Contour paintings on glass. Master class on painting on glass with stained glass paints for beginners. Water based paints

Visiting exhibitions, museums or other events where masters show the results of their work - drawings on glass - you admire non-standard images. Looking at the amazing glass painting, patterns and miniatures, many are wondering:

  • What paints can be used to paint on glass?
  • How to learn to create something similar with your own hands?
  • Where to begin?

Any business begins with the acquisition of tools and materials for independent work. It is necessary to prepare pieces of glass or ceramics on which the first images will appear.

The concept of paint for painting on glass

A dye intended for application to glass must meet several requirements:

  • form strong adhesive bonds, adhere tightly enough to a perfectly smooth surface, after solidification, the adhesion strength should increase, not decrease;
  • the film of applied paint should not fade under the action of sunlight, the choice of coloring pigments is made specifically, taking into account their behavior under UV rays;
  • lack of harmful secretions: no one will be pleased to do the work, feeling an unpleasant smell (gas mask does not contribute to obtaining a high-quality pattern);
  • you need paint that is easy to take and transfer from the palette to the work surface.

It remains to figure out what materials are suitable for such work.

Paints on glass

Acrylic paints for drawing images on glass create an opaque thin layer on the surface. The peculiarity of these dyes is that they have a high degree of adhesion to a smooth surface; in the process of polymerization, the adhesion strength to glass only increases. It is almost extremely difficult to wash off the dried paint, you have to scrape it off.

Looking at the multi-colored drawing (Fig. 1), one can see how the artist skillfully mixed paints while working on it. He sought to obtain the shade that arose in him in the process of drawing.

Rice. 1 "Firebird" on wine glasses

Several different techniques are used here, which are used by artists in factories that produce glass products. Present:

  • bitmap, it characteristic feature is the application of small dots, which create a certain vision of the image;
  • artistic drawing, which is characterized by a brushstroke. When preparing a brush for a multi-color stroke, then several colors are present on it at once. As the brush moves, each color leaves its own color. They sometimes smoothly transition from one to another, but contrasting interactions are also possible;
  • multi-layered overlay of paint, indicating the high professionalism of the artist. In fact, drawing professionals do not start work with light tones, they create a bottom layer of dark shades, and then the rest of the picture is obtained by highlighting bright fragments against the main background, which attract the attention of others.

Acrylic paints in the hands of an experienced artist on a glass surface make it possible to form complex patterns that not everyone can repeat (Fig. 2). It is difficult to talk about handicraft here - this is a magnificent creative process. Only at first glance, all products seem the same, looking closely at them you can always see the differences. Each master, using acrylic dyes, leaves his individuality on painted objects.

Rice. 2 Painting on glass acrylic paints

Looking at the process, many have a desire to join such creativity. It fascinates, gives birth to its own paintings, which you just want to leave on a transparent basis.

At one time, Italian masters found their own way to leave a mark on art. They used gelatin-based paints. Today, it is rare that anyone uses the technology of medieval glass artists. Their paints made it possible to leave only a thin transparent film with shades of the desired color.

Modern masters, using the technique of drawing from the Middle Ages, use paints on organic solvents. Their lacquer base makes it possible to get shine immediately after application. As it solidifies, the hue only increases saturation, becoming somewhat darker. stained glass painting surprises with its airiness (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3 Drawing on glass, made with paints based on nitro-lacquer

Pigments that give color shades to a transparent varnish do not reduce the transparency of the product in any way. The feeling of light airiness remains, looking at the quality work of a modern master.

To give the product a look similar to an old stained glass window, you need to give each color a special frame. It is achieved using contour stained glass paints. They do not give a thin film, but form rollers of small height on the surface. Closed spaces are formed where the paint is poured (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4 Contour paint that imitates copper wire on glass allows you to get a "magic" pattern.

Previously, copper or silver wire was glued to glass in various ways, trying to bring it as close to the surface as possible to prevent overflow different colors from one limited space to another. I had to wash the fragments, so the drawing process lasted quite a long time. Waiting for one color to dry to work on another.

