Advice from a psychologist. How to answer psychological tests? Psychological techniques for interviews

Any employer wants to see exceptionally reasonable, hardworking, responsible and prudent people on its staff. Successful completion of various types of tasks requires not only specific skills and abilities, but also special personal qualities. However, to learn such a volume of information about a candidate for a vacant position, you need to observe him for a long time. For these purposes, for beginners they set probationary periods. And yet, despite the ability of an employer to say goodbye to an employee in a matter of months if he is disappointed, most managers want to create a stable staff with minimal turnover of workers. To carry out competent and successful personnel policy many bosses have in their arsenal such weapons as psychological ones. Let's consider what their essence is, what information they will help reveal about the candidate and in what forms they exist.

Wishes of managers

To begin with, let’s clarify the wishes of employers regarding the composition of their staff, namely, we will determine what qualities they use psychological techniques when hiring. Firstly, this is, of course, the competence of the individual, his professional suitability for the vacancy. Despite the fact that in order to occupy certain positions, it is unconditional to have diplomas of appropriate education, employers want to know both the level of intelligence and the possibility of applying the obtained theoretical bases in activities.

Secondly, the correct personal characteristics of applicants are important. These include qualities such as hard work, accuracy, communication skills, stress resistance, dedication, rationalism, honesty and politeness. Thus, the employer, using various psychological ones, identifies both professional and personal qualities of his potential workers.

Main types of impact

In order to get to know a candidate for a vacancy better, many methods are used. Specially formed departments or centers in organizations deal with issues of competent personnel selection. The main techniques used personnel workers, are a variety of questionnaires, tests offered to applicants, and interviews. It is necessary to consider each of them in detail.

A little about the survey

There are a number of questions that the candidate is asked to answer independently. As a rule, the questionnaire is a fixed list of questions about the main characteristics of the applicant. These include the date and place of birth of the potential worker, his education, address, contact phone numbers, marital status, and citizenship. Questionnaires are a lifesaver for personnel service due to the ease of use and completeness of the information received. However, the employer wants to ask candidates for vacancies not only the above questions.

Questionnaire questions about professional qualities

Information about the education received by the applicant, as well as other information related to the level of competence of the potential employee, is established first. If the candidate does not have the necessary knowledge, and in some cases the relevant experience, then, despite his possibly outstanding social qualities, the employer will not be interested in working with such a person. To be able to assess the professional suitability of an individual vacant position, the questionnaires ask a number of questions.

Firstly, the employer is interested in learning about the education received by the applicant. The questions that are present in the questionnaires of almost all organizations concern the place, time and form of training, the name of the specialty, qualifications, the topic of the diploma, academic degrees and titles, additional education, and knowledge of foreign languages.

Secondly, it is important to determine the candidate’s experience. In order to obtain relevant information, the questionnaires indicate periods of work, positions held, responsibilities, salary levels, and reasons for leaving companies. The answers to this range of questions clarify for the employer how often and for what reason the person left previous jobs, and how the responsibilities assigned to him changed.

Thirdly, the employer is certainly interested in versatile and easily trained people, so questionnaires often include questions regarding the availability of not only specialized skills, but also other professional skills. These include, for example, the degree of proficiency in a PC and other office equipment, and the presence of a driver’s license.

Help of questionnaires in establishing psychological qualities

In order for the head of the company to form a complete and comprehensive opinion about a candidate for a vacancy, the questionnaires ask psychological questions when applying for a job. They relate, firstly, to the motivation and incentives that drive a person when joining a specific organization. What exactly influenced a person’s choice of a company: a good team or the prestige of the company, the level of remuneration, the opportunity for self-realization, gaining new knowledge or prospects career growth, stability, proximity to place of residence? What goals does the candidate set for himself for the coming years? All this information will certainly be appreciated by the employer.

Secondly, the psychological one contains a number of questions about the hobbies of applicants. At first glance, the employer’s desire to know how a person prefers to spend his free time seems strange. However, it is the answer to this question that clarifies the individual’s activity, his diversified development, thirst for life and ability to rest.

Thirdly, psychological techniques when applying for a job are designed to determine information about a person’s self-esteem. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to find in questionnaires requests to indicate your best and worst characteristics, your main personality traits. The answers to all these questions are subsequently necessarily assessed by the head of the enterprise.

