Business idea: private speech therapy office. Franchises for women How to open a speech therapy office

In this material:

Wondering how to open a speech therapy center? In general, nothing complicated and nothing new: registration is simple, as with any other business. The material below can be considered a kind of business plan for opening a speech therapy center.

Necessary documents and costs at the beginning of activity

To register a speech therapy center, the following documents are required:

  1. A document confirming that you are registered as a legal entity.
  2. A bank statement with your current account is provided.
  3. You will need a document confirming that you have registered with the tax office.
  4. A correctly drawn up rental agreement for premises for the center. Without it, it will be impossible to obtain registration of a legal entity.
  5. Permission to operate the office from the sanitary service and fire department.

It is also necessary to have a teaching license and preferably a neurologist license.

At the beginning of the activity of a speech therapy center, or rather before its opening, you must calculate the costs for three main areas:

  1. Costs for obtaining documents, permits and licenses for your activities.
  2. Expenses for renting premises or purchasing it as property. Indoor renovation. Purchase of furniture and office equipment for the center. Purchasing teaching aids. Advertising costs.
  3. Expenses for employee salaries and utility bills.

What should be included in a speech therapy center?

The most important thing about your center is its location. The location should be such that it can be quickly and conveniently reached. The building must be famous in the city and visible. This could be a children's center, a former home of pioneers, or a large shopping center. A speech therapy center must have several rooms. This is the office itself in which the speech therapist conducts classes. Next, there is a large room in which parents can wait for their children. Here you can place promotional and educational literature.

If there is a neurologist on staff, then he should have his own separate office. There must be a toilet and a technical room for equipment.

How to run an advertising campaign

As you know, advertising is the engine of progress. So before opening, and even after your center is operational, do not skimp on advertising. The right marketing approach will pay for itself very quickly. So, you will need the following:

  1. It is necessary to advertise your speech therapy center in all local newspapers and magazines. We need to advertise on local television. It would be nice to order a small promotional video. People should feel that your center is a thriving establishment with the best specialists and innovative equipment.
  2. Distribution of advertising brochures to target audiences, for example, in schools, kindergartens, clinics.
  3. Dissemination of information about your center can be done through social networks. Don't forget to create your own website. It will also take some time to promote it.

In all advertising texts, mention that classes can also be conducted with adults (in this case, you ensure complete confidentiality). People do not like to advertise their shortcomings, and especially their methods of dealing with them.

Furnishings and equipment for a speech therapy center

The atmosphere in the center should be cozy and inviting, but there should be no bright pictures or TVs on the walls, and children should not be distracted from their studies.

Furniture should be specifically for children: small and comfortable.

The speech therapy center must have:

  1. Source of drinking water. Cooler, for example.
  2. Wash basin with towels and soap.
  3. Furniture for a classroom.
  4. Sofas and coffee tables for the waiting room.
  5. Computer for administration.
  6. Cabinets for educational materials. Wardrobes for clothes.
  7. An ordinary school board.
  8. Wall mirrors so children can see their faces during activities.
  9. Small mirrors for studying.
  10. Screen and projector for showing educational films.
  11. Sets of colored pencils and felt-tip pens.
  12. Sets of various board games, educational games.
  13. Timer.

In addition, the speech therapist himself can expand his inventory base to make his classes more productive and convenient.

Important aspects for starting the center:

  1. Before opening your speech therapy center, check if there are already operating centers and offices in the area. If so, you may not be able to recruit the qualified staff your business needs to thrive.
  2. The speech therapist must plan work for the year ahead; for this he must conduct surveys of children and their parents in local schools and kindergartens. After all, many parents believe that a speech defect will go away on its own and do not attach any importance to it. The speech therapist's task is to convince them that treatment needs to be carried out at an early age. And the sooner the better.
  3. Your speech therapist should attend seminars and continuing education courses. This, of course, is an additional expense, but you will have a modern, trained specialist.

Since your product is a service, the primary costs should ideally pay for themselves within 3-4 months, then the speech therapy office will begin to generate income. The main thing in this matter is to be better than your competitors, that is, constant monitoring of this segment of the service market is necessary.

