production per year.

The technology for manufacturing concrete grade M 250 will require the following number of components per year:

  • sand – 16.5 thousand m3.
  • crushed stone – 28.8 thousand m3;
  • cement – ​​13.86 million tons;

Brand M-350:

  • sand – 28.8 thousand m3.
  • crushed stone – 48 thousand m3;
  • cement – ​​26.88 million tons;

In total, about 553,770,000 rubles will be needed per year to purchase the raw materials of these two brands.

Concrete gradeMass composition, C:P:SH (kg)Volumetric composition per 10 liters of cement, P:SH (l)Quantity of concrete from 10 liters of cement (l)
M1001:4,6:7,0 41:61 78
M1501:3,5:5,7 32:50 64
M2001:2,8:4,8 25:42 54
M2501:2,1:3,9 19:34 43
M3001:1,9:3,7 17:32 41
M4001:1,2:2,7 11:24 31
M4501:1,1:2,5 10:22 29

Other costs

A small production must be served by 49 people. Salary rates for the year will look like this:

  • 4 drivers – 960,000 rubles;
  • 10 workers of a block of support services – 2,400,000 rubles;
  • 9 aggregate warehouse workers – RUB 3,240,000;
  • 12 cement warehouse workers – 4,320,000 rubles;
  • 9 workers of the concrete mixing shop - 4,320,000 rubles;
  • 5 people of administrative and management personnel – 4,800,000 rubles.

RUB 20,040,000 should be allocated to pay for their labor. in year. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the costs of using equipment, shop and general plant costs - a total of about 2,385,836,500 rubles. in a year.

Profit margins

From the sale of concrete grade M 250, you can earn 1,404,000,000 rubles per year. Sales of the M 350 brand will bring another 2,624,000,000 rubles. Without taking into account VAT, you can receive 3,302,960,000 rubles for the year, and taking into account all deductions - 917,123,500 rubles.

According to experts, the profitability of such an enterprise reaches 38%. Investments can pay off in just four months.

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Business plan

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A competent and up-to-date business plan for a concrete plant may well be the beginning of a business that will bring stable income and satisfaction. And there is no doubt that concrete will always be in demand. The construction of new buildings and the reconstruction of old ones, repairs and redevelopment cannot be done without it; concrete is needed everywhere and the demand for it does not fall. That is why the production and sale of high-quality concrete is simply “doomed” to success.

We offer a document on organizing the production of concrete, and not one, but two options at once, which you can study now. They are talking about a stationary and mobile concrete plant, which will require different investments, but have one goal - to provide customers with high-quality building materials. A stationary plant is more productive than a mobile one, but its formation will require more effort and money.

Submitted by finished document, can be used as an example. In it you can read the technical justification, the stages of creating the plant, as well as an assessment of risks and investments, calculate future investments, taking into account that expansion will be necessary over time production capacity. All this will help to rationally, correctly approach the issue of developing a concrete production business, and will also allow you to see its prospects.

The active development of the construction industry has provoked a boom in another market segment - the production of building materials, including concrete. A business such as concrete production seems gray and unpresentable only at first glance. If you look deeper into it, you can easily understand what kind of income is hidden under a layer of thick concrete mass.

An entrepreneur planning to create a business in the production of concrete blocks, first of all, needs to calculate his financial capabilities. The costs of such production will require large-scale, and it is impossible to stop halfway, there is only one way out: either constantly move forward, or declare yourself bankrupt.

The next step is to determine what type of concrete will be produced at your plant. A lot depends on this choice: the volume of financial costs and, of course, the success of selling the final product. Experience shows successful productions, the most popular now are ready-mixed and cellular concrete.

Ready-mix concrete is the most popular material in modern construction. Sand, crushed stone, granite and many other fillers are used for its production. Thanks to the use of modern additives, modern concrete can be used in the most extreme conditions, since it tolerates both the highest and lowest temperatures. This material is successfully used not only in the construction of houses, it is the basis for covering roads and even runways at airfields.

All this explains the incredible popularity of concrete, and also opens up great prospects for entrepreneurs who decide to build their own concrete plant. The main thing is to master the production technology, or hire an experienced specialist who will not allow annoying mistakes. It is important to choose the right components for concrete so that your plant’s products become competitive in the building materials market.

