Fix Price franchise – conditions, price, profitability. Fix Price: how delivery of goods works

Although they say that a penny saves a ruble, the savings should still be reasonable. Making thoughtless purchases in stores “all for one price”, we sometimes do not save, but overpay. Plus, we buy things that are not of the highest quality. What items are better not to buy at Fix Price at all? Let's try to figure this out together.

School supplies

For the same money, you can find great deals at large office supply stores. In addition, there are often promotions and sales. You can buy notebooks or pens in bulk for much less. In a word, usually what you pay 50-100 rubles for at Fix Price can be bought for 10, or even 5. Not to mention the fact that the quality of school supplies in specialized stores is much higher.


It’s not even worth talking about the quality of kitchen knives in stores where everything is at the same price. In addition to the fact that they most often simply do not cut, they can also be hazardous to health because they are made from low-quality materials.


Single dollar store products are often sold out from other retailers. They may have a limited shelf life, but when it comes to batteries, even those that are perfectly usable will gradually lose their charge over time. In a word, it’s definitely not worth buying them for future use, hoping for cheapness.

Additionally, some batteries at discount stores contain zinc carbon, which makes them more prone to leaking than the higher quality lithium ones you'll find at other stores. If you really want to save money, it’s better to order batteries from online stores for special offers or look for profitable wholesale offers in large hypermarkets.


Cheap tools are likely to break quickly. Not only does this mean you'll have to replace them again, but it also puts your own safety at risk. Specialized stores of working tools and equipment guarantee you the best quality. Plus, their products often come with a lifetime warranty, so you'll get a free replacement if they wear out or fail prematurely.

Kitchen mitts

Cheap oven mitts and oven mitts are not thick enough, so they won't protect you from burns when you handle a hot baking sheet. Listen to common sense - and if the mittens from Fix Price seem too thin and flimsy to protect the skin of your hands, it is better to look for them elsewhere.

Plastic dishes

If you want to prevent plastic spoons from suddenly melting in your soup, then it is better to spend a couple of extra hundred and buy quality utensils that will last longer.

Plastic spoons, forks and plates are a very controversial product category. We heat many of them, for example, using them in the microwave or dishwasher. And since cheap materials can be of questionable quality, heat makes the situation worse and contributes to the release of toxic substances.

Food products

Since few people buy products at Fix Price, their range is not updated as often as in regular supermarkets. This applies to milk, yogurt and other perishable products. Therefore, be sure to check the expiration date on the packaging.

Products in packages

Buy a large box of cookies or a bag of sweets for just a few tens of rubles - who would refuse such an offer? However, if you are going to buy a generic product, it is best for you to buy it in a supermarket so as not to be disappointed in the taste.

The thing is that products in Fix Price are often those products that sell poorly in other stores. For example, they are not of the best quality or do not have the best taste.


By buying lipstick or mascara at Fix Price, you can save a lot compared to cosmetic stores. But be careful: if you have allergies or sensitive skin, a reaction to cheap ingredients can be quite unpleasant.

The thing is that such cosmetic products use more aggressive alcohols or cheaper ingredients, which instead of being beneficial cause harm to the skin. So again, check the expiration date as well as the list of ingredients before purchasing. Then test the product on a small area of ​​skin to make sure it doesn't cause dryness or irritation.

Skin care products

Again, buying such goods at Fix Price is like a lottery - because you never know what is inside the package. But that doesn't mean you have to spend a fortune to have beautiful skin. Just choose your brand and stick to it, keeping an eye on promotions and sales.

Feminine hygiene products

Tampons, pads, daily routines, pregnancy tests and other hygiene products should only be purchased in specialized stores or pharmacies. After all, you definitely don’t want your skin and mucous membranes to come into such close contact with something full of toxins and harmful substances.

Hair products

During promotions and sales, you can save much more in a large hypermarket or specialty store than in Fix Price. In addition, such sellers have a wider selection and more varied products. “Everything at one price” stores cannot boast of this.