Investments: Investments 290,000 - 700,000 ₽

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* The calculations use average data for Russia

Recently, more and more often, specialists in various helping professions are thinking about starting their own business. On our Openbusiness portal you will find many articles on this topic, which are addressed to budding entrepreneurs. Nevertheless, the topic does not lose its popularity, and our readers often ask questions that relate to various organizational nuances. This material was prepared with the participation of a large number of entrepreneurs from different regions of our country, who willingly share their experience, talking about the pitfalls that a specialist planning to enter private practice may encounter, and the secrets that will help achieve success in this endeavor.

Where to start?

So, you are a qualified and experienced specialist in the field of psychology, speech therapy, early development or tutoring... All such professions give you the rare opportunity to work for yourself, choosing your own schedule and combining work with household chores and hobbies. Opening your own office or small center provides obvious advantages. Working for yourself, you do not depend on the will of other people, you can independently determine your workload, set prices for your services, choose lesson programs, plan your vacation (or even more than one during the year) and create a convenient work schedule. Of course, there are also some downsides. “First of all, forget about working days and weekends. When you work for yourself, you will no longer have days off. Even if you work only five days a week, the remaining two days you will solve current organizational issues, do accounting, purchase office supplies, draw up client files, develop programs for subsequent work, select teaching materials, print test forms... During the working week on There will be no time to resolve these issues, so you either have to sit up at night or spend your “legal” weekends on resolving current and pressing issues.”(Maria S., practicing psychologist, Suzdal).

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But the first disadvantage of working for yourself is the need for investment at the first stage of work. True, their size can vary significantly. The average amount required to open your own office or class is from 150 thousand rubles, excluding organizational expenses (registration of individual entrepreneurs, production of a seal, etc.). This amount can be an order of magnitude greater if you plan to open an entire center, or less if you are sufficiently prudent and began preparing for the organization of your office in advance.

Entrepreneur Anatoly, who opened a psychologist’s office, and soon an entire psychological center in the city of Rostov-on-Don, counted on expanding his business from the very beginning: “When choosing a room for my office, where I could receive clients and conduct trainings, as well as gather therapeutic groups, I immediately counted on more than one room, which would be enough for me alone. However, having drawn up a business plan with all the calculations, I realized that the profitability of the project in this case would be low, and, therefore, one cannot count on high profits. I had to invest not only my own, but also borrowed funds to open my center. The total investment amounted to about 400 thousand rubles. And this is not at all as much as it might seem. We rent premises in the historical center of the city. On the one hand, there are practically no office buildings here, but we often work with corporate clients on the road, so the distance from the business center is not a disadvantage. But it’s convenient to get to us from any part of the city. In addition, just the sign above the entrance to the building where the center is located works as outdoor advertising. Rent of premises with a total area of ​​60 sq. meters with two offices and a hall for group classes costs me 35 thousand rubles per month. We are talking about a million-plus city. In my opinion, this is a very good price, and I was lucky to find this option. But at the beginning of the work it was difficult. When I worked alone (since there was no longer enough “start-up money” to pay other employees), my income was barely enough to cover the cost of rent. Fortunately, I opened my center in February and by the summer I had found a partner - a psychologist like me, with whom we shared the cost of rent. By the fall, we were also able to hire an administrator (aka advertising and client search manager) and a trainer. Now almost no room in our center is empty for more than three hours a day. We alternately conduct consultations, seminars, master classes and trainings, go to corporate clients and by next summer we plan to look for a child psychologist who can conduct classes with schoolchildren during the summer holidays.”

