What does labor intensity mean? Emotional load. What is work stress

Labor intensity- a characteristic of the labor process, reflecting the load mainly on the central nervous system, sensory organs, emotional sphere employee (R 2.2.2006-05. App. 16).

Evaluation of labor intensity professional group of workers is based on the analysis of labor activity and its structure, which are studied by timing observations in the dynamics of the entire working day, for at least one week.

The analysis is based on taking into account the whole complex of production factors (stimuli, irritants) that create the prerequisites for the emergence of a neuro-emotional state (overstrain).

All indicators (factors) have a qualitative or quantitative expression and are grouped according to the types of loads:


2. "Perception of signals (information) and their evaluation" - the information received during work is compared with the normal values ​​necessary for the course of the labor process.

3. "Distribution of functions according to the degree of complexity of the task" - any labor activity characterized by the distribution of functions between employees. Accordingly, the more functional duties per worker, the higher the labor intensity.

4. "Nature of the work performed" - in the event that the work is performed according to individual plan, the stress level is low. If the work proceeds strictly established schedule with its possible correction as needed, then the tension rises. If a great intensity of labor is characteristic, when work is performed in conditions of time pressure. The greatest tension is characterized by work in conditions of lack of time and information.


5. "Duration of concentrated observation (% of the shift time)" - the greater the percentage of time devoted to concentrated observation during the shift, the higher the tension. The total time of the working shift is taken as 100%;

6. "The density of signals (light, sound) and messages on average for 1 hour of work" - the number of perceived and transmitted signals (messages of orders) allows you to evaluate the employment, the specifics of the employee's activities. The greater the number of signals, the higher the information load, leading to an increase in tension;

7. "Number of production objects of simultaneous observation" - indicates that with an increase in the number of objects of simultaneous observation, the intensity of labor increases. This characteristic of labor makes demands on the amount of attention (from 4 to 8 unrelated objects) and its distribution as the ability to simultaneously focus attention on several objects or actions;

8. “The size of the object of distinction with the duration of focused attention (% of the shift time)” - the smaller the size of the object (product, part, digital or alphabetic information, etc.) and the longer the observation time, the higher the load on the visual analyzer. Accordingly, the class of labor intensity increases;

9. "Working with optical instruments (microscope, magnifying glass, etc.) during the duration of concentrated observation (% of the shift time)". On the basis of chronometric observations, the time (hours, minutes) of working with an optical device is determined. The duration of the working day is taken as 100%, and the time of a fixed gaze using a microscope, a magnifying glass is converted into a percentage. The greater the percentage of time, the greater the load, leading to the development of tension in the visual analyzer.

10. "Monitoring the screen of the video terminal (hours per shift)". The time (h, min) of the direct work of the VDM user with the display screen during the whole working day is fixed, than more time fixing the gaze on the VDT screen, the greater the load on the visual analyzer and the higher the intensity of labor.

11. "Load on the auditory analyzer." The indicator "load on the auditory analyzer" should characterize such work in which the performer, in conditions of increased noise levels, must hear speech information or other auditory signals that guide him in the process of work.

12. "Load on the vocal apparatus (total number of hours spoken per week)". The degree of tension of the vocal apparatus depends on the duration of speech loads. Overstrain of the voice is observed with prolonged, without rest, voice activity.


13. "The degree of responsibility for the result of one's own activity, the significance of the error" - indicates to what extent an employee can influence the result of his own work at various levels of complexity of the activity being carried out. With increasing complexity, the degree of responsibility increases, which accordingly leads to an increase in emotional stress. This indicator assesses the responsibility of the employee for the quality of the elements of tasks of auxiliary work, the main work or the final product.

14. "The degree of risk to one's own life." A measure of risk is the probability of an undesirable event occurring. At the workplace, they analyze the presence of traumatic factors that may pose a danger to the life of workers, and determine the possible zone of their influence. This indicator characterizes those workplaces where there is a direct danger (explosion, impact, spontaneous combustion).

15. "Responsibility for the safety of others." When assessing tension, it is necessary to take into account only direct, and not indirect, responsibility (the latter is distributed to all managers), that is, one that is imputed by the job description.

16. "The number of conflict production situations per shift." Availability conflict situations V production activities a number of professions (employees of all levels of the prosecutor's office, the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, teachers, etc.) significantly increase the emotional burden and are subject to quantification. The number of conflict situations is taken into account on the basis of timing observations.

17. "The number of elements (techniques) necessary to implement a simple task or repetitive operations" and

18. "Duration (s) of performing simple production tasks or repetitive operations" - the smaller the number of steps performed and the shorter the time, the higher the monotony of the loads, respectively. These indicators are most pronounced during assembly line work. Necessary condition for attributing operations and actions to monotonous is not only their frequent repetition and a small number of techniques, but also their monotony and low information content.

19. "Time of active actions (in% of the duration of the shift)". Observation of the progress of the technological process does not refer to "active actions". The shorter the time for performing active actions and the longer the time for monitoring the progress production process, so, respectively, the monotony of loads.

20. “Monotonicity of the production environment (time of passive observation of the progress of the technological process, in % of the shift time” - the longer the time of passive observation of the progress of the technological process, the more monotonous the work is.


21. "The actual length of the working day" - highlighted in an independent rubric, since regardless of the number of shifts and the rhythm of work, the actual length of the working day ranges from 6-8 hours (telephone operators, telegraph operators, etc.) to 12 hours or more (managers industrial enterprises). A number of professions have shifts of 12 hours or more (doctors, nurses, etc.). The longer the work in time, the greater the total load per shift, and, accordingly, the higher the intensity of labor;

22. "Shift work" is determined based on internal production documents regulating the daily routine for this enterprise, organizations;

23. "Availability of regulated breaks and their duration (excluding lunch break)". Regulated breaks should include only those breaks that are included in the working time regulations on the basis of official production documents. Insufficient duration or absence of regulated breaks exacerbates the intensity of work, since there is no element of short-term protection from the impact of factors of the labor process and the production environment.

13.11.2014 10:47:00

The results of the assessment of the intensity of the labor process often raise many questions and disputes. At the same time, with such a significant spread of jobs that have a hazard class according to tension, the registered occupational pathology from the impact of tension is almost completely absent. This phenomenon is by no means an indication of the absence harmful effects the tension factor, however, may cause a detailed analysis of the problem and a possible revision of the principles and methods of the evaluation system.

