The problem of a woman leader in different cultures. Woman leader: pros and cons. What do female bosses themselves think about the effectiveness of female and male leadership?

Description of work

The increasing role of women in the management process has led to the development of gender studies in many areas. Applied and theoretical sociology was no exception, especially in terms of management. But it is impossible to consider sex only as biological, and gender as social differences and characteristics. One way or another, one is born a woman, and only then becomes worthy, real, true. Nature and gender are not an indicator of psychophysiological characteristics, intellectual and moral indicators.

1.1. Evolution of views on a woman as a leader 6
1.2. Attitude towards a woman leader in the modern world 9
2.1. Myths and reality 14
2.2. Problems encountered by women managers 19

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However, every “lady boss”, of course, has her own shortcomings, which also need to be taken into account when preparing to take a leadership position. This may be an unwillingness to show rigidity and aggressiveness characteristic of men, problems related to family, etc.

Data on gender characteristics of management, calculated according to the methodology of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) for 45 countries, are selectively shown in Table 1 of the Appendix. The femininity indicator was obtained as a weighted average of four parameters: the share of women among parliament members, senior management of enterprises, engineering and technical workers, and in total wages. Accordingly, the remaining shares fall on masculinity indicators 7 .

The above data clearly confirms the presence of gender problems in management in many countries of the world. First of all, they are associated with discrimination against women in the management hierarchy, which is manifested in the low proportion of women in government bodies, the management apparatus of enterprises, and low wages compared to men.

According to E. Eagly, career restrictions are often applied to women - a “glass ceiling” that prevents women from holding positions as project managers, being promoted to boards of directors and performing important international functions. By the beginning of the 21st century (according to Fortune) in 500 largest companies women occupied only 6% of director positions and received 30% less for equal work with men.

The integration of Russia into the world market economy necessitates the synthesis of an acceptable gender model of Russian management with the fullest use of women's potential.

One of the most discriminatory areas against women is the civil service. Among government employees, women make up 56% of the staff, but only 9% of them are managers, and in senior positions there are only 1.3%. At the level of economic entities, with a clear predominance of women specialists with higher and secondary specialized education, their share among enterprise managers is insignificant and practically not growing. Thus, at the turn of the 90s of the twentieth century, women made up 6-7% of the directors’ corps. Currently, the share of women managers in domestic industries ranges from 6 to 9%, their deputies - 8%, and in construction and transport - less than 1% 8. In fact, women are excluded from responsible positions in the highest echelons of management and in most cases are concentrated at the lower levels of the service hierarchy. Thus, among federal civil servants, men make up less than half of the staff (44%), but they occupy 89% of senior positions, and 86% of junior positions are occupied by women.

It is typical that when entering a leadership position, women experience difficulties associated with adapting to a “male” environment, encountering open or covert resistance and negative attitude not only from men, but also from women who are not guided by gender solidarity. The personality of a female leader is perceived critically. The recognition and respect that women in senior positions seek is recognition of the individual achievements of specific individuals, rather than recognition of the managerial abilities of women in general.

Gender problems of Russian management are fully reflected in the employment sector. According to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, from 2000 to 2010, out of 12 million who lost their jobs, almost 8 million were women, and more than 70% had higher and secondary vocational education. Opportunities are limited for women, especially married women career growth, advanced training, retraining. Often, personnel decisions are made based on gender, regardless of the professional, business and personal abilities of the applicants 9 . The vast majority of women are employed in highly deficient or crisis sectors of material production, in positions that do not require high qualifications. The number of women performing low-skilled work is twice as high as men.

The concentration of women in relatively low-paid jobs results in a widening gender wage gap. This is due to gender segregation in employment, reflecting different approaches to assessing the labor contribution of women and men. On average national economy Women's wages are almost 1/3 lower than men's.

The market stage of Russia's development not only radically influenced economic processes, but also contributed to the softening of conservative attitudes in many areas of life. However, ideas about women’s business activity and, especially, leadership and entrepreneurship still remain, according to A.E. Chirikova, “under the influence of social and cultural inertia.” Within the framework of patriarchal culture, which still retains great influence throughout the world and practically dominant in Russia, management and leadership are considered a male prerogative. This approach significantly limits women’s opportunities for self-realization and makes it difficult for them to adapt to crisis socio-economic conditions; in addition, it does not correspond to real social and imputations.


2.1. Myths and reality

There is an opinion that it is difficult for women to manage male subordinates

It is easier for a man to manage men, since they quite easily line up in a hierarchical power pyramid. The stereotype of “male culture” characteristic of Russia comes into play. Our boys have long been raised to believe that women are not capable of leadership.

If a woman occupies a leadership position, she has to compete according to male rules, of which there are much more in management: to defend her territory, to defend the right to her point of view and the right to influence the development of the company. Male chauvinism is a phenomenon that is tightly connected with personality traits and deep internal complexes of a particular person.

There are men for whom, in principle, even the very idea of ​​partnering with a woman is impossible. A normal partnership develops when interaction occurs at the “adult-adult” level 10. Problems arise if a woman leader begins to behave with subordinates either from the position of “child - parent”, or, even worse, “parent - child”. Care and petty care are two different things. Showing human qualities towards subordinates, respecting personality, and not trampling on pride is not the same as turning into a mommy and endlessly annoying your colleagues with moral lectures.

If a woman herself is not a business owner, she can gain authority among fellow managers only if they are men who are able to perceive partnerships and are able and willing to work with any partner, regardless of gender, in the “adult-adult” system. If a fellow manager is a tyrant in life or the “degraded role” of a woman is inherent in the religion that he professes and which he absorbed with his mother’s milk, then voluntarily, without coercion from senior management, he will never come to terms with the fact that a woman can occupy equal position with him. In this case, conflicts are inevitable.

It is believed that a woman needs two qualities to lead effectively - a masculine mentality and bitchiness.

Regarding the masculine mentality of women, this is another myth. What is called the male mindset - logic, rigidity, straightforwardness - is inherent in both sexes. It’s just that men calmly perceive these qualities in their own kind, and women who use them in management are called bitches.

In fact, the quality of management depends on intelligence, intuition, logic, and the ability to work with people, and these qualities are characteristic of both men and women.

When a female manager shows the rigidity and exactingness necessary to complete any work on time, at an emotional level, subordinates may perceive this as a manifestation of “unfeminine qualities,” since softness has historically been expected from a woman (including a female manager) and compliance. Men are often forgiven for shouting and scolding, but female leaders are never forgiven for this type of behavior.

Male stereotypes about female leadership 11 .

The usual opinion about working under a male leader, his authoritarian condescension towards women, dominance and demonstration of power in relation to men is exactly the same myth as the fact that women's management is built on whims and an intuitive approach.

The main myth, perhaps, is that women are more emotional in life and in work. Accordingly, emotions often drown out the voice of reason, and managing an organization turns into a whim.

Another popular "female myth" is the habit of women to rely on intuition. Of course, this is not true, otherwise more than half of the companies led by women would collapse before they even had time to work properly.

Such myths and stereotypes that develop in society often do not make it possible to see the person himself, his characteristics, real strengths and weaknesses management, personal character traits that affect the quality of work.

Now let's look at the main existing anti-feminist myths.

"Business is not a woman's business." The character traits and style of behavior necessary for success in business are not compatible with fulfilling the functions of a wife and mother. It is generally accepted that only one strategy leads to success, which is an “either-or” ultimatum (either you are a winner or you are a loser). At the same time, the very possibility of any other model of entrepreneurship is rejected. Let us note that in the West, long-term and mutually beneficial relations within the framework of the “both-and” formula have proven to be much more effective. The deconstruction of the mythology that “business is a dirty business” and therefore a woman “is better off not doing it” (by the way, extremely widely introduced into the minds of young people, as evidenced by surveys of students conducted by sociologists) should begin with the question: for whom better? For patriarchal power, neutralizing potential competitors, or for women, losing the chance to achieve economic prosperity?

A “medico-biological” myth, according to which, by entering into a competitive struggle, a woman goes against her “natural” destiny, and, as a result, her health deteriorates, her ability to conceive, bear and give birth to children decreases. This theory, extremely popular among doctors (especially gynecologists), goes back to the idea of ​​“punitive-regulatory” medicine, the subject of study by Michel Foucault. “Reproduction of the population” is recognized as a civic duty (like an oath of allegiance to the homeland), and not the result of a conscious choice of the individual, which reduces everything feminine exclusively to the bioid.