Industrial ways of painting on glass

Using an outline drawing allows you to work with multiple colors at the same time. The contour at some factories is applied in the form of templates (Fig. 5). Modern technologies make the work of the painter as easy as possible. It rather acts as a contour drawing painter.

Rice. 5 Contour transferred to glass

  1. Selected suitable image, which they wish to receive on a glass surface.
  2. The photo of the selected image is taken. It is stored digitally on a computer.
  3. With the help of Photoshop, the necessary processing is performed to remove the unnecessary, as well as highlight the main thing.
  4. Printed on transparent base, for example, on a polypropylene film.
  5. By thermal means, the pattern is transferred to the glass. All that remains is the outline where the fill should be done.
  6. The artist manually fills in the provided spaces according to the paint numbers.

It turns out a pattern that is repeated many times. This is exactly how glass balls for the New Year tree are painted with various “magic” drawings (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6 New Year decoration for the Christmas tree, painted glass balls

How to make DIY paint

Anyone can join the art of painting glass products. Only a novice artist can check whether he is worth doing such an exciting thing. You can try your hand without purchasing expensive paints by making them yourself.

The main thing when working is to choose the desired carrier for the dye.

Drawing on glue paints made on the basis of PVA can be mastered by anyone. The technology is simple.

  1. Pour a little PVA glue into a container of 1 ... 3 ml.
  2. Drop a few drops of color. By adding color, you can control the saturation of the color.
  3. By mixing different colors, they achieve the desired shade.

Ready paint samples should be stored in tightly closed vials. Some prepare new consumables before each drawing.

Using transparent nail polish, you can also get transparent paints for glass. The process is similar to that outlined above. The difference is only in the carrier base for paints.

Using white acrylic facade paint, you can also get acrylic stained glass paints. The technology is no different from the one described above. Only use acrylic carrier.

Glass painting is an interesting activity that can become a creative profession.

Video: Glass painting

Painting on glass seems difficult to many, but mastering it is much easier than painting with a brush or pencil. This interesting technique is used to create exclusive decorations for the home. With your own hands you can draw various pictures, paint nondescript vases, make an original glass object that will certainly fit into any interior. Working with stained glass paints is a creative, amazing process that can give the room a unique character.


The first painted glass elements appeared hundreds of years ago. Throughout the time, they either lost their popularity, or regained it. According to found written sources, this was at the beginning of the 12th century. Drawings were created on such glasses with a special paint made of copper and iron.

Stained glass painting in the Middle Ages could only be seen in temples. A peculiar play of light immersed the parishioners in a mysterious atmosphere of reverence. The Renaissance can be considered the peak of the popularity of stained glass art. Many wealthy citizens began to give preference to such decoration of windows.

In the 16th century, because of the wars of religion, glass painting died out as an art. The decrease in demand during the Enlightenment was influenced by the desire for transparency, the mass destruction of painted products. Only in the XIX century there was a revival of stained glass painting in Russia, thanks to the given order of Nicholas I on the construction of a glass factory. This type of decor remains popular to this day.

Where and how glass painting is applied

With the help of glass painting, you can create amazing stylish paintings with your own hands, using all the advantages of the material. Stained glass paintings decorate windows, mirrors, various partitions and other interior elements. It is also used to decorate furniture - cabinet doors, kitchen facades. Even large objects will look light and elegant if intricate patterns are applied to them.

Decorate glass pieces of furniture in shopping malls office space. It can be racks, doors, windows. In an apartment or house, this type of decoration is more often used in the bedroom, hallway, living room. You can make a beautiful Hanami style screen, draw cherry blossoms. Such an element of zoning will fill the room with the spirit of the captivating east. You can work with stained glass paints in the following techniques:

  • Mosaic stained glass. Geometric, floral ornament, carpet patterns are characteristic;
  • Painted. Absolutely all parts of the glass are decorated. Paints are liquid, spread and mix, creating stains, new shades;
  • Contour filler. First, a contour is applied, a sketch is created. Then the space is filled with paints;
  • Multilayer. Paints are applied in layers, of varying degrees of dampness. In this way, the most realistic images are created;
  • Dot painting. Outlines are used to form an image. The saturation of the dots is changed by the color, the density of the paint.

