Category of personnel at the enterprise. Categories of personnel. Labor potential of the organization and its components

The division of personnel is necessary in order to determine wages and correctly arrange frames when determining personnel policy. What groups and categories can personnel be divided into? What documents should I use? We will talk about this in this article.

All employees, regardless of the functions they perform, act as personnel of a cultural institution. In other words, the staff is labor collective.

But despite the fact that all employees are included in the staff, each of them belongs to a certain category.

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Such a division is simply necessary and is primarily associated with the determination of wages, which is carried out within the framework of the tariff SOT.

What categories are the personnel divided into?

In modern legislation there is no clear formulation of such a concept as “categories of personnel”. However, there is a regulatory document that contains a separate section “Categories of Personnel”. This document is the “Instruction on statistics of the number and wages of workers and employees at enterprises, institutions and organizations.”

After reading the contents of Section No. 5, you can determine that the concept of “Personnel Categories” includes groups of workers who are united among themselves depending on the job functions they perform.

All employees of an organization are usually divided into two groups - employees and workers. Let's look at each of them in more detail. The first group combines several categories:

  1. Managers;
  2. Specialists;
  3. Other workers who are classified as employees

The first category includes employees holding positions of heads of institutions and managers structural divisions, as well as their deputies. Their main function is management. In addition, all these employees have other employees subordinate to them.

  • secretary;
  • clerk;
  • courier and others.

In other words, these workers are called support personnel - VP.

The role of specialists is performed by persons participating in the management of the organization and engaged in various types of work, where the main share is allocated to intellectual work. This includes engineering and technical service employees, economic department and others.

Specialists are divided into two groups:

  • administrative and management personnel (AUP) – specialists performing management functions. The result of their activities is information, which is almost impossible to do without in management. These include assistants, accountants, marketers, analysts and others;
  • engineering and technical workers (E&T) - whose activities are aimed at obtaining design, technological or design information in the field of technology and production techniques. These are engineers, technologists, designers and others.

The second group - workers, includes workers whose activities are directly related to the creation of material assets, carrying out repair work, providing various types of services:

  • transport;
  • material and others.

Dividing personnel into categories is a very important point. It allows you to calculate wages for employees of an institution. Thanks to this division, it is much easier to carry out the placement of personnel in the case of determining personnel policy.

What documents to use when dividing personnel into categories and groups

Law No. 90-FZ introduced changes regarding professional qualification groups. These include groups of workers and employee positions, the formation of which takes into account the field of activity, as well as all the requirements necessary for the implementation of a particular professional activity.

If we talk about requirements, they usually relate to vocational training and skill level.

The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation has issued several orders approving professional qualification groups and criteria for classifying professions and positions into qualification professional groups

According to these documents, all positions and professions are conditionally divided into several qualification groups:

  • professions of workers and positions of employees that do not require vocational education;
  • professions of workers and positions of employees requiring primary or secondary vocational education, as well as heads of structural units that require initial vocational education;
  • positions of employees requiring higher professional education with the qualification “bachelor”, and positions of heads of structural divisions requiring secondary vocational education;
  • employee positions requiring higher professional education with the qualification “certified specialist” or qualification “master”, as well as heads of structural units with a higher education.

Regulatory documents defining categories of personnel can be combined into two groups - industry-wide and sociocultural.

The second includes documents that relate specifically to the cultural sphere.

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In reporting on the labor of enterprises and organizations of individual sectors of the sphere of material production (industry, construction, transport, state farms and some other production sectors), the number of workers is divided into two groups: workers and employees. From the group of employees, the following categories are distinguished: managers, specialists and other employees classified as employees.

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By Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 1994 N 367, the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Professions, Employee Positions and Tariff Grades OK 016-94 was put into effect on January 1, 1996.

When distributing employees according to personnel categories in statistical reporting for labor, one should be guided by the All-Union Classifier of Worker Professions, Employee Positions and Tariff Classes (OKPDTR), approved by the USSR State Standard 08.27.86 N 016.

OKPDTR consists of two sections:

classifier of workers' professions;

classifier of employee positions, which contains positions of managers, specialists and employees.