The “artistic-journalistic” myth comes from what was still characteristic of commoners and embodied by I.S. Turgenev in the image of Kukshina ("Fathers and Sons") ironic skepticism about the "emancipation of ladies": active activity deprives a woman of her "Femininity", sexual attractiveness. Let us recall in this regard the thesis of Marie Dali that in a patriarchal society “femininity” is formed through a “sado-masochistic ritual”, including a number of “disciplinary” measures that cripple a woman not only morally, but also physically (Indian sati ritual, African clitorotomy etc.). In traditional societies, the language that represents femininity often becomes “victim discourse.”

The myth is “psychological” - based on the fear that a woman, having become economically independent, will increase her demands on her chosen one. The statement that women in business are driven solely by selfishness and vanity is frankly discriminatory. Even if we omit the factual inconsistency of this thesis (often a woman enters business forcedly, out of financial despair), then criticism is caused by the desire to fix the level of requirements for a man, while constantly raising the bar for the supposed chosen one. The very asymmetry of privileges, which justifies and even cultivates “male” egoism and condemns “female” one, once again confirms the fact that the weak development of women’s entrepreneurship is due not so much to economic as to “gender-political” reasons - the principle of distribution of power in society.

The myth of “selfishness and self-sacrifice” repeats the idea that has existed since Soviet times about the confrontation between the spheres of family and work and the need to choose between them. Such ultimatums have never been given to men. For representatives of the fair sex, the spectrum of social roles is reduced to two - either “mother” (wife, lover) or “comrade” (boss, employee). Masculine culture strives to form a guilt complex in a woman if she, more than aspirations, wants to place not Freudian “envy of the Phallus” at the center of her living space, but... herself!

It is believed that for a woman the path to business lies only through the “bed”. A woman’s energy-volitional potential is diminished against the background of her “sexual virtues.” Sexuality, subjected to analysis by a patriarchal society, causes criticism both in the case of its absence (“dried roach!”) and in the case of its presence. Muscular logic implies that a professional career that takes place in the public space must be free from sexuality, only then is it assessed as “true,” “correct,” “worthy of respect.” However, feminist researchers of the late 20th century convincingly proved that no sphere of social activity is exclusively a product of Spirit and Rationality; sexuality is invisibly and unconsciously present everywhere. Recognizing it as a component of social relations would mean receiving a new source of energy and inspiration in the process of harmonizing the personality.

On the eve of the election of the rector, a crucial moment comes for the entire staff of Udmurt State University. Among the three candidates for this post, only one is a woman. It is no secret that the sympathies of part of the university staff are on her side. Galina Vitalievna Merzlyakova is a leader with extensive experience, but in the election fight for the post of rector she is entering an area traditionally considered “male.” For a long time, this post was generally closed to women, and even now there are much fewer leaders at this level among women than among men. Therefore, today there is a need to ask the question about the “pros” and “cons” of the so-called “female” and “male” leadership styles, as well as whether the team wins or loses by choosing a woman as a leader.

In the modern period, society is beginning to rethink many stereotypes that have been formed over centuries, in particular the idea that a woman’s purpose is “Kinder, Küche, Kleider, Kirche” (children, kitchen, clothes and church). In many ways, the traditional understanding of the role of women in society was facilitated by the biblical story, rooted in European tradition, about the origin of a woman from a man’s rib. However, the Hebrew word “zl’” means not only “edge” but also “edge.” In relation to a woman created from a rib, this can be interpreted as a kind of complementarity - in a woman there is everything that is in a man, but, in addition to this, there is something else that a man has already lost, a certain facet that is no longer accessible to a man.

Patriarchal understanding is gradually moving away from generally accepted stereotypes. Women today occupy the post of president (of Argentina, for example), and minister (of defense in Spain, for example, of foreign affairs in Israel), and quietly rule countries with the title of queens (in England, Jordan).

In order for a person to become good leader, he, regardless of gender, must have special qualities. Strong character, personal responsibility for results, business sense, high ability to work, activity, ability to inspire and lead a team - all that is called the makings of a leader. In the modern world, these properties are inherent in both men and women, although they do not fit into the traditional stereotype of a woman as a housewife, a keeper of the hearth.

However, there are differences between male and female leadership styles. In managing a team, a woman leader less often resorts to authoritarian methods, uses persuasion instead of direct coercion, and strives to motivate rather than force staff to complete assigned tasks. During negotiations, a woman looks for compromise options, tries not to resort to unreasonable decisions that go against the opinions of others, and adheres to balanced, thoughtful decisions with justified risks. Women find it easier to build and fine-tune routine processes, they pay more attention to detail, and even after several years of working in one place, they never tire of improving what they love.

A female leader senses the situation more subtly, knows how to take a step back in time, and does not enter into an open conflict that could harm the business. While it is difficult for a man in the heat of struggle to objectively assess the situation in a timely manner. In a team, a female leader is always more open with her subordinates and does not strive to keep her distance in order to give herself weight. She may be interested not only in the work successes of her subordinates, but also in their personal lives and family problems. This establishes more trusting relationships in the team, which has a beneficial effect on work results. Since every woman has a maternal instinct, she treats ordinary workers with warmth and attention.

Men prefer to act based on the future and future results. If any failure occurs during the work process, it is difficult for them to immediately find the right way out of the situation. A woman leader always follows real events, gradually, step by step, charting the right direction, avoiding pitfalls in time. This gives its positive results.

Psychologists' studies have shown that female leaders differ from male leaders in the following personality characteristics: more stable interests, strong will, ability to follow the norms of the team. Women are more able to adapt to circumstances and regulate their condition, they can resist fatigue when working with people and withstand emotional stress, despite having their own unresolved emotional problems. One can note a greater orientation of women towards dominant and authoritarian behavior, persistence and severity. Women have a heightened sense of duty, are more obligatory, observe moral standards and rules, are demanding of themselves, dogmatic, conservative, and are in a state of constant psychological defense.
Sociological studies reveal that, unlike male managers who try to build any structure in the form of a vertical power pyramid, women prefer more subtle management tools based on attention to the individual. Women manage using instruments of influence based on horizontal connections (persuasion and motivation), while men manage using instruments of power (coercion and hierarchy). That is why boys constantly compete, and girls negotiate, try to solve the problem, motivating the performers on a personal level.

So, the positive qualities of women leaders are as follows:

  1. Women managers are more attentive, diligent and responsible in their routine work. They often notice little things and nuances that men consider a waste of time.
  2. Women's leadership style, as a rule, is democratic. They are more often willing to listen and hear others. Sometimes this happens only to find confirmation of your own intuition, sometimes to replenish your “baggage” with new knowledge. In any case, this is usually perceived as attention and respect for the opinions of others.
  3. Women are more likely to be sympathetic to the needs and concerns of employees. It’s easier to ask them for a day off or to leave early by telling a heart-warming story about children, illnesses and emotional distress.
  4. Women leaders are more willing to share information.
  5. With women, problems such as unjustified absenteeism and heavy drinking practically do not arise. They are more punctual. As a rule, they try to complete all assigned tasks on time.
  6. Women managers are willing to work for much less “remuneration” than men.

There are, of course, “cons” of female leadership, but they are a continuation of the “pros” and, in general, are insignificant...

A woman's strength does not lie in imitating a man's leadership style. A woman can and should win due to her ability to communicate, due to good communication skills, due to well-developed intuition.

Assistant to the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs
Mikhail Kibardin

Expert opinion

When talking about the effectiveness of a woman leader, it is worth, first of all, turning to the opinions of authoritative scientists and the results of research on this topic, since in this area great amount speculation and wishful thinking.

This is what a recognized authority in the field of management psychology, Professor R. L. Krichevsky, points out in his book: “According to literary data (Hollander, 1983), in certain types activities that require, in particular, significant speech activity from the people participating in them, women behave rather timidly in the presence of men.<…>Another researcher, E. Eriz, found that when solving discussion problems in mixed groups, men initiated 66% of all communicative acts in the group.”

From the point of view of Professor A. N. Zankovsky, a leading Russian scientist in the field of organizational psychology, “there are few reliably established differences [between men and women]: men are superior to women in visual-spatial and mathematical abilities, women hold the lead in verbal abilities.<…>At the same time, psychological studies have shown that a woman is more prone to conformity 1 in relation to authority, and a man is more aggressive and prone to a greater expectation of success.”

IN modern research management no longer uses the concepts of “woman” and “man”, but talks more about gender differences. At the same time, as Zankovsky A. N. writes, “women engaged primarily in “male” professions reveal a more masculine type - a thinking style and character traits.” A kind of “selection” for leadership takes place, in which only masculine women become effective.

Interesting are A. N. Zankovsky’s arguments about the influence of marital status on a manager’s productivity. “Many studies show that family workers are characterized by less absenteeism, i.e., they change jobs less often and are more satisfied with their work. Marital status imposes great responsibility on the individual.”