Nikolay MAKEEV,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Sector of Medical Statistics and Analytics
Department for scientific work Klin Institute of Safety and Labor Conditions

Currently, the intensity of the labor process is assessed by 22 indicators, divided into the following groups:

  • intellectual loads (4 indicators);
  • sensory loads (8 indicators);
  • emotional stress (3 indicators);
  • monotony of loads (4 indicators);
  • operating mode (3 indicators).

Let us consider in more detail all the evaluation criteria.

It is assumed that the assessment of the labor intensity of a professional group of workers should be based on an analysis of labor activity and its structure, which are studied by chronometric observations in the dynamics of the entire working day, for at least one week. As the experience of attestation of workplaces shows, in 100% of cases this condition is never met. Moreover, the assessment of tension is carried out by engineers almost simultaneously, based on interviews, short-term observation and their own experience.


The content of a particular type of work indicates the level of complexity in completing the task: from simple (primitive) tasks - (class 1 - optimal) to creative (class 3.2 - harmful hard work). Such a classification system, in my opinion, seems fundamentally absurd and contrary not only to common sense, but also to Art. 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which states that "every person has the right to choose a profession and type of activity."

The creative or managerial nature of work is not a harmful by-product of labor activity (such as noise or dust), but the essential content of the profession, which is the result of free choice. This issue can also be considered in terms of professional ethics and infringement of the rights of the employee, since the label of “harmfulness” is actually assigned to the very profession that the employee has chosen and has the right to experience feelings associated with his choice (pride, satisfaction, awareness of his own self-esteem, etc.).

It is also incorrect to talk about the influence of the degree of participation of the intellect and the personal creative potential of an employee on health in the context of an increase in harmfulness. In this case, we can only talk about the individual reactivity of the organism to one or another level of intellectual activity, regardless of its complexity. For example, if a scientist is offered to work as an operator, this can affect his health in the same negative way as if an operator is offered an intellectually rich job.


All subsequent indicators related to intellectual loads, to some extent, duplicate the "Content of the work", which calls into question the correctness of measuring completely or partially interchangeable parameters by different scales. The entire metric system of intellectual loads is based on the principle of a stepwise decrease in the level of primitiveness, which corresponds to the same stepwise increase in the level of harmfulness.

Class 1 (optimal), in my opinion, is a utopian situation in which no action is required from the employee at all in response to incoming signals, that is, there is absolutely indifferent observation of the production situation. It is quite difficult to imagine a person who could “work” in this way for 8 hours, and even without harm to physical and mental health. In a completely different way, one should consider the perception of signals with subsequent correction of actions (laboratory assistants - class 2), followed by comparison with nominal values ​​​​(nurses, telephone operators, etc. - class 3.1), as well as with the subsequent comprehensive assessment of all parameters (class 3.2). It is important to note that in accordance with the logic of the approach, the heads of organizations, drivers, doctors, etc. fall into class 3.2, that is, the widest range of different professions.


The meaning of this indicator is that - "the more functions assigned to the employee, the higher the intensity of his work." Numerous domestic and foreign studies demonstrate that an excess of professional intellectual workload is just as harmful to health and performance as its lack. However, the idea of ​​an optimal load balance is, in principle, not supported by the assessment system used in the certification of workplaces.


The nature of the work performed is the most adequate from the point of view of the possible negative impact per employee indicator, which, nevertheless, characterizes several processes that are completely different in essence.

When assessing the intensity of the labor process, key indicators such as:

  • the presence / absence of an individual work schedule;
  • lack of time;
  • responsibility for the end result.

Special attention should be given a special place in relation to the assessment emotional stress . If we turn to Professor Gerchikov's typological model of motivation, we will see that workers with the so-called "master" type of motivation voluntarily assume full responsibility for the work performed. In this case, responsibility is their personal need, without which they will not feel professional satisfaction, which means that such “irresponsible” work will be a risk factor for them to develop psychosomatic pathology (disease from the “head”).

The problem of lack of time is indeed an unfavorable factor, but it refers more to the problem of psycho-emotional stress than to intellectual stress. However, in this case, the professional features of this or that activity and its choice by a particular employee again come to the fore. It is possible to talk about the legitimacy of the influence of this factor on health if the lack of time was not initially associated with the chosen profession, but appeared as a result of improper organization of working time or due to other secondary reasons.


duration of focused observation. The meaning of this indicator, embedded in the assessment system, is that - "the greater the percentage of time during the shift is devoted to concentrated observation, the higher the tension."The study of this indicator objectively requires chronometric observations during several work shifts. However, in practice this usually does not happen. In reality, the class of working conditions is determined based on the profession. At the same time, there is also a problem in defining the concept of "concentration". What observation can be considered concentrated, and what - not? And by what criteria can one be distinguished from the other? R.2.2.2006-05 does not provide answers to this question, which explains the high level of subjectivity in the assessments.

The density of signals (light, sound) and messages on average for 1 hour of work. H The greater the number of incoming and transmitted signals or messages, the higher the information load, leading to an increase in tension. In this case, the main problem is not so much the complexity of estimating the number of incoming and transmitted signals per hour of operation (requires long-term monitoring due to possible uneven flow), but the signal characteristic itself, which is not evaluated at all. In this case, information about what to consider as a unit of reference for one signal may be of primary importance. For example, it is generally accepted that among nurses in intensive care units, the number of signals received from monitors is in the range of 75 - 175 per hour (class 2 - acceptable).

However, in reality, each monitor can show up to ten or more active curves of the state of the vital systems of the patient's body, each of which constantly generates new signals that require observation and, in some cases, an immediate response (especially if the monitoring system is not equipped with sound sensors or these sensors are not sensitive enough). Thus, their number of signals can increase tenfold.

The number of production objects of simultaneous observation. This indicator characterizes the process in which, with an increase in the number of objects of simultaneous observation, the intensity of labor increases. It is important to note here that it is actually impossible to simultaneously observe several objects at once. If it is necessary to observe several objects, a person consistently shifts his gaze from one object to another, and at the same time this indicator partially duplicates the previous one, which again makes the observation incorrect.

The size of the object of distinction during the duration of concentrated observation. In this case, it is proposed to evaluate two values ​​at once: the size of the object under consideration and the percentage of the time it is considered from the shift time. The categories of visual works from SNiP 23-05-95 are taken as the basis for the objects of distinction. With the real absence of the possibility of an objective measurement of the size of the object and the time of consideration, it is important to note that the system for assessing this indicator is also fundamentally outdated. On present stage development, almost all workplaces, where the assessment of this indicator could still be relevant, are equipped automated systems with the ability to adjust the size of objects of observation, taking into account the individual preferences of employees (for example, by changing the font size, etc.).