As for equipment for concrete production, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel, but buy a ready-made plant. Their cost is high, but the variety is striking in the wealth of choice, and therefore a novice entrepreneur can choose best option in terms of power and price. Perhaps you decide to build your business on expanded clay concrete blocks, or decide that the main products of your plant will be granulated slag concrete or concrete blocks with chips. In addition to stationary production, the market also offers options for mobile concrete plants.

Registering an enterprise, renting suitable premises, obtaining permits for carrying out such activities - all these stages will be easier for you to go through if you rely on a competent business plan for a concrete plant. When searching for useful information about a business such as the production of concrete blocks on various forums, you are at great risk. Only recommendations from experienced professionals will help you find the right answers to all questions and choose the right direction in business.

One of the most developing areas is the private production of concrete. Therefore, beginners should consider concrete production as a business: technology, profitability, business plan and other aspects of preparation for organization own project Let's look at it right now.

Business project

Concrete production currently occupies a leading position for a reason. Right now, Russia, and especially Moscow, is rebuilding itself with huge strides. The construction industry is a profitable area of ​​business, and concrete is practically the most popular commodity material in construction, along with brick.

Concrete structures and concrete as a material are purchased for both home renovations and large government projects. Needless to say, enterprises that create and sell specific structures, for example, slabs, also purchase from concrete producers. Bearing in mind the huge demand for business, one should not be surprised at the significant level of competition.

Before opening a truly successful and in-demand potential clients project in this area, it is important to carefully consider the strategy for conducting the project. Opening requires considerable start-up capital and serious development of a strategy with the involvement of specialists. Choosing such an idea may be too difficult for an inexperienced entrepreneur, but it will also bring him significant income.

A little about the material

The classification by structure is simple:

  • dense;
  • porous;
  • cellular;
  • large porous.

The customer will make it clear exactly what type he needs, so it is important to be ready to produce any of the above types.

Raw materials required for production

The list must include:

  1. Cement - this powder allows you to bind all the components of the solution, being the basis of the mixture.
  2. Construction sand - this bulk powder, according to GOST requirements, must have a small grain size of no more than half a millimeter.
  3. Crushed stone is a mineral produced by crushing gravel or natural rocks.
  4. Ballast is a mixture of gravel and sand. To make concrete mortar, the ratio of sand and gravel chips is usually one to three. Some people like to call ballast a general mixture.
  5. Water is a component that almost no solution can do without, especially when it comes to construction. The standard requirement is to use only clean, filtered water.

These components are required for the production of reinforced concrete products of almost any type. It is natural that different types material require amendments and additions. For example, to produce glass fiber reinforced concrete, you will need to add glass fiber and special polymer additives to the mixture.


In the enterprise you will start with other processes:

  • Preparation of chemical additives - you will have to deal exclusively with the process of dissolving pre-purchased additives in water to further select the concentration of the solution. The standard uses a large container equipped with a special system of pipelines designed to mix the solution.
  • Grinding cement – technology system involves two methods of this process - dry and wet. This stage is necessary to increase the rate of concrete hardening. Beginners can skip this stage to reduce energy costs and purchase additional equipment.
  • Heating of Aggregates - This process typically uses a separate bin or sealed warehouse. There are two main ways to perform preheating. As a result of the first, hot air or steam passes through the aggregates, which allows significant savings. The second method is more effective - special steam pipes are installed in the room, contacting directly with the filler, and not with the environment.


Here the raw ingredients are measured for further production of the solution. Often concrete plants purchase special weighing dispensers for the enterprise, which help accurately measure the consumption of cement, water and other components.

To reduce the cost of such a purchase, the weight dispenser can be replaced with a volumetric one. Remember that it is extremely important to take into account the characteristics of the material, and especially humidity.


Having counted out the required number of components, you can proceed to mixing the final solution. Typically, for such purposes, enterprises install special gravity concrete mixing plants. Their work is especially helpful when mixing coarse textured hardwoods.

There is also a cheaper option for light rocks - forced-type concrete mixing plants. To increase the reliability and strength characteristics of products, many enterprises also try to carry out the process of vibration mixing. The longer the process is carried out, the more properties will be preserved in the future.

Download for free as a sample with profitability calculations.


The first step is to register an LLC – a legal entity. Beginners often choose between different legal forms, but this particular one most accurately meets the needs of an entrepreneur in this area.