So, if you want to figure out who will be a more effective leader, don't look at the hair, makeup, and skirt. Think about who is more effective in their position. Who is easier and more interesting to work with? Who bureaucratizes the environment less, who forces you to fill out empty pieces of paper less, and who doesn’t make meaningless demands on you. Who sees further and who is rooting for the Cause, who understands what a “Man of Science” means. This will much more accurately determine the leader for a successful organization.

1 Conformity is a person’s compliance with real or imagined group pressure, manifested in a change in his behavior and attitudes in accordance with the position of the majority that was not initially shared by him - Note. ed.

- So what if you have a family! Everyone has a family. You can handle it. Who if not you? Just think, cook dinner, check homework, and what about grandmothers and nannies?

– What can this pioneer teach me?! She's the leader! My girl, when you were still walking under the table, I already had 200 people under my command.

- Everyone respects you, you have long outgrown your place. What is there to be afraid of? Whether there are 5 people or 150, there is not much difference... Just think, a woman. Our women, as you know, are both galloping horses and burning huts!

Today, women are increasingly being appointed to leadership positions, however, such appointments are always a topic for discussion. The exception is, perhaps, only traditionally “female” industries, where there are very few or no men at all: kindergartens, pharmacies, libraries, travel agencies, fabric stores, books, cosmetics, etc. Since this material is devoted to management issues, and not to the clarification of relations between the sexes, we will look at the specific problems that an aspiring female leader faces.

Conducting the study, we identified two types of aspiring female managers depending on their attitude to power - “mother hen” and “predator”. Of course, such a typology is very conditional: in life everything is more diverse. At the same time, the tasks facing novice managers of each of these types are different. So let's look at them in more detail.

Attention! These problems apply to a lesser extent to novice managers of their own companies.


Just as it is not common for a mother hen to strive for power in the hen house (there is a rooster for that), so a woman leader of this type does not need power for the sake of power. Power is not an end in itself for her. She receives the news of her appointment with alarm and sometimes with tears. Senior management has to persuade a woman to take the position, convince her that she, like no one else, is capable of uniting the team and doing quality work. This behavior of a mother hen does not contain even an ounce of hypocrisy, since women of this type prefer to develop diversified in the professional field, hone their skills, but only by significantly ahead of their colleagues are they ready to rise one step higher.

Women who are “mother hens” are, as a rule, loved by their colleagues: they are valued in the team and people turn to them for help and advice. As they say, they have well-established horizontal connections. This is partly due to the lack of power traits in character, as well as delicacy and the ability to find mutual language with everyone. A mother hen leader has to deal with at least three important tasks.

Task No. 1: help build chain of command so as not to spoil relationships

The woman worked for a long time with her colleagues as equals, but then she was appointed manager. She often hears from employees: “You understand everything yourself, you recently worked with us, why do this?” Fellow employees perceive the changes negatively; if something offends them, they immediately tell the manager that they are arrogant, and they often behave in a familiar manner.

How to solve it?

1. Warn the female manager that at first she will experience emotional isolation: most likely, her colleagues will no longer discuss this with her. last news, invite you to a tea party, with her they will be more restrained in their assessments, etc.

2. Set tasks and exercise control not individually, but, if possible, at planning meetings.

3. It is advisable that an external leader be present when setting tasks and monitoring at first - this will allow the friends to be more restrained.

Nonna Mordyukova, artist: “It’s amazing, where it’s strict and rich, housekeepers live forever, are deprived of their personal life, and belong completely to the owners. Where it’s poor, where they’re treated like friends, they don’t fit in, even though the pay is the same. For hire, so for hire: you are the owner, and I please you for a certain fee. Domestic workers do not respect their own and simple housewife.”

Explain to subordinates why there is a need to perform certain tasks and what explains such requirements.

4. Use the “sharing of responsibility” technique: “What would you do if you were me?”

Task No. 2: get rid of the desire to provide benefits to your colleagues and abandon trade union activities

After N. was appointed head of a group of brand managers pharmaceutical company, her first step was to study the situation in the team. Then she prepared documents on the need to increase the salaries of several subordinates, and to significantly increase the salary of one of the key brand managers. The need for an increase was justified by the greater promotion of the brand, and therefore, overload. A senior manager suggested agreeing on an increase in pay with the heads of other areas. Naturally, the latter expressed dissatisfaction with the salary increase for only a few employees. The offer was rejected.

How to solve it?

1. Explain that novice managers often have a desire to do “charity” at the expense of the company. The subconscious goal of such activity is to please people by satisfying the needs of the team. This is the “union effect” that managers need to understand. Awareness helps you separate the interests of the company from the desire to please everyone and make more informed decisions.

2. Explain that such behavior can lead to the “draft horse effect” - taking on overwhelming responsibilities, doing work instead of subordinates. The consequence is fatigue, stress, resentment and, as a result, degeneration into a “predator”.

S.K., head physician: “My former manager (now retired) told me that the work of a manager is similar to the work of a coach of a volleyball team. It is important that the whole team wins, and the coach’s job is to look at who to bet on in the game. You need to think through different combinations: in one case you need to orient the entire team towards one player, in another - towards another. See who is in shape and who should rest. At the same time, women must be told that they are all smart and beautiful, and the situational nature of leadership has nothing to do with abilities. A win for the whole team means a win for everyone.”

3. Introduce strict budgeting and require approval of additional expenses from senior management. Attribute unbudgeted costs to the department's budget, while making the manager's salary dependent on the profitability of the department.

Task No. 3: set tasks, demand their implementation and stop reflecting on the decisions made.

S.E., head of the department: “At first I didn’t understand that it would be much easier for everyone if I clearly stated what I wanted from my colleagues. Instead of saying: “We urgently need to prepare an agreement,” I asked: “Elena, can we prepare an agreement by Thursday?” Elena answered me irritably that we couldn’t, because there was a lot of work. I was upset, but did not insist, believing that she really had a lot of work, and pulled the burden myself. I was ashamed to distribute responsibilities, because I thought that everyone was literate people and would be able to distribute tasks among themselves. Only later, when they directly told me that I didn’t know what I wanted from my subordinates, I realized: I shouldn’t ask, but give tasks and indicate exactly what to do and in what time frame.”

How to solve it?

1. Explain that instead of questions, you need to make clear requests and tasks, be sure to stipulate the deadlines for their completion.

2. Introduce mandatory planning meetings with recording of minutes to simplify the procedure for setting tasks.

3. Under no circumstances should you throw one in the hope that it will “float out” on its own. In this situation, she needs to be supported, praised, encouraged, helped and regularly asked if there are problems or if she needs help. It is advisable to assign a friendly mentor at the first stage.

4. Introduce instructions and procedures that make it easier for a novice manager to make decisions, distribute tasks, and set tasks.


For a predatory woman, power is needed as recognition of her merits, status, qualifications, best abilities. She perceives her appointment to a new position as a logical step, once again proving the correctness of her principles and actions. When you tell her about her new status, you will hardly feel fear or shyness, rather you will see a sparkle in her eyes. If you feel like new position- that's all she strives for, try to take off the rose-colored glasses. This is just a step on the path to real success. That's why she's a predator.

A predatory woman is in most cases a careerist. This does not mean that she is not a professional in her field. On the contrary, she is well versed in the specific problems or issues that plague senior management. Such a woman demonstrates success and knows how to competently present it as a personal merit. True, her professionalism is specific: it is a means of achieving her cherished goal - recognition and success.

In a team, a predator is usually respected for her determination, willingness to take on new projects and tasks, and ability to take responsibility. At the same time, colleagues often dislike her (sometimes even fear her) for her excessive persistence, desire to exert pressure, harshness of judgment and desire to achieve results by any means.

Task No. 1: do not become an attacker and overcome the desire to “level” and “build.”

I.A., director of the legal center: “The person has changed in a few weeks. The “star” saw insects in his subordinates. She “built” everyone and considered them her students. Cerberus system: it feels like you're in junior high. The entire team was in a fever of tyranny and arrogance. They tried to explain to her, put pressure on her. Nothing changed, she just “tightened the screws.” I had to translate."

How to solve it?

1. Before the appointment, carry out explanatory work about the fact that some women who have received an appointment often have a desire to assert themselves at the expense of their colleagues. The “star effect” can manifest itself in the desire to add to ready-made technical specifications and instructions your “favorite” points and demand their implementation. At the same time, the “predator” quite sincerely believes that in this way she will achieve increased efficiency and improve the result. Naturally, this causes deep dissatisfaction. In some cases, such behavior can cause a serious conflict, especially if a woman is prone to “star fever.”

2. At the initial stages, be present when setting tasks and exercising control. Monitor compliance with feedback procedures.

3. Appoint a man as a deputy - according to experts, this smooths out the situation.

A.O., assistant manager: “We had such a star-studded situation in our department. The presence of a deputy head of the department - a man who, due to the specifics of the department’s work, often supervised the execution of orders and communicated with employees, in better side influenced the head of the department.”

