Cafe for 50 people kitchen design. Design of catering establishments. The staff of the restaurant includes




PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN …………………...............…...……….…....6

PREPARATORY STAGE OF WORK……………………...……….….7-8

STUDY AND SELECTION OF FLOWER CROPS...............................................9-14

STUDY AND RESEARCH OF THE SITE...............................................................15 -18

SOWING SEEDS FOR SEEDLING………………………………….………........19

SEEDLING PICKING…………………………………………………………….……......20

PLANTING SEEDLINGS AND SOWING SEEDS OF FLOWER PLANTS IN OPEN GROUND................................................... ........................................................ ...21


USED ​​LITERATURE…………………………..………….…23


Since ancient times, the love of flowers has been characteristic of all peoples. Bright, varied in shape, with a pleasant aroma, they have always attracted and continue to attract the attention of adults and children. A person’s love for flowers, instilled from childhood, remains throughout his life, and no matter where he lives, he will plant them everywhere.

Why did you choose this topic for the project? We spend most of our time at school. And therefore the school should be beautiful not only from the inside, but also from the outside. When choosing the theme of our project, we decided to please not only ourselves, but also those around us with the results of our work, and also try our hand at design, learning a lot of new things at the same time. For our flowerbed we chose the shape of a circle, which symbolizes unity and friendship.


IN winter period, looking out the window, you see a monotonous picture: white snow, bare trees, gray sky. Every schoolchild is waiting for the long-awaited summer holidays and imagines how the buds will bloom on the trees outside the window, the warm sun will sparkle with light, and the most beautiful flowers will bloom. But you can bring this time closer if you start preparing for it in advance. You can study the variety of flower varieties, you can choose different color schemes for the flower bed, you can think about the geometry of the plantings. To make the flowering time earlier and longer, you need to start growing flower seedlings on the window in winter.

Hypothesis: If a project is developed and implemented to improve the school flowerbed, and in the future, to plant the entire school grounds, this will improve the recreational conditions for all “residents” of the school and teach them to respect nature.

Object of our research: annual and perennial flowering plants;

Subject of study: how you can change the ecosystem of the school area on your own to improve its ecological situation.

Objective of the project – growing flower seedlings to decorate a school flowerbed, taking into account the economical exploitation of the territory and its rational use of natural resources.

To achieve this goal, you must complete the followingtasks:

    study the literature on creating landscape design and, based on what you have studied, develop your own project for landscaping a school site;

    select an assortment of flower crops to decorate the school grounds;

    improve the school flowerbed;

    determine agrotechnical methods for growing the proposed plants.

Project type: long-term.

Relevance of this project :

    Instilling aesthetic and artistic taste in students,

    Cultivating hard work and skills in caring for flower plants.

To implement our project we used:

    Literature on this topic;

    Internet capabilities;

    Landscape projects of other schools;

    Photo and audio equipment.

Expected results:

    Blooming flower bed in different periods of time;

    development of practical skills in growing plants;

    gaining knowledge about ornamental plants;

    formation of research skills.

Description of the project stages:

    • collection and study of literature;

      exploring design options for flower beds;

      study of the species composition of floral and ornamental plants;

      drawing up a work plan;

      soil analysis;

      sowing seeds;

      growing seedlings;

      laying out a flower bed;

      planting seedlings in open ground;

      organizing the care of flower beds during the summer months;

      analysis of completed work;

      creating a presentation report.

1. Project Implementation Plan


Completed work



Drawing up a work plan

January February


Exploring design options for flower beds.

Studying the types of flower beds


Practical activities

Buying flower seeds

February March.

Soil preparation

March, April.

Growing seedlings

March, April.



Digging the soil in the flowerbed


Laying out flower beds


Planting seedlings, sowing seeds

April May.

Work at the school site during the entire summer period (summer work practice)


Care and observation of flower plants.


Final 1st stage

Analysis of completed work

October 2016


Before we started working on decorating flower beds, we did a little research - we studied the literature on this topic, learned the types of design of flower beds, the flowers used, and methods of color design.

Depending on the shape, flower beds can be oval, round, square, rectangular, rhombic, triangular, etc. They also vary in size - from 1 to 8-10 m or more in diameter.

Flowerbeds are planted with one or more types of flowering plants. The interior design of a flower bed can be very diverse. Flower beds can be low or elevated (protruding above the surface), depending on the assortment of plants. Flower beds made from salvia, petunia, annual asters, begonias, marigolds, etc. are very beautiful. Based on the assortment of plants planted in the flower beds, there are carpet flower beds consisting of only tall carpet-leaf plants, carpet-flowering flower beds, flower beds consisting of only flowering plants etc. Creating composite flower beds from several types of flower plants requires great skill, skill and taste from the gardener.