But psychologist Natalya from Volgograd cost much less to open her office: “According to my calculations, I spent no more than 70 thousand rubles on organizing my business (albeit small, but it’s still a business). Although, in reality, the investments were, of course, greater. But before opening the office, I invested more in myself as a specialist, and not in the premises where I planned to work. After graduating from university, I got a job at the City Psychological Center. This is a municipal organization, so we couldn’t count on big incomes. At the same time, I worked as a psychologist in a kindergarten. Fortunately, both there were part-time jobs, and schedules did not overlap. Every month I spent part of my salary either on my training or on purchasing the necessary equipment and literature. For example, I allocated 3-3.5 thousand rubles every month, which I could spend on various practical and educational aids, on test material, or on working tools. So, for example, one month I went beyond my allocated budget to purchase a Jungian sandbox for conducting sand therapy sessions, which cost me 3,700 rubles including delivery and the minimum set (3 kg of sand). Over the next 2-3 months I bought toys for sand therapy. I was lucky with this. I purchased most of the toys (wooden figurines) either secondhand (on Avito) or on joint purchasing sites, so they cost me 1.5-2 times cheaper than the retail price. When I realized that my experience and knowledge were enough to start working on my own, I began to look for premises for my office to receive clients. A suitable option was found almost immediately. Before I had time to register as an individual entrepreneur, I was offered to rent premises in one of the city districts with a convenient location and at a good price. For two rooms (the reception room and the office itself) I pay 15 thousand rubles a month, including all additional payments. In principle, it would be possible to get by at a lower cost and rent one room, but I work mainly with children, so I need a place where parents can wait for the end of classes. You can also leave your outerwear or change into replacement shoes in the reception area. As for the costs of equipment and furniture, they turned out to be small. I moved a table, a computer, shelves of books, a carpet and several chairs from home. We only had to buy a printer, a few more chairs for group classes and soft bean bags. Moreover, I purchased both equipment and furniture through advertisements. They are all in excellent condition and look like new, but they cost me two or even three times less. The decor is also of great importance: a psychologist’s office should not look like a doctor’s office, and a few little things are enough to create the right atmosphere. So, for example, I simply selected postcards with beautiful drawings on a children's theme and inserted them into ordinary frames from Ikea. It would seem like nothing at all, but it immediately changed the look from an office to a home interior. Another secret to transforming your office is replacing standard plastic blinds with fabric curtains. Moreover, the benefits from them are not only aesthetic, but also practical - during therapy sessions, relaxation, or viewing slides on a projector, you can create the necessary twilight in the room.”

Keep in mind that the requirements for the minimum area of ​​the premises may be objective: for example, to open a speech therapy office you will need from 20 sq. meters. As for furniture, then, indeed, it is quite possible to save money on it. It is quite possible that you have a suitable table and chairs at home. If not, then no problem. You can find suitable options for a low price in special groups on social networks or on free classifieds sites. There is also no need to rush into purchasing equipment. Of the entire set of office equipment, you will need, first of all, a computer (laptop) and a printer. Most likely, you already have a computer. A printer can be purchased for about 3 thousand rubles. If you need to print materials for classes in color, it is better to do this at one of the photo printing points. Print the pictures and laminate them - this way your benefits will last much longer. For the first time, you can do without a projector. An ordinary white board on which you can write with a special marker will be enough.

Business registration

If you plan to work independently, then regardless of what activity you will be engaged in (conducting psychological counseling, speech therapy classes, or giving foreign language lessons), it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. However, keep in mind that you must have a higher education in the field in which you are going to work. Although, as experience shows, most of your clients are unlikely to be interested in your diploma, but it should be required. If you work as a psychologist, you must have a higher psychological education, if you are a speech therapist, you must have a higher education in the specialty “defectology” (as a rule), and if you are a tutor, then you cannot do without a teacher’s qualification.

If rarely does anyone remember about a higher education document, then the question of whether you have a license may well arise. This issue needs to be sorted out. The fact is that educational institutions that provide, for example, speech therapy services are indeed subject to mandatory licensing. After all, speech therapists, in fact, work at the intersection of medicine and pedagogy, but Order of the Ministry of Health No. 142 of April 29, 1998 (now no longer in force) determined the list of types of medical activities subject to licensing, and speech therapy was not included in that list. There was no speech therapy in the subsequent edition of licensed works and services for the provision of medical care (“Nomenclature of works and services for the provision of medical care”), which is an annex to the order (also no longer in force) of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2002 No. 238 (as amended on October 22 .2003). You will not find speech therapy in the later orders of the Ministry of Social Health Development of the Russian Federation “On approval of the procedure for organizing work...”, as well as in the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the regulation on licensing of medical activities”, because formally speech therapy is currently entirely within the sphere of pedagogy and education, and licensing of speech therapy activities is carried out by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, state educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies vested with appropriate powers in accordance with legislation. In Moscow, licenses for speech therapy activities are issued by the City Licensing and Certification Service of the Moscow Department of Education. Therefore, to provide speech therapy services, as well as services in the field of education, a license is needed. Parents who want to check the qualifications of a specialist working with their child can inquire about his license. All information about licenses is open and available to anyone who wishes to familiarize themselves with it. However, the license is always issued in the name of the institution, and not in the name of the specialist. Information about the qualifications of a speech therapist is reflected only in his personal certification sheet. And in our case, a license may not be legally available at all. Thus, privately practicing speech therapists and teachers do not have and should not have a license, since in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, individual labor teaching activities, which include, among other things, the services of a speech therapist, are not subject to licensing.