4. Be sure to note the employee’s status.

5. Do not under any circumstances say that the team is hostile towards the manager before the appointment - this can create a negative attitude in the female manager. If you want to warn a future manager, it’s better to say: “There are some production problems that are bothering the team, and you need to help your colleagues solve them.”

6. Explain that the desire to “level up” everyone can result in a “group-thinking effect”, when, for the sake of the desire to maintain good relationships in the team and avoid conflict, subordinates will support any decisions of the manager and will not express constructive criticism.

Task No. 2: refuse to set the bar too high.

E.A., head of the sales service: “When I was just appointed manager, there was such excitement - I wanted to show myself. And I picked up a lot of tasks that other managers refused. As a result, the team hated me, because everyone was forced to work at night. Fellow executives retaliated mercilessly for gains, and senior management increased the plan. After a few months, I began to seriously think about quitting because I couldn’t cope. A severe blow to self-esteem. And only thanks to the support of my mentor I stayed... It was a good lesson for the future.”

How to solve it?

1. Explain that most motivated people can overcome difficulties, but not all. There is no need to expect similar zeal from others. It is necessary to take for granted that not all subordinates support grandiose plans (sabotage may begin when carrying out instructions from the manager, or complaints about senseless overloads may begin to higher management). Therefore, it is important to assess the capabilities of the entire team not based on on our own, but according to average performance indicators.

2. Control the number of tasks and projects taken on for a department/division, taking into account that such a manager, for the purpose of self-affirmation, can raise the bar of requirements, increase the load on subordinates (or entrust them with their work) in order to achieve results and meet expectations.

3. Regularly conduct performance appraisals, during which employees are given the opportunity to speak out. Introduce a rating system that takes into account the position of a “star” (that is, a “super specialist” who is significantly ahead of the company’s requirements), demonstrate that excessive “stardom” can lead to loss of work (it is better for a super specialist to look for another job).

4. Introduce a system for training successors.

O.S., telecommunications company: “It often happens that a female manager is afraid that her place will be taken by a more energetic colleague or one who is liked by management. Therefore, it is very important for her that her rear is protected. She lines up a long bench of “reserves” - completely loyal employees who look into her mouth and do everything she says. The saddest thing is that she belittles the merits of other, less loyal subordinates. To avoid this, we introduced a system of “raising successors.” But since no one wants to train a replacement for themselves, we ensured that successors did not take the place of the immediate manager, but were sent to another department. A kind of team game began between departments: “Look, what about ours, who went into IT!” The best!" Naturally, mentoring is associated with financial incentives, that is, being a good mentor, among other things, is beneficial.”

5. Provide the “predator” with the opportunity to gain recognition through public presentations of results, increase the workload rather than authority, and entrust the implementation of new projects. Regularly praise and celebrate true achievements.

Let us remind you once again that the examples described above are rather extremes; in life, we almost always encounter mixed-type female leaders. As they develop management skills and gain leadership experience, these types improve, getting rid of their negative aspects. And relief from “growing pains” occurs faster if the company has well-organized business processes.

V.S. Blashenkova,
N.S. Makatrova,
founders of the Womania project (

Abstract on the topic of graduation work:
"Woman leader, features of the management process"


Gender difference is a concept often described in psychology as the difference between men and women. The term “gender” identifies the psychological sex of a person and the corresponding ideals, values ​​and behavior patterns inherent in him, with which he relates himself.
Much literature is devoted to the analysis of gender differences between men and women in leadership positions. Typically, these works describe the fight against the stereotypes that women around the world face every day, putting career in the first place in the hierarchy of life priorities.
Arguing the position “against”, researchers give examples of how women who occupy leadership positions often relegate family to secondary importance. Adopting a masculine style of personnel management, women become harsh, tough and demanding. It loses its attractiveness and the unique softness inherent in women.
This negative effect is explained by the fact that a woman, faced with strong resistance from the entrusted team, especially men, puts the defense mechanism into action.
An important indicator is the differentiation of wages, which shows hidden discrimination against women in terms of remuneration for their work.


The master's qualification work was carried out during 2010-2011. in accordance with scientific directions Department of Personnel Management and Labor Economics of Donetsk National Technical University.
Target this study consists of analyzing the positive and negative aspects of women's participation in business. Task- describe a woman leader. Comparisons were made between women and men involved in business.
Scientific novelty work consists of writing methodological recommendations for women managers in order to increase the efficiency of personnel management, based on the psychophysiological characteristics of a woman as a leader.
An object research - a woman holding a leadership position, psychophysiological characteristics that distinguish her from a male leader.
Item- features of the process of managing a team by a woman.
The practical significance of the results obtained is that at present, research into the phenomenon of female leaders is extremely necessary. Improving leadership skills will help women in leadership positions successfully cope with the functions and use character traits that are different from male managers for the benefit of the company.

Section 1

The relevance of the problem of "women's leadership" in modern conditions
The development of market relations in Ukraine not only radically influenced economic processes, but also contributed to the softening of conservative attitudes in many areas of life. Despite this, ideas about women's business activity and entrepreneurship still remain within the framework of patriarchal culture, which still retains great influence, both in Ukraine and throughout the world. In our society, managing people is still considered the prerogative of men. The process of self-realization and adaptation of women, in connection with the existing opinion, is significantly hampered and entails a crisis in socio-economic relations.
In our society, a number of objective conditions are developing that contribute to the diversity of women’s roles, namely, the development of women’s management and the establishment of the institution of managerial leadership. Increasingly, society is guided by principles democratic governance, giving priority information technology. The service sector is developing, and with it the model business relations, which corresponds to the peculiarities of running a business by a woman. Last years management is becoming innovative, focusing on people and socio-technical factors, which explains the popularity of the unique female leadership style. The research results leave no doubt that this management model is absolutely adapted to the modern business environment and, moreover, is competitive with respect to the male leadership style.
Currently, there is a trend towards women actively gaining leadership positions in business, and even politics. The number of women leaders is steadily growing among managers, top managers and directors of small, medium and large enterprises. However, the problem of gender inequality and discrimination against women managers exists and requires in-depth study.

Section 2

Psychological characteristics of a female leader, distinguishing her from a male leader
Comparing the features of female and male management styles, we can say that a woman leader often manages more successfully than a man. Often, the result management activities women are created at the enterprise, stable working conditions for subordinates, adapted to accepted norms in society.
Women are characterized by a leadership style focused on reward strategies, while men prefer coercive methods and an expert style. However, as practice shows, the most successful is a combined leadership style. Successful managers combine best qualities from different management styles, and the use of such a combined style leads to the formation effective strategy management.
Differences between men and women holding leadership positions are observed in the first stages of their assessment of their role in the management process. So, women consider their main task- transformation of personal goals of subordinates into the goals of the enterprise. In the process of achieving goals, they rely on their increased intuition, the ability to easily establish personal contact, as well as endurance and the ability to work hard. A woman, unlike a man, among other things, is forced every day to prove her right to leadership, which significantly strengthens her position over time. Whereas a man perceives his activities as a series of mutually beneficial transactions with partners (subordinates). Remuneration is a reward for work done. More often than a woman, a man relies on his own authority. While female managers willingly share their own power and any information, believing that such an approach will certainly create an atmosphere of trust in the team. Women, as a rule, refuse the privileges that their position and authority give them. By downplaying their own importance, they tend to emphasize the significant contribution of the entrusted team. A woman leader considers moral support and any kind of encouragement to be the main method of management.
Let's look at the main distinguishing characteristics of men and women holding leadership positions. (Table 1).

Table 1. Gender differences in managerial activities.


Way to overcome obstacles

Intelligence, strength

Cunning, dexterity

Problem oriented



Per task

On interpersonal relationships

Need for emotional stimulation



Solution Framework





Relationship to the outside world






Thinking type


Visually effective

Object of attention

Observation and accuracy




Attitude towards others



The effect of verbal encouragement



Reaction to criticism



The result of the study is a technique that allows a woman manager to successfully manage employees. First of all, it is necessary to build a flexible model of relations with subordinates.
  1. At the time of taking up a position, it is not recommended to set too strict limits and rules for subordinates - for the adaptation of employees to new form control is required for at least a month;
  2. When applying an authoritarian management model in practice, it is advisable to alternate a friendly demeanor with an official one;
  3. Do not take the desire of subordinates to achieve results for granted, but generously praise and encourage initiative, new ideas and hard work;
  4. Not to be avoided by any means conflict situations, always fully understand the controversial situation. Do not use authority and authority as an argument;
  5. Periodically approve of subordinates, thus stimulating activity. Gradually evaluate the work of employees, supporting feedback;
  6. Do not complain to management about subordinates;
  7. Recognize and not be afraid of the fact that subordinates also strive to make a career;
  8. Do not push aside the latter, always give subordinates the opportunity to express themselves and their abilities;

Arguments for a woman leader
Not everything, however, opposes a woman's desire to be a director. A number of arguments in the public consciousness and business practice act as arguments in favor of a female director. And if negative arguments are expressed mostly behind the scenes, then positive assessments can be heard openly both from male managers and from subordinate female directors. Both of them are happy to voice them, paying special attention to the three key strengths (in their opinion) of women’s character and women’s work.