Next, the business owner chooses a taxation system, and the best option for a novice businessman opening medium business, there will be a simplified system. Do not forget about indicating the special OKVED code. Number 26.63 – “Production of ready-mixed concrete” is suitable for you. Among other things, the future owner of a concrete plant would do well to familiarize himself with useful documentation:

  1. GOST 26633-91.
  2. GOST 27006-86.
  3. GOST 10060.0-95.
  4. GOST 10181-2000.
  5. GOST 18105 – 86.

We purchase equipment

Making something in industrial scale requires the purchase of special devices. Some equipment for concrete products has already been mentioned above, but for completeness it’s worth listing complete list devices that you will definitely need in your enterprise. These include:

  • doser (weight or volume);
  • concrete mixer truck;
  • screw feeder;
  • conveyor belt;
  • cement silo;
  • different types of loaders and lifts;
  • Remote Control.

You will need separate equipment if you are making decorative concrete. Nowadays, designs using the “Washed Concrete” technology are popular. This technology will require the purchase of special reagents and forms in addition to the main equipment.

We are recruiting staff

Any plant needs qualified employees, therefore, when hiring people, do not forget about interviews to check their personal and professional qualities. For the smooth operation of a large enterprise, the owner will need to hire:

  1. There are 10 workers at the cement warehouse.
  2. There are 10 workers at the aggregates warehouse (bunker).
  3. There are 10 workers in the concrete mixing shop.
  4. Supervising main workers – 3 people.
  5. Assistant workers – 5 people.

Some also decide to independently deliver goods to customers. In this case, it is also necessary to hire 2-4 drivers. It is important to ensure that everyone has proper documentation and a good reputation.

We determine start-up capital and profitability

As an example, we will take the costs of opening a plant in a large regional city, the specificity of which is the production of polymer concrete.

Expense line Amount of costs, thousand rubles.
1 Initial rent for two months 100
2 Purchase of necessary equipment 1 500
3 Installation of equipment in rented premises 500
4 Public utilities 30
5 Paperwork 50
6 Salaries of shop workers 15-30 x 30
7 Drivers' salaries 20 x 3
8 Marketing campaign 30
9 Purchase of raw materials 2 000
10 Loan repayment 50
11 Unexpected expenses 50
Total: 6 070

The cost of a cubic meter of produced material is 3.5 thousand rubles, and taking into account the markup, the product can be sold at 3.9 thousand rubles per cubic meter.

In this case, for the produced 3 thousand cubic meters of material, you can earn an income of approximately 12 million rubles. With calculations of monthly expenses, the production scheme will generate a profit of approximately 9 million rubles.

Video: mini-plant for concrete production.

Do you want to gain interest from potential clients? Choose a developing and little-used direction in this area, for example, the production of lightweight and moisture-resistant wood concrete or extremely durable and non-flammable fiberglass concrete.

Some occupy completely unusual niches that are in demand due to their uniqueness. For example, in the production of luminous concrete - concrete slabs that glow in the dark, there will be no end to interested customers.

In addition, a truly popular direction now is the production of decorative concrete. It is cheaper and more convenient than real stone, but looks just as good. The situation is the same with the production of sawdust concrete blocks: the niche is practically unoccupied, since the technology appeared quite recently.

Production allows us to make a material similar to brick, but which is a cheaper analogue. Don’t forget about the production of some specific structures.

In this article:

Concrete is one of the most popular building materials used in repair and construction work. This material is used by everyone - from small private farms to large industrial enterprises. The demand for concrete is constant, and reaches its peak value during the period favorable for construction - from May to October. Therefore, the opening of a mini-factory for the production of this material is profitable business, which will generate regular income.

On registration of a concrete production enterprise

1. To open a factory, you must register a legal entity (LLC). This legal form should be chosen because it is safer and provides more opportunities for running this business.

In case of failure, the founders of the LLC risk only the authorized capital.

Before the beginning production activities you must also choose one of the taxation systems: OSNO ( general system taxation) or simplified taxation system (simplified taxation system).

If the income from the commissioning of a concrete production plant will not exceed 60 million rubles, then it is preferable to choose the simplified tax system, since this system exempts from paying income tax, VAT, and property tax.

Otherwise, you should select BASIC. With this taxation system, it is necessary to keep a full account. accounting and paying all general taxes.

2. In the process of preparing organizational and legal documents, you will need to indicate the following OKVED code: 26.63 – “Production of ready-mixed concrete”.