Necessary materials and tools

Stained glass painting is an imitation of an ordinary stained glass window using stencils and other artist's devices. Their large selection allows both professionals and beginners to engage in this type of art. To work in any glass painting technique, you will need special paints, brushes and some auxiliary materials (napkins, alcohol, palette, coating varnish, etc.).

Choice of colors

Drawing material is presented in a huge assortment. When choosing paints, their properties, abrasion resistance, and purpose should be taken into account. Paints on glass can be used for decoration, professional painting of dimensional objects, entertainment with children, training workshops. The expected effect is important - transparency, matte, glossy finish. The choice of paint is influenced by the object of painting itself (windows, ceramic dishes, bottles, vases).

Some types of paints cannot be used for painting objects that come into contact with food due to their toxicity. There are materials that do not withstand contact with water and detergents.

The composition includes natural, synthetic pigments, water, binders. Acrylic paints are produced in a wide range of colors. They can be transparent, cover, create a stained glass effect. The material differs in composition and method of hardening. For homework, it is better to choose a water base that dries quickly at room temperature. Key benefits include the following:

  • Light resistance, even glass coating;
  • Wide palette of shades, bright colors;
  • Possibility of dilution with sparkles;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • Do not spread when applying acrylic on glass;
  • They do not have a pungent odor;
  • Convenient packaging (jars, cans, tubes).

Diverse in composition, texture, consistency. They are divided into three main groups - on organic solvents, on water based, acrylic mixtures. In addition to the usual paints for beginners, there are mixtures with various effects, decorative inserts. Popular decor is created using the following materials:

  • Sticky. Forms a thin film after drying. It can be removed from a convenient base and transferred to any surface;
  • Luster paints. Have a metallic sheen
  • Volumetric. During firing, the mixture partially flakes off, creating a corrugated pattern;
  • Granular. Special granules are glued with glue, with heat treatment products they spread. It turns out a pimply picture;
  • Transparent mother-of-pearl. Apply over the main color, give extra shine;
  • Structural. Produced in jars in the form of a paste. After drying, they create an imitation of natural surfaces (stone, wood, leather);
  • Paints with additives. Add various sparkles, luminescent pigment.

They have a thick consistency. The gel does not spread, does not slide down the vertical surface. The main area of ​​application is the painting of mirrors, windows, doors, partitions. It is convenient to work with the mixture in stencil technique. Can be used for decoration glass plates, mugs.

You can work with transparent, opaque, translucent gel. Any shade from the palette can be combined, add glitter, create a relief with a palette knife. A stunning effect of a frosty pattern will be obtained when using a translucent satin gel. Water-based mixtures do not require fixing, firmly adhere to the surface. If necessary, they can be easily removed by applying a wet cloth to them for several hours.

Ceramic (fired)

Used to decorate dishes, bottles, vases and other decorative elements of various shapes. In order to fix the special paint well, objects after painting are fired. After that, they can be washed with water without fear that the picture will peel off.

Ceramic paints are made by mixing clay, colorless glaze, fluxes, artificial, natural pigments. According to the method of application, the material can be underglaze, overglaze. For good adhesion, sugar, glycerin are added to the paint. The mixtures to be fired are applied to the product and subjected to heat treatment.

Such mixtures are more often used to decorate mirrors, windows, shop windows for any holiday. Their feature is the ability to delete at any time. Suitable for frequent design changes when there is no longer a need for a thematic painting.

When using film paints, the pattern will first need to be applied to the acetate film. After the painting has dried, it can be easily peeled off and transferred to any place. If the pattern is small, its template can be put in a plastic file and outlined with paints, then leaned against the desired element. Such paints are not fixed on the surface. Before cleaning, washing windows with a film pattern, the application should be removed. After the procedures, you can return back.

Ceramic, glassware, painted with a marker for painting on glass, looks very original. You can work with materials of various classes and sizes. The thickness of the rod, the smoothness of the line will depend on such indicators.