In modern landscaping, flower beds are kept low, level with the lawn, and only in special cases, filled, but not higher than 5-8 cm. The size of the flower bed depends on the size of the flower bed. When designing, it is necessary to take into account the duration of flowering of the planted plants.

The artistic decorative value of a flower garden depends on the selection of plants in a combination of colors of deciduous and flowering plants, the proportionality of individual parts of the flower garden, the clarity and clarity of the design, the content of the design, the presence of a good lawn background, and the provision of care. Successful selection of plants based on leaf or flower color is essential. In this case, the rules for harmonious combinations of colors with each other provide significant assistance. The main or main colors are yellow, red and blue. Derivative colors will be green, which is obtained from mixing yellow with blue, orange - from yellow and red, purple from blue and red. The brighter colors yellow, orange and red are called active and the less bright colors violet, green and blue are called passive.

A pleasant impression is produced by such a combination when the main color is located next to a derivative in which this main color is absent. Plants of the same crop are combined in color, especially if there are varieties.

The parts of the flower garden should be harmonious and pleasing to the eye. The rules of proportion help solve this.

Annual plants are mainly used to decorate flower beds. And they choose mainly summer flowers, which bloom for a long time and profusely, and are distinguished by the decorativeness of their leaves. They are widely used in flower beds, ridges and parterres of summer flowering.

What requirements should a flower garden satisfy?

    Continuous flowering throughout the growing season.

    Available planting material.

    Caring for plants is easy.

A harmonious combination of plants in height, shoot structure, color and size of flowers and leaves should be suitable for decorating a recreation area in the school yard.


Based on the literature studied, we identified the most common flower crops in our area and compiled a table taking into account their main characteristics.

Project estimate:

70*10=700 rub.

10*20=200 rub.




900 rub.

4. Study and investigation of the site

In February, work began on the flowerbed itself; it was necessary to study the site, the composition of the soil in the proposed flowerbed, and determine its physical and chemical properties. Dig up the area, clear the grass and roots, select stones, loosen.

1) Marking the area.

The area is 88.21 square meters, circular, located in the southern part of the school yard. The study of soils begins with determining its physical and chemical properties: structure, color, moisture, density, acidity, fertility.

2) Soil description plan:

    Point (school yard);

    General relief (flat);

    Vegetation (weeds).

3) Plan for studying the soil section:

    Schematic cross-section of soil section (1:10);


    Structure, the ability to break down into separate parts;

    Mechanical composition;



    Soil moisture;


4) Analysis of soil composition.

1.Physical analysis of the soil under study.

For description physical properties We examined the soil profile, mechanical and mineral composition, structure, moisture capacity, water permeability and air content in the soil sample.

Experiment No. 1 “Research of the soil profile.”

From the diagram of the soil profile (Appendix No. 1) it is clear that the turf and humus layers are weakly expressed.

Experiment No. 2 “Determination of the mechanical and mineral composition of the soil.”

They took some soil, slightly moistened it and rolled it in their palms. The soil rolls into a thick sausage that breaks when bent. From which we concluded that the soil is light loamy. And alumina does not significantly predominate in it.

Experiment No. 3 “Determination of soil structure.”

They took some soil, spread it in a thin layer on a saucer and examined it. The soil broke up into lumps. When adding water, a continuous viscous mass did not form. After analyzing the results, we concluded that the soil has a structure.

Experiment No. 4 “Determination of soil moisture capacity.”

They took some soil, placed it on a metal tray and weighed it. Soil massm 1 = 100g 700mg. We placed the tray with the soil in the oven for a day at a temperature of about 100 degrees Celsius. The dried soil was weighed. The soil mass has becomem 2 =48g 200mg. The percentage of water was calculated using the formula:

{( m1- m2)*100%}: m1=(100700-48200)*100%:100700=52%

It was concluded that the soil under study contained sufficient moisture.

Experiment No. 5 “Determination of soil water permeability”

A cylindrical soil sample was taken. To do this, we prepared a plastic jar (the bottom was removed) and cut out a soil sample with this cylinder. Approximately 100 ml of water was poured into a wide vessel and the selected sample was placed in it. We noted the time during which the water was completely absorbed into the soil - 19 minutes 28 seconds. Since the soil under study is dry and structural, water was absorbed into it quite quickly. We concluded that the soil has high water permeability.

Based on the results of physical analysis (Appendix 2) of the sample under study, we established:

a) pronounced structure, mineral composition of the soil, its high water permeability and good aeration should promote plant growth;

b) but a weak humus horizon indicates an insufficient content of organic matter in the soil.