It will not force you to register an individual entrepreneur. Speech therapist Victoria M. (Moscow) shares her experience: “There are four ways to open an individual entrepreneur. The first option is self-registration. That's exactly what I used. Having spent 800 rubles on paying the state fee and a little of my time, a week after submitting the documents, I already received the status of an entrepreneur. You can also send registration documents by mail (the best option if you are registered in another city). An individual entrepreneur can be registered by power of attorney or with the help of a law firm. The last option is the most expensive. In principle, it allows you to save effort and time, but whether it is worth the money spent with limited starting capital is up to you to decide. Correctly filling out the documents for opening an individual entrepreneur is not difficult even for a beginner (which I was). Study all the information on the official website of the Tax Inspectorate. The whole process is described in great detail there, there are the latest versions of forms and documentation for beginning entrepreneurs. Reading these guides and tips will take you longer than filling out the paperwork and submitting it.”

Ready ideas for your business

The entire registration procedure will take about a week. Even before submitting documents, decide whether you will use financial assistance provided by the employment center (find out first whether such a program operates in your region). If yes, then your first step will be to register directly with the employment center. There you will need to register as unemployed even before registering a business, otherwise you will no longer be able to apply for financial assistance. This subsidy can be a good help for a budding entrepreneur. Another important step in the procedure for acquiring status is the selection of the type of activity indicating the code assigned to it according to the OKVED classifier. Particular attention should be paid to the type of activity that will be indicated first in the application, since it will be the main one. Don’t be afraid to specify several codes, because if in the future you decide to expand the list of services you provide, the service of adding new codes will already be paid and quite complicated.

Be prepared, upon request from the tax authorities, to provide a certificate of no criminal record if you intend to engage in educational activities or work with children.

You will also need to decide on the taxation system (an accountant will help you in this matter), as well as open a bank account and notify the tax office about the start of business activity.

Ready ideas for your business

But all the formalities have been completed, and the cherished documents certifying your status as an entrepreneur are in your hands. What's next?

We are looking for clients and promoting our personal brand

When opening your own office, from the very first days, perceive as a brand not your company (your office or center), but yourself. Only a specialist who is not only an expert in his field, but also positions himself as such, can count on success. This doesn't mean you shouldn't strive to be the best in your segment. Constantly improve your skills, undergo additional training, attend courses, seminars, and trainings. Feel free to display your diplomas and certificates in a prominent place in your office. All this makes people more trusting of you as a specialist. Study books on marketing and PR that talk about ways to build a personal brand. Try to get your name out there. If you have the opportunity (time and, most importantly, interesting material), write and publish your articles in magazines or even books. It is not at all necessary to do this at your own expense. Offer your works to various book publishers, and there is a high probability that someone will definitely be interested in them. Don't be afraid to share your experience. Theoretical knowledge quickly becomes outdated or becomes known to a wide circle of people, and each specialist will have to acquire practical skills independently. You don’t lose anything by sharing your experience, but you gain fame (albeit in a narrow circle, but that’s quite enough).

Don't forget about online promotion. Ideally, it is best that you have your own website. Let it be simple, with a minimum of design, but with a maximum of information and, most importantly, your contacts. Update the information on it from time to time, post your articles and invest money in promotion. Groups on social networks also work great. True, to work in all directions at once requires a lot of time, effort and knowledge. These investments (perhaps the most impressive among other expense items) will definitely pay off, but not immediately. There are also free options for promoting on the Internet. For example, you can act as a consultant on various websites and forums in your city. Experience shows that at least 50% of people who receive advice on the Internet then try to get to this specialist for a “face-to-face” appointment, which is not so small. As for other methods of advertising, they are not so effective.

At first, while you don’t have many visitors, you will be able to combine work in your office with work on the Internet. In the future, it’s worth thinking about finding an assistant who will take on advertising placement, promotion, posting content on the website and in groups, and interacting with potential clients.

Post information about yourself on various specialized sites. There are resources where you can find a tutor in a subject of interest, a doctor, psychologist or psychotherapist, and learn about interesting trainings and seminars. Recently, many psychologists and other specialists are selling their services through so-called joint procurement projects. There they gather groups of people who can receive a significant discount on classes or consultations that interest them. Initially, you should not set the lowest possible prices for your services, but selling your services through a joint venture will allow, on the one hand, to attract new clients with the help of discounts, and on the other hand, it will not devalue your work or spoil your reputation.