33. Workers include persons directly involved in the process of creating wealth, as well as those engaged in repairs, moving goods, transporting passengers, providing material services, etc. In OKPDTR, the professions of workers are listed in section 1.

Workers, in particular, include persons employed:

33.1. management, regulation and monitoring of the operation of machines, automatic lines, automatic devices, as well as directly controlling or servicing machines, mechanisms, units and installations, if the labor of these workers is paid according to tariff rates or monthly salaries of workers;

33.2. production of material assets by hand, as well as with the help of simple mechanisms, devices, tools;

33.3. construction and repair of buildings, structures, installation and repair of equipment, repair Vehicle;

33.4. moving, loading or unloading raw materials, materials, finished products;

33.5. at work on receiving, storing and sending goods in warehouses, bases, storerooms and other storage facilities;

33.6. care of machines, equipment, maintenance of production and non-production premises;

33.7. sinking of surface and underground mine workings, drilling, testing, sampling and development of wells, geological surveying, prospecting and other types of geological exploration work, if their labor is paid at tariff rates or monthly salaries of workers;

33.8. machinists, drivers, stokers, switch post attendants, track and artificial structure linemen, loaders, conductors, workers repairing and maintaining transport lines, communication lines, repairing and maintaining equipment and vehicles, tractor drivers, mechanics, crop and livestock workers ;

33.9. postmen, telephone operators, telegraph operators, radio operators, telecom operators;

33.10. operators of computers and electronic computers;

33.11. janitors, cleaners, couriers, cloakroom attendants, watchmen.

34. Managers include employees holding positions of heads of enterprises and their structural divisions. The position in OKPDTR, which has a category code of 1, refers to managers.

Leaders, in particular, include:

directors ( general directors), chiefs, managers, managers, chairmen, commanders, commissars, foremen, work performers at enterprises, structural units and divisions;

main specialists: Chief Accountant, chief dispatcher, Chief Engineer, chief mechanical engineer, chief metallurgist, chief welder, chief agronomist, chief geologist, chief electrician, chief economist, chief researcher, editor-in-chief;

One of the key tasks of employees of almost all organizations without exception is to directly provide economic benefits to the enterprise - and production personnel– these are precisely those employees who directly influence the generation of business income. However, this definition is incomplete - in particular, in the question of who belongs to production personnel and what professions belong to them, economic theory and legislation do not provide clear answers.

Production personnel - what is it?

When considering the question of what it is - production personnel, first of all it is necessary to understand the key principles of creating a personnel structure at the enterprise. Despite the fact that each organization may have its own, separate specific personnel structure, general principles her creations are the same . In most cases, workers can be divided into two key groups:

  • . This category of workers includes all managers - both individual departments, and senior management of the enterprise, as well as employees who do not influence the actual formation of the organization’s income, but are of great importance for the functioning of the organization. For example, administrative personnel may include employees of the accounting department or human resources department.
  • Production personnel– this is a general category that includes, first of all, all specialists and workers who are actual performers, whose activities provide the organization with its income or the performance of its main functions. However, in most cases, production personnel also include lower-level service workers.

It should be noted that in economic theory there may be other principles by which the division of workers is carried out. In particular, a separate division may be envisaged for administrative, production and service personnel. In addition, a deeper structure of division of workers may also imply the presence of support or administrative and technical personnel.

Directly by the provisions of the current labor legislation There is no provision for dividing employees into production or administrative personnel. However, employers and employees can partially rely on the standards of uniform qualification reference books– for working professions and employees. Which, in turn, divide the various positions of workers.

Accordingly, the direct division of employees into different kinds personnel is optional. However, it is advisable because it allows the employer to more effectively evaluate the use labor resources and their actual ratio. At the same time, the quality of work of production personnel and their effectiveness can be assessed relatively easily. The employer can draw up the legal basis for this division himself, fixing the assignment of certain positions to the category of production personnel of the enterprise by drawing up the relevant local regulations of the organization.