The drawing can be applied immediately with a marker or pre-draw the outline with a simple pencil. After firing, the graphite will disappear, leaving only a colorful pattern. For beginners, it is better to choose plain dishes with a smooth surface. To correctly foresee the proportions, you should draw up a sketch in the full size of the object.

The art of painting on glass is constantly being improved. From a once rare hobby, it has become a ubiquitous hobby. You can create an original drawing on a mirror, door, vase with special paints, which have not been in short supply for a long time. Everyone can try themselves in any of the techniques. In order not to spend money on large batches of material, paints can be made by hand using the following recipes:

  1. Gelatin-aniline mixture. Prepared right before work. This paint cannot be stored, so you should knead the solution only once. To prepare, you need to pour 10 g of gelatin with three tablespoons of hot water, prepare powdered aniline dyes, mix everything together. The fluidity of the mixture depends on its temperature;
  2. Nitro oil composition. Creating your own paints gives the artist full control over their quality. Can be made from any vegetable oil, it is better to take linen, and pigment. The dye should be placed on a grinding plate, add oil and mix slowly with a muller;
  3. Soviet recipes. In the 80s and 90s, paints from various improvised means were used to paint glass. For the basis of the mixtures, PVA glue was chosen. It was mixed with food coloring, gouache, pen refills, acetone, and various solvents.

Brush selection

You can paint on glass with any brushes for painting. They are very easy to display complex outlines of drawings. If the area is impressive, it is better to use large building brushes with a rounded end. For applying a fixative, a transparent varnish, wide models of brushes are used.

For glass painting, objects for painting with both natural and synthetic pile are suitable. Natural bristles are best used for water-based, oil-based paints. After watching several master classes, you will quickly learn how to hold the brush correctly when working in various techniques.

Auxiliary tools and materials

The main working materials for painting on glass are brushes and paints. For each technique, special coloring mixtures and auxiliary materials are chosen. Often use the following methods to simplify painting:

  • Lead tape. Adhesive strips allow you to create a stained glass effect;
  • Outliner. Colored paste in a tube lays down with a thin pattern on any surface. After hardening, it forms a relief contour that prevents the paint from spreading;
  • Masking tape. Protects transparent areas from accidental staining;
  • Palette knife. A metal spatula is used when decorating large items;
  • Error correction tools. Until the paint has dried, you can wipe it off with a cotton swab dipped in water or solvent. The still unhardened edges of the contour are leveled with a toothpick;
  • Materials for templates. Most often, paper, film stencils are used. For products of complex shape, you can use a simple pencil, a disappearing contour.

Deal with this type artistic creativity within the power ordinary person who did not even study the basics of arts and crafts. Painting on glass at home has become possible due to the simplification of technology, a large selection of materials for work, their low cost, and the ability to use stencils.

You can draw on a glass surface on your own at any age, even together with all family members. With each new craft, experience will be gained. In the future, the acquired skills will allow you to create a magnificent, original drawing on the surface, turn a nondescript glass vessel or object into a masterpiece. The main thing in this matter is patience and accuracy.

How to prepare glass for painting

Having firmly decided to bring the idea to life, to start painting on glass, you first need to choose an object that will be the basis for the work, be it a window, a glass, a bottle, a plate, a mirror or other objects. It is better for beginners to use a base with a flat, smooth surface, since it is difficult to work with bends, convex places, the colors spread on them, a complex pattern may look bad, not meet the design requirements for it.

Having decided on the element, it is necessary to prepare its surface. If the master suits the color of the product as the main background, just wash it with soapy water, then rinse clean water. If there are labels, the glass object should be dipped in hot water for a quarter of an hour, then remove the remaining glue. To prevent the fluff from the towel from remaining on the glass, it is better to let it dry on its own. When the item is completely dry, it must be degreased, this can be done with an alcohol-containing liquid.

If you want to change the background color, after all the preparatory operations, cover the surface with a special layer of soil (primer), wait until it dries. Next, apply two layers of acrylic paint of a suitable color. Do not apply the next layer until the first is completely dry. At the final stage, the glass element is varnished.