Ready ideas for your business

When promoting yourself on the Internet, the main thing is not to give up ahead of time. And even if this happens, your potential clients should always be able to easily find you. “At the very beginning of my private practice, I created a commercial topic on a local forum for parents,” says tutor Sergei V. from St. Petersburg. – I regularly posted useful materials there, answered users’ questions, and talked about my services. But, as it turned out later, I chose the wrong time to open the topic. It was April, when schoolchildren were already thinking only about the holidays, and graduates no longer had time to properly prepare for exams. My topic existed for four months, after which I decided that paying 1.5 thousand rubles a month for something that does not give any return was a pointless waste of time and money, and closed it. But in August I started receiving a large number of applications. It turned out that the parents who saw my topic on that forum remembered me by the end of the holidays, found me on social networks and began signing up for classes. Thanks to this “delayed effect”», I secured myself clients for several months in advance. There was no longer enough time for everyone, and I seriously thought about expanding. Now I have a whole training center where qualified teachers from the largest universities in our city work.”

Speech defects in both children and adults are a fairly common phenomenon. In public clinics it is difficult to find and receive qualified help from a specialist in a narrow profile, and therefore patients with speech disorders are forced to turn to private speech therapists.

The specialist will help you create sounds, teach you how to speak correctly, explain to parents what needs to be done, find out whether the child needs the help of a doctor or if daily exercises at home (pronouncing tongue twisters and poems, reciting by heart, exercises for speech development) are enough, and over time everything will be solved on its own. to yourself.

Market analysis and relevance

The main patients of the speech therapist are children of preschool and primary school age. Parents, as a rule, are sensitive to the health and development of their children, so every child is consulted with this doctor several times during the first 6-7 years of life.

Most of the little preschool patients speak in their own way, change the places of syllables in words, lisp, burr or do not pronounce some letters. Only a doctor can determine whether this child needs corrective treatment and whether his speech is developed according to his age.

The demand for the services of specialized doctors is high, there are few specialists; the most in demand, according to statistics, are pediatricians, speech therapists and neurologists. Considering the prevalence of the problem, the need to examine every child without exception, we can conclude that opening a private speech therapy office is not only profitable, but also very useful.

Registration and organization of business

To organize a business, you must have a diploma of appropriate education, certain work experience and premises for receiving patients. Prices for services must be adequate, the office must be located near residential areas, kindergartens, and playgrounds in order to be in close proximity to potential patients.

To conduct business legally, you must register your business in accordance with all the rules. A suitable organizational and legal form is an individual enterprise, but with an indication of the conduct of teaching activities.

Currently, this type of service is not subject to licensing.

In any case, before starting your own business, it is recommended to consult with an experienced lawyer in order to clarify all the nuances for conducting business within the framework of current legislation.

Required Documentation

Thus, to register an enterprise you will need:

  • formal application;
  • a copy of the passport and diploma of specialized education;
  • payment of state duty.

Registration of documents will take several days and will cost about 800-1000 rubles.


The speech therapy room does not require a large area. A room of 20 m2 is quite enough for the stated purposes. As a rule, a school office outside of school hours or a rented office is suitable for work.

The location should be chosen near a metro station and other transport to make getting to the doctor as easy and convenient as possible. Due to the fact that parents with children of different ages will come for consultations, it is best to locate the office no higher than the second floor or in a building equipped with an elevator.

Equipment and equipment

It is necessary to decorate the office so that the child feels comfortable and cozy in it. For this, in addition to the standard set (table, chairs, a cabinet with methodological materials and a computer), it is worth considering a children's corner with toys and books, a comfortable chair for small patients, etc.

In general, the interior of the room should be made in calm pastel colors; small paintings or funny photographs can be hung on the walls. Fresh flowers look good against the general background.

You should also think about parents who are forced to wait for their child during classes with a speech therapist. It’s a good idea to set up a waiting area with a sofa, magazines, TV, and so on.


The most appropriate option for opening a private business of this kind is to be a practicing speech therapist. A qualified doctor legalizes his activities, rents premises and starts working. Costs will be: rent of premises, advertising costs and utilities.

Entrepreneurial activity is counted only in the total work experience, which should be taken into account when starting a business. There are often cases when a doctor combines work in a public medical institution and at the same time conducts private consultations.