Pros and cons of surveys

Questioning is the most common technique used by employers to get to know their potential employees. Its undoubted advantages are simplicity, the ability to indicate many diverse questions in the questionnaire, speed, ease of use, as well as the completeness of the information reflected in it. However, there are also serious drawbacks to this technique. Thus, when filling out a questionnaire, the easiest way for a candidate to deceive a potential employer is to indicate only positive information about his personality, which the employer wants to see. In addition, compiling a list of questions is a responsible matter. In order to obtain complete information about the applicant and avoid possible double interpretation of candidates' answers to the questions posed, companies have to involve a wide range of specialists in the preparation of questionnaires - lawyers, psychologists, sociologists.

Psychological tests when applying for a job

The person gives answers to the questions contained in the questionnaires consciously. This means that the reliability of the information received cannot be defined as unconditional, because there is always the opportunity to embellish the true state of affairs. Therefore, to obtain a valid profile of candidates, firms use psychological tests when applying for a job. A person performs their tasks unconsciously, which means the results obtained can be interpreted as corresponding to reality. In addition to psychological tests, tests can be used to determine the level of intelligence and evaluate professional quality person.

IQ test

Nowadays, it is very common to ask candidates for vacancies to complete tasks that will indicate the degree of development of logical and spatial thinking, the ability to memorize several facts at the same time, and the ability to compare and generalize certain knowledge. The most famous and well-written is the IQ test, which was compiled by Eysenck. The result of completing this type of task will give a more detailed answer about the candidate’s intelligence, in particular compared to a questionnaire where the subject describes himself independently.

Tests that reveal personality traits

It's not just the level of intelligence of a potential employee that employers want to know. Currently, psychological testing is also used when hiring. Representatives of the personnel service offer applicants to complete certain heterogeneous tasks in which there is no correct answer in the traditional sense. In this case, the subjects act unconsciously, so the percentage of deception is extremely low. Here are some examples of psychological tests when applying for a job.

The first one is determining your favorite color. A potential employee is asked to arrange 8 multi-colored cards in order from the most pleasant shade to the least liked. In order to pass the psychological test when applying for a job correctly and to please the head of the company, you need to know the essence of this experiment. Here the colors mean specific needs person. As a rule, red is activity, a thirst for action. The yellow card symbolizes determination and hope. Green color indicates needs for self-realization. Blue is liked by stable and often attached people. Gray color describes a state of fatigue and a desire for peace. The purple color of the card indicates a desire to escape reality. The color brown symbolizes the desire to feel protected. Finally, choosing a black card indicates that the applicant is depressed. Of course, the first 4 colors are the most favorable, and therefore they are in the beginning.

The second testing example is drawing. On a piece of paper, applicants are asked to draw a house (symbol of the need for security), a person (the degree of fixation on one’s personality) and a tree (characterizes a person’s vital energy). It should be remembered that the elements of the drawing must be proportional. Don’t forget about such elements of the composition as the path to the house (communication skills), the roots of the tree (spiritual connection with people, the team), and the fruits (practicality).

Advantages and Disadvantages of Testing

The advantages of this technique when determining the personal, as well as professional qualities of the applicant are surprise, interestingness, and the possibility of obtaining the right result. But not everything is so simple. It should be remembered that when taking these types of tests, the results can be affected by a person’s mood. In addition, everyone evaluates the elements of reality differently. For example, for one, black certainly indicates depression, and for another, it indicates superiority, sophistication and courage.

Psychological interview for employment

Direct communication between the head of the company and a potential employee is also an important step in assessing the personality of a candidate for a vacancy. During the conversation, you can ask clarifying questions, and also evaluate the interviewee’s speech skills, his self-control, self-confidence, and reaction. In the process of communication, you can learn information about both personal and professional characteristics potential employees.

Interview: pros and cons

Of course, employers like this method of getting to know a candidate for a vacancy, because in this way they can evaluate not only the internal qualities of a person, but also his appearance. Unfortunately, there is a lot of subjectivity here, because managers often have stereotypical ideas about ideal employee, and if appearance the candidate was not assessed by the employer, then he will not want to find out about his internal qualities.

Impact beyond recruitment

Psychological techniques, in addition to the initial stage of communication with potential workers, are used by employers in the process of joint labor activity. In addition, they are used not only by company managers, but also by other categories of workers in their professional activity. For example, there are various psychological techniques for working with children. A child is not always frank with his parents and teachers, so sometimes to establish the reasons for his unethical behavior, various tests or questionnaires. Employers, in turn, also use psychological techniques to deal with violations of discipline. As evidenced by various factors, people and the productivity of their work activities are influenced to a greater extent by incentives and favorable relationships, but not by censure from their superiors.