Electrical goods

Sockets, cables, extension cords, adapters and other electrical products that you find in discount stores usually have thinner, cheaper wires and contacts inside. They are unable to cope with large power loads, which can lead to premature failure or even a short circuit. It's better not to skimp on such things.


According to most skin care experts, SPF protection decreases over time, and such products at Fix Price often last longer than usual. Or there is another catch: the packaging says SPF 30, when in reality the cream contains SPF 15.

Childen's goods

If you want to provide your child with the best and safest products, then low-price stores are best avoided. Again, the problem is quality: you never know what these products are made of.

Medicines and vitamins

Low price store medications are often nearing their expiration date or even already expired. Instead, it is better to go to the nearest pharmacy and make your purchase there. The same goes for vitamins. They may not do any harm, but they won’t do any good either. Whereas high-quality vitamin supplements, when used correctly, will really improve your well-being.

Animal food

Keeping a pet today is not a cheap pleasure. That’s why many of us, seeing an attractive price tag at Fix Price, immediately grab whole baskets of food for our beloved dog. However, if you stop and count, it turns out that the price per gram from specialized sellers is lower if you buy feed in bulk. In addition, at Fix Price you save on quality too.


With children's toys at Fix Price everything is completely sad. They break quickly and do not bring any pleasure to the child. They are made from low quality, cheap materials - in short, you get exactly what you pay for.

If a child is capricious and demands a new toy almost every day, it may make sense to choose quantity over quality. But think about this: what happens if a baby inhales or swallows a broken piece of a cheap toy?

In a word, remember once again the saying that the miser pays twice. And the next time you see an attractive price tag at Fix Price, ask yourself whether you really need this item and whether you are confident in its quality.

Although prices at Fix Price have not been fixed for a long time, many useful things can still be bought there much cheaper than at Pyaterochka.

Ekaterina Orlova

eats at Fix Price

We have made a selection of products that you can save on in this chain, and those that are better to buy elsewhere.


Sodas. Cheap, tasty, most often they come with the “1 + 1” promotion. We recommend “Cherry Chick” - the Russian analogue of “Dr. Pepper”, which tastes no different from the original.

Snacks. Fix-Price has a good assortment of snacks, many of which cannot be found in Magnit and Pyaterochka. We advise lovers of salted fish to pay attention to this point: in other stores it is often unreasonably expensive, but here it is quite acceptable 55 RUR.

Fast food. Analogs of “Rollton” and “Doshirak”, which are in no way inferior to their older brothers in taste. Even if it costs only a few rubles, they are cheaper here.

It's better not worth it


Candies. It seems that they are cheaper here, and even with the “1 + 1” promotion. But remember - this is imaginary cheapness. In any supermarket, candy is cheaper by weight, even Snickers and Mars, which are sold here in packs.

Canned fish and meat. We can talk for a long time about the quality of these products, but from my own experience I will say it more simply: rubber with the taste and smell of rubber in a gravy made from liquefied rubber.

Household products

Dishes. Fix Price has wonderful plates and large salad bowls for only 99 RUR. Of course, this is not Czech crystal or Venetian glass, but they look nice and don’t mind breaking.

Household chemicals. The Synergetic line has good products for washing dishes and removing nasty plaque and rust stains, which not every “Duckling” will take. It makes sense to take a closer look at liquid and solid soaps and fragrances - they are really cheaper here, and the quality is not inferior to branded products.

Useful little things. Towel holders, cloth boxes for things, washcloths and pen holders are beneficial to take if the wait is unbearable. On Aliexpress they will cost the same or even cheaper, but you will have to wait for delivery.

Stationery. Pens, pencils, markers, erasers, paper clips, stickers and other office joys - cheap, cheerful, and sometimes cute. For lovers of everything cute and beautiful, we recommend paying attention to notebooks. Fix-Price has an excellent line of notebooks of various models and designs. They look stylish, expensive, and are in no way inferior to branded ones from expensive stationery stores. It’s not a shame to send a child to school with such people or put them on the table in the office.