Figure 1 - Formula for success of a female leader (Animation: volume - 107 KB; size - 300x400; number of frames - 11; delay between frames - 50 ms; delay between the last and first frames - 750 ms; number of repetition cycles - 8)

Firstly, this is the ability to find compromises, negotiate, smooth out rough edges and achieve informed decisions. This requires professionalism and the ability to communicate with people, and women are traditionally strong in this.
Secondly, it is an integrated, “master’s” approach to the entrusted object of management, that is, the ability to balance and develop various aspects of the business, without neglecting any areas and avoiding emergency situations. At the same time, women's resistance to routine, repetitive operations makes them effective in leadership positions in established businesses.
Thirdly, women leaders are able to combine a rational approach and an emotional component. It would really be boring without female directors!
And one more, fourth, very important factor: women, for the most part, endure ups and downs more easily. In critical situations, they often turn out to be more stress-resistant, reflect less about the fact that something did not work out (through their fault or due to circumstances) and are more focused on finding new opportunities. In addition, for all their emotionality, women are also quite rational and responsible.


Of course, not every representative of the fair sex can become a female leader. This requires strength, a certain character, determination, and many other qualities that are necessary to win in the cruel world of business. Some people get these qualities from nature, others have to cultivate them in themselves, and others don’t need them at all, because... The goal of such women is family, home, relatives and friends. Every woman has a choice.
The good thing about having your own business is that everything in it depends only on the woman herself, but it also involves constant tension and fear, responsibility and duty.
Nevertheless, the feeling of independence pays for all expenses - both material and moral.
It is important for a woman to feel her importance in this world, and this is much more important than the money she receives for her daily work in the world of men.


1. Hennig M., Jardin A. Lady boss. -M.: Delo, 2001.
2. Vitkin J. The truth about women (14 myths composed by men). - St. Petersburg: Peter Press, 1996.
3. Chidori S.M. Management psychology: from the individual to the team. - Petrozavodsk, "Folium", 1996
4. Belyadsky N.P. intelligent management technology: Tutorial/ N.P. Belyatsky.-Minsk: New knowledge.-2001-320p.
5. Korobeinikov A. Life and career // Problem. theory and practice exercise.-2001.- No. 6.-P.77-81
6. Ushakov A. Fate must be chosen, not tested // Personnel Management.-2000.- No. 5.-P.49-52
7. Shwalbe B, Shwalbe H. Personality, career, success: Trans. with him. -M.: A / O Publishing Group "Progress", 1993. P.201-208
8. Ivantsevich D.M., Lobanov A.A. Human resources management.-M.: Delo, 1993, ch. 10
9. Olga Borovik magazine “What a Woman Wants” 2010 - No. 11-C. 16
10. Natalya Moskolionova “Business and Woman” magazine “Cosmopolitan”, 2009 - No. 5 - P.57
Magazine "HR Manager" in electronic form.

When writing this abstract qualifying work Master's degree Not yet completed. Date of final completion of the work: December 1, 2011. The full text of the work and materials on the topic of the work can be obtained from the author or supervisor after the specified date

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1. Woman leader, pros and cons



In my work I would like to analyze some styles of female leadership. In my opinion, this work is of particular relevance at this stage, since now Special attention began to focus on the most effective interaction a leader with his subordinates and especially a female leader.

Currently, many countries are characterized by a tendency towards the advancement of women in almost all spheres of human activity. However, such a phenomenon as the use female labor in management, actually remains for Russian conditions still unusual and new. IN developed countries Women have long had the same rights as men. Due to this equality, to her constant role as keeper of the hearth and continuer of the family, another role was added, no less important and labor-intensive - that of a working wife and mother.

In Russia, the principle of equality and equal opportunities is enshrined in paragraph 3 of Art. 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: “Men and women have equal rights and freedoms and equal opportunities for their implementation.” Unfortunately, this situation is often not supported by practice: today inequality is manifested in women’s employment, in their remuneration, and in business management individual organizations and the state as a whole.

The areas of application of women's activity have historically been very limited; centuries of experience in managing household affairs have strengthened the understanding of the “woman manager” only at the level of the family economy. Therefore, until recently, the problems of female leadership did not attract due attention from science - management, social psychology, sociology, etc. For example, in the field of personnel management, research has traditionally focused on the male leader. This was considered a kind of standard, since it was men who dominated among leaders at all times, as in public service, and in business.

In recent decades, the impact of gender differences on labor activity and career, especially the behavior of women in organizations, has become the object of special research. Labor problems of women, including managers, are periodically covered in the works of Russian and foreign scientists.

This area of ​​research is so vast and diverse that some theoretical and practical issues have not yet received sufficient coverage. Most of all I would like to understand: is it true that business is a man’s world and a woman who enters it in the first roles must necessarily sacrifice something important? Can she be a good wife, housewife, mother and leader at the same time? Is the family preserved if the traditional roles of husband and wife begin to change, if the working day lasts too long and there is no time left for personal things? Will modern women be able to bear on their shoulders all the hardships of managing an organization? Should a woman imitate a man in solving personnel management issues? Does the female management style have its own characteristics? What prevents a woman from realizing her potential in the field of leadership and management? What is the portrait of a woman leader in the 21st century? All these questions are relevant for our country today, since many of them remain unanswered in terms of their theoretical and practical elaboration.

Becoming market economy can be successful if the reserves contained in the labor potential of workers and, in particular, female managers are fully activated. And the deep socio-economic transformations that are taking place in Russia make necessary analysis mechanisms of formation and development labor potential female managers in the management system based on identifying and taking into account new factors that determine its condition and prospects for use.

Today, a woman can increasingly choose the family, professional or professional orientation that most appeals to her. social activities. However, all this still does not eliminate the difficult-to-solve women's problems inherited from the past. Therefore, this work is an attempt to identify and solve several of them. And studies of women’s business activity in the field of management in social and economic systems should and will advance as more and more educated women modern type thinking will enter the Russian labor market.

The study of the personality of a female leader constitutes the relevance of this study; they prompted me to study a very significant problem in society, as a woman in the role of a guiding and leading force. What are the pros and cons?

1. A woman is a leader, pros and cons

In the modern period, society is beginning to rethink many stereotypes that have been formed over centuries, in particular the idea that a woman’s purpose is “Kinder, Küche, Kleider, Kirche” (children, kitchen, clothes and church). In many ways, the traditional understanding of the role of women in society was facilitated by the biblical story, rooted in European tradition, about the origin of a woman from a man’s rib. However, the Hebrew word “zl” means not only “rib”, but also “edge”. In relation to a woman created from a rib, this can be interpreted as a kind of complementarity - in a woman there is everything that is in a man, but, Besides this, there is something else that a man has already lost, a certain edge that is no longer accessible to a man.

Patriarchal understanding is gradually moving away from generally accepted stereotypes. Women today occupy the post of president (of Argentina, for example), and minister (of defense in Spain, for example, of foreign affairs in Israel), and quietly rule countries with the title of queens (in England, Jordan).

In order for a person to become a good leader, he, regardless of gender, must have special qualities. Strong character, personal responsibility for results, business sense, high ability to work, activity, ability to inspire and lead a team - all that is called the makings of a leader. In the modern world, these properties are inherent in both men and women, although they do not fit into the traditional stereotype of a woman as a housewife, a keeper of the hearth.

However, there are differences between male and female leadership styles. In managing a team, a woman leader less often resorts to authoritarian methods, uses persuasion instead of direct coercion, and strives to motivate rather than force staff to complete assigned tasks. During negotiations, a woman looks for compromise options, tries not to resort to unreasonable decisions that go against the opinions of others, and adheres to balanced, thoughtful decisions with justified risks. Women find it easier to build and fine-tune routine processes, they pay more attention to detail, and even after several years of working in one place, they never tire of improving what they love.

A female leader senses the situation more subtly, knows how to take a step back in time, and does not enter into an open conflict that could harm the business. While it is difficult for a man in the heat of struggle to objectively assess the situation in a timely manner. In a team, a female leader is always more open with her subordinates and does not strive to keep her distance in order to give herself weight. She may be interested not only in the work successes of her subordinates, but also in their personal lives and family problems. This establishes more trusting relationships in the team, which has a beneficial effect on work results. Since every woman has a maternal instinct, she treats ordinary workers with warmth and attention.