What psychophysiological tests can be offered to applicants for admission, why they are needed, how and by whom the answers are assessed. All these questions will be answered in the article below.

What is the purpose of testing?

This method of assessing the psychological qualities of applicants is most often used when the entire mass of candidates a smaller group remains. This moment usually comes after the first interview.

Some people who come to apply for a job do not always clearly understand what will they have to do in this company. After listening to the representative, some simply get up and leave, realizing that they clearly do not want to be there.

The remaining people are asked to take several small tests.

Tes can be or single.

Depending on what the specialist conducting these tests prefers.

What are tests used for?

There is no single answer to the question.

Testing is applied for a whole range of assessments:

  1. For more objective assessment candidate. When completing tasks personal impression the specialist does not play any role. A positive or negative assessment given by a company representative to an applicant cannot in any way affect.
  2. For selection the most suitable person for the position. If several applicants have approximately the same personal data, then it is quite difficult to determine “by eye” which of them more suitable for the position.
  3. For determining personality type, fitting as organically as possible into the existing team. HR specialists know where and with whom they will work new employee. Therefore, it will be much easier for him to determine who will fit into the team, after analyzing test scores.
  4. To weed out those categories of citizens who have developmental or psychological disability. To avoid problems in working with such individuals in the future, they must be weeded out at the initial stages of personnel selection. But on external signs It is not always possible to guess about the problems within a person. That's why tests are called for help.
  5. For the next stage of sifting unsuitable of people.

By using various types tests can be determined from the candidate many personality parameters, such as his level of leadership skills, ability to perform routine work, or loyalty to the company for which he will work.

Who is assigned to conduct it?

Often large companies have on staff a person with higher medical education.

Its profile can be not only surgical or therapeutic.

In addition to regular health workers, their colleagues are sometimes hired from the field of psychology.

If such a staff unit as psychologist, is in the company, then all interviews are conducted with him. Or, at the very least, a psychologist reviews the interview tape or test results.

What should an employer do if there is no psychologist on staff? The answer is very simple: it hired from outside. In our country there are many representatives of this profession who practice privately and happily provide their services to various companies.

Their responsibilities when hiring include assessment of the candidate from all aspects of his personality. Of course, you can’t find out everything at once, but about a third of the total necessary information the psychologist will receive from the tests. The rest of the information you need can be found in questionnaires, compiled by a psychologist, or in a conversation.

It is psychologists, commissioned by companies, who develop tests to determine those qualities that needed by the employer. However, they are all based on several generally accepted types of tests. Sometimes you can use them without adjusting to the hiring company’s requirements for candidates.


Luscher diagnostics

Color testing or Luscher test. This is one of the most simple ways get to know the person. For a psychologist, its results are a little deeper than for a person without medical education, to whom this test will seem similar to the “tests” from glossy magazines.

The essence of testing is that the applicant is given all the best several colored cards. There are eight of them, each with its own color: red, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, gray and black.

The candidate is asked to arrange the cards by color, starting from the most pleasant for him personally. The results obtained are recorded, the cards are mixed and again they are asked to do the same. Based on what colors a person chooses for his sequence, a conclusion is drawn about his qualities and resilience in stressful situations.

Psychological diagnostics using the Luscher test and advice from a psychologist in this video:

Rorschach test

This testing is known even to those who have never encountered psychology.

Thanks to many films (mostly foreign), one could see how a psychologist with glasses shows pictures with blurry blots to your clients.

The essence of the method is that the applicant is shown a dozen pictures depicting blots.

They can be color or monochrome (black and white). A person is asked to tell what does he see in these images.

By listening to the answers, the specialist will understand whether the person has mental disorders how he reacts to various stimuli and even what kind of mindset and way of thinking.

Rosenzweig method

This test is not as famous as the previous two, but is no less effective in determining certain personality traits. It consists of twenty-four pictures. On them depicts people in stressful situations.

For example, two people are standing by a car, and a departing train is visible in the background. Both have squares that already contain several phrases. Thanks to these phrases you can understand what happened in the picture.