2. Chemical analysis of the soil under study.

As parameters for chemical analysis the following were used: assessment of soil acidity, determination of soil salinity, determination of the presence heavy metals(see Appendix 3).

Experiment No. 1 “Determination of pH of soil extract.”

Usingsalt soil extract, pH was determined in two ways: a) with a universal indicator solution, adding 3-5 drops of the indicator solution to the first test tube; b)pH- indicator paper, lowering the end of the paper strip with tweezers into the second test tube.

Both tests showed that the pH of the tested soil ranged from 7-8. From which we concluded that the soil environment is slightly alkaline.

Experiment No. 2 “Study of soil salinity.”

A) Detection of carbonate ions: hydrochloric acid was added to the test tube with the soil being tested. “Boiling” of the soil (low-intensity release of bubbles) was observed. This indicates the presence of carbonate ions in the soil.

2H + + CO 3 2- = N 2 O + CO 2

B) Detectionsulfate ions: a barium salt solution was added dropwise to a test tube with a soil solution. A small suspension of barium sulfate was observed, which indicates the presence of sulfate ions in the soil.

C) Detection of sulfite ions: an alcohol solution of iodine was added dropwise to a test tube with a soil solution.

D) Detection of chloride ion: a solution of silver nitrate was added dropwise to a test tube with a soil solution. No visible changes were found.

From the experiments carried out, it was concluded that the soil was slightly salinized.

Experiment No. 3 “Detection of heavy metals in soil.”

A) Detection of copper ions: a soil solution was poured into a test tube to 1/4 of its height, 2-3 ml (excess) of ammonia solution was poured into it, and the contents of the test tube were mixed.No visible changes were found.

B) Detection of iron ions: 3-4 ml of potassium thiocyanate was poured into a test tube with a soil solution using a pipette.No visible changes were found.

Based on the experiments performed, we were convinced that the soil sample under study was not contaminated with heavy metals.

3. Research results.

Thus, in the course of a series of experiments we found out:

1. The remoteness of the school site from various sources of anthropogenic pollution has a beneficial effect on maintaining the fertility of its soil.

2. Physical properties such as structure, mineral composition, high water permeability and good soil aeration should contribute to obtaining good growth plants on the school site.

3. Also, the presence of sulfate ions negatively affects the growth of plants in the school area.

4. The main problem of the soil in the educational and experimental site of the school is the insufficient content of organic matter and the excessive content of carbonate ions, which causes a slightly alkaline soil solution and reduces productivity.

The identified problems showed that the main task is to increase the content of organic matter in the soil and reducepSoil N. In order for humus to form in the soil, all kinds of organic residues must be added to it. But very often the use of organic fertilizers is associated with large financial costs.That's whyWe proposed methods for increasing soil fertility in a school plot without much material effort. Applicationorganic waste.It is best to compost organic waste directly in your garden bed or path. In this case, maximum restoration of soil fertility is ensured with minimal labor costs. It is best to have 2-3 compost heaps. In one, organic residues are added, in another they are already rotting, in the third, the compost is already ready and applied to the beds.

The following organic residues are used for composting:
1. Household waste organic origin.
2. Fresh manure and bird droppings.
3. Wood ash.

And finally, to neutralize soil acidity, it is recommended to add wood ash. Since most garden plants and beneficial soil microorganisms develop well when the soil acidity is ph = 6.5-7.0 - a slightly acidic or neutral soil reaction.


The seedling method of growing plants allows for earlier flowering.Required tools:


Sowing container

Glass or plastic film


Earth mixture

Flower seeds


The depth of sowing seeds is determined by their size. The basic rule is that the seeds need to create conditions for easier germination. For example, the smaller the seeds, the shallower the planting depth they need, the heavier the soil, the closer to the surface they need to be planted, the drier the soil, the greater the sowing depth, and so on.


The first aster shoots appeared within a week, but the dahlias were covered for a long time plastic film and the shoots were rare, solitary. We regularly looked after our seedlings, carefully watering the sprouts using a spray bottle.


Our aster sprouts pulled themselves together and they became cramped. Picking required! What is “picking”?

Picking is the planting of seedlings in order to provide a larger area for their nutrition. Picked plants will develop better and faster. Therefore, picking is very important for their life.