How to transfer a drawing to glass

Having decided on the image, the next step is to display the pattern on the glass. There are several ways. The fastest is to immediately draw a picture on a glass surface. However, this can only be done by a specialist who is confident in his abilities. It is better for a novice master to use the following simple techniques:

  1. Put the sketch under the glass. Having placed the image under the glass surface, use the outline on the glass to redraw it from above. The method is perfect for flat, even transparent objects. If the element has a rounded, complex shape, where it is impossible to attach paper, even using adhesive tape, it must be slightly soaked in water, after which it will become pliable, take on almost any shape, and will hold well on the glass without additional clamps.
  2. Copy paper. For opaque objects, bottles with a narrow neck, mirrors, a paper pattern is unacceptable. In this case, it is better to use a carbon copy. The main thing in this method is to attach the sketch and carbon paper well to the surface of the object. If the image accidentally moves, then the work will have to be done again.
  3. Food film. A piece of cling film is placed on top of the prepared drawing, while for secure fixation it must be larger than the sketch. With the help of a marker on glass, we trace the contours on the surface packaging material. Next, the film with the translated image is fixed with its front side on a glass object so that there are no voids or folds between them. Using a bamboo stick, a helium pen, carefully outline the contours. As a result, the marker will be transferred to the glass.

Stencil technique

Stencils allow anyone to paint on a glass surface, even if he draws very poorly. Wherein finished goods can be bought in specialized outlets, but many craftsmen prefer to make them themselves, which allows them to choose any image they like. To do this, it is enough to lay a sheet of loose paper on top of the drawing, circle the contours, and cut out the blank along them. Consider step by step instructions how to work with templates:

  1. We prepare the surface of the selected object, degrease it.
  2. Lay the stencil flat on a flat surface. With the help of adhesive tape we fix it in the corners and around the perimeter. You can also use a temporary spray adhesive to avoid accidental template shifts that can negate all the work done.
  3. Now we start painting (for this method, stained glass and acrylic paints can be used). We apply a coloring agent to the surface.
  4. It is better to paint from the borders to the center, it is necessary to draw paint little by little, apply a thin layer, removing smudges and excess with a napkin.

Point technique

This method is also called point-to-point. To draw an image in an unconventional drawing technique, you will need to purchase contour paints. It is better to start acquaintance with this species on simple, unnecessary objects. Consider a simple master class on applying bitmap in the form of a flower on the surface of the glass:

  1. We take the finished sketch right size. It can be printed on a printer, cut out of a magazine or book.
  2. Using temporary spray glue or soaking paper in water, we fix the image on the inside of the glass.
  3. We degrease the outer surface of the container.
  4. We apply dots along the contour of the drawing, preferably of the same size, while they should be evenly spaced from each other. For work, you can use any colors you like.
  5. Having marked the contour, we proceed to fill in the drawing. Dots are also applied here. To do this, you can use a different color, or a shade of the main one.
  6. After the paint layer has completely dried, it is advisable to apply a colorless varnish to the picture.

Contour technique

For work use contour paints. Initially, the drawing is outlined, and after it dries, internal voids are painted over. This method allows you to divide the process into several stages, to make a detailed drawing of the picture. For clarity, let's analyze the master class for applying contours to the surface of the plate:

  • Prepare the surface of the kitchen utensils.
  • We apply the prepared stencil, with the help of a marker we transfer the outlines of the image to the plane of the object.
  • Having removed the template, we proceed to applying contour paints to the resulting lines. It is better to use a thick composition, with its help you can create the most even lines.
  • To avoid line junctions when working, semicircular and curved borders must be drawn in one motion. Straight lines are the most difficult, requiring some skill.
  • In the body of the image itself, you can additionally draw different patterns, curls.
  • After the contour has completely dried, you can start painting.

stained glass painting

There are several techniques for imitation of artistic stained-glass windows: photo printing, film stained-glass window, filler, art painting. We will study the first methods a little later. Let's take a closer look at last version. Consider how to paint a window using stained glass paints:

  1. We prepare the base, degrease it.
  2. We apply the prepared template to the glass surface, fix it, outline the contours with a pneumatic marker.
  3. Using black acrylic paint, draw the marked lines.
  4. After complete drying, paint over the empty cavities of the picture with a brush.
  5. Stained glass paints are distinguished by the fact that they spread strongly, therefore it is not recommended to apply another color until the previous one has completely dried in order to avoid the possibility of mixing colors. It is also better to use varnish substances based on organic resins for work.
  6. After completing the drawing, it must be completely dried in a natural way. If you use a hair dryer to dry, the paint may subsequently crack or darken.
  7. At the final stage, when the surface is completely dry, it is necessary to cover it with a colorless varnish.