In the example about the car, one person tells another that he is very sorry that because his car broke down, they were late for the train. In the second square you are asked to enter your own version of behavior or phrases in this situation. Thanks to pictures like this you can evaluate a person's behavior when he fails.

You can find out how testing is carried out using the Rosenzweig method by watching the video:

Markert method

The bottom line is that the candidate is offered choose from eight characters different forms two: the one you like best and its opposite. The symbols look like strokes made with a thick marker. In the subconscious they are associated with a person’s movement or posture.

Depending on which “stroke” the candidate chooses first, the psychologist draws a conclusion about how he would like to move now or which posture is preferable. The same with the second symbol - the most undesirable pose is determined. It's important to remember that the result refers to a given point in time.

Personality questionnaires

Questionnaires– a kind of questions or statements.

By answering them or choosing one of several, a person secretly communicates some information about himself. Questionnaires can different directions.

When hiring psychologists, they focus on those that determine the most significant character traits, a person’s motivation, his opinion.

When a psychologist receives the task of establishing any of these points in candidates, he compiles a corresponding list of questions or statements.


Popularity Psychology specialists and their methods are no longer news. In the modern world, more and more people are resorting to their services. Commercial structures- not an exception. It is practically impossible to find a single serious enterprise, such as a bank, where didn't have to see a psychologist.

Interviews with them required when applying for a job in law enforcement agencies and other security forces. Even the harmless profession of a teacher kindergarten requires considerable psychological preparation.

When applying for a job it is always necessary. You never know in advance what awaits you there. But it’s still worth looking at examples of the most common tests on the Internet.

For many of them there are no universal answers, but you can take them online. It happens that during the passage, something new is revealed to a person in himself. In any case, psychological testing can help not only when applying for a job, but also in any other area of ​​life.

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When going for an interview, each of us would like to know in advance all the tricks and tricks that employers use and which are so often the reason for refusal of a job. Often these methods play a decisive role in the process of determining your suitability for the proposed position. Having mastered them, at least you will maintain decent self-control, confidence in your professionalism and your own capabilities.

1. If during an interview you are asked to draw a non-existent animal on a piece of paper, do not be surprised.

As my experience has shown, you have to draw often, especially if you get a job foreign companies. This is not a joke for those coming for an interview, but just one of the so-called. graphic techniques widely used in psychology. So feel free to take a pencil and draw any animal that comes to your mind. No one will look at your artistic abilities and quality of workmanship. The only catch and trick is that this animal will... personify you, being your psychological portrait. So draw a shaggy, big-nosed, small or large creature, the main thing is that it turns out to be kind and endearing. Don't forget that this is your internal prototype!

2. Questions about your weaknesses and strengths may carry with them tricks and tricks.

When talking about your own merits, the main thing is not to overdo it in praising yourself and not to get sidetracked by qualities that are not relevant to this vacancy. We can talk about your responsibility, diligence, punctuality, initiative, decency, and ability to maintain efficiency in the most difficult work situations. But it is not at all necessary to mention your reliability and readiness to perform any work that employees may ask you to do. There is no need to talk about excessive kindness and frankness with people, and even more so there is no need to mention that you can perfectly cross-stitch, and the greatest hobby of your life is your dog. Disadvantages are more difficult to discover. You won’t admit that you really like to sleep in the morning, that sometimes you show signs of laziness, which often drags on for a couple of weeks, that sometimes you can put someone who is too intrusive in their place, and that you are completely unfriendly with your neighbors? In this case, before the interview, come up with a couple of insignificant shortcomings that can be interpreted in two ways, and when the opportunity arises, they can successfully turn into your invaluable qualities. For example, that you take your work too seriously and worry about the failures of others, that in conflicts you sometimes behave calmly and balanced, although sometimes you should express yourself sharply and categorically, that you are too decent in our day. difficult time, where people who think only about themselves survive.

3. Psychological pressure is often used during interviews.

Many of those interviewed would rather call it “psychological suppression.” And they will be right. The purpose of this method is to look at your behavior and find out whether you are aggressive, balanced, self-controlled and can behave adequately in complex, intractable and critical situations. Using this method, the interviewer will simply begin to “irritate you,” either repeating his questions several times, or appearing indifferent and indifferent, or interrupting you without allowing you to finish your sentence, or pausing too long, watching your reaction. Your goal in such a situation is to maintain composure and, if the situation requires it, repeat the answer to the question asked for the umpteenth time several times; ask sympathetically what exactly the interlocutor did not understand; being interrupted mid-sentence, let it pass without a hint of indignation and with a smile on your face and, finally, in long pauses, look questioningly into the eyes of your interlocutor, showing that you are ready to answer his further questions. The main thing is to maintain composure and confidence!