Picking seedlings determines the further growth of the seedling, so it must be done correctly: the seedlings must be watered abundantly before picking - this will make it easier to remove the plants from the ground and protect the roots from mechanical damage. Using a special peg (spade), a depression is made in the prepared substrate, into which the root and part of the stem (up to the cotyledon leaves) of the seedling are lowered. At the same time, make sure that the roots do not bend. For better branching, the central root of the seedling can be pinched by 1/3 (this will make the plant stronger and more resilient). When picking, you need to hold the plant not by the fragile stem, but by the cotyledon leaves. The depression is covered with earth, the quality of the picking is checked by lightly pulling the seedling up by the cotyledon leaves. Injury to plants during picking leads to delayed growth of seedlings. During picking, diseased and twisted plants are discarded. It should be remembered that picking delays the development of any crop for 5-7 days.

The picking is completed by watering the transplanted plants from a shallow watering can or by generously spraying. The critical period lasts 3-4 days. At this time you need to maintain the temperature 23-25 0 C, keep plants in diffused light and protect from wind and drafts.


Continuing to care for the seedlings, we watered them and loosened them, and kept diaries of observations of the flowers. Every day the seedlings grew stronger, we swapped the boxes, turned them one way or the other towards the light. There were a lot of asters, but there were only a few dahlias.

7. Planting seedlings and sowing seeds of flower plants in open ground.

In mid-April, the strengthened and healthy seedlings were planted in open ground, and seeds of flowering and ornamental plants were also sown.


The initial work on drawing up the design, selecting seed material, soil research, sowing and planting seed material and seedlings of flower plants has been completed.

The next stage of the design work includes planning and organizing the care of the flower bed in summer period time.


    Mansurova S.E., Kokueva G.N. We are following environment our city: 9-11 grades: School workshop. – M.: VLADOS Center, 2001

    Methods of soil quality control: Educational and methodological manual for universities. – Voronezh, 2007

    N. G. Fedorets, M. V. Medvedeva Methods for studying soils in urban areas (educational and methodological manual for students and graduate students of environmental and biological specialties). - Petrozavodsk, 2009

    3. A2 - washout horizon; it is not very fertile and has a light shade due to the intensive leaching of humus particles - 17-20 cm;

    4.A3-washout horizon. Substances from overlying horizons are washed out and accumulated in it.

    Appendix 2.

    Table No. 1. Studies of the physical properties of soil.

    Appendix 3.

    Table No. 2. Results of a study of the chemical properties of soil.

    Appendix 4.

    Table No. 3. Conclusions based on the research results.

    1.Remoteness of the training and experimental site from various sources of anthropogenic pollution.