Men prefer to act based on the future and future results. If any failure occurs during the work process, it is difficult for them to immediately find the right way out of the situation. A woman leader always follows real events, gradually, step by step, charting the right direction, avoiding pitfalls in time. This gives its positive results.

Psychologists' studies have shown that female leaders differ from male leaders in the following personality characteristics: more stable interests, strong will, ability to follow the norms of the team. Women are more able to adapt to circumstances and regulate their condition, they can resist fatigue when working with people and withstand emotional stress, despite the presence of their own unresolved emotional problems. One can note a greater orientation of women towards dominant and authoritarian behavior, persistence and severity. Women have a heightened sense of duty, are more obligatory, observe moral standards and rules, are demanding of themselves, dogmatic, conservative, and are in a state of constant psychological defense.
Sociological studies reveal that, unlike male managers who try to build any structure in the form of a vertical power pyramid, women prefer more subtle management tools based on attention to the individual. Women govern using instruments of influence based on horizontal connections (persuasion and motivation), while men manage using instruments of power (coercion and hierarchy). That is why boys constantly compete, and girls negotiate, try to solve the problem, motivating the performers on a personal level.

So, the positive qualities of women leaders are as follows:

Women managers are more attentive, diligent and responsible in their routine work. They often notice little things and nuances that men consider a waste of time.

Women's leadership style, as a rule, is democratic. They are more often willing to listen and hear others. Sometimes this happens only to find confirmation of your own intuition, sometimes to replenish your “baggage” with new knowledge. In any case, this is usually perceived as attention and respect for the opinions of others.

Women are more likely to be sympathetic to the needs and concerns of employees. It’s easier to ask them for a day off or to leave early by telling a heart-warming story about children, illnesses and emotional distress.

Women leaders are more willing to share information.

With women, problems such as unjustified absenteeism and heavy drinking practically do not arise. They are more punctual. As a rule, they try to complete all assigned tasks on time.

Women managers are willing to work for much less “remuneration” than men.

There are, of course, “cons” of female leadership, but they are a continuation of the “pros” and, in general, are insignificant...

A woman's strength does not lie in imitating a man's leadership style. A woman can and should win due to her ability to communicate, due to good communication skills, due to well-developed intuition.

When talking about the effectiveness of a female leader, it is worth, first of all, turning to the opinions of authoritative scientists and the results of research on this topic, since in this area there is a huge amount of speculation and attempts to pass off wishful thinking.

This is what a recognized authority in the field of management psychology, Professor R. L. Krichevsky, points out in his book: “According to literary data (Hollander, 1983), in certain types of activities that require, in particular, significant speech activity from the people participating in them, women in the presence of men they behave rather timidly.<…>Another researcher, E. Eriz, found that when solving discussion problems in mixed groups, men initiated 66% of all communicative acts in the group.”

From the point of view of Professor A. N. Zankovsky, a leading Russian scientist in the field of organizational psychology, “there are few reliably established differences [between men and women]: men are superior to women in visual-spatial and mathematical abilities, women hold the lead in verbal abilities.<…>At the same time, psychological studies have shown that a woman is more prone to conformity in relation to authority, and a man is more aggressive and prone to greater expectations of success.”

In modern research, management no longer uses the concepts of “woman” and “man”, but talks more about gender differences. At the same time, as Zankovsky A.?N. writes, “women engaged primarily in “male” professions reveal a more masculine type - a thinking style and character traits.” A kind of “selection” for leadership takes place, in which only masculine women become effective.

The reasoning of A. N. Zankovsky is interesting. on the impact of marital status on manager productivity. “Many studies indicate that family workers are characterized by less absenteeism, i.e. change jobs less often and are more satisfied with their work. Marital status imposes great responsibility on the individual.”

So, if you want to figure out who will be a more effective leader, don't look at the hair, makeup, and skirt. Think about who is more effective in their position. Who is easier and more interesting to work with? Who bureaucratizes the environment less, who forces you to fill out empty pieces of paper less, and who doesn’t make meaningless demands on you. Who sees further and who is rooting for the Cause, who understands what a “Man of Science” means. This will much more accurately determine the leader for a successful organization.

2. Features of female leadership style

First, you need to decide how psychologically and, accordingly, emotionally, women differ from men? What exactly are their characteristics as leaders? As you know, the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for abstract thinking and orientation in space, processes the information received in blocks: it combines facts and forms a concept, and from a number of concepts it forms a single whole - this is a masculine approach to business. The left hemisphere, which women are focused on, processes incoming information logically, step by step. It houses the centers of speech activity, reading, memory, and logical thinking.

“The psychology of a business woman was studied in most detail by American doctors Margaret Henning and Anne Jardin. A woman leader must constantly prove to herself and others that she is doing her job. Approximately 1/3 of all nervous disorders in businesswomen occur from a clash between the roles of a boss at work and a performer at home,” explains business coach Galina Sorokoumova. In her desire to become a leader, a woman, as a rule, gives up building a family for a while, gaining independence and stability. She has a more subtle social intelligence and is sensitive to the nuances of relationships, including attitudes towards herself. Most experts believe that a female leader is more practical, energetic, proactive, sociable and demanding, but is inferior to a man in emotional restraint and making quick decisions.

Based on research by Margaret Henning and Anne Jardin about the thinking patterns of businesswomen and women in leadership positions, some conclusions can be drawn. Psychologist and business consultant Elena Grigorieva says: “Women share key concepts: work for them is carried out “here and now”, and a career is an exclusively personal goal. Men, on the other hand, relate the work they do only to their ideas about their career.” Also, female leaders differentiate between personal and professional problems, in case of conflict, choosing one way or another. Men, on the other hand, view their career as important component own life. Managers of different genders understand risk differently: for men it means loss or profit, while women evaluate it negatively - for them it means loss, danger. Ladies generally take everything very seriously, reacting especially painfully to criticism and personal insults. Most men do not care about building good relationships with colleagues: for them, the main thing is the profit and prosperity of the company. Women, on the other hand, care about maintaining good relationships, and in most cases this is an end in itself: they cannot work with people who are unpleasant to them or with whom they have a conflict.

Motivation professional activity Women leaders also have their own characteristics. Most significant factors are material with a psychological connotation (they like to be independent in financially), moral and ethical (thanks to work they feel the right people) and compensatory (at work they do not feel lonely, they forget about home and personal troubles). “In surveys conducted by Americans, women noted that work allows them to show creativity, initiative, and evokes respect from others,” confirms Elena Grigorieva. “Female advantages include, first of all, the ability to move away from established stereotypes and look at the problem from a new angle, using all the information collected in advance,” adds Galina Sorokoumova.

A group of Western European scientists collected data in more than ten countries, according to which the majority of men admit that when they take the place of a boss, women are less likely to “break down”, it is easier to resolve any issues with them, they are not so dependent on their mood and take better care of their subordinates. Women leaders are superior to men in motivation to achieve and desire to lead. Their penchant for educational behavior allows them to activate the potential of those employees who, at first glance, may not be valuable to the company. In general, men are more effective in solving problems at the lower level of management, which require technical abilities, and women are more useful in establishing interpersonal relationships, in education, business, social and government service, at the middle level of management, where it is necessary to establish interpersonal communications.

Male managers perceive their work as a series of affairs or transactions with subordinates, with rewards for services rendered or punishment for poor quality work. At the same time, they more often use the power that their position gives them. Women managers lead in such a way that subordinates transform their interests in accordance with the interests of the group, setting broader goals for themselves. Women associate their power with personal qualities - charm, the ability to communicate and work intensively, and not with the position they hold. They unite employees, know how to inspire them, demonstrating admiration for even the most insignificant successes, and in addition, they are ready for non-standard decisions, personnel changes and changing management methods in critical situations.

Women, when managing people, try to convince them that the goal is close and interesting, and motivate them to achieve it. But the desire to give great attention communication, building friendships can play a cruel joke - it’s easy to get confused in diverse feelings and emotions. That is why it is important to be able to keep a distance between yourself and your subordinates.

A woman should learn to live in business - not “here and now,” but to have an overview of the situation - to be able to see two steps ahead. Building relationships with male subordinates is sometimes difficult due to the fact that they are accustomed to the boss-subordinate hierarchy, while women strive to manage in a system of partnership interaction. Men consider this a weakness and easily get out of control, so you should learn to put aside personal attachments and act strictly according to regulations, without trying to build friendly relationships with colleagues - this will be harmful.