4. Your interlocutor may behave inappropriately.

This method is used to find out how you will behave in situations on the verge of conflict. Arrogance, self-confidence, and too provocative behavior of the interviewee can often simply infuriate you and, thus, clearly demonstrate to your interlocutor your behavior in such situations. As a rule, an applicant may have three reactions to the inappropriate behavior of the interviewer: a response (coldness, arrogance, aggressiveness), withdrawal (silence, indifference, a desire to end the conversation as soon as possible) and a reaction of uncertainty and nervousness. You should know that such behavior of the interlocutor does not always mean that he did not like you or that the position does not correspond to your professional skills. Often, this is just a method of testing your personal qualities in case of conflicts that arise in any team. In such a psychological testing situation, patience and self-control are appropriate.

5. Questions about future plans are a very subtle method of finding out your future intentions regarding working in a given organization.

I remember how my classmate almost received a prestigious position in the largest thriving company. And already leaving the interview, the head of the company, saying goodbye at the door, asked the successful young man if he wanted to go work abroad in the future. My classmate, having inadequately assessed the question asked, frankly and cordially admitted that at the first opportunity he would leave the country and build his career in the West. The next morning he received a call with a refusal. Talking about your desires and plans during an interview is commonplace. But the answers should not go beyond your desires to realize yourself, to show your best business qualities and ability to help the company become a strong competitor in the market - everything that will allow the employer to rely on you and be sure that you are looking for a job with long-term prospects, and serious plans are your main goal.

6. A person who is too frank and talkative does not make the best impression on the employer.

The interviewer may provoke you to be too frank. And even if you are in the mood for a purely business conversation about your professional qualities, incorrect questions or personal questions can confuse even the most confident person. A way out of this situation can be your response to a question about how this strange, in your opinion, interest in your private life can be related to your future work. Ask how important your answer is to getting a position in this company. In a word, be prepared for the fact that during the interview you will often have to get out: tactfully and with dignity.

7. Sometimes, after discussing all your professional qualities, the interlocutor will try to find out your views on abstract topics.

He may want to know your political or religious views or attitude towards the current situation in the country. Here, as when discussing personal topics, some caution and distance should be maintained. Ask again how this relates to the position you are receiving, and how your answers might describe you professionally. If the interlocutor still insists on receiving answers, limit yourself to general phrases about the instability of the economic and political situation in the world and make it clear that you are not yet a supporter of any one political party, and that you have a special, individual attitude towards religion, about which, To understand, you need to talk too long.

When going to an interview, you must believe that you will definitely be appreciated. Staying true to the same mindset - confidence and calm - is one of the main steps to your success. After all, in this case, there is every chance to give the impression of a self-valuing professional, a competent worker and a balanced person with self-esteem. And we should never forget that the interview process is just a conversation during which not only the employer, but also you have the right to ask questions and expect specific, comprehensive answers to them, which will later allow you to evaluate the activities of this company, its seriousness and stability and finally decide whether you should work here or if you deserve better.

Based on materials from

When applying for a job in last years practice psychological tests. If in Soviet times the employer was only interested in diplomas and characteristics, now the main attention is paid to personal qualities if a person is applying for a respectable or responsible position. “Popular about health” will tell you how to qualify for a psychologist when applying for a job.

Why do you need psychological testing of candidates??

In the United States and European countries, this method of selecting people for a certain vacancy has existed for many years. Psychological tests help to identify not only a person’s hidden needs, aspirations and desires, but also the ability to think outside the box and work in a team. During communication with a psychologist, it becomes obvious whether the candidate will cope with the responsibilities assigned to him, whether his activities will contribute to the development of the company. Tests help to find out what life difficulties a person is currently struggling with.

Someone may object - why penetrate into the depths of human consciousness and reveal all the cards! It is important for a psychologist to select for a specific position a person who has certain personal qualities, because the company is interested in further prosperity. Read on to learn how to pass this test and get your dream job.

How to pass tests from a psychologist when applying for a job?

Colored cards

Testing using multi-colored cards. This test is quite interesting. The person will be asked to lay out 8 cards different colors in the desired order. At the same time, he should post those that evoke positive emotions in him first, and those that he doesn’t like last.