    2. Soil structure, presence of large pores.

    3. High water permeability.

    4. Good aeration

    5. Mineral composition

    6. Absence of heavy metal ions and soil salinity

    1. Insufficient organic matter content

    2. Weak expression of the humus layer

    3. Excessive content of carbonate ions and sulfate ions.

    4. Slightly alkaline soil solution

  • 10; 70 Techniques for pruning flowering shrubs. Pruning times for different types of plants.
  • 11. Mineral, organic and bacterial fertilizers. Biological products. The concept of the active substance in mineral fertilizers.
  • 12. Roses. Classification and features of growing park and garden roses at landscaping sites.
  • 13. Hedges and their types. Norms for planting plants (in a row, in two rows).
  • 14. Tree vines. Purpose. Range. Technology of reproduction and use. Support structures. Give a drawing (scheme).
  • 15. Seed and vegetative methods of propagation. The value of each method for growing ornamental plants.
  • 16 ; 20. Seed quality indicators and methods for their determination.
  • 17; 49. Bulbous perennials. Morphological and decorative features. Timing of flowering on objects.
  • 18. Seed storage. Storage conditions for seeds of different species (woody and herbaceous).
  • 19. Methods of preparing seeds for sowing. The concept of organic seed dormancy.
  • 21. Methods of vegetative propagation of ornamental (woody and herbaceous) plants.
  • 22. Green cuttings. Biological advantages and agricultural technology. Specific breeds and cutting technology.
  • 23. Characteristics of conditions for rooting of green cuttings. Artificial fog.
  • 24. Reproduction of tree species by layering. Assortment and technology.
  • 25. Grafting of ornamental tree species: technique and timing for different methods. Obtaining bush and standard roses and lilacs (give a diagram).
  • 26. Flower beds in public gardens. Range. Deadlines. Content.
  • 28-30. Annuals (annuals). Range. Characteristics of decorative properties of different species and varieties.
  • 31. Roses on landscaping objects. Classification. Agricultural technology of maintenance.
  • 32. Spirits. Use in flower beds on objects. Content. Work calendar.
  • 33; 34 Carpet plants. Range. Biological and morphological features are the basis for creating specific flower beds. Color of carpet plants.
  • 35. Basic structural elements of a retaining wall. Provide a drawing diagram indicating the elements (1,2,3, etc.)
  • 36. Retaining walls. Give a drawing of the elements. Stone walls - "dry masonry"
  • 38. Provide a drawing diagram for strengthening slopes using gabion structures.
  • 39. Design (sections) of types of sports grounds. Give a drawing - a diagram.
  • 40. Slopes - methods of strengthening. Give me a drawing.
  • 41; 42 Planting large trees on the streets. Provide a drawing of the planting scheme. Specify dimensions.
  • 43. Ramps: purpose, classification, parameters, designs. Give a drawing of the elements.
  • 45. Perennials. The timing of planting in parks depends on the timing of the formation of flowers and inflorescences.
  • 46. ​​Nurseries of ornamental woody plants. Structure.
  • 47. Perennials. Forms of flower decoration. Content. Work calendar.
  • 48. Mono gardens (from dahlias, asters, phloxes, etc.).
  • 49. Bulbous perennials. Morphological and decorative features. Timing of flowering on objects.
  • 50. The structure of hyacinth, lily, daffodil, and tulip bulbs.
  • 51. Bulb flower beds. Classification, planting dates and standards. Content.
  • 52. Fertilizers when caring for summer flora at sites.
  • 53.Shade-tolerant herbaceous plants. Range. Features of application.
  • 54. Rockery. Assortment. Peculiarities of growth of various species in rock garden conditions. Device and content technology.
  • 55. Plants for decorating natural reservoirs of various depths in parks.
  • 56.Lawns. Types and varieties of lawn grasses and their morphology. Grass mixtures, calculation.
  • 57.Growth regulators and their use on ornamental plants.
  • 58.Pruning beautiful flowering shrubs. The relationship between the timing of pruning and the timing of flower bud formation in various breeds.
  • 63. Landscaping plan (landing drawing). Method of squares. Plant binding elements.
  • 71. Facility improvement plan (layout drawing, methodology for compiling and placing elements in situ)
  • 72. Designs of rainwater wells. Provide a cross-sectional diagram indicating dimensions by element.
  • 73; 74. Objects of landscape architecture of the center of Paris.
  • 75. Functional zoning of the park. Examples.
  • 76. Types of spatial structure of the park (TPS) and types of plantings.
  • 77. Typology and classification of city parks. Purpose.
  • 78. Reservoirs. Main types and their role in the park.
  • 90. Reservoirs, purpose. Classification. Examples
  • 79. Structure of green areas of the residential complex. Transfer.
  • 80. Multifunctional parks. Classification. Examples (Moscow, St. Petersburg).
  • 81. Relief. Meaning. Forms. Examples.
  • 91. Relief. Typology. Role. Landforms
  • 82. Compositions of open spaces. Partners, their classification and role.
  • 6. Water parterres.
  • 83. Green areas of St. Petersburg. Left Bank Ensemble. List objects.
  • 84. Boulevards. Types. Territory balance.
  • 85. Insolation of the microdistrict territory and its significance. Calculation method.
  • 86. Cross profile of the main street. Elements. Drawing
  • 87. Tree-bush massifs - definition, classification, compositional use
  • 88. Groups of woody plants, classification.
  • 89; 94; 95 Categories and types of green areas in the largest city
  • 92. The concept of scale, proportions, rhythm in landscape design.
  • 93. Arrays and bosquets. Types. Definition. Examples.
  • 91. Relief. Typology. Role. Landforms (give a horizontal image and a profile.)
  • 92. The concept of scale, proportions, rhythm in landscape design. Examples.
  • 93. Arrays and bosquets. Types. Definition. Examples. Dimensions.
  • 94. 95. Categories and types of objects in green areas of the largest city.
  • 96. (83) Gardens and parks of the left bank in St. Petersburg. Transfer. Summer garden. Peterhof, Strelna, Oranienbaum, Tsarskoe Selo (Alexandrovsky and Catherine Parks), Pavlovsky Park.
  • 97. Forest parks of Moscow.
  • 98. Moscow parks. Transfer.
  • 99 – See 73, 74, I have a bad spur!
  • 99. Landscaping in the center of Paris.
  • 100. Types of sites in the microdistrict. Dimensions. Principles of calculation. Service radius (basic requirements).
  • 111. Public parks in the USA of the 19th century (Chicago, New York)
  • 112. Landscaping in downtown Washington
  • 113. Multifunctional parks. Classification. Examples
  • 114. Boulevards. Classification and types. Territory balance
  • 115. Children's playgrounds in the neighborhood. Calculation and placement requirements
  • 116. House strips, their improvement and landscaping. Requirements for the range and placement of woody plants
  • 117. Density of trees and shrubs for urban landscape architecture
  • 119. Children's playgrounds in residential areas. Classification and calculation principles
  • 120. Requirements for landscaping and landscaping of schools and kindergartens and nurseries
  • 118. Classification and purpose of garden roads. Slopes. Curvature radii at intersections. Scheme
  • Organization of road networks in parks
  • 121 Types of spatial structure of the park. Purpose, role in composition, balance relationships.
  • 122 Left Bank Ensemble of St. Petersburg.
  • 123 Boulevards. Types. Territory balance.
  • 124. Stages of object design. Transfer.
  • 125 Types of park spatial structure (TPS).
  • 126 Cross profile of the main street. Elements. Drawing
  • 127. Types of strengthening trees after planting. Designs and materials. Drawing diagram.
  • 128 Typology and classification of city parks. Purpose.
  • 129 Reservoirs. Main types and their role. Examples
  • 130. Types of gardening plantings. Examples (square, boulevard)
  • 131. Green areas of the residential complex. Transfer. Types. % landscaping.
  • 132.Relief. Meaning. Forms. Examples.
  • 133. Schemes for placing plants near fences and retaining walls. Provide a drawing.
  • 134. Territory improvement plan. Method of squares. Provide a reference drawing for planning elements.
  • 135. Tree with a lump in a rigid package. Types of packaging. Provide a drawing (diagram with dimensions).
  • 136. Design of slope turf. Drawing.
  • 120. Requirements for landscaping and landscaping of schools and kindergartens and nurseries