Often in a team where a woman manages women, intrigue and trickery begin. If subordinates, instead of working, discuss each other and make plans for survival, and are divided into groups, it means that they are not loaded enough with work. There is only one piece of advice to the manager: clearly control the work process, master the skill of time management. In order for the project to be completed on time, it is necessary to set control points and at certain points monitor the work of each employee. Or ask them to write daily/weekly reports on their work. “A woman cannot manage efficiently while in a hierarchical system - this must be learned from psychologists, coaches and business trainers. But the role of a woman leader will definitely grow every year, since the structure of business is now changing, and more and more often subordinates are managed not with the help of power, but with motivational tools,” comments Galina Sorokoumova.

Women are focused on stability, and the nature of business requires an appetite for risk, innovation, and the ability to make decisions quickly, and this is already the prerogative of men. There are two ways out: either develop these qualities in yourself, or look for a company where it is important to build and maintain the stability of the system.

Olga Molina, HR Director of AstraZeneca Russia, notes: “Professionally, in leadership positions, I have never felt any special treatment to yourself as a woman leader. Either I was lucky with companies and colleagues, or I try to behave in such a way that I am perceived first of all as a professional, and only then as a woman. It’s much harder for me to step out of the role of a female leader outside of work, where I try not to burden anyone with my status, but anything can happen. Here, a walk in the evening or playing sports helps me.”

As already noted, male subordinates are comfortable working in a hierarchically structured pyramid. A woman in such a team must be able to defend her territory, defend her right to lead and express her own point of view. The best position in such a situation is “adult - adult”, when the game is equal. At the same time, a woman can use her characteristic qualities in negotiations and communication: natural femininity, a sense of style, tact, and intuition. But everything should be within limits. If a woman leader with her subordinates builds a “child-parent” system (constantly asks men for advice, shows feigned weakness), or a “parent-child” system (leaches, constantly says that she is in charge here, and all subordinate men are lower, less professional, smart, and so on), definitely nothing good will come of it.

It is believed that a female leader has a masculine mentality. This is nothing more than another stereotype. There is no such phenomenon in nature. Competent management requires intelligence, vitality and professional experience, intuition, logic, leadership qualities, the ability to manage people, and all these qualities are inherent in both men and women. Any leader must learn to say “no” and make unpopular decisions: about reducing wages, dismissal/reduction of personnel, etc.

Psychologists believe that from a male leader, subordinates expect solutions to issues, and then understanding, and from a female leader, first understanding, and then solutions. That's why you need to be tolerant, but fair. If your subordinates are mostly male, use all the good things that nature has given you, but be firm in your position. When managing men, you should not use emotional methods; be calm in any situation. A woman leader can be sociable, attentive, and correct, but do not allow this softness to be taken advantage of: subordinates must understand that you will ask them for results exactly on time.

3. “Hen” or “Predator”, solutions

Today, women are increasingly being appointed to leadership positions, however, such appointments are always a topic for discussion. The exception is, perhaps, only traditionally “female” industries, where there are very few or no men at all: kindergartens, pharmacies, libraries, travel agencies, fabric stores, books, cosmetics, etc. Since this material is devoted to management issues, and not to the clarification of relations between the sexes, we will look at the specific problems that an aspiring female leader faces.

Psychologists conducted a study in which two types of novice female leaders were identified depending on their attitude to power - “mother hen” and “predator”. Of course, such a typology is very conditional: in life everything is more diverse. At the same time, the tasks facing novice managers of each of these types are different. So let's look at them in more detail.


Just as it is not common for a mother hen to strive for power in the hen coop (there is a rooster for that), so a woman leader of this type does not need power for the sake of power. Power is not an end in itself for her. She receives the news of her appointment with alarm and sometimes with tears. Senior management has to persuade a woman to take the position, convince her that she, like no one else, is capable of uniting the team and doing quality work. This behavior of a mother hen does not contain even an ounce of hypocrisy, since women of this type prefer to develop diversified in the professional field, hone their skills, but only by significantly ahead of their colleagues are they ready to rise one step higher.

Women who are “mother hens” are, as a rule, loved by their colleagues: they are valued in the team and people turn to them for help and advice. As they say, they have well-established horizontal connections. This is partly due to the lack of power traits in character, as well as delicacy and the ability to find a common language with everyone. A mother hen leader has to deal with at least three important tasks.

Task No. 1: help build chain of command so as not to spoil relationships

The woman worked for a long time with her colleagues as equals, but then she was appointed manager. She often hears from employees: “You understand everything yourself, you recently worked with us, why do this?” Fellow employees perceive the changes negatively; if something offends them, they immediately tell the manager that they are arrogant, and they often behave in a familiar manner.

How to solve it?

1. Warn the female manager that at first she will experience emotional isolation: most likely, her colleagues will no longer discuss the latest news with her, invite her to tea, they will be more restrained in their assessments, etc.

2. Set tasks and exercise control not individually, but, if possible, at planning meetings.

3. It is advisable that an external leader be present when setting tasks and monitoring at first - this will allow the friends to be more restrained.

Nonna Mordyukova, artist: “It’s amazing, where it’s strict and rich, housekeepers live forever, are deprived of their personal life, and belong completely to the owners. Where it’s poor, where they’re treated like friends, they don’t fit in, even though the pay is the same. For hire, so for hire: you are the owner, and I please you for a certain fee. Domestic workers do not respect their own and simple housewife.”

Explain to subordinates why there is a need to perform certain tasks and what explains such requirements.

4. Use the “sharing of responsibility” technique: “What would you do if you were me?”

Task No. 2: get rid of the desire to provide benefits to your colleagues and abandon trade union activities

After N. was appointed head of a group of brand managers at a pharmaceutical company, her first step was to study the situation in the team. Then she prepared documents on the need to increase the salaries of several subordinates, and to significantly increase the salary of one of the key brand managers. The need for an increase was justified by the greater promotion of the brand, and therefore, overload. A senior manager suggested agreeing on an increase in pay with the heads of other areas. Naturally, the latter expressed dissatisfaction with the salary increase for only a few employees. The offer was rejected.

How to solve it?

1. Explain that novice managers often have a desire to do “charity” at the expense of the company. The subconscious goal of such activity is to please people by satisfying the needs of the team. This is the “union effect” that managers need to understand. Awareness helps you separate the interests of the company from the desire to please everyone and make more informed decisions.

2. Explain that such behavior can lead to the “draft horse effect” - taking on overwhelming responsibilities, doing work instead of subordinates. The consequence is fatigue, stress, resentment and, as a result, degeneration into a “predator”.

S.K., head physician: “My former manager (now retired) told me that the work of a manager is similar to the work of a coach of a volleyball team. It is important that the whole team wins, and the coach’s job is to look at who to bet on in the game. You need to think through different combinations: in one case you need to orient the entire team towards one player, in another - towards another. See who is in shape and who should rest. At the same time, women must be told that they are all smart and beautiful, and the situational nature of leadership has nothing to do with abilities. A win for the whole team means a win for everyone.”

3. Introduce strict budgeting and require approval of additional expenses from senior management. Attribute unbudgeted costs to the department's budget, while making the manager's salary dependent on the profitability of the department.

Task No. 3: set tasks, demand their implementation and stop reflecting on the decisions made.

S.E., head of the department: “At first I didn’t understand that it would be much easier for everyone if I clearly stated what I wanted from my colleagues. Instead of saying: “We urgently need to prepare an agreement,” I asked: “Elena, can we prepare an agreement by Thursday?” Elena answered me irritably that we couldn’t, because there was a lot of work. I was upset, but did not insist, believing that she really had a lot of work, and pulled the burden myself. I was ashamed to distribute responsibilities, because I thought that everyone was literate people and would be able to distribute tasks among themselves. Only later, when they directly told me that I didn’t know what I wanted from my subordinates, I realized: I shouldn’t ask, but give tasks and indicate exactly what to do and in what time frame.”

How to solve it?

1. Explain that instead of questions, you need to make clear requests and tasks, be sure to stipulate the deadlines for their completion.

2. Introduce mandatory planning meetings with recording of minutes to simplify the procedure for setting tasks.

3. Under no circumstances should you throw one in the hope that it will “float out” on its own. In this situation, she needs to be supported, praised, encouraged, helped and regularly asked if there are problems or if she needs help. It is advisable to assign a friendly mentor at the first stage.

4. Introduce instructions and procedures that make it easier for a novice manager to make decisions, distribute tasks, and set tasks.


For a predatory woman, power is needed as recognition of her merits, status, qualifications, and best abilities. She perceives her appointment to a new position as a logical step, once again proving the correctness of her principles and actions. When you tell her about her new status, you will hardly feel fear or shyness, rather you will see a sparkle in her eyes. If you feel like the new position is all she's cracked up to be, try to take off the rose-colored glasses. This is just a step on the path to real success. That's why she's a predator.