Working with optical instruments (microscope, magnifying glass, etc.) with the duration of concentrated observation (% of the shift time). At modern level In the development of optical technology, the focus of the problem should not be on the time of work with an optical device, but on the compliance of the device itself with modern safety requirements and the observance by the employee of the rules and modes of work with the equipment.

Video terminal screen monitoring (hours per shift) . This indicator at the present stage of development has practically lost its relevance, since the measurement range is within 2 - 6 hours or more. At the same time, almost everywhere in all office places, working behind monitor screens takes at least 8 hours. This phenomenon is widespread and ubiquitous, which accordingly requires the adaptation of the existing evaluation system to it. The evaluation criterion in this case should not be the duration of observation, but the ability to take breaks and look at other objects (prevention of spasm of accommodation and other disorders on the part of the visual analyzer).

The degree of intensity of the auditory analyzer is determined by the dependence of the intelligibility of words as a percentage of the ratio between the intensity level of speech and "white" noise. The indicator is relevant in noisy industries, where there is a need for constant interpersonal communications during the work shift. However, the absence of occupational pathology caused by it makes it practically inapplicable for an objective assessment of sensory load (as well as for most other indicators of tension).

The degree of tension of the vocal apparatus depends on the duration of speech loads. The greatest loads (classes 3.1 and 3.2) are observed in persons with vocal professions (teachers, educators). The smallest loads are observed, for example, in laboratory assistants, drivers, etc. The complexity of an objective assessment of this indicator, on the one hand, and its almost absolute dependence on the type professional activity, on the other hand, raise the question of the need to revise the principle of the evaluation system from measuring to list (according to the list of professions).


Emotional loads are determined by three parameters:

  • the degree of responsibility for the result of their own activities;
  • degree of risk to one's own life;
  • responsible for the safety of others.

The practice of workplace certification shows that the assessment of all three parameters occurs in accordance with the profession without any additional measurements, which in this case is the best choice than conducting extremely subjective assessments by non-core specialists. The problem of emotional stress cannot be limited to three indicators and requires professional assessment methods that should be developed by specialists in the field of social psychology, labor psychology, psychology of motivation and emotions, etc., and not by hygienists, as was done when developing hygiene criteria.

The degree of responsibility for the result of their own activities. The significance of the error indicates the extent to which the employee can influence the result of his own work at various levels of complexity of the activities carried out. In fact, the higher the cost of a mistake, the higher the emotional stress. For most people, this approach is true, but the inner essence of this tension in each case will have its own impact on health and not always harmful. The assignment of working conditions under which the employee's responsibility for the "functional quality of the final product, work, task" is high to the harmful class 3.2 (persistent functional changes leading in most cases to an increase in occupationally caused morbidity) remains controversial.

At the same time, when choosing a profession, the employee relies on his personal preferences and logically chooses a profession associated with the degree of responsibility that he can afford. On the other hand, the perception of personal responsibility is not only a source of negative emotional experience that is harmful to health, but also one of the sources of professional satisfaction, which in turn endows it with positive health qualities. Thus, the principle of building an evaluation system should not consist in assessing the a priori level of responsibility, but in its fluctuations relative to the level that the profession chosen by the employee initially assumes.

The degree of risk to one's own life and the degree of responsibility for the safety of others

This indicator is significant for many professions, and not necessarily with a really high risk to one's own life and the lives of others. An instinctive fear of death and harm can accompany not only professions with a really high risk of such events, but also professions in which this risk is imposed on the subconscious of workers by the characteristics of the production environment and their personal susceptibility. All these professions should be included in the list of potentially dangerous from the point of view of the possibility of developing psychogenic disorders due to chronic frustration.


The number of elements (methods) required to implement a simple task or repetitive operations. The main concept in the development of the evaluation system was that - "the smaller the number of techniques performed, the higher the intensity of labor due to multiple repetitive loads."The highest intensity according to this indicator is typical for assembly line workers. The number of elements decreases from 10 to 3, and the hazard class increases accordingly.The logic of the approach says that the indicated numbers should indicate the number of simple operations within one working cycle. If we consider the feasibility of such an approach on the example of the classical conveyor work of a slaughterhouse operator at a poultry farm, we can conclude that, based on common sense, the main potential harm to his health may be caused not by the number of necessary operations in order to achieve the desired result, but by completely different reasons.

The formation of stereotypical ideomotor acts in conveyor workers occurs in the course of labor activity and is deposited in motor memory. In the process of work, a focus of excitation is formed in the corresponding part of the brain, which, in turn, certain conditions hypothetically, it can negatively affect other regulatory processes. This influence is practically not studied (it should not be confused with the influence of physical activity when performing small stereotyped movements), but it is obvious that in almost all cases it depends on the individual characteristics of the response to the very nature of conveyor labor, regardless of how many operations are necessary for performing one cycle.

Another "problem" of this indicator is that the function of time is not specified. That is, in the event that only 3 simple operations were performed for the entire work shift, that is, the class of working conditions can be set to a maximum of 3.2), which, in fact, is absurd.

Duration of execution of simple production tasks or repetitive operations (in seconds). Even within the existing evaluation system, indicators "The number of elements (receptions) required to implement a simple task or repetitive operations” and “Duration of simple production tasks or repetitive operations (in seconds)” should be evaluated by one scale (as, for example, "The size of the object of distinction"), that is, the number of the other. Summarizing them is incorrect.

The time of active actions and the monotony of the production environment (time of passive monitoring of the process in % of the shift time). Both indicators are also interdependent, but are evaluated by different scales, which are subsequently summed up. The longer the time of passive monitoring of the process, the more monotonous is the work (operator's work in standby mode). It is important to note that this indicator can duplicate the indicator of intellectual loads "Perception of signals and their evaluation" only in the absence of corrective actions in response to observation, which was considered the most health-friendly form of professional pastime (class 3.1). Here, the opposite is true - "the smaller the percentage of active actions in relation to the time of passive observation, the worse for health." Thus, the existing evaluation system contradicts itself and is imperfect.

Class 3.1 for the intensity of the labor process is set only if at least 6 indicators out of 22 have a score of 3.1, or from 3 to 5 indicators have a score of 3.1, or from 1 to 3 indicators are assigned to class 3.2. The principle of simple summation without attribution to the type of load can completely ignore the presence of significant problems, since most types of loads are estimated by a smaller number of parameters. This approach covers a very wide range of assessments and makes the entire assessment system extremely rigid (inflexible).