It is risky for a person ignorant of speech therapy to open this type of business.

It is necessary to invest in renting premises, registering an individual entrepreneur, concluding an employment contract with a practicing doctor and inflating prices for services in order to make a profit in the future, since you will have to pay bills every month and transfer wages to the doctor. Not every practicing specialist will agree to work for a percentage when he can work for himself and receive the maximum profit, and not a portion of it.


Business income directly depends on the number of patients. To reach the largest percentage of consumers, you need to think through the advertising campaign and carry it out competently.

To attract clients you can use the following techniques:

It is also worth adapting the work schedule to the requirements of patients.

For most people, due to being busy at work, school or kindergarten, it is more convenient to visit a doctor in the afternoon or on weekends.

Financial component of business

Opening a private speech therapy office from scratch has a number of advantages:

  • small initial capital;
  • ease of registration;
  • inexpensive equipment and equipment.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Narrow profile, specific work, requiring certain education and experience.
  2. The need for constant advertising.

Cost of opening and maintaining

To open a private speech therapist’s office, the following investments will be required:

The total initial investment will be 66,000 rubles.

Current monthly costs include:

  1. Rent of premises – 20,000 rubles.
  2. Advertising – 15,000 rubles.
  3. Utilities – 1-2,000 rubles.
  4. Taxes.

Total: about 40,000 rubles.

Amount of future income

The cost of one lesson with a speech therapist varies from 300 to 800 rubles, depending on the region and area. So, working six days a week, 500 rubles per consultation, by the end of the month you can earn 65-70,000 rubles if the doctor is under-worked.

The cost of services should be maximally adapted to the capabilities of potential clients.

Being in the center of a metropolis, you can charge 1000 rubles per academic hour, but few people will come to an office on the outskirts for that kind of money.

Payback period

High demand for services and limited supply, coupled with low initial capital, make it possible to predict a fairly quick return on investment.

Opening and operating a speech therapy office is a profitable and relevant business if you have a medical specialization and practice. It is easy to determine a doctor’s qualifications during an appointment; if a positive result from the sessions is not achieved, trust in such a doctor will quickly dry up and no advertising campaign will save his reputation.

You should start your own business when you are confident that the services offered are of high quality and not only cost money, but also bring significant benefits.

Many speech therapists are engaged in private practice: they open a speech therapy office or provide individual counseling to children or adults at home.

To avoid serious problems with organizing private practice, specialists often register with speech therapy centers, which provide intermediary services between a speech therapist and a person who needs speech therapy help. In this case, the center enters into an agreement with a specialist, enters his data into the database and provides clients. The speech therapist pays for the services of the center at the bank by depositing a certain amount into the bank account - usually this is the cost of one lesson.

Another way to legally carry out private speech therapy practice is to register as an individual entrepreneur.

What is required to register an individual entrepreneur?

1. Familiarize yourself with the list of documents that are required to register an individual as an individual entrepreneur. This can be done on the tax service website.

2. Select an activity code in the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities. The specialty “Speech Therapy” is not included in the OKVED codes, and on this issue it is better to consult with an experienced lawyer. They will probably advise you on code 86.90 “Other activities in the field of medicine,” since this type of activity is not subject to licensing, and the code contains the phrase “speech therapy office.”

3. Personally visit the branch of the Federal Tax Service and provide documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs.
Typically, a complete set of individual entrepreneur documents is ready for issue on the third working day.

An important point: it is not necessary to seek help from individuals who provide services for registering individual entrepreneurs. Registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur is a simple task - in the branches of the Federal Tax Service there are always employees who are ready to advise and help with paperwork.

Individual entrepreneur current account

The next step on the path to a legitimate individual speech therapy practice is opening a bank account. Any bank that provides cash settlement services is suitable for this purpose.

What should a speech therapist pay attention to when choosing a bank?
1. Comfortable servicing of a current account that meets the specifics of your business.
2. Opening an account only after a personal application and provision of documents.
3. 24-hour access to your personal account.
4. Confidentiality in working with bank clients.