3. For organization technological process you need to familiarize yourself with the rules:

  • GOST 26633-91 – “Heavy and fine-grained concrete. THAT";
  • GOST 27006-86 – “Concrete. Rules for selecting the composition";
  • GOST 10060.0-95 – “Methods for determining frost resistance”;
  • GOST 10181-2000 – “Concrete mixtures – test methods”;
  • GOST 18105 – 86 – “Concrete – rules for strength control”.

Concrete production technology

Used in construction in accordance with normative document - GOST 25192 concrete is classified according to grades, classes and its characteristics. In this business plan we will consider only the important and useful information required for the production of concrete mixture.

Raw materials

To prepare a classic solution, the following raw materials are needed:

  1. Cement is a binder that is the basis of a concrete mixture. It is a gray powder that crystallizes and hardens when moistened.
  2. Construction sand. According to GOST 8736-93, sand is a bulk material, the grain size of which should not exceed 0.5 mm.
  3. Crushed stone is a mineral with grains larger than 5 mm, produced by crushing gravel, rocks or slag.
  4. Ballast is a mixture of gravel and sand. A mixture with a ratio of 1:3 (one part river sand to three fine gravel chips) is best suited for concrete production. This composition is sometimes referred to as the "General Mixture".
  5. Water. For the production of concrete mixture, only clean water without foreign inclusions is used. There are no clearly established standards for water consumption, since its costs are determined by the moisture content of other raw materials.

Concrete production includes the following stages:

1. Preparation of raw materials

Typically, operations for the preparation of raw materials - removal of contaminants, crushing of aggregates - are carried out at enterprises that supply them for sale. At a concrete production plant, only special activities are carried out (preparing chemical additives, grinding cement, heating aggregates) when the need arises. Since performing these operations entails additional payment costs utilities and the purchase of special equipment. These operations include: the production of solutions of chemical additives, grinding cement, heating aggregates in the cold season.

Let's take a closer look at each of the events:

  • preparation of chemical additives - the process of dissolving in clean water additives followed by setting a certain concentration of the solution. To perform this procedure, containers with a pipeline system are used, which are designed to mix solutions of chemical additives using compressed air.
  • Cement grinding can be done using wet or dry methods. Thanks to this operation, it is possible to speed up the hardening process of the final material - concrete. However, activation (grinding) of cement is not always carried out, since this requires additional energy costs and the presence of special equipment.
  • Heating of aggregates is carried out in special bunkers or covered warehouses.

The heating stage of aggregates can be carried out using one of two methods:

  1. Passing hot air, steam or gas through the filler. This method is more economical, but to implement it it is necessary to take measures aimed at reducing steam losses;
  2. Contact heating method using combs and steam pipes, which are placed in bunkers.

2. Dosing the mixture

Dosing– measuring the consumption of raw materials for mixing the concrete mixture.

Typically, factories use weighing dispensers, thanks to which it is possible to measure the consumption of cement and water with a minimum error. If concrete production is carried out in the field, then volumetric dispensers are used for measuring. During this operation, the moisture content of the constituent components, especially sand, must be taken into account.

3. Stirring

The cement and aggregates are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Depending on the characteristics and type of concrete mixture, use various methods stirring. If the concrete mixture includes coarse-grained mobile mixtures with aggregate made of hard and dense rocks, then it is advisable to use gravity concrete mixing plants.

In such equipment, mixing is carried out as a result of repeated dropping and lifting of materials from a given height during rotation of the mixing drum.

Mixing of lightweight concrete and fine-grained mixtures is carried out in forced-action concrete mixing equipment. In this equipment, a homogeneous mass is obtained by mixing materials using blades and other devices. Sometimes enterprises perform vibration mixing. This method ensures the activation of cement, which has a positive effect on the strength of concrete.

The quality of this process directly depends on the duration. Insufficient duration of this operation can lead to deterioration of the properties of the concrete mixture.

Equipment for concrete mini-plant

Typically, automated lines are used in stationary and mobile concrete mini-plants. Such lines include the following equipment:

  1. Cement silo. 40 m 3, 60 tons. Price – 477,900 rubles.
  2. Dispenser for aggregates (fabricated concrete - Fig. 5). Price – 260,000 rubles.
  3. Mixer for exposed concrete (Fig. 6). Price – 43,300 rubles.
  4. Mixer for basic concrete (Fig. 7). Price – 46,540 rubles.
  5. Auger (Fig. 8). Price – 135,000 rubles.
  6. Dispenser for aggregates (basic concrete) (Fig. 9). Price – 320,000 rubles.
  7. Belt conveyor (Fig. 10). Productivity – 50 m 3 per hour. The diameter can be 200, 400, 500 mm. Price – 90,000 rubles.
  8. Reducer. Price – 100,000 rubles.
  9. Lift. Price – 50,000 rubles.
  10. Return exit conveyor. Price – 95,000 rubles.
  11. Rail loader. Price – 80,000 rubles.
  12. Plate conveyor. Price – 50,000 rubles.
  13. Cement and water dispensers. Price – 150,000 rubles.
  14. Control panel cabin (Fig. 11). Price – 100,000 rubles.