Thus, the analysis of existing approaches to assessing the intensity of the labor process showed that in modern conditions there is a need to create a new evaluation system, more objective, real and more focused on the employee and the characteristics of his perception.


1. Gerchikov V.I. Human resources management: the employee is the most effective resource companies. M.: INFRA-M, 2008.
2. Constitution of the Russian Federation, art. 37.
3. SNiP 23-05-95 "Natural and artificial lighting".
4. Guidelines R 2.2.2006-05 “Guidelines for the hygienic assessment of factors in the working environment and the labor process. Criteria and classification of working conditions.





Department of Industrial Ecology

Evaluation of the intensity of the labor process


to do practical work

students of all specialties, all forms of education

in the discipline "Life safety"

Tyumen 2011

Approved at a meeting of the Department of Industrial Ecology

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tyumen State Oil and Gas University"

Associate Professor, Ph.D. Bulgakova E.V.

© State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tyumen State Oil and Gas University", 2011


Work in conditions of excess of hygienic standards is a violation of the Laws of the Russian Federation: "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens", "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population."

In cases where, for technological or other reasons, it is not possible to fully comply with hygienic standards at the workplace, it is necessary to ensure the safety of the work performed for human health. This can be achieved through a combination of various protective measures.

The definition of classes of working conditions according to the severity and intensity of the labor process is carried out in the process of certification of workplaces. The classification of working conditions according to the indicators of the labor process is necessary to substantiate the main directions of improving human activity, the regulation of environmental factors, as well as to provide benefits and compensation to workers.

The purpose of the guidelines is to acquire by students the skills of assessing working conditions in terms of the intensity of the labor process.

1. Familiarize yourself with the procedure for attestation of workplaces in terms of the intensity of the labor process.

2. Learn to evaluate the intensity of the labor process.

3. Process the results of the assessment and draw up a protocol for assessing working conditions in terms of the intensity of the labor process.

4. Assess the working conditions in terms of the intensity of the labor process.

    1. Theoretical part

    1. Classification of working conditions according to indicators of the intensity of the labor process

Certification of workplaces according to working conditions- a system for analyzing and evaluating workplaces for conducting recreational activities, familiarizing employees with working conditions, certification of production facilities, to confirm or cancel the right to provide compensation and benefits to employees engaged in hard work and work with harmful and dangerous working conditions.

When attesting workplaces for working conditions, all harmful and (or) dangerous production factors (physical, chemical and biological factors), severity and (or) tension at the workplace are subject to assessment. The levels of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors are determined on the basis of instrumental measurements in the conduct of production processes in accordance with technological documentation with serviceable and effective means of collective protection.

Hygiene criteria- these are indicators characterizing the degree of deviations of the parameters of the factors of the working environment and the labor process from the current hygienic standards.

Based on the degree of deviation of the actual levels of factors of the working environment and the labor process from hygienic standards, working conditions are conditionally divided into 4 classes according to the degree of harmfulness and danger: optimal, permissible, harmful and dangerous.

Optimal working conditions ( 1 class) - such conditions under which the health of workers is maintained, and prerequisites are created for maintaining a high level of efficiency. Optimal standards of production factors are established for microclimatic parameters and factors of the labor process. For other factors, conventionally, such working conditions are taken as optimal, under which there are no unfavorable factors, or do not exceed the levels accepted as safe for the population.

Permissible working conditions (grade 2)- are characterized by such levels of environmental factors and the labor process that do not exceed the established hygienic standards for workplaces, and possible changes in the functional state of the body are restored during regulated rest or by the beginning of the next shift and should not have an adverse effect on health in the near and long term workers and their offspring. Permissible working conditions are classified as conditionally safe.

Harmful working conditions (grade 3) are characterized by the presence of harmful production factors that exceed hygienic standards and have an adverse effect on the body of the worker and / or his offspring.

Harmful working conditions according to the degree of excess of hygienic standards and the severity of changes in the body of workers (the classification mainly uses a qualitative characteristic of changes in the body of workers, which will be supplemented by quantitative indicators as the necessary information is accumulated) are divided into 4 degrees of harmfulness:

1 degree 3 class (3.1.) - working conditions are characterized by such deviations in the levels of harmful factors from hygienic standards that cause functional changes that are restored, as a rule, with a longer (than by the beginning of the next shift) interruption of contact with harmful factors and increase the risk of damage to health.

2 degree 3 class (3.2.) - levels of harmful factors that cause persistent functional changes, leading in most cases to an increase in work-related morbidity (which is manifested by an increase in the level of morbidity with temporary disability and, first of all, those diseases that reflect the state of the most vulnerable organs and systems to these harmful factors) , the appearance of initial signs or mild (without loss of professional ability to work) forms of occupational diseases that occur after prolonged exposure (often after 15 years or more).

3 degree 3 class (3.3) - working conditions characterized by such levels of harmful factors, the impact of which leads to the development, as a rule, of occupational diseases of mild and moderate severity (with loss of professional ability to work) during the period of employment, the growth of chronic (industrial-caused) pathology, including increased levels of morbidity with temporary disability.

4 degree 3 class (3.4.) - working conditions under which severe forms of occupational diseases (with loss of general ability to work) can occur, there is a significant increase in the number of chronic diseases and high levels of morbidity with temporary disability.

Dangerous (extreme) working conditions (4th grade) are characterized by levels of production factors, the impact of which during the work shift (or part of it) poses a threat to life, a high risk of developing acute occupational injuries, including severe forms.

The intensity of labor as a characteristic of labor activity is manifested in the functional stress of the body during work with a predominance of nervous load (with predominant loads on analyzers and the central nervous system).

The intensity of the labor process must be assessed at those workplaces where work is characterized by:

1) high complexity of production tasks (high-level managers, engineers, designers, doctors, etc.);

2) a large number and complexity of received and processed information (dispatchers, operators);

3) management and control of the work of other persons (foremen, foremen, heads of structural divisions);

4) the need for simultaneous monitoring of a large number of production facilities (air traffic controllers, operators at complex control panels, drivers);

5) long-term focused observation (drivers, operating doctors);

7) work with optical devices (laboratory assistants) and with video terminals;

9) increased responsibility for the safety of equipment and the safety of other persons (foremen, foremen, dispatchers, drivers);

10) risk to one's own life (drivers, electricians);

11) the monotony of actions (workers of production lines, stampers) or the situation (operators-observers);

    long shifts and the presence of night shifts (employees of metallurgical enterprises, energy enterprises, shift workers).