    Schools: Schools of city and regional significance include: music, sports, art, and boarding schools. Specialized sports schools in addition to the main academic building, include closed premises gyms and swimming pools, outdoor football fields, volleyball and basketball courts.

    The area of ​​the territories of music and art schools is calculated based on 15 m 2 per student. Architectural and planning solutions for territories must be purposeful and meet the relevant requirements. The territories should be decorative gardens with a set of cozy recreation areas and walking routes, with appropriate equipment and small architectural forms. At art school sites, special areas are provided for plein air classes. Plantings are designed in the form of single, large plants and picturesque groups of trees and beautifully flowering shrubs. It is possible to install a sports playground.

    In the territories music schools Secluded areas for music practice and recreation areas, as well as walking paths, are being designed. Plantings should be presented in the form of plant groups of trees and shrubs placed on lawns and be of a “calming” nature. The entire composition should be predisposed to relaxation after intense musical work and, at the same time, contribute to the rise of creative forces. It is possible to provide sports ground for playing ball.

    Comprehensive school in residential complex. The school territory is a green area of ​​limited use. The school site, as a rule, is fenced with a fence made of metal structures at least 1.5 m high. The distance (gap) from the border of the site to the red lines of streets or driveways must be at least 15...20 m, to the walls of residential buildings - at least 10, to utility companies - at least 50 m.

    The planning center of the site is the school building. The building, as a rule, is located on one side of the site and is oriented to the cardinal points in accordance with current sanitary standards for lighting school premises. A passage of at least 3.5 m wide with a turning platform is provided around the building (the distance from the façade of the building to the nearest side is at least 8 m).

    When designing external landscaping and landscaping, it is necessary to carry out clear functional zoning. On the school grounds, in accordance with the educational process and programs, various sites and devices are provided for both training sessions and for outdoor exercise. In accordance with this, the school site is divided into various functional zones: sports (physical education and recreation), educational and experimental, recreation area, economic.

    Plantings should unite all zones into a single whole and occupy at least 40...50% of the area. Plantings should play a functional role, separating playgrounds from each other, providing protection from noise, eliminating dust and purifying the air, thereby creating favorable conditions for schoolchildren to study and relax. The placement of plantings depends on the general planning solution of the site, the placement of individual zones, platforms, and paths.

    Plantings in the sports area are placed on small dividing strips or areas between sites in the form of rows of trees or hedges of shrubs. On larger areas, between the sports and educational and experimental zones, compact groups of trees can be provided. Plants should not shade the playing fields of the playgrounds. The assortment is selected in accordance with the requirements of landscaping sports grounds.

    The plantings of the training and experimental zone have a purely functional purpose and serve to isolate individual areas and sites. They consist of dividing row strips of trees (on the side of the sports area), hedges (between the sites and experimental plots), which must be at least 10 m from the orchard.

    Plantings in the recreation area are placed more freely. These are mainly groups of trees or shrubs in small areas around sites. The requirements for the placement of individual plants and groups are the same as for the placement of trees and shrubs around recreation areas near residential buildings. The sites should have both shady corners for relaxation and well-insulated areas. The distance from the edge of the paths to the trees must be at least 1.0...0.75 m.