Who belongs to the production personnel of the enterprise

Both many job seekers and employers are interested in what production personnel are and what professions they are. Since this concept does not provide for a clear legislative division, views on this issue may differ in different currents of economic theory. However, the most common division of production personnel is made as follows:

As can be understood from the above list, production personnel do not necessarily have to participate in the production process. However, practical participation in it or simply directly bringing profit to the enterprise with one’s labor and not belonging to management employees can clearly indicate that the employee belongs specifically to the production category of workers.

Tasks of the organization's production personnel

Clearly defining the tasks of an organization’s production personnel is a rather complex but necessary process for every employer. Given the wide number of possible professions that fall into this category of employees, it is quite difficult to determine the specific tasks and functions of production personnel. Thus, the only common task will be the direct execution of decisions of senior management and the conduct of work activities in accordance with the rules of internal labor regulations organizations or other local regulations regulating labor activity.

Examples of specific tasks of production personnel include:

  • Serving clients and providing them with services. At the same time, production personnel can take part in various stages of communication with clients, however, the main difference in this area is the direct execution of tasks, and not the solution of a full range of issues related to finding clients, developing an approach to consumers, in contrast to.
  • Production. Direct participation in production process, at any practical stage, is often the main task of the workers who represent a large part of the manufacturing class.
  • Service to the organization. Performing your tasks within employment contract or other documentation in order to ensure efficient work organization may be the main function of production personnel.

In most cases, production personnel are required to have the same personal qualities as performers. That is, high learning ability, stress resistance, productivity. Motivation, creativity and the desire for development, development and implementation of innovations are not necessary for workers in this category, while such skills can be decisive for administrative and managerial personnel.

Other features of the activities of production personnel

Employers should take into account certain features when regulating the activities of production personnel, since they have quite significant differences from administrative and managerial personnel in many aspects of work. In particular, employers need to carefully familiarize themselves with the following features of the work of production personnel:

All processes associated with economic activities are carried out by the workforce, which constitutes the personnel of the enterprise.

Enterprise personnel include all employees who have the appropriate professions and qualifications to perform processes economic activity, and are included in the payroll ( staff) enterprises. Depending on the functions performed, the employees of the enterprise are divided into categories. Categories of personnel are established by the current State Classification of Occupations DK-003-95 (Fig. 8.1), according to which personnel are divided into:




Technical employees;


Skilled workers with tools;

Operators and assemblers of equipment and machinery;

Workers of the simplest professions;

Workers in the sphere of trade and consumer services;

Skilled workers in agriculture, forestry, fish farming and fishing.

The category of managers covers a wide range of professions that provide a variety of functions related to the management and management of an enterprise and its divisions. Conventionally, within an industrial enterprise, several levels of workers in this category can be distinguished.

The first level is the general director and his deputies, chief accountant, chief engineer.

The second level - directors or heads of production, branches, deputy chief engineers, chief accountants, heads of departments (commercial, economic planning, personnel, etc.), chief specialists.

The third level is the heads of workshops, departments, bureaus, laboratories, and deputy chief specialists.

The qualification level of managers is higher education (specialist, master), scientific degree (candidate, doctor of science).

The category of professionals includes workers whose professional tasks are to increase the existing volume of knowledge: the development of new scientific and applied concepts of theories, methods, the development of new projects, methods, technologies, software products etc. Such employees include leading specialists of the main engineering, financial, economic, commercial and other divisions of enterprises who carry out independent projects and at the same time can manage a certain group of specialists. They must also have qualifications corresponding to the level higher education(specialist, master) and preferably scientific degrees: candidate, doctor of science.

The category of specialists includes workers who perform work related to the use of well-known theories, methods, techniques, standards, and computer software packages. The classification of this category of personnel corresponds to the level of incomplete, basic or complete higher education (junior specialist, bachelor, specialist).

The category of technical employees includes workers who perform work that supports the activities of managers, professionals, specialists and involves simple performance technical functions. These are computer and other office equipment operators, workers who record information, etc. The professions of this category of personnel require complete general secondary and vocational education.

The category of workers requires not only certain knowledge, but also skills in performing work related to the profession. The qualifications of such workers can be assessed by assigning them qualification category(from first to sixth). This category of workers covers a large number of a variety of professions from the simplest to the very complex. That's why professional level workers can rely on a wide range of educational levels from incomplete secondary education to complete higher education.