The assessment of labor intensity of a professional group of workers is based on an analysis of labor activity and its structure, which are studied by chronometric observations in the dynamics of the entire working day, for at least one week. The analysis is based on taking into account the whole complex of production factors (stimuli, irritants) that create the prerequisites for the emergence of adverse neuro-emotional states (overstrain). All factors (indicators) of the labor process have a qualitative or quantitative expression and are grouped according to the types of loads: intellectual, sensory, emotional, monotonous, regime loads (see Table 1.1).

Table 1.1 - Classes of working conditions in terms of intensity of the labor process

Indicators of intensity of the labor process

Classes of working conditions



tension easy labor degree

moderate labor intensity

hard work

1st degree

2 degrees

1. Intelligent loads:

No need to make a decision

Solving simple problems according to instructions

Solving complex problems with the choice of known algorithms (work on a series of instructions)

Heuristic (creative) activity requiring the solution of an algorithm, sole management in difficult situations

1.2. Perception of signals (information) and their evaluation

Perception of signals, but no action correction required

Perception of signals with subsequent correction of actions and operations

Perception of signals with subsequent comparison of the actual values ​​of the parameters with their nominal values. Final evaluation of actual parameter values

Perception of signals followed by a comprehensive assessment of related parameters. Comprehensive assessment of all production activities

1.3. Distribution of functions according to the degree of task complexity

Job Processing and Execution

Processing, execution of the task and its verification

Processing, checking and monitoring the execution of the task

Control and preliminary work on the distribution of tasks to other persons

1.4. The nature of the work performed

Work according to an individual plan

Work according to the established schedule with its possible correction in the course of activities

Working under time pressure

Work in conditions of time and information deficit with increased responsibility for the final result

2. Sensory loads

2.1 Duration of concentrated observation (in % of shift time)

2.2 Density of signals (light, sound) and messages on average for 1 hour of work

2.3. Number of production facilities of simultaneous observation

2.4. The size of the object of distinction (with a distance from the eyes of the worker to the object of distinction no more than 0.5 m) in mm with the duration of concentrated observation (% of the shift time)

more than 5 mm - 100%

5-1.1 mm - more than 50%

1-0.3 mm - up to 50%

less than 0.3 mm - up to 25%

1-0.3 mm - more than 50% less than 0.3 mm - 25-50%

less than 0.3 mm - more than 50%

2.5. Work with optical instruments (microscopes, magnifiers, etc.) with the duration of concentrated observation (% of shift time)

2.6. Monitoring the screens of video terminals (hours per shift):

With alphanumeric type of information display;

With a graphical type of information display

2.7. The load on the auditory analyzer (when the production needs to perceive speech or differentiated signals)

Legibility of words and signals from 100% to 90%. No interference

Legibility of words and signals from 90% to 70%. There are interferences against which speech can be heard on distance up to 3.5m

Legibility of words and signals from 70% to 50%. There are interferences against which speech can be heard on distance up to 2m

The intelligibility of words and signals is less than 50% distance up to 1.5m

3. Emotional loads

3.1. The degree of responsibility for the result of their own activities. Significance of error

Responsible for the implementation of individual elements of tasks. It entails additional efforts in work on the part of the employee

Bears responsibility for the functional quality of auxiliary work (tasks). It entails additional efforts on the part of higher management (foreman, foreman, etc.)

Responsible for the functional quality of the main work (task). It entails corrections due to the additional efforts of the entire team (groups, brigades, etc.)

Responsible for the functional quality of the final product, work, task. Causes damage to equipment, shutdown of the process and may be life threatening

3.2. The degree of risk to one's own life



3.3. Degree of responsibility for the safety of others



4. Monotony of loads

4.1. The number of elements (methods) required to implement a simple task or in repetitive operations

4.2. Duration (in seconds) of performing simple production tasks or repetitive operations

4.3. Time of active actions (as a percentage of the duration of the shift). The rest of the time - monitoring the progress of the production process.

20 or more

4 or less

4.4. The monotony of the production environment (the time of passive monitoring of the progress of the technical process in% of the shift time)

5. Mode of operation

5.1 Actual working hours

10-12 hours

more than 12 hours

5.2. Shift work

One shift work (no night shift)

Two shift work (no night shift)

Three shift work (night shift)

Irregular shifts with night work

5.3. Availability of regulated breaks and their duration

Breaks are regulated, of sufficient duration: 7% or more of working time

Breaks are regulated, insufficient duration: from 3 to 7% of working time

Breaks are not regulated and of insufficient duration up to 3% of working time

No breaks

The choice of a particular profession is determined by the factors of the labor process: the severity and intensity of labor

Labor Process Factors- circumstances, conditions that determine the labor process: the severity of labor and the intensity of labor.

The severity of labor- a characteristic of the labor process, reflecting the predominant load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems of the body (cardiovascular, respiratory) that ensure its activity.

The severity of labor is determined by the physical dynamic load, the mass of the load being lifted and moved, the total number of stereotypical working movements, the magnitude of the static load, the working posture, the degree of inclination of the body, and movements in space.

Labor intensity- a characteristic of the labor process, reflecting the load mainly on the central nervous system, sensory organs, and the emotional sphere of the worker.

The factors characterizing the intensity of work include intellectual, sensory, emotional loads, the degree of monotony of loads, and the mode of work.

The severity and intensity of work are quite often exacerbated by negative factors in the working environment. The totality of the factors of the labor process and the working environment in which human activity is carried out is called working conditions. Working conditions affect the performance and health of the worker.

Heaviness and tension are quite often exacerbated by the negative factors of the working environment. The totality of factors of the labor process of the working environment in which human activity is carried out is called working conditions.

Working conditions affect the performance and health of the worker. From all the variety forms of work human three main ones can be distinguished: physical labor, mental labor, a combination of physical and mental labor (in various respects).

Physical work characterized by increased load on the musculoskeletal system. It affects the cardiovascular, neuromuscular, respiratory systems of the body. All types physical work are performed with the participation of muscles, which, contracting, do work in the physiological sense of the word. Replenishment of muscle energy occurs due to the consumption of nutrients that come constantly from the bloodstream.

Excessive exercise can lead to disease. After physical labor, the worker needs a long rest.

The monotony that usually accompanies physical labor can affect the nervous system, causing a loss of interest in work, a state of drowsiness, predisposing to injury.