    Along the perimeter of the inner part of the school site, rows of trees and shrubs are provided in a strip 4...6m wide, and on the outside - a strip of plantings 5...10m wide.

    Near the school building itself, one or two recreational areas are provided for recreation for senior and junior classes during breaks, as well as (between the driveway and the school building) strips of lawn with small groups of shrubs and herbaceous perennials, as well as single specimens of low trees. Trees are placed at a distance of at least 10 m from the building, and bushes - 5 m, so that school premises are not shaded.

    Preschool institutions: According to modern standards, the level of greenery should be up to 60%. Kindergartens and nurseries, as a rule, are located in the central part of residential buildings in well-lit, ventilated and dry locations with normal natural surface water flow.

    According to Moscow standards, preschool institutions are designed with a capacity of 10...12 groups, and in some cases 6 groups, attached to the ends of residential buildings. Walking areas for children are no more than 30m away from the entrance to the kindergarten building, and 15m away from the windows of the residential building itself. The area of ​​a group playground for toddlers is assumed to be 7.5 m2 per place. The service radius of a preschool institution in a microdistrict is 300 m, in small towns – 500 m.

    The site of the kindergarten-nursery has a rectangular configuration. The distance from the boundaries of the site to the red line must be at least 25 m, to the walls of residential buildings - at least 10 m, and the walls of utility companies - at least 50 m. The building is placed at one of the boundaries or in the center of the site. A 3.5m wide driveway with a 12x5.5m turning area is usually provided around the building. The distance from the facade of the building to the border of the passage (the nearest side stone) must be at least 8 m.

    When designing the territory kindergarten must be divided into the following functional zones: the entrance zone to the territory, the zone of group playgrounds, and the utility zone.

    Zone group sites includes directly group playgrounds for toddlers up to 3 years old and for children aged 4-6 years, as well as a general physical education area (area 250 m2) and a splashing pool (area 20 m2). All sites must be interconnected by a network of paths.

    The entire economic zone is concentrated at the border of the site and isolated from the zone of group sites.

    Group sites- the main places where children stay in the area. They are designed for relaxing and playing outdoors. Typically, for every two sites, one double canopy is installed, the area of ​​which is included in the area of ​​the group site. The canopy is used for group activities and games that do not require active movement (reading, games). Each group playground must be appropriately equipped, have a sandbox, playpens, wall bars, etc. Children's playgrounds are designed in such a way that teachers can see what each child is doing at any time. The area of ​​the group playground for children under 3 years of age should be 150 m2 (with the number of children in the group being 20 people and the norm per child being 7.5 m2), and for children from 4 to 6 years old - 180 m2 (with the norm per child 9m2).

    For children 4...6 years old, a common physical education area (250m2) will be equipped with equipment for climbing, jumping, outdoor games and a splashing pool with an area of ​​25...30m2 and a depth of 25...30cm. The bottom of the pool must be concrete, smooth and have the greatest slope (0.005). A tiled path 0.6 m wide is provided around the pool. The pool is filled with heated water.

    The interconnection of all planning elements is carried out by paths 1.5 m wide. Group sites are connected by a common ring path. The surface of the paths should be made of a special mixture - gravel chips, loamy soil, seedings.

    Landscaping of the territory. Plantings are provided in the form of the following types: rows of trees and shrubs (trees with a dense crown), groups and single specimens of trees, hedges, shrubs, flower beds (biennials, perennials).

    When placing trees and shrubs, consider the following. Along the perimeter of the garden, rows of trees with a dense crown should be provided. A hedge of shrubs is designed along the outer border, and shrubs in groups along the inner border. Trees with both dense and lacy crowns are designed around the sites. To ventilate the area, gaps must be left between groups of trees. Trees and shrubs are placed so that most of the site area (up to 50%) is illuminated by the sun during the day. The physical training ground should also be well lit, so it is not recommended to place trees with a wide and dense crown around this area.

    The planting density of trees and shrubs depends on the climatic conditions of the area and the presence of underground communications.

    Flower beds are located mainly at the entrances to the building, as well as in the stripes between the building and the ring road. Near the entrances to the sites, compact flower beds in the shape of rectangles or circles look good. The assortment of herbaceous flowers should include mainly perennial plant species - phlox, peonies, delphiniums, aquilegia, etc., as well as long-flowering annuals - antirrhinum, petunia, cosmos, clarkia, purslane, etc.