At industrial enterprises, personnel are divided into two groups: staff industrial production division(main activity) and non-production department personnel on the balance sheet of an industrial enterprise (non-core activity).

To industrial production personnel include workers, managers, professionals, specialists, technical employees who perform functions related to production activities enterprises.

Non-core personnel industrial enterprises consists of workers engaged in servicing residential and public utilities, medical institutions, pre-school education institutions, culture, etc.

Workers engaged in production activities are divided into main production And auxiliary.

Main consider those who are directly involved in the production of main products, and auxiliary- those that serve the main production.

Depending on the character labor activity Personnel at the enterprise are divided according to professions, specialties And skill level.

Under profession understand special kind work activity, which requires certain theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Under specialty understand the type of activity within the profession that has specific characteristics and requires additional special knowledge and skills.

Workers in each profession and specialty have different skill levels. Qualification characterizes the degree to which a worker has mastered a particular profession or specialty and is reflected in qualification (tariff) categories and categories.

Qualification (tariff) categories and categories- these are at the same time indicators that characterize the degree of complexity of the work. The level of qualification is determined by ranks, which are assigned depending on theoretical and practical training.

Personnel or personnel of the enterprise- this is a set of workers of various professional and qualification groups employed at the enterprise and included in its payroll.

Structural characteristics The personnel of an enterprise is determined by the composition and quantitative ratio of individual categories and groups of employees of the enterprise.

Depending on their participation in the production process, all personnel of the enterprise are divided into two categories:

Industrial and production personnel (PPP);

Non-industrial personnel.

To non-industrial personnel include workers who are not directly related to production and its maintenance. Basically, these are workers employed in housing, utilities and subsidiary farms, health centers, dispensaries, educational institutions etc., i.e. employees of all institutions owned by the enterprise and on its balance sheet.

Personnel of the enterprise directly related to the process of production and its maintenance are industrial production personnel.

Industrial and production personnel, depending on the nature of the functions they perform, are classified into the following categories:




Workers (including junior service staff);

To the leaders include employees holding positions of managers of the enterprise and their structural divisions, as well as their deputies in the following positions: directors, chiefs, managers, heads of structural units and divisions; chief specialists (chief accountant, chief engineer, chief mechanic, chief technologist, chief economist, etc.).

Depending on the teams they lead, production managers are usually divided into linear and functional. TO linear include managers heading teams of production divisions, enterprises, associations, industries, and their deputies; To functional – managers heading teams of functional services (departments, departments), and their deputies.

According to the level occupied in common system management national economy, all managers are divided into lower, middle and senior managers. TO lower level managers It is customary to include foremen, foremen, heads of small workshops, as well as heads of departments within functional departments and services. Middle managers Directors of enterprises, general directors of various associations and their deputies, and heads of large workshops are considered. TO senior managers usually include heads of financial industrial groups, general directors of large associations, managers functional departments ministries, departments and their deputies.

To the specialists The enterprise includes employees engaged in engineering, technical, economic, accounting, legal and other similar activities, i.e. accountants, psychologists, sociologists, artists, commodity experts, technologists, etc.

To the group of "employees" include workers involved in the preparation and execution of documentation, accounting and control, business services and office work (supply agents, cashiers, controllers, clerks, accountants, draftsmen, secretaries - typists, forwarders, etc.).

Workers, in turn, are divided into main and auxiliary. TO main include workers who are directly involved in the production of products, auxiliary – workers involved in production maintenance.

Quantitative characteristics the personnel of the enterprise, first of all, is measured by such indicators as: payroll; turnout; average number workers.

Headcount employees of an enterprise is the number of employees on the payroll as of a certain date or date, taking into account the employees hired and departed for that day. The roster includes:

Actually working;

Those who are idle and absent for any reason (business trips, additional annual leave);

Those who did not appear with the permission of the administration;

Performing government and public duties;

Involved in agricultural work;

Those who did not show up due to illness;

Located in maternity leave;

Unpaid additional leave for child care;

Working part-time or weekly;


where is the possible operating time, hour.

– actual operating time, hour.