Physical labor on the assembly line, monotony and high rhythm cause rapid fatigue.

Physical work is usually divided into three groups according to their severity: mild, moderate and severe.

Light work includes work performed while sitting, standing or walking, but without systematic stress, without lifting and carrying heavy loads. These are jobs in the sewing industry, in precision instrument making and mechanical engineering, in printing, in communications.

The category of moderate severity includes work associated with constant walking and carrying small (up to 10 kg) weights, and performed while standing. This is work in mechanical assembly shops, in mechanized open-hearth, rolling, foundry, forging, thermal shops.

The category of heavy includes work associated with systematic physical stress, as well as with constant movement and carrying significant (more than 10 kg) weights. These are blacksmith works with hand forging, foundries with hand stuffing.

If, with prolonged hard work and with the mobilization of all the resources of the body, the delivery of the required amount of oxygen and nutrients is not ensured, muscle fatigue occurs.

Muscles work not only when a person moves weights, but also when he holds them in place, or holds the weight of his own body or its individual parts (torso, arms, head). In this regard, the main indicators of the severity of the labor process are:

  • - the mass of the lifted and moved cargo manually;
  • - stereotyped work movements;
  • - working posture;
  • - inclinations of the body, movement in space.

Forced and even more uncomfortable position of the body, even in the case of light work, can lead to rapid fatigue, because. static load on the same muscle groups is more tiring objects.

Physiologists identify several stages in the process: at the beginning, performance increases (workability); having reached a maximum, labor productivity remains at this level for a more or less long time (stable work); then there is a gradual decrease in performance (fatigue).

The organization of short breaks at the end of the maximum working capacity reduces fatigue and increases overall labor productivity.

To characterize the tension mental labor from a physiological point of view, sufficiently objective criteria have not been developed. It can be characterized by the amount of information to be memorized and (or) analyzed, as well as the speed of information receipt and decision-making, the measure of responsibility for possible errors in decision-making. Labor, as a process between nature and man, is one and indivisible. However, the distinction between physical and mental labor is important because of the specifics of each. Their ratio characterizes the degree of intellectualization of labor. Intellectualization social labor - one of the objective trends at the present stage. The ratio between the costs of physical and mental labor is changing: the share of the first is decreasing, and the share of the second is increasing. The concept of mental labor has, first of all, a psychophysiological basis, since it is associated with the activity of the human brain. This concept also has a social meaning associated with the allocation of categories of workers, mainly physical (workers) and mental (employees) labor.

The essence of mental labor studied and characterized in various aspects. Physiologists and psychologists consider brainwork as processes of higher nervous activity, realizing the functions and interconnections of the brain with receptors and effectors. Psychologists and sociologists study the motives of mental activity, its structure, logic, as well as the behavior of workers, the moral and psychological climate. Specialists in cybernetics consider mental labor as a model of an information processing system.

mental work covers a very wide range of different in nature and content activities. These include:

  • - scientific work - the work of scientists engaged in research work;
  • - engineering work - the work of engineering and technical workers involved in design, design and technological work;
  • - pedagogical work - the work of professors, teachers and teachers;
  • - medical work;
  • - managerial work - the work of managers and specialists who manage labor collectives;
  • - industrial labor - the labor of workers and specialists who manage complex technological processes, equipment, automated and robotic systems;
  • - Auxiliary work - the work of employees who keep accounting records.

The subject of mental labor(regardless of type) is information containing the state of practice and tasks for changing it.

Information is also product of mental labor. Mental work consists in the processing and analysis of a large amount of various information, and as a result of this, the mobilization of memory and attention, and muscle loads are usually insignificant. This work is characterized by a significant decrease in motor activity (hypokinesia), which can lead to cardiovascular pathology; prolonged mental stress depresses the psyche, impairs the functions of attention, memory. The main indicator of mental labor is tension, which reflects the load on the central nervous system.

Creative characterizes productive activity, that is, activity that changes existing practice. Non-creative - characterizes reproductive activity, that is, activity that reproduces the current practice. Supreme form mental work is creativity.

The main trend in the development of social labor at the present stage is its intellectualization, manifested in an increase specific gravity engaged in mental work, increasing the importance of intellectual work in society. In all areas of modern production, intellectual work plays a decisive role. The performance of the functions of intellectual labor requires the employee to have appropriate abilities, a certain level of intelligence, a high level of professional and general educational knowledge.

work environment overwork man

The severity of labor is a characteristic of the labor process, reflecting mainly the load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems of the body (cardiovascular, respiratory, etc.) that ensure its activity (R 2.2.2006-05).

The severity of the labor process is assessed by a number of indicators expressed in ergometric values ​​that characterize the labor process, regardless of the individual characteristics of the person participating in this process.

The main indicators characterizing the severity of the labor process are:

physical dynamic load (expressed in units of external mechanical work per shift - kg / m);

According to the magnitude of external mechanical work per shift, depending on the type of load (regional or general) and the distance of movement of the load, determine which class of working conditions this work belongs to.

weight of the lifted and moved cargo manually (kg);

It is weighed on a commodity scale.

The weight of the cargo can also be determined from the documents.

the number of stereotyped working movements (the number per shift, in total for two hands);

Stereotypical work movements are divided into:

local - performed with the participation of the muscles of the hands and fingers at a fast pace (60-250 movements per minute);

regional - performed with the predominant participation of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle at a slower pace.

Working hours are determined by chronometric observations or by photographs of the working day.

the value of the static load (the value of the static load per shift when holding the load, applying efforts, kgf s);

The static load associated with holding a load (working tool or workpiece) or applying force (handles, handwheels, handwheels) is calculated by multiplying the two parameters:

the magnitude of the retained force (load weight) and

its retention time.

The nature of the working posture is determined visually. The working posture is:

free - comfortable sitting postures, which make it possible to change the working position of the body or its parts: lean back in a chair, change the position of the legs, arms;

uncomfortable - postures with a large inclination or rotation of the body, with arms raised above shoulder level, with uncomfortable placement of the lower limbs;

fixed - the impossibility of changing the relative position various parts bodies relative to each other, for example, when performing work using optical magnifying devices: magnifiers and microscopes;

forced - poses lying, kneeling, squatting, etc.

body slopes (number per shift);

The number of slopes per shift is determined: by directly counting them per unit of time (several times per shift), then the number of slopes is calculated for the entire duration of the work, or by determining their number in one operation and multiplying by the number of operations per shift.

movement in space (transitions due to the technical process, during a shift horizontally or vertically - along stairs, ramps, etc., km).