The psychologist knows that the first 2 cards that the candidate chose mean his goals and aspirations, the next two - the current state of affairs, 5 and 6 - what he is indifferent to, 7 and 8 - what oppresses and oppresses him.

To pass this test, you need to have colors in the first four - blue, yellow, green and red in any order. If these colors are laid out first, the psychologist will conclude that this is a purposeful and active person who longs to assert himself and gain constancy.


The candidate is often asked to draw a tree, a house and a person on paper. Everyone draws as best they can, but the psychologist will note all the details - what was drawn first, which house is shown in the drawing, the proportions of the sketch, additional images - the road, porch, doors, windows, pets.

To get a job, you need to try to draw a proportional picture, depict a good house with windows and doors, with a path leading to it, with a cat on the porch. It is better to choose a fruit tree or oak. Be sure to draw the sun in the sky. The drawing should be as realistic as possible.


Another test involves viewing a picture and commenting on it. It is aimed at finding out what a person is thinking about at this stage of life, what his state of mind is. The point is that a person talks about what worries him. If the picture shows crying man, then the candidate will certainly express possible reasons disorders, mentioning your own. To pass this test, try to give positive or neutral comments.


The psychologist will show the candidate for the position a dark spot. It is usually painted with black paint and has a certain shape. He will ask what it is associated with.

In fact, a black blot clearly evokes negative feelings and thoughts, but at the very least you will have to speak neutrally. For example, if one of the blots reminds you of a fight or is associated with pain, then you shouldn’t say that. Tell me what you see in the picture emotional communication people or something like that.

Intelligence testing

At the final stage of the interview, the candidate will be given time (usually no more than half an hour) to answer various tricky questions. They will help determine a person's level of intelligence. Be careful, many of the questions have a trick. It is necessary to use not only the mind, but also logic.

If there are too many questions, you will have to answer quickly. Candidates do not always have time to answer all questions. Don’t despair if time is running out, check the boxes at random, but don’t leave questions unanswered. So there is a chance to guess somewhere. This is better than not answering the tests at all.

What else needs to be considered?

Before the interview, it is advisable to get some sleep, get yourself in order - comb your hair, brush your teeth, trim your nails. Be sure to pay attention to the choice of clothing - give preference to a formal suit to match the desired position. During the interview, behave freely - do not cross your legs and arms, keep your head higher and your back straight. This will give you the impression of self-confidence, and in most cases such people get good jobs.

To go through a psychologist when applying for a job, prepare in advance. Study all kinds of tests online, most of them are somewhat similar. Be sure to study the questions to determine the level of intellectual development.

Try to remember a difficult situation in your career from which you emerged with dignity and of which you can be proud. Doing this quickly is not so easy. However, such questions are sometimes asked during interviews. To be prepared for them, it is better to prepare in advance. Various variations psychological issues there can be a lot in an interview. We have collected three of the most popular.

1. Tell us about a difficult situation at work and how you dealt with it

By asking this question, the employer wants to see what your difficult situation, how effectively you can work in such conditions and solve problems. First of all, it’s worth thinking of a few specific examples from your career in advance. Pay attention not just to difficult moments at work, but to those situations that you successfully dealt with and that best demonstrate your professional skills and personal qualities.

After describing the situation, focus on what you did to solve it, what the result was, and what conclusions you drew. It is advisable that these examples be as closely related as possible to the duties that you perform or the duties that the position for which you are applying involves.

Experts advise avoiding examples problem situations, the cause of which was you yourself, for example, if you missed a deadline, mixed something up or made a mistake.

2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?/What is your career goal?

Any employer wants to see a motivated and interested employee. Therefore, by asking this question, he wants to understand how your career plans compare with the vacancy, and, accordingly, determine how passionate you will be about your work, how long you plan to work in the company.

When answering this question, try to be as enthusiastic as possible and, if possible, show the connection between your career plans and this position, and why you consider this vacancy as an important part of your career path.

3. Describe your ideal job

This question is typically asked to understand what you like and dislike about your job and, therefore, how your values ​​align with the company's values. If you're not sure where to start when preparing for this question, think about what parts of your job you enjoy most (e.g., creative outlets, working with people, autonomy, etc.). Ideally, you need to focus on those elements that are related to the position for which you are applying and show the employer your motivation and interest.