When changing colors, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the brush, wipe it with a rag.

The best way to imitate a real stained glass window. For work, it is desirable to use the contour and stained glass paints from the same manufacturer. On large planes, you can use a stained glass lead tape, which also will not allow coloring substances to mix and spread over the surface. Let's take a look at the step-by-step instructions for making a flooded stained-glass window on glass for an interior door:

  1. We create our own sketch. In the absence of skills, download finished projects online.
  2. We fasten the selected pattern under the bottom of the prepared base, fix it with adhesive tape.
  3. On the surface of the glass, we transfer all the lines with a contour. The height of the contour mixture depends on the planned thickness of the paint layer, which affects its transparency.
  4. After drying the workpiece, proceed to the filling of the resulting cells. This can be done with a brush, or more quickly using a syringe. It is necessary to fill in from the edge of the line to the center. Remove leaks carefully.
  5. Cells must be filled one by one. Upon completion of the painting, the structure is dried, after which it can be installed in the doorway.

Stained glass painting today is called painting on a glass surface with special paints. Previously, stained-glass windows were created by craftsmen from pieces of colored glass laid in a pattern according to the mosaic principle. Such stained-glass windows can be found now: in churches, museums and ancient buildings. The light penetrating through such a picture created an atmosphere of reverence and mystery.

Stained glass painting helps to create exclusive decor items - you can decorate mirrors with it, make a stained glass painting on a window or an interior door. She will find a place on a plate, it is appropriate to paint mugs or watches with her. She, like painting, helps to depict anything - and outlandish flowers, and bright butterflies, and the whole city can become a magnificent drawing in this technique.

Technology has stepped forward, and today stained-glass windows no longer need to be painstakingly assembled bit by bit. Anyone can create an unusual pattern on glass using stained glass paints. You can decorate anything you like: a glass showcase, a window, a door, and even dishes. For example, a hand-painted cup will be a great and unusual gift. close person. So, how is stained glass painting done? See our article for tips and tutorials.

Stained glass paints can be divided into several types. For example, they are divided into:

  • Requiring roasting.
  • Does not require roasting.

When painting with the first type of stained glass, after drying, it is necessary to burn it in a furnace or oven. Otherwise, the applied pattern will be unstable and easily washed off. Usually require water-based paint firing. It is better to paint small products with such paints. Firing rules:

  • Before firing, the stained glass should dry well. Hold it for at least a day.
  • Stained glass paints are harmful sudden temperature change. Otherwise, they may crack. Put the product in a cold oven, and only then turn on the fire. Accordingly, before pulling the stained glass window out of the oven, let it cool down.
  • Strictly observe the firing time and temperature indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. Insufficient firing will lead to instability of the picture. And if you burn too hard, the design on the glass can turn brown.

Paints differ in the type of solvent:

  • Water based paints.
  • Alcohol-based paints.
  • Synthetic solvent based paints.

Water-based paints are most often acrylic. They have a number of advantages:

  • Non-toxic and have no unpleasant odor. Absolutely safe, they can be used even for children's creativity.
  • They mix well with each other. Therefore, with their help, you can get almost any shade.
  • Water-based paints are easily washed off with plain water. Therefore, during the painting it is not scary to make a mistake, unsuccessful strokes are easily removed with a damp cloth.

The third point from the advantages easily turns into a disadvantage: when dried, acrylic paints are also unstable. Therefore, when painting products that will later come into contact with water, they will have to be additionally fixed: fired or varnished.