The easiest way to determine this value is with a pedometer to determine steps per shift. The number of steps per shift should be multiplied by the step length and the resulting value expressed in km.

Labor intensity is a characteristic of the labor process, reflecting the load mainly on the central nervous system, sensory organs, and the emotional sphere of the employee (R 2.2.2006-05. App. 16).

All indicators (factors) have a qualitative or quantitative expression and are grouped according to the types of loads:

2. "Perception of signals (information) and their assessment" - the information received during work is compared with the normal values ​​necessary for the course of the labor process.

3. "Distribution of functions according to the degree of complexity of the task" - any labor activity is characterized by the distribution of functions between employees. Accordingly, the more functional duties assigned to the employee, the higher the intensity of labor.

4. "The nature of the work performed" - in the case when the work is performed according to an individual plan, then the level of tension is low. If the work proceeds according to a strictly established schedule with its possible correction as necessary, then the tension increases. If a great intensity of labor is characteristic, when work is performed in conditions of time pressure. The greatest tension is characterized by work in conditions of lack of time and information.

5. “Duration of focused observation (% of shift time)” - the greater the percentage of time spent on focused observation during a shift, the higher the tension. The total time of the working shift is taken as 100%;

6. "Density of signals (light, sound) and messages on average for 1 hour of work" - the number of perceived and transmitted signals (messages of orders) allows you to evaluate the employment, the specifics of the employee's activities. The greater the number of signals, the higher the information load, leading to an increase in tension;

7. "Number of production objects of simultaneous observation" - indicates that with an increase in the number of objects of simultaneous observation, the intensity of labor increases. This characteristic of labor makes demands on the amount of attention (from 4 to 8 unrelated objects) and its distribution as the ability to simultaneously focus attention on several objects or actions;

8. “The size of the object of distinction during the duration of focused attention (% of the shift time)” - the smaller the size of the object (product, part, digital or alphabetic information, etc.) and the longer the observation time, the higher the load on the visual analyzer. Accordingly, the class of labor intensity increases;

9. "Working with optical instruments (microscope, magnifying glass, etc.) during the duration of concentrated observation (% of the shift time)". On the basis of chronometric observations, the time (hours, minutes) of working with an optical device is determined. The duration of the working day is taken as 100%, and the time of a fixed gaze using a microscope, a magnifying glass is converted into a percentage. The greater the percentage of time, the greater the load, leading to the development of tension in the visual analyzer.

10. "Monitoring the screen of the video terminal (hours per shift)". The time (h, min) of direct work of the VDM user with the display screen throughout the working day is fixed, the longer the time of fixing the gaze on the VDT screen, the greater the load on the visual analyzer and the higher the labor intensity.

11. "Load on the auditory analyzer." The indicator "load on the auditory analyzer" should characterize such work in which the performer, in conditions of increased noise levels, must hear speech information or other auditory signals that guide him in the process of work.

12. "Load on the vocal apparatus (total number of hours spoken per week)". The degree of tension of the vocal apparatus depends on the duration of speech loads. Overstrain of the voice is observed with prolonged, without rest, voice activity.

13. "The degree of responsibility for the result of their own activities, the significance of the error" - indicates to what extent the employee can influence the result of his own work at various levels of complexity of the activities carried out. With increasing complexity, the degree of responsibility increases, which accordingly leads to an increase in emotional stress. This indicator assesses the responsibility of the employee for the quality of the elements of tasks of auxiliary work, the main work or the final product.

14. "The degree of risk to one's own life." A measure of risk is the probability of an undesirable event occurring. At the workplace, they analyze the presence of traumatic factors that may pose a danger to the life of workers, and determine the possible zone of their influence. This indicator characterizes those workplaces where there is a direct danger (explosion, impact, spontaneous combustion).

15. "Responsibility for the safety of others." When assessing tension, it is necessary to take into account only direct, and not indirect, responsibility (the latter is distributed to all managers), that is, one that is imputed by the job description.

16. "The number of conflict production situations per shift." The presence of conflict situations in the production activities of a number of professions (employees of all levels of the prosecutor's office, the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, teachers, etc.) significantly increase the emotional burden and are subject to quantitative assessment. The number of conflict situations is taken into account on the basis of timing observations.

17. "The number of elements (techniques) necessary to implement a simple task or repetitive operations" and

18. "Duration (s) of performing simple production tasks or repetitive operations" - the smaller the number of steps performed and the shorter the time, the higher the monotony of the loads, respectively. These indicators are most pronounced during assembly line work. A necessary condition for classifying operations and actions as monotonous is not only their frequent repetition and a small number of techniques, but also their uniformity and low information content.

19. "Time of active actions (in% of the duration of the shift)". Observation of the progress of the technological process does not refer to "active actions". The shorter the time for performing active actions and the longer the time for monitoring the progress of the production process, the correspondingly monotonous loads.

20. “The monotony of the production environment (the time of passive observation of the progress of the technical process, in% of the shift time” - the longer the time of passive observation of the progress of the technological process, the more monotonous the work is.

21. “The actual length of the working day” is singled out as an independent heading, since regardless of the number of shifts and the rhythm of work, the actual length of the working day ranges from 6-8 hours (telephonists, telegraph operators, etc.) to 12 hours or more (heads of industrial enterprises). A number of professions have shifts of 12 hours or more (doctors, nurses, etc.). The longer the work in time, the greater the total load per shift, and, accordingly, the higher the intensity of labor;

How to assess the intensity of work?

Evaluation of labor intensity is carried out in accordance with the following principles:

  • The working specialty is analyzed in terms of all given values. It is forbidden to use the given indicators selectively.
  • The class of working conditions is found for each of the given values.
  • In the event that a working specialty is devoid of one of the parameters (for example, an employee does not need to watch the screens), 1 class NT is assigned to it. You can't just skip the parameter.

Consider the criteria by which a certain class is assigned to a specialty:

  • Class 1 can only be assigned if 17 or more indicators of the specialty have received a similar class. However, if there is one value that belongs to the 3rd class, then the 1st class cannot be assigned.
  • Class 2 is assigned only if 6 or more values ​​belong to the second class, the rest - to the first. From 1 to 5 indicators can get class 3.1 and 3.2.
  • Class 3 is set if 6 values ​​deserve a grade of 3.1, the rest - to class 1 or 2. An alternative option - 3-5 indicators belong to class 3.1, and from 1 to 3 values ​​- to class 3.2.