Time frame for opening a bank account: from one to three working days. The result is obtaining a current account number and details for individual entrepreneurs, which look like this:

Individual entrepreneur
Ivanova Inna Ignatievna
OGRNIP 15 digits
TIN 12 digits
Current account 20 digits
Name of the bank
BIC 9 digits
c/s 20 digits

Cash desk for individual entrepreneurs

In July 2016, amendments were made to the Federal Law “On the Use of Cash Register Equipment” No. 54, according to which all individual entrepreneurs who provide services to the population are required to have cash register equipment, issue a check and transmit fiscal data to the tax service.

How to register a cash register
1. Contact a payment service that organizes the sale of your service in accordance with 54-FZ without registering a cash register. For example, this will be the “Speech therapist” button on the payment service website.

2. Rent a cash register online, connect to a fiscal data operator and payment service - some banks that work with legal entities provide a cash register rental service for their clients on favorable terms. This is a convenient option if you have a website that also includes a “Pay for Lesson” button.

3. Buying a cash register with a fiscal drive and issuing a receipt for the paid service yourself is a budget-friendly and convenient option; such cash registers are easy to find and register with the tax service.

Finding any cash register option is easy - today there are a large number of Internet services that will select the cash register that is suitable in your case.

Advantages of working as an individual entrepreneur:

  • conveniently control income from private practice;
  • a speech therapist whose activities comply with modern legislation gives the impression of a serious specialist
  • checks can become material confirmation of the work done in case of disputes or claims.

Recently, highly specialized specialists have been highly valued in the medical field; for this reason, everyone who has such an opportunity is trying to engage in private practice. Today, children's specialists, in particular speech therapists, are in greatest demand.

Almost all children who are just starting to speak distort their words. This is quite natural. By the age of five or six, most children’s speech is normal, but if the child, upon reaching preschool age, has not learned to pronounce some letters, parents should take care of correcting the child’s speech.

Consequently, there is a demand for the services of a speech therapist, which means that you can consider opening a business in this area. To open a speech therapy office, you must first draw up a detailed business plan, taking into account all the subtleties and features of this business.

Business registration

The business plan for a speech therapy office suggests registering an individual enterprise to open a private practice. This type of activity does not yet require licensing. But it would still be a good idea to get advice from a lawyer, since legislation and requirements in this area may change. After completing all the necessary documents and obtaining all the required permits, you can begin searching for office space.

Premises requirements

To open a private speech therapy office, you need to rent a room with an area of ​​20-25 sq.m. You can consider renting a room in schools, office centers, childcare centers, and so on. The most important thing is that the premises are located in a convenient location near public transport or metro stops. It is advisable that the office is no higher than the second floor, otherwise the building must be equipped with an elevator.

After the lease agreement for the premises is concluded, it needs to be equipped. You will need a table, several chairs, a cabinet for textbooks and literature, a mirror, a laptop or computer and special toys for conducting classes.

In addition, it is worth taking care of where the parents will be while the child is studying. If you rent only one room, they can wait in the hall or at the door of your office. In this case, you will need to purchase additional chairs or armchairs.

The business plan for a speech therapy office notes that it is better to rent the premises for a month, rather than by the hour, since for conducting classes it is necessary to equip a play space. In addition, you will not need to constantly carry all the required manuals and materials with you.

Features of private practice in the field of medicine

Before opening a speech therapy center, you must understand that your total work experience will be counted from your private activities. For this reason, many specialists who open private practice continue to work part-time in a government agency. This means that when choosing a room for a private office, consider the location of your second workplace.

Also pay attention to the fact that it is more convenient for parents to visit the teacher in the afternoon. This means that you need to think about how to attract clients during the day so that your office does not stand idle. An excellent solution would be to offer discounts on morning classes. During the daytime, as a rule, classes are held for school-age children or adults.

Some parents find it more convenient to bring their children only on weekends; be sure to take this into account when planning your working hours. Working Saturdays are the best option for parents who work late all week.

Advertising of speech therapy services

Before starting a private practice, think about where and how you will find clients. Effective advertising methods include information leaflets in children's institutions, clinics and medical centers, as well as posting advertisements in public places and entrances. Advertise your services on forums and websites for parents. Here you can give advice on speech therapy problems. Include the costs of creating your own website in the business plan of the speech therapy office.

It is likely that those who consult you on the forum will subsequently become your clients. Consider creating your own website. This can be either a business card website with comprehensive information about you and your activities, or a full-fledged website for the target audience. Tell your acquaintances and friends that you are opening a private speech therapy office. And, of course, the simplest and most effective advertising is positive reviews and recommendations from your customers.