Solvent-based paints are more durable, but for correcting inaccuracies, cleaning hands and tools after work solvent required. In addition, due to the unpleasant odor, they are not recommended for children, and work with them in closed, poorly ventilated areas. But synthetic paints are thicker, better distributed over the surface, level themselves and hide small irregularities.

In addition, colors separate on basic paints and contours. Outlines will be needed in order to separate different colors from each other. So the colors do not spread, and the picture will turn out clearer.

When choosing a paint, carefully read the instructions. It should indicate that it is suitable for painting glass and ceramics. There you will also find information on the basis of which solvent it is made, whether it requires firing or special conditions application.

Gallery: stained glass painting (25 photos)

Preparation for work

Before you start painting, prepare everything you need:

  • Special glass for painting (sold in art departments), any glass product or surface.
  • Paints. If this is your first time painting glass surfaces, go for paints that don't require firing. For greater durability, it will be possible to fix the result with a transparent varnish.
  • Outline paints. Usually sold in a set with regular ones or in the same department. It is better to choose the contours of the same company as the paints.
  • Brushes. To work, you will need several brushes of different thicknesses. The thinnest one draws contours and small details, and the thick one fills large areas. Brushes are best taken from artificial pile. Some paints are available with special nozzles. They can be painted without using a brush. But at least one thin one is better to cook anyway: suddenly you need to correct the drawing or draw a clear line.
  • Acrylic clear lacquer. It allows you to fix the pattern and achieve durability even without firing.
  • A palette for mixing colors.
  • Stencil for transferring the pattern onto glass. You can make it yourself, or you can buy it ready-made in any art department.
  • Marker for transferring the picture on the glass surface.
  • Water, alcohol or synthetic thinner, depending on the base of the paints.
  • Napkins, cotton swabs and toothpicks to correct the pattern.
  • A rag to wipe the brush while working.

Now prepare workplace. It should be with good lighting. Cover the surface with unnecessary rags or paper. If you are going to use stained glass paints based on organic solvents, the work area must be well ventilated.

Painting with stained glass paints: master class

After you prepare all the tools, you can start painting.

  1. Degrease your work surface first. To do this, wash it with any detergent, wipe with alcohol, acetone or nail polish remover. So, the paint is easier to apply and lasts longer.
  2. Attach the stencil to the glass, and circle the outlines with a marker. Experienced needlewomen use contour paints instead of a marker. For beginners, it’s better not to rush, otherwise you can ruin the product.
  3. Apply over the course contour paint lines. Try to move from the center to the edges. The line should be solid, of the same thickness. Try to avoid breaks and thickening, unless it is intended by the sketch. If you are using a contour that needs to be squeezed out of a tube, experiment with the pressure beforehand.
  4. Let the contour dry. The packaging usually indicates the time it takes to dry. You should not rush and continue to work with a dry drawing. Blurred contours will look ugly and spoil the whole look.
  5. When the outline is dry, start filling in the stained glass elements. This should also be done in the direction from the middle to the edges. If you need to mix several colors, use the palette.
  6. After all the elements of the picture are painted over, you can paint over the background. It can be done with paint or varnish.
  7. Wait for the drawing to dry. If necessary, burn the drawing in the oven or oven, and also cover it with a colorless varnish on top.

Virage is ready. If you have used a small glass for painting, frame it and hang it on the wall. Decorated in this way, dishes or a vase can be presented to relatives or friends. Such a unique handmade gift will delight anyone.

Sketch for stained glass painting

for stained glass painting is a black and white drawing, on which all the contours are well traced. Pictures can be on any topic. They depict flowers, animals and birds, national and ethnic motifs, portraits, landscapes and still lifes, narrative paintings and much more.

The simplest sketches are made in the form of stencils. To do this, cuts are made on a piece of cardboard or plastic. They correspond to those parts of the picture that should be painted over in the future. The stencil is placed on top onto a glass surface and outline with a marker or outline. Such a blank can be bought at an art store, or you can make it yourself with a piece of cardboard and a sharp knife.

More complex drawings can hardly be represented as a stencil. Therefore, such sketches are transferred to glass by attaching a blank from the back. You can buy a finished scheme in a store or make it yourself by printing your favorite picture on a printer.