The total cost of the equipment is 1,997,740 rubles.

Business plan for a concrete production plant

A building material production plant must include the following divisions:

  1. Cement warehouse;
  2. Aggregate warehouse;
  3. Boiler room;
  4. Administrative and utility plant;
  5. Support service block.

Premises for these units will be built. It is planned that the company will produce the following products:

  1. Heavy concrete (M 250) – annual production volume – 360,000 m 3;
  2. Heavy concrete (M 350) - annual production volume - 640,000 m 3.

Total – 1,000,000 m3.

Capital expenditures

Costs for construction and installation work (construction and installation work) – 280,786,000 rubles;

Equipment costs – 1,997,740 rubles;

Other costs – 20,315,500 rubles;

Total: 303,099,240 rubles.

Costs of raw materials and materials

The need for raw materials and materials is established based on the consumption rates of these components per unit of production or annual production volume.

To produce an annual volume of concrete M 250, the following raw material costs are required:

1. To produce the annual volume of concrete M-250:

  • cement – ​​13,860,000 tons;
  • crushed stone – 28800 m3;
  • sand – 16500 m3.

2. To produce the annual volume of concrete M-350:

  • cement – ​​26880000 tons;
  • crushed stone – 48,000 m3;
  • sand – 28,800 m3.

Let's calculate the cost of purchasing raw materials:

1. For the production of concrete M-250:

  • for cement: 138,600 tons * 2,800 rubles = 388,080,000 rubles.
  • for crushed stone: 28800 m 3 * 900 rubles = 25,920,000 rubles.
  • for sand: 16,500 m3 * 500 rubles = 8,250,000 rubles.

2. For the production of concrete M-350:

  • for cement: 26,880 tons * 3,000 rubles = 80,640,000 rubles.
  • for crushed stone: 48,000 m 3 * 700 rubles = 33,600,000 rubles.
  • for sand: 28800 m 3 * 600 rubles = 17,280,000 rubles.

Total: 553,770,000 rubles.

Payroll costs

To start a concrete production plant, the following personnel are required:

  • administrative and managerial staff – 5 people;
  • for the concrete mixing shop – 9 workers;
  • for a cement warehouse - 12 workers;
  • for the aggregates warehouse – 9 workers;
  • for the support services block – 10 workers;
  • drivers – 4 workers;

The total number of workers at the plant is 49.

The annual payroll includes the following expense items:

  • salary of administrative and managerial personnel – 4,800,000 rubles;
  • salary for concrete mixing shop workers – 4,320,000 rubles;
  • salary for workers at a cement warehouse – 4,320,000 rubles;
  • salary of workers at the aggregates warehouse – 3,240,000 rubles;
  • salary of workers for the support services block – 2,400,000 rubles;
  • salary for drivers – 960,000 rubles.

Total: 20,040,000 rubles.

Other costs

Indirect costs (per year) – 250,000 rubles per year.

Costs for maintenance and operation of equipment (per year) – 186,679,000 rubles;

Shop costs (per year) – 800,000,000 rubles.

General plant costs – 825,000,000 rubles.

Total costs (per year) – 2,385,836,500 rubles per year.


Revenue for the year (sales of concrete):

  • heavy concrete (M-250) – 360,000 m 3 * 3900 rubles = 1,404,000,000 rubles.
  • heavy concrete (M-350) – 640,000 m 3 * 4,100 rubles = 2,624,000,000 rubles.

Total: 4,028,000,000 rubles.

Annual revenue excluding VAT – 3,302,960,000 rubles.

Calculation of technical and economic indicators:

Net profit – 917,123,500 rubles.

Production profitability is 38%.

Payback period - 303,099,240/917,123,500 =0.33 years or about 4 months.


Having made calculations, we established that the payback period for the plant will be 4 months. This indicator shows that selling concrete is a profitable business and construction material in demand on the market.