These rules are fixed by the relevant hygienic standards.

Indicators of intensity of the labor process

Intellectual load. In the process of production activity, a person performs tasks of varying degrees of complexity. Mental work, in which there is no need to make decisions, is considered easy. If the employee makes decisions within the framework of the instructions, then such working conditions are acceptable. The work associated with solving complex problems using several instructions is stressful. The intensity of labor, when studying the intellectual load, includes the processing, verification and control of the task, the work of distributing the production task among other persons and monitoring their work. It is necessary to take into account the nature of production tasks, which provide for the performance of work according to an individual plan, according to a set schedule, as well as for the final result, but in conditions of time pressure.

sensory loads. This stage is evaluated by studying the duration of focused observation, assessing the density of signals and messages, the number of production facilities that are being monitored, as well as the load on the visual and auditory analyzer.

Emotional loads. The sthenic (determination, joy, enthusiasm, passion) and asthenic (fear, apprehension, fear, fright) emotions inherent in a person most seriously affect the sense of responsibility of the worker for the result of his own activity. In progress job duties risk assessment, both for one's own life and the risk assessment for the safety of others, play an essential role in determining the quality of working conditions. With the increase in the complexity of the tasks being solved, taking into account the possibility of conflict situations in the team, the likelihood of emotional stress increases.

Monotony of loads. The monotony of performing simple elements of an operation at a given or free pace, or working with a sensory or mental load of low and medium intensity, in the absence of elements of novelty, is accompanied by the development of a state of monotony. This circumstance leads to the fact that monotonous work reduces not only labor productivity, but also increases the accident rate and injuries at work. The degree of monotonicity is determined by the number of elements and the duration of the execution of these elements or operations.

Operating mode. The working capacity of a person is determined not only by the activity of the muscular apparatus and sensory organs, but also by the activity of the cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine and other systems that are not controlled by the human consciousness and work according to the daily biorhythm. Therefore, the actual duration of the working day, work shifts, the presence of regulated breaks and their duration, which determine the mode of work, serve as significant indicators of neuropsychic stress.

The drilling rig is equipped with the most various types technological equipment. Their use facilitates the work of a person, makes it productive. However, the operation of this equipment is associated with the possibility of affecting the above-mentioned production factors, the ergonomic indicators of which, unfortunately, are not fully evaluated. The main direction of facilitating and improving working conditions, increasing its productivity is the mechanization and automation of work and technological processes and the use of robots and manipulators.

Classes of working conditions in terms of the severity of the labor process Appendix 6 Classes of working conditions

Optimal (light physical activity) Tolerable (medium physical activity) Harmful (hard work)

1st degree 2nd degree

1 2 3.1 3.2 1 2 3 4 5 1. Physical dynamic load (units of external mechanical work per shift, kg*m) 1.1. With a regional load (with the predominant participation of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle) when moving the load at a distance of up to 1 m:

for women up to 2500 up to 1500 up to 5000 up to 3000 up to 7000 up to 4000 over 7000 over 4000 1.2. With a total load (with the participation of the muscles of the arms, body, legs): 1.2.1, When moving the load at a distance of 1 m to 5 m:

for men for women up to 12500 up to 7500 up to 25000 up to 15000 up to 35000 up to 25000 more than 35000 more than 25000 1.2.2. When moving a load over a distance of more than 5 m:

for men for women up to 24,000 up to 1,400 up to 46,000 up to 28,000 up to 70,000 up to 40,000 more than 70,000 more than 40,000 2. Weight of manually lifted and moved load, kg 2.1. Lifting and moving (one-time) gravity when alternating with other work (up to 2 times per hour): 1 2 3 4 5 for men for women up to 15 to 5 up to 30 up to 10 to 35 up to 12 more than 35 more than 12 2.2. Lifting and moving (one-time) gravity constantly during the work shift:

for women up to 5 up to 3 up to 15 up to 7 up to 20 up to 10 over 20 over 10 2.3. The total mass of goods moved during each hour of the shift: 2.3.1. From work surface:

for men for women up to 250 up to 100 up to 870 up to 350 up to 1500 up to 700 over 1500 over 700 2.3.2, From gender:

for men for women up to 100 up to 50 up to 435 up to 175 up to 600 up to 350 over 600 over 350 3. Stereotyped work movements (number per shift) 3.1. With local load (involving the muscles of the hands and fingers) up to 20,000 up to 40,000 up to 60,000 more than 60,000 3.2. With a regional load (when working with the predominant participation of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle) up to 10,000 up to 20,000 up to 30,000 more than 30,000 4. Static load - the value of the static load per shift when holding the load, applying efforts, kgf * s 4.1. With one hand:

for men for women up to 18,000 up to 11,000 up to 36,000 up to 22,000 up to 70,000 up to 42,000 more than 70,000 more than 42,000 4.2. Two hands:

for men for women up to 36,000 up to 22,000 up to 70,000 up to 42,000 up to 140,000 up to 84,000 more than 140,000 more than 84,000 1 2 3 4 5 4.3, With the participation of the muscles of the body and legs:

for men for women up to 43,000 up to 26,000 up to 100,000 up to 60,000 up to 200,000 up to 120,000 more than 200,000 more than 120,000 5. Working posture 5. Working posture Free, comfortable posture, the ability to change the working position of the body (sitting, standing).

Classes of working conditions according to indicators of the intensity of the labor process Appendix 7 Indicators of the intensity of the labor process Class of working conditions

Optimal (labor intensity of a light degree) Permissible (labor intensity of an average degree) Hard work

1st degree 2nd degree

1 2 3.1 3.2 1 2 3 4 5 1. Intellectual loads 1.1. The content of the work There is no need to make a decision. Solving simple problems according to the instructions. Solving complex problems with the choice of known algorithms (work on a series of instructions). Heuristic (creative) activity requiring the solution of an algorithm, sole leadership in difficult situations 1.2, Perception of signals (information) and their evaluation Perception of signals, but no correction of actions is required. Perception of signals with subsequent correction of actions and operations. Perception of signals with subsequent comparison of the actual values ​​of the parameters with their nominal values. Final evaluation of actual parameter values. Perception of signals followed by a comprehensive assessment of related parameters. Comprehensive Assessment all production activities. 1.3. Distribution of functions according to the degree of complexity of the task Processing and execution of the task. Processing, execution of the task and its verification. Processing, checking and monitoring the execution of the task. Control and preliminary work on the distribution of tasks to other persons. -1 > g?