It's better not worth it

Household products

Cooking utensils. Only for camping, because this utensil is disposable. Handles fall off, non-stick coatings burn, paint peels off. On sales in hypermarkets you can buy an excellent saucepan for 200 R and a frying pan for 400 R. It's cheaper than buying a new frying pan every time you love fried potatoes.

Toilet paper. Many are tempted by “Family” toilet paper. Of course - 12 rolls for a ridiculous 99 RUR! Only it is so thin that it is used up at the same speed as some “Zeva”. By the way, it is also available here, but in discount supermarkets it is sold at the same price and even cheaper.

Personal care

Decorative cosmetics. Brands “Fa”, “Palmolive”, “Himalaya” are often found at a bargain price. This is a rare case when a similar product cannot be purchased at a similar price in a regular store, even at a discount.

Useful little things. Indispensable little things for daily use: files, sponges, sets for masks, cotton pads, manicure sticks, liquid dispensers, organizers and mirrors - in a word, everything that is sold in the women's department can be taken without worrying about the benefits. In another store, a similar product costs at least 300-400 RUR, but here one item will cost a maximum of 99 RUR.

It's better not worth it

Personal care

Cosmetics. Never, ever, if you don’t want to age ten years in just one use of some powder. I have repeatedly been convinced: those cosmetics that should be liquid - mascara or nail polishes - will definitely turn out to be either thick and viscous, or dried out. Waste of money.

For needlework

Yarn. Multi-colored, good quality, soft, all types - for an affordable 77 RUR. Large sweaters cannot be knitted from this material, but coasters, hats, anything small and pleasant are welcome.

Products for the garden and vegetable garden. Buy seeds at your own peril and risk, but bags, small rakes, shovels, pots - all this costs much less and, oddly enough, lasts a long time. The same goes for decorative items: many different models of frames, artificial flowers, garden decorations. Very cute and cheap.

It's better not worth it

For needlework

Small electronics. Buy it if you don’t mind spending money on something that will last one and a half times, or even less. Soldering irons, for example, overheat terribly and stop working. And there are also those lucky ones in whose hands they explode. Machines for removing pellets, various USB gadgets - the same story.

I once bought a USB fan for my office; it overheated and permeated the surrounding area with the smell of burnt plastic. Separately, I would like to highlight the flashlights. Not only do they have all the disadvantages of their electronic counterparts, but they also light very poorly.

Screwdriver sets. There are several types of them in Fix Price, none of them deserve attention. First of all, they have very small hands. Even with my small hand, it was uncomfortable to hold them. Secondly, the nozzles are made of low-quality material - they simply spoil the thread rather than tighten it. Thirdly, they quickly break - just a few careless movements - and now the screwdriver handle lies separately from the nozzle.

Sewing kits. Fix Price sells small sets with threads and needles. They look nice and neat. But the needles there are often so crooked that it is better to add a little and buy a budget set in a specialized store. A separate complaint about the scissors. You can give them to a child to cut out a beautiful applique - that’s all, they won’t take more.


At Fix Price you can profitably buy both branded and ordinary goods that will serve faithfully for several years. But do not forget that the main goal of all such stores is not to help you save money, but to make money for you.

Don't rush headlong into products with low prices if you don't need them. Compare - perhaps the price is lower in the nearest supermarket.

Find out where you can save money so you don't lose out.

Fix price is a chain of stores with affordable prices. There are retail establishments throughout Russia. In total, there are more than 2,400 retail establishments of the chain in Russian cities. The operating principle of the Fix Price network is that all goods are sold at a single price. Small exceptions are allowed in remote regions of Russia due to the complexity and high cost of transport delivery.

Fix Price range and offers

The Fix price product catalog contains more than 2,000 items. They are conventionally divided into the following groups:

  • Food products (canned food, juices, sweets).
  • Household and household goods (office, interior decor, lighting products).
  • Garden products (pots, ropes, accessories, fertilizers, garden tools, hangers).
  • Repair equipment (tools, wallpaper paste, accessories).
  • Toys (for girls and boys).
  • Home textiles (towels, tablecloths).
  • Festive products (balloons, masks, decor).
  • Cosmetics and hygiene products (shower gels, toothpaste, creams, wipes, perfumes, deodorants).
  • Glass and plastic dishes.
  • Clothes and hats.
  • Household chemicals.
  • Auto, motorcycle and bicycle products (care products, mats, fragrances, holders).