    The lawn on the territory of the kindergarten must be resistant to trampling. To create it, it is best to use cereal grass species (bluegrass, fescue, bentgrass). In some cases, some of the playgrounds are provided with a lawn surface. Stable turf is created from stolon-forming bentgrass.


    Designing production workshops based on the concept, structural features, SanPiN standards and other indicators (technological design) is a very important and crucial stage in creating an enterprise in the HoReCa segment.

    A well-drafted cafe plan or restaurant project (plan) will help to avoid problems with approvals in various authorities, as well as save quite significant amounts when selecting equipment. Calculations and consultations are carried out by a Chef with more than 15 years of experience, a machine and apparatus engineer food production, Konstantin Shaking.

    Together with the restaurant project (catering establishment) and the specification, it is really necessary equipment, we usually hold a tender for equipping an enterprise with equipment among several major regional suppliers.

    Remember that errors in layout projects and the inclusion of unnecessary catering equipment in the project can result in unjustified costs, the amounts of which often amount to millions of rubles! If you do not plan to invite a chef during the construction phase, we can draw up a plan for the arrangement of equipment and eliminate your unjustified costs.

    Basically, we do projects for arranging kitchen equipment remotely, without visiting a catering establishment. All you will need from you is a floor plan with dimensions and technical parameters (water, electricity...), and the concept of the future kitchen.

    Design includes the following stages:

    • Drawing up a sketch of the project taking into account the technical characteristics of the premises. Are taken into account the following factors: Room dimensions and specifications, Concept and future menu of the enterprise, Number of seats, Electricity restrictions, Availability of a gas pipeline, Features of water supply and sewerage...
    • Coordination of the sketch with the customer
    • Providing to the customer finished project with the necessary connection points for electrical, water, sewerage and ventilation
    • Providing the customer with the specifications of the necessary equipment

    Examples of projects for arranging kitchen equipment for a restaurant, cafe

    Selection of necessary equipment for a catering establishment.

    As a rule, the selection of equipment is carried out in conjunction with the design of production workshops, but the selection can be made for an already completed project.

    Selection of the necessary equipment for catering includes the following steps:

    • Determination with the customer of the price and quality characteristics of the necessary equipment
    • Conducting a tender for equipment among equipment suppliers, selecting the most optimal option equipment

    The cost of developing a project for a catering enterprise with the selection of the necessary equipment is from 25,000 rubles, depending on the complexity of the project. The project completion period is from 7 calendar days. Payment terms and the possibility of a specialist visiting the site are negotiated individually with each customer. We carry out many projects remotely, without visiting your company.

    How we saved $42,456 when purchasing equipment for a small cafe

    Back in 2009, we analyzed the technical project for one small (60 seats) restaurant in the south of Russia. After making adjustments and removing everything unnecessary, $42,456 was saved!!! At the same time, we did not skimp on the quality of equipment. A Rational SCC combi oven, Fagor refrigerated counters, a Robot Coupe processor and other reliable and well-known equipment were installed.

    • In the initial offer of a well-known supplier, the amount was 3,037,520 rubles ()
    • After changing the technological design, the contract amount was 1,691,654 rubles ()
    • Thus, the savings amounted to 1,345,866 rubles (at the dollar exchange rate at that time (31.7 rubles) = $42,456)

    This is just one of many cases that happen all the time.

    Analysis of a finished technological project

    Very often our clients order a technological project from an equipment supplier. As a rule, the supplier does the technical design for free, provided that you purchase the equipment from the same organization. This is very tempting, but in this case the following risks are quite likely:

    • The developer will not take into account basic sanitary standards, and you will get an enterprise that does not comply Technical regulations. Intersection of flows, incorrect number of washing baths or ventilation hoods, lack of necessary production areas (shops) - such mistakes are very often made by designers... As a result, after the first inspection you will have to rebuild the kitchen, which is not always possible and is very expensive.
    • Your technology project will have unnecessary equipment, or equipment with much higher performance (and, as a result, cost) than you need. As practice shows, when drawing up equipment projects, some equipment suppliers are guided, first of all, by their material interests, and only then by the interests of the customer.
    • The developer technologist will literally come to understand Sanitary rules, and will design production to the fullest extent of the law. As a result, you will receive 30 sq. m. trading floor at 70 sq. m. kitchen. We know how to make the kitchen of a catering establishment in a small area comfortable and complying with all basic standards. Because we have been doing this for more than 15 years.

    The cost of conducting an analysis of a technological project for a restaurant, cafe, bar, canteen... ranges from 5,000 to 20,000 rubles, depending on the state of the original technical project and the complexity of the task. Either way, it usually always pays off.