DIY stained glass paints

Stained glass paints do not have to be bought. They are easy to make by hand.. To do this, take a jar of PVA glue and food coloring. To prepare one color, two tablespoons will be enough. Mix the glue and dye in a small waste container. Now you can use. Such a stained-glass window dries for about a day.


So that your new hobby does not harm your health, follow some rules:

  • Stained glass painting with dyes based on synthetic solvent use only in a well-ventilated area.
  • Keep all drawing supplies out of the reach of small children.
  • The stained-glass window should not come into contact with food. Therefore, the dishes on which the stained-glass painting is made lose their functionality and become exclusively an interior item. In the most extreme case, it is allowed to paint the lower part of the wine glass, glass or cup. The top edge should be free from the pattern by at least one and a half centimeters.

By following these simple rules, you can avoid unpleasant situations, and a new hobby will only bring pleasure.

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You will need

  • - Embossed stamps;
  • - synthetic brushes;
  • - contours on glass;
  • - acrylic paints;
  • - palette;
  • - acrylic lacquer;
  • - solvent;
  • - cotton pads.


First you need to choose a pattern to apply to the glass. Of course, you can come up with a drawing in the course of painting, but not everyone is good at it. For such cases, there are special embossed stamps on sale, the pattern from which can be transferred to glass. You can do it differently. Select a drawing (available on the Internet), process it so that only the outline remains, print it out and attach it to the glass from the opposite side of the one on which you will draw. Then lightly dampen the paper so that it sticks to the glass. You can start painting. Do not forget to pre-wipe the surface to be painted with alcohol to remove oily fingerprints and other contaminants.

Drawing on glass can be applied using special contours or without them. Contours on glass, like paints, are produced in different colors, usually packed in tubes and used to create glass painting using stained glass technique. Thicker than paint, the contours prevent mixing and spreading of acrylic, but they are quite difficult to apply, and this requires practice. The contour must be applied by slightly squeezing the tube and rather quickly moving its “nose” over the surface in the direction you need. The speed and pressure must be the same throughout the line, or you will get an uneven contour. Small irregularities can be corrected with a cotton swab dipped in water.

Then take a synthetic brush in the shape of a cone. The smaller the details of the picture that you want to paint, the thinner the brush should be. There are two main techniques for drawing a pattern on glass. The first technique is more suitable for transparent (stained glass) paints, but opaque acrylic paints can also be applied in this way. In order for acrylic paints to lay down smoothly, pick up more color on the brush and, lightly touching the glass, pull the paint a little to the sides, evenly distributing it over the surface in a not too thin layer. As soon as the paint stops flowing freely from the brush, pick it up again. Do this often and quickly to keep the edges of the painted space from drying out, otherwise you will get ugly streaks. The brush should not touch the same place twice, acrylic paints are applied in this technique only once.

If you are going to paint on glass with alkyd paints, then the application technique will be the same. For your information, acrylic paints based on alkyd resins, unlike paints on, spread better and do not require baking, but have a pungent odor and are washed off only with a solvent. The second application technique resembles the usual one on paper. To paint on glass in this technique, you will need opaque acrylic paints. Usually in this technique. In this case, broad strokes are made. In this technique, you can apply one layer of paint on top of another, but the first layer must have time to dry.

After you apply the design to the glass, let it dry. The time for complete drying is usually indicated in the instructions for the paints. Most water-based paints require baking. Products painted with water-based acrylic paints can be baked in the oven at the temperature indicated in the instructions. The final touch, which will secure the results of your work, is an acrylic varnish coating. It is desirable to cover with acrylic varnish both products painted with alkyd paints and products decorated with water-based paints.

A few little secrets. If you want to give texture to the drawing, use a hard brush. It will leave grooves that, when dried, will make the surface uneven. You can also use a foam sponge for this. Dip the sponge into the paint and apply the paint to the surface with a patting motion. If you do not have the right color, you can try to get it by mixing the available shades together. If you need to paint a large surface (make a background), use acrylic spray paint.