The official website of Fix Price lists the range of products presented in the chain's stores. The addresses of stores throughout Russia are also listed here.

How to register on the site

To make wholesale purchases, you must complete a preliminary registration. To do this, indicate the last name, first name, patronymic, email address and contact phone number of the wholesaler. Be sure to check the box in the section for familiarizing yourself with the site rules and click the “ Register ».

After registration, a confirmation email will be sent to your email address. By clicking on the link, the user confirms the seriousness of his intentions and enters his personal account.

What purchases are considered wholesale?

Wholesale orders are considered to be orders with a total value of 7,000 rubles or more. You can only buy goods in boxes. Piece sales are not available. In the section of the website for wholesale customers there is a current price list with the article number, minimum quantity and price. The user selects the necessary products from the catalog of the official website and places an order. You can pick up your order at one of the delivery points, Fixed Price delivery is carried out there. The addresses of pick-up points are also listed on the website. Wholesale customers can pick up at these addresses.

The Fix price online store works only for wholesale customers. Delivery can be carried out throughout Moscow to the nearest point of delivery of goods. Items are shipped within 7 days after order confirmation.


Franchise stores can individually organize delivery of goods to their customers in any region of Russia. The order can be delivered either personally by courier or sent by Russian Post to the address specified in the application. With the cost of goods from 2000 rub. shipping may be free.

What are they for? Fixed price bonus cards

Valentine's Day is approaching, and on the occasion you can treat yourself or your loved ones with a practical notebook with a thick cover.

Boxes for wrapping gifts and storing small items such as needles and thread are inexpensive and very cute.

Stylish pots for house plants will enliven the interior of any kitchen - 77 rubles each.

Are there a lot of washed dishes left after the guests? Let the excess water drain onto a special mat, and you can put away the sets until the next holidays.

Just a cutting board for cutting food, on the other side without a pattern. Lightweight and comfortable.

A very convenient glass cutting board. Ideal for slicing fish, raw meat, something fatty - it can be washed completely quickly.

Microfiber rags and towels are very convenient to use, wipe them off, throw them away and get a new one. Also available in rolls. The main thing is to throw them away as soon as you start not liking the smell - there is no use in washing them.

A compact coffee pot that can be used to heat up a small amount of oil or even fry one egg for breakfast.

A frying pan for a hundred rubles is just right for culinary experiments, and Maslenitsa is coming soon.

These tongs are convenient for getting something out of boiling water, like pasta if the pan is heavy, and also for adding lettuce leaves.

The two-liter boxes sold out immediately - they are well made and extremely convenient for storing any household small items. They also perfectly fit nail polishes and other manicure accessories, and the tight lid will prevent odors from spreading throughout the house.

This rag fits on almost any mop, collects dirt very well and is easy to wash.

The joy of a summer resident is seeds!

And a lot of pots for seedlings at very attractive prices - 25 rubles.

Manicure sticks, 30 pcs. for 50 rubles - the best price.

Slippers cost 99 rubles. and they are unlikely to last very long, but buying them for guests is just the thing. And they are also lightweight.

Cups for children's parties and creativity.

Tired of lacing up your shoes? There is a way out! Well made, pleasant to hold in your hands.

Metal shoe foot. Quite heavy, but it will not bend immediately and will last a long time.

Hallway rug for 55 rubles. Don't mind throwing it away if it gets too dirty.

A huge range of cheap hangers of all colors and shapes. On average, three pieces for 55 rubles.

Garment bags made of lint-free fabric are convenient for storing coats and suits. And vacuum bags will significantly save space in your closet when the down jacket season ends. And they are inexpensive!

A fashionable hobby for only 77 rubles, and also a diary. Great combination!