A predatory woman is in most cases a careerist. This does not mean that she is not a professional in her field. On the contrary, she is well versed in the specific problems or issues that plague senior management. Such a woman demonstrates success and knows how to competently present it as a personal merit. True, her professionalism is specific: it is a means of achieving her cherished goal - recognition and success.

In a team, a predator is usually respected for her determination, willingness to take on new projects and tasks, and ability to take responsibility. At the same time, colleagues often dislike her (sometimes even fear her) for her excessive persistence, desire to exert pressure, harshness of judgment and desire to achieve results by any means.

Task No. 1: do not become an attacker and overcome the desire to “level” and “build.”

I.A., director of the legal center: “The person has changed in a few weeks. The “star” saw insects in his subordinates. She “built” everyone and considered them her students. Cerberus system: it feels like you're in junior high. The entire team was in a fever of tyranny and arrogance. They tried to explain to her, put pressure on her. Nothing changed, she just “tightened the screws.” I had to translate."

How to solve it?

1. Before the appointment, carry out explanatory work about the fact that some women who have received an appointment often have a desire to assert themselves at the expense of their colleagues. The “star effect” can manifest itself in the desire to add your “favorite” points to ready-made technical specifications and instructions and demand their implementation. At the same time, the “predator” quite sincerely believes that in this way she will achieve increased efficiency and improve the result. Naturally, this causes deep dissatisfaction. In some cases, such behavior can cause a serious conflict, especially if a woman is prone to “star fever.”

2. At the initial stages, be present when setting tasks and exercising control. Monitor compliance with feedback procedures.

3. Appoint a man as a deputy - according to experts, this smooths out the situation.

A.O., assistant manager: “We had such a star-studded situation in our department. The presence of a deputy head of the department, a man who, due to the specifics of the department’s work, often oversaw the execution of orders and communicated with employees, had a positive influence on the head of the department.” leader woman professional

4. Be sure to note the employee’s status.

5. Do not under any circumstances say that the team is hostile towards the manager before the appointment - this can form a negative attitude in the female manager. If you want to warn a future manager, it’s better to say: “There are some production problems that are bothering the team, and you need to help your colleagues solve them.”

6. Explain that the desire to “level up” everyone can result in a “group-thinking effect”, when, for the sake of the desire to maintain good relationships in the team and avoid conflict, subordinates will support any decisions of the manager and will not express constructive criticism.

Task No. 2: refuse to set the bar too high.

E.A., head of the sales service: “When I was just appointed manager, there was such excitement - I wanted to show myself. And I picked up a lot of tasks that other managers refused. As a result, the team hated me, because everyone was forced to work at night. Fellow executives retaliated mercilessly for gains, and senior management increased the plan. After a few months, I began to seriously think about quitting because I couldn’t cope. A severe blow to self-esteem. And only thanks to the support of my mentor I stayed... It was a good lesson for the future.”

How to solve it?

1. Explain that most motivated people can overcome difficulties, but not all. There is no need to expect similar zeal from others. It is necessary to take for granted that not all subordinates support grandiose plans (sabotage may begin when carrying out instructions from the manager, or complaints about senseless overloads may begin to higher management). Therefore, it is important to evaluate the capabilities of the entire team not by their own strengths, but by average performance indicators.

2. Control the number of tasks and projects taken on for a department/division, taking into account that such a manager, for the purpose of self-affirmation, can raise the bar of requirements, increase the load on subordinates (or entrust them with their work) in order to achieve results and meet expectations.

3. Regularly conduct performance appraisals, during which employees are given the opportunity to speak out. Introduce a rating system that takes into account the position of a “star” (that is, a “super specialist” who is significantly ahead of the company’s requirements), demonstrate that excessive “stardom” can lead to loss of work (it is better for a super specialist to look for another job).

4. Introduce a system for training successors.

O.S., telecommunications company: “It often happens that a female manager is afraid that her place will be taken by a more energetic colleague or one who is liked by management. Therefore, it is very important for her that her rear is protected. She lines up a long bench of “reserves” - completely loyal employees who look into her mouth and do everything she says. The saddest thing is that she belittles the merits of other, less loyal subordinates. To avoid this, we introduced a system of “raising successors.” But since no one wants to train a replacement for themselves, we ensured that successors did not take the place of the immediate manager, but were sent to another department. A kind of team game began between departments: “Look, what about ours, who went into IT!” The best!" Naturally, mentoring is associated with financial incentives, that is, being a good mentor, among other things, is beneficial.”

5. Provide the “predator” with the opportunity to gain recognition through public presentations of results, increase the workload rather than authority, and entrust the implementation of new projects. Regularly praise and celebrate true achievements.

The examples described above are, rather, extremes; in life, we almost always encounter women leaders of a mixed type. As they develop management skills and gain leadership experience, these types improve, getting rid of their negative aspects. And relief from “growing pains” occurs faster if the company has well-organized business processes.


The study of the personality of an employee in an organization, in particular the role of a female leader, the analysis of the influence of a leader on the socio-psychological structure and development of the team is one of the most important factors in matters of increasing the efficiency of the team.

The manager must take care of the advancement of employees of any gender. And in some cases (depending on working conditions, nature of work, etc.) preference may be given to a woman as a manager, because she feels relationships in the team more deeply, intuitively evaluates the behavior of other people, and reacts more sensitively to the nuances of relationships between people and in relation to herself.

When nominating a woman to a managerial position, it is very important to recognize her equal rights, the equality of her opportunities and abilities in managing a team. In such cases, in order to maintain parity of the most valuable qualities of male and female leaders, it is recommended to appoint a man as a deputy or assistant.

When a woman chooses a leadership position, one should take into account the psychological nature of women to take care of the home. Attention on two fronts makes the leadership profession more difficult for women. It is much more difficult for a woman manager than for an ordinary housewife due to the unsettled life. In the development of a woman leader, much depends on how her husband and immediate family circle relate and understand this profession.

There are many known cases when business career women ended due to family conflicts. But many women with difficult family lives did not change their profession. The primary factor that creates conditions for the effective work of women leaders is a strong and reliable family and support from relatives.

An obstacle to women's leadership is the denial among men of the need to promote women to leadership positions. Some believe that a woman can be a leader, but within a limited space, in traditional women's positions, under the supervision of a man, etc. In this regard, in practice, a hierarchy of women's leadership positions has developed.

Still in Russian economy a male leader means being a continuation of centuries-old traditions and established psychology, while a female leader is a kind of challenge. The promotion of women to leadership positions does not have a sustainable organizational character. Men and women should have equal opportunities in building a system for training and promoting personnel.

Being a leader in Russia is a double responsibility. Unfortunately, the culture of relations between boss and subordinate here, to put it mildly, differs from the Western model. Every woman strives to choose what she likes. And everyone must decide for themselves the question of whether or not to be a leader.

If a woman leader can combine the qualities of a true leader (strong character, professionalism, initiative, ability to take risks) with traditionally feminine values, such as sensitivity, humanity, flexibility, cunning, practicality, etc., then she can become an ideal leader.

Science has not sufficiently studied the problem of studying the factors that create the conditions for the promotion of a woman to the post of leader. As a rule, only the production side is taken into account, and, unfortunately, there are few sociological studies devoted to the influence of the family on production.

Another obstacle to promoting a woman to the post of leader is the persistent belief of men that a woman should take more care of the house and children. Another point of view is not entirely correct: that a woman can only be a leader in traditionally female positions under the supervision of a man.

The question of whether or not to be a leader must be decided by everyone himself, but at the same time, men and women should have equal opportunities through the construction of a system for training and promotion of personnel.

List of used literature

Personnel management: textbook. manual/ed. G.I. Mikhailina.-2nd ed., additional. and processed - M.: ITK "Dashkov and K", 2007;

Zavgorodny N. The flip side of a rapid career / N. Zavgorodny//Handbook of Personnel Management.-2006;

Ivanova S. Office Manager/S. Ivanova//Handbook of Personnel Management.-2006;

Samukina N. Pitfalls in the work of the personnel service / N. Samukina//Handbook of Personnel Management.-2006;

Sukale M. How not to become arrogant when becoming a leader/M. Sukale; lane with him. M. Podvigina//Handbook of Personnel Management.-2007;

Galenko V.P. How to effectively manage an organization?/V.P. Galenko, O.A. Strakhova, S.I. Faibushevich.-M.: Berator-Press, 2003;

Kafidov V.V. Personnel management: Textbook. manual for universities/V.V. Kafidov.-M.: Academic Project, 2003;

Shipunov V.G. Fundamentals of management activities: social psychology, management: textbook/V.G. Shipunov, E.N. Kishkel.-2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Higher School, 2004.

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